Interregnum (part 13 of 17)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Desslok

Back to Part 12
[Summer 2004]

Usagi winced as the noise from the construction once again woke 
her baby.  Hopefully, they would finish soon.  She was tired of 
sleeping on the futon in the living room. It had all been her 
idea, but it hadn't taken much to convince Mamoru to agree.  With 
Shingo gone and Kenji requiring more and more care, it simply 
made sense for the three of them to move back in to her family 
home.  Ikuko helped with the baby and Usagi helped with her 
father and the money she and Mamoru saved went to cover medical 
bills.  As convenient as the arrangement was, however, Usagi 
would be glad when they finished removing the wall between her 
old room and Shingo's.  She and Mamoru would share that one soon.  

Lifting the tired infant gently, Usagi sang a soft lullaby.   Her 
nipples ached, so she pleaded with all the kami that the baby 
would fall back asleep without demanding another feeding.  Mamoru 
joked that their child's incessant calls for more food came from 
her gene pool.  The slap upside the head he received in reply was 
well deserved in Usagi's opinion.  Fortunately, the kami heard 
her prayer and Chibi-Usa drifted back to sleep.  The kid could 
usually sleep through anything, another trait she shared with her 

Normally, Usagi would have taken a nap herself, following the 
age-old dictate of "When the baby sleeps, you sleep."  Chibi-Usa 
had gone through the whole night without waking, though, so Usagi 
was making the most of her newfound energy.  She sat back at the 
dining room table and picked up another news clipping from the 

"UN Announces Formation of New Commission to Study Hypercancer"

(Geneva)  United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced 
today the formation of a commission tasked to study the disease 
referred to popularly as 'hypercancer.'   This ad-hoc body will 
be staffed by volunteers from the international medical 
community, widely-respected individuals with a wealth of research 
and medical expertise.  Dr. David Schmidt, a German, will head 
the commission, assisted by United Nations staffer Rei Hino of 
Japan.  ....

"Tokyo Doctor Tabbed for UN Hypercancer Commission"

(Tokyo)   Internationally renowned doctor Mizuno Kaya will be 
leaving her position at Tokyo General to join the newly-announced 
UN Commission on New Diseases, or the "Hypercancer Commission."  
At a press conference today, Dr. Mizuno said, "While I will 
greatly miss my work here at Tokyo General, I believe that 
hypercancer represents the single most powerful threat to the 
health of not only the Japanese people, but people all over the 
world."  A new study released by the Ministry of Health estimates 
that, at present rate of expansion, almost 30% of the population 
could be infected by the end of this decade.  Such rates of 
infection have not been seen since the Black Plague swept across 
Asia and Europe in the Dark Ages.  


Makoto opened the door to her apartment and shuffled inside, 
wearily slipping her feet out of her designer shoes.  She 
couldn't understand how the designers of 'high-fashion' shoes 
continually failed to make their products comfortable to wear, 
especially at the prices they charged.  Unfortunately, the nature 
of her position required her to dress fashionably and to convey a 
sense of elegance.  Her employer certainly compensated her well 
enough to afford such things.  Still, she wiggled her toes 
happily as they came free of their leather bindings. 

With a sigh, she settled into an easy chair.  She'd eaten on the 
job, a pleasant experience when one's job was to manage four-star 
restaurants, so there was no need to prepare dinner this evening.  
A glance at the wall clocks showed that it was still morning in 
California.  Ami would be at the library doing research.  An 
email probably waited for her online, but Makoto couldn't summon 
the energy to check it.  In fact, she almost dreaded the 

'I remember when I used to dash to the computer every night when 
I got home,' Makoto recalled.  Strangely enough, ever since that 
trip to San Francisco, and the later one to Tokyo, Makoto found 
it harder and harder to generate any enthusiasm for email.  All 
it did was remind her of how very much she missed her blue-haired 
angel and how very lonely she was living by herself.  'Strange, 
I've lived alone almost as long as I can remember,' she 
considered. 'I guess I never knew how much I hated it until I 
caught a glimpse of what life might be like if I wasn't always 

Reluctantly, Makoto pulled herself up from her chair.  Rather 
than head to her office, however, she moved into the dining room 
and sat at the table where this morning's newspaper waited 

"Aino Minako Headlines Charity Concert"

(Hong Kong) Over 40,000 pop music fans turned out yesterday to 
see a parade of the world's most popular recording artists in 
Hong Kong Stadium.  Organizers report that revenue from the 
concert and associated licensing and merchandizing will generate 
in excess of 400M HKD (approx. 46M Euros).  All proceeds will be 
donated to the UN Hypercancer Commission.
       The concert featured such luminaries as Girly Berry, 
Kiyotaka, BoA, and Tong.  Closing the festivities was pop 
superstar Aino Minako....


Makoto had just finished clipping the article on Minako when the 
phone rang.  Finding something to add to her scrapbook had 
lightened her mood immensely.  After placing the article 
carefully to one side, she moved to her living room.
"Allo," she answered.

"Hi Mako, it's me," Ami responded in an odd tone.

"Ami-love, what are you doing calling me at this hour?  Shouldn't 
you be at the library or in your lab?"  Makoto replied, a wave of 
happiness washing over her at the sound of her beloved's voice.  

"I would have called you last night, but I didn't want to wake 
you since I knew you had a busy day today," Ami explained.  "I 
figured you'd be home by now.  I'm glad you didn't have to work 

"What's going on, love?  Please tell me that it's good news," she 
requested hopefully.  Too many unexpected calls lately had 
brought horrible news.

"I think it is. You've heard of the UN Commission, right?"

Makoto nodded, even though Ami couldn't see her.  "Sure, I just 
got done reading an article about Mina's benefit concert for 

"Well, they've asked my mom to join, as one of Japan's 
representatives!"  Ami announced.

"That's great, Ami-love!  I'm sure you're very proud!" Makoto 
replied.  "Why wouldn't you think that was good news?"

"Well, that's not all," Ami continued more uncertainly.  "She's 
allowed to hire her own staff to assist her."  Ami paused and 
Makoto waited patiently.  Both women liked to choose their words 
carefully at important moments and Makoto could sense that this 
was one of those times.

"She's asked me to join her," Ami finally told her.  

Makoto smiled proudly, "That's wonderful, love!  You've been 
doing so much work on your own anyway.  I'm sure you'll be of 
great help to your mom and the rest of the commission."

"But, Mako," Ami continued, "I haven't even started med school 
yet.  I just graduated."  

"So?" Makoto asked forcefully.  Makoto would not stand for anyone 
disparaging the accomplishments or qualifications of her one true 
love, even Ami herself!  "You have been working on this topic all 
summer long.  You are one of the smartest people in the whole 
world, if not THE smartest.  You work hard and you help everyone 
around you.  I can't think of anyone better suited for such a job 
than you, no matter what degrees they have!"

There was silence on the line for a few moments.  Finally, Ami's 
voice returned, trembling slightly. "Thank you, love.  I know you 
are right, but it always feels so much better hearing it from you 
rather than just thinking it myself.  I really want to do this."

"And you will!" Makoto declared emphatically.  After a moment, 
she considered something new.  "Ami, does this mean you'll be 

"My mother has been authorized to do her work in Tokyo.  With the 
ease of transmitting data and keeping in touch over the internet, 
the commission saw no reason for everyone to be co-located.  I'll 
be moving back there at the end of the summer," Ami explained.  

With a deep breath, Ami continued, "Mako, do you think there is 
any chance you might get reassigned back to Tokyo anytime soon?  
I know that they said it would be a few years, but...I miss you 
so much, love.  I don't like being away from you."

Tears welled up in Makoto's eyes and spread unnoticed across her 
cheeks.  "I miss you too, sweetie.  More and more every day."

"Oh Mako, I'm sorry.  It's not fair for me to ask you to disrupt 
your life, to risk your job.  I'll manage somehow," Ami offered. 
Makoto could hear Ami's tears through the phone even as she wiped 
her own away.

"Don't apologize for missing me, Ami-love.  Don't ever do that.  
The only thing that disrupts my life is not having you here with 
me.  I'll ask, my love.  If they so no, then I'll try to figure 
something else out.  I want to be with you."  Makoto's heart 
ached even as her resolve stiffened.  She'd left home; she'd 
learned a lot and grown incredibly. Now, all she wanted was to go 
home again, home to wherever Ami was.  

Ami sniffled for a few moments and then collected herself.  "I 
know you'll do whatever you can, love."  She sighed breathily and 
added, "I really want to be with you, too."

Sensing the shift in Ami's mood, Makoto smiled warmly and laid 
back on her sofa.  Her fingers idly toyed with the buttons on her 
blouse.  "So, you really want to be with me, do you?"

"Mmmm hmmm," Ami agreed. 

"And what would you be doing if you were here with me, Ami-love?" 
Makoto asked innocently, even as she released her top two 

"Well," Ami told her in a steamy voice, "I'm sure you had a very 
hard day at work."  Makoto chuckled in agreement.  "So, I think 
I'd have you lay down on our bed."

Makoto sighed at the thought of sharing a bed with Ami.  How she 
hated going to sleep and waking up alone every day!  "I guess I 
should go do that now, then," she whispered to Ami, taking the 
portable phone with her to her bedroom.  Gently, she lay herself 
down on the covers, pausing to undo the rest of her buttons.  Her 
blouse fell open, hanging loosely from her broad shoulders.

"And then I'd climb up on the bed over you," Ami continued, 
"straddling your back, my bare legs pressed against your sides."

Makoto moaned softly, losing herself in the fantasy Ami was 
constructing.  As Ami described removing her blouse, Makoto 
shrugged her own off onto the floor.  Her fingers mirrored Ami's 
words as she unclasped her bra and tossed it aside.  

"Then, I'd rub your shoulders and your back, kneading out all of 
the tension and stress from your day, until you were completely 
relaxed," Ami said, her voice thick with feeling.

"And then what, Ami-love?" Makoto asked even as her own fingers 
continued their own massage. 

"Well, I suppose I'd have you roll over and then...."

Quite awhile later, Makoto reluctantly hung up the phone.  
Thanking the kami for cheap pre-paid phone cards, she sat up and 
headed for the bathroom to draw a nice warm bath. Tomorrow would 
be a big day.


Minako sorted through her mail listlessly.  She dedicated a few 
hours each day to replying to fan letters, though she received 
far too many to answer each and every one.  Responding to her 
fans was one of her favorite parts of the job.   Unfortunately, 
this particular pile of mail was business correspondence.  Mina 
didn't enjoy this part of the job quite so much.

A knock on her office door shook her out of her doldrums. "Come 
in," she yelled.  

"Another package for you, Ms. Minako," her assistant informed 
her.  The young woman strode forward with a long, white box.  
"Security has checked it out and it's clean.  It came to your 
personal address, so it's not from some fan.  It's..."

"Don't tell me, silly!" Mina shouted.  She could guess who it was 
from, since very few people had that particular address.  At 
least, very few who would be likely to send her a present. "Just 
set it here.  Thank you!"  Mina waved her assistant away in 
anxious excitement.  

Once she was alone, she examined the box. The red ribbon and bow 
bound a small card to the lid.  Mina carefully removed both and 
set them aside.  She didn't know why she always saved the ribbons 
and bows from Rei's presents, but she kept doing it anyway.  With 
that taken care of, she opened the card.   There was no 
signature, but Mina recognized her love's handwriting.  It was a 
simple haiku.  Minako had to put it down quickly, lest her tears 
smear the words.  

Deep and gentle eyes
Soft beyond words you draw me
Like a warm meadow

With a happy sigh, she opened the box.  Inside, wrapped in baby's 
breath and other greenery lay the most beautiful bouquet of 
wildflowers she had ever seen.  "Oh Rei," she whispered, inhaling 
their fresh scent. 

A few minutes later, the flowers rested in a vase on her desk and 
the ribbon and bow joined their comrades in a box in her closet.  
Mina slid the card into her memory book alongside the others she 
had received from Rei over the weeks since they had parted.  

'We don't even talk all that often,' Mina considered, 'since 
we're both so very busy, but every day I feel closer and closer 
to her.'  With a smile, she remembered the light on the horizon 
that was her life.  Rei would soon be relocating to Tokyo in her 
new position.  Her own tour would conclude in a month or so with 
a four-show set in her hometown as well (already sold out).  
After that, she was going to take a hiatus.  Her publicist would 
say she was 'in the studio', and likely she would spend some time 
there, but, at the moment, the only place Mina wanted to be was 
with her love.  "Home," she whispered eagerly.  At last.

Onwards to Part 14

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