A Second Chance
She couldn't have been more emotional. This
posthumous homage to the most important being in her life couldn't have
been more sublime, and her expression couldn't have been more graceful.
Even pain looked enchanting in her nervous smile, tears resembling April
rain, her eyes directed at the public though not really engaging in
contact with anyone in particular. A gesture of her tired hand was all the
sign the audience needed to march home, leaving like a night water tide
slowly heading for shore. She too, along with her companions, stepped out,
and her main wish was just to be alone.
With such a crowd surrounding the forum, it took a
while for the carriage to finally start moving. She held tightly a blue
rose crown given by a stranger, she knew her infinite pain equalled the
color of those healthy looking flowers. Her breathing was heavy, she
wanted out from all of this.
- Neo-Queen Serenity?
- Are you alright, your Majesty?
She raised her head in a warm expression. "How
worried they are for my state! I musn't mortify them more than what they
already are".
- Mars, Venus, friends... I'll be fine.
They all aboarded the crystal vehicle, so
splendorous as diamonds exposed to broad daylight. In the middle sat
Serenity, presiding a silence as one reigning a grave. "I can't call it
precisely a grave, Darien. We made a modest monument, that simply says
'Endymion'. It's not because of a minor feeling, how could I not
correspond to your love, darling? I just don't need anyone to measure my
solitude! I'm a monarch, I have responsibilities to attend. The world
moves on, that's all".
Her deep blue eyes contrasted greatly her sunny
blonde hair and the moon-motif white dress. One of the sides of the gown
was being tugged by her daughter, the little princess of Crystal Tokyo.
- Mother, I'm here to assist and support you. Your
pain isn't exclusive... I lost a father and a friend...
That was enough to make the queen stop concentrating
on herself. She took between her own Reeny's small hands, and with a
light, melodious voice said:
- Dear! It's because of people like you that I can't
allow grief to defeat me.
She then hugged her, hanging on to that living
testament her husband left.
- Reeny, dear! Reeny!
And in her mind rang over and over "Darien! Darien!"
"Fuck! I failed again! Why couldn't she just listen
to me and keep out of the way of that terrible blast?! My green,
desperate, eyes watched in horror how the attack made a hole through her
body, exposing flesh and spilling blood like a broken dam... Why did you
do that?! You should've let me die!"
State matters, those that always included the
universe's safety, mattered much the Outer Sailor senshis, especially the
former TeNou Haruka, Sailor Uranus. It helped mainly for concentrating
while attempting to forget serious worries. About a week before Mercury
arrived to attend those injured in the last battle against the Phoenix
representitive, assisted by Saturn. And, as it always happens in war, the
ones that mostly risked themselves for the mission received the greatest
of lesions. Fortunately, Uranus recovered consciousness and her back was
gradually getting in good shape, although her heart pounded quickly for
inquiring Neptune's fate.
Screams and ceasing breaths filled the entire
hospital. It was sure tough for Sailor Saturn and Mercury to be running
back and forth, examining cases, giving treatment or spreading a sheet to
signal the death of a combatant.
- I assure you, Mercury, there's not much we can do
here. Most of our troops received life threatening wounds- said Saturn as
her power closed a minor gash on a patient's limb.
- You have to keep in mind that it is the job of
Science to seek answers for problems, and Hope to believe you can reach
success.- replied Amy- Keep up the work, I have to prepare the report to
her Highness...
Tomoe Hotaru stopped her task.
- A report? You finally came up with all the
casualties and survivals, doctor Mizuno?
- I'm afraid yes, Sailor Saturn. This patient is the
last case we had to attend.
- What do you mean with "afraid"?
- Come with me. You know I've been concentrating my
abilities on Neptune and Uranus... I have to consult you for a top
The girl that looked like Vivien Leigh -except for a
strong dark hair- followed the short blue haired one down the hall towards
the intensive therapy room. There, attached to life support machines, laid
a woman that anyone could call beautiful, in spite of a well covered area
where the main guess was the existence of a real terrible wound. Sailor
Saturn gazed at her, whispering a faint "Michiru-mama".
- The machine is what's keeping her alive, Hotaru. My
diagnose is that she'll be permanently like this.
- I understand,- answered resignatedly Hotaru- I
understand every word written on your report. But I... I can't take such a
choice. Haruka should be informed of the situation. You realize it's up to
her, don't you?
- I'll speak to her, if all this affects you too
much.- comprehensively laid Amy a hand on her colleague's shoulder.
"Well, well! Why if everyone here is dying this place
isn't in black? Doctor Mizuno and her assistant Tomoe are as white angels
flying here and there... Sublime job they're doing... Oh, here comes the
Sailor Uranus stopped knocking monotonely the side of
her bed. The face Amy had gave her a premonition.
- Yo, doc! How about letting me walk out of here?
- You still have to follow treatment, Haruka. The least
I can do is give you a change of scenary: tonight all the patients will be
taken back to Crystal Tokio for their recovery.
- Great! Will I get to travel along with Neptune? I
hadn't seen her since the battle, Amy, and Hotaru refuses to concede me
any hint on her health.
"You have a gut of what I came here for, but why do I
have my throat so obstructed?". Sailor Mercury cleared it loudly to
attempt uttering -the least- what she had to:
- Uranus, you can recall how she got injured, right?
The 'right' said was exactly what made somberly tense
the enviroment. Haruka moved a bit to confront the sweating doctor.
- Shoot it straight, Amy. Shoot it!
- Neptune's in critical condition. She's hardly
breathing thanks to life support. It's...
- No use to maintain her like a veggie! That's it?
Suddenly it shadowed. To TeNou's green eyes an
undescribable sadness arrived, but no tears. "When my moment to die
appears, darling Haruka, I hope it's in your defense". Of course, Michiru,
you're like those artists you admire, conceiving their greatest
achievement that of sacrificing their life in the altar of the cherised
ideal. "Byron, Pushkin, Cicero, Socrates, you... They, _and_ you are all
fools! Bloody fools!".
- I trust your diagnose, doc. I know KaiOu-san wouldn't
like to spend time living a non-life. I authorize on one condition.
- Mention what you wish, Haruka.
- Don't ask me that... My wish is far from what she
wants... Michiru doesn't want to be alone, I'll be present at the process.
" For both of us, adored one, it's a whole process. I
have to minimize gradually the memories of you and me, I have to.
Disconnection is what I suffer, nothing here gives me a sense of reality,
the reality I once lived with you. I get these crazy ideas sometimes: I
think of ordering -under the menace of torture- Pluto to allow me to
reverse the events, to get the opportunity to have destroyed Phoenix
before he created this caos. How could I have been unaware of that enemy?!
Why instead of heavier guard on the frontier of the kingdom I had that day
a social event?! Why did I let you go into battle?! Why that instant I
couldn't resurruct you?!".
Where once laughter, meditation, kisses and other
expressions frequently succeeded now were obscured by an empty silent
song. Neo-Queen Serenity's wisdom indicated that a new path awaited, yet
she seemed almost sure that she was walking the same one, only alone.
Life's unfair. Definetely.
"Darien, please! A kiss is what I need for a good night
"I have only to read your mind to comply with your
desires, true heart", and his lips gave a soft, deep touch into hers. She
trembled lightly.
"What's wrong, Serena?"
Seriously, what's wrong? Why this now had to be erased
from her soul?
The apparent still in the room became evident when the
faint buzzing of the machines was deactivated. TeNou watched with a hawk's
precision how Neptune's chest in a matter of seconds stopped moving. For a
brief moment it seemed that Michiru opened her eyes, and shut them like
waving goodbye. Saturn's expression was absolutely of a long agony,
Mercury could tell. However, Uranus' face looked blank. Her features had
the mission to disguise her state, and when her loved one faded to
nothing, she asked the younger senshi with the ice blue hair to help her
- At what time do we leave for the city, Mercury?
- In an hour or two.- "Does her voice sound dry as
ever!", she thought.
Haruka could perfectly guess the other's mind. Not in
vane I'm older than you, amiable Mizuno. I just want to leave this
Godforsaken place _now_!
- Good! On the way back I want you to refer me what's
been going on in the palace... Just how are the others doing?
Decisively Sailor Mercury did not want to tell her about
Serena's loss, since it probably was best if the Queen told it herself.
"Maybe their similar pains can help them both out. Serena hasn't shown any
enthusiasm or seriousness in the reconstruction labors; Haruka, with her
back injury, won't be able to return to her post for a while. It's quite
probable to work; understanding between burden-common prisoners is a great
A slight breeze, coming from the nearby ocean, invaded
the place. The senshi of the skies closed her eyes, and let it hit her
face freely. Attempting to clear souls? No, this wind had her favorite
aroma, that of salt and water.
"Neo-Queen Serenity!", an injured guard interrupted the
scene."We're under attack! So far the Outer Scouts have contained the
enemy advance, but they need reinforcements fast!". After gasping the last
words, he fell face flat to the glass-clear floor, soaking it in dark
Endymion, without waiting for anything, hurried down the
velvet covered stairs.
"Darien! Hold it there, I'm coming!"
He lightly grinned.
"I'll handle this, love. You stay here and coordinate
the inner city forces, just in case they get past our exterior defense".
"Please, Darien, listen! I have a bad feeling about
this! Let me consult with Luna first".
I tugged his hand, I tried much to get him to stay. It
didn't work.
Surely transportation through a field where a battle
occured had to be bumpy; Haruka didn't give importance to it. She heard
every word Mercury and Hotaru were saying about Mars and her scarred hand,
Venus limping like crazy through the palace, Jupiter's arm with a
clear-green sling, Pluto making company to the young princess. "Luna and
Artemis are engineering the reconstruction plans. As soon as we're all
cured Neo-Queen Serenity will call us for supervising and assisting on the
phases". "What would you like to do, Uranus?"
"If you wanna help, you can start by stop showering me
with attentions!"
- I think I'd like to rebuild the Outer walls. They need
an urgent reinforcement.
- I'll go with you- Saturn afirmed.
TeNou's garden-green eyes switched their focus to the
near wall.
"I'll go with you".
"KaiOu-san, I can't allow it. Let me handle this", I
told her as I had my hand ready for my special attack. She grabbed it, in
her gentle, silky way.
"Your power is stronger than mine, Uranus, but usually
you employ it irreflexively. We've always been a team, and certainly this
occasion won't be the exception".
I accepted. Since when did I refuse her? She knew I
wouldn't try to.
"This won't be a pretty time spent, Neptune. Sure?"
"I'd go to Hell and back for you, Haruka".
You sure did! But you hadn't returned, nereid o' mine.
You will not come back...
Then an impenetrable stare she efforted to give.
She then looked at Saturn. My God! Her violet eyes were
flooding with tears, she just couldn't stand it.
- Haruka-papa! Don't torture yourself like that!
- Hotaru, I'm sorry! I forgot you need consolation too.
Her muscular arms surrounded her daughter, comforting
both from an emptiness in their lives generated. "I'm so sorry I forgot
you, little one".
Artemis walked toward the throne room. The elegant place
wasn't at all affected by the attacks, it was a relief for anyone to see
the glory of glories in the crystal palace splendouring still. He kneeled
to greet the ruler in his highly diplomat style.
- Your Highness!
- Artemis! I'm glad to see you.
- Thank you, your Majesty. Luna and I are advancing with
the reconstruction plans, we'll be probably finished by next week.
- You're both so efficient. I don't doubt that Crystal
Tokio after the makeover will be more beautiful than ever. Had the medical
report arrived, my minister?
Artemis took out the small disk from his pocket, and
handed it over.
- Sailor Mercury and the others arrived this night to
the city. We're installing all of the injured in their respective homes.
- Excellent! There's no better care than a loved one may
prodigate... And how are Neptune and Uranus?
- From what I checked on the report Uranus has a back
lesion, nothing serious, though.
- Entrusted to the abilities of Amy and Hotaru of course
she'll recover. What about Neptune?
- Neo-Queen Serenity... Sailor Neptune did not survive.
- I see, Artemis. I'll examine the disk right now.
You're excused to leave.
- Thank you, your Majesty.
Serena could start thinking that everyone would go
through the same experience, yet she knew Haruka's and hers were
exceptional. She inserted the disk into the computer and had to view Amy's
unusually emotional count of the events, the various images taken and
exams carefully performed. As the excellent doctor Mizuno was, she tried
to hide with technical words her concern and frustration toward the cases
encountered. She stood the five minutes the video of Michiru's death
lasted. Her attention was set on Haruka: the butch blond hair attempting
to hide the undescribable expression the soul windows adopted, the stiff
upper lip, the hands closing themselves tight. She remembered how an
identical gesture TeNou had in an earlier occasion, that when the heart
crystal was extracted from her partner. "A hopeless wave curled into the
atmosphere, I recall. Oh Haruka!".
"Your Highness! Our enemy is the Phoenix
representitive!", bursted Luna into the balcony.
"What?! Explain, Luna, explain!"
"The computer has positively identified this opposing
force. It is the Phoenix representitive, set to grant happiness or
destruction to worlds in which he resurges".
"And simply because my Crystal Tokyo is not of his taste
does it mean he has the right to blow it?! I'll join the senshis in the
"Serena, listen slowly!" The kingdom's Prime minister
grabbed her arm, intending to halt her moves."Phoenix is a powerful
specter, you may be killed!"
I then ordered the machine to show me how the attack was
going. I was inmediately horrified at the many bodies lying next to the
protective wall, I didn't like that my friends were having a tough time
against a single combatant.
"I'll summon the Moon Crystal Silver Armor, Luna. I got
to relieve my senshis and Endymion from a force that awakens every
five-hundred years only to pretend to be God".
I turned and with my scepter I yelled for my special
sailor armor to make up. I then ran to aboard with Amy and Hotaru, who
stayed in the palace only to await my intervention, the hovercraft that
went straight to the Outer limits.
Whoa! Not even my history lessons could mention a war as
crude and bloodied as this one I was involved. With all my strength I
tried to hold back that strange opponent, and he raised one finger to cut
short my Space Sword Blast. Neptune stared blank, and quickly shot her
Submarine Reflection. Neither that worked.
Anyway, if we intended to go back all those bodies in
the ground were greatly obstructing our steps. No alternative, we had to
face the Phoenix or die.
I scanned the area. Pluto, Venus, Mars and Jupiter were
doing their best to hold off the man with a flame colored cape and cowl.
One of them signaled us to join in an attack. Team work, the most
effective weapon for a Sailor senshi, seemed the key to control the
"Mars Flame Sniper!"
"Venus Love & Beauty Shock!"
"Jupiter Oak Revolution!"
"Dead Scream!"
"Submarine Reflection!"
"Space Sword Blast!"
The amount of energy released took him by surprise.
However, he suffered a minor scratch, and deflected some of it toward us.
"Aaaaaah!". The air was invaded by our pained
hollerings. I then used my power once more, again he employed the
deflection tecnique.
It was well the middle of the night, yet Neo-Queen
Serenity had in mind to visit her hard-working senshi, Uranus. She needed
someone, speaking with TeNou-san would also close up a bit her wound.
TeNou woke up again. It was the third time or so she had
to abruptly awake. "Them nightmares are mighty painful!". She spent a
while usually over Michiru's room when something similar would come up,
finding always a breather. Where would she go now?
Serenity wandered wherever her feet desired. She was way
past the east wing and entering the west when in the great star shaped
window, with its multi-colored glass portraying a butterfly, the moonlight
revealed the presence of a figure. Familiar, maybe if I imaginatively take
out the walking stick which she's using... Haruka!
Her eyes fixed on the tall girl, that could easily pass
out as a handsome fellow because of her clothes and manners. Before
knowing that TeNou was actually a female I even thought that Darien stayed
short compared to her smashing persona. Strange how I think of this...
The queen heard then Uranus' fist hit hard the
windowpane, and a murmur as well.
- Michiru... Why?! I pleaded in silence so many times
for you not to abandon my side, and what do _I_ get?!
- Nothing...- Serenity answered like an echo, but she
noticed she was being impertinent at the scene. She took shelter in the
inmediate shadows of the hallway, just as Sailor Uranus turned over her
heels to see who was wandering around.
- Nothing. My imagination, I guess.- and returned to her
lonely meditations of the nightly skies.
"Very impertinent of my behalf to be here, I'll leave
without a sound". Although difficult, Neo-Queen Serenity's high heels were
noisy, especially on the palace's crystal-like surface. She then removed
her shoes. "I hope I don't catch a cold!". Slowly she walked back from
where she came.
"Odd. I swear I heard someone answer me, and I perceived
a gush of air as he or she took cover in the darkness to prevent being
seen. Odd, or this ordeal's driving me crazy!".
- You must be crazy, Mina!!! How can you think of
organizing a costume party in these circumstances?!
Artemis' eyes were bulging out in amazement because of
the blond girl's proposal. "Maybe that red ribbon she always wears is
taking part of her sanity", he mocked with a smile that told his supposal.
- Now, now, Artemis! Don't even try to implicitely say
I'm a nutcase. Serenity's and Reeny's birthday is coming up, certainly
Endymion himself would've done something too. I know it's not a perfect
moment, reason however that it may help the worries and grieves to minor
down. I'd even plead with you on my knees if I could!- she then pointed to
her fractured right leg.
- You've always said I'm so straight-laced, Mina-san. I
won't promise that I can get Luna's approval, but I'll do my best. Just
talk to the others about this and go ahead with the preparations - in a
_secret_ manner!.
Mina showed the radiant teeth that distinguished her in
the team, and signaled with her two fingers her famous "V".
- Thanks, Artemis! I'll be on my way!
Aino Mina usually thought of herself as a problem fixer.
She loved helping out the others, since her days as Sailor V. Eventually,
from just being a job it became a living, doing this and that to invert a
situation that wasn't pleasant to have. "A celebration does a wonderful
thing in all sad incidents. The special flavor a costume party has is that
it offers the chance to play a role we've always been interested in. I am
sure a _Genius_!!!".
Exactly as Hotaru described her to Amy, Aino was limping
here and there hardly ever using the walking stick. She almost seemed like
she didn't get her extremity broken by a segment of the wall that fell on
it. Mercury remained still and then giggled.
- Can you tell me what's funny, doctor Mizuno?
- You really _look_ like crazy, as Saturn told me! Ha ha
Sailor Venus halted. She slowly paced with the aid of the
walking stick, evidently annoyed at the comment.
- Is that a way to greet me after a few days gone, Amy?
- Of course not, Mina! I'm glad that I bumped into
something so comical after being solely dedicated to desperating cases.
- I get it, Mercury. I heard all what happened... How's
- She healed faster than the rest, and assisted me.
- Including the disconnection? Oh, I'm quite impertinent
to ask that...
- It's alright, Venus. She did, and currently is making
sure that Haruka isn't at any minute alone.
- Well, lets then discuss an important theme. I want you
to help me convince Raye and Lita about making a party for her Majesty.
It's her birthday and the princess' in a few days.
Identical face as Artemis did Mercury put. Likely of Mina
to switch humor this way, with an apparently superficial talk. It was
working: Amy used her genius to work on an excellent bash, and discussed
the ideas with her colleague, in a fraternal tone.
- Good morning your Highness!- said Luna.
Serena conserved the habit of her younger days of waking
up in a lazy stretch, followed by a long yawn. By her face, her former cat
could deduce that she didn't sleep well.
- Morning, Luna!- she replied as two solemnly dressed
maidens brought breakfast to her bed. She captured the aroma of the well
brewed coffee, light and with a touch of cream.
- I came to bring you today's agenda, your Majesty.
- You may read it out loud, prime minister.
- It starts off with your placing of the keystone to the
new observatory, then we head to donate the necessary provisions for the
people -all the food prices have gone up considerably-, and last the best
civil engineers shall to your presence explain their proyects. We need
your approval for all this, Serena.
- You needn't worry, Luna,- spoke in a soft voice the
queen- I'll reassume my duties fully. And please include in the agenda a
visit to my distinguished heroine in the war, Sailor Uranus.
- I suppose this hasn't a public tint.
- Exactly, my dear Luna. It's a private matter. Now leave
and wait for me in the carriage. I have to look splendid for my people!
"It's incredible how Serena has grown into a beautiful,
exquisitely mannered woman, compared to her fourteenth or sixteenth
year-old self, that was charming but with the terrible backfall of being
noticeably naive. The long battles she has endured made her embrace
maturity and responsibility in such an unequaled way. No wonder she
carries in her sole shoulders the fate of so many, performing her mission
like no one else".
"Indeed she's the Messiah I first failed to recognize",
whispered Uranus as she heard the crystal vehicle whisk off to the city.
She saw the Queen along her way to the exercise room, her eyes found the
deep blue ones of Serenity. The odango combed girl uttered "hello,
Haruka", and continued her way as Luna urged her to aboard the carriage.
Then she learned from Pluto her Majesty's hefty schedule, admiration
flooding her soul towards that of her ruler. By now she knew that Neo-King
Endymion had fallen in battle, like Neptune, in a supernatural effort to
protect his love. Also, she guessed who was last night by the entrance to
the west wing.
- Odango head, keep up the good work. You're helping out
more than you can imagine.
- So, Haruka-papa, are we today going to practice
- Yes, Tomoe-san. It's a work-out therapy for my back and
also a good exam for your skills- smiled Uranus.
- Of course, I'll never be as accomplished as you are,
- Cut with the flattering, my pupil! If you think you can
make me favor you by such talk, I won't.
Hotaru was glad to see her "dad" in a great mood.
By the window. Last night you spoke to me, KaiOu-san. You
repeated the tiresome speech of getting on with my life, that you never
left and that your spirit shall always be there when the kingdom needs
you. What about me, KaiOu-san? Do I just throw to the dump so many years
by your side spent?
Reeny, Crystal Tokyo's future queen, was busy with her
senshis and Diana. She found out about the costume party and joined in the
- My mom will be extremely delighted! Dad would've wanted
her to do this, - and she turned to an extraordinary full-figure portrait
of him painted by the court's artist, KaiOu Michiru.- and to be able to
cheer again. Lets make it as to be remembered as the biggest celebration
of the century!
- Are you stating that because it happens also to be
_your_ birthday, Small Lady?- interrupted MeiOu Setsuna, the senshi of the
shadows, Sailor Pluto.
The princess laughed at her question, obviously a joke.
- No, Puu. But thanks for reminding me. With all these
incidents I've forgotten.
- It's comprehensible, princess. Now follow me to the
library: your tutoring won't any longer be posponed.
- Puu! Please, I'm busy with the party!
Pluto's red brown eyes were stern, yet her lips outlined
a slight grin.
- Venus and the others can handle it. _You_ have school
subjects to catch up with!
When Setsuna crossed her arms over her breast Reeny would
see that it was useless to discuss. She took her tutor's hand and let her
lead the way.
-"What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". Who
quoted that, little one?
Tomoe Hotaru found it hard to be trying to defend herself
from Haruka's swift katana and concentrating on her questions at the same
time. She let the swords give another clash or so, and after a deep breath
she replied:
- Friedrick Nietzsche, German philosopher.
- Excellent, kid! Name the poem in which William Butler
Yeats writes "And paced upon the mountains overhead/ And hid his face amid
a crowd of stars".
- For how many points do I play?
- Hmm... I say for 200! Keep your circle intact!
- Easy! "When You Are Old", written in 1892.
As she spoke she saw how her katana was knocked to a
side, and Uranus' blade point at her throat.
- Correct response, Tomoe-san, but you let your guard
down and your circle in danger. Have all senses sharp, not just
concentrate on one!
Sailor Saturn put the sword back in its sheath, and
- Whoa! For having a back injury you almost move in the
optimal rate you perform.
Haruka was standing with the sword for a walking stick,
just to hold straight.
- I'll practice for an hour more, kid. You may leave,
lesson's over.
- Haruka-papa...
- I felt a bit sluggish in my moves. I'll try to improve
my condition.
- Don't push yourself, okay? If you need me I'll be
practicing the violin and then talking with the others in the conventions
- Okay, Hotaru. I'll join you girls later.
Tomoe-san was Michiru's best violin student. Probably her
only refuge was playing the instrument, attempting to perform like the
gifted mediterranean eyed woman did, and so she grabbed it with almost as
much love as KaiOu used to, playing one by one each chord, ever
delicately, ever sublime. Soon a whole piece was coming out, Hotaru was
absorbed more into the world Neptune introduced her to, the images were of
a cathartic soul, the tones of a healing symphony. In spite of some tears,
she kept playing.
"This is for you, Michiru-mama".
It wasn't painful, though. "Music has the power to
soothe", once said Neptune. Sailor Saturn could feel the truth of her
words when she vibrated 'til zenith each string."Feel how it touches you,
experience the wrath of the violin".
"What the -". The melody reached her. After all, Hotaru's
room wasn't far from this chamber. I wanted to listen and ignore it at the
same time. It could've been more easier if I were heartless as a cadaver.
But I'm TeNou Haruka, strength and independence portray me, I can survive
She then positioned to begin her practice. "Feet
together, sword in sheath. Ready to take out... now!". With a single
strike inmediate after exposing to the afternoon air her katana, she knew
she had executed -imaginatively- the death with a single strike movement.
Her muscles were as tense as ever, making her spill that extra energy on
more tecniques. Soon she was sweating, and had to remove the upper piece
of the practicing uniform, revealing her white tank top. Rather
unconventional, but much better. She moved more easily, and was absorbed
with her intense routine when a visit carefully opened the door and
"Back injury? I don't see where! She's as chasing away
with her sword a fear, defending her circle to the end". Neo-Queen
Serenity kept her promise: when she soon concluded her duties for today
she set out to find her friend and speak with her. Right now she was at
loss for words.
"Hard working, devoting to the task. That has
characterized you, TeNou Haruka, for years. You sacrifice anything,
anything just to fulfill your responsibility, because it's more than a
matter of honor to you. You're like a gentleman, yet combined with the
unique intuition of a woman. From what part of the universe did you come
from, Tenou-san?".
"How selfish of you to keep sticking to life! Can't you
realize everything has lost its point, whatever made them valuable to
you?! This is not worth continuing!". I worked the katana more swiftly.
From an ocean not far the break of the waves could be
heard through the open window. A breeze carried its message. Uranus simply
shut them out with a echoing slam. Her blocked tears were ready to be
confused with her profusing sweat, she shoved more into the nothing the
sharp blade.
Invisible wounds, taking it all out on whatever she
She then put the katana down, preventing with its help an emotional fall.
- Bloody memory! I can't fight you, Michiru!
- You don't have to.- A soft hand layed on her shoulder,
spreading a sweet comprehension to her veins.
- Odango head! I mean, Serena!- She took that hand,
smaller than hers, held it gently. She let her fingers curl up to those
long ones: an expressive embrace had generated.
- Haruka, I deeply apologize for not doing a thing at the
time. If I only knew that this was to occur...
- Blame's not yours, friend! No one _ever_ expected that
son of a gun to wake up in this world and threaten so soon. I can't deal
with the fact that it was _me_ who was supposed to die in that flaming
blast, and instead Neptune took the shot!
- I could well say the same, Uranus. Darien intended to
buy precious seconds for me to gather my strength and defeat the Phoenix
with my Honeymoon Therapy Kiss... I didn't follow that he had to expose
himself to that limit.
TeNou turned when her ears caught a low sob. The
enchanting saphire eyes of her queen were raining pained water. The sight
softened her attitude and used her pianist sculpted hand to wipe the tears
off that tender face.
- There, you have me to cry all what's necessary to purge
this grief. Let me do it for both of us.
Her deep voice, when it employed a poet's tone, sounded
much more polished, soul-reaching. She put her arm around Serenity's waist
and offered the shoulder for her to recline the head. Nice feeling,
though. Very nice.
They probably stood in that eloquent silence for an
infinite while. Serena compared her senshi's embrace with a man's, not any
different: protective,understanding. Haruka's smell was also of a man,
penetrating to the very alveole, unforgettable. Uranus' perception of her
figure was a dearing one: like having in your hands well worked glass,
fragile but exquisite. The scent was disguising in undetection, she could
still tell the faintness of a blue rose.
- I never noticed how... manageable your hair is,
Serenity. My fingers can run smoothly over and over without obstacles.-
The most likely comparison was Michiru's own sea- green hair, so
suggestive about a calm but passionate spirit, deep in thought and
feelings. Involuntarily she set closer her body, reaching for something to
- Haruka, I...- Serena was attentive to the movement
produced, and let go to separate.- I can't... I have to leave for an
administration matter.
As if from a dream she had awaken, Uranus didn't attempt
to stop her. She only had the eyes set on the aesthetically perfect
younger woman leaving in a rather hurried step. Her existance had become a
bedlam, yet the light that filtered her darkness seemed to make sense of
the biggest chaos reigning. It was simple to conceive her troubles from
KaiOu's departure; no longer that explaination was sufficient. She kept
the sword and changed back to her Sailor outfit to go to the conventions
His cane stretched as much as possible to trip down the
Phoenix representitive. He was awed at how the opponent evaded it, and,
with a depreciative gesture, mocked his attack. Endymion was angry, his
promise to solve the conflict without making necessary Serenity's
intervention was to be broken. He used his cape to shield form a flame
blast. Useless: it was reduced to ashes as well as his shoulder got
" Infinite, Wise Force that created this universe, please
give me power to destroy this enemy!", to his insides he exclaimed.
Phoenix, however, made to the knowledge of everyone
present his intentions:
- Hear me all! I am a god, and as such I am inmortal.
Every five-hundred years I rise form my remains that travel across space
and set either to give good fortune or destruction to a world. By Destiny
I happened to awake here, and your so-called Crystal Tokio is not of my
likings. How can a beautiful city have imperfect inhabitants?! You're not
worthy of the tolerance you have been conceded by the other gods. I, for
that, shall make this planet be shortened to dust particles! Now, have a
sample of my power. Supernova Flame Blast!
The watch towers of the protective walls were instantly
gone, no remains detected.
All the senshis were frightened at his display of power.
"We got to buy more time for the people to evacuate!", it rang to
Neptune's head. She then stood firmly in her post and had her deep aqua
mirror ready. Uranus approached her.
"Can you tell me what are you trying to do?! Our forces
are insufficient to hold this guy!"
"Hold him, no; distract him, _yes_! I sense Neo-Queen
Serenity's arrival, and we have to fool him enough for her to take him by
"Smart of you, KaiOu-san. I'll tell the others".
At unpaired lapses every Sailor senshi threw her attack,
causing the Phoenix to loose focus on his goal. Endymion colaborated too,
with his cane and his trademark roses cutting through the wind.
Haruka switched her direction; she changed her mind. "Not
in the mood to go and chit-chat so lightly of
I-don't-know-what-in-blazes-they're-planning!". The extense palace garage
kept many motor-vehicle gems, most of them courtesy of her. At first sight
a yellow-sand Lambourghini convertible was parked, in her younger days it
was her favorite. Next, a Formula One Williams-Renault, a car that won her
so many championships. Later stood a white Porsche, seventies model. She
remembered it dearly as a personal gift to Michiru in her twenty-first
"Definetely, you're to be kept as a treasure", she
would've whispered as she petted the squeaky-clean surface.
No permission, however, to torment herself with that past
love. Although it was the love of her life.
Then she spotted ther vehicle she was just looking for:
her Kawasaki Ninja KX-2RR. The maximum desire to attempt to become one
with the wind invaded her, she hopped on and started the engine.
When I close my eyes, I see you, KaiOu Michiru. I try to
reach you, and you disappear like vapor. Only then do my ears hear you:
you insist on getting myself together, take chances in creating a new
life. "I know you're not indifferent to affections that in you surge,
TeNou-san. Solitude isn't in your design, so find whom you need to
Just a couple of feet away she shifted to a higher gear,
roaring like thunder in the road to the city. "Quiet down, heart. I know
you received a peculiar sensation next to Serenity, I want you to clear it
for me... Just _what_ was I trying to do?! She was so cute -no, sweet-, my
guard was down... She reminded me plenty of things. _But what?!_".
Maybe ilusions I threw to oblivion, maybe.
Was I too vulnerable to her presence? Her smell, so much
like... Endymion's? No, this one made me soothe a little...
She interrupted the idea with a firmer grip on her
"No, no, no! I'm looking for a distraction, that's all.
No one can be better than Darien! No one!".
The frescoes in the throne room, done with sensibility
and good taste by KaiOu Michiru, brought at last a materialization to her
anxiety: in the middle, a couple waltzing. "Darien and Serena", it was
titled. She examined the image slowly, and when the tip of her index
finger made contact with his painted face, a large amount of 'Darien'
murmurs and tears, slipping down to her neck, repentively appeared. She
dropped to her knees and had her desperate expression shielded by her
These same hands couldn't prevent the damage occured. I
ran to the presence of the Phoenix, for no blood should be spilled no
more. I hardly got there when his beam hit my side, forcing my senshis to
assume protective measures to my persona. Endymion kept working his plan,
he knew I was there.
"Gather your strength, love. I'll do my best here".
I read his mind, and I shouted for him not to expose
"Serena, your safety and the world's first".
Noooooooo!!!! Daaaarieeeennn!!!!!
The shriek that the queen let from her lips escape
spurred Neptune's and Uranus' energy. They got up to their feet, and used
their heftiest weapons on the red flame eyed enemy.
- Space Sword Blast!
- Submarine Reflection!
Phoenix laughed sarcasticaly, he stopped when our attacks
pierced his sleeves, injuring his arms.
- How _dare_ you mortals spill my blood?! It's not like
yours, I loose substance as I bleed! You will pay, I assure!
I thought we had him cornered, and didn't expect him to
counterattack so soon when to my ears came the darting buzz of his
Supernova Flame Blast. Neptune then charged like a football player towards
me, pushing me out from the course of the deadly ray.
-Uranus! I can't allow you to die!
-Huh???? Nep... Neptune!!!!
Her body fell over mine, her wound soaking my Sailor
I had no time to lament. With the edge of his right hand
the Phoenix hit me from behind. Last I heard was a crack, probably my
- Ouch!- After a week's activity my back finally
complained to me. I hadn't seen her Majesty lately, she's too submerged in
her duties from what Saturn tells me. "She's supervising the construction
sites for the homes some of our people lost", Hotaru says. "So much
energy she's injecting as if nothing else exists beyond work. Haruka-papa,
I'm concerned for her Highness".
"Me too, kid, but can anyone tell me why does she insists
on tormenting herself?!". I just don't understand what the hell is going
on inside, and she's the only one that can clear it for me. Serenity, why
are you so fucking stubborn, just as me?!
Luna nodded.
- Very well, Artemis! The plans for Neo-Queen Serenity's
and Reeny's birthday can continue.
- Why that change of heart?
- I agree with you that her psychic condition hasn't
improved much. She needs a distraction, and this urge to hammer her
anxieties on her efforts to govern don't report her any good. I don't talk
to her about my reserves, I know how stubborn she can get.
Artemis perceived her gloom gesture. He put himself next
to her, and gave her an encouraging smile.
She's not the infantile Serena we used to deal with. Right now she may be
ailing from his death, but I have a feeling she has already spotted a
cure. She's afraid of life after Endymion, that's all.
Luna turned her head toward the hall's hourglass. How such wise words,
beloved Artemis! I hope Serena can find somewhere in time to think them
- Patience, a special gift to man from Father Time, is
the best instrument to withstand any flaw, Small Lady.
Reeny, soon to be seventeen years-old, listened
attentively as to mark each word with hot iron in her head. What wisdom
had Setsuna gathered throughout centuries!
- You never cease to amaze me, Puu!
- It's actually elemental, your Highness. Every soul has
been given a certain cognitive level, it's a matter of questioning and
searching that requires your knowledge to surface and to be used.
- Think I can someday adquire the wisdom you have?
- Yes, you can. As I said, do a little questioning and
searching and you'll find your true self.
"Hope mother had these lessons".
- I see you distracted, Small Lady. What's wrong?
- Worry not, Puu.
"I trust that the endangered spirit can help itself
regain stability."
Every night in the star shaped window of the west wing
her thoughts swam freely. It became her favorite spot to spend her hours
while insomnia lasted. Haruka was sleeping better, she was again
practicing her sports, her piano. Out that glass, she would see Serenity
wandering in the garden, so much alike that of Mister Edwards'. "The
future resembles a rose: sometimes blooming, sometimes withering. It's in
our might to polish it the way we want it to be, to build the ladder to
reach for hope. Have you forgotten that, Serena?". Right now your dress
got stuck in a couple of thorns, you kneel to release it and keep your
wandering... Serena, look at me!
There's no place on Earth like Edwards' garden, I
remember. I attempted to reproduce its calm, majestic charm with this one
Endymion and I grew, but nothing like the original. I wish I could go
there, get lost... Find... Find what?
No doubt that the question dripped acid into her
tranquility. Her head faced the ground, she didn't have the intention to
lift it up. Then a hand touched her chin, rising it gently to meet its
- Good evening, your Highness.
The voice was familiar. Masculine. She had to admit that
the white long-sleeve shirt buttoned at the middle with those black
straight leg pants looked great on TeNou Haruka.
- Good evening, Sailor Uranus. What brings you here to my
presence?- Obviously she wasn't much excited as her fake smile showed.
Haruka's eyebrows raised a bit. How blunt of you to do
that, your Majesty. Why don't you just say you don't wish to see me?!
- For God's sake, your Royalship! I came to walk a bit,
and fortune seemed to have made me bump into you.
Serenity was frankly annoyed. These days I've been trying
to avoid you, prevent confussion in me to rise each time I view your eyes,
each time I get to my nostrils your scent. After all, did she expected her
to believe that lame excuse? Not in a million years, TeNou!
- I'd like to be alone, if you _please_!
"It seems the old TeNou charm isn't working, right? Now
- Hey! Since when did _I_ hurt you?! May you explain why
are you avoiding me?
- I'm not avoiding you! I'm just being... indifferent.
Uranus' face sardonicaly grinned as she grasped her arm.
So, is she getting away from me? I don't wish that to happen!
- Indifferent? You sure ain't doing it right now! I think
you're rather disturbed!
- What are you trying to mean?! And let go! I don't want
to be any close to you.
She struggled to release her arm from the tight hold.
Haruka then realized that her grip hurt Serena a bit.
- I'm... I'm sorry, Neo-Queen Serenity. I exceeded my
What the fuck is wrong with me?! Uranus had never reacted
so furious to rejection, especially when it seemed like this was shutting
her out of happiness. Nothing else than to retreat, I suppose.
She walked to the entrance.
- I will bother you no more.
Defeat hurted, more than anything: it hurted like hell to
loose KaiOu-san, and now you, Serenity. But I can still do something, just
that I don't want to force you. No. Goodbye? Okay, take a deep breath and
pace slowly... Goodbye, then.
Her Majesty lost then all control of herself. It was bad
enough to have suffered Endymion's death, but did it had to signal hers in
life too? She could no longer ignore the burning emotion that invaded each
time those green eyes made her the object of their adoration, how they
gently caressed her image.
It was now or never.
- Don't go!
TeNou-san turned. She could see how Serena's features
were tightening, as in a battle to dominate herself; her arms had fallen
to the sides. Without even thinking, she locked her in an embrace, and
leaned down to her ear.
- Odango head, don't fear me.
She then gave a soft kiss on Serenity's rose lips.
Awed, Tsukino Serena only snuggled close. She felt she
was on track to find what she desperately longed.
"Serena! Strike down this demon now!".
The queen finally had her face off with the prepotent
deity. She had her kaleido moon scope ready to avenge all the hits her
friends and her beloved husband had to take. With no mercy, she released
her most powerful attack, the Honeymoon Therapy Kiss.
Before the Phoenix could blink to determine the origin of
an energy he sensed coming his way he received a blast that rapidly
deprieved him of his faculties, and Death arrived shortly.
Serenity was glad that the menace was over, and ran to
where Darien was lying. Not even with that sparkle that in his eyes showed
could he hide his condition.
"Good job, my darling", he gasped with his short
breathing interfering."Now do one last favor for me..."
"Endymion! Endymion! What are you talking about?!"
"Be happy. Don't let any burden steal from you... the
sheer joy of being alive".
"But you're my joy, Darien! Resist!"
"Promise me! An oathe... made to the... dying... must not
be... violated... Promise!".
"Yes! Yes! But don't speak any more! Amy can attend your
wounds, just resist!". She must have realized how useless her words were,
because she put her head in his chest. She then raised it to leave a
tender kiss in his forehead.
"Adieu, ma cheri".
"Neo-Queen Serenity!", the Sailor senshis screamed as she
fainted. Her body was weak after consuming her maximum effort to dominate
the Phoenix representitive, her inside crumbling under the weight of the
supreme pain.
"I promised to never sink under whatever happened! I have
the opportunity to mend my existance... I'd sure be a bloody fool if I
didn't take it!".
The experience Haruka had could tell her she was nervous.
"She's like a trembling leaf". She ran her hand up and down the younger
back as if calming her.
- Haruka, I'm not ready for another relationship. I'd
love to, though.
- I understand, moon rabbit. I actually feel I'm not
either, yet you're the one person for whom I experiment an attraction to.
Your ilusion is what I exactly require to really start a new life. I know
I can't go back to the old one, it's dead and gone. Somehow, you brought
in a blind trust to the uncertain future again.
Serenity made honor to her name. She gradually gestured a
sincere, relaxed smile. Her soul was free to fly, anywhere it pleased.
"Thank you".
June twenty-six. In palace everyone was hiding with masks
and costumes their concern for a new situation. At the center of the
attention were waltzing a graceful couple: the tall one as the Phantom of
the Opera; the one with the long blond hair falling down her back was
dressed as Christine.
- It seems they have nothing else to distract on,
TeNou-san. They're aware of everything we're doing!
- So? Do _we_ care?
Haruka's tiny giggle melted Serena. She drew closer.
- No, I suppose not- she replied - I'm starting to
appreciate each second with you. Thank you, Sailor Uranus.
- Odango head, lets not waste this second chance.
To everybody's surprise and best wishes, they kissed,
sealing an old chapter to officialy inaugurate their own.
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