Return to Dreams (part 2 of 5)

a Sol Bianca fanfiction by Bakablonde

Back to Part 1
The smoke had barely cleared when she felt, rather than saw, a form in 
one of the cells. The bomb had done its job in killing the guardsmen but 
accidentally blown off a door. Half coughing, half laughing, April made 
a mental note to be better with her throw next time. Waving her hands to 
clear the smoke, she stepped into the cell for a look. The prisoner 
turned her head and April saw intense green eyes, framed by tangled dark 
locks, peering up through the smoke at her. For some reason she broke 
into a smile at the woman, and without hesitation, held out her hand.

"I'm April. Come with me."

The woman looked up at her with an expression that had both fear and 
hope. April saw that her hands were bound and motioned for her to lift 
her arms. She did so and she cut the binders through with her laser gun.

"April! Dammit!" Jani shouted, and April heard gunfire erupt.

"Coming!" she shouted back, and held out her hand again. "Hurry."

A slender hand took her own and she pulled the woman to her feet, only 
to see her wobble unsteadily and fall.

"April!" Jani's voice was furious.

"Go. Don't bother." the woman said softly. "She needs you."

"I'm not leaving you here." April growled, bending over and scooping her 
up. Lean brown arms wrapped around her neck and she stumbled out into 
the hall. She made her way towards the sounds of battle, following the 
winding corridors. Suddenly a shot wizzed by her head.

"Fuck." she realized her hands were full, and she was as good as 
unarmed. The bundle in her arms quickly came to life, and April felt a 
ripping sensation as her gun was removed from its holster.

"You run. I'll shoot." a voice calmly stated.

"I hope you're a good shot." April grunted, as her options were limited.

"Watch me."

And so they proceeded, with April becoming more impressed as they made 
their way back to Jani. The woman dispensed her shots evenly, rarely 
missed, and they cleared the decks quickly.

"April! What the hell!" Jani's voice rose as her mouth dropped open at 
the sight before her.

"Oh- Jani." April puffed, trying to regain her breath. "Wait." she slid 
the woman down but held her close, steadying her as she felt her legs 
trembling beside her.

Jani frowned, took a step closer and put her hands on her hips. "Just 
who the hell is she? We're supposed to be looking for gold, not helpless 

"Shut up!" April spat out. "If you'd seen her with my gun, she's 
anything but helpless. And her name is..." she turned and shrugged at 
the tired head now leaning on her shoulder. The woman replaced the gun 
in the holster and looked up. She seemed both tired and proud at the 
same time.

"Febrista. But just call me Feb."

Jani snorted. "Right. Bullshit. And I suppose you're gonna help us carry 
the loot back to the ship?"

"Jani. Enough." April took a step forward, Feb in tow at her side. 
"We're going back to the ship. You start and I'll send Jun to help you."

Jani's mouth dropped open. "What the hell's gotten into you?" she called 
out to the slowly retreating figures, but April didn't answer.

Onwards to Part 3

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