Voyage of Love (part 10 of 17)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Knight of L-sama

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Budding Romances

Venus moaned from deep in her throat, the sunlight finally arousing her. Pluto turned to look at her, asking quietly, “Are you awake?”

At the sound of her voice, Venus' head snapped up, which then made her realize exactly where she was. With a nervous smile, she nodded and answered, “Uh, yeah, I'm fine, sorry. You can put me down now.”

Pluto, ever the vigilant multi-tasker, had carried Venus on her back while searching for something edible, a good place to rest, and any signs of living creatures. Though she had hardly felt the fatigue- courtesy of extensive work outs outside of regular Senshi training- Pluto carefully bent down so that Venus could disembark. The sudden weight on her feet made Venus wobble for a few moments, but she soon gathered her bearings and they started walking side by side.

The silence was actually rather peaceful, a tranquility that Pluto was accustomed to, in her regular trips through the flow of time, and that Venus rarely calmed down to enjoy. Today, especially after being separated from her love, was not one of those rare days.

It began with the humming of a popular love song. Knowing that Venus had a rather above average knack for singing, Pluto did not mind this in the least.

The humming formed a few low syllables and disconnected words. Pluto made a silent game of trying to guess the words that Venus was uttering. While in the matters of history and concepts she was unparalleled, songs of the commonfolk were rarely given much attention by the Senshi of Time.

The disconnected words slowly joined to make a fair modicum of sense. Though Pluto sincerely questioned the point of writing such a song, she would have had no trouble admitting to liking the lyrics, as well as the melody.

Without seeming to have realized it, Venus began to sing wholeheartedly, save for the faraway look in her eyes. And then it clicked. The notion that she was calling to her love as a lovesick Siren might registered in Pluto's mind. She then connected it to the talk they had had with Rei... Rei.


Venus blinked, as if the interruption had stolen her away from frolicking in a completely different world. “Hnh?”

Pluto winced slightly, but asked, “I apologize if this may sound like a sudden or inappropriate inquiry, but have you ever fallen in love on a level of those that commonly find themselves in love with you?”

Again, Venus blinked, trying to digest her words. Finally, she verified, “You mean, have I ever worshiped someone? Other than a literal god?” At Pluto's silent nod, Venus' hands came together behind her head as she looked to the sky for answers. “Well, no, actually. Not worship at least. I am in love right now though.”

“How can you be sure of that, if you have nothing to base it on?”

“With that kind of logic, how would you identify that first time?”

“I see. In that case, what is your definition of love?”

Venus blinked, halfway to asking the fellow Senshi 'Why' but refrained from doing so in the nick of time. Instead, she shrugged. “Romantic love, I'm guessing, right? Well... to me, Love is the feeling you have for the person that can make you feel warm and cozy inside, no matter what the circumstances are on the outside. Love is the feeling that makes you want to always stay by that side, regardless of the consequences. Love is... a feeling no human should die without knowing at least once.”

Pluto was silent for a long period, before she gave a slight nod. When no further questions seemed evident, Venus asked, “Why are you asking?”

As if the question would answer it, Pluto murmured, “Do you honestly believe that you love Rei-san? More than anyone else?”

It was then, that that familiar summer breeze ruffled Venus' hair, and she recognized it. With a soft smile she replied, “I do. But she's also my best friend- has been since the day we met when we were toddlers. Because of that, so long as she still loves me, I'll do my best to make sure my decisions don't hurt her with unnecessary reason.”

Again, Pluto remained silent, recognizing the reason behind Venus' wording. Rather then attempt to plow ahead with the conversation, she found a quick change of subject. “The fruit growing upon that tree appear to be ripe and edible. Shall we pick a few to last us until we come upon another?”

Venus smiled at that. “Yeah, I'm starving! Some good ol' fresh fruit will do wonders for my skin! Too many days on a ship- pirate or not- and you really miss the sweet things of the food chain. Now how... I know! Venus... Love Me Chain!”

As the whip of light lashed out and snapped off several fruits, Pluto couldn't help but think, And here I thought I already did (love you). I suppose I don't need a whip to convince me of that.

& ((“”)) --- Natural Plants and Pond Water ---

“Ugh... that was a big explosion. Ah- Ami-chan? You okay?”

Mercury smiled wanly as she clutched her own pulsing temple. “I'm as all right as can be expected. What about you? You were close to the source, weren't you?

Jupiter briefly flexed her hands before shaking her head, in effect, losing the migraine in one painful moment. After it passed, she smiled and replied, “I'm fine. I've always been a little hard headed, so nothing was damaged really. Hmm...” Jupiter paused to look around before she murmured, “Any idea where we are?”

In an instant, Mercury had her computer analyst out and working, thus quickly coming to an accurate answer. “We're about twenty-five kilometers from the port city of Kyoma, but this is a deserted island, according to the government records, it's... too small...”

As she trailed off, Jupiter looked up and rose a questioning eyebrow. “Something else wrong?”

Mercury hastily shook her head, but answered, “This island has a radius of approximately five point two kilometers- a small town could fit on this... though you would have to clear away the forest... and-”

“Aww leave it alone. Free plants never hurt anybody did they? Well, excluding the demonic ones- they don't count.”

Mercury made a small smile at that. “I'm sensing the others are all safely on this island. Should we go look for them? From here... Michiru-san and Haruka-san seem to be closest.”

Jupiter nodded as she stood up, offering a helping hand to Mercury. After thanking her and getting to her feet, Mercury pointed in the direction her computer picked up the strong energy signals of their current targets.

As is commonly the case, the silence started to get to them, after a while. With a low sigh, Jupiter started, “Umm... so... why'd you come with the Princess out here?”

If Jupiter hadn't been watching, she might have missed the light tint of pink that raced across Mercury's face just then. After assuring herself that her stutter was a thing of the past, Mercury responded, “I... My computer made it easier to lock onto everyone and find you.”

“Eh...” Jupiter made a small murmur of appreciation, deciding to avert her gaze to the trees that were quickly surrounding them.

The silence lengthened further, before Jupiter managed to ask, “So... what's been going on around the Kingdom since I've been gone? It's been a while...”

“Well, we... the marketplace opened a new chain near the castle, a few years ago. The business is very good now.”

“Really? Do they sell any jewels? Emeralds? Jades?”

“Um... on occasion... when new shipments come in...”

Jupiter's hum trailed off into silence, as Mercury tried to find another topic. “Do you remember Mamoru-san? From England (England, Earth, same difference...)?” At Jupiter's nod, Mercury continued, “He and the Princess are engaged to be married next June.”

“Are they... willing?”

“Oh, very much so! It's... it's really sweet, seeing them together. They're both born diplomats, so there isn't much personal contact in public, but... mm... you can tell they love each other.”

Jupiter watched from the corner of her eye as a sappy grin appeared on Mercury's face, afore she abruptly shook out of it, and blushed out of embarrassment. Then, in a very measured tone, Mercury murmured, “It's something all the Senshi should be able to see for themselves.”

As both knew what she really wanted to say, the silence only lengthened again before Jupiter could reply. “I... It's fun being a pirate. Sailing the seas... fighting to my heart's content... heh, losing the court etiquette... but... I can also feel my heart tugging me back towards the Kingdom. To the Princess... To my fellow Senshi... but... I don't know... I'm not sure what I want to do anymore.”

After a pause, Mercury murmured, “I'm sure you'll know what I'd suggest, so...”

“No,” Jupiter shook her head, “Please, tell me.”

Mercury sighed. “You belong within range of the Princess, with her Private Guard.”

“Do I really? I'm the avatar of the largest planet in our range. The Senshi of Lightning... of Zeus. Is it really right for me to be paired with you, all the Inner Senshi?”

“Are you saying you're too good for us...?”

“NO! No... I mean... I don't know... the opposite I think. No offense to the Outer Senshi, but... I feel like I should be distance from the Princess... like they are.”

“But... They aren't distant... except Haruka-san.”


“Pluto is Queen Serenity's head advisor. Neptune and Saturn protect the Crown at all times, no matter if it's the Princess, the Queen, or even Prince Endymion. Actually, come to think of it, the Outer Senshi might be closer to the Crown than the Inner Senshi...”

“What! That's impossible! Mina-chan, Rei-chan, you, too, you all protect the Princess right? How can the Outer Senshi be closer?”

At that, Mercury turned and gave Jupiter a wry smirk that was unusual on the Senshi of Wisdom's face.

“You were the first to leave. Half a week ago, Mina-chan and Rei-chan both went out to sea. Who was left? For the Outer Senshi, Setsuna-san, Hotaru-chan, and Michiru-san. For the Inner Senshi... it was just me. They're closer, because more of them are there, at the heart of where our protection actually counts.

“Come back with us Mako-chan. We need you... the Princess needs you... I need you...”

O- & -- (Male/Female & Neptune)

“They're this way.”

“And I'm telling you it's this way! My gut instinct is always right!”

“My mirror never lies.”

“Oh, come on! There's a hill if we go in my direction- we can look at them from there.”

“And run into an assortment of wild creatures, many of which could very well indeed be poisonous on the way? I think not.”

“Hey, this is an island- we're no safer here than there. Let's go this way!”

“And I'm telling you, the Princess is this way. Can you not sense her energy?”

“Of c-... Of course I can! J- But the other Senshi are here too! What, you want to just abandon them here for the Princess?”

“And you would rather abandon the Princess? Where is your sense of loyalty?”

“I- Oh stop taking words out of my mouth. I didn't say that. Just, tch, maybe it'd be better if we went our separate ways, and see who finds them all first.”

“All of them? You think this was some sort of planned scavenger hunt?”

“Sca- there you go again! Geez, can't I just say something without you interpreting it any differently then how it's supposed to be!”

“Oh? And exactly how do you expect me to interpret it?”

“Exactly like I say it!”

“Come, I sense that Mars is also near the Princess. Will that satisfy your quest in seeking out the other Senshi first?”

“Que- I didn't mean it like that! We-”

“-are only two individuals. There are six other Senshi here, if you also include the Princess. Rest assured, we will all depart together.”

Uranus was silent for a long time... until she finally gave in, throwing her hands up in an exasperated gesture, and muttered, “Fine. Let's go see if your way leads to the Princess. But if we hit the beach first, I get to choose which way we go.”

“The ocean is a fine place to start, considering that we are all surrounded by it.”

“Whatever. Just- this way you said?”

As Uranus took a few steps forward, Neptune stopped her to correct her direction... a few steps to the left. Once corrected, Uranus plowed through the thick grass, unconsciously setting a neat path for Neptune to walk on. With a soft smile, Neptune followed Uranus, knowing that she would be proven right, and even if she wasn't, it wouldn't be too terrible to let Uranus lead anyway.

!$!$ (Uh... the crew... bleeps included)

“Where da heck are we! And where's Cap'n Tenoh? Kino? Heck, right 'bout now, Ise wouldn't even care if it was jus' that Mars chick. Just someone ta point the way!”

“Uh... Ken? I think we're pretty much stranded here... didnt'cha see both the ships get blown to smithereens?”

“See it? See it! Boy, Ise was walkin' right past the room that had ta explosives! Idiot! Of course I know the ships are gone! Ahh... me blissful Zephyr... may Hell smite da cretin that had ya destroyed!”

“Uh... you all right there? Erm... you know, I think it was uh, Mina-chan that started the explosives...”

“Dang blondes and their blond moments. Neva shoulda allowed 'er on board.”

Onwards to Part 11

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