Dreams that Won't Disappear when I Open my Eyes (Prologue)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Princess

Moshimoshi, minna-san! Now, quick notes before you read this. This
story is a mix of the Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon manga, anime, and my own
personal spice. It takes place shortly after the sailor senshi have defeated
the Dead Moon Circus. The poem that ChibiUsa hears in her dream is Saturn's
prologue for her Sailorstars poem, called "The Second Coming." Standard
disclaimers apply. And, on to the story....


      ChibiUsa stirred faintly in her sleep, giving out a small moan. After the 
defeat of the Dead Moon Circus, her nightmares had ended, and she had thought 
happily that they would stay at rest. But they had returned full force this night, 
as was shown by her bed sheets that had long since tangled around her sweat-
damped body, twisted by her shifting movements.

        In her dream, every mirror and reflective surface throughout Tokyo
mirrored the silhouette of Nehelinia, and her evil laughter reverberated
throughout the city. A quick flash revealed another brief picture of an
entranced Mamoru in the Dark Queen's arms, as Usagi watched, wounded and
helpless. Tears stung at the corner of ChibiUsa's eyes as she whimpered
within her deep sleep, despair welling in her heart.

        But, suddenly, all pictures of evil and despair vanished into a dark
violet vortex. It was as if the fabric of the dream itself had been sucked
down a drain until nothing was left until darkness and silence. Unknowingly,
ChibiUsa's breath and pulse stopped completely, until a lilting voice slowly
spoke them back to life. The voice was cold, like someone who had been long
hurt, and yet beautiful, and it filled the silence with a music of it's

“Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand."

      The sleeping pink-haired girl's lips moved in an unspoken name, but the 
beautifully spoken poem continued heedless in her mind's ear.

"The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: .."

      Within the violet vortex a dark figure became apparent. But, unlike that 
of Nehelinia, this one betrayed not an evil aura, but one of intense, fear-inducing 
power, as well as wisdom and age. The slight figure's sensuous curves could be 
seen, held in a brief skirted fuku, slender legs ending in knee-length boots. The 
dark figure raised a delicate hand, and a wickedly curved pole arm appeared in it. 

 "Somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds."

      Suddenly, like a camera on zoom, ChibiUsa could see the figure's face. 
The countenance was pale and delicately boned, framed by raven hair, dark 
lashes resting on flawless cheeks. A shiver rushed ChibiUsa's body as those 
lashes lifted, revealing depthless violet orbs that were soul-touching even in 
her dreams.

"The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle... "

      With a gasp, ChibiUsa was suddenly hurled from the dream world into 
the waking one, and found herself sitting up in bed, panting, drenched with 
sweat, her crimson eyes wide. In the yellowish glow of the streetlights that 
filtered through her window, she stared down at her trembling hands, looking 
surprised as tears fell on them, her lips slowly moving. "The darkness drops 
again..." she repeated the line, mesmerized at the thought of it.

        "Twenty centuries," she continued, her gaze slowly shifting to look
at a picture on her night table. "Of stony sleep..." The picture was of a
frail ebony-haired girl, eyes closed as she held a bouquet of beautiful pink
flowers to her nose. "Vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle..."

        Drawing her legs beneath her, she moved slowly toward the table,
extending a hand to brush two fingers tenderly over the photograph. "Oh,
Hotaru-chan," she whispered into the still night. "You're coming back to


      There you go. I think this is going to be a good story... Hotaru and 
ChibiUsa are my passions in Sailormoon, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy 
writing this story about them. Please send all comments and criticism you 
have to me, I'd love to hear it! Until next time, keep your eyes on the moon!

Onwards to Part 1

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