The One that Loves Me

a Strike Witches fanfiction by Carola "Ryûchan" Eriksson

There are different kinds of waking up. One can ‘wake up' to the 
realisation that you are in love with your best friend, or ‘wake up' to 
the knowledge that you have been an utter ignorant fool. You can even 
wake up to the knowledge that you are the most stinking lucky woman in 
the world, or... can just wake up. 

I open my eyes to blurry whiteness, something which generally speaking 
is not what I am used to when looking straight up at my ceiling. 
Reluctantly my eyes clear and focus, and I am better able to tell the 
whitewashed surface to be the ceiling of the medical wing. Ah, okay. I 
close my eyes again. 

Wait, what? The medical wing? Why am I here? 

Eyes open again I try to move, only to find that my limbs are sluggish 
and largely unresponsive. I ache all over as well, but then again I am a 
soldier on the frontlines of the war, I usually ache someplace. What is 
more peculiar is this feeling of being completely washed out. 

The window is the first thing that draws my attention. There are no 
drapes that cover them so I can see the sunlight and the blue skies from 
here, though I'm not sure why I feel that this is important. Perhaps 
I've just been assigned to night duty for too long. 

I listen to the quiet for a moment, feeling peaceful despite the fact 
that I am tired as anything and can't recall why I'm here. It takes me a 
moment to realise that I hear someone breathing. 

Sanya. Of course, that is Sanya's breathing, a sound I am very familiar 
with from all the days and nights we tend to sleep together. No wonder I 
felt peaceful. 

Sanya is sitting next to the hospital bed, for indeed I am lying in one, 
resting her head partly on the mattress and partly on me, and she has a 
surprisingly firm grip on my arm for someone who is sleeping. I manage 
to get my other arm to obey me enough to shakily reach over to brush her 
hair out of her lovely face. 

The sight of that beloved face ravaged by tears nearly manage to make me 
spring to my feet, weakness or no. Only the thought that she will be 
jostled awake manage to stop me somewhere between lying down and sitting 

What has made my precious Sanya suffer so? I must remember. 
Concentrating hard things begin to come back to me, though far slower 
than I would have liked.  

I remember that we were chatting about going to the sauna after our duty 
shift was over, Sanya, myself and the others, when the alarm sounded for 
another Neuroi attack. We were launched quickly and caught up to the 
Neuroi well over the ocean... there was a thunderstorm on the way, the 
skies thick with dark clouds and savage winds, and we were supposed to 
dispose of this latest attacker as quickly as possible before the 
lightning started. Flying in rain is in some ways similar to flying in 
darkness, visibility can go down to nearly nothing, and it is dangerous 
for those that aren't accustomed to it. Flying in a thunderstorm however 
is darn near suicidal. 

We were rearranged into a formation with Sanya at the lead point and me 
and Miyafuji flanking her, and then we engaged the enemy. I think I can 
pretty much recall every manoeuvre I performed, every charge I made or 
assisted in, until Sanya made the kill. 

N-no, wait... something happened then, didn't it?  

My memories begin to get hazy at around that point. Let's see, we were 
high up, driven right into the clouds during the battle with the Neuroi, 
and we could barely make out one another when flying took us a bit 
further apart. I was right in front of Sanya when she fired the 
finishing shot, providing a little extra shielding for her from the 
intense barrage of fire the Neuroi kept up right until it disintegrated. 

Oh... I think I remember now. Just as Sanya had fired, while everyone 
was focused on the soon to be former Neuroi, I heard Sanya make an 
alarmed sound. I turned just in time to see Sanya try to bring her 
shield around, staring at something in the clouds behind us. 

A Neuroi, wasn't it? A strange-looking small one, I wonder how it could 
have gotten past Sanya's senses, but either way it was there.  

I... released my own shield and dashed in front of Sanya just as the 
second Neuroi fired. Yes, I think that's what happened... I somehow got 
my shield up in time to take the brunt of the attack but not all of it, 
which must mean that I got hit by some stray blasts. 

Sanya whimpers in her sleep, and as I carefully stroke her hair hoping 
to drive the bad dreams away I realise that I do remember what happened 
after that.  

There was no pain, just a bit of confusion as I was suddenly in Sanya's 
arms, probably thrown there by the force of what hit me, and I wondered 
why she was bathed in red. I tried to say something but couldn't, and 
the image of horrified emerald eyes became very distant, until I 
couldn't see anything at all.  

The last thing I remember of that fight is the horrible, terrible sound 
of Sanya screaming, first my name and then just screaming, so loud and 
heartbreaking that it cut right through me. After that, everything is 

"N-no... Eila..." Sanya is whimpering in her sleep, tears leaking out 
from behind closed lids. I try to gently shake her awake, the sound and 
sight of her suffering cutting into me like Major Sakamoto's sword 
through Neuroi. "Eila! Don't take Eila away! EILA!" 

She screams herself awake, bolting to her feet with a wild yet 
heartbroken look on her face while the tears pour down her pale cheeks 
like waterfalls. 

"Sanya? Sanya calm down, I'm right here." At first it seems like she 
doesn't hear me, she just stares into nothingness with that expression 
on her face like she has lost everything. "Sanya?" 

Finally she must have heard me, for she blinks slowly and turns to me. 
Only at this moment do I notice that Sanya is not wearing her usual 
uniform but a large white shirt that I'm sure I've never seen in her 
wardrobe. Sanya blinks again, several times, and slowly that painful 
expression in her eyes melts away and the light I so love returns. 


Before I can really react to it Sanya has hurled herself at me with such 
force that she veritably tackles me flat to the mattress with her 
sprawled out on top of me. She grabs onto me rather hard and sobs into 
my shoulder, repeating my name over and over. 

"...Eila, Eila, Eila, Eila, Eila, my Eila, my brave, wonderful Eila, 
Eila, Eila..." 

I embrace her back, hold her tight and try my best to comfort, to tell 
her that I am alright, even though my thoughts are whirling. ‘My Eila', 
is it? I'm hers? Oh my sweet, sweet Sanya, you have no idea how much. I 
think I might just be yours forever. 

"It's ok Sanya... I'm right here, I've got you." I speak to her softly 
and stroke her hair, pushing the other thoughts aside for now. I'll 
figure out later what she might mean by that, right now I have to take 
care of Sanya. 

As she clings to me desperately, saying my name into the shoulder she is 
crying on, a few other fragments of memories flicker through my mind. 
I'm not sure I can make sense of them as they really are just a few 
distorted images, of dark skies rushing by, of Sanya covered in blood, 
my blood I suppose, and of... blue light covering the world? 

I kiss the top of her head and just hold her, maybe rocking her ever so 
slightly while making some kind of comforting noises, but mostly I just 
let her get it out. I want to apologise to her for making her so sad and 
upset, but this isn't the time for that. I will have to find a way to 
make it up to her later. 

"Glad to see that you are awake." A quiet and deep-pitched voice speaks 
up from the direction of the door, almost making me jump in surprise. I 
hadn't heard anyone come in. 

"Major Sakamoto..." I greet the woman leaning in the doorway but trail 
off as I notice how tired my otherwise so unflappable superior officer 

"She hasn't left your side since they let her in here." Sakamoto 
continues in the same tone of voice as she approaches the side of the 
bed, gracing my Sanya with a small and surprisingly fond smile. Sanya 
herself shows no sign that she has noticed that there is anyone else in 
the room with us. "Ah, that's right, Shirley managed to drag her off for 
a short bath while Miyafuji and the doctors were working on you, of 

She hasn't left my side? Oh Sanya. "How long have I..." 

"Four days." I wince at that but Sakamoto does not notice. "Your 
roommate woke up yesterday though." 

Roommate? Does she mean Sanya? No, wait... blue light... of course. 
"Miyafuji. She healed me, didn't she?" Even though her lack of control 
over her healing powers can end up killing her if she uses them. 
"Probably saved my life, too. How is she?" 

"She drained herself badly enough to have slept for most part of three 
days," Here Sakamoto's eyes were drawn back towards the door and what 
lay beyond it. I guess I can imagine why she looks tired now. "but she 
is fine now, and eager to see you now that you're awake." 

Whatever else either of us would have said about it was lost as Sanya, 
apparently done crying for now, sat up and unceremoniously scrubbed her 
face on the oversized shirt she was wearing. Undoubtedly the shirt 
belongs to Shirley, I must remember to thank her for taking care of 
Sanya in my place. 

I opened my mouth to ask if Sanya was alright, but that was as far as I 
got. Pale slender hands reached up to cup my face, and briefly I caught 
a flash of liquid green. 

Suddenly Sanya's lips are pressed firmly and insistently against mine 
for a good long moment. 

My brain short-circuits, and by the time she releases me I am no longer 
breathing, there is a deafening roar in my ears, and the room outside of 
Sanya's beautiful blushing face is rippling and buckling. 

"Never leave me, Eila." 

I never have the chance to reflect over the quiet intensity of her plea 
or how it pierces my heart, for as soon as the words are spoken Sanya's 
lips find mine again. This time it is even sweeter somehow, filled with 
longing and brings with it the faint taste of tears. 

The world tilts on its axis and goes dark. 


The next time I open my eyes it is to the sight of Major Sakamoto 
towering over me with a wryly amused look on her. I blink at her for a 
long moment and do my best to focus. No offence to the Major, but hers 
is not a face I particularly want to wake up to, even if she seems to be 
in a good mood. 

Someone tugs at her arm and the Major steps back to be replaced by a 
younger and far more cheerful face. "Eila-san! You're awake!" 

Miyafuji isn't using her abilities right now, yet I swear I can see that 
tail wagging. I chuckle at her and pat her head though I am still a bit 
woozy. "Hey you. Yeah, I'm awake, all thanks to you I hear." 

Oh yeah, that tail is wagging alright. 

"Oh! I'm glad I could help!" Although Miyafuji is happy and cheerful it 
is quite clear that she is still very worn out. I feel a bit guilty for 
that, though mostly just grateful. "Anything for my friends." 

As she says this Miyafuji looks to the other side of the bed, and when I 
follow her gaze I find Sanya sitting there quite demurely, hands in her 
lap and her eyes averted. She is wearing her usual uniform again, and 
from the way the edges of her bangs seem to be slightly wet I get the 
impression that she has recently gone to wash herself up. 

This is when I remember what happened before my... unfortunate... 
blackout, and Sanya and I both blush profusely.  

I need to talk to her. I need to find out if she meant what she did the 
way I most desperately hope she did – and oh if she did, whoa, then I 
can go out and defeat every single Neuroi all by myself because I will 
be invincible!  

As anxious and nervous as I feel about what Sanya might be thinking, I 
am still overcome with the urge to simply grab the girl and run for it. 
The most sparkling and amazing image comes to mind, of Sanya in my arms, 
of white clothes and shining Strikers, of bells and blue skies and all 
of our friends as cupids, throwing confetti and playing trumpets... the 
sugary girly-girlishness of it all embarrasses me, so I shake my head to 
get back to reality. 

"I'm glad to see that you are doing better." I'm a little startled to 
hear Lynette's lilting voice because I had not realised that she was in 
the room. Looking for her I find her standing slightly behind Major 
Sakamoto, smiling gently as usual, with a frowning Perrine leaning on 
the wall behind her. As I thank Lynette I get a somewhat terse nod and a 
troubled look from Perrine, conveying her concern for a comrade and her 
well-wishes all in one go. 

"We should leave you to your other visitors now, so you don't, ahh, 
overdo it again." Sakamoto takes a small step forward and puts her hands 
on Miyafuji's shoulders. "And you still need to rest, as well." This was 
directed at Miyafuji and not me, thankfully distracting me from thinking 
too much about what Sakamoto was really talking about. 

"C'mere." I tell Miyafuji, holding out my arms while grinning at her. 
She giggles and happily accepts my hug. "You saved me." I tell her 
quietly. "Thank you." 

As we let go and Miyafuji leave the room with Sakamoto and the others I 
notice that Sanya is frowning. There's no opportunity to ask what is 
wrong since the previously mentioned second group of visitors enter. 
I've barely exchanged greetings with Barkhorn before Shirley ambles over 
and, after a swift but frankly quite painful jab to my upper arm, grabs 
me in a hug. 

"Thank you for looking after Sanya for me." I tell my comrade in 
mischief quietly as I hug her back. It is good to know that if anything 
should happen to me our friends will look out for her. 

"No problem. What are friends for? Just... make sure we won't need to do 
it again anytime soon." Shirley replies equally quietly so no-one will 
overhear. "That girl is crazy about you." She grins and punches my arm 
again as she steps back. 

I don't get the time to consider what Shirley told me as the instant she 
steps back I am fiercely charged by a wild animal. Well, by Lucchini 
actually, but she's half cat anyway, and whether she is trying to hug me 
or just strangle me is anybody's guess. 

"Stupid! Stupid stupid stupid stupidstupidstupid! Never do that again, 

I nod a little and agree, what else can I do? "I promise I'll try." 

"Good!" Apparently I have appeased her, because the stranglehold lets 
up. I pat her head like I did Miyafuji's and she tries to glare at me, 
the effect is ruined though by the fact that she is crying a little. 
Before I know it she has darted forward and kissed my cheek, then 
bounced off the bed and bounded off to cling to Shirley. The two of them 
make it out of the room before I've even registered what Lucchini did. 

"It seems someone is getting an awful lot of love today." Barkhorn 
sounds dry enough, but I can still tell from here that she's laughing 
inside. Glaring at her is absolutely ineffective too, so I guess I'll 
just have to sulk. A glance at Sanya reveals to my surprise that not 
only is she still frowning, Sanya is pouting and look rather... angry.  

Lucchini is rapidly replaced by Hartmann, and only my confusion keeps me 
from throwing her across the room. I don't like that gleam in her eyes, 
what is she up to now? 

She throws her arms around me and squeals. "Eeeiilaa, I want hugs and 
kisses and snuggles with you tooo!" She tops her performance off with 
that gleaming smile she has that makes the civilian girls swoon when she 
walks by, and a batting of her lashes that chills me to the bone. Facing 
Neuroi is less scary than this. 

The world is violently jostled around again, and I dread what new 
surreal experience I'll have the next time I open my eyes. 

When the room stops moving this time though, the world is by far a 
better place. Why? Because I find myself in Sanya's surprisingly 
possessive embrace. 

Even though she is furious and glaring daggers at Hartmann, my Sanya is 
beautiful beyond words.  

Hartmann grins unrepentantly though she is yanked out of the room by her 
ear by an apologetic and terribly embarrassed Barkhorn, while Sanya is 
thoroughly cleaning my apparently offensively dirtied cheek and 
frowning. While I don't really care about the former, the latter has me 
just about ecstatic. 

Finally alone. I smile happily at her. 

"You don't like it when other people get too close to me, huh?" Sanya 
gives a guilty start, and blushes. Good, while the frowning and pouting 
was cute and all, a smile or a blush looks even better on her. 

"That's ok Sanya..." I tell her and lean my forehead against hers. "I 
don't like it when other people get too close to you either." 

Aww, now that was the smile I was hoping to see... no, wait, why are 
those gorgeous green eyes tearing up? 

"Eila..." Sanya's voice is shaky, tinted with pain. "I almost lost you." 
A beat. "Please don't ever go where I can't follow." 

"I'm sorry." I hold her closer and press a kiss to her forehead. "I 
would never leave you willingly, Sanya." 

"I want to be with you always." She whispers, and a small hand sweetly 
touches the side of my face. "Only you, Eila." 

I want to cry now too, getting all choked up with emotion. Instead I 
wipe her tears away and place an adoring kiss on her palm. "San-" 

"I love you." 

Sanya looks as shocked as I feel; I don't think she intended to say that 
out loud. I crush her to me. 

"I love you too, Sanya, so very much."  

I grab my courage with both hands to muster the strength to run my 
fingers through her silky hair and lightly down one faintly blushing 
cheek. I touch her chin and she responds by tilting her face towards me, 
lips slightly parted and eyes fluttering closed. My lips brush against 
hers very lightly at first, and I move back for just a moment before 
returning for more. We are surprisingly good at this, Sanya and I, as if 
this was something we did often, and we spend a long time delightfully 
and unhurriedly moving together before drawing apart enough to look at 
one another. 

There's so much more I want to say to her, so much more I want to ask, 
but my strength has run out and I can feel sleep beckoning me. There 
will be other opportunities to speak of everything, to learn anything 
Sanya may have to show me and to shower her with all the love I feel for 

For right now though I whisper the words in her ear and scoot over to 
make some room for her to come lay down beside me. She smiles brightly 
at me and eagerly crawls into bed next to me, claiming my shoulder for 
her pillow and cuddles as close as she can. I smooth out the edge of the 
blanket and hold her contently when a thought occurs to me. When I speak 
my voice is quiet and touched by sleep, and hers is the barest murmur 
underneath my chin. 



"You never really mistook my room for yours, did you?" 

A soft giggle is my answer. 

" sneak." I am grinning like a fool, but that is ok. Sanya loves 

I allow sleep to take me, safe in the knowledge that she will still be 
here when I wake up. No matter what the world will throw at us from now 
on, we will create our own happiness, Sanya and I. Together.  

And tomorrow is ours. 

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