Someday Out of the Blue (part 2 of 7)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Immeblue

Back to Part 1
next evening; hotel pool

Makoto people watched as she toweled the droplets of water off her 
body and hair. Her eyes scanned everyone, from the poolside waiters 
using all their charm on the rich patronage, to the teenage boys 
trying to get the girls to notice them and the girl pretending not 
notice. Everything, yet what interested her most were the children. 
She loved watching them, they looked so happy, as if their only care 
in the world is to have fun. Which it most likely was. 

Those early years were the best in her life. Her parents were still 
around to take care of her, there were no worries about money or 
whether or not someone would believe her lie about her parents 
whereabouts. All she had to do was have fun, and leave everything to 
them. It saddened her heart to realize that she has been married 
fifteen years and still had no children to safeguard that freedom and 
security for. 

Makoto sighed ‘15 years of marriage and no kids.' A familiar sense of 
depression overcame Makoto as she told herself that wouldn't have 
happened if she had been around more. As far as she was concerned it 
was another example of her being a failed wife. Her husband wouldn't 
have needed other women, and they would have had children by now if 
she had been a more dutiful and devoted partner. One who put her 
husband and family first. Makoto threw her head back on the pool chair 
‘I wanted a family and this is what I make of the chance. I'm such a 

"Mako!! Come here."

Makoto's head snapped up in the direction of the unfamiliar female 
voice. She relaxed as she saw that the woman wasn't talking to her, 
but was calling a child from the pool. She watched as a little 
chocolate skinned girl with midnight black hair, probably about age 5 
or 6, expertly swam to the edge of the pool and energetically climb 
out running to the woman. 

"Come along child," the woman said wrapping a towel around the girl 
"your mother expects you to dinner we mustn't keep her waiting." The 
girl gave the woman a questioning look as if she didn't understand, 
and only got a shove in the direction of the hotel entrance for her 
trouble. "Damn halfbreed, if your mother wanted to bring you back to 
Japan she should have at least taught you some Japanese," the woman 
jeered as she shoved little Mako forward again. This time the little 
girl turned around and screamed "stop shoving me," in English. Just as 
quick as she turned around, the girl dashed ahead into the hotel. The 
woman just huffed and muttered curses to the little girl and her 


Makoto watched as the woman ran after the child. She would've laughed 
at the situation if she wasn't upset about that nanny. ‘She shouldn't 
be saying things like that right in front of the kid,' but then she 
remembered the woman's words, and the child's confusion in the 
beginning, and amended "even if she can't understand." 

"where's that damn pool boy?" Makoto was a brought back to her own 
situation by Koan's snap. "I ordered my drink five minutes ago." She 
was tired of sitting at the pool, so she offered to get his drink. 
"I'll be back before you know it" she said jokingly as she left to get 

On the way there, however, she ran into the pool boy bringing Koan's 
drink, and decided to just get her own and return to her room. 

Sipping her drink at the bar, Makoto almost choked at the sigh in the 
mirror behind it. Again, there was the woman she had seen the morning 
of yesterday. And again, she couldn't see all of the woman's face, 
only this time more of her profile was visible to Makoto. The woman 
was surrounded by three men in dark suits, while she wore one of blue, 
shades lighter than her shoulder length hair. The foursome seemed to 
be occupied in a heavy conversation Makoto wasn't about to interrupt, 
even if she wanted to.

Staring at the woman in the mirror, Makoto sipped her wine as her mind 
slipped back eighteen years. 


"Mako," Ami pleaded "we don't have to do this." Tears were already 
soaking Ami's face, she couldn't believe what Makoto wanted. 

"Yes, we do Ami," Makoto answered as she struggled with herself to 
keep her back to Ami. The last thing Makoto wanted to see was Ami 
crying, and knowing she was the cause would more than quadruple the 
hurt and pain she already felt. 

"A lot of people have long distance relationships," Ami tried to keep 
her sobbing under control "why can't we?" 

"It's just best this way," Makoto's voice was tight, she was fed up 
explaining the same things to Ami. This would be the last night she'd 
do it. Ami was to leave for Harvard tomorrow morning.

"What if I stayed?"

Makoto had to turn around. Did Ami know how ridiculous that suggestion 
was? "You can't stay," Makoto bit out "you've worked for this all your 
life." She couldn't believe Ami was suggesting this "you can't pass up 
this chance Ami." 

Ami was desperate, this was the love of her young life standing in 
front of her, without a doubt her soul-mate. She couldn't just let it 
end like this. 

"There are excellent colleges in Japan, and wonderful medical schools 
I could go to anyone of them...."

Makoto's heart was singing it was what she had hoped Ami would decide 
to do when she had first started to send out applications. However, 
months of hearing Ami get excited about going to University , and 
listening to her plans for what she'd do when finally became a doctor, 
Makoto knew she couldn't stand in the way of that. Ami had to go. She 
closed her eyes as she realized Ami was going to make this harder than 
it had to be. Makoto was going to have to go to plan HELL.

Opening her eyes she gave Ami the most loathing look she could muster. 
It must have worked because Ami froze, even her tears appeared to have 
stalled. Makoto was in agony when she opened her mouth and let the 
frosty words through, "Ami just go, there is no reason for you to 
stay." Makoto systematically raised her tone and increased the menace 
in her voice to make her caustic words believable. "Don't you get it? 
I don't want a long distance relationship, and I don't want you to 
stay. You're such a smart girl I'm surprised you can't see the 
obvious." She paused to take a giant gulp of air before continuing. "I 
don't want to be with you anymore, so just get on that plane tomorrow 
and stay outta my life." 

The devastated look on Ami's whole countenance was too much to bear, 
Makoto had to get out of there. With one last look at Ami, her penance 
for the deed she just did, Makoto turned around, and within character 
stormed out of Ami's house.


Makoto called for a martini as she remembered the look on Ami's face 
that night. The devastation, the hurt, the feelings of rejection, the 
betrayal, the love. Yeah love, it was still there. The love Makoto saw 
there amongst the tumult was what made her hate herself. What made her 
cry herself to sleep in those early days. 

The knowledge that she caused the love of her life so much pain was 
hard to live with. Knowing that Ami still loved her despite it all was 
torture. ‘How deep Ami's love must have been that she'd still love me 
after I said that to her,' it was Makoto's constant thought. 

Though after a few months of Ami being away and not receiving a phone 
call or letter, Makoto's thoughts began to take on a different subject 
matter. She knew she didn't deserve either, but was living on a speck 
of hope that she would receive something, even a kiss off letter. 
Makoto figured the communication blackout /was/ her kiss off letter.

It was only with that realization that Makoto got back to normal. If 
you call suppressing all memory of, and feelings for, your 
ex-girlfriend, normal. 

Makoto finished her drink and left the bar. Surprised that in this 
huge hotel she was the only one waiting for the elevator, but it 
startled the sense out of her when a hand slide between the doors. The 
motion sensor picked it up and opened fully to let on another 
passenger. Makoto's eyes widened as they recognized they were finally 
seeing the front of the woman they had only ever recently seen in 
profile. There was no more air in the world as far as Makoto's lungs 
were concerned. She had to lean against the back of the elevator for 
support as she regain composure. All the while her eyes never left the 
other passenger.


"You look like you need a doctor Mako," Ami smiled as she came closer 
and placed a hand to Makoto's forehead. "You're really warm," she 
chuckled as she took it away and looked over Makoto's face "I'm 
positive it has something to do with your blush." 

Makoto couldn't believe her ears. ‘AMI!!!!!, no way.'

"Your beet red Mako," the elevator stopped on the sixth floor and Ami 
tuned to leave, but not without sending a few words over her shoulder 
"I wonder why?"

Makoto stared at her reflection in the mirrored doors, she couldn't 
believe it. She was blushing, and panting hard. ‘How could she affect 
me that way? I acted like a total idiot. I'm a grown woman for Kami 
sake' Makoto seethed with chagrin as the elevator opened to her own 

Onwards to Part 3

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