Hearts' Healing (part 2 of 2)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by D.F. Roeder

Back to Part 1
Strangeness in the Night

[June 13, 1996]

Large, close-set yellow eyes watched from across the street into 
the window of a local bar. A long hind leg came up and scratched 
at an itch in the wiry brown fur behind an oversized, tufted ear.

<It's over. It's finally over. And I lost.> Hakubi Ryouko slammed 
back another full bottle of sake and pounded the bar counter, 
demanding more. The bartender grimaced and walked over. She had 
an elbow on the counter and had placed one hand on the bronze 
dragon sculpture incorporated into the Chinese chic decor. She 
wore her pale green and orange outfit that she first wore when 
released from her imprisonment. Her "elf" outfit. Somehow it had 
felt appropriate.

"Look, Miss. You've already had more than I'm supposed to give 
out. This is a family bar..."

The sculpture began squeezing out from between Ryouko's fingers 
like putty. The barkeep bigsweated. "Errr, co-co-coming right 
up!" He jogged to the other end of the bar, put three bottles on 
a tray, and jogged back, setting the tray down and escaping.

Ryouko slowly released the mangled dragon, but stopped when she 
caught sight of the gem in her wrist, the wrist that hadn't had 
one in over 700 years. She reached up and felt the gem at her 
throat and looked at the gem on her other wrist. Sighing and 
putting her elbows on the counter, she rested her forehead 
against her palms and remembered.

The end had begun 3 months ago. She and Aeka, the other serious 
contender for her beloved's heart, were actually sort of getting 
along, more or less. Oh, the fights still raged occasionally, but 
it was more to vent frustration than from any real enmity. It had 
also helped that Mihoshi had been and would be out of the picture 
for a while, called back for some matter dealing with her 
grandfather, Galaxy Police Grand Marshall Kuramitsu.

And Tenchi. He'd actually started looking at them and acting 
around them like potential mates, and the two girls... no, 
*women* had begun to see a light at the end of that long, oh so 
long tunnel. And then it all fell apart.

It began with a scream that morning, coming from the kitchen 
where Sasami was about her usual business making breakfast. 
Everyone rushed to see what'd happened - the entire household 
dearly loved the little blue-haired princess. What they saw tied 
their stomachs into knots, instantly evaporating any thought of 

Sasami was floating in a cocoon of blue energy... and dissolving. 
Pain was clear from her features and stark terror from the look 
in her eyes. The family rushed to help, but the field was too 
strong. Energy swords, the Tenchi-ken, even Washuu couldn't bring 
anything sufficient to bear. Soon enough, Sasami was gone, her 
last expression, oddly enough, a joyous smile. The energy cocoon 
stayed in place, just hovering there.

Aeka had broken down, incoherent, and Ryouko hugged her and cried 
with her. Washuu and Tenchi were too stunned for words. Ryou-ou-
ki was wailing piteously in her piercing voice. Only Katsuhito 
seemed collected, although he always wore that face. It turned 
out, however, that he was the only one who had an inkling of what 
was happening. He moved next to the cocoon and waited. Those 
still aware of their surroundings looked at him strangely, but 
continued to comfort those more distraught while trying to deal 
with their own grief. Katsuhito continued to wait, his arms 

After a period of time, long or short, no one knew, the cocoon 
began to pulse and shrink. Katsuhito made no move. The blue ovoid 
began to crease and ran through various ill-defined forms. Later 
reflection would reveal that the shapes had been reminiscent of 
the various stages of embryonic development.

The form continued to shrink and finally took the shape of an 
all-too-familiar woman. The corona of energy flickered out, and 
Tsunami stood in its place. Yet, not quite Tsunami, but neither 
Sasami - something in between.

The Juraian goddess-princess lifted her head and said with her 
high voice, "It is done."

What happened next surprised everyone, even Tsunami. "Your 
reasons are plain to see, Tsunami," Katsuhito's eyes flicked over 
to Tenchi and back, "but did you have to steal her childhood 
because of it?!" he said with undisguised anger and disgust in 
his voice. Tsunami said nothing, and Katsuhito whirled around and 
stalked out of the house.

Tsunami watched him go and stared at the point of his exit for 
several moments. <Not for Tsunami, Oniisama...> She then turned 
and surveyed the shocked group, settling on one face.

"Tenchi... niichan."

Ryouko slammed her fist onto the wooden counter, causing a crack 
to open along its entire length. The bar patrons froze, and 
Ryouko looked over her shoulder at the staring crowd.

"Gomen," she said flatly. The patrons returned to their 
conversations, keeping one eye on the strange woman with the odd 
cyan hair.

Ryouko slammed down another sake, long immune to the burn of the 
liquor, and stared at her reflection in the bottle-encrusted 
mirror behind the bar. <I should've seen it then. It was so 
obvious! But... I didn't want to see it.> She quickly disposed of 
the remaining two bottles and caught the bartender's eye, glaring 
at him. He trotted over with three more bottles and returned to 
the safety of the other end.

Over the course of the next few days, everyone was beginning to 
wonder at what Tsunami's arrival truly meant. Only Katsuhito and 
Ryou-ou-ki seemed to have made up their minds about the event. 
Katsuhito stayed at the shrine almost constantly, and Ryou-ou-ki 
had rebuffed Tsunami repeatedly. The little cabbit eventually 
retired to Washuu's lab and rarely came out, profoundly unhappy 
with the changes wrought on her friend.

Unfortunately, Tenchi's eyes were being inexorably drawn to 
Tsunami, and she did nothing to discourage him and much to 
encourage him, her behavior a strangely provocative mix of 
Sasami's cheerfulness and humor and Tsunami's femininity and 

Over the next few weeks, they begin to spend all of their time 
together. Ryouko was infuriated when she caught them kissing, but 
was too afraid of Tsunami's power and of accidentally hurting 
Tenchi to do anything more than scream in outrage.

Aeka had withdrawn to her room, unwilling to come out for 
anything other than baths, the restroom, and an occasional meal. 
Aeka's behavior only fueled Ryouko's fury, but she waited, hoping 
to find an opportunity to nip this, this horror in the bud. She 
hovered around, out of sight, tiring herself to the point of 
falling down.

And fall down she did. For two days straight she slept up on her 
rafter beam.

When she finally awoke, it was night, and she floated down to the 
kitchen for something to drink. The clock read 4:23 AM. She 
downed the last of some orange juice and then phased through the 
walls into Tenchi's room. She'd had to choke off a cry.

Tenchi and Tsunami were asleep under the sheets. They were nude, 
and the musk of sex was still heavy in the air. But it was only 
one, otherwise innocent thing about the whole scene that sent 
Ryouko spiraling out of control into the deepest of depressions. 
Tenchi lay there... a smile on his face.

Ryouko raced back through the walls and landed on the kitchen 
floor. She hugged herself and shivered, moaning to herself again 
and again. "It's over. It's over..."

A surprised Aeka stood stock still, a half-empty glass of water 
at her lips. After a second, she lowered the glass and put her 
other hand on Ryouko's shoulder.

Ryouko jumped and looked at her with wild eyes.


Ryouko's eyes steadied for a moment, and she said, her voice 
still shaking, "It's all over... Aeka. No more... fights. 
Nothing... to fight *over*... anymore."

Forcefully quelling her fears, Aeka clutched at the one-time 
space pirate with her free hand. "What are you talking about?!" 
she hissed.

Aeka stifled a shriek, because instead of answering, Ryouko 
grabbed her arm and dragged her back through the walls and into 
Tenchi's room.

"Look!" Ryouko hissed back. "If you never again allow yourself to 
see, look now! It's over, Aeka!"

The glass of water Aeka had carried with her through Ryouko's 
phasing fell out of her numb hands. It hit the floor with a 
hollow ring and rolled in a circle until it stopped. The sleeping 
couple mumbled in their sleep, and Tenchi put his arms more 
firmly around Tsunami, pulling her tighter to himself. Tsunami 
drew her leg up and over his hips and pulled herself on top of 
him, obscuring Tenchi from view.

Having seen enough, Aeka turned away, and Ryouko led her back to 
the kitchen.

In Tenchi's room, Tsunami looked at the space where the pirate 
and princess had been. A hint of confused sadness showed in the 
gathering of her eyebrows, and the pink of her irises seemed to 
lighten fractionally. But she then closed her eyes and went back 
to sleep, the smile returning to her face as she nuzzled her 
lover's chest.

Ryouko swirled the clear contents of another sake bottle before 
polishing it off. She had asked for the rest of her gems back the 
next day, and it had galled her that Tenchi had looked to Tsunami 
before granting her request. Tsunami, however, simply nodded and 
then went into the kitchen to fix herself and *her* man a snack, 
humming one of Sasami's favorite pop songs. Ryouko was no longer 
certain who had gotten Tenchi, Tsunami or Sasami. It didn't 
matter; the line had been crossed. Once the gems were returned, 
Ryouko had left without a word. Ryou-ou-ki had tried to follow 
her and comfort her, but in her grief, Ryouko chased away her 
long-time partner in crime. That had been one week ago.

Ryouko opened and drank the last bottle of sake and concluded 
that she'd had enough... for now - the pain had been sufficiently 
dulled. She materialized an ingot of platinum into her hand and 
set it on the counter, the wood creaking under the weight. She'd 
forgotten much of what she could do with all of her gems, and 
this was just one little talent that she'd accidentally 

She stumbled to her feet and tried to navigate through the tables 
on foot. It would've been easier if the room hadn't been 
alternately spinning and moving in and out. Annoyed with the 
effort it was taking, she levitated and floated erratically 
towards and out the door. The bar she left behind was deathly 
silent, the patrons trying to decide if they'd had too much to 
drink and the bartender deciding it was time *to* drink.

Across the street, a cabbit phased back into the wall and out of 

For Ryouko, floating, while great from the point of view of not 
having to walk, was hell on her inebriated inner ear, so, the 
world turning circles, she alit on the sidewalk and considered 
where, on foot, to go next. "Any old port in a storm," she 
muttered, after a moment.

Ryouko stepped into the street.


"Kamisama, what a day!" Ono Ranma leaned back against the seat of 
the car he was driving, straightening his arms against the 
steering wheel, and yawned. The car, a Toyota compact, belonged 
to the school, and as a second-year medical student, he was high 
enough in the echelons to be responsible for ferrying visiting 
dignitaries around, in addition to his normal schoolwork, of 
course. It didn't hurt, either, that he was one of the few 
students with a driver's license. <One slave, made to order,> he 
thought ruefully.

He chuckled as the memory of a conversation he'd once had with 
Father surfaced. It'd been a couple of years back, just after 
turning 21. "Ranma," he said, "I'm not asking you to buy a car, 
just get the license. All your martial arts and roof-hopping 
notwithstanding, there'll be times when it just won't be 
appropriate!" Father was a good debater, especially when he was 

Of course, he'd been right about a lot of things. Ranma yawned 
again, looked down, and slammed on the brakes. The line of 
pedestrians crossing the street glared at him, and he hunkered 
down behind the wheel. Once the crowd had passed, Ranma eased 
away from the intersection, keeping a low profile. Father had 
also told him to pay attention when driving. Ranma shook his head 
back and forth, rapidly. "Gotta stay awake!"

His thoughts resumed as he managed to perk himself up a little. 
Father had been right about his old mentors, too. One assessing 
look at Ranma and his aura, and they were offering him the moon 
to go to school. Well, to *that* school, the one for traditional 
healing. Ranma was a double student of sorts. There was the 
regular medical school he attended, working toward his doctor's 
license, and then there was the *other* school, where, when time 
permitted, he learned to do the things that had so impressed him 
about Father; accupressure, moxibustion, chiropractic, and other 
more arcane methods of healing. They also had an unusual library, 
full of aged scrolls. Among them were a handful of martial arts 
treatises, unfortunately in Chinese. A few of them scared him; 
what little Chinese he knew allowed him to read 'Nyuuchiezuu' in 
the text in places.

Ranma sighed. <What would Pops think if he knew I was afraid of a 
scroll? Well, Pops isn't here, is he?> Noting that, though, led 
him to the conclusion that perhaps he should pick up a Chinese 
course next term.

In spite of his best efforts, another yawn muscled its way to the 
surface, and Ranma opened his mouth wide, temporarily shutting 
his eyes. When he opened them, a woman was about 4 meters 
directly in front of the car.

"GAAAAHHH!!!" His martial arts reflexes allowed him time to turn, 
but not quite soon enough. The car lurched as the front left of 
the vehicle clipped the woman, launching her through the air to 
land in a heap 5 meters away. Ranma screeched to a halt and, with 
a sinking stomach, rushed out of the car and towards the woman. 
To his lasting surprise, the woman climbed to her feet and 
wobbled over to meet him.

"You HIT me!" she cried, the fluorescent streetlamp backlighting 
her and shadowing her features. Ranma had stopped short, amazed. 
He looked back at the car; the left front quarterpanel had been 
caved in. At least it was drivable. He looked back at the woman, 
who continued to weave her way toward him.

"Why... why..." she said, before passing out and falling into his 
arms. He gently laid her on the asphalt and, using what training 
he had, tried to assess her injuries. He found none. Scratching 
his head, he looked back at the car and then back at the woman. 
<No way!>

Shrugging in confusion, although relieved, he picked her up in 
his arms and carried her around to the passenger side of the 
abused Toyota. Getting the door open proved to be a bit of a 
chore, as the car's frame had twisted slightly. Shaking his head 
at the wonder of it all, he managed to get her into the seat. 
Leaning his body against hers to keep her upright while he 
fastened the seat belt, Ranma got a noseful of sour sake breath. 
<Well, that explains the wobbling, but still...>

Ranma hurried around, getting back behind the wheel, and drove 
off, going as fast as the law would allow. His concern brooked no 
thought of the beautiful twinkle of the Grand Seto Bridge, which 
he often admired, visible just above the Okayama City skyline.

A small shape soared about 20 meters above the road, following.


The front door slammed open, then shut, startling the man sitting 
in the den, reading a medical journal.

"Father!" a voice called.

Ono Toufuu rose from his seat and met his adopted son in the 
hallway. "Oh, my!" he exclaimed. "What happened?!"

Ranma stood there, shaking in concern and holding a beautiful yet 
unusual young woman. "I... I ran over her!! But... but I can't 
find nothin' wrong!!"

"Take her into the den and put her down on the couch. I'll get my 
things." Toufuu hurried into another room, and Ranma took his 
victim into the den, laying her down and smoothing her oddly 
colored hair out of her face. He looked a little closer. <That 
color's natural!>

Toufuu walked in. "That's some dent! What else did you hit?"

"Nothin'!" Ranma lapsed into the speech patterns of his teen 
years. "I swear! All I nailed was her!"

"All right, all right. Calm down and let me have a look." The 
older man put on a stethoscope and listened to the woman's heart. 
He nodded, satisfied, and began to massage her limbs, feeling the 
flow of the woman's life force. He stopped, then restarted, only 
to stop again and jerk his hands away.

"Father?" Ranma asked.

"Errr, just a minute. Where do you think you hit her?"

"On the hip, most likely."

Toufuu lifted the woman's left leg and watched the hip joint. 
Putting the leg down and steeling himself, he touched her again 
at the hip. After a moment, he moved back and thought. On a whim, 
he reached over and opened one of the woman's eyes. He gasped and 
let go.

"All right, spill it!" Ranma was getting nervous from Toufuu's 

Toufuu coughed a couple of times to clear his throat. "There's 
nothing wrong with her, I'm guessing, besides being drunk, but 
I'm hardly qualified to know."


"Look at her eyes."

Wary, Ranma reached over and opened the same eye on the woman. 
"Ca-ca-CAT!!" He hastily let go and backed up against the wall.

Toufuu sighed. "Ranma, look at her. Is she a cat?"

Embarrassed, Ranma scratched the back of his head and chuckled. 
"Er, no, she's not." He moved back to the woman's side. "So, what 
do you think?"

Toufuu considered his next words carefully. "Ranma, do you 
believe in magic?"

Ranma snorted. "You're askin' ME?"

Toufuu didn't smile, and Ranma settled down. "If you believe in 
magic, is it reasonable to believe other fantastic things might 

Ranma couldn't see where Toufuu was going, but he nodded anyway. 
"Sure, I guess..."

Ranma's adopted father turned and looked him in the eye, glasses 
glinting. "She's not human."

Blinking, Ranma looked at the woman and then back at Toufuu. 
"Just because of the eyes?"

"No. Okay, time for a little advanced training. Put your hands on 
her leg." Ranma complied. "Now, concentrate like we've been doing 
in school. Feel her life force?"

Ranma closed his eyes and concentrated. "Yeah..."

"Feel its nature, its quality, its strength. What do *you* 

Ranma kept his concentration for a moment longer, and then his 
eyes snapped open, and he jerked his hands away. "Ah! Uh! Weird! 
STRONG!! Stronger than anything I've ever felt! Ah! Hmmm. Nothin' 
like the plants or animals or other folks we've been practicin' 

"Right. And your diagnosis?"

Ranma shook his head, staring at the unconscious female. "Not 
human," he muttered.

"But!" Toufuu interjected, startling Ranma, "Still a patient!"

Ranma had to chuckle. "True. And she does speak Japanese; she 
asked me why I hit her. I'll go get a blanket."

Toufuu nodded and returned to his examination.


The first thing she became aware of was PAIN, and she felt every 
single capital letter of it. Her eyes hurt, the space behind her 
eyes hurt, her forehead hurt, her temples, her ears, behind her 
ears, the back of her skull, and her neck hurt. In short, 
everything from the collarbone up was PAIN. Her stomach was also 
queasy, and her left hip ached a little.

The second thing she became aware of was an intermittent wet 
coolness on her face and neck. <That's niiice,> she thought.

Ryouko's eyes fluttered open and looked directly into the bluest 
orbs she'd ever seen. It wasn't the masking purple or maroon of 
some she was familiar with, or the nondescript brown she was most 
familiar with, or... the hated pink of others; just a cool, 
relaxing blue. She sighed, and then realized she didn't know the 

"ACK!!" She backed up against the arm of the couch. Bad move. 
"Oh, fuck!" She covered her face with her hands, shutting out the 
light, and slid back to a prone position. After a moment, she 
wearily let her arms flop down to her sides. She blinked at the 
man sitting next to her.

"Tell me why I hurt so bad."

The man dithered for a second. "Um... where exactly?"

"My head. My stomach. Oof! My hip."

The man nodded. "The head and stomach is sake."

Ryouko grunted. "Figures."

"The hip, erm... because I ran over you with a car last night." 
He was suitably sheepish.

Ryouko blink-blinked. "Oh."

"Ano... gomen nasai." He bowed from his seat.

"Don't worry about it." Ryouko put her arm up over her eyes and 
breathed, expelling a lungful of air.


Ryouko considered that. Her stomach was having an argument with 
itself. One faction, the queasy party, said no. The other 
faction, the cramping-muscle party, said yes. Ryouko compromised.

"Okay, but a pot of strong tea, first," she said from behind her 

Unseen by his patient, the man smiled and rose to fulfill her 
request. A little later, the clatter of tea things made Ryouko 
put her arm down and make an attempt at sitting up.

"Slowly," the man cautioned. Ryouko obliged and carefully 
maneuvered herself to a sitting position. The man hovered over 
the tray.

"Anything in your tea?"

"Sugar. Lots."

He softly snorted and put in four teaspoons, offering her the cup 
after he'd stirred it. She sipped and sighed. "Super."

He sat and sipped from his own cup, studying his patient over the 
rim. He sat the cup down and placed his hands in his lap, a 
studied pose of receptiveness. He'd learned much from observing 
his father.

"How are you feeling?"

Ryouko slurped another mouthful of tea and swallowed. "I'll 

"You don't sound too happy about that."

Ryouko glared at him. "Mind your own business."

"Of course." He waited patiently, somewhat to Ryouko's annoyance.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"It's my day off."

"Oh. I hadn't realized." She slurped again, and then looked at 
him. "Well, what's your name, anyway?"

"Ono Ranma."

Ryouko boggled for a second. "Wild horse?"

Ranma laughed. "You get used to it."

"I'll bet." She set her cup down and leaned her head back, 
massaging her temples.


"Doesn't work for me. Just time... and food," she said 

"Ah." Ranma got up and disappeared into the kitchen. He came out 
a few seconds later, breakfast already made. A bowl of miso, 
rice, and a few pickles were presented.

"Mmmm, looks good. You the cook?"

Ranma nodded. "Father and I ate earlier. I've been keeping it 
warm for you."

Ryouko eyed him strangely, but dug in nonetheless. It was 
excellent, and she found she had an appetite. The meal was gone 
in short order. She sighed, feeling more charitable by the 
moment. "Why did you bring me to your home?"

Ranma shrugged. "I ran over you. It was the least I could do."

"Maybe. Why else?" A nasty suspicion had begun to form in her 
mind. She *had* been unconscious.

Ranma sighed. "My father's a doctor. I'm training to be a doctor. 
That good enough for you?" he said a little testily.

Chagrined, Ryouko said, "Gomen. You never know."

"True enough, I suppose." Pause. "So, do you have a name?"

"Ryouko," she said, disinterestedly.

"Pretty name... and mysterious. It suits you."

Ryouko looked up sharply to see Ranma smiling at her in genuine 
warmth. She blushed furiously, but said nothing. Ranma's smile 
faded a little as he prepared to ask his next question, hoping he 
wouldn't be pushing his luck.

"Now that I know *who* you are, mind clueing me in as to *what* 
you are, exactly?"

Her blush faded to white as a grimace flashed across her face. 
"Mind your own business," she muttered. She picked at the 
fuzzballs on the blanket.

"Sorry," he sighed.

Silence reigned for a time.

Ranma was in a quandary. Something about this woman reminded him 
of himself, back when things were looking bad for him, when hope 
had been lost. The look on her face, the tone of her voice, the 
despair in her words. He wasn't sure what about her kept striking 
a chord in his soul, but there it was. He felt compelled to do 
*something* for her.

<Maybe Father was right,> he considered. <Maybe I do have a 
healer's instinct.> He brightened as an idea occurred to him. 
Maybe he could strike the same chord in her and break down a wall 
or two.

He got up from his chair, sat on the floor, facing away from 
Ryouko to give her some distance, and leaned his head back 
against the couch. He sipped his tea quietly for a few more 

"Several years ago," he began, "there was this boy. He'd trained 
all his life, since he could even remember, in the martial arts. 
His father wanted him to be the best, and to that end, he dragged 
the boy away from his mother at age six and began a ten-year 
journey, visiting all the famous teachers and training spots.

"At the end of that journey, there remained only one site left to 
train at. The boy was homesick and had just been given reason to 
believe that after all that time, he would still be a 
disappointment to his mother because he wouldn't follow in his 
father's lawless ways, strange as that may sound. He was also 
told that his mother expected him to be very manly.

"At the last training ground, something, er, happened to take 
away some of his manhood, and the boy knew he could never see his 
mother again, so he ran off. At sixteen, he ran off into the 
unknown, without his father and without any idea of what he was 
going to do.

"A kindly Chinese lady took him in, made him feel better, and 
gave him hearth and home. He came to love her very much. She 
became as a mother to him. But some people came, looking for the 
boy because of what had happened at that training ground, and he 
had to flee, or become a slave to those people.

"The boy wandered for many months and finally found his way back 
to Japan. Only Japan wasn't nearly as kind to him as China had 
been, which isn't saying much. So instead of just being 
shiftless, he became shiftless and starving. At the onset of the 
fall rains, he found himself ill, very ill, with nowhere to go. 
He finally curled up in a doorway, waiting and wanting to die.

"But it didn't turn out that way. Wouldn't be much of a story if 
it did, ne? Anyway, a kindly man, a doctor, happened by and saw 
what the boy couldn't. He saw hope where there had been none. He 
saw potential where there hadn't been any."

Ranma paused to clear his throat. "And that is why... I am alive 
today, studying to be a doctor and tending to a patient on my day 

They sat there, Ryouko on the couch and Ranma on the floor, for 
several long minutes, staring into their pasts, before one of 
them broke the quiet.

"So... what happened to that boy at the training ground?" Ryouko 

Ranma turned his head and looked at her. "You really want to 

Ryouko nodded. "Un."

Ranma smiled. "I'll show you if you'll tell me what *I* want to 

Ryouko looked away and fidgeted for a moment, but figured she 
really had nothing to lose. Nobody here could hurt her, not with 
all of her gems, anyway. Ryouko stood and walked a little bit 
away. She turned and faced Ranma, and Ranma had to stifle a 
chuckle at the formality of it. The potential chuckle died as 
Ryouko levitated off the floor.

Hovering there, the gems at her wrists and throat began to glow, 
and a flare of light began at her feet and washed up her body. In 
place of her previous clothing, the light left a black and red 
bodysuit in its wake. Much of one side of her face had turned 
black, like some strange solid warpaint. Ryouko's head had lolled 
back; she allowed herself a moment to enjoy the full power of all 
her gems. She brought her head back down and speared Ranma with 
her gaze.

"I am Ryouko," she intoned. "My family name is Hakubi, although I 
rarely use it. I was born, or perhaps created, several thousand 
years ago in the laboratory of my mother, Hakubi Washuu, at the 
Todain Academy of Science, on planet Todain, which circles a 
blue-white binary star, about 1200 or so light-years from Earth. 
My mother's origins are unknown; even she doesn't remember past 
20,000 years ago.

"I remember little to nothing of growing up. I remember nothing 
of being captured by mother's assistant and my mother being 
locked away in a closed dimension for 5,000 years. Thankfully, I 
remember only a little of being the assistant's mind-controlled 
tool of destruction. I was... a destroyer of worlds.

"I was finally defeated 700 years ago on Earth, by the crown 
prince of one of the most powerful empires in the known universe. 
He took my power and imprisoned me in a cave. For those 700 
years, I fought and lost to madness many, many times. I finally 
learned to move out of my body and roam the countryside.

"I was finally released from my prison by the grandson of the man 
who put me there. I had fallen in love with him, having watched 
him grow from a baby. I moved in and lived with his family up 
until a week ago, when someone stole him from me."

Ryouko's gems flickered and dimmed. She touched ground, her 
regular clothing materializing around and on her.

"I lost him to one I can't fight and hope to win. Now, I am 
nothing, even less than I was when I only had part of my power 
back." She looked at the recently returned gem on her right arm, 
and then looked back at Ranma. "I've been drinking ever since."

She lowered her arm and shuffled back to the couch, looking in 
every way like a lost soul. Ranma shook himself out his shocked 
daze and let out the breath he'd been holding.

Ryouko said with some amusement, "What's the matter? Don't 
believe in aliens?"

"Ah, well, I'd heard that there are some strange goings-on in 
Tomobiki, but nothing quite like this. Wow!"

Ryoko laughed. "Well, believe it. I'm about as alien as *you'll* 
ever see. Now," she said seriously, "I believe it's your turn."

Ranma studied the floor for a moment. "I'll believe in aliens," 
he began, "if you'll say you believe in magic."

Ryouko quirked an eyebrow. "Well... I'm game, I guess. What's the 

"No trick." Ranma put his arms around his knees and rested his 
chin on his kneecaps. "That last training stop is called 
Jusenkyou, the Training Ground of Accursed Springs. It's also 
called the Pools of Sorrow, and for good reason. In almost every 
pool, something different has drowned." Ranma stopped his 
narrative and got to his feet, going into the kitchen. He came 
back with two glasses of water.

"As I was saying, something different drowned in each pool. If 
you have the bad luck to fall into one, you take the form of 
whatever last drowned there when splashed with cold water." He 
picked up one of the glasses. "I fell into the Nyanniichuan..." 
he poured the water over his head, "the Spring of Drowned Girl," 
she finished in a much higher voice.

Ryouko was stunned. She'd seen a lot of strange things, but this 
was of an entirely different order. Ryouko stood and slowly 
walked up to the short, busty redhead. Ranma's gi-style tunic was 
too big, now, and the front had fallen open enough to give a 
decent view of the swell of her breasts. Ryouko took hold of the 
two halves and opened the tunic completely.

"ACK!!" Ranma grabbed control of her clothing back and wrapped it 
tighter around herself.

"Yep!" Ryouko commented. "No fakin' those."

Ranma scowled at her, and Ryouko giggled. "Gomen ne."

Ranma's scowl softened. "Okay... I guess."

"How do you go back?"

"Hot water." Ranma reached for the other glass, but Ryouko 
touched her arm, causing her to stop.

"So what do you do when you're a woman?" Ryouko asked as she 
continued to walk around the object of her amazement. 

"What do you mean?"

"Do you, like, go out with guys, have sex with 'em, you know?"

"GAAAH! I don't do nothin' like that! I'm a GUY!!" she shouted.

Ryouko put her hands up in a peace gesture. "Just curious," she 
said, smiling.

"Can I change back, now?" she growled.

"Sure." Ryouko stepped away and watched the reverse process as 
Ranma doused herself with the warm contents of the other glass. 
Ryouko watched the transformation rip through her... his body. 
Where the adult woman had stood, Ranma now appeared. He was 
obviously relieved.

"Don't like it much, do you?" Ranma shook his head in the 
negative. "You know, as problems go in the cosmos, it's not 
really that bad. There are worse things."

Ranma sat down on the couch with a thoughtful expression. "I 
don't *really* hate it, I guess. Not anymore. Maybe that's part 
of the magic. I don't know. I've found my girl form is actually 
useful for some things. It definitely handles pain better." Ranma 
then smiled wickedly. "I can also cadge all the free eats I want 
from young male vendors."

Ryouko face-faulted, then started laughing while on the ground. 
"Sounds like the best of both worlds to me," she chortled as she 
got back to her feet. "Just don't give up on the sex, just yet. 
You might like it."

Ranma turned a little green. "Urg... how would you know?" He 
jumped off the couch and brought his hand up to his mouth, and 
Ryouko scowled. "Uh, gomen. You're a girl, too."

"Glad you noticed," she said icily, but her face and body drooped 
a little. "You're right, though. I don't really know. I'd 
hoped... that... my love might've shown me, but..." she trailed 

Ranma felt low. "I'm sorry, Ryouko. I shouldn't have shot my 
mouth off. Old habits die hard."

Ryouko reached across the distance between them and cupped his 
face in her hand. "Thank you," she said. "For taking care of me. 
You're sweet, and I *do* feel better... some." She stepped over 
and kissed him on the cheek. Stunned, he shivered from the soft 
warmth of her lips.

Her hand dropped. "I should go." She turned and walked a few 
steps before turning her head. "Thank you, again." She began to 
shimmer out of existence.

"WAIT!!!" Ranma yelled, but she was gone. And then she was right 


Ranma's mouth worked, and he finally said, "What'd ya just do?!"

"Teleportation," she smirked. "Just one of my many talents." She 
polished her fingernails on her blouse and inspected them smugly. 
"What'd you want?"

"Ah... ah... ah..." Ranma's eyes were still bugging out, so he 
clonked himself on the head. Ryouko giggled. "Ah, where do I find 

The mirth left Ryouko, and her eyes narrowed. "Why would you want 

He managed to collect his wits. "I want to do a checkup in a week 
or so."

"You're *not* a doctor, yet."

"For practice?" he asked hopefully.

Ryouko laughed, but then turned grim. "You don't want any part of 
me. Trust me." She turned away.

"Why don't you let me decide that?"

Ryouko stood there for a moment, thinking. She turned her head to 
the side and looked at him out of the corners of her eyes. 
"Masaki Shrine. Your choice," she said softly and vanished.

Ranma blew out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding and 
fell back onto the couch, wondering just what he'd set himself up 
for. He absently put his hand up to his tingling cheek.


[June 20, 1996]

A cool breeze was blowing up the valley, and Masaki Katsuhito had 
brought his fresh cup of green tea out to the office steps to 
enjoy the mild relief from the already muggy summer heat. He was 
also thinking on unsettling events recently past and wondering if 
he should interfere on his grandson's behalf. Much about those 
events rubbed him wrong, but he couldn't deny the growing love 
between Tenchi and Tsunami. He sighed.

It was too late to prevent the real tragedy, as he saw it; little 
Sasami was now fully assimilated, combined with the spirit of his 
homeworld. Katsuhito knew that much of the life in the house 
below had changed, as well, and possibly not for the better. His 
moody musings were interrupted by the appearance of a young man 
cresting the top of the long stone stairway and looking around.

"Oi!" Katsuhito called, waving his free hand. He watched the 
visitor walk across the hard dirt of the grounds. <A martial 
artist. And a good one, if I'm any judge. This could be 

The young man stopped at a respectful distance and bowed.

"What are your needs, my son?" Katsuhito asked.

The young man straightened and scratched the back of his head, 
laughing nervously. "Ono Ranma, sir. I... I'm not... Does Ryouko 
live here?" he finally blurted.

An eyebrow rose on Katsuhito's face. "And what business might you 
have with her?"

Ranma blushed. "I, erm, kinda ran over her with a car last 
weekend." Katsuhito's other eyebrow went up. "She's also sorta my 
patient, or... would be if I was finished with medschool, that 

"I see." Katsuhito sat and watched him. Ranma fidgeted, and then 
realized what the old man was waiting for.

"I know what she is and some of what she's done, if that's what 
you're wondering."

Katushito nodded. "Very well. Please wait here. I will see if she 
is available." He started to walk around the building, but he 
paused after a few steps. Without turning around, he said, "I 
expect you to be gentle with her. She's had a hard blow 

"Yeah," Ranma answered, "I know."

Katsuhito continued and disappeared around the corner.


An assortment of severed tree limbs fell onto the hardpack. 
Ryouko eyed her trimming job; satisfied, she dispelled her energy 
sword and began to pick up the cauterized pieces of green wood. 
She was trying very hard to keep her mind on what she was doing 
and *not* on the goings-on at the Masaki house. To that end, she 
hadn't gone back down there since she'd returned from her 
weeklong binge. It had also helped a little that a pair of cool 
blue eyes kept wandering in and out of her thoughts.

Yoshou had been kind enough to let her sleep in the shrine office 
ceiling and had brought her food up twice a day. He wouldn't do 
it for much longer, but she had been touched by his efforts. 
Sooner or later, however, she'd have to either re-enter life at 
the household or leave for another destination. It wasn't that 
she wanted to leave behind her friends and family, but the pain 
was just too great. The dashing of her single ray of hope after 
5,000 years of loneliness was not something easily gotten over.

She dumped her trimmings into the cart she'd brought along for 
the purpose and smirked to herself. <Look at me. Working for a 
living. Who'd of thought?> She returned to the edge of the 
grounds and sheared off another armload of errant growth.

She had apologized to Ryou-ou-ki when she had returned to the 
valley, and the cabbit had since stayed nearby, giving and 
receiving comfort as needed.

Aeka had been a real surprise. She'd started coming up in the 
evenings, carrying Ryouko's third meal of the day. They would sit 
and chat, carefully avoiding any talk of their mutual misery. 
She'd also told Aeka about the strange man she'd met, who'd run 
her down in his car. They'd both laughed at the situation, 
although Aeka obviously had some trouble believing the sex-
changing curse. It wasn't deep conversation, but it provided a 
little something for both of--


"YAH!!" Ryouko spun around, clutching her heart.

"Wool-gathering, Ryouko-san?"

"Yeah, *pant* something like that. *pant* Damn it, Yoshou! *pant* 
You're a sneaky old--"

"Now, now. Don't curse on shrine grounds," he admonished with a 
twinkle in his eye. "And don't call me Yoshou. We've talked about 
that, ne?"

"Sure, 'Katsu-chan'. Whatever your heart desires," Ryouko 

"Tut, tut!" His glasses went bright with sunlight. "Or I'll tell 
that handsome young medical student that came to see you that 
you're... not... Hmmm."

Ryouko had shimmered out of existence before he could finish. 
Katsuhito allowed some teeth to show in his smile. <I wish you 
luck, Ryouko. Of anyone, you deserve it.>

Ryouko phased in at the top of the stone stairs, looked wildly 
around, and saw Ranma stand up from the office steps. She phased 
out and appeared in front of him. Ranma jumped and clutched his 
chest dramatically.

"Jeez! That's gonna take some gettin' used to!"

Ryouko blushed. "Er, gomen. Oh, uh... Hi!"

"Hi! Thought I'd look in on my favorite patient."

Ryouko's blush reddened. "I'm your only patient."

Ranma scratched the back of his head and laughed. His memory of 
the cyan-haired woman had not done her justice. He discovered his 
heart was racing. "I guess the first, erm, patient is always, ah, 
special. Heh."

Ryouko's color bordered on purple. They both stood there for 
several moments, looking at anything other than each other. 
Ryouko finally had enough.

"ARGH!" She grabbed Ranma's arm and nearly yanked him off his 
feet. "C'mon. Let's walk."

A little shaken by her obvious strength, he quickly calmed down, 
and they leisurely walked to the stairs and down.

Katsuhito had waited and then turned the corner as they walked 
away. He stopped at the entrance to his office and watched them 
disappear down the stairs.

"What do you think?" a voice from behind him said.

"Ohayou, Washuu-san," he said without turning.


What could've been mistaken for a twelve-year-old girl walked out 
of the shrine office and stood at the top of the steps, keeping 
herself at eye-level, almost, with her companion.

"An interesting young man," he observed. "Strong aura... and 
something else I can't put my finger on."

"Mmmm. It's that last bit I'm interested in. The second he set 
foot in the area, my instruments started going off right and 
left. He carries an unusual energy signature."

Katsuhito looked over his shoulder to see a familiar gleam in the 
diminutive scientist's eyes. "Let him get to know us before you 
drag him into your lab," he said dryly.

Washuu cackled, throwing her head back. "Not to worry! I value my 
daughter's future happiness too much!" A brief frown flashed 
across her face, but it was swallowed by an evil grin. "But mark 
my words, I *will* get to the bottom of this!"

Katushito laughed. "I expected nothing less." 

The two of them went back into the office and enjoyed several 
cups of tea with conversation.

A small brown blur streaked across the shrine grounds and 
disappeared into the brush to one side of the stairway.

Ryouko led Ranma onto a path that cut away from the stairs. The 
ice eventually broke, and the two of them chatted amiably about 
little things. Their walk eventually led them to the mouth of a 

"Cool," Ranma observed, and he started to walk into the opening. 
He was stopped by an irresistible grip on his arm.

"No. It's not," she said in a low voice.


"Remember what I said about what happened 700 years ago?" Ryouko 
looked at him meaningfully.

Ranma searched his memory and came up with the answer. "Here?" He 
pointed into the cave. Ryouko nodded. "I'm... Gomen, I didn't 

She smiled at him again, and Ranma thought it was like sunshine. 
"Of course you didn't. C'mon."

The pair trooped back down the path and took a different route 
where it forked. They soon found themselves at the edge of a 
large pool. In the center, approached by stepping stones, was an 
old and very large tree.

"Nice," Ranma commented. Ryouko gently pulled him across the 
stones to the base of the tree, Ranma keeping a careful eye on 
his footing. <Why does it always have to be water!> Once back on 
terra firma, he relaxed, but his tension hadn't gone unnoticed.

"What? Oh! I'd almost forgotten." She snickered at his 

"Ha, ha, very funny," he said, sulking.

"Aw, don't be mad," she chided. "Besides, I think you're just as 
cute as a woman."

Ranma was indignant at first, but then he worked that comment 
around a few times and discovered the hidden compliment. He 
blushed and evasively turned his attention to the tree. Ryouko 
snickered again, understanding the play of emotions on his face. 
<Such an honest face, too.>

Ranma leaned against the tree and relaxed, enjoying the same 
breeze as Katsuhito had earlier. After a few seconds, however, 
something began tickling his trained senses. He turned and looked 
at the tree. Curious, Ryouko watched, wondering what was going 

Ranma laid his hands against the rough bark and closed his eyes, 
letting himself fall into the sensing mind he'd been taught. He 
felt the flow of the tree's life force (it was very strong) and 
smiled from the subtle euphoria that enveloped him. He felt the 
tide of force shift into him slightly, a greeting from the tree. 
Ranma lent the tree a little of his own aura and said hello back. 
His eyes snapped open, and he let go of the bark as if it were 

"What?!" Ryouko asked, concerned.

"IT... IT... SHE *TALKED* TO ME!!!" Ranma was shaking in 
amazement. He looked down to see Ryouko rolling on the ground and 
howling in laughter.

In the shrine office, two levels of communication were occurring. 
Washuu was chattering about an experiment she'd just finished, 
and Yoshou's spaceship tree was telling him how much she liked 
the young man who'd just core-dumped his mind into her. Funahou 
posed a question, and Yoshou frowned minutely, thinking. After a 
moment, he gave the tree a "Yes". He smiled and tuned Washuu back 

Ryouko had calmed down some when she saw Ranma backing away a 
little from the tree.

"Stop!" she said. "It won't hurt you. This," she gestured at the 
tree, "is Funahou. She used to be the mind of a living spaceship, 
although I'm told that since she's taken root, she can never be 
that again."


"No, just the mind."

"Oh," he said, as if that cleared things up.

"Hey, how could you talk to her? Only the person who commands her 
key can do that."

"I... I'm not sure. I just extended my aura into the tree, and, 
and it spoke!"

"Your aura?"

"Yeah, it's part of my, er, less formal medical training. It's 
kinda hard to explain."

Ryouko shrugged. "Try it again," she encouraged. This was neat.

"Un-uh." Ranma shook his head vigorously.

"What's a matter? Chicken?" she taunted.

"HEY! I'm not afraid... of... well... maybe," he finally 

Ryouko placed her hands flat over the swell of her bosom. "I 
swear that nothing bad will happen," she said solemnly. <Besides, 
I'd like to get one over on the old goat,> she giggled inside, 
thinking of Yoshou, no, Katsuhito.

"I don't know--"

Ryouko began a singsong. "Ranma's a scaredy ca--"

"GAH! Don't say that *word*!"

Ryouko blink-blinked. "Huh?"

"Look, fine! I'll do it! Just don't say... that again." Ranma 
shivered and stepped back up to the tree.

Ryouko was left scratching her head. <What'd I say?>

Ranma tentatively laid his hands against the tree again. When 
nothing immediately happened, he breathed in relief. The tree, 
however, was patient; it'd had plenty of practice at waiting.

Concentrating so as not to slip too far too fast, he opened his 
senses. Just barely extending into the tree, he could feel the 
life force again. He extended a little further - nothing. He let 
out a second breath he'd been holding.

<"Hello, Ranma.">

Ranma did the mental equivalent of presenting warding signs. When 
nothing more was forthcoming, he stuttered a reply.

<"You... how do you know my name?">

<"When you first reached out, you spilled most of your life in 
with your aura. Your inexperience with this is at fault. You 
probably felt the data dump as a feeling of overwhelming 
happiness. I am told it is very cathartic. One of my... functions 
is to gather and store data. You force-fed me most everything 
about you.">

<"Erm... sorry.">

<"That's all right. A drop in the bucket, in your terms.">

<"Oh. How... how come we can talk like this?">

<"You have a strong empathic talent. When you came into contact 
with a strong enough source, me, it provided a conduit for 
telepathic communication.">

Ranma said nothing, trying to work what the tree had told him 
into what he knew from his studies.

<"You're very fond of Ryouko,"> she said, after a time.

<"Huh? Ah... I... *sigh* Yes. I don't know her very well, but... 
I don't know how to word it.">

<"You don't have to. I understand."> A brief pause as Funahou 
firmed a decision already made. <"Break contact and remove your 
hands from my bark.">

<"What?! Did I say some--">

<"No, no. I have something to show you, but you should be solidly 
in your own mind. Break contact and remove your hands from my 

Reluctantly, Ranma complied, instantly feeling his self diminish 
in some way. He didn't have time to ponder this as innumerable 
points of light began firing from the leaves of the tree, soon 
creating a solid curtain of light. Then darkness fell.

Ranma looked over and saw Ryouko floating with him above what he 
could see was Earth. It was, in fact, over Japan. He glanced at 
Ryouko again, but her expression was unreadable. Something pulled 
his attention away from Ryouko and the planet below and out to 
the stars. Quickly, he spied two craft headed towards him, one 
chasing the other.

The craft being chased was very odd. It looked to be made of 
cobbled-together crystals of varying shades of grey. He cringed 
when heard the ship cry out in pain from a series of energy 
discharges fired by the pursuing ship. The crystalline ship 
flashed past his viewpoint, almost instantly followed by the 
second. Ranma somehow knew that Ryouko was on the first ship.

Another volley from the pursuing vessel sent the first ship into 
a dive. His point of view abruptly changed, and he saw Ryouko's 
ship plow into the ground, an explosion rivaling that of World 
War II atomics vaporizing everything for a kilometer or more in 
every direction.

The other ship touched down just outside of the blast radius, and 
Ranma saw a youngish man in fancy robes disembark, a glowing wand 
in his hand. To his surprise, Ryouko emerged from the still-
raging holocaust, apparently unharmed and wearing the bodysuit 
she'd showed him a week ago. Ranma shivered at her glowing, 
pupil-less red eyes. A sudden movement to his left swung Ranma's 
attention to where the present Ryouko had been.

She was pounding against what looked like empty space, tears 
running down her face and her mouth open in a yell or scream, but 
he couldn't hear her for some reason. Feeling oddly detached, the 
imminent battle in front of him turned his head.

Washuu jerked and dropped her cup of tea. "RYOUKO!!" She hopped 
up and started to run out of the shrine office, but Katsuhito's 
long reach served him as he snagged her arm.

"WAIT! Funahou is monitoring the situation."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Washuu screeched.

"Sit," he quietly commanded, the iron in his voice quelling even 
her, "and I will explain." Washuu reluctantly took her seat.

Concealed in the undergrowth by Funahou's pond, Ryou-ou-ki 
pensively sat and waited for the light show to end. She could 
feel her friend's misery through their link, but for reasons she 
couldn't identify, Ryou-ou-ki felt that interfering would be 
wrong. She frowned and continued to wait.

The man and Ryouko met with clashing swords. Their fight raged 
all over the countryside, the effects leveling some small 
mountains and creating others. After a time, the man managed to 
impale Ryouko through her throat. Ranma's eyes narrowed, and he 
looked closely at the small red gems that coursed down the length 
of the blue blade held by Ryouko's attacker, one by one, until 
three had passed and embedded themselves in the pommel of the 
sword. Ryouko wilted and hung on the blade like a puppet with its 
strings cut.

Ranma abruptly found himself blinking in the sunlight, the 
darkness, then the curtain of light, swiftly vanishing. His head 
felt like a truck had run over it. He put one hand against 
Funahou and massaged his temples between thumb and ring finger of 
the other.

<"A choice is now forced upon you,"> Funahou spoke to Ranma.

<"How? I haven't...">

<"I kept a very small link with you active.> Pause. <Look at 

Ranma opened his eyes and saw nothing for a second, but then he 
spied Ryouko curled up in a fetal position, wedged between two 
large roots.

<"Why did you do this to her?!"> he shouted in his mind. 

Funahou sighed over the mental link. <"Ryouko is a creature of 
extremes. She is intensely loyal and would not normally switch 
those loyalties easily. Even though she is attracted to you, as I 
can see from within your own mind's eye, she would still pine for 
Tenchi for years, possibly decades... or longer. Tenchi is lost 
to her; that much is now abundantly clear. May the All-Mother 
forgive me, but after receiving your life's memories, I... and 
another chose to create a situation in which she would be capable 
of switching her loyalties and would have a chance to proceed 
with her life. You should now understand your choice.">

<"But... but... I don't even know her, really. How can I--">

<"The both of you may drift apart. Nothing is written in stone, 
here. But for now, she needs someone to wean her off Tenchi, and 
that person is you. The fact that she likes and is attracted to 
you may turn it into something more, but that is also part of 
your choice.">

Ranma stared at the quivering woman on the ground.

<"Your heart brought you here in the first place. Search it! What 
does it tell you? I know. Do you?">

Ranma pulled his hand away from Funahou. <What do I feel? Is it 
that strong, already?> He closed his eyes and pictured the 
smiling woman walking through the woods with him, her golden eyes 
laughing in the dappled sunlight. She reached out and held him 
against entering the cave that had been her prison, the tingle he 
felt when she pressed the flesh of her hand against his arm. He 
thought a little further back, when he decided he would visit 
her, that moment when her lips touched his cheek and a marvelous 
thrill chased up his spine. He now realized what he hadn't 
before; he had been lost the moment she kissed him.

Ranma opened his eyes, his face at peace after the struggle. He 
moved over and squatted next to the distraught girl, placing a 
hand on her arm.


She jerked but didn't say anything. Sighing, Ranma gently 
gathered her up, momentarily surprised at how light she was. In 
one smooth motion, he lowered himself to the ground with crossed 
legs, cradling her in the triangle between his pelvis and knees. 
She was still shivering, so he began to rock her, wrapping his 
arms around her tightly.

After a few moments, she spoke to him haltingly, not raising her 
head and her voice breaking from the shakes. "I... never... 
wanted you... to see me... like that...."

"Shhh. It's okay. That wasn't you."

She slowly raised her head, dragging her watery eyes up to look 
into his. "How... how can... you say... that?"

Ranma was appalled at her ashen and tear-stained face and her 
quivering lips. <Was all this really necessary?> For her, he 
grinned lopsidedly, the wind rakishly tossing the front of his 
black hair around.

"I'm just a dumb Earth boy, but even *I* could tell that there 
was someone else behind those red eyes. Somehow, I just don't 
think you have that kinda thing in you. Your real eyes are too 

The quivering of Ryouko's lips intensified, and she slowly put 
her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest, crying 

Washuu cried against Katsuhito's chest in relief and joy for her 
daughter, and Katsuhito absently stroked her hair, smiling as 
Funahou related ongoing events to him.

In her little-girl form and laughing through her tears, Ryou-ou-
ki bounded into the shrine office and hugged her mother and 

Aeka chose that moment to enter the shrine office and visit with 
her former rival.

"Ara?" Aeka stared at the tableau.

Ranma had continued to rock Ryouko for several minutes until an 
internal percentage meter started sounding an early warning.

"You keep hosing me down like that, and you're gonna have, 
instead of Ranma, Ranma-*chan*."

Ryouko laughed and hiccuped into his soaked shirt. She turned her 
head against the moisture and looked out over the pond 
surrounding Funahou. "I wouldn't mind at all," she whispered.



Someone pass the Kleenex, please...

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