Rei the Playa

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Anjiru

*A fic like this had to be written one day....

**How many Gandhi trademark "WHAAAAT"s can you find?


	Minako sighed in content as she cuddled closer to Rei.
	'Cuddling is the best part.' She thought, even as Rei began to 
slip away from her.
	"Rei?  Where are you going?"
	"The others will be here soon, honey.  You don't want them to 
catch us like this."
	"Umm... Actually, I think it's time we told them."
	Rei turned on Minako and looked at her like she had three heads.
	"Wha?  We can't!"
	"Why not? I think they'll be happy for us.  Usagi won't mind, 
she doesn't have a problem with Haruka and Michiru."
	"Rei began to sweat and Minako noticed how nervous she was 
	"I think she will.  The timing..."
	"Nothing's happening right now.  It's the perfect time!"
	"That's not what I meant..."
	"Then what did you mean?" Minako stood and her expression became 
suspicious. "Exactly why can't we tell them?"
	"Tell us what?"  Very conveniently, in walked Usagi, followed by 
Ami and Makoto.
	"Oh God, no..." The poor fire senshi buried her face in her 
	Minako took one look at Rei and decided.  "Well since your all 
here... Rei and I are lovers!"
	Her knockout smile turned into a confused frown as she looked 
around the room.
	Rei's head was still in her hands and she sounded like she was 
sobbing.  Makoto's eyebrows were high enough to be off her head.  
Ami's eyes were like saucers and her mouth hung open slightly.  And 
Usagi...  The Moon Princess's fists were clenched tightly at her sides 
and her eyes were narrowed.
	Minako was taken aback.
	"Usagi, are you mad that Rei and I are lovers?"
	The question was ignored completely.  Still staring into Minako, 
Usagi asked, "Rei, is this true?"
	The affirmative came quietly between sobs. 		
	"Usagi?" Minako was thoroughly confused now.  The other two 
senshi had overcome their shock and waited to see the action of their 
	Their Princess shook with anger, while her face became red.  And 
then she exploded.
	"Minako!  How dare you!"
	"Usagi?!"  This was clearly not the reaction Minako wanted.  
	"How dare you steal my lover!  You little tramp!"
	Minako took a few seconds to decipher her words.  Then:
	"WHAAAAT?!  Your lover?  What in the name of Venus are you 
talking about?"
	Rei sobbed just a bit harder.
	"Rei was my lover way before she was yours!"
	"You vicious homewrecker!  Stop telling lies!"
	The duty and honor of the Moon Princess and her loyal senshi 
protectors was all forgotten in a hot second, as the two girls stared 
daggers into eachother.  Ami and Makoto stood uneasily wating for the 
next piece of drama.
	"Rei!" They both barked.  For the first time Rei looked up.  She 
inhaled deeply and came out with it.
	"It's true..."  She turned to Minako. "I'm Usagi's lover too."
	Minako gasped hard enough to suck all the air out of the room.  
Her eyes narrowed.  
	"I hate you!  Damn you for being so sexy."
	"Mina--" Rei tried to grab the girls hand, but she turned her 
back with a "Hmph!"
	Usagi took the oppurtunity to hold onto Rei.  The fire senshi 
tried to resist her.
	"Usako, no!"
	Minako gasped her lungs away.
	"You call her Usako?  You trick!"
	"You don't understand, she made me!  It was the only way she 
would org--"
	"Rei, shut up!"  the Moon Princess tried to keep her dignity 
intact, but the rest of the senshi were already shuddering.
	"Hey, waht happened to Mamo-chan, hmmm Usagi?" Minako went for 
the low blow. "Had no time for you?  So you had to go to Rei?  Hmm?"
	Usagi ground her teeth into her gums and steam rose off her 
	"You be quiet!  Leave him out of this!"
	Minako continued evilly.
	"Wonder why he had no time...  Maybe he was busy picking roses 
for his...BOYFRIEND!"	
	Makoto and Ami held their Princess' arms while she screamed 
"That's just a rumor!" and scrambled to get at Minako.  Rei held 
Minako around the waist while she shouted curses and "Bring it, 
	A couple of minutes later Usagi had downgraded to panting and 
muttering threats and Minako had started sobbing into Rei's shoulder.
	"[sniff] Why Rei?  You told me you loved me..."
	"Join the club." Usagi and Ami said simultaneously.
	Every eyeball in the room turned on Ami.
	"Oh my... I said that aloud?"
	"WHAAAAT?!"  Now every eyeball was on Makoto.
	"I can't believe this crap!  You had Ami too?"
	Rei blushed as red as her sailor fuku.  She gulped in response.
	"Oh my God, this is crap!" Makoto turned her rage/shock on Ami.  
"You told me I was your first!  You friggin liar!"
	"Makoto, please.  I really love you.  Rei was more of an 
	Rei looked insulted.  "Well, I hardly though it was--"
	"You shut up!"
	Rei quieted instantly as Makoto began to berate her.
	"This is unbelieveable.  You've done two of my best friends and 
my FORMER girlfriend!"  Ami cringed.  "I'm suprised you didn't come 
after me!"
	Rei coughed.  "Actually..."
	"Rei, I think it would be better if you were silent now." Ami 
	"That would be an interesting match, though."
	Everyone glared at Usagi.
	"What?  It would."
	"More interesting than you and Mamoru."
	Once more the two blondes had to be held back.  When it was 
relatively calm again, Makoto announced:  
	"I think I have a solution to this mess."  Everyone's ears 
picked up.  "No more Inner Senshi relationships!"
	"Aw come on be fair..."
	"That's not right, Mako-chan."
	Makoto waved a hand.  "Fine, unless you want this to happen 
	Three heads nodded and sighed.
	"Good.  Now that's all settled I gotta go and cook me some 
	"Yes, and I must catch up on my studying."
	Ami and Makoto headed out, expecting their blonde friends to be 
right behind them.  They realized they weren't and found them holding 
onto Rei and saying their long goodbyes.
	The blondes looked mournfully at Makoto, but let go of Rei.  
Usagi joined Ami and Makoto on their walk home, but Minako hung back 
at Rei's request.
	"Well Rei?"
	"Well Mina...  I just wanna say, even though I've had relations 
with Usagi and Ami and even thought of Makoto, I really loved you.  
And still do."
	"Awwwwww, Rei!  I still love you too!  My snuggable widdle fire 
	The girls embraced and Rei held Minako for awhile.  
	"I was better than them, right?"
	"Of course!  Your the best I ever had." Rei said. 'But not 
better then Setsuna.  That girl could work it.'
Hehe...  I know I kinda gave it all to Mina at the end, but I couldn't 
help it, since I hate all things Rei/Usagi.

Comments appreciated.

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