Pirate of the Revolution (part 2 of 2)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Vinson Watson

Back to Part 1
 "Do you know, do you know, have you heard the news? There once was a 
prince who wanted to be a Valkyrie."

 "But you're not like us. You have no powers and you aren't skilled in 
fighting." said the leader of the Valkyries.

 "But I'll learn to fight and battle every evil in the land."

 "But can't be like us, you're different. Be a prince and use you're 
power as a prince to do good deeds." But the prince still wanted to be 
like the Valkyries. "I will be like you even if I have to pretend I'm 
a rogue. I will do whatever it takes and fight the evils in all the 

 Utena, Anthy, Ali and Gillian walked out of the shadow play.   "I 
thought that was pretty nice." said Utena.

 "I liked the prince wanting to be a Valkyrie."

 "Oh come on that play sucked eggs. I mean I only came to see C-ko. 
She's got a bod on her that won't quit. On the real. Not only that but 
-" Gillian stopped as he realized he was talking to a group of girls 
who had no interest in C-ko's body. "Um, I'm going to find Miki, we 
were supposed to go to KFC tonight. I'll see you guys later. Gillian 
smiled shyly then put his arm around Anthy. She waved to Utena and Ali 
as the couple walked down the street into the night.


 Later, Utena lay against a tree with books by her side. Although 
Gillian had no trouble with allowing Utena and Anthy to see each other 
he wanted to keep Anthy close. Utena spent the night thinking about 
what Gillian had said. She had no idea who he was and neither did 
Anthy. He acted like a prince but so did Touga. They both seemed 
honorable but what was underneath. Something hammered away at her. The 
idea of this stranger protecting the very person she had sworn to 
defend. Was her protection not good enough? She wanted to be Anthy's 
prince - wanted to be? She was her prince until now. But could she 
defeat the evil that Gillian, this so called 'Pirate' spoke of? But 
wasn't that the point. A prince fights the evil no matter how mighty 
it is. She had been by Anthy's side for awhile now and was damn good 
at what she did. The way Gillian won the duel was troubling also. She 
remembered the sting in her leg then seeing the dart. That was it. She 
knew Miki would be upset but she had to challenge Gillian again. She 
grabbed her books, shoved them in her bag, changed clothes and walked 
toward the boy's dorm.


 "Come on girl you can do it!" shouted Gillian "I'm gonna whip you 
into shape yet." There was a knock at the door. Gillian took his 
attention from Anthy, walked to the door, looked through the peephole 
and opened it. "Hey, whazzzup!" he said and swung his hand up for dap. 
Utena wasn't in the mood for his antics. She noticed he was bare 
chested and took in his defined chest. She hated the idea of what was 
probably going on. She tried to ignore him and walked in only to be 
shocked again by the sight of Anthy dressed in spandex shorts and a 
tank top, on her tenth push up. She got up and said, "Hi Utena-sama."

 "Anthy?" said Utena, then she looked back at Gillian.

 "Getting her in shape. She's already thin, I'll get her cut and hard 
and she'll be ready."

 "For what?"

 "A fight. You know. Somebody tries something BAM, she pops 'em right 
in the kisser."

 Utena shook her head. "I thank you for what you're trying to do but I 
promised to protect her, and I will. I'm challenging you to another 

 "Sorry big Charlie but Miki called dibs on the next duel. Besides, he 
knows what this is all about. I met him last night and told him the 
whole story or atleast part of it - well what he needed to know."

 "It doesn't matter, I get an automatic challenge. And I don't like 
the idea of sitting Miki up to fail. Whatever you think you can do, I 
can do it too or I'll find out how to do it. What makes you so sure? 
You think because you have that big gun sword that you're better than 

 "Hey, that's genetics it's got nothing to do with it." Utena paused, 
her face slipped into a determined frown. "I'm going to kick your ass, 
take Anthy back and whatever befalls her I'll be there to stop it."

 Gillian was amazed. "So this is mostly about you being a prince as 
opposed to Anthy's protection?"

 "No, it's about - I don't know, it's just something I have to do."

 Gillian chuckled. Anthy walked over to them and he put his arm around 
her. She nooded to Utena and asked. "Is everything okay?"

 "FIne. I trust Gillian has been treating you well."

 "Yes, he has."

 "I'm glad to hear it. I'm going to duel with him again."

 "I'm against this." said Gillain. "You don't know anything about 
Prizma! If Anthy falls into her hands it could be a huge problem."

 "And you think you're the only one who has the power to deal with the 

 "You don't understand and I can't explain it right now. Prizma is bad 
news and I don't think you have what it takes. You don't know what I 

 "Then fill me in."

 "It's too dangerous!"

 "No it's not!" she poked him in the chest. Gillian moved back.  "You 
can't just barge into our lives throwing things out of their natural 
order then tell people it's for their own good."

 "Yes-yes I can."

 Utena was angry and shoved him. "If Anthy's in some kind of trouble I 
want to know about it!" She was nose to nose with him. She pegged 
Gillian as the type to smack her for her brashness. She carefully 
planned to duck and knee him in the groin if he moved to strike her.

 He folded his hands. "Respect." he said. He looked her over. She wore 
a black and white pants suit, black down the middle and white on the 
outside. "So what's with the suit?"


 "It's like some kind of bad zoot suit. I mean you see that kind of 
suit in magazines like GQ. Stuff that only looks good on models and 
can't really be found in stores. Atleast not stores where normal 
people shop. It works for you though. If they made a movie about your 
life, you should wear that."

 "Please, just shut up."

 "No, hear me out on this one. While it's garish in it's own right, oh 
yes it's true, it's garish, it works on you, even shows off your shape 
a little more. I didn't know you were such a hottie."

 SLAP! Utena found her palm colliding into his cheek. She caught 
herself but stood her ground.

 "Gillian-san!" shouted Anthy.

 "Okay, stick a fork in me 'cause I'm done." He stroked his cheek. 
"Increase the peace lady. What's that about."

 "You talk a lot but you don't say anything and I don't like the way 
you treat the girls here and the things you say to them."

 "And I don't like people barging in my dorm slapping me about. I have 
a natural distaste for things like that. Who let you in the boys dorm 
anyway? Why are you so angry? I mean it's not my fault, I didn't dress 
you this morning."

 Utena jumped on him locked her legs around his waist and repeatedly 
struck him about the face and chest. They fell to the floor. Anthy 
watched speechless. She didn't know if she should pull them apart or 
let them battle. She was Gillian's bride but she didn't want to see 
Utena hurt.

 At that point the door opened. Ali dressed in a black leather body 
suit and walked in. "Hey Gillian, where -?" Utena and Gillian looked 
up at her. "Well brother," said Ali, "Utena and Anthy? I'm sure this a 
dream come true. But aren't you supposed to be on top."

 "I think she likes it better this way." he said. SMACK, Utena hit him 
again. Ali smiled.

 "Well I guess we've got something in common. We both like being on 
top of you."

 "That's gross." said Utena. "Your own sister! Do you screw anything 
in a skirt? Is that why you wanted to join the Sailor Scouts? If 
you've done anything to Anthy-"

 "Utena-sama," said Anthy, "Gillian has been very well behaved and 
hasn't touched me in any improper way."

 "Oh he knows what he's doing, he never touches any woman improperly." 
said Ali, she smiled demonically and brushed a blonde strand from her 

 "Hey what can I say? The ladies like me. Take yourself for instance 
you seem to enjoy it up there." Utena got up and kicked him in the 
side one good time and walked away. "Owww!" he moaned. Ali kneeled 
down, craddled him, entangled her finger in his locks then pulled his 
head back.

 "The little girl didn't hurt you did she?" asked Ali.

 "Shouldn't you be in a broom closet making out with Touga or 
something?" said Gillian. She let him go and shove him from her lap. 
He stood and turned to Utena. "Don't listen to her there's nothing 
between Ali and me."

 "That's not what you said last night." said Ali. Gillian frowned and 
shot her an evil look. She smiled slyly. The black rose 
signet ring Ali wore around her neck caught Utena's eye. She got an 
uneasy feeling but she didn't know why. It was something she remembered. 
A dream maybe.

 "I really don't care about your freaky relationship. As long as I see 
you in that arena tonight." said Utena.

 "And if I'm not there."

 "Then you default and you have to give her back to me or I'll come 
and take her and I will do it."


 Prizma climbed out of Akio's bed and wrapped herself in a short 
bathroom. "That was fun." she said. "I hope you remember your end of 
the bargin. I want the Rose Bride."

 "I still don't understand why you need her." said Akio.

 "There have been some, dare I say 'problems' with my sisters. My 
power base is less than fifty percent of what it used to be. If this 
works I'll get you the power to create miracles and I'll get a new 
power base. It's a fool proof plan."

 "But can I trust you?"

 "You have to."


 "It's not fair! You promised I could win the Rose Bride from you!" 
shouted Miki.

 "Why can't you just win her from Utena?" asked Gillian. "Oh wait I 
forgot she kicked your butt last time. Hey, don't worry about it. I'll 
take you to see Anthy."

 "I don't need your help. I'll get my shining thing with or without 

 "Your shining thing?"

 "You wouldn't understand. I don't know what it is but I'll know it 
when I see it."

 "So it's like porn? I mean you can't really describe it but you know 
it when you see it." Miki turned and walked away. Gillian ran after 
him. "Waitaminute, I'm kidding." Miki stopped. "Look, I don't know 
what this shining thing is but if you really want to date the Rose 
Bride I'm sure you could just walk up to her and be like, 'Yo, you 
know, I wanna get with you. Word on that.'" Miki's face went blank. 
"Uh, ask her out is what I'm saying."

 "Then Utena will come too."

 "Word, then you'll look like a big ol' pimp. You know, like you got 
two women cause you just that cold." Miki's face went blank again. 
"What?" he asked.

 "Nothing, just do what I say and ask her out. I gotta get my butt 
handed to me tonight by Utena so I should go prepare. Last time she 
cut me. I don't think she's cut anyone else. So I guess that makes me 

 "Gillian-san." they heard a voice say and turned to see Nanami in a 
form fitting dress. With a rose sealed envelope in your hand.

 "So you're the one who beat the dyke."

 "The dyke? You mean Utena? Hey, chill that out, she's a normal girl. 
They're just close friends. Of course if they made a movie about her 
life they'd be a hot lesbian couple." said Gillian. Miki and Nanami 
stared at him. "You got something for me? I hope you're not 
challenging me to duel. I mean if I took out Utena you know I'd smash 
you. Think about that before you do this." Nanami seethed. "I had no 
intentions of fighting you. This is a letter from Ends of the World." 
She tossed it at his feet. "But I will fight you and if I don't win my 
big brother will fight you and tear you to shreds."

 Gillian looked at Miki. "Touga, he's her brother." said Miki.

 "Frankly the girl's more threatening." Gillian said as Nanami stormed 
off. Gillian picked up the letter. "You're good at making enemies." 
said Miki.

 "Actually I was hoping to threaten her and make her think it over. 
I'm not going to fight her, you know. Besides, by the time this all 
goes down Utena will have the Rose Bride back."

 "Not if you take me into the ring with you."


 "We all know that you've blurred the idea of sportsmanship in these 
duels. I'll cause some tactical diversions. I've been doing some 
reading, working with household items to make explosives."

 "You wanna to blow Utena up? That's not good."

 "No, but the explosions can be used to devert her attention."

 "Dude, no. Even if I won again it would just make her hate me. And 
eventually she'd just come and take the Rose Bride."

 "You think so."

 "She loves Anthy. I'm really not here to battle you guys."

 "There's something you're not telling me."

 "If I didn't tell you something then why would I tell you now. No 
one's out of danger yet and I'm not going to tell everyone what's 
going on so they can all jump into the battle and get killed. This 
isn't about knocking a rose off someone's chest. Prizma plays for 
keeps. She'll kill you, me, Utena, Anthy and -"

 "I get the point."

 "Does Akio know about this? I mean it is his sister."

 "I know, but I think it's better this way. He doesn't need to know 


 Ali watched as Utena practiced on a wooden dummy to get ready for the 
duel. She planned to make it quick - take his rose and leave, no 
fooling around. And the nerve of that leather clad freak talking about 
her clothes. That suit wasn't cheap either. She sliced the dummy with 
her rapier then stretched. Soon she and Anthy would be together again. 

 "You're planning on destroying my brother aren't you?" she asked.

 "Nope, just watching Anthy's back."

 "She's not your property you know."

 "I know. That's my point." she said poking the dummy with the sword. 
"I got a question. When you and Juri fenced she last time you guys 
used kendo practice swords, why?"

 "I use Kendo swords and foils and I found out Juri does too. It's her 
best kept secret. I wanted to take her on, and see what she was made 
of. We better get the move on, Akio's loaning you the car." Ali shook 
the keys infront of Utena's face.


 Gillian and Anthy got into the elevator. It took them up to the 
arena. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. Anthy 
dissapeared. Vines filled her clothes and when Gillian saw her again 
she was The Rose Bride in full regalia. They got off the elevator and 
Utena stood by the red convertable, dressed in her black and white 
suit, alone with only a look of determination on her face. Suddenly 
Gillian kissed Anthy passionately which took her by suprise 
considering he hadn't before touched her in any kind of sensual manner 
and Utena was shocked as well but she didn't let it break her 
consentration. He smiled as Anthy carefully applied the rose to his 
lapel and then to Utena's. Gillian took a martial stance then pointed 
at her. "Utena, please give this up, for your own sake. You were the 
reigning champion, now I am the one to beat."

 "You'd be amazed at how quick the worm turns around here. Quite 
frankly I really don't think you want to fight me. I think you're 
scared." Red convertables shot up from the floor of the arena. The 
bells chimed in the distance.
 "Well now, we'll see about that. Maybe this time if I win I'll have 
two brides. Anthy and yourself." Gillian whispered something in 
Anthy's ear then lay back. "Rage of the Justice Bringers Grant me the 
power to bring wraith." he said as Anthy pulled the monstorous Blade 
of Fantasy from Gillian's chest.

 Utena was unfazed. "Rose of the Noble Castle. Power of Dios sleeps 
within me. Heed your master and come forth. Grant me the power to 
bring the world revolution!" she said as she titled slightly and 
seemed to float then pulled her sword from her own chest.

 Once both blades were ready. Utena wasted no time, she was on him. 
She slashed at him but he seemed to have gotten better with the sword 
and blocked her strikes. He swung and she jumped into the air this 
time over his head and behind a car just incase he shot a dart. 
Gillian climbed to the top of one of the automobiles that had risen 
from the ground and began to fire darts in Utena's direction. She 
jumped from her shelter and moved into a combat roll. The darts missed 
and some stuck in the windshield of the car she had hid behind. As she 
came out of the roll she yanked a small stilletto dagger from the 
bottom of her sword and flung it in his direction. Gillian smacked it 
out of the way but the weight of the sword made him lose his balance. 
He fell but managed to move into an acrobatic manuever and land in 
kneeling position then slammed his fist on the floor for balance. He 
looked where his sword had fallen, but it was gone.

 "My sword?" said Gillian "It fell right there, where is it?"

 "You lost your sword Gillian? Then you can give up or I take the 


 Akio looked down at the fight. He was distracted by Touga and Ali's 
constant fondling and kissing. He glanced at them then back at the 
duel. "It doesn't look good for the Pirate Moon." he said. Touga and 
Ali broke their embrace for a moment and looked through Akio's opera 
spectacles. Ali pulled out a pair of high powered binoculars then bent 
down and started to fumble with the latch on a long tubular case. 
Suddenly she felt a hand on her butt. She turned to see Touga's award 
winning smile. She stood back up and jumped on him. He went reeling to 
the ground as her tongue parted his lips.


 "C'mon little girl! You wanna piece of me!" Gillian shouted. Utena 
didn't see him but she knew he was playing a game with her. Jack 
rabbiting and hiding. She followed the sound of his voice and moved 
toward him. This time he ran hoping to come across his sword 
somewhere. He slid a small shuriken from his sleeve and tossed it to 
his right then hid behind a car. Right where the combat star had 
landed Utena's sword swiped. She was out for the his rose but didn't 
mind taking some flesh with it. Utena wasn't usually this way but 
something about him truly got under her skin. With her being 
distracted he did a totally unnessecary backflip behind another car. 
Utena turned unsure of what she'd seen. Anthy motioned with her head 
toward the spot where he was. Gillian kneeled down then looked over at 
Anthy but she quickly resumed her pose. Gillian cocked a half smile 
just as Utena landed right infront of him and kicked in the head.

 "Ow!" he said then rolled away and did a kipup.

 "It's over said Utena."

 "Not by a longshot! Dance the dance of a thousand pirates." Gillian 
slid a tiny throwing blade from his under his sleeve flung it at her 
rose. She quickly swiped with her rapier sending it twirling into the 
air then lept at him swinging wildly as if she'd never been taught how 
to use a sword. Gillian dodged the best he could. He was unbelieveably 
agile for such a bulky man. She couldn't hit him. He saw his throwing 
blade as it came back down and moved to leap again but this time she 
jumped with him. As he landed she kicked him in the chest and then 
swiped his lapel. Gillian could see his rose flutter into the air as 
he fell on his ass. "Oph!" he said.

 "You have won Utena-sama." said Anthy as she walked over to Utena. 
Gillian got up and folded his arms. "Good show." he said.

 "Here comes a new challenger." said a voice from behind them.


 Akio shook his head at the depts Touga and Ali had sunk. It was 
pornagraphic and they hadn't even taken their clothes off. He looked 
through his glasses and watched as Prizma entered the arena.

 "Guys, things are about to get interesting." Ali picked up her 
binoculars and watched the events unfold as Touga continued feeling 
her up.


 "Give me the Rose Bride and no one gets hurt." said Prizma 
brandishing a very sharp katana.

 Gillian turned to Utena. "This is what I warned you about." Utena 
charged but Prizma blocked her shots without breaking a sweat then 
back handed her sending her reeling to the floor. Gillian smacked his 
band and the familiar hum signaled it was ready to be discharged but 
Utena was too close and he didn't want to hurt her.

 "Prizma I got a big suprise for you in the form of a hammer fist!" He 
moved in with martial strikes. She blocked them, grabbed him, flew 
into the air then flung him to the arena floor. He landed with a thud.

 "I don't know how you know me but you'll wish you didn't." said 
Prizma as black lightning crackled around her hands and she sent it 
straight for Gillian. He had one chance, the Arnold leap. If he could 
pull it off. He'd seen Arnold do it a bunch of times in all his really 
good movies. He simply has to leap behind something big and nothing 
could hit him. He threw himself behind a car as Prizma's black 
lightning caused the one he was standing in front of to explode on 

 "Gillian!" screamed Utena.

 Prizma landed and walked toward the car he'd jumped behind.   "Now I 
want what was promised to me." Suddenly Utena rushed her and slashed 
her across the back. Prizma screamed in pain then turned and let loose 
with a burst of black lightning. Utena jumped into the air and flipped 
over her dodging the poorly aimed bolts and landing in a stance with 
sword drawn. "Wonderful." said Prizma. Utena charged her again only to 
be blasted by Prizma's lightning. She flew back into a car. Prizma 
moved toward Anthy.

 Gillian smacked another button on his band and spoke into it. "Miki, 
the bomb drops at the sound of yo' clock!"

 Miki had been hiding behind the cars at the far end of the arena. He 
jumped into the air and tossed a jar toward Prizma. He landed flat, 
looked toward Prizma, smiled and said "Timing is everything." then 
clicked his stop watch as the jar crashed against the ground and 
exploded knocking Prizma across the arena. Gillian got up and helped 
Utena to her feet.

 Prizma got to her feet quickly and grabbed Anthy but Utena leapt at 
her and slashed her across the chest. "Let her go!" demanded Utena. 
She released Anthy and flew into the air screaming. She managed to get 
high enough that the team couldn't touch her. Black lightning moved 
through and around her body as she charged up to raise the area to the 
ground. Suddenly three shot were heard. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!

 Prizma looked at herself only to see three bullet wounds. She looked 
in the direction of the shots. Anthy wielded the gun sword and with 
very proper speech said. "Don't come down here, we've got guns down 

 Utena looked at Gillian. "Um, I think she may have gotten into my CD 
collection. I am curious though, where'd she get bullets? I keep that 
gun loaded with darts." They both looked at Anthy with raised brows as 
Prizma fell from the sky, streaks of black energy followed and 
exploded across the arena as she struck the arena floor. Everyone took 
cover behind cars, debris or whatever they could find.

 After a few seconds Utena got up and approached the body, Gillian and 
Anthy followed. As they got near Prizma sat up, eyes wide and brimming 
with energy. "You think it's that easy." she said and raised her hand 
to blast them all. Suddenly, BOOOM! Prizma's body went flying over the 
side of the arena a burst of energy followed.

 Everyone looked up and as Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars 
with her arms outstretched. They floated above the arena. "Whoa whoa 
whoa whoa whoooooa, nice shootin' Tex. Hey everybody, good you could 
make it." said Gillian waving at them. Sailor Mars frowned as the 
scouts lowered themselves into the arena.

 "Are you out of your mind?" said Mars. "Why didn't you contact us?"

 "Because you guys were all so busy and everything I didn't want to 
bother you. I mean I could've handled it." Utena looked over the arena 
wall then walked back over to Gillian and The Scouts. "Prizma's gone." 
she said. "Her body not there."

 "It doesn't matter." said Sailor Moon. "Now that we've got you here 
we want that band."

 "The Emmulator? No way it's mine." said Gillian. "Besides if it 
wasn't for me some baddy would be running around with your powers." he 
snapped in protest.

 "You stole that device even if you stole it from a criminal."

 "I'm a pirate, it's what I do."

 "You're not a pirate!" shouted Sailor Mars, "You're some boy that 
wants to be a sailor Scout but you have to be born with the power."

 "What's an emulator?" asked Utena in awe of the Scouts.

 "All his powers are manifested through a band he wears on his wrist."

 "Thanks. Give all my secrets away why don'tcha."

 "I thought it was weird for a new duelist to be so powerful and have 
such a weapon for a soul sword. But I saw him summon the sword."

 "I made that little line up. It sounded cool." said Gillian. Everyone 
looked at him. He shrugged and smiled. "Sorry." 

 "He's from a noble Kirishtan heritage, he doesn't use magic. He talks 
and acts tough but he's actually the opposite. He's actually quite 
gentle and heroic." said Sailor Moon.

 "Gentle?" said Utena. "You're kidding right?" She turned to him. 
"You're a prince?"

 "No I'm not! I'm a pirate. A rogue scoundrel! Watch your daughters 
and -"

 "Shut up!" said Mars.

 "Although his methods are questionable he does get results." said 
Sailor Venus.

 "Thank you. Now can we get that love chain thing happening here?" 
said Gillian.

 "The fact that he emmulated your abilities means he can program the 
converters. He's learning how to use the band." said Mars.

 "So it was okay when I was ignorant of the band's power but now I'm a 
threat? Gimme a break."

 "We're asking nicely."

 "What do you need it for? It duplicates your powers. I mean in theory 
it serves no purpose in your hands."

 "There's no need to fight here." said Venus.

 "She's right, so give us the band." said Mars. Sailor Moon and Sailor 
Venus looked at each other. "It's my power he's stealing down there."

 "Well he's got my power too." said Sailor Moon.

 "And that doesn't bother you?"

 "Well he seems to be doing okay with them."

 "It could fall into the wrong hands. It need to be destroyed."

 "This is going to end in violence isn't it?" said Sailor Moon. 
Gillian smiled. "It doesn't matter Moony because what Mars wants Mars 
gets right? It all comes down to this." He raised his arm and revealed 
the band. "You want the band? Take it."


 Ali zipped her shirt and slid a metal contraption from the cylinder 
she had been carrying. Akio and Touga watched the action below. 
"Didn't I tell you this was going to be good?" 

 "Yes you did." said Touga. "I haven't been dissappointed yet."

 "But do I ever dissapoint you?"

 She looked back at them with a raised brow then quickly unfurled and 
connected a bunch of rods with material around them. Touga turned to 
grab Ali. "W-what are you doing?" he said.

 "I gotta go to work." she kissed him passionately and then strapped 
on the hang glider she'd just assembled.


 Sailor Moon whispered to Mars. "Why is he challenging us when he 
knows we can take him?"

 "Because he doesn't believe we will. Move in."

 "Before you guys get over anixous up there remember I'm just as 
powerful as you are Mars." said Gillian.

 "But you don't know how to use the power like me. You know how to 
blast things and I know how to control my abilities with precision."

 "Oh, that sounds like a problem, atleast not for me. So I'll do this-" 
Gillian let off a fire burst at one of the car's gas tanks. The car 
was far enough not to hurt anyone when it exploded but just close 
enough to cause everyone including the Miki and Anthy to take cover. 
He ran through the maze of Akio-cars as black smoke began to rain down 
from the sky as Ali flew over head flinging canister smoke genades. 
She landed. Gillian ran over to her. She strapped him in and they went 
over the side.

 "Now I remember why I hang out with you." he said. The Sailor Scouts 
flew through the smoke after them. Ali and Gillian landed right 
outside of Othori Academy, ditched the glider then ran inside but the 
Scouts were right behind at full speed and cornered them on a 

 "You shouldn't have done that Gillian-san. Now I'm mad." said Mars.

 "That's not good is it."

 "You really should let them go." said Akio standing at the top of the 
stairwell. He walked down slowly. "If the car does not have the key it 
cannot be driven and it will rust. The world is your car, you are it's 
key. You have bigger things to worry about. Besides, you ladies seemed 
to have walked a long way. Could I interest either of you in a foot 

 "That doesn't sound too bad." said Venus. Mars nudged her. Mars 
looked at Gillian. "This isn't over." she said then they turned and 
walked away Gillian looked at Ali. She shrugged. "Old Jedi mind 
tricks?" she said. She smiled reluctantly at Akio.    "Thank-you 

 "No problem." he said then lept over the stairs and set down right 
infront of them. "Consider it a favor." he said then walked away.

 Ali frowned. "You know what that means don't you? We owe him a 

 "Ha ha, no. You owe him a favor." said Gillian.

 "What?" Suddenly Ali pulled a huge oversized mallet from thin air. 
"This is gonna hurt isn't it?" said Gillian right before she clobbered 
him over the head with it.

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