The Seeds of Evil: Phoenix Rising (part 17 of 20)

a Soul Caliber fanfiction by The One

Back to Part 16
"Nature does nothing in vain... There are no grotesques in 
Nature; not anything framed to fill up empty Cantons,
and unnecessary spaces."

- Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici

Nature must have an odd way of being fulfilling, for Talim
felt whole in the presence of two other women, when it
was custom to find a member of the opposite sex to find
completion in.

But did she really know her two soul mates? No.

It was about time she looked deeper into their lives...

- Chapter 17: Day 1- Aquaintance

Said sibyl was in a meditative state, reading the winds
early in the morning. When one says early in this 
situation, it meant that the sun was not even up yet, the
sky had not changed color, and one could see the hint of
the last, fading stars.

It was perfect for reading the winds.

She had hoped for a calm and uneventful reading, where
the winds only gave her news of the world outside. She
was disappointed to find that the illness was spreading
even further. But for some odd reason, she and her 
companions had not been affected.

Perhaps it was because they did not want the sword
in the first place, or they had enough mental dicipline
to fight the influence.

Either way, they stood untouched and unharmed, and were
three of the only ones that could stopper the flow of
corruption before it went any further.

(That's what worries me... we're the only three. There
have to be more out there who can help us! I'm going
to ask the winds.)

She tried something that she was at first afraid of,
but was now more curious than afraid. She reached
for her power- willingly reached for what was deep
inside of her, instead of waiting for it to come

With a surprising speed, it came. Slowly at first,
but it grew as her concentration increased. Soon, as
her face tightened into a tight line of determination
and concentration from focusing her will, she felt
the power of her soul flow through her.

She didn't know what to do first.

The air around her was charged with energy, and a
faint light green aura surrounded her as a result.
As she slowly opened her eyes, she could feel the weight
in the air from the energy, and was so surprised that she
lost her focus.

Everything winked out.

(What? But I had it! I could feel it!)

She started to slip into a mild panic. Where had it gone
all of a sudden? Why had she not been able to hold on
to it? It was right there, and then...

And then...

She realized it, almost immediately. And then she had
noticed that it was there. She had felt, almost seen
it, and as soon as the thought of it entered her mind,
it left.

(Okay, calm down. Don't think too much about it,
and it'll stick. As far as Mina had told me, it's
already here. So...)

She closed her eyes again, and focused, trying to
get it back. She knew- or at least, thought she knew-
that it was already inside of her. She knew that she
could use it.

She was sure she could bring it out again.

And so, she reached for it with confidence.

BOOM. Sheer power flowed through her again, and this time
it stuck. She opened her eyes, satisfied with the results,
and smiled to herself. There it was, all around her. She
could feel the energy in everything there was- the ground
she sat on, the waters in the valley, and the air around

The air...

(The winds! That's it!)

She closed her eyes again, thouroughly excited, and
spread her aura. She wasn't sure how she did it, but she
was sure that she could do it. She didn't even give it
a second thought.

All at once, the voices in the wind grew in volume.

She almost screamed in pain and fear. Not because of the
sudden realization that she could now truly read the winds,
but from what she heard.

It wasn't just mere screams.

It was pain. Death. Suffering beyond any normal measures 
or means. And it seemed to attack her, as if it were a 
tangible force looking for somewhere to go. She just 
happened to be there.

(It's just like the other time... I can't bear to listen!)

But she had to. There had to be some hope in the midst
of all this, and by the Goddess, she was going to find it!
Her face a mixture of pain and determination, she spread 
her energy further, trying to find something, anything.

She heard it. Something that was close, though she could 
tell that it was in another country. She focused on that 
one voice.

(So it's evil... Hell with it, anything to protect my
country! Besides, Hwang will recognize my skill if I could
just get my hands on that sword. I have to carry on!)

Well, it was something that was not a scream. But it was
also bad news- this one had to be stopped, before he did 
something irreversible. Then another, distant, as if it 
were on an entirely different mountain.

(Sis... can't do this again... take your place.

Then, she was too tired to keep going. The voices faded,
and she collapsed to the ground, half excited, half 
scared out of her mind. 

She realized that this would be a bigger task than she
had first thought, and was suddenly thankful for
what little help she had. Of course, that didn't stop
her for wishing that there was more help, but she
was thankful none the less.

"Something wrong?"

Talim gasped in surprise and shot to her feet, looking
in the dark for a sign of someone there. Two luminous
brown eyes stared back at her.

She realized with a slight discomfort that she was being
watched the entire time by Xianghua.

She heard someone stir, rising to wakefullness.

(What in the Heavens? It's too early for that! Who
would want to wake up this early, besides Kilik and
his master?)

Her eyes opened slowly, looking at the roof of the house
in which they slept. Apparently, there were still
some good places to sleep, even in a place as isolated
as this. She wasn't surprised- though the beds were
surprisingly comfy and the house looked very nice for
a pair of monks.

In any case, she could still hear Mina's breathing, so
it couldn't be her. She smiled faintly, wondering how
someone so energetic and full of fight could sleep
like a rock.

She looked to her left, where Talim's bed was, and
saw that there was no definite outline of a body.
She was the one who decided to wake up this early.

(What is she up to? I've never known any decent girl to 
wake up at this hour, much less wake from such a deep

She paused then, deep in thought about the as yet
mysterious girl of fifteen who claimed to hear the winds.
That theory was no longer a claim, seeing as she had
proven herself to be not only able to hear the winds,
but to become them.

(I wonder what else she can do? Come to think of it,
I don't know much about her. We just ran into her
in the Tournament, and suddenly we've got her following
us. Mina has even started to teach her things.)

Xianghua got up and headed for the door, her silken
nightgown drifting in the breeze.

(I guess I should talk to her- I'm already awake anyway.)

She used what little light there was to follow Talim,
staying as silent as the woman in front of her and
keeping a distance. She noticed that Talim had no
shoes on, but walked over the stones as if they
were no bother to her.

Xianghua was glad that she had at least worn her silk 
slippers. And even then, she could still feel them.

(How can anyone withstand this? She must be tougher than
I thought.)

Soon, Talim stopped in front of the vast lake that was
used for training, and got down on her knees, folding her
hands in her lap and closing her eyes.

(That's it? She came out here to meditate? Well, I 
guess that's all right, for someone who fights like
she does.)

But as she watched her, she could feel the air getting
heavier by the minute, as if a storm was building not
too far above ground.

(Huh? What the... this is energy buildup! She's actually
trying to use her spiritual energy!)

With someone as untrained as Talim, it could spell
trouble. She rose from her hiding spot in order to stop
her... and then it was gone. She could hear a gasp
from where Talim sat.

Xianghua sighed in relief.

(Okay, that was close. Maybe I should tell Mina 
about thi-)

Again, and this time it was much faster. a bright 
green aura was surrounding Talim, proof that she had at 
least tapped into her power. It looked like she had a firm 
command over it.

(That was all too fast... she must be really sure 
of herself. But it's dangerous if this is her first time. 
Maybe I should go over there...)

And then, a wave of energy passed through Xianghua,
making her head spin.. It was sudden, it was swift, and it 
was dangerous if used aggressively. But it wasn't, and
she somehow knew it. For the moment, it was energy in
its purest form, and nothing would come of it.

But still... she had learned to use it in that way so
quickly, it wasn't even funny. Another thing that wasn't
funny was the quickened breath of a suddenly tense

(She's shaking... whatever is happening over there, she's
afraid of it. Deathly so. Maybe I should go over there
now and see what's wrong.)

At this point, she got up and walked towards Talim, 
noticing that her breathing was starting to calm down
somewhat. She got closer, and saw that she was starting
to wear out.

(That's typical. Even if you're really good, using this
energy for a long time wears you out in the end. It's
something that one has to get used to.)

She wasn't surprised when Talim collapsed on the
ground. Xianghua smiled and looked down at her. She
looked so cute, gasping for air and with her eyes
closed. She looked like she had just run away from
whatever it was that frightened her at first.

"Something wrong?"

She almost laughed as Talim shot up in surprise and
shock, but managed to keep quiet. People were still
asleep, after all.

"Relax, it's only me."

Talim huffed in exasperation. That was quite a scare,
and she is told to relax? 

But no, this was not the time to be angry.

"Good morning, Xianghua. Did you get a good rest?"

"I should be asking you that. What drove you to wake up
this early? I mean, I only know a few people who would
do that, and even then, never this early."

Talim smiled faintly.

"The winds told me to wake up."

Xianghua looked sceptical again, but decided to believe
her this time.

"Figures. You hear them all the time, then?"

Talim nodded, and swung into an explination. Xianghua was a
bit surprised- she shouldn't have to explain anything to her,
with the offhand way she had treated her beliefs, but she
listened anyway.

"In my village, we're taught to love nature and love the
winds. To embrace them and learn from them. To listen to
the voices that the winds carry, and to learn about what
they mean."

Xianghua nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"When one learns to listen to the winds and read them, then
they start training to become one with them. Of course,
only a few make it past the initial training, but those
that do get to go through the rites of passage to become
an apprentice, then train to become a shaman."

Xianghua was genuinely interested now.

(She's a shaman. We can't hear the winds, but she can,
and she tells others what they say and what it means. I get
it now. She acts as a sort of a medium between the two.)

"You're a shaman, right?"

Talim shook her head.

"The village hasn't recognized me as one yet, but after what
happened yesterday... I think I am. I've never had that 
happen to me before. For a while, I was..."

The young swordswoman nodded.

"Yeah. I'd be scared too, if my body was suddenly taken out
of my control. Isn't that dangerous, though?"

Talim nodded, and a stern expression was on her face.

"Sometimes, yes. But then again, I can force the winds
out if there is something wrong. At least, I think I can."

Xianghua smiled at her. Yes, she was starting to like her,
even grow fond of her.

"I know you can do it. Just show 'em who's boss if you
don't like how things are going. It's all a matter of
willpower, you know?"

Talim thought over this for a moment, then nodded.

"I guess so... I've never had a chance to try it, but
thanks for the advice."

Xianghua nodded, and asked a question of her own.

"You keep talking about your village.. where are you
from, anyway?"

The two of them sat down along the shore of the lake as
Talim recalled the past few years of her life...

Mina was surprisingly awake. Something or other had
told her to wake up- perhaps her weapon. In any event, she
was awake now, and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

(Aiyaa... why do I do these things? First I'm blowing
things up, now I'm waking up at an ungodly hour. What's
gotten into me?)

Then, as her eyes adjusted, she found that the other two
beds were empty as well, and everything became clear.
She knew that the others had left the room, though she
didn't know how or why.

But something within her had moved her to action, and
her body reacted on instinct. Now, she had to find
them. She looked out of one of her windows and noted
that the sky was beginning to turn from a deep blue,
almost black, to a navy blue, lighter and with a hint
of purple.

(It's still too early... but what the heck? I'd much
rather watch the sun rise with the two of them.)

Mina exited the house, and looked out towards the lake.
What little light there was revealed two people down
by the shore.

(That must be them. Either that, or I need more sleep.)

She headed towards the two silhouettes.

As she neared them, she heard the first snatches of a 
story- no, a recall of memories. She hid in the same place
that Xianghua had, and listened.

"I come from a village just in the mountains of an
island chain just southeast of China. Most people call them 
the Philippines, but I call them home...

In any case, that's where I was born. From what my parents
say, people from farther west started to come down on our 
shores during the time I was born. They acted as if the
other tribes weren't there, and walked as if the island
was thier land. Many were angry at this, but my people
ran and hid in the mountains."

Xianghua nodded. It was actually the right thing to do.
A fight would only cause trouble, and people like Talim 
wouldn't be around any more, she concluded with a sort
of sadness.

"I was raised to be the last priestess. I say last, 
because many people started to lost faith in the Goddess 
of the Wind, and we were dying out. I guess my father
wanted to hold on to the old ways, so he taught me 
everything he knew.

But when people saw that I could hear the winds from 
about.. oh, say when I was six or so, they started to
believe again. I was so happy back then..."

She smiled, and Xian smiled with her. She could imagine
a carefree, playful little sibyl with nothing to do but
have the winds and other children as her friends. She
would think that boys were strange, that everything
was beautiful, and that there were no such things
as hate or malice.

(I wish I was like that...)

Talim sighed, full of regret. It was not to be.

"Then, the accident happened. No, it wasn't even an
accident... it just came from nowhere, and yet it
was everywhere.

When I was eight years old, I had gotten really good
at reading the winds. I was just minding my business
one day, when it happened. I heard everything screaming
at once... I started to hurt everywhere... I could
feel such pain and suffering from almost every corner of
the world, carried on the winds.

Then, there was nothing, and everything went black."

Xianghua shuddered at this. 

(What would've happened to cause such a thing? It must
be the Soul Edge. If that date is accurate from what Kilik 
told me, that must've been the day when the first 
sword was...

Oh, Talim... you felt all that?)

Xianghua wanted to hold the girl next to her, if only to
protect her from whatever else was out there. What 
innocense of the world was there that day was gone...

"I was in darkness for a long time. The voices and screams
were still there with me... I still remember how hurt they
were. How sad. People were dead or dying- I don't know
how I knew at that age.

When I woke up, I didn't care if it was three days later,
or how happy people were to see me alive. All I knew was
that something had happened. Something terrible. I cried
all that day just by thinking about it."

Xianghua couldn't think of anything to do or say about
such a thing. Somehow, she would've cried as well if such
a thing happened to her. She slowly circled Talim's
shoulders with her right arm and pulled her close.

"I'm sorry... that must've been terrible. If it were
me, I would have cried too."

Talim closed her eyes and let Xianghua comfort her- let
the tears fall at the memory of such a thing. What made it
worse was that the same things were still happening now,
even as they sat here.

"So then after a few years and a lot of training, I got
to where I am now. By that time, it wasn't all that rare
to see people from the west in the village.

Anyway, one of them- a merchant, I think- brought some
kind of "vitality charm" and hoped to make some money
off of it. It was this."

She reached into her bag, which happened to contain the
two fragments of Soul Edge that were in Talim's possesion
when she had gotten captured, still in the box.

She opened it, and with a stunning accuracy, produced the
one that was with her from the beginning.

"This one. I realized immediately that this did not belong
in the village, and had to be put where it needed to be.
It wasn't natural to have these floating around everywhere-
they had to be put back where they belonged."

Xianghua realized, with a shock and a fear, that she 
planned to put the sword back together! Talim had to be
talked out of this.

"That's not the way to go about it. Trust me, I know.
These pieces of Soul Edge need to be destroyed, once and
for all. It's the only way to really get rid of all the

The young preistess shook her head at this.

"That will just make things worse. First of all, we don't
know how to destroy all those pieces. and even if we did, 
the first time was apparently not enough. We need to put
the sword back together- no, hear me out.

The thing that needs to happen is that we need to
take out the evil influence that is behind these pieces
of the original sword, before we go about putting
them back with the others."

Xianghua was about to contest it, but then she saw the
logic behind it. Killing the Inferno was easy as nothing
else, if one had enough strength. All that needed to happen
was getting the sword in one piece again, and it was over.

"Actually, once you put it that way, it's not that
big of a problem. But we need to be stronger."

Talim nodded.

"You're right. I suppose that's why we're here in the
first place... right?"

Xianghua shrugged. She had only followed Mina, seeing as
she apparently knew where they were going. Why they had
come here of all places was not clear yet, but she trusted
the older of the three to explain herself, when the time

"Honestly, I don't know. I just followed Mina. I would
ask her, but she's asleep. Maybe we should head to sleep
as well..."

Talim shook her head.

"No. You go on to bed- I'll stay. I have to be up this
early anyway. The first winds of the morning are coming-
I have to welcome them."

Xianghua was interested again. She didn't have the chance
to see something like this, and it was always good to 
learn something new. She looked at her eagerly and
asked if she could watch.

"That is, if you don't mind an audience."

Talim smiled and nodded.

"It's better with people watching anyway. At least,
I think so."

Talim sat down and started to meditate again, clearing
her mind for the ritual that was to be in a few hours.
Xianghua simply sat and watched her. She felt like
she could tell the young priestess anything, now that
she had spoken so openly about herself.

(Maybe later. Right now, I'll just wait for her to finish
what she's doing.)

The wind hid Mina's sobs and cries.

How she had survived the account of Talim's past was
a mystery, but something about the sibyl's life had touched
a part of hers. A time when she used to worry about nothing
but boys, training, and being who she was.

Then, her life changed as well, and she wondered how it
would've been if things were different- if there were
no sword at all. She would have the dojo, she would have
Hwang to herself, though he would be a little stubborn
about it- heck, she would even be able to defend her
country, though it would be difficult to do so.

But then again, she had heard of a female mercenary in
Japan- one of the greatest warriors of their times. But
she could not use an excuse like that- women were property
over in Korea. And besides, Japan was the invader, the enemy. 
But she could use the example of Sophitia, whom she had run 
into twice, or Xianghua, whom she had fought with.

But on the other hand... if there were no Soul Edge...

There would be no Xianghua... no Talim. All the people
she met and all the places she had gone would not have
happened. But she still cried. Two people with whom
she shared a common fate, one way or the other.

She was both thankful for her situation and disgusted
about it.

(Why do these things happen? All this nonsense of losing
one's happiness? This or that would've happened... no.
Not for me. I won't be stopped from getting what makes
me happy.

Not even in death.)

She dried her tears and kept herself hidden.

She knew not that the words that she had said would
come back to her in a flash- much, much later...
For now, she heard something about a ritual, and thought
it best to stick around and watch.

Maybe it would lift her spirits a little.

Finally, Kilik was awake and outside. The sun was not
up yet, but the sky showed evidence of it. it was a
deep purple still, and the air was still cool. But the
wind certainly felt good.

Speaking of the wind, it was acting strange. The air
flow seemed to be drawn to one place, as if it were
being called to a certain point. He decided to
investigate, and make sure that everything was all right.

He was surprised to see that the girl from yesterday,
who had been deathly afraid of him because of the latent
evil within him, was actually charming the winds. He
stood there at a distance and watched, intrigued.

Her strange weapons turned out to be perfect in the
ceremony that she was undergoing, flashing and spinning
in a dance. As she turned and spun and leapt in the air,
it looked as if she were flying and moving with the wind.

(Amazing. There are just some things that I will never
be capable of.)

Not that he thought ill of her- he was awed by her
wind dance. So absorbed was he that he did not hear
his master come up from behind him.

"Impressive, no? I thought there was something about
that one, from the moment I looked into her eyes. Now,
I see what it was."

"Oh, good morning, master."

He turned and bowed deeply to the old man, then turned
back, only to find that she was finishing her dance.
A gust of wind headed his way, as well as several others,
as if she were sending them on their way to bring back news
about the world.

He wouldn't be surprised if they actually came back.

"Come, let's go to them. And don't be ashamed if
the young one is afraid of you. She can sense the negative
energies within you, because you do not have them fully
under control."

Kilik nodded and started walking towards them, wondering
why she did not sense the same within Edge Master, when
he had the same problem.

"That's simple... I do not repress it... I control
it. Embrace it. Harness it into a force for purposes
other than destruction and death. Thus, it is

You would do well to remember that."

Mina and Xian marveled at the spectacle before them.

She was actually charming the winds- welcoming them with
the new day, dancing and playing. They seemed to
enjoy her, because they lifted her and tossed her around
harmlessly as she jumped and leapt into the air.

Her blades commanded the wind, while the wind moved
her body in spins and turns. It was amazing, to say
the least.

"I didn't know anyone could jump so high! How do you
do that?"

"You moved so fast, it was hard to keep track of your
weapons.. wow, that was something else."

Talim couldn't help but blush at their comments.

"It's just what I do every morning. On top of that,
I sent the winds to bring me news from everywhere. When
they come back, I'll probably know what's going on
outside of this valley."

Mina nodded. It was a very useful trick indeed.

"I need to learn how to do all that," said Xianghua,
who was throroughly impressed with the dance. It was
much like her own, she realized with a sort of pleasant

"It takes years to do all that much- I was lucky enough
to have a good enough teacher to learn all that in a short
time. There is a lot more to learn, though, and I don't
know all of it yet."

Mina stood up and dusted herself off.

"Well I'm sure you'll do just fine. After all, you've
got us behind you. There's no way you'll go wrong,

Talim smiled at Mina.

(She has such confidence, where I have none... it
feels so nice. Yes... I can learn everything.)

"Right. Thank you both."

"This scene is intriguing, but I would rather have it
some other time."

Mina turned around and bowed immediately. She was too
tired to throw her usual greeting, so this would do
instead. Xianghua and Talim followed suit as they
looked at a man who was quite possibly the most
powerful fighter in this age.

"There is no need to bow... I am no one's master,
save for this one's over here. In any event, why not
get some breakfast and such, and get to know each
other for a bit?"

He was, of course, looking at Talim- no, it seemed
as if he were looking through her. She almost felt
naked under his intense gaze, and blushed.

"Y-yes. Let's do that."

Mina had insisted time and time again to kill and
cook her own meal- she had learned to do that as well
during her time here, and had gotten good at it.

But Kilik insisted that he do it for them- surely
they must have had a hard trip here, and the journey
ahead would be even harder, no doubt. They needed some
time for themselves.

After about half an hour of this, Mina conceeded, albeit
reluctantly. She was used to pulling her wieght, seeing
as she had to do it many a time back at home, and was
no stranger to getting what she wanted on her own.

So then, she was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that
someone else got something for her. But nonetheless, she
was greatful.

In the meantime, while the sun was rising, Mina explained
the reason for their being here to the old master, as
well as to her friends.

"I'm sure that news has reached you by now, but just in
case it hasn't... the docks in Peking were wiped out
two nights ago, along with the pirates that had been
hanging around in the area."

With the look on Mina's face, Edge Master didn't have
to guess who was at fault. But he said nothing, and nodded
for her to continue.

"Well, that was me... they had taken Talim and hurt 
Xianghua, as well as some other things that might or might
not have happened. I didn't care much- I was too angry.
On top of that, they planned on using Soul Edge for 
something horrible.

You know as well as anyone else that I couldn't let 
that happen. So I decided to get rid of them."

"So you are saying that you had some kind of right to
destroy property, endanger innocents, and become angry
at almost nothing, all for the sake of your friends and
for justice."

Mina bowed her head in shame. He had hit it right on the 
mark, but saying it that way was just too much. Talim
placed a hand on her shoulder, and Xian looked at him
with a hurt, almost angry expression.

It was almost just as bad when he smiled, if he had not 
said what had followed.

"So, the Flames of Passion have finally awakened. Good.
This makes things easier for everyone involved. And am I
to assume that you are here to embrace your newfound

Mina looked up in shock. How was he so perceptive?

Xianghua and Talim were confused.

"Flames of Passion? What is that?"

The knowing smile still on his face, he explained.

"They are the physical manefestation of strong emotions
that would be considered passions- love, anger, joy,
sorrow, hate, among other things.

Few can use this power, and of the few that can, all
have died in the process, burned from within by
their own flames.

As of today, you are all looking at the only living
practitioner. And I assume that the Scarlet Thunder
is responsible for her survival, seeing as it absorbed 
the energies within her, so long as she channeled them
into the weapon."

Talim and Xianghua looked stunned. Even though
Xianghua knew that Mina had such emotions, she never
knew that they could be used...

Mina however, nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, that's exactly what happened. I felt something
inside of me break and overflow. The power was all too
much... then, it just happened. I... guess I exploded,
but not in that way. And when I woke up, I was
at the inn... but I heard news that the warehouse 
district was completely gone."

Edge Master nodded at this as well. It was to be
expected for something like this. But still....

"There is but one thing that I need to see, to confirm
that this happened. Try using your fire now- see if
it will come forth on command."

Mina didn't exactly know how to do that...

"Um... I don't know how. It just happened without me
knowing how- all that I knew was to keep on giving
my weapon energy, and I felt it respond."

"Well then, do you remember how you felt before it

Mina looked at him with a puzzled expression for a
moment, then thought it best to awnser, just out of

"I felt... angry. They hurt my friends, how could I
not be angry at that? I was scared for them, scared
that I would lose Talim and that they'd come after
Xianghua if they were all still alive. And after hearing
what they were going to do with the sword, I just-"

"Enough. Good. Reach for that again."

Mina looked at him with a now completely confused face.

"What!? But how am I supposed to do that? I didn't even
know what was going on- I just felt that way at the time.
I don't know if I can even get it back!"

"Then reach for the feelings within you right now.
I'm sure that there is something within that will
trigger it."

"Like what? What could possibly be strong enough to
trigger that sort of reaction?"

He looked at her with the face of one who was about to
make a sarcastic comment, but refrained from doing so.
He simply waited for a moment, allowing her to calm
down and think.

And she did so. She honestly thought about which emotion
she would have to use in order to trigger the flames.
She thought about how her father treated her like some
mere property- a trinket to be given away. She thought
of how Hwang had ignored and annoyed her.

As she did however, she found that she was no longer
angry at them. It was just the way the world was these
days. The least she could do was be happy for her current

Then, she thought about Xianghua.

She blushed as she did- the memories of those past
four years were as vivid as ever, even now. She thought
of all the times they had shared their dreams, their
pasts... how they had come to trust each other over the

How they had grown to love each other.

Something within her began to grow warm. The air around
her started to heat up, and it wasn't because of the sun.

Then, she thought of Talim.

How she had thought her cute from the first time
she had laid eyes on her... and how she had come to think
of her as a sort of student, more than anything else.
But more importantly, she connected with her. She somehow
felt that she belonged with her, to protect her when
the time came.

And with the recalling of her entire past- one that,
like Xianghua's, mirrored her own...

She was starting to fall in love with her. But was it
that kind of love? Or was it just a connection so
deep that it could only be called the love of a sister,
or a kindred spirit?

The warmth turned into an uncompromising heat when
she started to think of other things... like what she
would look like if those annoying clothes weren't in
the way. That, paired with the fact that she would
probably let her do what she wanted, just to see
how it felt...

Oh, yes. There it was.

She was sure that it was love. From the time that the 
tournament had ended, she couldn't stop thinking about 
her; couldn't stop picturing her and Xianghua and her 
own self together.

It felt right. It felt good. She lost herself in the
vision of the three of them sharing an embrace, and 

An aura of heat and fire surrounded her with a faint red
and orange tint. The Flames of Passion came forth, all
without a moment's hesitation.

"There. You see? You didn't even have to think twice
about it."

She looked up at Edge Master, the blush still on her
face. None the less, she smiled at him.

"I guess not. So, anything else you wanna see?"

He nodded.

"Go further. Keep focusing on that emotion. But at the
same time, channel that energy from those emotions into
the weapon. See what happens..."

She nodded. Maybe this would be enough for him. Besides,
she wanted to feel this way for a little while longer.
She continued to concentrate and focus on what she felt
now, and the fire grew in intensity.

Though Talim wondered what kind of feeling could
create such a reaction, Xianghua already knew. She
blushed as she formulated a guess as to what she was
thinking about as she conjured the Flames.

(Mina, you're really starting to embarass me with
all this love you give... I'm sure that Talim will
understand someday what we have.)

But Mina was having trouble. She felt like she did
before, when everything was starting to come too fast.
Her body fought it as usual, and thus she started to 

"Ugh... It's happening."

(Your body, as it is now, cannot handle the strain.)

She suddenly remembered what she had done.

(When the time comes, I will help you.)

She focused the overflow of energy into the zanbatoh,
and with a burst of her fire, it ascended. And in turn,
She not only felt worlds better... she felt stronger as
well. But it kept on coming, faster and faster, now
that the energy had somewhere to go.

The blade began to glow a superheated red, as if it had
been pulled out of the forge earlier than expected. 
A faint hum began to sound from the blade... and it pulsed.
A heartbeat.

It was alive. Mina had given it life... what would it
give in return? Before Mina could think twice, she
felt power flow through her; around her. She was bathed
in an aura of red, and was suddenly in pain.

She screamed as if she were bathed in the worst pain
imaginable- an eternal fire. She could feel herself 
changing from within. Hair, eyes, body, soul. She
would have collapesd on the ground, if she did
not have the Scarlet Thunder suppoorting her.

And then, it was finished. The light ceased, the pain
stopped. She could breathe, stand. The energy that once
was an overflow was now commonplace again. But somehow,
she knew that it was not.

"Impressive. I must say that I have never seen anyone go
so far as to change form. I have heard of it, but have not
seen it."

Mina was no longer surrounded by an aura of any sort, but
her body screamed of sheer power. She looked the same, save
for a few minor changes, but something was signifigantly
different now.

"I don't understand. What happened? What's different?"

"Go and look for yourself."

She walked over to the lake... and gasped in shock at
the image that stared back at her.

Red hair. Green eyes. And a fire that burned within those
eyes that seemed unmatched by any other.

"T... that's me?"

Edge Master nodded, and Talim and Xianghua simply stared in

"That's you. You never cease to surprise me, Seung Mina."

Talim was amazed at what she saw before her.

(That's her? She's... beautiful.)

Her curiousity got the best of her as she slowly reached
out, her hand barely touching the firey red hair. And that
was just about as far as she got, before a whiplike sound
tore through the air, and she pulled her hand back in
pain and shock.

It was burned.

"W... what is this?"

"That," Edge Master explained in a solemn tone, "is the
unfortunate side effect for a practitioner of the Flames
of Passion. None can be near them for long, lest they burn
to death."

Mina looked up in shock and horror at this latest revealation.
Not touch anyone? How would she live with that? She couldn't,
she decided. She could not imagine not being able to sleep
in the same bed with her lover; not being able to hold her
new friend in her arms.

She set her face in a mask of grim determination.

"Better then, if I died now."

They all looked at her in confusion. Even the old master
was surprised.

"Why live when you can't touch anyone without hurting them?
I can't see it happening. This is more of a curse than a
blessing then, isn't it?"

He sighed. This was going the wrong way already.

"Yes, there are prices to pay. But one must see their
destiny through to the end, no matter what else happens.
Even if they cannot be remotely close to the ones they 
care for."

She chuckled darkly...

"Destiny, huh? Something that I didn't even know that I 
was born with is my destiny. Something that hurts others 
that I care about is my destiny."

She sobbed; a heavy, choking sob that made her tremble.

"Better that I were dead than to live my life this way!"

She cried. It was inevitable, and irreversible. Talim
walked over to Mina, instantly feeling the need to comfort
her. Then she stepped back, her body remembering the pain.

However, Xianghua was not about to let such a thing stop
her. Talim called after her, trying to stop her from
hurting herself.

"No, wait! You'll get hurt if you-"

She knelt down and hugged Mina from behind.


Talim looked on in shock. What was this all about? She
was stung with a vengance when she tried to touch her, 
and now this happened? What gives?

Mina was equally confused.

"X... Xian?"

"See? Everything's okay now. I'm not hurt... I trust 
you not to hurt me. If you really love someone, there's 
no way you can hurt them, right?"

Mina looked behind her and started to cry again. And Xian
let her, holding her closer. The old man simply watched,
wondering how the young swordswoman had overcome the 
barrier, but Talim turned her head.

Jealousy? Anger? Was that what she felt right now?

If so, it was not a nice feeling.

Mina felt a twinge of pain when she looked at Talim.
She apparently thought that no one else could see her
grief at not being able to touch Mina.

(Oh, Talim...)

Xianghua agreed with her.

(She really likes you, Mina. You've had a big influence
on her, ever since the day we all met. I think I would 
even go so far as to say that she loves you.)

Mina sighed to herself. Why did she always have to attract
attention? She had the uncanny ability, some said, to draw
people to her, both good and bad.

Moths to a flame.

(I... I like her too. I can't say for sure whether I 
love her or not, or how much. But I will say that I'm 
interested. I want to see how far the three of us can go 
together. Besides, even when she's pouting like that, she 
looks so cute.)

Xianghua held in a fit of laughter.

(I know. So what do we do?)

Mina considered her options briefly, then decided on 

(First, we find out what allowed you to touch me. Then, 
I'll think about the rest later. She needs to know that
we still care for her. I want her to understand what
the two of us share.

If she's interested, then she can join in. If not...
well, it'll be a loss, but it's her decision.)

Xianghua was still impressed with her, even now.

(So considerate... did I ever tell you how much I love

Mina smirked to herself as she stood up and stretched

(Yep. But it's always good to hear it again. Why don't
you go talk to Talim? She needs someone who can... well,
actually touch her instead of keep their distance.)

Xian nodded solemnly.

(Will do. You just be careful, you hear?)

Talim was still wondering why she felt her insides tighten
at the sight of them together. She thought back on all the
times they had together. She couldn't deny that there was a
connection between herself and her two friends.

But it was weak- lacking something important. Sure, she
cared for them- had come to think of them as a second 
family of sorts, even after this short time. She also knew 
that she felt something more for them- but there was 
something wrong.

Did it have to do with the fact that she did not love them
enough? Perhaps had not done something yet? Possibly. Could
it have something to do with the fact that Xianghua could
touch Mina, while she could not? 

Most definitely.

(I don't understand. What am I lacking? Maybe I haven't told
them yet, or haven't shown my love enough. That's probably

Then, reason kicked in. She wouldn't know when enough was 
enough anyway. How would she? She's never been in love
before- she simply felt something within her that no one
else had stirred in her. Something that had been missing-
they filled a void within her.

However, something was not right- she felt that something
was there that they had and she did not. And it made her
both frustrated and facinated at the same time.

She wanted it, no question. Maybe it would give her some
peace, to know what it was that kept her apart from the
others. If it didn't, then she would live with it.

As she looked over towards them again, she noticed that
Xianghua was walking towards her now.

(I don't want them to worry... just act casual. Don't
let them know about it.)

"Hey! Anything the matter over here?"

Talim's ground almost broke. She knew? But how? However,
she shook her head and smiled. "Nothing. I just didn't
want to disturb you guys."

Xian gently held Talim's chin up with her hand, having her
look straight into her eyes. The big, deep brown eyes of
the young sibyl were luminous, but their luster soon
dulled as she stared deep into the eyes of the former
elite swordswoman.

"You don't have to lie to me, Talim... don't we trust
each other?"

Another sting, and her facade broke, if only slightly.
So it was about trust, was it? She trusted them, even
with her life. That was no problem.

"I trust you both; what does that have to do wtih-"

"Then tell me what is wrong. I know something's 
bothering you..."

Talim vaguely noticed something. She felt drowsy the
longer she looked into Xianghua's eyes. Her entire
body seemed to relax, and she felt the words start to
come, before she could stop them. She was still aware of
her surroundings, but all she could focus on was her.


Xianghua's intense gaze never wavered. One way or the
other, she would get her to voice her problem. Of course,
she already knew what it was; she just had to confirm.

"You're among friends here, Talim. You don't have to 
worry about anything. If you have a problem, it's best
to talk about it, right?"

Talim couldn't argue with that. But something within
her still resisted, as if fighting what was logical.
She made one last effort to talk her way out of 
Xianghua's influence.

"I don't... want you to worry. I'll be-"

"Don't say it," Xian said gently, and yet with some
authority in her voice. Had she been riled up, she
would yell in her face.

"Don't say that you'll be fine. No one ever is when
they hold something in. Please, just talk about it,
whatever it is."

She broke. One word escaped...


Xianghua was just about to become frustrated, but she
took note of the pleading tone in the young woman's
voice, and she did nothing but gaze into her eyes.

"Why can't I touch her, when you can? What do you have
that I don't?"

(Yup... I thought so. The problem is...)

"...I don't know. I have no idea how her power works,
or how I was able to get close to her, much less touch 
her. I'm just as in the dark as you."

Talim couldn't hide the look of relief in her eyes.
At least someone understood, in a way.

"What do we do?"

Xianghua held Talim close, hugging her warmly. She
had wanted to do so ever since she had heard her past,
and now had the chance to. Talim leaned into Xianghua's
body, accepting the fact that she could at least touch

"Whatever we can. We're all going to get through this."


Ouch... well, every relationship's gotta hit a snag, sooner
or later. At least this gives us time to take a look at
the connection between Talim and Xianghua.

Thanks for reading this far, fans. Visit the forum and let
me know what's up. Always good to hear from you guys.

- Next Chapter -

Talim and Xianghua begin to get comfortable with each other,
while Mina begins trying to understand her command over her
powers. But will the three of them have to wait a lifetime
until their goals are realized? Or will things go fast
enough to stop the world from being destroyed?

- Chapter 18: Day 2- Friends

Onwards to Part 18

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