Sailor Otome (part 1 of 2)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Princess Serenity the Younger of the kingdom of
Tranquility walked the corridor to her mother's
chamber, wondering why she had been summoned so
suddenly. A frown did little to diminish the blonde
haired woman's beauty, with her golden hair tied back
in two ponytails, sapphire blue eyes and skin that
glowed rosily with health.

Queen Serenity smiled as her daughter entered the
throne room, her own hair white as the driven snow.
Yet other than that she glowed with vitality, her
silvery gown flowing as she walked to embrace her
daughter, "Hello, Serena."

"Mother," Serenity smiled warmly, then looked up at
the woman who followed her mother, "hello, Setsuna."

Setsuna Meiou, known also as Timeless Dark Opal, was
Queen Serenity's Otome companion and warrior, and had
been for many years. Her green black hair and serious
manner could be off putting at first, but Setsuna had
become like a second mother to Serenity.

"Hello, little Serenity," Setsuna said with a slight
smile, "it's good to have you home from the academy."

"Thank you Setsuna," Serenity blushed a bit.

"I have wonderful news for you," Queen Serenity
informed her daughter as they walked back towards the

"What is it?" Serenity asked eagerly.

Sitting gracefully on her throne Queen Serenity leaned
forward eagerly, "I received a message from the
headmaster of the Otome academy, Luna d'Artemis. She
says there's a Otome graduate available!"

Serenity's eyes widened, "An Otome! But I thought they
usually went to kings?"

"Luna owes me a favor or two," Queen Serenity smiled
smugly, "besides, you'll need a Otome if we send you
off as a envoy again."

"As long as it isn't to Lord Mamoru's kingdom,"
Serenity shuddered visibly, "he is far too crude for
my taste."

'Another reason to assign you an Otome,' Queen
Serenity thought to herself grimly, 'to put that fool
in his place. When Setsuna had revealed he had dared
lay hands upon you, I thought I might kill him then
and there.'

There was a soft sound as footsteps came up the hall.
"In fact," Setsuna said calmly, "that should be her

The guard at the door cleared his throat then
announced, "May I present Rei Hino, also known as Ruby

The woman who strode in wore a simple red gown, her
long mane of black hair shining as she strode across
the floor like a panther. The orange cuffs and
highlights made her look even more striking, as did
the single ruby earring that she wore in her left ear.
Her voice was husky as she neared the throne and
bowed, saying, "Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, I
am honored to be welcomed here."

"Welcome, Rei Ruby Firestorm," Queen Serenity said,
then blinked as she observed a most unusual sight.

Princess Serenity was gazing with wide eyes at Rei,
her cheeks flushed and a hand to her bosom as if she
might faint then and there. She opened her mouth,
cleared her throat then managed, "Welcome."

"Princess," Rei took Serenity's hand and kissed the
back, not noticing the blush that nearly made the girl

"It's been a while since I saw you as a coral at the
academy," Setsuna noted with some amusement, "I'm glad
to see you reach your potential."

Rei blushed charmingly, "Ma'am."

'She's so cute!' Serenity thought admiringly.

"We'll have to preform the sealing ceremony tomorrow,"
Queen Serenity noted, "but today I thought you two
should get to know one another."

"Very wise, my Queen," Rei nodded.

Serenity smiled happily as she reached out to take
Rei's hand, "Thank you mother."

Once both girls were gone Queen Serenity turned to her
closest advisor and asked, "What do you think?"

Setsuna smiled slightly, leaning against the side of
the throne comfortably, her light green and black
clothes flowing over her body. "I think they may be
very well matched," she mused after a moment's

Queen Serenity smiled, reaching up to stroke Setsuna's
cheek as she softly asked, "As well matched as we

"One cannot repeat perfection," Setsuna murmured as
she bent over to give her Queen a sweet, lingering

"So, Miss Hino..." Serenity said tentatively as they
walked the hallways.

"Princess," Rei interrupted her cautiously, "if I may
be so bold, could you simply call me Rei?" A smile,
"An Otome is supposed to be your companion as well as
your champion."

"Rei, then," Serenity smiled shyly, "and you may just
call me Serenity."

Rei smiled as they passed one of the many windows,
where outside roses bloomed, the sweet scent washing
over them both. "I'd like that," she said warmly.

Serenity gestured to a bench, carefully sitting then
watching enviously as Rei gracefully sat beside her.
'I wish I could be that coordinated,' she thought
wryly. She looked at Rei curiously, "While my mother
and Setsuna have talked a bit about the Otome, I'm not
entirely sure what you can do..."

Rei chuckled softly, smiling at Serenity. "There are a
lot of stories," she agreed, "I suspect it gets hard
to tell fact from fiction."

"Exactly," Serenity agreed.

"As a Otome, I was injected with nanomachines as the
academy," Rei calmly explained, "normally, they just
serve to increase my speed, reaction time, strength
and healing abilities." She reached up to touch her
earring as she continued, "However, when my GEM is
activated by my master, I can summon my robe and use
abilities such as flight, my element weapon and far
greater strength and resistance to injury."

Serenity's eyes widened, "Incredible. And I'll be your

Rei nodded slightly, "Once we make the contract at the
ceremony tomorrow."

Serenity murmured, "I can't wait..."

"Eh?" Rei blinked.

Serenity blushed as she waved her off, "Nothing,

"Anyway," Rei shook her head, "you'll need this, when
we make the contract." From within her dress she drew
out a red gemstone, one matching the one in her ear
and passed it to Serenity, "This is for you."

"It's lovely," Serenity held the gem carefully.

"Do you have a signet ring?" Rei asked curiously.

Serenity carefully drew off a silver band from her
finger, decorated with the kingdom's symbol, "Yes,
it's a gift from my mother."

Borrowing it a moment Rei carefully took Serenity's
gem and fitted it into a opening on the ring, where it
snugly fit into place. "Most ruler's rings are
designed to work with a Otome contract gem," she
passed it back to Serenity, "just in case."

'It's almost like a engagement ring,' Serenity
realized as her heart beat faster. Looking up at Rei
she smiled, "Thank you, it's lovely."

"Ah," Rei blinked innocently, "you're welcome."

"Come on, I should show you around," Serenity smiled,
already mentally planning their days together. 'First,
I'll have her wake me in the morning, with me just in
that tiny little nightie. We'll have breakfast
together, then go out walking in the gardens. I bet I
can find LOTs of things out there to interest her

"Where should we go first?" Rei asked her as she
followed behind the curiously distracted looking

"My chambers," Serenity said with a bounce to her
step, "I'm sure you'll be spending a lot of time

"Ehh?" Rei blinked, wondering a bit about the tone in
the blonde princess' voice.

To be continued...?


Natsuki Kruger frowned, her dark blue hair flowing
over her shoulders as she paced the meeting room.
"That's a completely inaccurate depiction of the real
relationship between an Otome and her master," she
protested irritably.

"Completely inaccurate," Yukino Chrysant agreed, the
reddish brown haired woman keeping a firm grip on
Haruka Armitage's arm.

"Very exaggerated," Arika Yumemiya agreed, holding the
younger Queen Mashiro in her lap as she fed her

"Natsuki," Shizuru Viola purred as the brown haired
woman gently grabbed her from behind, "don't be so...

Natsuki blushed, "Shizuru!"

Aoi Senoh chuckled softly as the brown haired maid
carried in another tray of drinks, Chie Hallard
following beside her. "Here you go," she delivered to
Natsuki, Shizuru, Yukino and Haruka but when Mashiro
asked for one she shook her head reluctantly, "you're
too young."

"I'm the queen and I can't drink?" Mashiro complained.

"Sorry," Aoi shrugged eloquently.

"How busy are you?" Chie asked curiously, the black
clad young woman pushing up her glasses sexily.

"I'm off soon," Aoi admitted, "why?"

Chie leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "I was
thinking we could go off and..."

Aoi's eyes widened as she listened to Chie explain
what she wanted to do. "Mashiro," she called as she
and Chie hurried out the door, "I'm going on my break!

"Good help is SO hard to find," Haruka smirked.

"So," Natsuki said as she tried to get them back on
subject, "what will we do about this inaccurate
version of our lives?"

"Offer to be guest stars?" Shizuru asked as she
nibbled Natsuki's neck.

"Shizuru!" Natsuki squeaked.


Notes: Not planning a part two, but we'll see. Based
off the Mai Otome manga, in which warrior women are
bonded to rulers as their champions and defenders.
While I exaggerate the characters in the Omake, it IS
canon that Shizuru and Natsuki are more than friends,
and possibly also Haruka and Yukino. Heh.

Onwards to Part 2

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