The next day dawned bright and very, very early. I don't think I got much sleep at all that night (which was a shame, because I know for a fact that I was enjoying my dreams), but after a long, hot soak in the shower I was more than ready to face the world. A quick trawl through my wardrobe turned up a short blue skirt and a white cotton tie-under shirt that I'd never quite dared to wear. Well, it was a day for first times... On second thoughts, I stuffed them into a little shoulder-bag and slipped on a light floral summer dress that I'd gotten for my birthday. I wanted my dad (and Luna) to let me get out the door, after all. ------------------------------------------------------------------ After a nice, healthy breakfast I let myself out of the house and started on my way. First things first: I needed a cover. Thankfully Mako-chan's house wasn't very far away, so, after taking a moment to put on my best innocent face, I knocked on her door. From the look she had on her face, anyone would've thought I'd never been seen in daylight before - so just to ease her nerves (and mine), I made sure to eat most of the wonderful fried breakfast she'd been cooking. She was more than happy to let me "sleep over" at her house, although I don't think she bought my story about wanting to watch a late-night movie. At least, she threatened to tell everyone if I failed to take intricately detailed notes of the whole show... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Anyway, many winks, a few nudges and a whole lot of knowing glances later I finally started out for Mamo-chan's. I'm sure it would've had Rei-chan reaching for the thermometer if I'd told her, but I was actually starting to like the idea of long walks to give me time to think things through (now that's an excuse I wish I'd had a chance to try!). I was so nervous (sorry, Luna - "deep in thought") that I walked right past at least three sweet shops with barely a second glance (and two of them selling candy-floss, no less). Once or twice I had to stop myself from looking for the big flashing neon sign I was sure was a part of my dress - it seemed like everyone was staring at me everywhere I went. (Not that I don't appreciate being stared at, but there's a time and a place - and that time and place was in Mamo-chan's apartment and a whole lot later...) I wish Mamo-chan would get himself a flat on the ground floor - I'm sure he lives up all those stairs just to tire me out. Of course, it did give me time to think up a wonderful way of getting back at him, but that was going to have to wait for a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Unlike Makoto, Mamoru isn't much of a morning person - especially at the weekend - so I was treated to the sight of the most gorgeous man in the whole world looking distinctly bristly and sleepy in a bathrobe he'd obviously just put on. Mmmm. Well, he'd just missed out on a good- morning kiss, that was for sure... He perked up considerably when he saw me, and even had the grace to look embarrassed once he'd picked his jaw up from the floor (you'd think I'd turned into a vampire or something, the way everyone was acting!). A few remarks about sandpaper and the kissability thereof soon sent him scrambling for the bathroom, leaving me alone and in a mood to cause trouble... First off, a quick scouting mission (in my rush to get there I'd somehow managed to forget my keys. I can't think what could have distracted me...) And where better to start than the bedroom? Not that I hadn't seen it before on more than one quite entertaining occasion, but it never hurt to be sure... A little hunt through his drawers eventually turned up a spare set of keys, despite my being distracted by some rather interesting manga hidden in the sock drawer. (Naughty Mamo-chan! And I've never called myself "Warrior of Pleasure" in my life, whatever certain artists might like to think...) The living room: a range of soft furnishings, all ripe with romantic possibilities; candles; matches; videos; some other videos... (Amazing what I get up to inbetween fighting evil, isn't it?) And finally, vying for first place in my affections, the kitchen! Sadly, the contents of Mamo-chan's fridge lived to fight another day, because he chose that moment to emerge from the bathroom, now looking markedly more gorgeous than before. I made sure to let him know with a quick kiss on the lips, which very quickly became much longer and much more fun... at least until said gorgeous, shower-fresh man, doubtless haunted by the spirits of vengeful fathers everywhere, decided to pull my hands out of his robe. Oh well. I let go reluctantly, giving a quick, innocent, what-on-earth-were-you- two-doing look at my hands for the sake of appearances as Mamo-chan went to find some clothes. And I was, of course, very careful not to look when he accidentally left his bedroom door open. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Breakfast was, much to Mamoru's surprise, a rather quiet affair. I was too nervous to feel much like eating (which really should have given him the hint that I was up to something), but for the sake of appearances I made sure to divide my longing glances between Mamo-chan and his food. "So, Usako, what do you want to do today?" he asked. To lock the two of us into his bedroom and... "I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic in the park, and then--" "Sure. I knew there was a reason you skipped breakfast." He poked me lightly in the ribs, making me giggle. "I'm sure I can find a big enough basket somewhere..." "Hey!" I yelled, leaping into his arms and tickling him mercilessly. He dropped helplessly to the floor beneath me, laughing as he tried to shake me off. I wasn't going to let him go that easily, though. "Say you're sorry." "N-- Never!" he gasped, trying to catch his breath as he managed to get one arm free. "Say it!" He slipped his hand along my side, smirking as he began to tickle my ribs. "Nope." I squealed in surprise as he suddenly flipped me over, pinning me underneath him with my wrists in his hands. He smiled down at me, his face barely and inch above mine. "Now who's going to apologise?" he asked. Well, there was only one thing to do... I leaned up and kissed him, pulling him down to the floor as he moved to cradle my head in his hands. We lay there for what felt like hours, just... exploring. Playing little games with each other, running my hands over his chest as he toyed with my hair. Despite the hard floor I felt wonderfully relaxed, all warm inside, with just that shivery little edge of tension I always felt when he was with me. All my doubts just seemed to drift away when he touched me. I finally realised just why I was there in the first place... As we broke apart to catch our breath, I opened my eyes and gave him a little smile. "Mamo-chan... I'm hungry. I hope you haven't forgotten my picnic." I whispered. That did it. He gave me a funny, puzzled little look and then just dissolved with laughter, falling off me with a thump. He looked over at me, trying hard to breathe. "U-- Usa...ko... how... how do you do that?" he gasped. I just smiled and gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek before heading for the fridge. ------------------------------------------------------------------ By the time we finally got outside it was almost midday. We walked hand in hand through the park, making our way slowly around the crowds of people who had turned out to enjoy the sunshine. Eventually, though, we managed to find a spot under the trees where we could sit down. Mamo-chan put the basket down on the grass, and I lay down next to him for a while, watching the people bathing in the lake and Mamoru's attempts to ignore the couple kissing in the bushes behind us. I guess I must have fallen asleep for a while, because the next thing I remember is opening my eyes to find Mamo-chan dangling a fried shrimp under my nose. Well, since he was offering... I made a bite for it, only to have him pull it back just out of reach. I gave him a nasty look. He was going to pay for this... I took another bite and ended up falling into his lap, my lunch dancing before my eyes. (Not that I'd normally object, you understand, but standing between me and my lunch is not a way to win any favours, Mr Chiba.) I waited there for a moment, growling playfully at him before making one last grab and catching the tips of his fingers in my mouth. Time for a little revenge... I chewed delicately at the shrimp, swallowing pointedly before running my tongue around his fingertips, up and down the length of his middle finger before kissing the tip lightly and then licking my lips with a smile. (For some reason, Mamo-chan suddenly seemed distinctly uncomfortable. It was probably just the heat.) Suitably chastened, Mamo-chan reached into the basket behind him and pulled out several trays of food. He picked up a tuna roll and slipped it into my mouth, careful to let me catch it this time. Still chewing, I indicated to him via a complicated series of hand gestures that, from the point of view of his health, continuing would be a good idea. (Hell, for food that nice I was even prepared to ignore his remarks about baby seals and buckets of fish. For a while, anyway.) As much as I love him, Mamo-chan can still be a bit dense at times. He actually looked surprised when he found that I'd finished everything in the basket. (What can I say? All that walking made me hungry.) He smiled ruefully. "Sorry, Usako... I think that's it." Oh well. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, hoping that nobody was watching, and then snuggled contentedly into his arms for a rest. (Eating is tiring work! Well, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) "Although", he whispered, "I might just have something else for you..." I opened my eyes lazily and looked down to find that he'd managed to produce a small box of sweet-bean buns from somewhere. I bit into one with a blissful sigh, deciding on the spot that a certain person was definitely going to be in for a treat later. He wrapped an arm around me and smiled, the sunlight shining in his hair. I looked up at him again with a mischievous smile, dipping my tongue into the middle of the bun and then slowly licking out the filling. From the look on his face, you'd almost have thought he was thinking of something else... (I can't remember exactly where I learnt that little trick, but... No, in fact I'm sure it was Ami-chan, of all people, when we were having dinner over at Mako-chan's late one night. You know, sometimes I really wonder about that girl...) Afterwards we spent a pleasant hour or so just soaking up the sun, watching the people walking by and listening to the little kids shouting down by the lake. On the far side I could just make out a couple of small boats drifting on the water; it looked like a wonderful way to cool down, just sitting in the breeze and-- in fact... "Mamo-chan" I murmured, "can we go out on a boat?" He looked uncertain. (Anyone would think he was was worried by the prospect of me in a rowboat! I mean, what could I possibly do?) "Please?" "Well... okay, then" he smiled. "Looks like I'm going to get to work off that lunch after all..." ------------------------------------------------------------------ The lake itself was wonderful... I just lay back in the boat, trailing my hands in the cold water, listening to the waves slapping against the sides. A few ducks swam over to investigate on the off-chance that we had boxes of breadcrumbs hidden somewhere onboard. I tried to stroke one, but it flew off, almost tipping me out of the boat. Luckily Mamo-chan was quick off the mark and managed to grab my arm and haul me back inside. "Gods, Usagi, don't--" He wound up to give me a brief lecture on nautical safety, before being interrupted by a familiar voice from across the lake. "Hey, Odango-atama!" Oh no... With a burst of effort Haruka pulled her boat alongside, grinning at me with a twinkle in her eyes. "So, Usagi, what are you and Mamoru doing out here all alone?" In the back of the boat Michiru smiled faintly and tried to pretend she was on another planet. "Watch you don't capsize the boat - you'll scare the fish." Mamo-chan tried to seize the initiative and protest his innocence regarding any and all matters related to me, boats and rolling around, but didn't get very far, because I chose that moment to fling a double- handful of water at the smirking soldier of Uranus. She ducked, laughing delightedly as Michiru got a faceful of water. Whoops... Note to self: Never, ever get into a splash-fight with a water-senshi. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Needless to say, by the time we got to the shore we were all soaked to the skin and laughing so much we could hardly walk. Well, two of us were, anyway... I politely declined Haruka's offer to towel me dry (one of these days I really ought to say "yes", just to see the look on her face...), then watched, giggling as Michiru dragged her away by the ear. I waved goodbye cheerfully, then turned back to my distinctly sodden boyfriend. I guess we were lucky it was sunny... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Several damp hours of sunbathing (and trying not to make it obvious just how transparent Mamo-chan's shirt had become) later, we were both finally dry enough to get going. After all, I still had at least one more stop on my list. "Mamo-chan" I asked, "can we go to the mall, please? I've got to buy some things and I really need your help." "On one condition: I am not going to end up buying the entire candy store again, okay?" "Oh, don't worry... no candy. I promise." There was no need to be so dramatic about it. It wasn't a whole candy store - just quite a bit of one. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The mall itself was air-conditioned, a blissful change from the smothering warmth of the evening. Sadly it was too crowded for me to get away with much more than leading Mamo-chan by the hand as we made our way between the shops. I just had to hope he'd remain clueless for long enough for me to find the right shop... ah, there. I walked inside, only noticing at the last moment that I was suddenly missing one important accessory. I went back outside, looking slightly peeved, and proceeded to drag him into the shop. Damn the man, you'd think he had a mortal fear of lingerie... (Well, that was one habit I was definitely going to have to break him of!) "Usako" he whispered "why do you need me here?" "Well who else is supposed to tell me what looks good on me?" "Couldn't you just come here with your friends?" he pleaded. "Mamo-chan" I retorted, "if you think I'm planning on letting any of them in on this you've got another thing coming." Although actually, now that he mentioned it, it did sound like fun... He gave a slightly resigned sigh and decided that he clearly wasn't going to be escaping this time. Not if I had my way, he wasn't. I took my time wandering around the place, gathering ideas (and incidentally letting Mamo-chan's blood pressure rise just a little) before finally settling on a few rather lovely pieces in black silk. I think by that point poor Mamo-chan had just about stopped breathing, so I left him in the middle of the store whilst I headed for the changing room. To my surprise, most of the things I'd picked actually fit me quite well. After a few quick changes I managed to settle on one set that felt almost shockingly revealing, but just looked... well, it was up to Mamo-chan to say how they looked. I poked my head around the curtain, doing a quick check of the store. The assistant was nowhere in sight, and Mamoru was standing idly in the middle of the shop trying hard to pretend that he wasn't looking anywhere at all. And especially not at some of the more... interesting styles. "Mamo-chan!" I whispered. He looked confused for a moment, before finally spotting me. "Usako!" He sounded almost scandalised. "Come here." "What?" Now he really did look shocked. "I said 'come here', Mamo-chan. I need your help." He glanced hurriedly around the shop, trying to make sure nobody was watching, before walking a bit closer. "Please?" He finally managed to make his mind up and came to stand just outside the curtain. I pulled it back slightly and grabbed his arm. "Come in here, silly. I want you to tell me how I look." I dragged him inside before he could protest, and quickly slid the curtain closed behind him. He just looked at me speechlessly, giving up any pretense that he wasn't staring. I think that was probably a positive reaction... "So... do you like it?" I asked. I didn't wait for him to try and answer, and just pulled myself into his arms, pressing tightly against him. Yes, definitely a positive reaction. I grabbed his head an pulled him down for a kiss that left my whole body shivering. I was tempted just to tear his clothes off right there, but... well, this was for those stairs. I pulled away and shoved him quickly outside, taking a minute to catch my breath after the curtain closed. I fumbled with the garter for a minute, before pulling off the bra and panties excruciatingly slowly, trying very hard not to touch any part of myself as I did so, otherwise I think I might've gotten into real trouble... I was just about to put my own clothes back on, when I suddenly had a much better idea. I grabbed the shirt and mini-skirt from my bag and quickly slipped them on, stuffing the rest of my clothes back in their place. I think both Mamo-chan and the sales assistant were quite surprised to see me when I stepped out, but neither of them actually managed to work up the nerve to say anything. I fumbled in my bag for a bit before eventually coming up with the right amount of money to pay for my new outfit. Far too much, really, but I had a feeling it was going to be worth it anyway... ------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't think Mamo-chan actually managed to say anything to me in the time it took us to get outside. In fact, he seemed distinctly preoccupied with my change of clothes. (Okay, so maybe that shirt was just a little too revealing...) The sun was just starting to dip below the tops of the buildings, and the light was a beatiful rose-coloured glow in the air. I looked up longingly into Mamo-chan's eyes and watched as he tried hard not to touch me. Everything seemed to be going according to plan... it was time for a little more fun. "Oh hell! Mum's gonna kill me!" I made a show of looking at my watch, just to emphasise the point. "I'll see you later..." I dashed off, leaving him staring in my wake. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now - as anyone who's seen me trying to get to class on time in the mornings will tell you - I can be fairly quick on my feet, but there are times when being one of the Sailor Senshi can be a real advantage... I made it to his apartment in no time, remembering at the last second to change back behind the garbage cans in case anyone was watching. I ran up the stairs and let myself in with the key I'd taken earlier, making sure to lock the door behind me. I figured I had at least half an hour before Mamo-chan made it back. Time to get things ready. A few strategically placed candles improved things no end, so I went into the bathroom to make sure I looked right as well. The one problem with that top - I could see I was blushing right down to my chest. That was the least of my worries though - my hands were shaking so much I could barely manage to comb my hair. Finally I remembered to put the keys back where I'd found them, before dropping onto the sofa with my hands around my knees. My legs were shivering so much I was amazed I'd managed to walk that far. It was just the strangest feeling - almost like stage fright, but... different. Cold and hot at the same time. My shirt felt too tight. I tugged at it a little, brushing one hand across my breast as I did so, and almost fell off the chair. Gods, I don't think I'd ever been turned on like that before... Fortunately the sound of footsteps on the stairs stopped me before I could get myself into any more trouble. I ran across to hide behind the door, trying hard not to breathe as Mamoru fiddled with the lock. It seemed like forever before he finally managed to open it, and I heard him gasp as he stepped inside. I pushed the door closed and tiptoed up behind him. "Surprise" I whispered, taking the chance to nibble on his ear a little while I was there. He dropped the basket with a loud clatter as the door clicked shut. I thought for a moment that he was about to have a heart attack, but then he grabbed my wrist and spun round to look at me. "Usako?" Well who else was it going to be? From that point I was just in freefall - I had absolutely no idea what to do. So I kissed him. Hard. He seemed to want to say something for a moment, but quickly gave up on that idea and started kissing me back. I think my legs practically melted from under me... Mamo-chan slipped one arm around my waist, just in time to stop me from falling flat on the floor in front of him. His fingers were so wonderfully warm... Just to make sure he wasn't getting any funny ideas about leaving, I made sure to pull myself a little closer, wrapping one leg behind him and pressing up against his hips. By that point, though, I don't think he had any intention of trying to get away. He started to slide one hand up my leg, kissing his way down my throat as he did so. By the time he reached my chest I was so dizzy I wondered if my head was going to fall off. Then his questing hand discovered that, amid all the confusion in that changing room, I'd somehow forgotten to actually wear any of my nice new lingerie. Whoops. How silly of me... He looked up at me in surprise. I'm sure I tried to smile, but I was far too busy trying to keep breathing to have any idea if he'd noticed. Maybe he did... he gave me a sly little grin in response, and pushed me gently back against the door, freeing his hand to play with my shirt. His fingers started tracing little circles across my breasts, never quite touching me the way I wanted. I could barely speak, but I was so close to begging him to just touch me when he finally decided to stop teasing. The knot in my shirt just fell apart in his hand, the fabric drifting maddeningly across my nipples as he kissed lower and lower and... Beneath my skirt, he traced his fingers along my lips, slipping them inside ever so slightly as he ran his tongue across my breast. On instinct alone I thrust my hips towards him, desperate for release, and screamed as I collapsed against him, light flashing through my body and behind my eyes. He kissed me softly on the forehead as I lay in his arms, letting me catch my breath. After a little while he started to walk me slowly across the room, half-carrying me when I almost fell over. Eventually I managed to open my eyes again, and just stared up at him, smiling. He leant down to kiss me again, and I was about to meet him when I decided on a better idea, running my hand over the bulge in his trousers. He gasped slightly as I started to play with the button of his trousers, then gripped my wrists in one hand and pushed me gently away. "Oh no..." he smiled, "not yet you don't." Without warning he spun me around with his other hand, pressing me down as I fell off balance. I made a grab for the back of the sofa, just managing to catch myself in time. Meanwhile I felt him press himself close behind me, running one hand over my stomach and toying with the waistband of my skirt. I tried to ask a question, partly nervous and partly shocked by the delicious feel of his fingers on my skin, but the words didn't seem to want to come out right. There was a soft rustle behind me as his clothes dropped to the floor and then I gasped out loud as I felt him press between my legs. He ran one hand across my breast as he started to slide his length slowly along my lips. I tried to breathe and found myself gasping his name every time... it was the most incredible feeling... almost like touching myself, but different and so nice. I could feel myself shivering all over as I started to press back against him, hot and cold and warm, like the most incredible kiss I'd ever had. He pulled back again, and then pushed softly between my lips. I stopped, motionless. It was the strangest sensation... almost nice and then he was pressing forwards again, deeper and deeper for what seemed like forever, and it was so wonderful and-- I hadn't expected it to hurt so much... I choked back a sob, trying hard not to cry, feeling like something was tearing me apart from inside as he pushed into me again and again. But just on the edge of feeling, there was just the tiniest bit of what I had felt at first. I barely noticed that I was crying his name at the top of my voice, writhing against his hands. My whole body felt as though it was trying to wrap itself around the sensation... around him... held... and broke, washing over me like waves that went on forever... At the last moment he pushed into me again, harder than before, yelling my name as warmth exploded inside of me, and one final wave crashed through me, leaving me shivering and breathless with exhaustion. Needless to say, neither of us got much sleep that night... ------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning came far too soon for my liking (unlike Mamo-chan, who-- but you really don't want to know that, do you?) and I staggered home in a daze, praying that I wouldn't have to explain the way I looked. (Mainly because the best excuse I'd been able to come up with was that I'd been attacked by a bunch of alien hedge-monsters...) The worst thing was, I'd forgotten to take a pen - Mako-chan was going to kill me...
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