Goodness! I get to do my very first Rei/Usagi fic! Yay! Alrighty then, this is the first of many Rei/Usagi fics by me, cause I think that they are so kawaii! It's also an AU (Alternate Universe, for those who don't know) so don't email me saying, "this never happened." Here goes! By the way, manga hair colors are being used, so that means... Rei's Hair: Red Ami's Hair: Same Minako's Hair: Same Makoto's Hair: Green Usagi's/Serenity's Hair: Silver And, if I choose to add the Outers... Setsuna: Black Haruka: Light Blue Michiru: Same Hotaru: Purple __________________ Serenity Loned, of the Loned family, had to be one of the most dutiful daughters that ever lived. She loved her mother and father immensely. But today, they had succeeded in making her angrier than she had ever been. Seeing as her family belonged to some of the most prestigious groups of the Moon Kingdom, and her family was considered elite, "the best of the best," so to speak, it was automatically assumed that she would be married to someone who matched her nobility. Of course, when she met Endymion Janod, of the Earth Kingdom, she had not expected him to be so handsome. She also hadn't expected him to be an arrogant bastard. But alas, he was. So now she just had to run away. She certainly was not about to go marry him. So she packed a few bags and fully intended to run off in the next space cruiser that went her way. Of course she was frightened. For as much as a noble and well-known young woman she was, she was also quite naïve. And those two things did not go well together when you were trying to run away. But young Serenity was also a strong human being, contrary to popular belief. So she brushed a silver strand of hair away from her face, blinked back the tears that had filled the endless blue depths of her eyes, and patiently waited on a near empty street for a space cruiser to take her away... Minako Nedal, who was called Venus by her closet friends, watched the silver haired girl out of the corner of her eye. (She is really well dressed. Doesn't work well when you're on a deserted street. Jeez, does she just want to get mugged or something?) Minako, being the helpful person that she was, gently tapped the silver haired girl on the shoulder to ask her if she was lost. Of course, Serenity nearly jumped out her skin at the girl's touch. When she had finally calmed down enough, she turned to Minako slowly. The first thing that she noticed was that the girl was very pretty. Her long blonde hair fell well past her back, it was tied with an orange bow, and her blue eyes sparkled mischievously. Since it was warm, she was wearing a sleeveless orange t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. A matching blue jean jacket with the symbol of Venus on the back of it was draped over her shoulder, and she had on a multitude of gold bracelets on both wrists. Finally Serenity noticed that she had a tattoo of the symbol of Venus on her right arm. The girl smiled gently at her. "Hey sweetheart, you lost?" Minako asked, trying not to laugh at the girl's startled expression. Serenity gazed at the blonde, and sighed weakly. "I am trying to flag down a space cruiser. I am running away, you see, and I need to get away from this place as soon as possible." Minako burst into hysterical laughter. "Okay, okay, let me get this straight. You're dressed like a rich supermodel, you want to run away, and you're trying to *flag* down a space cruiser! Listen honey, you don't flag down space cruisers, they come to you when they want to. Secondly, you must be dying to get mugged, cause you look like a spoiled rich kid." Serenity frowned at her. "I am not a spoiled rich kid! I just want to leave this horrible place. My mother and father want me to marry this awful man, and I just can't! They wouldn't even let me make my own decision on who I was to marry! They always do that! They, they..." Minako stopped laughing when she noticed that the girl had begun to cry. She draped her arm over Serenity's shoulder and gently steered her away from the curb. "Where, where are you taking me?" Serenity managed to ask in between sniffles. Minako smiled at her. "I'm taking you to Mars. You'll be able to stay there, and no one will bother you. Plus, I know some people there. Come on." Serenity stopped dead in her tracks, causing Minako to stumble. "But Mars is a dangerous place..." Minako cut her off. "Listen kid, I told you I knew people there, didn't I? Now come on. By the way, what's your name?" Serenity started to walk again. "Serenity," she murmured quietly. Minako grinned. "Cool name. My name's Minako. It's a real pleasure to meet you. Now come on, I think I see a space cruiser..." ...Rei Talon growled in frustration as she did what she always did every day. Waited for her stupid lackeys. Especially Minako. She couldn't understand how anyone could manage to be late all of the time. She glared at a white haired young woman, who cringed under her gaze. "Mitsuki! Where is your dumb blonde of a girlfriend?!" The girl's green eyes flashed dangerously at the insult to her lover, but she quickly answered. "I've got no idea Rei. I think she went to the Earth's Moon to go shopping. Just calm down, she'll be here." Rei glared at her. "I know she'll be here, but why does she always have to be late?! I would've thought that you would have rubbed off on her by now." Mitsuki smiled. "Yeah, well some things just don't rub off, I guess." She personally hoped that Minako would return soon, with a man (or woman) for Rei. Because their leader desperately needed to get laid... Makoto Ginas and Ami Tepo ran quickly to the space cruiser, hoping to catch it in time. They both sighed in relief as the space cruiser's door opened, allowing them entry. Makoto sighed as she sat in one of the large seats, and let Ami scoot in next to her. "Jeez Ami, we are so screwed. Rei's gonna kill us." Ami nodded. "I don't think that she'll kill us, but she will be rather angry." She straightened invisible wrinkles on her blue sweater and long blue skirt, and turned to stare at her green haired friend. Makoto shrugged and crossed her legs, sighing weakly. "Last thing I need today is that fire broad yelling at me. She so needs to get laid." Ami did not acknowledge the statement, but she silently agreed. Rei did need to get laid, because she was too bossy these days... Minako ran over to what looked like a bar. Serenity slowly walked behind her, wondering how she had gotten into this mess. "Um, Miss Minako? Is that a bar?" Minako grinned. "Naw kid, it's me and my buddies' little hangout. And don't call me Miss. I hate that. Now kid, here are the rules. First off, there's a really mean dragon in the form of a grumpy redheaded woman named Rei. She's our boss, and she is very, very mean. Just remember to speak when spoken to. Don't talk to her like you're better than her, but don't use that teeny tiny voice of yours either. Speak firmly, but not arrogantly. Everyone else is pretty nice, but don't be a pushover, cause they will run over you. Lastly, don't flirt with the sexy white haired girl, and you tell me if she flirts with you, understand?" Serenity nodded quickly. "Okay then," Minako said cheerfully, tugging Serenity along by the arm, "let's go meet the locals honey!" Makoto and Ami both were immensely grateful that Minako had been late today. That meant that Rei was so busy grumbling about her, that she had completely forgotten about their tardiness. "Ami, we are so lucky." Makoto whispered under her breath. Ami nodded in agreement. She did feel sorry for Minako though... Rei walked back and forth, occasionally raking her hands through her long red hair. She turned to face the door when the knob jiggled. Minako burst through the door, grinning cheerfully at everyone, and winking at Mitsuki, who grinned sheepishly. "Hey everybody! I brought someone," she exclaimed cheerfully, backing away from the door. "Come on in Serenity!" Rei felt her throat constrict as she stared at what had to be an angel. The girl's long silver hair was in two very long ponytails, and two beautiful blue eyes peeked out from long eyelashes. She was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and a long flower-patterned skirt. She smiled nervously at everyone. Rei gaped at her a moment longer before regaining her composure. The first thing that escaped her lips was, "Minako! How many times do I have to tell you not to bring mutts home?!" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow, first chapter done. E-mail me with any suggestions. Also, if you want to see pictures of the Senshi with manga hair colors, I'll be happy to send you a couple. Be kind and don't flame me! ~Sword Master Supremia~
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