No Time for Love (part 7 of 13)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Prince_Kitten

Back to Part 6
	Minako sighed and turned over again, the bright red glare of her 
alarm clock met her eyes telling her that it would go off in a few 
minutes anyway. She growled to herself and flopped onto her back. After 
leaving Makoto's yesterday she had wandered about in a daze trying to 
think and to come to grips with what she had learned. She had known 
about Rei's slight attraction to Mamoru, about her stronger attraction 
to Setsuna, and about her intense crush/probably in love thing she had 
for Usagi. But that Rei was in love with her.... that someday she and 
Rei would be together.... Minako shook her head and sighed again. For 
most of the night she'd tried that over and over. Tried to picture being 
with Rei in an intimate way. And while it certainly didn't make her sick 
or frighten her, it didn't do anything for her either. It was 
just...weird. She was very aware of the fact that Rei was beautiful, had 
a great body, and a good personality under the sometimes mean and bitchy 
exterior. She had long admired Rei's looks and knew that whoever would 
end up with Rei would be lucky indeed...* But with me?*
	Minako put her hands under her head and stared at the ceiling. 
This was how it had gone all of yesterday afternoon too. She would think 
of all of Rei's strong suits, then try to picture herself with Rei. And, 
as usual, it had ended badly. She just couldn't picture herself with 
Rei. She loved Rei certainly, but she was not in love with Rei by any 
means. Her alarm clock blared to life startling her from her thoughts 
and she slammed it harder than she meant to. It sputtered slightly, its 
lights flickering, then shut off completely. 
	"Dammnit. That's the fourth clock this month." She cursed to no 
one in particular. Wisely Artimes had decided to spend the night away 
from home to give Minako time to herself after seeing the way she looked 
when she had gotten home. Wearily she scrubbed her face with her hands 
and started to get ready for the day. She wanted to walk around a bit 
before she met everyone. Maybe she could think of something, anything 
that would help. But Setsuna's words reverberated in her head.
	"Even if we can think of a way to find them and contact them, the 
only way 				to get them back may be to offer them 
something Kira-san can't." 
	Minako looked up at the bright sky as she walked outside and took 
a deep breath. "Us." She said quietly. "Me. I have to offer me." Shaking 
her head she walked to a park nearby and sat down by her favorite 
fountain, hoping to gain some inspiration. Putting her elbows on her 
knees and her head in her hands she started all over again. First she 
pictured Rei in her head, beautiful flowing black hair, fine featured, 
toned body. The lilt in her laugh, her wonderfully deep eyes, her soft 
smile. Then, thinking of nothing better to try, Minako pictured herself 
coming up behind Rei and hugging her. *So far so good * Then turning Rei 
in her arms and leaning their foreheads together gently.* I'm still 
okay* Slowly she made herself move in and kiss Rei gently. * I can do 
this* Gently she started to slide her hands into Rei's priestess uniform 
top, touching her firm stomach softly.... 
	"Gah!" She said aloud and leaned back in frustration. This was 
getting her nowhere. Glancing down at her watch she rolled her shoulders 
and stretched her neck. She still had a few hours until everyone was 
supposed to meet at the Outers' place but she stood and started to walk 
in that direction anyway, not really knowing what else to do. She shoved 
her hands in her pockets and walked with her head down, very depressed. 
*What am I going to do? I have to be able to love Rei if we want her 
back. But how can I be in love with my best friend?* And it was true. 
Out of all of the senshi Rei was probably her closest friend. They were 
closer than even to Usagi, and that was saying a lot considering Rei's 
affection for the Princess. But their friendship was working against 
her. Rei was someone she gossiped with, went boy scouting with, followed 
Usagi on her dates with Mamoru with. They giggled and had popcorn and 
pillow fights when they spent the night together, teased each other 
about who had the best figure. She just couldn't imagine doing 
'together' things with Rei in place of tickle fights. Blowing out a 
breath she looked up to see that the Outers' place was just down the 
	She was about to walk up and admit defeat to Setsuna when Haruka's 
car pulled up into the driveway. Both she and Michiru got out, each 
carrying a bag. * They must have gone grocery shopping or something.* 
She watched curious as Haruka walked around the car and closed Michiru's 
door for her. Michiru smiled and nodded her thanks, turning to walk up 
to the house. She nearly dropped the bag she was carrying when Haruka 
playfully swatted her backside as she walked past. Michiru whirled on 
her, apparently angry and Haruka just laughed and leaned over, kissing 
the tip of her nose. Michiru looked annoyed and lightly hit Haruka's 
stomach. Challenged, Haruka lightly pinned Michiru to the car and 
started to kiss her neck. Michiru squirmed and giggled, pushing her away 
and swatting the blond's butt before running for the door. Haruka chased 
after her and Minako watched as she caught the violinist right before 
she got inside, tickling her sides lightly while Michiru laughed and 
protested, trying to escape. Haruka was still laughing and tickling her 
as they disappeared inside.
	She couldn't help the grin on her face as she watched the 
encounter. * They look so cute together, like best friends who just kiss 
on the side.* With a start she realized that Haruka and Michiru really 
were best of friends. Thinking hard she brought up every girly magazine 
she'd ever read. And in every one she could remember, it said that the 
best relationships, the ones that lasted the longest and were most 
satisfying, were ones where the lovers were friends too. * Well, we have 
the friendship thing down* She thought and changed her tactic. Instead 
of picturing Rei and trying to fall for her, she just pictured them 
spending more time together. Still pillow fighting, still tossing 
popcorn at each other. She pictured going out to diner with her and 
sharing the latest gossip. She watched in her head as they went out to 
the movies and laughed at the cheesy effects. Walking home hand in hand 
trying to scare each other with the corny lines from the movie. Changing 
into night clothes once they got home and playfully whistling as the 
other got undressed. Snuggling up together under the covers after a 
small tickle fight. Giving Rei a small kiss on the forehead as they 
drifted off to sleep... Startled by her last though Minako smiled 
brightly. It hadn't bothered her. She'd just pictured going to bed with 
Rei and it hadn't bothered her. * Because we were friends* She thought 
happily. * We are friends* She realized that it really wouldn't be that 
hard to fall for Rei. It would actually be easy to slowly get close to 
the Priestess. * Because I'm not in love with her now. But that's okay 
because...I will be* 
	Minako beamed and gave a happy sigh. Hopefully being able to tell 
Rei that she would eventually be completely in love with her would be 
enough. Especially since she really didn't think it would take all too 
long. Walking up to the house she knocked on the door and waited 
patiently. After a moment Michiru opened the door and smiled at Minako 
	"Well hello Minako-chan." Minako bowed slightly.
	"I'm know I'm early Michiru-san. I just needed to talk to 
Setsuna-san before everyone got together. May I?" Michiru gave a knowing 
smile. Though Setsuna had not told either her or Haruka anything else 
about what had happened, it hadn't been too hard to deduce that Makoto 
and Minako were indeed the ones Kira had been talking about.
	"Of course Minako-chan. Setsuna-san is in the study." Michiru 
motioned inside and Minako walked past her, nodding to Haruka who stood 
just inside the doorway. She nodded back and watched curiously as Minako 
turned down to hallway.
	"What is she here for? She's a little early." Michiru smiled as 
she watched the blond disappear.
	"If I'm not mistaken, she's here to confirm that the 'pain of 
unrequited love' will no longer be a problem for Rei." Haruka raised an 
eyebrow and grinned.
	"Ah, then Makoto-san should be here shortly." Michiru only smiled 
and went about cleaning up the house.
	"I expect so." 
	Minako followed the hallway down to the study. She'd been there 
enough times before, usually stalking Haruka with Usagi, to know where 
it was. She knocked on it softly and waited fidgeting. When no answer 
came she tried again, knocking a bit louder. When still no answer came 
she leaned forward and slowly looked inside, peeking around the edge of 
the door. Setsuna was sitting on one of the plush chairs staring into 
the empty fireplace. Minako opened her mouth to announce her presence 
until she saw the tears glistening on Setsuna's cheeks. She watched as 
Setsuna closed her eyes and whispered softly.
	"Kira-chan." Minako swallowed hard and backed up slowly, closing 
the door as quietly as possible. Once it clicked shut she leaned against 
the door-frame and sighed. She and the others had been so worried about 
finding Ami and Rei again that they hadn't even stopped to think what 
this might be doing to Setsuna. * Poor Setsuna-chan. To see the woman 
she loves after all this time and still not be able to be with her...How 
sad* She heard a sniffle through the door and took a deep breath. 
Turning she faced the door and knocked loudly.
	 Setsuna-san? Are you here Setsuna-san? Michiru-san said I could 
come in and talk to you." Pressing her ear to the door she heard 
shuffling and some sniffles before Setsuna responded.
	"Go ahead and come in Minako-chan." Minako did and came through 
smiling. Setsuna was still seated in the same chair but there wasn't a 
trace of tears anywhere.  ?I was just trying to think of some way to 
help find Ami-chan and Rei-chan." Minako just smiled back, not wanting 
to mention seeing her cry. * She's trying hard to be strong.*
	"About that." She said sheepishly, taking a seat across from 
Setsuna. "I wanted to talk to you about what you and I and Makoto-chan 
were talking about." Setsuna gave a gentle smile and inclined her head, 
curious as to what decision Minako had come to.
	"I thought a lot about it. And I mean a lot. I tried all night to 
picture being in love with Rei-chan, but I just couldn't do it. Because 
I'm not in love with Rei." Setsuna nodded slowly but Minako kept going. 
"Yet. I'm not in love with her yet. But, I will be. I know it. Even if 
you hadn't told me, just thinking about Rei-chan and how we were I know 
that I would fall in love with her eventually. Now that I'm trying to, I 
really don't think it will take all that long. Will that be enough for 
Rei-chan?" She asked curiously and Setsuna cocked her head. "Will 
knowing that we will be together, that I wanim bacxt to start our... 
relationship now, even if it goes slowly, will Rei-chan accept that?" 
Setsuna closed her eyes and thought hard, flitting through visions of 
the old future, what few flashes of the new future she'd seen, and doing 
her best to keep the images of Kira away from her mind.
	"You know Minako-chan, " She said after a bit of contemplating. 
"That would probably be best." Minako perked up, shocked.
	 ?Really?" She questioned and Setsuna nodded carefully.
	"It would have been fifty years before she told you about how she 
felt. So she might not even be completely in love with you yet either. 
But, the promise of a loving relationship with you, knowing that she 
will be loved someday and won't live alone for so long, that just might 
be enough for her." Seeing Minako's uncertainty she smiled and nodded 
again. "I'm sure it will be." Minako breathed a sigh of relief and 
leaned back into her chair. As much as seeing Setsuna crying had thrown 
her off track, she really had been worried that what she could offer 
wouldn't be enough for Rei. But if Setsuna said it would be okay...
	A knock on the door broke Minako from her haze of relief and she 
sat up and looked  to see  Haruka usher Makoto through the door. A 
playful wink to Minako and the tall blond shut the door, leaving Makoto 
standing there fidgeting.
	"Hey Minako-chan. What're you doing here?" Minako grinned and 
leaned back into her chair.
	"The same thing you are I imagine." She said playfully and Makoto 
flushed lightly. That was all it took for Minako to know that Makoto had 
made much the same decision she had but she nodded to the chair next to 
her and Makoto sat down, staring at her hands a moment before looking up 
at Setsuna.
	"I thought about what you said. About having to offer Ami 
something. About having to be with her now to get her to want to come 
back. And, as surprised as I was when I first found out that I was the 
one she was in love with, it really didn't take me all that long to 
realize that...well..." She trailed off and looked down and Setsuna 
smiled, able to tell, just as Minako had, that Makoto's decision would 
be favorable. A nudge from Minako's foot and Makoto flushed once more. 
"It didn't take me too long to realize that I...that I loved Ami-chan 
too. I never would have known that if I hadn't of known how she felt. I 
can see why it would have taken me so long to figure it out otherwise. 
But, I do love her. And when we find her, I can tell her that. Tell her 
that I do want to be with her now." She looked up at Setsuna and beamed 
and Setsuna couldn't help the smile on her face. She really had hoped 
that things would work out for Ami and Rei better than it had last time. 
And not just because she knew that before they settled down, they 
would've both come to her once again.
	Regarding both of the girls before her with a smile she could 
practically feel the happiness coming off of them in waves. Tilting her 
head slightly she grinned with honest joy.
	"I'm glad that the both of you will be able to give Ami-chan and 
Rei-chan what they deserve." Makoto glanced over at Minako who flushed 
lightly and shrugged. Makoto grinned and giggled and Minako giggled too. 
Voices outside the door startled them all and they watched as it opened. 
Haruka held the door opened as Usagi and Mamoru walked past, the cats 
trailing on the ground. Michiru followed behind them toting Hotaru and 
Haruka shut the door. Usagi looked surprised to see Makoto and Minako 
already there.
	"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" She questioned and Minako 
fought off a blush and shrugged.
	"We got here on time Usagi-chan. We can't help it if you were 
late." Usagi's jaw dropped.
	 ?Late? No way! I set my alarm clock and got up when it rang and 
everything!" Everyone laughed as she wailed and Mamoru patted her 
shoulder comfortingly.
	"Relax Usagi-chan. We both just got here a little early is all." 
Makoto assured and Usagi made sure to stick her tongue out at Minako 
before settling down. There was a moment of silence and Luna spoke up.
	"Well, did anyone come up with anything?" The silence was none to 
reassuring and Luna sighed. Mamoru shifted and spoke up.
	"Maybe we could use their wands to find them. Maybe their wands 
will get warmer or stronger the closer we get to them. We could hone in 
on them that way." Everyone looked up until Luna shook her head.
	"We don't have have their wands any more." Usagi looked over in 
	"What? They were on my dresser I swear! There's no way I lost 
them." Luna rolled her eyes.
	"You didn't lose them. They were there but when we got back from 
the meeting yesterday I found them missing. My guess is that our friend 
took them with her when she came by." Everyone sighed heavily as it 
seemed their only connection to the girls was gone until Setsuna perked 
	"Wait, you mean the wands are with Ami-chan and Rei-chan now?" 
Luna shrugged her feline shoulders.
	"I would assume so. They may not know the wands are close by, but 
Kira-san at least has them." Seeing the thoughtful expression on 
Setsuna's face she cocked her head. "Why?"
	"I think we can use that." She said carefully and everyone shifted 
in their seats curiously.
	"How?" Artimes asked and Setsuna thought hard.
	"Did she take their communicators too?" She asked and Luna shook 
her head.
	"Not as far as I know." Setsuna made a face. It would have been 
easy if she had, but if Kira still had their wands...
	"What are you thinking Setsuna-momma?" Hotaru asked and Setsuna 
looked up at the curious faces.
	"The reason the communicators work is that they can send off 
ultrasonic waves to each other and sense them so they can respond. But, 
often communicators are damaged. You are all able to tell when one of 
you has transformed, even if their communicator is not working correct?" 
They all looked at each other and Makoto nodded, remembering several 
times when Ami had tracked a senshi who wasn't responding." I believe 
that is because the communicators can also sense your transformation 
wands. And, now that Kira-san has their wands..."
	"We should be able to track them!" Usagi shouted and Setsuna 
	"I believe so. First we should try it using the wands that we have 
to see if it works. Then, if it does, we should tune them to search out 
Ami-chan and Rei-chan's wands. In theory, our communicators should ping 
off of them, like sonar, and we should be able to follow the pings to 
them." Everyone started thinking and smiling but Luna looked confused.
	"Tune them to Mars and Mercury's wands? How on Earth would we do 
that?" At that, Setsuna sighed.
	"If Ami-chan were here I would ask her. But without our resident 
genius, that part may take some time." There was a collective sigh in 
the room and Setsuna almost made a face. "I think Luna-san, Usagi-san, 
Mamoru-san and I should work on programming the communicators. The rest 
of you should work on using them to locate your own wands and figure out 
how to track specific senshi." Nods resounded about the room and Setsuna 
took a deep breath. At least now they had a plan.

Onwards to Part 8

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