Minaru in Shakespeare

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Hammer-chan

Act One

Act One


Scene One


Where Kino Makoto reveals her love for Mizuno Ami to her friends, Tomoe Hotaru and Aino Minako reveal their love for each other privately and Usagi reveals her inability to be rational in any situation.



In a quiet park in Tokyo…where birds sings, kittens play and bunnies generally make nuisances of one’s self.



When romance comes to call on doors

It matters not the hew, step nor shore.

For love it comes to those of all lands

And never passes a heart gallant.


So too, It often ignores common creed

And couples of odder mix do meet.

And love can spring with little do

And show itself in clearest view.


Ah but caution words only singe

Tales of old do better sing.

And this one tale will make it ring

The better half of what love could bring



Enter Usagi and Mamo-chan en dating fuku




Wherefore art thou Mamo-chan



Usagi…the same self-same question

Continues to escape from thy lips

Could it be that mine one love has

Become as blind as a bat in space?



Hush..now my prince of love and sage

Lest those who know less falsely speak

That my one beloved think I less than sane…



In fact, dearest Bunny-chan



Silence…my bravest hero…

For I hear danger …footsteps…

Yes…anon…the steps of those who

Through plot and scheme and dare

Attempt to steal my hearts snare

From my beloved grasp..



Entre Rei, Minako, Artemis, Luna, Ami and Makoto








Yoh?!??! Yonder provincial putz?!?!

Hearken to thine queen of all eternity

Lest mine own good self be forced to become jiggy on thy hiney.



Whatever it is that thy speaketh

Surely I shall harken to hear thy call

If only to reduce the splatter of the phlegm

Which duly emit when thee be ignored.



Fear not, stout warrior, I bring thee  ‘bib’



Should thine ‘bib’ coat the Lord’s full land

Hence ensuring phlegm shall still encircle mine self.

Such is the strength and volume of said wave

It would drown the mighty Mastodon of epic tales.



Though speaketh as if the subject of such speech

Be not within thy presence at this very moment.



Thy presence…or lack of presence…of such being…

Bears little import upon mine speech…

Such be mine respect for thee…I wish to show mine heart…



Perhaps thoust couldst truly show it…

But mine eyes hath not the power to see such an item

Strictly since it is so small and little used



Yes…much like your love’s own eyes.

Should he gain use of spectacles

the horrors upon which he would gaze.



My nails are sharp…



But not thine wits….and my foot leaves marks



Perhaps we could sway

To another topic of the day…

There is in fact a message

That my companion plus my self

Would surely wish to relay



Dude…I suck at Shakespeare.

Perhaps yonder blonde could translate for poorest neko.



Ah…my fond fond kind feline…

I wouldst surely help thy tongue to speak such words

Didst I not fear that thy brain be too taxed

Instead I shall allow thy tongue to better be employed

Against a frozen pole at Christmas time at North Pole.



Bite me



Minako biteth yonder neko.



OWW!!! Forsooooth OWWW!!



Might I trouble mine fellow maids

To give a pause of joyous escapades

There be words of mine

That more towards passing of time

I surely wish to reiterate.



Thou hast consented to complete mine essay?



Silence Foul Wraith of Halitosis.



I await your furthent example in silence keeping

Oh Lady of Big Lips.



I spoke of my feet being fast

Please allow me to present an example forthwith…



Silence mine good friends…

Lest my fists accidentally and mystically appear

Located directly upon thine heads.



By saying that, she be requesting an action impossible…



Violence is a great motivator….

It can encourage many actions…



Ifst I might…I would speak



Speak yonder brain of senshi.



Reminder to self…

Speaketh now…

Frottle yon peon later…


For now words I must relate

Changes which I must now state

That I have become ensnared

By true love’s warm glare

And I have no wish for it abate.


Makoto and I have become one

Our hearts have joined and come

To see with one sight.

To hear as one might…

To need one another as flowers need the sun.



Dost thou meanst what I think?



It is as you believe….

We have become lovers..



Lovers? That is surely a shock…

I though thou hadst agreed to

Form a new study group.



One should, from this point forward,

No longer question the intellect of

One lass named Usagi.

For thou has little in which to surpass her.



Except my foot on thy bottom



Attempt not… for even were my bottom

As grand as Mount Fuji

I fear thy strike would yet fall astray.



If my dear love would abate her jibes…

I have a fact of which I wouldst scribe

A choice we madest

That once the two graduate

Our hands in marriage shall combine



How wonderful it is to hear

And to whom would be the lucky one

Upon whom thee shall marry?



Silence …less thy brain deterioration be infectious.

However I find these announcement must ambitious

So short a love be found

And yet two prepare to settle down…

Is not such a rash act a seed to future most disastrous?



Many thanks for your counsel…

But knoweth thee that I have always thought things fully

Before ever acting on them…



Hence our questioning of such quick action…

Surely one must take pause before doing so

With such a truth being pressed upon thy fantasy…

Sapphic, though romantic, be tragic…



Then let our love be tragic…

For better that we should fail to make the mark

Then to lie in love and forever keep our hearts dark



With respect, I hear your heart….

For truly with it, thou has spoken…

But remember in this world thou love was made

And in it, your love mayst be broken.



But such things…alas…

When one should celebrate…

Instead we despair…

Come let’s celebrate…

And eat more than we dare…



Truly that last feat is impossible

As I fear my good friend dareth much



(The group begins to head off stage…Minako straggles behind)



Minako, dost thou not wish to join?



Your festivities I wish to enjoy

Howe’er… first I have my dues

Of which I must keep…



Which is supposed to mean…like what?



(Minako picks up Artemis and gives him to Mako-chan)



Here…please taketh white feline of whose words

I can presently maketh no sense of …

Hold him well..and hope he may hold his tongue.



You’re the ones I can’t understand…

Forsooth my ass!



Fear not, should said furrball not embrace silence.

A pot roast shall be enjoyed by all….

Shortly after a good shave…



(Minako carries off Artemis who is growling and whimpering)

(Exit Usagi, Mamoru, Rei, Ami, Makoto and Artemis)



Surely one must take pause before doing so

With such a truth being pressed upon thy fantasy…

Sapphic, though romantic, be tragic…


In such say words…I feel the taste…

I know the bitter feel…it is a ruse…

For if this love be false and wrong

I have no right to talk or refute…


For the same love I share as they…

But unlike them, I can not share…



(Enter Hotaru)



What sadness does appear

When one some lovely

Must stand alone and lost


Or perhaps my eyes have lamed

I seest not what I think…

Dost the senshi of love and affection

Stand alone with none to hold.



(to self)

And so the cause returns to question the symptoms?







             Tis nothing battles be gauged by…

I see thou are out amongst the sun again…



There are things that darkness can hold sway

But it can never fully hold the light of day..

But why does young seem so old today..

What has singed blonde hair to grey?




I STILL can’t understand you broads! OOOOOOWWW!!!

Nonoonono…put down the carving knife Makoto…

Artemis forsooth by golly gee Shakespeare dude language…Yoh.



You speak as if thoust comprehend…

What moon has twilight ever been.



There are flames that burn t’would feel

And lesser men before who’d I kneel

All of those pains I could conceal

yes to see your sorrow be’est revealed

maketh my heart in wounded pain yield.



If only thy words could do mine wish

For mine sun hath long set…

In dreams which should hath eternal light

Instead deliverth forgotten blackest night.



Wouldst thou not let another sun anon

To deliverth warmth and thus shine upon

A heart which, thou sayeth, light has gone…

Perhaps some deliverance may yet be shone.



If thoust heart be willing thou it be free…



(looking into Minako’s eyes)

My heart is not nor has been free…

For, tho’ though slept, it owned to thee.



(looking down sadly)

Be not that thou jest dear child

For words you speak so free and mild

I wish not to be only be beguiled

My heart could not stand a wind so wild…


(softly taking Minako’s hands)

A jest it be not in truth…

Nor it be said boldly by a youth…

For my heart be storm and winny proof.

You need only sit ‘neath it’s roof…



(Hotaru and Minako kiss)



Now with my truth so pressed  soft on thy fantasy…

Sapphic, and yes dear woman… romantic,



If thus it become tragic…

My fate be destined… I cast it..

Should my life be sealed…Our love out last it.

And stand for ever more in tempest and placid.



(Curtains close as they kiss once more)


End of Act One – Scene One









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