Super Sailor Mercury: Shattered Ice (part 24 of 34)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 23
"Ami? Ami, wake up," the familiar voice called.

Ami Mizuno opened her eyes, the blue haired young
blinking a few times to look up at her mother's
somewhat anxious face. "Mom?" she managed to ask,
feeling a moment of disorientation.

"Do you know where you are?" Nicole gently pressed,
her darker blue hair falling into concerned eyes.
Around her Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, Hotaru and
Chibi-Usa all looked on anxiously.

Taking a moment to look around and get her bearings
Ami dryly answered, "I'm laying on my living room
couch, is this a trick question?"

"That's our Ami," Haruka grinned in relief.

"You gave us a bit of a scare when you fainted," Luna
said from where the black cat was perched on the top
of the couch.

Ami winced a bit, "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's all right, Ami," Nicole patted her hand gently.
Looking up she smiled at Chibi-Usa and Hotaru, "Do you
think you can keep an eye on her a few minutes?"

"Sure," Chibi-Usa said, the pink haired girl smiling

Locking eyes with Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna she rose
as Nicole said, "Let's talk."

"Mother..." Ami started but Nicole had already lead
the three out of the room.

"Don't get up," Hotaru gently put a hand on Ami's arm
as Ami tried to rise, then the black haired girl
smiled, "do you want her annoyed at you, too?"

"Guess not," Ami said, deciding it was the better part
of valor to lay back down.

"Is she all right?' Haruka demanded, her sandy blonde
hair somewhat more messy looking than normal.

"I can't find anything physically wrong with her,"
Nicole reassured them. Her voice went oddly flat as
she asked, "As far as I can tell she collapsed from
exhaustion.. what's going on?"

After exchanging looks with the others Setsuna faced
Nicole, her greenish tinted black hair flowing around
her. "I'm sorry," she said, "it's all our fault."

"A new enemy has appeared recently," Haruka
elaborated, "and we've been going out on patrols every
night searching for them."

Nicole sighed, rubbing between her eyes. "You all know
that Ami's doing advanced course work, clubs, taking
care of Chibi-Usa and working with you... didn't you
realize that adding nightly patrols might be a bit
much?" she asked.

"I'm sorry," Michiru repeated softly.

Nicole softened a bit when she saw the clearly
repentant looks on the three women's faces. "I don't
have any authority over you," she said gently, "but
please keep in mind that Ami can only be stretched so
far... before something like this happens."

Luna looked almost as guilty as the cat perched on
Haruka's shoulder. "We'll try to find a better way to
handle things," she promised.

"Actually," Artemis sounded thoughtful from where the
white cat stood on the floor beside them,. "Ami may
have already come up with a solution."

"Eh?" everyone looked at him in surprise.

"We can leave Ami at home while we do the patrols,"
Artemis explained patiently, "then wake Ami with the
communicator if we run into a Phage."

"Why didn't I think of that?" Setsuna said after a

"Because it's simple," Nicole noted, "and most people
don't think of simple answers."

Out in the living room Ami smiled at Hotaru and
Chibi-Usa and said, "Sorry if I scared you."

"I think Setsuna was more worried," Chibi-Usa
volunteered, "Puu actually transformed and went to get
your mom."

"I wondered how she got here," Ami looked up at the
clock, noting how short of a time had passed since she

"I'm glad you're all right," Hotaru said with her
usual gravity.

Before Ami could reply the others headed inside, the
group heading over to where Ami was sitting up on the
couch. "I don't see any blood shed," she joked, "is
everything all right?"

"I wouldn't hurt your friends," Nicole said
reassuringly then she flashed a smile as she added,
"well, not too much."


"It's all right," Setsuna hurried to reassure her.

Haruka sat on one end of the couch, meeting Ami's eyes
frankly. "Your mom thinks you collapsed due to
overwork," she explained.

Ami looked away, "It was probably just healing the
Phage that did it..."

"Either way," Michiru said, "I think we have a
suggestion to solve the problem." With that Artemis
explained their idea, then they all looked at Ami to
see how she'd take it.

Ami frowned as she examined the idea from all angles.
"It seems workable," she finally admitted, "but I'm
not bowing out of patrols all together."

"And we aren't expecting you to," Setsuna quickly
agreed, "but we'd like to save your strength for the
times we really need it."

"I can't really argue with that," Ami conceded.

"Good," Nicole stretched tiredly, "now, if your sure
you're all right I need to get home." A smile, "I have
morning rounds at the hospital tomorrow."

"Do you want a drive home or...?" Haruka asked
curiously, nodding towards where Setsuna stood

"No offense intended," Nicole smiled at Setsuna, "I'd
rather take the ride."

"None taken," Setsuna smiled.

"All right then," Michiru said briskly, "we'll drop
Nicole off when we all go home."

"Thank you for coming," Ami hugged her mother a bit
hesitantly as she said, "and I'm sorry for worrying

Nicole hugged her back warmly, "It's all right, I'm
just glad you still need me."

Quietly Setsuna said to Michiru, "I'm going to stay a
bit, if you don't mind."

"We'll see you at home," Haruka nodded as they
collected Hotaru and Nicole, then the four women and
Artemis headed out.

"Are you all right?" Setsuna asked as she sat on the
couch by Ami, just after they had put Chibi-Usa to

"Other than feeling pretty embarrassed about
fainting," Ami smiled wryly as she sat back with a
sigh, "I'm fine."

"It wasn't your fault," Setsuna shook her head. After
a moment she added, "In fact I'm feeling pretty guilty

"Huh?" Ami looked confused.

Setsuna looked away, her eyes troubled, "I'm a nurse
and I'm around here so often... why didn't I see that
anything was wrong?"

"I think my mother is overreacting a bit," Ami reached
over to squeeze Setsuna's hand comfortingly, "it
probably was just normal tiredness plus healing the

"I'm not taking that chance," Setsuna said, her voice
filled with emotion, "I don't know what I'd do if you
were hurt..."

"Setsuna?" Ami looked at her in surprise.

Without another word Setsuna bent forward and gently
pressed her lips to Ami's...

Onwards to Part 25

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