Sailor Moon V: The Dark Adventures of the Sailor Scouts (Prologue)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Troy "Silver" Stanton

I'm going to try to keep this as simple as I can, so bear with me 
while I explain exactly how I've cheerfully mangled the Sailor Moon 
plot lines. 

Sailor Moon V is a parallel story line to the original Sailor Moon 
story line. The split occurs between the American-Dubbed Episodes #6 
(Time Bomb) and #7 (An Uncharmed Life). There, the first Dark 
Adventure of mine takes place (entitled "For The Love Of Mercury"). 
After that, the story lines run roughly parallel up until Episode #40 
(Day Of Destiny). The major change with that episode is that no one 
loses their memories and Serena keeps the Crescent Moon Wand. At that 
point, the Sailor Moon plot line goes one way while the Sailor Moon V 
plot takes a sharp turn to deep left field. 

I've already received several complaints about minor discontinuities 
in the stories. Keep in mind that this is a parallel plot and that 
small details may be out-of-order by either accident or design (or 
ignorance of the real answers). Also, keep in mind that my only source 
for information about the Sailor Moon "world" is from the American 
episodes from DIC. The known and obvious discontinuities are: 

The incorrect spelling of Lita (I always heard it as Leda. I liked it 
so I kept it. Makes more sense, too, if you know alot about Greek 

Darian's jeep (I knew he had a bike, but I wasn't sure about the car 
he drove. Having a jeep sounded cool so I let him have one). 

Ami and Greg never really hit it off (namely because Ami has Tolaris). 

Mina and her family live in a studio apartment (sounded cool when I 
first wrote it). 

Chad's attitude towards Rei (Chad doesn't worship her as much as he 
does in the series and won't take a lot of her attitude). 

Zoisite's gender (keep in mind my source for this....) 

The incorrect spelling of Jaedite (wrote the 1st Episode before I 
found out how to correctly spell it). 

Lita's past relationships (I only know she once had a boyfriend named 
Freddy who dumped her. Everything else you read about her past was 
made up by me). 

The Shinto religion uses shrines instead of temples (tell that to the 
people who wrote the script for the US version). 

Another potentially fatal mistake is the number of liberties I've 
taken with this story. Fan-fiction means I get carte blanche with the 
story lines, but I do hope I didn't go overboard. FAIR WARNING: The 
first episode is rather clean and nice, but (IMHBEO) the plot quality 
kinda drops a bit in the second story ("By The New Moon's Light"). 
Also, starting with the 2nd Episode, there are certain scenes that 
some readers may not like (ie: The various Scouts get some with their 
boyfriends....), so if you don't go for that kind of stuff, you are 
advised not to read it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. <evil laugh> [Note: 
IMHBEO means In My Humble But Expert Opinion. Just so you know.] The 
list of liberties are as follows: 

Episode #1 (For The Love Of Mercury) 

Tolaris's powers are modeled after X-Men's Storm. 
Maze looks vaguely like Rei from "Vampire Hunter D". 
The name/group "Dragoons" was taken from the game "Final Fantasy II" 
Dyvach's name was adapted from "Taran Wanderer" by Lloyd Alexander. 
Ensign Tempest looks an awfully lot like X-Men's Storm :) 
The oft-used phrase "Ami, we've got to get you out more" was taken 
from a piece of fan-fiction entitled "Digital Moon" by Mike Koos. (I 
talked to Mike about that one and he kinda liked it. Thanks, Mike!) 

Episode #2 (By The New Moon's Light) 

Mina's ancestral lineage was based partly on Bram Stoker's Dracula. 
Daigan's name was taken from somewhere, but I can't remember where :( 
Daigan looks a LOT like Count Strahd from AD&D's RAVENLOFT campaign. 
Shar-Tei's reflex power came from Robotech. 

Episode #3 (Of Love And Crystal) 

The Napoleon reference was adapted from a routine by The Greaseman. 
("Napoleon, get your hand out of your pants and put it in your shirt. 
History will give you more respect that way....") 

Episode #4 (Shadows Of The Past) 

I make no apologies for the Smurf joke. 
The MechBlaster 3000 was modeled after the heavy assault weapon used 
by Drake and Vasquez in the movie "Aliens". 
The name Raijen stems from a mistranslation of Raiden. 
The Highlander references stemmed from a converstation I had with one 
of my fan-friends. Thanks for the input, Skywise! 

Episode #5 (Time Enough For Love) 

Reish'id's name was taken from that super-old arch-enemy of Batman 
from the Animated Series, Ra's Al-ghul (don't bother trying to figure 
out how I diddled with the spelling). 
Reish'id's voice is modeled after Shere Khan's from "Tale Spin". 
The village of Asleen is based on a city from the movie "Willow". 
The 'Dark' and related elements were taken from "Vampire Princess 

Episode #6 (The Return From Darkness) 

The names Alex, Susan, and Michelle in reference to the Outer Scouts 
were picked up from a discussion in rec.arts.anime, I belive (I could 
be wrong). I don't remember who said what, but my thanks to whomever 
was involved. 
The character of Mephisto was taken from the original anime movie 
"Demon City Shinjuku". 
The name Myst was taken from the interactive CD-ROM game made by 
whomever made it. (I don't know who did, but I really like the name). 

On the drawing board: Episodes #7 - #15. 

Yes, I really have things planned out that far. I won't say much about 
it, but I will be bringing in the Outer Scouts (ie: Saturn, Uranus, 
Neptune, and Pluto). I have *NO* idea how they came into the regular 
Sailor Moon series, so I'm making *all* of this up and there is *no 
way* any of you will be able to see any of this coming. <laugh> For those 
of you who've been waiting on edge since this 
started, Serena and Darian will finally go at it in an episode. It won't 
be graphic but you will get the general idea.... 

A few juicy highlights: The return of the Outer Scouts, a new Sailor 
Scout drops in (and she didn't come for Rei's tea....), more 
background on the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Millenium is revealed, 
General Rune cooks up one hell of a pop-tart (that's a nasty surprise, 
BTW), not one but two of the Negaverse's Top Ten Evil Hall of Famers 
returns from the darkness of the past to cross paths with the Sailor 
Scouts, and an entirely new set of beings from yet another dark and 
evil dimension crash-land into the lives of the Sailor Scouts. 

The names Kay, Morgan, and Minerva in reference to Sailor Scouts have 
been taken with permission from a piece of fanfiction entitled 

"Moonlit Destiny" by Bill Barbas. 

The name Zenaida came from a long-forgotten schoolmate, Zenaida 

The airborne carrier "Storm" has been loosely modeled after the Sky 

Pirate's "Iron Vulture" from Disney's "Tale Spin". 

On a serious note, if anyone out there feels like taking a potshot at 
writing their own Sailor Moon V episodes, just drop me a line at the 
below e-mail address with a brief summary of your story ideas and I'll 
probably let you run with it. A few ground rules however: 

1) [Rule #1 is no longer in effect. If you don't know what Rule #1 
was, then don't worry about it.] 

2) No major character goes kaput. If you create an original character 
of your own, feel free to bury that char at your leisure. Just don't 
have any of mine start pushing up daisies. 

3) Go easy on the blood. Granted Ami likes blood, but keep in mind her 
feelings on draining people. If they volunteer, feel free to drink up 
but not to any damaging excess. 

4) Just make sure you let your readers know that while your episode is 
based on characters and events that take place in my series, it is not 
part of my series. Call it a parody of a parody, if you will, but 
don't call it Sailor Moon V. (I'm not a lawyer, but a simple, 
quick-and-dirty disclaimer somewhere will work for me.) 

5) Rule 5? Simple: Take all the plotlines you can find about Sailor 
Moon, dump them in a blender, puree them until you get all of the 
lumps out, pour into a small air-tight can, screw the lid on, shake 
well, and serve with confidence that you've just written a damn good 
piece of fanfiction. (Whether that is true or not is up to the 
critics, but having an attitude sure helps your ego.) 

I have also been considering the idea of making a second series once I 
get this first one taken care of, whenever that may be. It'd be called 
Sailor Moon V * The Negaverse Chronicles. Basically, each episode 
would be about the life and views of the main denizen characters, 
starting with Raijen and working our way down the timeline down to 
Beryl's ascention to power and the start of the regular Sailor Moon 
series. This is only a rough idea since I'm still sorting out the 
ideas (delusions?) I keep getting about the current series. In short, 
this one is going to take awhile, so don't worry about seeing anything 
done. I just thought I'd tell you about it to keep you in a mild state 
of suspense for roughly a decade or so. <evil grin> 

For some strange reason, I found myself possessed during one rough 
weekend so I sat down on and typed up a lemon episode for SMV. After 
it was written and I sat back to wonder just WTF I had done, I started 
toying with the idea of making it a separate series (originally Sailor 
Moon L). I then had the idea of making it a sub-series of SMV. Since 
the original series was subtitled "The Dark Adventures of the Sailor 
Scouts," I eventually decided on naming this lemon series "Tales of 
the Night". Episode #1 has been released some time ago for public 
consumption, so if you can't find it, keep looking. As I now have two 
SMV series out, please use a caveat in the subject line when you're 
sending e-mail to me or any of the web page maintainers so we can get 
a clear idea of which series you're talking about (ie: SMV*DA for Dark 
Adventures and SMV*TN for Tales of the Night). 

It has been made aware to me that there is a group called the Psi-Corp 
on the television show "Babylon 5". I have never seen the show and any 
similiarities between Sailor Moon V and Babylon 5 are purely and 
entirely coincidential. It has also been made aware to me that another 
Sailor Moon fanfiction series makes use of the concept of 
'extradimensional pockets' for the Sailor Scouts. Again, any 
similiarities between Sailor Moon V and that series (I don't know the 
name of it) is purely and entirely conincidential. 

That should cover it, I hope. If anyone has any suggestions, 
questions, <sigh> flames, whatever, you can send it to my e-mail 

For those of you with Yahoo! Instant Messenger, I do make use of it 
whenever I've got my fat butt parked in front of the computer (the one 
that's connected to the Internet via fiber-optic cable, that is). So 
if you have that service as well (why, yes, I do Yahoo!), feel free to 
harass me (my ID is smvhq) if you manage to find me. Your best bets 
are Monday thru Friday between 7pm and 9pm Eastern Standard Time, as 
that's when I'm usually fresh home from work and trying very hard to 
relax on the Glass Dragon MUD (see below). (Note: Getting on the Glass 
Dragon to talk to me is probably a bad idea as I'd most likely be busy 
flirting with someone, so if you do check it out don't do it just 
because you want to shoot the breeze. I am, however, more than willing 
to help you figure out just what the bloody hell you're supposed to be 
doing on a MUD.) 

As of 22 November 1999, I am gainfully employed as a telcommunications 
specialist with The Centech Group, a sub-contractor on assignment for 
USAID. Since the vast majority of my time from Monday through Friday 
will now be spent either sitting in traffic, sitting at my desk, or 
sleeping, work on the series will, unfortunately, slow down even 
further. Please, bear in mind that SMV is only a fun hobby of mine I 
do in my spare time. I assure you I have zero intentions of giving up 
on SMV and only ask that you not write me an email every month asking 
when the next update is going to come out. (I'd ask you to have 
patience, but it would be rather hypocritical of me to ask you to have 
patience when I surely don't have any.) My sincerest thanks to those 
of you who have taken the time to share your views and opinions with 
me about my series. Your efforts will not go unrewarded.... 

Special thanks to: 

Tamex Skyblade for not only putting up with me babbling about Sailor 
Moon since Oct '95, but for keeping me from going overboard when it 
came to writing certain scenes. (Lady Skyblade became married May 13th 
and we all wish her the best.)

Luna for being gracious enough to put my stories on her web page (which 
for some odd reason keeps moving) and for a being really cool kitten to 
know. (Luna, in my personal opinion, is a wonderful but extremely shy 
individual who could use a few good friends and Internet pen-pals. If 
you want to start up a conversation just drop her a line and let me 
take the brunt of her mood for soliciting new friends for her.)

Tim Nolan for being another wickedly cool Sailor Moon author to bounce 
ideas off of in IRC and for sending me those anime tapes to satisfy my 
craving for fresh anime as well to use as a source of new ideas.

Jason Hatter for also being kind enough to put my stories on his web 
site (which, like Luna's, migrated elsewhere and I have yet to remember 
where I wrote the new info down).

Greenbeans for being the moderator of a Sailor Moon fanfic author 
discussion forum and hence probably being the only sane one of the 
group (although there are now quite a number of us trying to corrupt 
her into seeing things our way).

The various personae at The Glass Dragon MUD (telnet for putting up with my pestering everyone about 
wanting to read my works, my occasional mud-wide venting of my 
frustration and/or temper, or in the case of a certain Elder Goddess, 
just pestering her, period. (If you ever happen to see an Immortal 
named Raijen with [95 SMV] in his title, that's me.)

The men and women of the United States Army for not only giving me a 
kick-ass job (which gave me the money to buy Mintaka), but for 
teaching me a whole new view of life that I believe everyone should 
have the opportunity to learn, if only for a single four-year term. 
(My current point of view is that life sucks, but never to the point 
of orgasm. However, don't let my own pessimistic outlook get you 

And last, but never least, a HUGE thank-you goes to Takeuchi Naoko for 
creating Sailor Moon in the first place. 

						  Troy "Silver" Stanton
                                                  07 June 2000

 "You know.... that looks like an awful long drop...."

				- Sailor Uranus, peering over the edge of
				the airborne carrier "Storm" before her
				first, sudden experience with free-falling.
(What, I didn't write that scene yet?  Silly me.... <dark laugh>)

Onwards to Part 1

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