Sell Your Soul After the Beep
It's a little bit funny
this feeling inside
it's not one of those
that you can easily hide.
Hey. Kaioh-san... Michiru. It's me... erm.. Tenoh-san... Haruka...
Haru. *beat* I was just calling... *cough* I was just thinking
about... What do you think of me as? I know, that sounded really
funny, but I can't laugh with you right now. You are laughing, right?
This is really stupid... talking to your answering machine... on a
pay-phone, no less. I should call back, but each time my hand moves,
my fingers grip onto the receiver even tighter... they know I won't
tell you this ever if I don't spit it out now. They prefer this hard
plastic pay-phone to the soft leather of my driving wheel... I'm too
much of a coward to tell you this to your face...
I don't have much money
but if I did
I'd buy a big house
where we both could live.
It was nice when you came to live with me... I never really realized
how lonely I was. Not that I was depressed, or anything.. just..
ignorant. You know, when my team-mate introduced us, she really didn't
need to tell me your name... I already knew you, but never had the
courage to look for your face in the crowd. Just like I am now, I ran
away, but you saved me. Will you save me this time? Do I have the
bandages to patch your gashes? *forced chuckle; beat* I thought for a
while that I could be content forever to have the sound of your shower
running in the morning, and the scent of the ocean being carried on
the steam when you stepped out wrapped in your towel- erm.. this
sounds really perverted, doesn't it? It's funny- the things you notice
when you say them and it counts. It's just that... soon, I wanted more
than your friendship. When you talked about dates, it killed me...
I know it's not much
but it's the best I can do.
Your gift is my song
and this one's for you.
I'm so bad with words... something that you were so good at. You could
flatten any argument with a single phrase from your lips. Maybe it
wasn't the words, not saying that they weren't intellegent or cunning,
but your lips. Truth is... you seemed to know exactly what I was
thinking, and had a trap waiting for me two steps ahead. At first, I
was frustrated.. then I found myself looking forward to getting
trapped, as long as it was by you.
And you can tell everybody
this is your song.
It may be quite simple but
now that it's done...
Repetitive... I'll understand once you hear this, if you'll just want
to move out. You can record it and sell it to the radio stations.
They'll like to find that their favorite male racer is actually a
girl... in love with a professional violinist who is pure and
beautiful... someone could never fall for someone like- *broken gasp;
beat* What I'm saying, Michiru, is that I love you... I'm IN love with
you... more than racing. More than anything. I just wish -click-
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
that I put down in words
how wonderful life is
now you're in the world.
A headlight crawled through the night at a dull hum, not ripping
through the night like a stab wound as it normally did on a placid
street. The driver did not want her appearance known as she slid into
the garage, hesitating a minute before sliding off the cradling seat.
With one fluid movement, Haruka pulled off her helmet and jacket,
hanging them on the secluded hook before trudging to the house, which
contained the answering machine with the fated message.
When she found the machine in the dark house, she found the light
still blinking, and a knot formed in her stomach. Maybe Michiru didn't
get the message after all. Out of habit, she heard the click of the
play button under her index finger, and braced herself for the long
Sat on the roof
and I kicked off them all
you see these words
well they've got me quite cross.
Hey. Instead she was greeted by Michiru's rolling voice. I have to
stay at rehersal late tonight, and they say it's going to rain, so
could you bring the hang-dried laundry off the roof? The sandy blonde
didn't remember any storm clouds or forecasts about rain, but she was
too caught up in her moment of celebration to sort through the logic;
she headed up to the top patio.
But the song's been kind
while I wrote this song.
It's people like you
that keep it turned on.
Heaving a frustrated sigh at the broken patio lights as well as
Michiru neglecting to blow out more-than-a-few candles from one of her
meditation sessions, no doubt, she grumbled up the steps onto the dark
So excuse me for forgetting
these things that I do
You see I've forgotten
if they're green or they're blue.
She had fallen asleep, probably from having worn herself out on the
french cuisine that Haruka could never remember the name of; her aqua
locks spread out like a fog upon the rose petals she had strewn along
the alabaster, boldly contrasting her deep blue dress even in the
candlelight. After a few moments of staring at the ocean queen, a red
blinking light caught the attention of the racer. Strolling casually
over to the ancient answering machine, Haruka used her sharp
mechanical skills to remember how to play...
But you see
what I really mean
that yours are the sweetest eyes
that I've ever seen.
"Haru-ai... turn around."
Without any trepidation or forethought, Haruka's sky-blue eyes drank
from the tropical seas she had beleived to be dreaming. Time stood
still until Michiru's skilled fingertips traced Haruka's strong
And you can tell everybody
this is your song
It may be quite simple but
now that it's done...
"More than the tsunami's passion or the wave's carressing the
shoreline, my Haru, I love you."
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
that I put down in words...
With a smirk and a wink, Michiru added, "And you can tell that to all
the television stations..."
How wonderful life is
now you're in the world.
"...But the rest of tonight is off the record."
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