The news reader smiled cheerfully, "In the aftermath of the concert in the park, downloads of the music of Priss Asagiri have increased tenfold. In related news, an official release of the Knight Sabers' performance is coming soon, the profits being directed to charity." "The Crystal Tokyo police have announced that globally murders are at an all time low, as are all other incidents of violent crime. The Church of the Divine Senshi has issued a statement that this is directly due to the wise and just rule of Neo-Queen Serenity, but the Palace itself has issued no comment at this time." "In other Palace news, sightings of the legendary Duelist Tenjou Utena have been reported in Crystal Tokyo..." Cyber Six simply said, "Off." The news report cut off, and she smoothly slid her transport into place in front of the apartment building. The leather clad woman flashed her detective's badge to the men standing watch outside, "Is the CSI team in?" "Yes ma’am," he nodded, "Grissom’s squad." "Good," Cyber Six nodded and headed in, riding the lift to the correct level. She slowed her pace just a bit as Cyber Six walked down the long hallway. Her eyes scanned the route for anything that might be amiss, in case it had been missed by the attending officers. The crime scene itself was cut off with a temporary force-shield, and she nodded to the operator standing by the console, his name-tag reading ‘Greg.’ "What are we dealing with?" she asked Greg crisply, noting the green hair he had. 'Probably born with it,' she reminded herself. "A suicide, of course," Greg shrugged casually, obviously considering this to be just a waste of both the police's time and energy. He covertly took in the slim, athletic woman admiringly, being careful not to catch her eye. She shot him such a harsh look that it made him pale. "And are you certain that the evidence backs up that conclusion?" Cyber Six asked coldly. The force field shut down as the five member forensics team made their way out of the room. Their leader, an older man, stopped by the two of them to say gently, "Go easy on him, Six. Statistically, he's probably right." "Anything you can tell me now, Gil?" Cyber Six asked, visibly reigning in her temper, just giving him a crisp nod. He had been around long enough that she owed him that much respect. "You know we have to wait," Grissom was faintly chiding, "the evidence doesn’t lie, but we still have to listen to her." "We’ve checked for prints and did emf scans of the building," Sidle said after a moment, "I’m not going to stake my life on it but there appears no sign of forced entry." She winced under Grissom’s scolding glance but stood up to it. "Huh." Cyber Six nodded thoughtfully. "A full visual recording of the scene, too?" "Check the log," his second in command Willows said a bit crabbily as the light brown haired woman scowled up at the black garbed figure, "all scanned and collected." "Thank you," Cyber Six said with a ominous sort of mildness. Knowing the danger signs very well Grissom herded up his people and got them out of there quickly. Cyber Six pushed her hand through her mid length dark hair, gazing down at the dead body for the first time. 'Murder may be down,' Cyber Six thought to herself grimly as she studied the body, 'but somehow, suicide seems to stay a constant.' The morgue attendants finished bagging up the body, soon carting the young man out of the room with a great deal of efficiently. Cyber Six cautiously stepped inside, slowly walking around the spacious set of rooms. It was all bright and clean, neat even, no signs of struggle, and showed the a very careful arrangement. She rather imagined that it looked just like the room of any number of happy citizens of Crystal Tokyo. 'So why had this one decided to kill himself?' Cyber Six wondered grimly. "I still don't understand it," Cyber Six admitted later. She sat on a examining table, her long black coat sitting there beside her, leaving her in a black T-shirt. She winced slightly as a sample of her blood was taken from her arm and then examined by the silver haired woman with her silvery visor almost instantly. "In some ways it's not all that hard to understand," Sylia Stingray said to her patient quietly as she slid the visor up to reveal her eyes. She ran a small scanning device over Cyber Six's upper body, "It seems that some beings can simply grow tired of living." "As I said," Cyber Six smiled wryly, "I'll never understand that." "You've always had a strong will to survive," Sylia acknowledged, "but some people just don't have that." She studied the readings on her console for a moment, "Have you been taking the supplement I prepared for you every day?" "Every day," Cyber Six answered her firmly. Sylia gave her a look, and she had to admit, "Well, most days anyway." "Try for everyday, please," Sylia completely took off her visor to rub at her eyes tiredly. "You're such an unusual case, I don't want to take any chances. You started out as a nearly human being, you had proto-boomer technology grafted on to you along with a few odd quirks designed by Richter himself, and then you submitted yourself to that damned Juraian upgrade," she growled. "It did stop my need for the Sustenance," Cyber Six quietly reminded her. Up until the early 23rd century, she had been dependent on a nearly toxic mixture called the Sustenance just to survive. A service to the Emperor of Jurai resulted in her gaining the assistance of the eccentric scientific genius Washu. She had made a number of alterations to Cyber Six's body in freeing her from her dependency, the effects of which she was still seeing. Sylia grumbled a bit at that, but she did it quietly. "I was wondering if you have considered the idea of changing your name?" she asked her. "I mean, Von Richter was the one who gave you that name, so..." Cyber Six held up a hand to stop her, "No, thank you." Quietly, "Some of my best friends knew me by that name, and I would rather not forget them." "Understandable," Sylia nodded. "So what's the verdict?" Cyber Six finally had to ask after watching Sylia putter around in a few moments of silence. "Your system remains stable," Sylia said quietly, "though I'm still concerned about that nutrient imbalance we were talking about earlier." "So I still have to drink that," Cyber Six made a face. She sighed, "Well, it could be worse." Sylia gave her a little smile, "Speaking of drinking, I wanted to apologize about that blind date I set you up on." Cyber Six chuckled softly as she grabbed her coat, "Well, I guess all the leather that I wear does give people ideas." "I still think I could have spotted that," Sylia sighed. She perked up, "But I did meet a nice young lady yesterday..." "Sylia!" Cyber Six scolded her before she realized that her doctor and friend was only joking. She pulled the coat on smoothly, "What is it with you couples, always wanting to see us singles paired up?" Sylia slinked close, leaning into Cyber Six's front as she said in her best seductive voice, "But you're so cute, I have to make sure you're paired up just to remove the temptation." "Yeah, sure," Cyber Six scoffed. She was glad that Sylia was happily married to Mara, or else she just might be tempted. "I'll see you at the Locket?" Sylia asked as Cyber Six headed out. "I'm still doing the bouncer duty," Cyber Six said with a casual wave. To be continued... Author's Note: Cyber Six is a character from a European comic book who's animated series was later translated into English. Von Richter was her creator, as well as the primary villain of the series. In flashbacks she was shown as an apparently normal human child, so I'm assuming that she was altered surgically into Cyber Six. The news report is talking about episode #5, 'Bubblegum Crisis 2040: Hurricane Live! 3003' and Sylia Stingray is also from that story. I thought it would be believable that Sylia might have become an android doctor, and I also mentioned Washu, from Tenchi Muyo. Edit: Due to fan requests I’ve added the cast of CSI. They were implied in the first draft but in the revisions I’ve formally named them all. However, while Gil Grissom may be the same man I have deliberately not said if his team are copies of the originals or something similar.
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