Episode#205 More Confessions, Seduction etc. A Silvery Henshi Sunlight began seep through the curtains in Mizuno Amis bedroom. It was still early in the morning when Taiki Kou woke up to the sounds of her cell phone. Without waking up Ami she managed to grab her phone from the night stand. The caller ID read Tsukino Usagi. What do you want Seiya? Taiki asked. Where the hell were you!? an angry Seiya asked. Out. Ha ha that was so funny I forgot to laugh! Dont lie to me Taiki Kou! Why didnt you answer before!? You have that phone for a reason you know! Taiki wasnt in the mood for Seiyas bitching and bad lecturing. Seiya, I am not in the mood for your Morning Bitching at the moment. But your always in the mood for my bitching! she heard Yaten say in the background. Yaten you bitch 24/7 so stay out of this. Seiya said. I wasnt talking to you! Well Im talking to YOU! As the two lights argued Taiki decided it was a good time to hang up. Taiki began to feel fingers running through her hair, it was Ami of course. Who was that? she asked softly. Seiya, who else? the taller girl rested her head back on her breast, Seiya thinks since Im more mature that both of them Im supposed to make NO mistakes. Same here, but lets not talk about it right now. Ami whispered and brought Taikis face towards hers until their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Ami-chan what about your mother? We cant do this now? Daijoubu Kou-chan. My mother sleeps like the dead and besides, her room in across the hallway! She doesnt even no were up. Ne Kou-chan, have you ever been fingered before? No, I cant say that I have. Soon after saying that Ami switched positions so that she was on top of her, Theres a first time for everything! she said and slipped two fingers inside her lover, Do you like it? Oh yes Ami-chan (moan) please give me more. Ok then. Ami began pumping her fingers in and out of her while sucking on her breast. Taiki had never felt so much pleasure all at once. Ohhh Ami-chan! Im cuming! Thats no surprise. You were cuming all last night. Youre probably going to be hot for the rest of the day after this. Ami said and removed her fingers and began sucking her clit hard. Her lover had a strong orgasm which drained her energy completely. Ami tasted the juices that was on her fingers, You wanna taste Kou-chan? she asked. The taller girl nodded. Ami kissed her allowing Taiki to taste herself. Im tired of waiting! Rei announced. Everyone was at the shrine waiting for Ami and Taiki to arrive. Just forget about them Rei-chan, Seiya said, Ill tell them what happened later. Ok, I think we have a new enemy to worry about here. Luna said. But nothing happened yesterday! Usagi announced. Yeah well thats not unusual. Yeah and what about Seiya-chans and Usagi-bakas new henshi? Rei asked. Youre mean Rei-chan! Its ok Odango, she just wants to piss you off. Seiya said. Well its working! Sei-chan make her say sorry! Rei-chan say sorry. Please? Seiya asked giving Rei her best smile. Ok gomen nasi Usagi- chan. Then everyone heard footsteps coming towards them, Were here! Taiki announced and Seiya gave her an annoyed look, What? Just sit down! Well now that everyones here, Hotaru began, lets get to what really matters, she paused, Whats going on between you and Mamoru-san Usagi-san? I havent seen him since you defeated Galaxia. Everyone turned to look at Usagi, Yeah what IS going on between you two? Haruka asked. Well Usagi turned to Seiya as if saying I need some help here. Seiya just stared back at her, well there was going to be no help from her! Well we broke up. Usagi asked nervously. The Inner and Outer Senshi were shocked, YOU DIDNT!!?? they said at once. We did. Why Usagi-san? Dont you love him anymore? Hotaru asked. Koneko-chan you cant! Our future is at stake here. Haruka said. Oh come on guys! I am so sick of hearing that tired old excuse. Im not God! You create your own futures. Usagi exclaimed. What about Chibi-usa-chan!? Hotaru asked. Well, if she comes back then great! But if she doesnt then If you dont love Mamoru-san, then... Harukas eyes were staring straight at Seiya, No! You cant! Haruka calm down. Michiru said. Seiya you cant be in love with Usagi-chan! Yaten suddenly said. Why not? Seiya asked. Because were leaving in a month! WHAT!!?? Taiki and Seiya asked in union. What? You guys didnt get the call from Kakyu? Ok I think I said enough for today. Minako suddenly bear hugged Yaten, Iie Yaten-chan! Dont leave me! You guys just got here! Mina-chan youre killing me Minako-chans right! You guys just got here! Usagi cried and cling to Seiyas arm. Why so soon? Seiya asked Yaten. I dont know! Yaten managed to say still in Minakos hug. We--no you guys can worry about that later! Haruka announced, What about Crystal Tokyo!? To be honest Haruka-san I dont really care about that now. And besides, he hurt ME. It wasnt the other way around. And Ive made my choice. I want to be with Sei-chan. Well we respect your choice Usagi-chan and will support you every step of the way. Makoto said finally, Rei agreed with her. Same here! Minako said letting Yaten go. Me too. Ami and Michiru said. Nani!? Haruka and Hotaru said in union. I dont believe this shit! Haruka shouted. Haruka calm down! Michiru ordered. Ok, fine Ill drop it, but I hope you know what youre doing Koneko-chan. I do. Me too I guess, but I hope you can still have Chibi-usa-chan. Meanwhile a man in dark clothing approached a thrown, Kado, youre attempts to collect Love Crystals have failed miserably. a young man sitting on the thrown said. I know Prince Kaori, but all was going well until those damn Starlights appeared. But-- But I plan to rid this world of love and pain on schedule I need those crystals! Yes master. I will do all I can. I have a special youma that will surely get rid of the senshi. For your sake I hope youre right. After leaving the shrine Usagi thought it would be nice if she and Seiya took a bath together. Seiya wrapped her arms around Usagis waist and pulled her closer, I always enjoyed baths over showers. Usagi said, Sei-chan do you half to leave in month? Yatens trying to contact Kakyu, but lets not talk about that now. Lets enjoy now and the rest of the time Im going to spend with you Odango-Atama. Usagi leaned against Seiya letting the water relax her. She played with Seiyas raven black hair, You should leave your hair down more often. Usagi whispered. Youre not the only one, but if you did then your name wouldnt fit you anymore Odango. I still cant believe you gave me a pet name after food. Usagis voice became softer, Sei-chan kiss me. Seiya happily did so. During this Usagi guided Seiyas right hand towards her breast and the other to her most sensitive area. Seiya slid a finger into her. Usagi moaned, but didnt break the kiss. Then she did break the kiss so she could get a better run at Seiyas body. Sei-chan I dont want you to leave me again. Usagi said. Then I wont! Ill stay here with you no matter what. Seiya said and kissed her again, then Usagi deepened it. Odango, touch me Seiya whispered. Usagi kissed Seiyas neck massaged her breast and from time to time she would put a finger or two inside her to give her more pleasure. Like that? Mmmm yeah. Give me more. Luna, who was asleep on Usagis bed suddenly was awoken by Usagis and Seiyas moaning an encouraging one another to give them more. Not again Luna thought. She curled back up into a ball and went back to sleep, or at least tried. She was awaken again when she heard Seiya scream at the top of her lungs Usagis name just before she came. Usagi soon followed shouting out Seiyas name. Oh Seiya that so good! Usagi said kissing her again with sexual frustration that she had kept inside her for years. Seiya returned her equal sexual frustration and desire. Soon the kissing lead to the bedroom where things progressed from there. [CM] Kado was in an alley with his special youma, Are you ready for this? he asked. The youma wagged its tail. Good, remember dont come back until you have enough Love Crystals to please the master. The youma nodded. Meanwhile Minako and Yaten were walking through the park when Minako stopped, Yaten-chan, remember that question I asked you last night? she asked. Yeah, you asked me if I loved you. And what did you say? I was kidding with you Mina-chan. I do love you really. She could tell that Minako wasnt convinced, Alright then. If youre telling the truth then kiss me like you love me. Ok. With that said Yaten kissed Minako with passion and love that anyone could see. When they parted Yaten said, How could I not love you? Youre like no other person Ive met really. You shine over all the others. Ahh Yaten-chan. Minako said and pressed her lips against Yatens with only more force. Their moment was broken by the sounds of screaming people who were running away from Kados special youma. Damn! Yaten swore. Oh well it was good while it lasted, VENUS CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE-UP! Guess youre right. HEALER STAR POWER, MAKE-UP! VENUS LOVE & BEAUTY SHOCK! Sailor Venus shouted. The youma dodged the attack and whacked Venus with its tail. Mina-chan! Healer exclaimed, STAR SENSTIVE INFERNO! The attack was very affective. The youma was about to whack Healer with its tail, but was hit by another attack from behind. Cutting through the darkness of night Running through an atmosphere of freedom We are the three--no two holy shooting stars! Sailor Star Fighter! Sailor Star Maker! SAILOR STARLIGHTS STAGE ON! Ai to seigi no sailors Bishoujo Senshi... Sailor Moon! Sailor Mercury! Sailor Mars! Sailor Jupiter! Wherever trouble is so am I. To clean the mess. Here I am Sailor Uranus! Wherever trouble is so am I. To deliver victory to the people. Here I am Sailor Neptune! Wherever trouble is so am I. I am the melancholic warrior Sailor Saturn! And here I am, Sailor Pluto, preserving peace for all time. All senshi: TSUKINI KAWATTE OSHIOKIYO!!!!!!!! The youma wasnt worried at all by the new up rising. Instead it whacked Healer and Maker with its mighty tail sending them into a wall. Uranus and Neptune charged toward the youma, but were also hit sending them into a glass window. The youma stood on its hind legs wagging its tail. SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE! Jupiter shouted. The youma grabbed the ball of electricity and threw it back at her. The ball hit her in the stomach and sent her into a telephone booth. MERCURY AQUA RHASPODY! Mercury shouted. The attack hit the youma with no affect. The youma blasted away all the senshi except Fighter & Moon. Fighter pushed Sailor Moon behind her. The vines started coming out of the ground and wrapped around their legs. They were crystal stealing vines. The two senshi struggled to escape from the vines. The struggling soon turned into screams of pain as they started taking their crystals. There was a flash of pink light and there stood Super Sailor Chibi Moon, PINK SUGAR HEART ATTACK! she shouted and the youma was it by a beam of pink hearts. The attack was more affective that usual. Chibi-usa! Crystal Sailor Moon said. Usagi-chan. Chibi Moon said and they smiled at each other warmly. Bout time that thing started workin right. Moon said. Oh hush. Anyway I cant stay long I just came here to give the other senshi their upgrade. How? Mars asked with the other senshi behind her. Like this. there was a flash of bright light and when it faded the senshi were in their new fukus. It was the same as before only silver. To transform say your planet then silver power make-up! I have to go now. Ja ne minna-san. Chibi Moon said and vanished. The youma was shocked by the new henshi and hesitated. That was all the senshi needed. MERCURY ARTICT BLIZZARD! MARS HOLY FIRE SURROUND! JUPITER LIGHTENING EXPLOSION! VENUS DOUBLE CRESCENT SHOWER! URANUS HEAVENLY GUST! NEPTUNE TIDAL CRASH! PLUTO GARNET EYE! SATURN DEATH APCALYPSE! STAR MAKER RELAXATION! STAR HEALER TORNADO! All the attacks hit the youma at once destroying it and releasing all the Love Crystals. Wow. Sailor Moon said. Ha! Thatll teach that thing to push us around! Silver Sailor Jupiter said. Ok Mako-chan settle down. Silver Sailor Venus said. It was late that night when Minako and Yaten returned home and Artemis said that he was worried. I was ok. I had Yaten-chan with me. Well I dont know about you two, but Im tired. When they were in their bed clothes and the bed Minako rested her head under Yatens, Youre so cute with your hair down. Minako told her. Yaten then drew Minako in for a long passionate kiss. Not knowing that Artemis was watching them. Minako suddenly broke away, Hey Yaten-chan I got an idea! What? Lets make love. Artemiss ears perked straight up. Are you sure about this? Yaten asked sitting up. Of course! I always wanted to do that with you Yaten-chan. Do you even know how? Well not really, but I thought you could show me. Ok, but dont say I didnt warn you. You didnt besides I know you want this just as much as I do. Yaten started kissing her again unbuttoning her night shirt. Yaten pushed it off her shoulder revealing her firm breast. Her lips traveled towards Minakos breast and began sucking on her nipple while rolling the other between her fingers. Artemis was just staring at them wondering what kind of drug Minako used to get her to do this. Ohh Yaten-chan that feels so good Douzo show me more. Minako removed her night shirt completely and allowed Yaten to get on top of her. Yaten removed Minakos night shorts and began planting kisses on her thighs. Minako let a slight moan escape her lips, she began caressing her breast giving herself more pleasure. She turned her head to see that Artemis was watching them. Feeling unnoticed Yaten brought her lips to Minakos. Mmmm Yaten-chan, I think Artemis is watching us. Minako whispered. Really now? Well we should give him a better show huh? Yaten said. Getting the hint Minako started undressing her. Minako planted small kisses on her lovers neck going downward. She continued downward until she reached her most sensitive area. Minako hesitated for a moment fearing of hurting her, but her sexual desire told her otherwise. So, she slid a finger inside her, Yatens moaning was kicked up another notch. Ohhh Mina-chan Not knowing it, this was becoming arousing to Artemis. Minako added another finger and started pumping her, Oh...Mina...give me more... Hearing this Minako removed her fingers and quickly replaced them with her tongue before Yaten could complain. Minako began sucking on her clit, her lovers moaning was growing louder as her passion rose, it wouldnt be long now. She began sucking harder this sent Yaten over the edge. She could feel her body releasing fluids as she came. Watching her cum, Artemiss privet began throbbing wanting attention. So he started rubbing it against the bed sheets. Wanting to trigger her own orgasm, Minako started grinding her clit against Yatens who was still cuming, but didnt stop her. Still grinding, Minako laid on top of her, their nipples rubbing against one another from time to time sending off sparks of pleasure. The two girls passions were threatening to explode so Minako slowed down to keep the pleasure longer. Yaten couldnt take it any more and she started cuming. You cum too soon you know that? Minako asked. Well maybe this will make you cum faster. Yaten said as she massaged Minakos breast. Ohhh Yaten-chan...yeah...that feels great, keep going. Minako started grinding harder and faster causing the bed to shake. Artemis started rubbing against the sheets faster triggering his own orgasm. Within seconds all three of them came. Minako rested her head on Yatens shoulder, Did you like that Yaten-chan? she asked. Still out of breath Yaten could only nod and gently kissed her on her lips.
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