"Hey," Usagi said, not turning around from where she sat. "Pull up
some turf and sit a while."
Rei sat down gracefully, glancing at the blonde's profile. "Setsuna
told me to come here. To talk to you. Why?"
"You believe in past lives right?" Usagi asked, then, not waiting for
an answer, continued, "I remember mine. All of them."
Rei looked at Usagi in surprise, and interest. "W-what do you mean?"
"How long? How long have you had feelings for me?" Usagi asked
Rei's look of surprise changed to shock. "How.I mean, I don't know
what you are talking about!"
Usagi's mouthed curled into a slight smile. "As I said, I remember my
past lives. I've been a princess, and I've been a whore. A samurai
and a ninja. I've healed, and I've killed. I've been burned at the
stake, and have burned others. I've been a child, a maiden, a mother
and the crone. I've been a priestess and I've been a warrior. I have
met the others in those lives. Sometimes one, sometimes all, and
sometimes none.
"You however, have been with me for every single life I've lived. As
my mother and as my daughter. You've been my bodyguard, and I've been
yours. I have served you and you have served me. Most of the time
however, we've been lovers. You see, our souls are irrevocably
entwined. We are soul mates, and though others have tried to force us
apart, we have remained together. Our bond has stayed strong, and has
been strengthened.
"So I ask again. How long?" Usagi questioned, looking out over the
For several minutes, the priestess stayed silent, her struggle with
her thoughts and feelings made plain on her face. Finally, Rei looked
up, into the reborn moon princess's crystal blue eyes. "When you
first entered the shrine. I felt something, and at first I thought
you were the dark presence I had seen in the fire. As time went on,
and we fought our enemies, I realized that, well, that, when I'd first
seen you, I'd fallen for you.
"It doesn't matter though, You're the princess, and you'll marry
Mamoru, as it is destined. Besides, I'm just a warrior and a shrine
maiden, I am most definitely not worthy of you."
Usagi suddenly let out a bark of laughter. "Me, and Mamoru? Gods no!
The two of us haven't been dating for months! As for not being worthy
of me? I say to you what I've said in past lives, and what I'll say
again in the future. If you aren't worthy of me well, I'm not worthy
of you.
"I've already said it. We, the two of us, are soul-bound. All
through this life I've been looking for something, at first I thought
it was Mamoru, then, when I saw you, I caught an inkling that it was
you, but I shoved the thought down so far it couldn't be found.
Recently, however, I've been dreaming, remembering my past-selves, and
I was forced to pull that little inkling, the thought that you were
what I'd been looking for, up, into the light of day and examine it
and, ultimately, accept it. And I have. Accepted it, I mean."
Rei, refusing to feel the elation that was trying to bubble up, asked,
"What about Crystal Tokyo? What about Chibi-Usa?"
Usagi sighed and shook her head, muttering about stubborn, mule headed
priestesses, "I've already spoke with Pluto. Chibi-Usa still exists.
She is, in fact, on a date with Hotaru right now. Crystal Tokyo is no
longer around. However, I am told that the Moon and Earth have good
relations with each other."
Rei's eyes went wide as the implications of what Usagi said went
through her mind. "You mean.?"
Usagi's face broke out in a wide smile and she nodded her head, "I
mean." With that, Usagi leaned forward and soundly kissed the
surprised priestess.
Author Notes: This short little thing came to be when this paragraph
sprang into my head, and wouldn't leave.
'Usagi's mouthed curled into a slight smile. "As I said, I remember
my past lives. I've been a princess, and I've been a whore. A
samurai and a ninja. I've healed, and I've killed. I've been burned
at the stake, and have burned others. I've been a child, a maiden, a
mother and the crone. I've been a priestess and I've been a warrior.
I have met the others in those lives. Sometimes one, sometimes all,
and sometimes none.'
This is set sometime after the manga/show. When, I haven't a clue. I
wasn't told.
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