Senshi Sabers (part 4 of 24)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 3
        "So you're Minako Aino," Rei mused, the two of them sitting at 
an out door cafe not far from AD Police headquarters. Her jacket was 
hung on her seat, Rei looking over at Minako thoughtfully, "Weren't you 
once a costumed idol star under the name Sailor V?"

        "I'm impressed you'd remember," Minako noted, the blue eyed 
blonde smiling in pleased surprise, "I wasn't around for all that long."

        "I'm a performer," Rei shrugged before adding, "and I was a fan, 
too." The black haired woman looked at her thoughtfully, "I always 
wondered why you retired...?"

        Minako sipped at her coffee, "A scandal forced me to retire." 
Before Rei could ask she added, "One that was manufactured by the 
Infinity Corporation. I was dumb enough to speak out publicly when they 
were pushing for mass-production of the Bio-boomer."

        Rei sighed softly, "I'm sorry. I remember the media circus 
around you then, but I never knew exactly why it happened."

        "So," Minako looked at her curiously, "what brought you into AD 
Police headquarters?"

        "I was going to try asking about the Senshi Sabers," Rei 
admitted a bit sheepishly. "I tried going through the newspapers but 
couldn't find a trace."

        "Infinity exerts a lot of pressure on the news media," Minako 
noted,. "they own most of the companies that buy advertising these 

        "I couldn't believe I didn't find anything on a 'net search," 
Rei sighed.

        "Well, that is our fault, or more exactly my fault," Minako 
conceded. She smiled slightly, "I'm something of a computer expert and I 
sent out a virus to delete or destroy any data collected on the Senshi 
Sabers or our activities."

        "And as an officer in the AD Police you can do the same from 
within their own organization," Rei murmured.

        "Exactly," Minako agreed. She looked at Rei thoughtfully, "If 
it's not too personal, what's your reason for joining?"

        Rei felt her face stiffen. She grabbed her coat and stood as she 
said, "Yes, it's too personal." She took a few steps before her good 
manners forced her to stop, "Thanks for the information." With that, she 
was out the door and gone.

        "Interesting," Minako murmured, "very interesting." She pulled 
her phone from her pocket, hitting speed dial. "Ami?" she asked once it 
picked up.

        Ami Mizuno smiled slightly, "Minako, what can I do for you?"

        "You were wondering about our new recruit?" Minako asked back. 
"I just finished talking to her, she's a little touchy but interesting."

        "And how did you meet?" Ami asked.

        "She went walking into AD Police," Minako said dryly.

        Ami sat up, a frown on her face. "She wasn't going to compromise 
our security?" she asked, her voice hard and dangerous.

        "No, no," Minako quickly reassured her, "she was just looking 
for information. She was looking into the Bio-boomers and our own 

        "Understandable," Ami sat back. "Did you satisfy her curiosity?" 
she asked.

        "Somewhat," Minako said unapologetically, "I asked her about her 
reason's for joining up and she left in a huff."

        "No, I won't tell you," Ami anticipated the question quite 
easily. She paused, knowing how curious the woman could get and smoothly 
added, "But you can probably find out by going into the newspaper 

        "Got it," Minako laughed and signed off.

        Ami put the phone down, a slight smile on her face. She got up 
from her seat, moving into her bedroom while pulling off her business 
wear. She changed to casual sweats and a T-shirt, pulling her runners 
on. She walked downstairs, pausing in the doorway.

        "Mercury?" Ami asked.

        "Yes Ms. Mizuno?" the computer's clear voice replied.

        "Standard security measures," Ami instructed, "I'm going out for 
a few hours."

        "Of course, Ma'am," Mercury answered simply.

        Ami cut through the Silky Doll store, nodding to her two sales 
ladies, then went out onto the street. Vehicles moved up and down the 
street as she strode along, the presence of the smaller woman moving 
people aside. She reached the small dojo in only a few minutes, entering 
to find the place mostly deserted.

        "Hello Ami," Makoto smiled. A student was rubbing her shoulder 
as if it pained her, exchanging quiet words with Makoto before she left.

        "Getting rough with the students again?" Ami asked with a smile.

        "They expect it from me," Makoto said. The tall brown haired 
woman shrugged wryly, "If they didn't they'd think I was going too easy 
on them."

        "I suppose so," Ami agreed.

        Makoto looked her over thoughtfully, standing there all in 
white. "What sort of workout were you looking for?" she asked.

        "No visible marks," Ami admitted with a slight smile, "but I 
could use a good workout. There's a lot of things I'm thinking about."

        "Got it," Makoto raised her hands, waiting until Ami took up a 
guard position.

        Together they fought back and forth across the bare floor, the 
ritual movements of combat becoming a graceful dance. Ami was less 
powerful than Makoto but she made up for it with speed and agility, the 
two women nearly matched in skill.

        Ami was panting softly when they finally slid to a stop, but 
there was a brightness to her blue eyes. "You should be competing, 
still," she said.

        "So should you," Makoto offered with a smile.

        "No, I can't," Ami answered seriously, "I won't risk 
compromising my cover."

        "I'm not going back into the ring," Makoto said with a casual 
smile, the danger all in the undercurrents, "not until I find out who 
tried to kill me by setting me up against a Bio-boomer."

        "Considering that you were able to destroy it with your bare 
hands," Ami noted, "that made your reputation."

        "There is that," Makoto flashed a smile. She looked at Ami 
thoughtfully, "Did you finally hear back from our Ms. Hino?"

        "Not directly," Ami said calmly, "but I suspect it might be 
better to give her some space."

        The sun was just setting over the city, and in a club called Hot 
Legs the band was rocking the house. Rei stood on center stage, voice 
whisky raw and passionate as she threw out a challenge to the world. Her 
defiant stance called out for battle, the songs she chose about 
rebellion and heroism.

        Rei covertly scanned the crowd, trying to see if Ami Mizuno was 
lurking somewhere in the dark corners. It was a busy night, the people 
dancing and cheering loudly, but her eyes were drawn to an odd couple. 
He was slim, sandy brown hair falling into his face while his partner 
was green haired, the two dancing close to the music.

        Rei changed, pulling her trashy stage outfit off before heading 
to the bar for a free beer. "Thanks," she nodded to Mamoru the 
bartender, turning back to look at the women approaching.

        "That was incredible," the sandy haired young man smiled. Rei's 
eyes widened as she got a good look, realizing that he was really a she.

        "You have a remarkable presence up on stage, Ms. Hino," the 
green haired young woman smiled warmly.

        "Thank you," Rei took a pull off her bottle of beer. She gave 
the two women a slight smile, "You have the advantage of me...."

        "Tenoh Haruka," the boyish young woman smiled. She gestured to 
her partner, her voice softening as she added, "And this is Kaoru 

        "Nice to meet you," Rei said with a wry smile. She took in the 
odd vibe between them and asked curiously, "You girlfriends?"

        "You could say that," Michiru smiled.

        "Congratulations," Rei took another drink, for a moment thinking 
about Ami.

Onwards to Part 5

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