The Return of Sailor V (part 9 of 15)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by SailorJane

Back to Part 8

The sunset lit the street with a orange glow as Serena and Amy walked down Mott Street in 
Little Italy. Both of them were dressed in coats, hoping to stay somewhat inconspicuous. 
They wouldn't even hold hands in fear of attracting attention to horny guys. Amy had on her 
black beret, while Serena wore a grey fedora. 

"I love Italian food," Serena said in her ditzy voice. She was almost picking up a hint of 
a New York accent, or she could have just been talking like that for fun. 

"You love all food Serena," Amy smiled at her. 

"Not all food, just good food." 

"Well," Amy couldn't help but put her arm around Serena's, "That was a pretty good 
restaurant." There was a small hesitation as the two continued to walk down the street. 
"I'm so happy to see you again." 

"Me too," Serena looked to her friend, "I miss you so much. Hard to sleep at night." 

"Me as well." 

"Well at least you got Mina, I got nobody." 

"Oh Serena," Amy said, "I love Mina, but not the way I love you." 

They stopped in the middle of the sidewalk looking at each other. 

"I'm afraid Serena," she continued, "They're looking for you. They want you dead." 

"C'mon Amy," Serena joked around, "We went five years without me dying." 

Serena's optimistic spirit never failed to make Amy smile. 

"I wish Luna would let me be Sailor Moon again." 

Amy shushed her, "Be careful, the walls have ears." 

Serena looked around in confusion. She saw the fish market, the fruit stand, "I don't see 
any walls with ears." 

Amy sighed and laughed. 

"What?" Serena jumped up and down. 

"I wish I could be as carefree," Amy said, "And as much of a free spirit as you." 

Serena grabbed her friend and inched closer, "You just need to lighten up." She leaned in 
slowly to kiss the bluenette's lips. Amy didn't resist although she did notice a few people 
staring at them. Amy eventually pulled back. 

"Why don't we find a place we can be in private?" Amy asked. 

Serena smiled, "Let's go back to the apartment. Nobody's home right now!" 

Amy considered the offer, considered the consequences, but looking into the face of her 
beautiful blonde girlfriend, she couldn't resist. 

"I need to be with you right now Amy," Serena said, "If I have to go another night without 
you in bed with me, I'm gonna go crazy? And I'm already crazy to begin with." She laughed. 

Amy looked around smiling and then back at Serena, "All right, all right, let's go." 

Amy and Serena began to walk down the street, this time hand in hand. The street was filled 
with not just Italians, but people of all races conversing in different languages. Amy 
noticed an old 40s black Cadillac Fleetwood parked alongside the road. She let go of 
Serena's hand and stopped to admire the vehicle. 

"Wow, look at this old Cadillac." 

Serena looked at Amy slightly confused, "Since when have you been into cars?" 

"Remember I worked as a Machanic with that girl Natsumi? I've been brushing up on them, 
because it helps you when you're a Police officer. If I'm not mistaken, this was made in 
the early 1940s." 

Serena was not as interested, but did look across the street to see an old style 
fruitstand. "Hey Amy," she said, "I'm gonna go buy some fruit." 

Amy moved her head away from the car to see Serena, "Since when do you eat fruit?" 

"Since Raye threatened to sacrifice me to Satan unless I picked some up while I was out." 

Amy shook her head and laughed, "Okay babe." She took a look through the car window to 
examine the car. 

Serena walked across the street. Living in New York City, she had gotten used to 
jaywalking. There were no cars coming, but she wouldn't have cared if there were. The 
fedora covered Odango-head looked at the seemingly endless boxes of oranges, eggplants, 
Kiwifruits, and a bunch of other things she was unfamiliar with. She picked up her head to 
the chubby caterer. 

"Hello," Serena said in a friendly voice. "I want some fruit." The Caterer didn't say 
anything, but picked up a paper bag. Serena looked at the box of oranges and pointed to a 
few of them, "Give me three." The man picked them up and placed them neatly in the bag. 

As Serena continued to look at the fruit, two men emerged from behind a truck with hats and 
sports coats. As they walked towards the fruit stand, their eyes fixated on Serena. They 
reached into their pockets. The Princess handed the caterer money and picked up the bag. 
Her eyes shifted to the men now running toward her. The loud clicking footsteps made 
Serena's heart beat faster. She quickly began to climb over the boxes attempting to outrun 
the men. Their footsteps were getting louder as their hands revealed handguns pointing 
their way towards the marked girl. 

Serena ran right into a barrel of oranges causing her to drop her bag. The oranges rolled 
across the street towards the black Cadillac. She ran right towards the car, "Amy!" She 
shouted, "AMY!!!" 

But it was too late, as the oranges continued to roll down the street, gunshots fired 
directly into Serena's back. Her grey fedora flew off her head and she plunged right into 
the passenger's side of the car. The two men stopped and continued to empty their clips 
into Sailor Moon's back. 

Amy immediately emerged from behind the car ducking to avoid getting shot herself. She 
looked at the two gunmen and pulled out her Sailor Pen. Unfortunately, the pen jumped out 
of her fingers and fell to the ground. Amy tried to pick it back up, but the gunmen had 
emptied their clips and ran down the street. The bluenette's mind was not on them. She 
turned to see Serena, her coat filled with holes, blood dripping down her back. She slowly 
spun around, creeping ever so softly off the hood of the car. Finally she fell to the 
ground on all fours, trying to keep herself up. It was no use. Whatever small amount of 
consciousness was left in her immediately deteriorated as she fell onto her back right on 
the street. 

Amy stood there on the pavement looking down in shock at her Princess. Serena Usagi 
Tsukino, the girl she spent the last decade protecting, the love of her life, Sailor Moon, 
the Champion of Justice, had finally been assassinated. 

Her legs collapsed as she fell down sitting on the side of the curb right in front of her 
friend's lifeless body. Her pen dangled in her hands. She shook and cried like she had 
never done before. She reached up to her head as her hat fell onto the ground. She could 
hardly catch her breath. 

A crowd gathered around the body. Two women were pushed out of the way by a man. The 
caterer of the fruit-stand inched his way over to the gunned down beauty. This girl was 
only a young woman, barely out of high school. Her beautiful long blonde hair got covered 
by the filthy slime of the streets. And her face, so light, so fair, the face of a 
princess, had no signs of life. 

None could feel the pain like Amy. Her eyes were tightly closed as tears painfully came 
down her face. She moaned like a baby. Her hands hovered in the air wishing they could do 
something to save Serena. All she could do was cry out her name so loudly it could be heard 
far down the street: 


Darkness appeared out of nowhere. It was impossible to see anything. 

"Amy?" A voice came through. 

Suddenly a light came on. Amy was sitting up in bed, her naked body covered up in the 
sheets. She looked to her right to see Mina also under the covers. Her breast was covered 
up in a bandage. Her trademark bow was on the nightstand next to the lamp. 

"What's wrong?" 

Amy looked around the room still trying to get a grip on what had just happened. Looking 
onto her end of the bed, she picked up a copy of the THE GODFATHER. She and Mina had been 
watching the movie. A dream, she thought, it was just a dream. Amy sighed. 

"I had the most horrible dream," She said. 

Mina reached out to grab the blue-hair's face. They sat there in silence for a long time. 
Not kissing, not cuddling, not anything until Amy finally got out of bed. 

"Mina," Amy said, "Can we go over to Serena's right now?" 

Mina was trying to be patient, "Amy, it's-" She picked up her cell-phone, "It's 3:47 in the 
morning. They're all sleeping." 

Amy reached for her pen, "I don't care," she said, "I gotta go. Mercury Star Power, make 
up." She  immediately transformed into Sailor Mercury. 

Mina painfully got out of bed, "Amy, what are you doing? Walking over to that apartment 
dressed as Sailor Mercury isn't a good idea." 

"In the dream I just had," Amy said, "Serena was assassinated." 

Mina didn't know how to respond to this. She managed to squeak out, "Amy, you're Sailor 
Mercury, the brains of the Scouts. Are you sure this is the best decision to make right 

"All my rational reasoning," Amy said putting on her goggles, "Has escaped me. I'm afraid 
for Serena's life." 

Mina shook her head realizing there was no way she could change the girl's mind. "Okay, but 
you know Luna's gonna be mad at us." Mina picked up her pen, ignoring the pain in her 
chest, "Moon Power, Make up!" 

Onwards to Part 10

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