Someday, Hold Me Close to You (part 12 of 12)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Venus Reiko

Back to Part 11
"Why can't I drive?" Usagi asked, her eyes big and taking on an innocent 
shine. Makoto kept her eyes on the road and her hands firmly on the 
steering wheel.

"You know why. You almost killed us fives times in the past two weeks, 
including those two times with Rei and Minako. I know you've been really 
excited since you finally got your driver's license three weeks ago, but 
maybe you should just let me drive. Stick to driving Mamoru around... 
But not chibi-Usa!"

Usagi puffed her lips up into an indignant pout.

"Mamo-chan loves my driving." Makoto gave a slight chuckle.

"And how do you know that? Did he tell you?"

Usagi crossed her arms. She opened her mouth then closed it again, 
obviously hesitating.

", but I can tell he does by the way he smiles like this!" They 
stopped at a red light just at the right moment, and Makoto looked over 
at her odango-haired friend imitating her husband's 'grin' which looked 
more like a terrified child's mouth right before they let out a 
horrified scream.

Makoto stifled the huge wave of laughter threatening to erupt from her 
lips and snapped her eyes back to the road. The light turned green and 
she gently hit the gas pedal, resuming the girls' journey to a certain 
doctor's residence.

"What do you think Ami will do when she hears our plan?" Usagi inquired, 
her own eyes on the road. Makoto shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure she'll point out every flaw in it, or stay quiet, which 
means there's more flaws than we can count and she doesn't want to 
offend us. Or," she drug out the word, "she'll sit back and stay quiet." 
Usagi raised her dark eyebrows.

"You don't think she'll try to help us out? She's the only other person 
besides us that knows about Minako-chan's feelings for Rei-chan. And 
Ami-chan always wants to help!"

"I know, Usagi, but she'll probably feel like she's intruding on their 
lives if she secretly tries to get them together. Next to Minako, 
Ami-chan's the closest to Rei. She knows her boundaries and I don't 
think she'd want to cross them."

Usagi sighed and sunk back into her seat. It was silent for a few 
moments, but then she grabbed Makoto's arm and shouted, "MAKO-CHAN! IT 
CAN'T BE!" The car swerved to the right, then to the left, and Makoto 
pulled her arm away from Usagi to regain control back over the light 
green punch-buggy.

"Usagi!" she exclaimed, various car horns sounding all around them. "Are 
you TRYING to kill us?!" Usagi didn't answer but instead held onto her 
seatbelt for dear life, her eyes bulging out of their sockets.

As Makoto finally steadied the car and got it back into the proper lane, 
she took a deep breath.

"Man, Usagi... How are we ever gonna take you anywhere?"

Usagi lowered her head with a sniff, puffing out her bottom lip. "I'm 
sorry, Mako-chan. I can't control myself sometimes. I'll try harder from 
now on to be a better driver and passenger...I promise!"

Makoto tried to suppress a smile, but she couldn't. The smile she was 
fighting turned into a grin, and she laughed. Usagi slowly turned her 
eyes up to Makoto. When she saw Makoto had returned to normal self, she 
beamed happily.

"Alright, as long as you promise. Now what was it that you were going to 
tell me? And don't grab me this time, please... For both our sakes," 
Makoto pleaded.

"Well..." Usagi bit her lip and turned her head from Makoto. "What if... 
Ami-chan is in love with Rei-chan, too?"

Makoto's eyes grew considerably in size, and she slammed her foot on the 


Makoto dropped her hand from her throbbing head into her lap. She winced 
as she leant back into the comfortable reclining chair located on the 
left side of Ami's long coffee table. Her hand wandered back to her 
forehead, and she rubbed her brow.

Ami watched from her spot on the loveseat, located on the other side of 
the coffee table as she sat next to the (somehow) hyper Usagi.

"Wow! I can't get over how big this apartment is, Ami-chan!" the 
odango-haired girl exclaimed, her usual Cheshire grin in check, even 
with a silly bandage wrapped around her head. But Ami's focus remained 
on Makoto, who had a white bandage resembling Usagi's wrapped around her 
head as well, her bangs hanging over the front of it. The flower-shop 
owner just had a coin-sized bump, but Ami recommended keeping the 
bandage on for a few more hours. The pressure from the bandage would 
help the swelling go down quicker. Usagi, on the other hand, well... She 
wanted a bandage because she thought it made her look "cool"...

However, what troubled Ami most was the fact it was Makoto who had been 
driving and gotten into the small accident. If Usagi was in the driver's 
seat, then sure, Ami would believe that as being more probable. But 
Makoto...? Makoto liked to drive fast sometimes, but on an ordinary day 
she was as careful of a driver as Ami herself—excluding the whole 
clown/Mio incident which had occurred years ago. What would give Makoto 
the urge to simply stop in the middle of the highway?

"You must get lonely living here all by yourself." Usagi turned her head 
away from the dark-haired doctor before standing up and examining the 
lavish-and expensive-looking- computer desk, with an equally impressive 
computer resting on top of it. Her big, brown eyes scanned over the 
new-age technology, ending their observations on a small stone 
sculpture. It was a mix between a gargoyle and a human, along with a 
horse. Usagi let out a small shriek as she backed away, pointing a 
wobbly finger at the "abomination".

"W-What is that, Ami-chan?! It's scary! How can you sleep with 
it j-just sitting there?! Watching?!"

Makoto clenched her teeth and slammed her eyelids closed at the sound of 
Usagi's high-pitched voice. She let out an irritated mixture between a 
sigh and a growl and smothered her face with one of Ami's light-blue 
throw pillows.

"And I just got my license back, too..." Makoto cried, her voice muffled 
by the pillow. "The guy said I'd be suspended from even touching a 
steering wheel for the next seven months."

"Oh, that's right! I'd forgotten you had it suspended for speeding 
before." Ami raised her eyebrows at Makoto. "Is that why you were in an 

Makoto removed the pillow from her face and set it in her lap. She shook 
her head as she let out a sigh.


"No?" That's when Ami heard someone cough next to her. She watched Usagi 
take her seat back next to her, but left a good amount of distance 
between them. The odango-haired woman folded her hands together then 
stretched them out in front of herself, yawning as she did so. She 
looked away from Ami's general direction, gazing innocently at the 
ceiling. Ami smiled.

"What is it, Usagi-chan?" Usagi's eyes grew and she turned them to Ami.

"What do you mean, Ami-chan?"

It was obvious that Usagi wanted to say something by the way she was 
acting—anyone could see that. Makoto's impersonation of Rei's evil death 
glare aimed at the young mother gave more proof to that.

"I didn't get into that accident because of speeding," Makoto said, her 
voice dangerously low. Usagi gulped loudly, but still refused to look at 
Makoto. "Go on, Usagi. Tell Ami what you told me."

At this point, Ami was completely clueless. Makoto's headache was 
obviously getting the best of her, but she'd never spoken so harshly to 
Usagi before. Then again, she'd just lost her pride and joy for another 
seven months. Next to making food and flower arranging, driving was 
something Makoto loved. And, as it seemed so far, it was the former Moon 
princess' fault that she'd lost that privilege.

"Usagi-chan?" Ami asked softly. Usagi bit her lip and then slapped her 
hands onto her thighs, signifying she'd finally broken down.

"I...I, uh... Well, Ami-chan... You and Rei-chan are close, and I..." 
Usagi made eye contact with her friend but was quick to break it. 

Makoto sighed and leant forward in her seat. "Usagi asked me, 'What if 
Ami-chan is in love with Rei-chan?', and that caught me off-guard, so I 
just slammed my foot on the brakes. The car behind us crashed into me, 
and the care behind that one crashed into the one behind us, and... 
Well, I think you can put everything else together."

Ami's jaw dropped. love...with Rei?!

" love...with Rei-chan?" she spoke aloud. Usagi grinned at her 
nervously and shrugged. Ami took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. 
"Where on Earth did she ever get that idea...?"

Makoto grew wary when Ami didn't answer. She examined the dark-haired 
doctor closely, struggling with her words.

"A-Ami-chan?" she asked softly. "You're not...are you?"

Ami smiled. "Of course not. Rei-chan is nothing more than a good friend 
of mine, just like you and Usagi-chan."

"Have you ever been in love, Ami-chan?" Usagi suddenly asked, catching 
both Makoto and Ami off-guard. Ami found herself slipping back into her 
old teen-aged habits. She turned her head down to her hands in her lap, 
watching them cross and uncross repeatedly. She wasn't sure if she could 
really answer that question. What she felt before... She still 
questioned whether what she felt all those years ago was indeed love, or 
just a strong attachment to that person.

Ami knew the moment she looked into Usagi's big, brown eyes she would 
cave in. Lying was something she was never particularly good at, and 
when it came to Usagi, it was as if the whole concept of even a white 
lie was preposterous. And after all, it was the owner of those innocent 
eyes who put the question of whether or not love existed into the young 
doctor's heart.

So instead, Ami looked at Makoto as she answered.

"I...don't think so." She bit her lip and shook her head. "No. I 
haven't." Usagi frowned sadly.

"We need to find a boyfriend for you, Ami-chan!" she exclaimed. "When 
Rei-chan and Minako-chan get together, you'll be the only one still 
single." Usagi balled up her fists at her chest and shot up from the 
couch, startling her friends. "We can't have that! Mako-chan, it looks 
like we'll be doing over-time for the next couple of months!"

"Oh, no," Makoto waved her hands in front of herself. "Your 'Operation: 
Minako-chan and Rei-chan: love-love' thing is enough excitement for me. 
Let Ami find someone on her own, alright?" Usagi crossed her arms and 
plopped back onto the couch, pouting her bottom lip out.

"'Love-love'...?" Ami asked. Makoto nodded.

"Yeah. It's the title of Usagi's love mission for Rei and Minako. She 
won't leave well enough alone as usual, it seems. But... They're kind of 
why we're here."

"Hey! You're the one who called and told me you'd help me, Mako-chan!" 
Usagi retorted. Makoto rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, we need your help. We have a plan, but we needed your 

"My approval?" Ami cocked an eyebrow curiously. "Why mine?"

Usagi grinned. "Because you're the smart one! And you know better than 
us what kind of date Rei-chan would be into. Minako-chan is the senshi 
of love, so I don't think she'd object to any date we set them up on." 
She sighed dreamily and leant back onto the couch. "It'll be so 
romantic... Rei-chan will have to admit her feelings!" Ami smiled at her 
former princess. She found it endearing how Usagi only wanted the best 
for everyone, regardless if they were good or bad. Her friends were the 
luckiest, though, since she was constantly striving to make sure that 
they were happy. Generosity and kindness were definitely traits from 
Princess Serenity Usagi had retained when she was reborn on earth, and 
Ami was grateful for that.

"What's the plan, Usagi-chan?" Ami questioned.

"Well," Makoto chimed in. "Usagi and I will watch over the shrine some 
time this week so they get to spend the whole day together."

"And," Usagi continued on, "We'll set up pre-paid dinner reservations 
for the two of them at that really fancy restaurant that just opened up 
in Central Juuban. Then... Well, we haven't gotten that far yet." Usagi 
and Makoto grinned sheepishly and turned to see Ami's reaction. Usagi 
was stunned but Makoto wasn't when Ami didn't jump up and down to praise 
them endlessly.

"Well... Rei-chan and Minako-chan spending the whole day together sounds 
like a good idea, and dinner as well, but... Something has to come 
before the dinner."

"Like an appetizer?" Usagi eagerly asked. Ami giggled.

"Yes, Usagi-chan; like an appetizer. I would say a movie, but 
Minako-chan would have a higher risk of getting swarmed by fans there, 
and Rei-chan doesn't really enjoy anything that has to do with the 
entertainment industry that much. Definitely not a concert."

Makoto scoffed. "Could you even imagine Rei at a concert? Sweaty people 
slamming into her, loud noises, fights... Heh, that'd be a sight to 

"Rei-chan doesn't like anything! How are we ever going to come up with 
an appetizer?!" Usagi shouted.

Ami thought back to the night she and Rei had slept at Crown, when she 
was avoiding her mother and Rei was avoiding her father. They'd talked 
so much that night, and it was the first time Ami had opened herself up 
to someone so much. She liked to think it was a first for Rei as well. 
She never could have imagined Rei could be such a care-free adolescent 
much like Usagi, and just simply be happy. Even with her father's men 
lurking outside of the Crown karaoke, she lived it up as if the moment 
would last forever.

They'd talked about everything from school to the senshi; from Rei's 
dislike of singing to Ami's interest in medicine. Then the topic of 
Sailor Venus, or rather Aino Minako, had come up. Rei'd been dancing 
around it for most of the night, but when she finally started talking 
about her, it was easy to see she'd been thinking about the idol the 
whole night. She seemed frustrated, angry, irritated. She couldn't 
understand Minako's brainless actions, and why she wouldn't join the 

"If she's the leader," Rei had said, "then she should be standing next 
to us when we fight. I'm not going to be led by someone who I can't 
trust." And much softer, "...someone who can't trust me."

After that discussion, the two teen-agers had a lengthy silence come 
between them. Ami knew what, or rather who Rei was thinking about, but 
she felt it'd be best to let the subject drop for the time being. It 
wasn't until Ami began to doze off that Rei had spoken up again. She 
asked Ami if she'd ever seen a Kabuki performance. Ami hadn't, but Rei 
was happy to explain every detail of it. She'd gone on to say how her 
mother would take her to a Kabuki show every other weekend until she 
became ill. When her mother finally passed on, her father dropped her 
off at her mother's father's shrine and promised he'd be back for her 
when the "time was right". Apparently that time never came.

Rei tried to give off the impression she didn't care all that much; that 
she was better off at the shrine anyhow. But, Ami knew that the wound 
her father had given her was still fresh, and pushing Rei to talk more 
about it would just be pouring salt all over it. Ami herself had an 
absent father, but she at least had her mother.

"How about Kabuki?" Ami said aloud, and both Usagi's and Makoto's heads 
perked up.

"Kabuki? Is Rei into that?" Makoto inquired, and Ami nodded.

"Yes. She mentioned to me once that's she very fond of it, but hasn't 
seen a performance since her mother passed away. If she were open to it, 
I think it'd put her in a really good mood and perhaps things between 
she and Minako would progress more smoothly through dinner and 

Usagi gasped. She broke out into a wide grin and clapped her hands 
together. "Great idea, Ami-chan! Ah, you're so amazing! I wish I could 
be that smart!" Ami blushed.

"You are smart, Usagi-chan."

"So, now all we have to do is set everything up," Makoto said. "Rei's 
going to be reluctant at first, but maybe with a little push, she'll 
give in. She's been more protective of her shrine than usual lately, but 
I'm guessing it's because of the lack of sponsorship. All we have to do 
is make sure we take good care of it." She looked at Usagi, who was 
glancing around the room and blowing air through her lips.

"Here that, Usagi? And we can't go snooping around Rei's room either," 
she paused. "Well, maybe a little bit of snooping wouldn't hurt..." 
Usagi grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling.

"What ever happened with Rei-chan and Minako-chan last night anyhow? Did 
Rei-chan happen to go into any detail about her dream-memories?" Ami 
asked. Makoto shook her head, her light brown ponytail swaying slightly 
with the movement.

"Nope. And if she did, Minako didn't tell me anything about it. But it's 
so strange... A good chunk of our memories were restored when we needed 
them. But hers... I guess like Luna said: she didn't want them."

Usagi looked between her two friends, debating whether she should let 
them know what was on her mind. Something big was going to happen very 
soon, but the feelings she had about it were scattered. She wasn't a 
psychic like Rei, or as book-smart as Ami, but it was easy to see the 
normal life they had now would be changing not too long from then, and 
quickly. It was only a matter of time before the change begun.

She shook her head. They were having a nice get-together despite the 
small accident. Why ruin it?


She could hardly think, let alone feel much of anything. All she could 
feel was a distinct and unfamiliar burning on her lips. The more she 
thought about the lingering of the idol's soft lips on hers, the hotter 
the room became. She opened her eyes and looked into the mirror.

Yes, Hino Rei's face was completely flushed.

She brought her right hand from it's resting place on the sink counter 
and ran her index finger over her reddened lips.

"So... That's what a kiss is like. I guess it's...not so bad," Rei 
thought to herself, running her finger back and forth over her bottom 
lip. "I hadn't really expected it. Why did she do it, anyway? Maybe she 
thought I wanted her to... But still, she's never been one to do what I 
want to do. Not that I wanted her to! Well..."

The image of Minako's lips hovering above her own sprang into her mind. 
Her stomach did numerous flip-flops and she found it hard to breathe all 
of the sudden. She gazed into the mirror, watching as her lips parted 
slightly so that she could fill her lungs with some much needed air. She 
realized at that moment she was still the Hino Rei she'd once been. She 
was no longer an awkward, struggling teen, but rather a grown, somewhat 
awkward and struggling woman. She hated the fact she'd grown so much yet 
matured so little. But maybe that was it. She'd matured way before her 
time in her teen years because of the situation she had grown-up into. 
Besides her grandfather-who she rarely saw as time went on- there was no 
real adult guidance in her life; no one to show her how to mature. All 
she really had was her duties to the shrine.

And that brought her back to her present 'dilemma'. Had she grown up 
with her mother, or at the least her father, would she still be feeling 
these torrents of unfamiliar emotions over a simple first kiss? At the 
age of twenty-two, no less? Or would things in her love-life had come 
out differently altogether?

Rei pried her eyes away from her image in the mirror, forcing them on 
the otherwise uninteresting stone tile which covered the bathroom floor.

"So many people want to kiss her, but she kissed ME... It makes me 
wonder... Does she kiss people often? It may have been my first kiss, 
but something tells me it wasn't hers. It only makes sense though that 
it wouldn't be, I suppose... She's a pop-idol, and I'm betting there's a 
lot of pressure to be romantically involved with other various 
celebrities or—ick, politicians. And from what I catch from Usagi's 
babbling when either I go to her house or she bothers me here, Minako's 
probably... She's probably..." Rei's eyebrows furrowed. "Has she...gone 
further than kissing?"

Rei let out an irritated growl. "But why wouldn't she? That's what women 
my age are 'supposed' to do; fall in love, sleep with a couple people, 
and get hurt repeatedly by those who supposedly 'love' them."

She pushed herself off of the sink in one movement and faced the door, 
unconsciously taking a deep breath. She reached for the door handle, 
lightly taking hold of it. She exhaled slowly, and with a flick of the 
wrist, the door was slid open. Minako sat there with a manga in her 
hand, looking uncharacteristically interested in what she once told Rei 
she considered 'childish'. Rei raised an eyebrow and then walked over to 
the side of the low table, opposite to the idol. She ungracefully 
plopped onto the ready and waiting maroon cushion and crossed her legs 

"I didn't think someone like you would have such a large amount of 
manga," Minako said, her gaze remaining on the book. Rei wasn't sure if 
she should be offended or not, but she kept her mouth closed 

"I was surprised by it the last time I was here. I saw you as more of 
the 'Learn to Read Palms Like a Pro in Five Simple Steps' kind of girl." 
She looked up at Rei and smirked, to which Rei responded by rolling her 
eyes and snorting.

"I don't need a book for that. Priestess' should be able to read people 
by their body language, their way of speech, and most importantly, their 
eyes. You could read anyone by focusing on their eyes."

"Really? How's that?" Minako asked.

"Well... It's simple. Whenever a person begins to think, their eyes 
usually dart around, pause on something, then move around again. But if 
you watch closely, you can see dozens of emotions run across their eyes 
within those few seconds. When they look back at you, at least two of 
those dozens of emotions stick in their eyes. You just have to observant 
and be able to identify those emotions."

"Is that so?" Minako closed the manga and looked straight into Rei's 
dark eyes. A slight smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "So... Have 
you ever done that with me? Tried to...identify my emotions?"

Rei shrugged as she turned her head away. "Does it matter?"

"I'm curious. Humor me." Minako took notice of the tiny blush forming 
under Rei's cheeks and how she fidgeted.

"Yuuichiro probably needs help with dinner. He's most likely already 
made a huge mess-" As Rei started to stand up, Minako leant over the 
table and grabbed her wrist. Rei shot her a questioning look.

"On a first name basis already?" she teased. "I'm sure your boyfriend's 
doing just fine. It's cute how he got here only this morning yet you're 
terribly worried about him already. When's the wedding? Am I invited?" 
Minako didn't think Rei would catch the jealous undertone in her voice 
since Minako herself could barely recognize it. She admitted she wasn't 
amazing at acting-singing was more her forte- but the small roles she'd 
played in various Japanese soap operas really paid off.

Then again, maybe she did have some talent in the craft of acting. She 
did, after all, convince a generally smart group of teen-aged girls that 
she was the Princess of the Moon for a good five, six months. She was 
sure she could have kept up the façade until the day she died too, but 
just because she could didn't mean she would. Pretending to be someone 
she wasn't had kept her secluded for far too long. Minako didn't like to 
be alone. Her over-load of concerts and benefits, chance meetings with 
Usagi, and of course, her constant teasing of Rei to bait her to chase 
the idol were nonchalant ways to show that. Millions of screaming fans 
and ill-tempered priestesses were the only things that kept her sane 
after her tumor was discovered.

"He's not my boyfriend," Rei said, a glower directed towards Minako as 
she sat back down. "I don't trust him in my kitchen, that's all."

Minako continued to smile at Rei, further irritating the priestess.

"Why are you here, anyway?" Rei asked. Minako re-opened the manga and 
pretended to read.

"I had nothing to do after a local radio interview and I thought maybe 
we could talk some more about your memories. Plus, you sort of invited 

"There's not much to say," Rei replied. "Besides the fact they've been 
giving me huge headaches."

Minako closed the manga. "That tends to happen. Try having a brain tumor 
and then those memories prying their way into your brain. It's not fun." 
Minako leant on her left hand while her right grabbed the manga so she 
could place it back into it's spot on the short bookshelf next to Rei's 
beside. Rei glanced over, her eyes trailing down to the smooth skin 
being exposed by Minako's hiking shirt. The shirt stopped shyly above 
her bellybutton, giving Rei a perfect view of the idol's firm stomach. 
She tried to rip her eyes from the sight, but she couldn't. It was just 
her stomach... But still, the skin looked so flawless, and for a moment 
Rei wondered if the rest of Minako's body looked that smooth, that 
flawless... She thanked the gods the table was hiding the idol's legs, 
because if it weren't, she'd get a full view up Minako's skirt. Her 
heart sped up and she once again tried to pull her eyes away, but she 
couldn't. It didn't help that time seemed to be going slower and slower 
with each passing second.

Minako slid the book into it's proper resting place and sat up, pulling 
her shirt down. She looked at Rei, who was still staring at her. She 
raised a well-groomed eyebrow.


Rei was startled from her day-dream and shifted her eyes to Minako's.


"You were staring."

Rei blushed and turned her head away. "Sorry, was I?"

Minako nodded, wondering if she should pursue her curiosity and question 
Rei or change the subject. She decided on the latter.

"So, can you actually read palms? I'm sure the shrine customers ask you 
to do that sometimes. Or did you bring up reading people by their body 
language and eyes because you can't read palms?"

Rei crossed her arms and sighed.

"Of course I can. But I don't really believe in it. It's more for 
amateur, wannabe-psychics than anything."

Minako shrugged. "I think you're saying those things because you can't 
do it. You just don't want to admit that you yourself are in fact an 
amateur." This produced the desired effect for Minako. She heard Rei 
grunt and watched as the priestess stood up and marched over to her, her 
miko robe swishing. Rei sat on her legs, directly facing the side of 
Minako. Minako rose her eyebrows and feigned confusion.

"What is it?"

Rei grabbed Minako's right hand with more force than she intended to, 
but Minako barely reacted. The idol smirked to herself.

"Teasing always works with her."

Rei studied the lines on Minako's hand closely, looking for the littlest 
ones first rather than the more obvious big ones that represented life 
and love. It was true she didn't believe in the whole concept of palm 
reading, but Minako had challenged her, and Lord knows she could never 
back down from a challenge brought on by the singer. Rei was determined 
to prove to the woman that it was all a hoax.

She ran her index finger over a small line running down from Minako's 
ring finger to her life line. Rei wanted to avoid her life line for as 
long as she could, but her curiosity (and concern) got the best of her. 
Her finger began to trace down the rather long life line, Minako's 
chocolate-brown eyes watching her closely. Minako tried to ignore the 
urge to shiver; not only was Rei unintentionally tickling her, but any 
touch from the priestess was enough to make Minako's heart do triple 

Rei narrowed her eyes. "This is strange..." Her voice was barely above a 
whisper, but Minako heard it.

"What is?" Rei gulped and shook her head slightly.

"Your life line... It-It's longer than any I've ever seen." She took a 
look at a few more of the lines, noticing how the little ones were 
showing how Minako enjoyed singing, attention, performing, 
Rei traced her finger over Minako's extensive love line, the 
pitter-pattering of her heart increasing rapidly. That's when Minako's 
hand gently enclosed around Rei's own. Rei's lips parted as her breath 
caught in her throat.

Minako ran her hand over Rei's before slipping her fingers through the 
priestess' and intertwining their fingers together. Rei watched as her 
own closed around Minako's, her body acting to it's own accord. She 
turned her head and the idol's eyes crashed into her.

"Minako..." Their grip tightened on each other, and Minako's thumb 
gently caressed Rei's.

"So...Do you still think palm reading is a hoax?" Rei blushed and turned 
her eyes back down to their hands. She hesitated, opening and closing 
her mouth every few seconds. Finally, she found her voice.


"Hino-san!" came a voice from the other side of the door. Rei jumped up, 
she and Minako's contact broken.

"Hino-san! Dinner's about ready! Hino-san!"

Rei whispered curses to herself and hurriedly rushed to the door. She 
flung it open and saw Yuuichiro standing there, apron tied around his 
waist and that goofy grin plastered on his stubbly face.

"What?!" He didn't even so much as wince at the priestess' tone of 
voice, or even seem to notice Minako fiercely glaring at him from behind 
the table.

"Dinner's ready. I assumed Aino-san would be eating with us, so I fixed 
a place for her next to you. Since we haven't seen each other in a 
while, I wasn't completely sure if your eating habits changed or not. 
From what I vaguely remember, you could eat a whole lot, so I made 
various different sorts of food. Oh! And I remember how you especially 
liked vegetables, so I fried up several different kinds of them. Is 
asparagus still your favorite?"

Rei furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "I hate asparagus."

Yuuichiro's energetic smile vanished into a sad frown.

"Darn... I made a lot. Maybe it was grandpa who liked asparagus..."

As Rei watched Yuuichiro's facial expression turn more and more pathetic 
with each passing second, she felt a small twinge of guilt. It was true 
he'd just interrupted a moment between she and Minako that part of her 
(Mars, perhaps?) had been waiting for, and he'd also ruined a chance for 
the two of them to talk about Rei's recovered memories, and why ALL of 
them seemed to involve the former Venusian princess. However, it's not 
like he could have known. He barely knew Rei for Kami-sama's sake. And 
come on! He thought she actually LIKED asparagus!

"Although," she thought to herself, "he was right on target with 
grandfather. He loved that hellish vegetable."


Minako blew air through her lips as she listened to her manager prattle 
on about how staying even a week longer than planned in Tokyo wouldn't, 
and couldn't possibly ever happen in this lifetime. They both knew that 
in the end Minako would win out though, but she allowed her manager to 
carry on and his little 'rant' about how her popularity would drop, 
record sales would fall, the apocalypse would come, this, that and the 
other thing... She heard him take a deep breath, and it notified her 
that he was finished.

"Ok, Minako-chan. You win. We can linger around Tokyo a bit longer if 
you'd like, but only for an extra two weeks. I can not, and absolutely 
will not grant anymore time than that. Got it?"

"Hai, manager-san. Alright, I will. Wait, tomorrow morning? But-- Ok. 

Minako slid her cell phone closed and sighed. Two weeks was nothing even 
NEAR to what she wanted as an extension on her 'vacation', but she would 
take what she could get. Even though her manager could break and give in 
to some demands, she was sure he would never grant her request to stay 
there an extra month or even three weeks more. That's when he'd lay down 
the authoritarian tone and ask her why she would be crazy enough to even 
ask such a thing and how her fans would feel. He knew that's what would 
really get to her.

She felt the crisp spring wind blow through her chocolate locks, the 
setting sun showing the natural, dirty blonde streaks trying desperately 
to break through all the brown. The pop-idol looked towards the Hikawa 
Jinja, wondering how Rei would take the news. She hoped the woman would 
be pleased, but then again...

"...You'll just have to put up with me for a month, and then I'll 
leave." Minako stated. Rei raised her eyebrow.


"I promise."

But things had changed over the past week and a half. Besides the little 
arguments here and there-and the dream-memories- the atmosphere had 
lightened up significantly. And with the way things were progressing 
that day...

Minako pressed two fingers to her soft lips, the warmth from Rei's 
lingering still. She thought back to the many times in her youth when 
she'd simply stared at Rei's light crimson lips while they moved as she 
talked, and how she'd longed to taste them. And that afternoon, she 
finally had. Not fully, but it was a little preview, nonetheless. Minako 
didn't like to be teased and unable to retaliate. She always got what 
she wanted, and the gods seemed to be teasing her by dangling Rei in 
front of her face while sending annoying little distractions to prevent 
her from seeing her goal through. One of the distractions was with the 
object of her affections at that very moment, actually...

But she would make sure he'd be moved out of the way soon. After all, 
Aino Minako always got what she wanted.


Rei glanced out of the window at Minako, watching as she idly messed 
with her nails out of what Rei assumed to be boredom. She hadn't said 
much as she passed Rei on the way out, only mentioning something about 
how she had to call her manager and let him know where she was at 
because he grew worried when she didn't drop him a call every hour or 
so. Rei rolled her eyes and looked down to the dish her hands were 
preoccupied with washing.

"She's a grown woman now, but he still acts as if he's her babysitter. 
Hmm, speaking of guardians... I know Minako has parents, but why hasn't 
she ever mentioned them? I'm curious, but I won't bring it up just in 
case it's a sore subject for her. Kami-sama knows I'm not too chatty 
when it comes to the subject of my parents."

Without warning, her eyelids started to slowly slide closed. Her soapy 
hands lost hold of the dish, and it sank into the water to the bottom of 
the sink. She shook her head lazily, trying to get out of the dizzy 
stupor she was falling in to. But it was no use. Resilient 
dream-memories mixed with a total of four hours of sleep didn't exactly 
work to her advantage.

Minako stepped into the kitchen with Artemis in her arms, quickly 
scanning the room for Rei. She found her target at the sink, but her 
eyes widened as she watched the priestess slowly descend backwards onto 
the ground. She gasped.


Yuuichiro shot his head up, and before Minako could even step forward, 
he sprinted and caught Rei right before she almost fell onto the hard 
wooden floor. Minako hastily put Artemis onto the ground and then ran 
the small distance over to the pair and kneeled down in front of Rei. 
Artemis made a small sound of concern as he hid discretely under the 
dining table to watch the scene unfold.

"Hino-san...Hino-san!" Yuuichiro called out, but there was no response. 
Rei hung limply in his arms, her head falling to the side. Her long hair 
fell over the side of her face, but Minako was quick to push it away. 
She lightly grasped the sides of Rei's face, her calm demeanor she'd 
adopted for these types of situations coming into play. She knew 
dream-memories had these types of side-effects and how excruciating the 
headaches that came along with them could be. At that moment, Rei was 
lapsing into the dream world. All that Minako and Yuuichiro would be 
able to do, was wait.


Rei took a look down the long corridor that connected all of the young 
senshi's rooms together, her eyes scanning every dark corner she could 
manage to see. She was playing a game of hide-and-seek, but not 
willingly. Minako had told Rei to meet her at the goddess of love's room 
in a few minutes, since Luna and Artemis wanted a quick word with her. 
Rei hadn't replied; she'd simply grumbled and stormed off.

The little 'meeting' between Minako and the two Lunar advisors ended 
earlier than Rei originally predicted it would, so when she heard Minako 
calling out her name from just a few paces behind her, she sprinted down 
the corridor to hide. She didn't want to be around the Venusian princess 
longer she had to be, and the last thing she wanted was to be stuck in a 
room with her...ALL NIGHT.

"Mars?" Came Minako's high voice. Rei peeked her head out from behind 
the corner to see just how close the blonde really was, and to her 
horror, she was two arms lengths away. Rei pulled her head back quickly 
when Minako turned in her direction, praying that the girl hadn't caught 
sight of her. Minako's eyes widened and she tilted her head when she saw 
something move further into the darkness. She cursed herself for being 
short, or else she could've reached up and grabbed one of the candles 
hanging from the wall to illuminate the hallway better. She squinted her 
blue eyes and took a step forward, and Rei pushed herself further into 
the corner.

Minako somehow was able to see familiar long, raven-colored hair 
disappear behind a bend and that's when she knew she'd found her. 
Wanting to fool Rei into thinking she'd won their little game, Minako 
sighed and strutted off into the other direction.

When she was sure the blonde was gone, Rei slowly crept out of the 
corner. She looked to the right and then to the left, the hall seemingly 
completely empty besides herself. She let out a relieved sigh.

As she began the walk back to her room, Minako glanced out from another 
corner. She waited for Rei to pass her, then she went into attack mode. 
Rei reached for the silver handle to her room, but paused when she felt 
a presence nearby.

"Who's-" she was abruptly cut-off when Minako leapt onto her and tackled 
her to the ground. They rolled down the hallway in a mess of limbs, each 
girl grunting as they're bodies rapidly switched places and slammed onto 
the floor. In the end, Rei came out on top (literally) and glared down 
at the princess under her. She held Minako's arms at her sides, only 
partially surprised she hadn't put up much of a fight.

"What are you doing?!" Rei growled. Minako smirked.

"Catching you before you backed out of our plans."

Rei scoffed. "'Our' plans? I never agreed to this juvenile slumber party 
of yours. Besides, I'm busy."

She made a move to get off of Minako, but Minako grabbed the collar of 
her coat and pulled her back down. Startled by the close contact, Rei 
stared at the blonde as a small blush spread over her cheeks. She was 
grateful there was hardly any light.

"We all know you're not busy. Come on... It'd be a great way to get our 
friendship off to a running start." Minako flipped their positions with 
ease, now holding Rei's hands to her sides as she hovered above her. 
After about a minute of struggling, Rei gave up. She knew she could 
easily push Minako off if she wanted to, but for some reason she 
couldn't bring herself to do so.

"I got you out of a harsh punishment from Luna and Artemis only minutes 
ago, so you owe me. You may not like it, but it's my duty as leader of 
the senshi to understand and get to know all of my comrades as best I 
can. Mercury and Jupiter don't seem to be too difficult to understand, 
but you..." Minako gazed into Rei's amethyst orbs, watching the gleam in 
them disappear then reappear every time she moved them.

"You confuse me. You're different from everyone else here."

Rei furrowed her eyebrows. "What was my punishment for?"

Minako pulled back and pushed herself up. She stood up and helped Rei to 
her feet.

"'Being disobedient and disagreeable'. The two of them seem to think 
that you're not fitting into the senshi as well as you should have. But 
I told them we all have issues... Even me. But only little ones, of 
course." Rei rolled her eyes at the arrogant girl before her and crossed 
her arms.

"However, I assured them I'd take care of you. I told them about our 
sleepover tonight and they think it's a great idea, so... Now it's kind 
of an obligation for you to show up." Rei's eyes shot completely open 
and her jaw dropped. Minako smiled innocently and put a hand on the fire 
senshi's shoulder.

"I'm not so sure about the others, but... I see a lot of potential in 
you. The only thing you need to do is awaken that potential. It just so 
happens that I've been chosen to help you do that. We'll begin working 
on your people skills at tomorrow's masquerade since that seems to be 
your biggest flaw." Rei shrugged the Venusian's hand off and shook her 
head in disbelief.

"I can't believe this. You did this on purpose!" she spat angrily.

"You are disagreeable. Let's get a move on!" She grabbed Rei's hand and 
began pulling her along to her room. When Rei loosened her grip, Minako 
would just tighten her own. And then, Rei opted to drag her feet and 
slow Minako down quite a bit. But Minako was just as strong-willed and 
as stubborn as Rei. She took hold of Rei's other flailing hand and 
continued on with their short journey, this time walking backwards to 
face Rei. Eventually Rei fell onto her butt, but Minako didn't care. She 
drug the Martian all the way to her room, regardless of the kicks and 
threats being exchanged between the two. Saying it was 'going to be a 
long night' was an understatement.

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