The Path Never Taken (part 18 of 20)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by seraphydragon

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A/N: The ending makes references from both the anime and manga. So if you’re confused, it might be because you haven’t seen one or the other.


Kaiya’s POV

‘Are you all right?’

I opened my eyes to see myself once again in my watery prison. Only this time, it didn’t bother me; nothing mattered. Where I was, if I was dead or alive, it simply had no place for concern in my heart; in the end, even with my newly acquired power the Outers still blew a hole in my energy barrier and Sailor Moon overpowered me.

All these failures…it makes me feel like no matter what I do, I can’t get ahead. I can’t seem to stick to any of my goals. Being a good heir, killing my parents, being a good friend to all those people I met and protecting Hotaru…Everything ends in failure! I’m so worthless that I’m even disgusted with my own existence. I’ve always blamed others for how I’ve changed, that I’m the way I am because of another person’s actions toward me. It was never my fault. How could it be…?

But…it was my fault.

Why do I let people affect who I am anyway? No matter what I tell myself, I see nothing can change what I’ve done.

Oh well…what’s the point in worrying about it now? I mean there aren’t more battles to be fought or enemies to run from. It’s just me here…K-Chan and me.

I let out a deep sigh and watched the air bubbles float predictably upward.

…It’s so quiet here.


I think I’m all right for the most part. I finally replied.

I checked my arms and legs. From Sailor Moon’s attack there were multiple burns and cuts that hadn’t been there previously. That really was something. Other minor injuries such as the bruises came from Uranus.

No wonder I was afraid of her; before Hotaru helped me out it felt like the wind senshi could’ve easily ripped me apart if she really wanted to. Evading or dodging would’ve been useless against her, not with the kind of power she had now. In essence, Haruka back there was the wind.

Speaking of which, and it’s been bothering me since I came here… but I wonder why…

What happened to the orange chain?


Why did she stop talking?

When I didn’t get a response I searched the water above and below me from my stationary post but I still could not spot it. It was gone as the others had…all but these ones. The neon pink chain still lazily watched overhead, continuing its role as the mere spectator. After all this time, I wondered if it even had a purpose. It does nothing. The other one though…My hand tugged at the thin aqua/gold chain still embedded through my heart. Out of them all, this one hurt the most. Every time I tugged on it, it would start to burn. And the harder I pull at it, the more it would burn. Imagine what would happen if I tried to rip it out with everything I had? The thought sent shivers down my spine yet another portion of my mind still remained curious. Damn thing.

Without thinking I gave the chain another tug.


“Ow!” Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

No good…


Hm? I thought… I saw something.


As if things couldn’t get worse, a time portal had opened in the water in front of me where Sailor Pluto exited. I watched the keeper of time, wondering how she could enter another’s soul so easily. It must be really handy to have a job like hers at times like this, not that I’d want it though. Can you imagine being stuck to guard a boring place like the time gate? You probably couldn’t relax for a minute with all the problems that could occur.

I wonder how she did that… Yet perhaps I should have been more worried about what she was going to do now that she was here.

The stoic woman stared at me, not looking too pleased at all. Besides going against her wishes twice in a row, retaliating and then making her chase after a time key, I suppose it would be a reasonable assumption that she was mad at me for a reason. Or a few… If I wasn’t so anxious I might’ve actually slapped myself in the head. I was going to get it now and there wasn’t anything I could do about it; even if I wanted to I can’t run away. I’m locked into place.

A bright side to this, if I could count it as one, Pluto couldn’t possible take me back home unless she got rid of this chain. And that was something I doubted she could do.

“What do you want?” I frowned, thinking my thoughts to the woman. After all, speaking under water was useless. I’ve had tons of experiences with that one.

“I knew this wasn’t a good idea…” The timekeeper sighed as she thought back.

I blinked a few times, wondering if my eyes were deceiving me; she looked way nicer all of the sudden. I thought the first thing she would do was whack me with her garnet rod, not talk. She’s nothing like I saw back in the Marine Cathedral (where she brutally beat me down). Back then she was scary. She couldn’t have a twin sister by any chance?

“Which idea?”

“I talked to your sister and she said the only way to bring you back home was by force. Obviously even that did not suffice.” The tall woman pinched the bridge of her nose.

I twitched. So that’s who the culprit was.

“Pluto? If you haven’t noticed, I can’t go back home the way I am now. I hate to admit it but I’m stuck. Stuck but good.”

I doubt even K-chan could get me out of herewherever she was. It could be possible that she must have used up all her power to bring me here. Maybe that was why she wasn’t answering back now. Or…Come to think of it, I’ve never seen her in her human form in here…could it be that she can’t come here? Does that mean I’m stuck here forever?

I crossed my arms as I contemplated the thought.

When I ended up here I was awake…I didn’t get knocked out or anything like the usual previous times… meaning there’s no way I can wake up in the ‘real world’ like nothing happened.

Pluto looked at me and gave a nod; I guess she can see the chain after all! “Whether you leave or stay is up to you.”

“Up to me? I don’t understand. I’ve tried to yank it out a few times but nothing.”

“The original plan was to use Sailor Moon’s healing attack to return you to who you were…only it failed because you weren’t evil. I see now that your mind was not corrupted or controlled by this new power; or else you would have attacked me as soon as I had arrived.”

They thought I was crazy because I wanted to protect Hotaru? I wonder where she as going with this…

“All people are capable of holding negative energy…It is when a person goes over their capacity limit than their minds become corrupt and easy puppets for our enemy. In that sense, Sailor Moon thought that had been your fate and attempted healing escalation.”

“…So much for healing.” I sarcastically thought. “It felt like she was trying to kill me; that light was giving me burns!” I held out one of my arms as proof.

“I assure you that was not our intention. The problem was that your capacity to hold negative energy was what saved you and what was about to be your downfall…” Pluto paused before continuing. “Energy is energy, no matter how you look at it. It merely exists in different forms. Because you held so much already, Sailor Moon’s additional energy was pushing your body past your limits. That…I believe was when your other power intervened at the last minute to prevent your demise.”

“My power?” Oh…she must be talking about K-chan. “So you’re basically saying I got myself here and I have to find a way out?” That wasn’t very helpful… “….”

But if I could get out of here, what was the point in going back now? I disobeyed my parents and fought against all the senshi, yet I still don’t feel guilty about it either. It’s not like I’d say ‘I’m sorry for not listening to you’ if I went back. I still think I did the right thing in standing up for sis.

Pluto seemed to misinterpret my sadness for another reason.

“Please do not be upset at what Haruka said to you in the park.”


I still could hear Uranus’s words.


I looked down, wondering what I should say. I had almost forgotten about that; it wasn’t something you’d want to remember.

When I heard it initially, I wondered…if it really was my existence that made her leave Michiru. In a sense, then that would mean I drove away both of my parents, leaving our planets without their true rulers and sis with a bunch of business work. Technically, that would mean I was trouble since the time of my birth. Just another few things to add onto my list of bad luck bringing.

“Haruka did leave, but it was for other reasons. Not what you think them to be.”

“What? That can’t be possible. She said she left BECAUSE of me.”

The jewel at the end of Pluto’s garnet rod began to glow.

“I believe it is time to tell you everything. There will be no more secrets. What you choose to do with this information will be through your own choice and actions.”


Planet of Uranus, future vision

The area around me warped into the scenery of my home. At first it showed the palace gardens, the various atmospheric domes, the multiple corridors and then the ballroom before it suddenly became dark.

A few seconds later emerged a giant looking laboratory. I noticed that there were many machines and scientists at work. The technology entirely covered the walls, taking up almost all the space the room had to offer. That left many of the workers perhaps a meter of standing space between the rows of machines and lab tables.

I wondered what they were working so intently on.

One man to my left took a needle and inserted a yellowish liquid into a solution filled test tube. Whatever he was trying to do must have failed as no chemical reactions were produced. However he didn’t seem disappointed and merely shrugged off the result before placing a giant X on paper grid.

‘What is this place? Is it really in the palace?’ BecauseI’ve never seen it before…

‘Do you know how it is possible for two women to produce a child?’

‘…Technology wasn’t it?’

Tup. Tup. Tup. Tup…

My attention turned to another man who had just entered the room. He was carrying a big carton filled with smaller cardboard boxes, nothing too interesting I figured. Only…it seemed his peers disagreed. They immediately gathered around and each took a box before returning to their workstations.

Curious, I followed one of the workers and watched him pull out two glass containers, each holding what appeared to be a clear liquid.

That’s what they were excited about? Weirdoes…

‘Watch.’ I heard Pluto thought.

With the aid of a microscope the man began to pick at the fluid with tiny instruments. Was there something in there?

‘You do know how small a human female egg is correct?’

“Ah! So they’re doing genetic engineering?’ I knew that the process played a role in creating kids for same sex couples but this was the first time I’ve ever seen it. I had also heard that most of these kids were born in test tubes. So where were they? ‘Is that what they did with me?’

Pluto shook her head. ‘…You were a little different.’ A small smile lit her face.

It was a surprise to me. It’s like, WOAH! She actually smiled.



The area warped again. This time the place was a tiny room. There was hardly any light in here compared to the other well-lit place…


A golden light was sparking in one of the machines up ahead, being held within a transparent glass. That was Uranus’s power wasn’t it? I looked to Pluto for explanation.

“If the doctors had created you like all of the others you would have been born a normal child.”

“Normal? Like as in no powers?”

“The human body is what it is. Humans reproduce to pass on their genetic or physical traits. The senshi power however comes from the soul, thus proving a complication for a second generation of senshi. In a given sense, your parents fused a portion of their power in you and with it, a piece of their souls. Due to the process, you not only gained the planet’s power, but you also inherited the natural athletic and artistic traits you now possess.”

“…But I’m still me.”

“Yes, you are. Your own soul is different and unique. All I am stating is that you also harbor pieces from your parents.”

This was really giving me hard time to wrap my head around. “Okay, I follow. Is that why I was different from those other kids? Because I have powers?”


I felt the room shift again. After a few seconds we were looking into a hospital room. Michiru was there in the bed, sleeping. Although…she looked extremely exhausted. Did something happen?

“She gave birth to you.”

I could have fallen down and died right there from shock. Well…that was something wasn’t it?

My eyes widened as it had taken my brain a few extra seconds to register what I had just heard. If Michiru had actually given birth to me then that would mean I wasn’t born in a test tube.

“She loved you before you were born. So much that she insisted on giving you the most normal life possible; and so she carried you for nine months before she gave birth.”

Knock knock.

I saw Haruka enter the room and made a beeline to Michiru’s side. The tall blonde gave the tired woman a peck on the cheek and leaned down to whisper,

“It’s a girl.”

I doubted it was a big surprise though; it was genetic engineering after all. Still…I suppose some parents like to be told the information over again, just to make the situation seem more real instead of a dream. The two of them probably had to wait a veeeeeery long time before they got this chance.

A group of doctor’s came in, holding a bundle swaddled in clothes. Many of the nurses cheered and clapped, knowing the ‘husband’ had just given the good news. To my surprise they looked genuinely happy.

“Congratulations!” The head doctor congratulated as he handed the small baby to her mother.

Through half lidded eyelids, Michiru gave the baby girl a long look before releasing a peaceful sigh. “She’s beautiful.”

“I wonder what her eye color is like.” Haruka mused; as the baby’s eyes were clamped shut. It would be some time before they opened.

“Well, according to genetics they’d be either green or aqua blue.”

I did a double take as Pluto (?) and the rest of the senshi gang entered the room.

“We brought gifts and flowers.” Makoto informed the new parents. Everyone looked so grown up.

“Can I see her?” Chibi-Usa pushed her way through the crowd. Especially Chibi-Usa. I noticed that she wasn’t so small anymore. Compared to her past self, I’d say she hit quite a growth spurt. I was still taller though.

“You’re all here…” Haruka seemed to look surprised. “Are you sure it’s all right to be gone from your planets? What if your people worry?”

The group of rulers looked at one another. Even the Queen of Crystal Tokyo was there among them. “We told them we were at a meeting!” They all grinned.

‘Ah…tricky.’ I couldn’t help but grin as well.

‘Yes. As you can see, people really don’t change. Even after a few centuries.” Pluto commented.

“So what’s her name?” Minako shouted out. The others looked on expectantly.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t given her a name yet!” Rei scolded.

“Erm…We haven’t had the time to think of a name before now. She was just born you know.” Haruka squirmed on the spot before turning her attention to her ‘wife’. “What do you think Michi? Do you have a name in mind?”

“…What do you think about ‘Kaiya?’

“It sounds good. What does it mean?” Her blonde partner asked.


There were awes that went around the room.

“Then Kaiya it is.”


We saw Haruka outside of the hospital room, looking very agitated about something. Everyone else was inside, still being cheerful and congratulating the new mother over and over again.

“Is this where…?”


The head strong ruler walked down a few corridors until she reached an empty one, far away from her friends.

“I can’t believe it…I’m a ‘dad’ now.” A shocked expression was still plastered all over her face. She looked happy and yet sad. “When I held her in my hands, I felt like I could never be happier in my entire life. She was so small and fragile…a cute little thing. Michi and I never imagined that this could ever happen…and yet here she is!” Haruka’s eyes began to tear slightly. “…I love them both so much…but I’m afraid. I don’t want to become like him.” Her voice suddenly trailed off.

“Who’s him?”

“Her father.”

“…Oh.” I frowned. She still couldn’t forget about that rat bastard this entire time?

“Can I guarantee that I’ll be a good parent?” She looked at her hands. “I know…that I’m not good at expressing my feelings, even now. And…I’ve failed many people time and time again…” She hung her head. “…”



I stared forward at the gates of time. It was huge! It was an archway in the middle of time’s main road.

“Haruka came to me shortly after your birth.”

I saw the blonde ruler discussing with Pluto’s past self. They seemed to be having a very serious discussion; I could feel the intensity of it even though it was only a vision.

“Do you understand what you are asking?” Pluto narrowed her eyes at her long time friend. She looked very shocked at Haruka’s request, whatever it was. However the tall blonde was refusing to back down.

“Yes, I do. I don’t want to risk it happening. It’s for the best.”

“If I send you back in time, your soul will fuse with your past self. I won’t be able to pull you back. You’ll have no choice but to live everything all over again!”

“I know.”


“Setsuna, please!” She then gave a deep bow.

“I don’t understand. What did you mean by ‘there will be no coming back’?”

“…A human’s soul is the same, no matter where in time. The complication arrives when the same soul is in the same time frame; it would cause a time disturbance. To correct this, if one travels back to a time where they already exist then their soul will fuse with their past self and erase the disturbance. Essentially it is why Chibi-Usa, you and myself can appear in the previous time frame without problems.”

Oh…I get it now.

“…So if Haruka went back, then why couldn’t’ she remember her future self? I mean, you said their souls fused.”

“Another alteration. Memory seals are used to suppress her future memories. If a person knew the future before it happened, they would be tempted to change it. Usually seals require a week’s time before the future memories have completely sealed away. The fact that Michiru had followed Haruka to the past had influenced the seals greatly; once their love was re-discovered, the seals had been considerably weakened. That was to be expected as those two are meant for each other. Then when you arrived, the seals began to slowly break down even further. Haruka and Michiru’s memories started to leak through. The critical blow however was when they discovered your true existence, thus returning themselves to their future selves as you know them now.”

“Hey don’t look at me, that was your fault.”


We were back underwater…

“The others are now formulating our final offensive. We will infiltrate the Mugen Gakuen School, the Death Buster’s main hideout.”

“Y-You aren’t going to hurt Hotaru are you?”

“Listen to me Kaiya, when Michiru told you that she was not your sister, she meant it. It did not mean that she loved Hotaru any less and that she truly wishes to destroy her. What she told you was the truth. Hotaru had been taken over by the Messiah of Silence. And while you were away, she has taken Chibi-Usa’s heart crystal. Hotaru is no longer, you must accept that.”

“You think killing her is really the only way? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I believe it is the only way to save this world and Hotaru’s soul. You may not believe it Kaiya, but for a time I was also Hotaru’s guardian along with Haruka and Michiru. Being a parent has not made this decision any easier.”

Pluto turned around and opened another time portal. “Now, it is time for you to make your decision. It is my sincerest wish that you will catch up to us.” And she left.


My head was still spinning from all everything Pluto had shown me. All this time and everything I thought weren’t true. Haruka didn’t leave because she hated me. Both of them actually…

… know one thing

………… one thing

………………… thing

My ears perked up. It was that echo again, only it was different. It sounded stronger than the previous times, almost as if they were here talking to me.

Before my eyes appeared another image. The figure in the vision was Michiru but she was crying. Could it be after Haruka left?

I’m sorry”

She’s sorry?

I am sorry cannot be here for you. Although it is a pitiful reason, perhaps, it is something I must do. But do not believe that it was an easy choice; it tears away at me that I will not see you grow up into the amazing woman you surely will become. Be strong…Grow strong into the kind of ruler our people desperately need.

The journey will be difficult…and hard, but do not give up. Do not quit! Do not run away! Whichever goal you set for yourself, see it to the end.

But my goal was…If you knew, what would you say? Would you still love me despite the hatred I harbored for you?

Perhaps…we will see each other again one day. It is my earnest wish that we may have such a chance. Although by then you may feel nothing but hatred towards us, I want you to know one thing…If only this much…I love you and always will.


I love you…


What did I honestly think? What were my honest thoughts about the situation?

I…really don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be left behind. I don’t want to sit back and watch. To be here for the rest of my life, never to say what I really feel!

Clink! Clink!


I yanked at the aqua/gold chain, not caring about the intense burning sensation being inflicted.

“GAAAAAAAAAH!” It won’t budge!

‘Is that your decision?’ K-chan was back.

“I’m going! Don’t even try to stop me!”


The…pillar? Why is my heart crystal here?

The stone began to pulse, as if it had its own heartbeat. I remember this feeling; it was like Michiru’s talisman at the Marine Cathedral!

Realization slowly dawned on me. It just occurred to me but that’s what I need to get out of here. One of my arms stretched out as if to grasp the large stone that lay just out of my reach. I could feel the water around me getting warmer- this time, it was not Hotaru’s energy I felt but something bigger and brighter.

“I said…I’M GOING!”


All the chains were back! Yet to my surprise, instead of attacking me as I anticipated they had wrapped around the large pillar. I could only watch in awe at what was happening.



The stone pieces had been shattered, leaving behind a large spear in its place. To my surprise, the pulsing did not stop but became stronger. It emitted Uranus and Neptune’s aura, intermingling all around the weapon. My eyes then trailed it top to bottom. There was a singular large blade on it’s top, glowing a transparent blue. The rest of its body consisted of intricate designs with aura and gold colors, except for the hilt. Its end was covered with pure gold strips. At first glance it almost appeared to be tape with it being so thin. Its weapon type reminded me greatly of Saturn’s yet it didn’t have the same feel.

My hand was still outstretched, waiting…

“You’re…a part of me.”

The spear began to shake as if responding to my thoughts.

“I need you. So let’s go!”


I caught it in my hand. Now for this chain…I eyed the aqua/gold one.



The links broke apart from each other and vanished. I almost couldn’t believe it; I was free. And…I had this power. I never knew something like this was inside of me and I would have never guessed. The kind of person I was, it almost seemed impossible. I thought I deserved that pillar of stone.

I held the weapon carefully in my hands, staring at it in shock. My fingers trailed over its markings, taking in the feel of it. It was warm, not cold. Strong, powerful, anything you wanted one to be. But inside I knew it wasn’t a mere weapon; it was my soul. It wasn’t ugly after all… It was beautiful.

My eyes came up to glance at the other chains that had broken the spear free. They dangled in the area in front of me, glowing their respective colors. Red, orange, yellow and green were all back yet they hadn’t disappeared again.

I had always wondered where they disappeared to…


What did they want now? It didn’t look like they were going anywhere…in fact it felt like they were watching me.

‘It’s your power.’

‘My power? You mean those things are also my power?’

‘A planet’s power is what it is. That cannot change; the World Shaking and the Deep Submerge are general powers. Each planet’s guardian has the general power of that planet. However as you’ve seen, your parents also contain the space sword and the deep aqua mirror. Those are unique as they reflect the bearer’s soul…yours, that it is different from both of theirs should not come as a surprise. You’ve overcome these four through your journey. Red (Courage), Yellow (Happiness), Green (friendship) and Orange (Strength). As you’ve discovered each of these qualities…’

‘That’s why they disappeared one by one?’

“Yes. They will now abide by your command. It was through this power that I was allowed to bring you here. Generally the four chains have the ability to bring you from any place to here, within yourself. Unlike the guardian of time, this will not allow you to travel through time but merely place to place. Any place to here and only here. Only once you’re here can you travel to another place of your liking.”

“Then you are the ones who brought me here?” I addressed the chains. “C-can you take me to the Mugen Gakuen School?”

The four chains began to move until they overlapped one another and created a square looking portal. Through the space in the middle I could see the school’s entrance lobby.

‘Do not doubt them. If that is where you truly wish to go, step forward.’

Tup. Tup. Tup. Tup…

Michiru’s POV, Michiru’s home

“So we’ll take the school in a few hours.” Ruka voiced to the group. “Each scout will pair up with the exception of Setsuna, Michi and myself. The plan is to infiltrate from all sides. Whoever gets in MUST finish off the Messiah of Silence.”

I glanced over at Setsuna from the corner of my eye, wondering where the woman had disappeared to during our group re-formation. Since she has returned she had little to say of her departure.

“But she’s still Hotaru!” Sailor Moon protested.

“She is no longer.” Pluto suddenly spoke up.

“The girl has been taken over. How many times do we have to tell you?” Ruka reminded the younger girl. “You must realize that thing inside of her is eating away her soul. Her body will eventually undergo a genetic regression into a monster. She’ll just die in agony if we allow things to stay as they are.”


I placed a gentle hand on Sailor Moon’s shoulder. “It is a hard truth to face but we are in a position where we kill or we will be killed. Us outer senshi wish that all of us may work together as a group.”

“Really?” The other inners stared in confusion.

“Time has changed our views.” I kindly pointed out. Ruka and I have been wrong to think the inner senshi were useless. That was not true at all; each individual can contribute something to the group if we worked together. Working alone many times over has proven nothing but stubborn pride on our part. “Will you join us?”

Kaiya’s POV, Mugen Gakuen, Front lobby


I exited the portal right where I expected to be and walked forward before stopping short of the main hallway. What’s with this hallway? Why are there plants everywhere?

I stopped short of the vegetation line, not too anxious to jump right in; they didn’t feel like friendly plants. Vines and thorny bases coated the walls and ceiling, barely hidden underneath the decorative plants. If a person carelessly walked right in or accidentally tripped, they would be done for.


“ you a student here? If not, I’m afraid you’ll have to leave.”

I carefully regarded the green haired/eyed witch. It wasn’t the same Death Buster I saw last time.

“What’s with all of these plants?”

“…Getting right to the point huh?” Her eyes trailed over to my spear. However, she didn’t look perturbed at all. “A Sailor Senshi?”


The witch frowned. “Oh! So you must be the one! The mistress has been expecting you.” I watched her become suddenly cheerful and open. “You must be the new girl.”

What was she talking about?

“I guess I should thank you on behalf of our association for saving the Messiah of Silence.”

“…These plants?”

She sighed. “Okay, okay. Well, the doctor said all witches had to position themselves in the school to guard against the Sailor Senshi.” The witch huffed. “Viluy, Mimete, Cyprine and Ptilol are up ahead. I hope we don’t have to fight a lot, my poor plants…”

Lubb Dubb

“Is that so?” I stepped forward into the plant growth. “Then…I guess I’ll have to greet them all.”

“H-Hey, what are you doing?”


The purple aura spread out from my feet, leaving wilted plants in its wake. Sometimes it takes dark energy to defeat dark energy. It was a shame these plants had to be used for evil purposes, they were rather nice to look at aside from the thorny vines.

The witch began screaming and whining about her plants, now looking horrified instead of being relaxed with my presence.

“Your turn.” I stepped forward.

“Wait, c-can’t we talk about this? Aren’t you on our side?”





The entire scene vanished with her demise, leaving the corridor empty. One down, a few to go…How hard could it be? If these stupid Death Busters think I’m on their side, this is going to be easier than I thought.
Being here reminded me of what Pluto had said. Who said I was going to catch up? I’m the welcoming party!

‘See you guys there...’


Uranus’s POV, outside the school

“What’s the reading?” I called out to Mercury in my communicator.

Her face came online and she didn’t look too happy. She frowned at her blinking computer screen. “This doesn’t look good. It is detecting life forms but they are multiplying at abnormal rates!”

Abnormal rates?

I narrowed my eyes and squinted towards the building. That’s funny, I don’t see anything.

“It is coming.” Neptune warns me.

Up ahead a red substance begins to seep out of the window, doors, and any other exit it could get out of!

Never mind…I see it.

The red goo pooled on the ground where individual youma slowly showed themselves. They hovered above but never completely parting from the substance.

Ugly suckers…

“We’re going above!” Neptune and Pluto nodded their heads. “The rest of you scouts, think you can handle it from here?”

I could hear them all agree. “YEAH!”


In a matter of moments Neptune, Pluto and myself had boarded a helicopter, hovering directly over the building where the inner scouts had set up a force field to counteract the enemy’s.

If my memory served me correctly, our helicopter was attacked before we originally made it to the ground. From the corner of my eyes I could see Neptune and Pluto staring at me. Apparently they remembered as well. No guarantees that it would happen again but why don’t we make a more appropriate entrance? Man, my blood was already boiling from the excitement.

Crackle, crackle…

“Here it comes!”

I ran forward and jumped the piece of junk with Neptune and Pluto following directly behind. Now we wait until we’re close enough to impact.


Michiru’s POV, mid-air

To shelter us from the inevitable impact we were to combine our powers and create an upward rush of air. It would cushion our weights enough that when we will hit the ground, an easy ground roll will be sufficient enough.

Living in the past…




Brings everything back. More than I could ever have dreamed or imagined.


There are no business meetings. There are no responsibilities of over ruling an entire planet.


There are only friends…who fight for an ‘unknown’ future.

“Deadly SCREAM!”


As calculated the three of us made it safely to the ground. From what I could detect, the helicopter above met its end accordingly while our enemy waited ahead.

Uranus immediately pulled out her space sword and I called out my deep aqua mirror.

“Let’s go.”

Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!

Dark corridor

Both sides of the corridor there were shelves, each containing a line of dolls. I was not disturbed in the least; they were merely toys that obeyed a single master.

“Welcome!” Doctor Tomoe greeted us. He laughed as though we were simpletons who knew nothing of him or his plans.

How very wrong he was.

I lifted my talisman. My mirror emitted a stream of blue light and hit the disguised monster head on. It flinched back in surprise.

“Can it, we don’t have time for you!” Uranus charged forwards with her space sword. “HaaaaAAAAA!”


Kaiya’s POV, heart of enemy territory

The last witches made their final death cry and dropped to the cold floor. As like the others, they began to fade from existence. Twins, what a nuisance. You have to take them both out at once or they’ll just counter for each other.

Good riddance.

I walked forward knowing very well that my enemy was near. Her presence seeped through the walls, acting as a spy for intruders such as myself. I smiled slightly, knowing that she knew I was here. The one who still possessed Hotaru’s body, the one who caused all this trouble for everyone. Already my mind could see her features. Long raven colored hair that slide down to the floor. Her dark eyes were glinting with amusement as I closed the distance.

It was true. Hotaru is being possessed.

“So you’ve come.” The final witch greeted. “I have waited for you my servant.”

Her sweet words couldn’t fool me. If anything, it made me angrier. Trying to pretend to be Hotaru wasn’t going to cut it.

“Bring me the Holy Grail that Sailor Moon possesses. I require it. I need more power!”

“Get it yourself.”


Something still didn’t feel right. Hotaru is possessed, that much I have confidence in. But I swear I could still feel her feel in that body. Does that mean she’s not dead? No, it doesn’t matter what I think, there’s no way I’ll be able to take that monster down and spare Hotaru in the process.

It…makes me sad. Don’t think about it! Just attack! I tried to command myself.

“Come on, I’ll take you!”

“Not without us you won’t!”

I turned to see Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enter the chamber at the opposite end of the room. I blinked, taking the sight in. They really have changed, I wasn’t wrong. Haruka and Michiru really were now my parents. For some reason, they were what I imagined them to be before this whole mess started. The day before I left my room on my own…

They were intelligent, strong and noble. Loyalty resonated strongly in their auras. Before I was not blind, I stood up for what I believed in and I don’t regret it a least bit. It’s my battle too, with my own choices!

But now…

“Fine, but don’t slow me down!”

Uranus smirked. Even though she’s changed, the old Haruka was still there. “I told you to stop trying to play hero!”

“Not that I’d ever listen to you!”

Uranus charged in. With my general planet power sealed, I could only wait for the enemy counter-attack.


WhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRR- BLAM!

“ARGH!” The witch snarled. Her force field came up but the attack still went through, taking out her left arm. Blood streamed down as she glared back as her attacker with disbelief that Uranus was as strong as she was. “HANDLE THIS!”

Dark energy engulfed the room. Her power began to eat away at the walls, weakening the supports. Warily I watched the pillars begin to crack and then shoot up until everything threatened to collapse.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Our enemy laughed hysterically.

Run to them!’

I ran to the outer senshi as the roof came toppling down. In a split second my energy barrier was up, protecting us all from the imminent danger.

Bam! Rumble, rumble, rumble…CRASH

The building had toppled but we were still alive.

“Die! Die! Die! DIE! AHAHAHAHA!”

Something’s… wrong with the sky. It looked like it was warping.

“This is a national emergency broadcast! An official state of emergency has been declared. The Tokyo Bay area has been placed under martial law!”

“They’re evacuating the area!” Uranus exclaimed.

Mistress 9 continued to laugh in a crazed voice. “Heh heh heh! The time has come. Now that Master Pharaoh 90 is filled with energy, it is time for him to merge with this planet! To undergo Vessel transformation! Once this Vessel Transformation is complete, this planet joined with our Master will become a second Tau system. This planet will become out mother planet!”

“Burning MANDALA!”

“Sparkling Wide PRESSURE!”

Mars and Jupiter’s attacks buried themselves into Mistress 9’s back, burning and electrifying her body. As she turned around to glare at the scouts who had joined the battle, Venus and Mercury unleashed their own.

“Venus love-me CHAIN!”

“Shine Aqua IILLUSION!”

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” The crazed woman launched a negative energy blast at the four scouts. Sailor Moon cried out to her friends as they screamed in pain. As soon as she had taken the four protectors to their knees, she aimed a large black sphere at Sailor Moon.

From the corner of my eye I saw Uranus start forward but she would not make it in time.

“NO! SAILOR MOON!” Everyone yelled.

Come on please work! It would be a first time attempt but I had to try! I raised my weapon, mentally calling up my own power. The tip began to emit a strong blue light.



The four chains shot out from the air, solidifying immediately as the blast closed distance. Instantly they formed another square like portal and sucked the energy in.


“Argh!” I let out a painful gasp and coughed. It felt like I couldn’t catch any breath! A burning sensation caught me off guard, catching me in my chest before spreading like wildfire. I kept coughing as my eyes began to tear. Soon something thick shot up my throat. I could feel the force tear the sensitive tissue until I finally coughed out blood. That’s what Pluto must have been talking about…taking in too much energy and right to the soul too! I really felt that one; my legs hurt so much…it’s so hard to stand…

“You would dare to get in my way?” I saw the dark eyes trained on me now. “It’s not too late servant, I’m still willing to take you back. Join us. I can make all that pain go away.” Her voice became sweet again as if she were a parent trying to coax their run-away child to come back home.

“KAIYA! Don’t listen to her!” Uranus called out.

Neptune began to run towards me but one of the chains cut her off. She tried to run around, a look of desperation in her eyes but they would not let her pass. In a quick series of movements I watched her try to force her way in. There was the initial roll inside past the red chain. Courage…Her hand hit the ground and pushed herself to the side as the Green chain whipped at her. Friendship…That was two. My eyes followed her as she dove past the Yellow chain. Happiness…There was one left. Everyone was watching as she readied for the charge against the Orange chain.


The Orange chain dove in and she evaded and rolled. When she thought she had passed the chain whipped around and captured her.

I’m sorry Michiru, but you don’t have the necessary strength. Not alone. Our eyes met, hers wide with disbelief. If this were any other situation before today, I would have ended it all here.

I nudged my spear in the direction back to Uranus, telling the chain to release Michiru gently.

“Kaiya, Uranus and I-” The senshi of the ocean began.

… know one thing

………… one thing

………………… thing

“I know. But… don’t you guys have a job to do?”

“What do you…?”

“Neptune, hurry!” Pluto called to the third outer. I saw Michiru give me a fleeting glance before she ran to her comrades. Obviously they had something to do, something only they could do.

The sky above began to emit a wave of vibrations that began to split the ground. Something was coming.

Rumble, rumble, rumble…CRASH! Rumble…

Now the four chains hovered around the witch and myself, without any real shape, just hovering in the air.

“I call upon my minions, come serve your mistress!” Mistress 9 called out. A sludge of red goop began to form outside my chains, quickly multiplying. The other inners began to fight back against the substance, desperately trying to dispose of it before the monsters would begin to multiple and out number us all.

Hotaru chan…

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto leapt up atop three separate buildings above, surrounding the one that had been demolished minutes earlier.

“We must protect this land where our future ruler Neo queen Serenity was born!”


“We must protect this land which will become the new Silver Millennium!”


“That is our duty!”


The three outer senshi held up their talismans, each glowing a bright light. In a flash, the three created a bright barrier around the area, sealing it off. The mass of red slime burned up in the seal area, making it impossible for the witch to use her minions any longer.

“You’ve put up a shield? It’s useless!” Mistress 9 raged.

I’m sorry…

I lifted my spear, watching it emit the blue light once more. The chains responded instantly and shot out, wrapping the witch in their grip. There were four chains with one on each limb. With her hands and legs trapped down, I doubt she could escape this field and me.


“I won’t let you use Hotaru’s body any longer.”

The chains tightened their grip and clamped down as the enemy squirmed, reeling in pain as she tried to set herself free. Her body had already begun to disintegrate from the inner’s earlier attacks. Now what was left was her demon form, revealing itself for what she really was.


“It’s over for you. HAAAAAAAAAAAH!”



Her body broke apart into a cloud of black particles. Almost immediately did they begin to disintegrate into the air, not willing to leave a trace of its own existence.

To think…I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry.


A bright light shot out of the air of black particles. What was happening? Don't tell me I destroyed her too late!

‘That’s not it.’

Uranus’s POV

There are some things that will never change, no matter how much you wished them to. Kaiya shouldn’t have been here. Michiru and myself should not have gone back to the past yet it all happened. The three of us from the future are here in the past, watching something that was already pre-destined.

It’s funny…how nothing we did really mattered. Despite all of the changes, it’s all happening the way it should.

Sailor Moon transformed once more. Her thin figure shoot into the warped sky above, briefly disappearing. The others were crying out but I remained calm. It will all end soon.

Soon…Sailor Saturn will awaken.


“There she is…” I mumbled to myself. If I had not known what would happen, then I would have panicked and thought the world would end. That was what I was supposed to do, what I’ve done before. What I should have worried about was making it to this point in time, where everything would take its natural course.

All of us are nearing the end of this adventure in life. Yet there will be many more to come.

“I…and the journeyer from the valley of the dead…With the blessings of Saturn, the planet of destruction, I am the scout of Silence…Sailor Saturn.”

“Sis!” I could hear Kaiya call out. The poor kid was in a state of shock.

I retreated from my high up position and landed on the ground as did Michiru and Pluto to gather with the rest of our comrades.

“She’s not dead Kaiya…Now watch her destiny unfold.” I saw the uncertain young eyes look back at me.

“Several coincidences piled up to warp the progress of events…and at some point, history was taken off course. The fact that all this power has gathered here…and that all has commenced its descent into destruction…was all predestined…Now that I have been awakened…I must drop this Silence Glaive.”

So it will begin…

“Death Reborn Revolution!”

Always with the end, comes hope and rebirth…

“Always with the end, comes hope and rebirth.”

I wrapped one arm around Michiru’s shoulders and with the other I held Kaiya’s shoulder. For when the blast comes, we will all need to brace ourselves. As a parent and husband, it’s my responsibility to protect them. If only I had realized this earlier. If only I hadn’t been a damn coward and ran away.

Neptune stroked my cheek in a comforting way as if she knew what I was thinking. “Now, is what matters.”

“My Father Chronos, guardian of time and space, lend me your power! Close the breached taboo door! DARK DOOM CLOSE!” Pluto chanted as she sealed Pharaoh 90 and Sailor Saturn in an alternative dimension.

Neptune’s POV

There was a brief darkness and then a strong gust of wind. Ruka pulled both Kaiya and myself closer to her, hugging us both as the force came.

It did not last long though. When it was all over the buildings around us began to regenerate to their former state before the incident. People were being reborn, the people who were caught up in the battle crossfire or those who had no time to evacuate.

Soon she will appear again as well.

“Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaaah!”

I felt Kaiya pull at my arm. “Michiru, am I hearing things, or do I hear a baby crying?”

“Would you…like to meet your sister?” I smiled, feeling a bit weary as though I had given birth all over again. You should have seen Kaiya’s eyes widen.

“You mean…”

“Come on, I’ll race you there Kaiya!” Ruka yelled as she took off.

“H-Hey! That’s not fair you know I’m-”

“Not listening!”

Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!

Both of them still act like children…

Yet I cannot help but wonder…what will happen now?

Onwards to Part 19

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