The Path Never Taken (part 16 of 20)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by seraphydragon

Back to Part 15 Untitled Document

Come Night, Michiru’s house (kitchen) , Haruka’s POV

“What’s the word?” I asked, still feeling numb. Physically I was fine but my mind was another story.

Michi shook her head. “I phoned everyone and no one has seen her. Rei is particularly worried; Usagi said she is having a hard time keeping the poor girl under control.”

It’s no wonder… you can’t blame her. While those two lived together all this time they’ve must’ve become pretty close friends. Perhaps sisters even.

‘Why! Why did you leave?’

“What…do you think she meant when she said that?” Michi softly whispered. Apparently the two of us were thinking the same thing.

“I don’t know. I have no clue to be honest. All I do know, is that she was upset and it had something to do with us.”

Perhaps…she was in a state of shock and it sent her over the edge. It was possible wasn’t it? I was afraid of what I saw in her eyes. There was hatred… such deep hatred and somehow I knew I had something to do with it…Although it’s not uncommon for some people to hate me, what I felt was crazy. It was almost like…killer intent…But it didn’t explain why she hit Michi. I’ve never known anyone to lay a finger on my partner ever since we’ve left our hometown…And then seeing our best friend hit her in the face, it was like the world had gone crazy!

“Is it still stinging?” I asked Michi.

She nodded but her hands wouldn’t go of the phone.

The other woman was deadly quiet since we’ve came back. You know she’s worrying like crazy but too lady-like to show it. It’s stupid!

“Michi…” I walked over to the woman, embracing her from behind. “Michi, let go.” I carefully pried her hands away from the cold plastic. She was very reluctant to let go, even by my coaxing.

For a few minutes we stood there, not wanting to move. All I could hear was her soft, short breaths as they began to waver. Instantly I knew she was on the verge of tears and the sobs would soon follow.

“Why…does she hate us?”

Hate…was such a powerful word. But it was stronger in emotion. Michi, being particularly strong to sensing emotions and auras through her sixth sense was especially vulnerable to such emotions. If I feel bad, imagine how she must feel.

What can I do? What can I do to make her feel better?

“It’s late…we should get some sleep.”

Michi shook her head but I knew she was exhausted.

“Please? I don’t want to lose you too.”

She slowly turned around, her eyes looking somewhat bloodshot. She’d been crying a lot…The look in her eyes however was questioning. We stood there gazing at each other, wondering who should make the first move. In truth I was scared. What she needed, I wasn’t so sure I could provide.

“Michi, you know I’m not a man and I’ve never done any of this.” I wanted to her to be sure of her decision. If she wanted to back out now, then…I’d let her. I won’t be around much longer but I want to help her in any way I can now. “And we can’t have children of our own…” I knew it was once her dream to have a family. But I can’t give her that…If I could, I would.

There was a strange glint in her eyes as I finished. She didn’t seem bothered by my statement at all; I thought that she might’ve forgotten about that little complication.

“I…” The rest of my words were drowned out when her lips pressed against mine. It had taken me by surprise. When we parted, all I could stutter was, “A-Are you sure?” Without answering in words, I felt her take my hand and lead me upstairs to our bedroom.


Still feeling uncertain, I watched as the mysterious beauty climbed onto the bed. All I could think was how amazing she was, my every reason for loving her. Kind, understanding, graceful, polite, hard-working, patient, talented and beautiful. I began to feel insignificant again as these thoughts began to swarm my mind. Not good enough? Definitely…

‘Who should be the one to decide that? It’s Michiru’s choice, not yours’


Michi faced me, looking at me if only for a moment before she motioned me over. My legs moved on their own, taking one step after another until I was sitting on the mattress. I could feel my heart racing inside as Michi lay back, waiting for me. She was just…so beautiful.

Slowly I lowered myself until I lay directly on top of her. When I closed my eyes I could hear both of our hearts. They were both racing in our chests until they sounded as one beat. As I felt her arms encircle my back, pressing me harder against her, I thought, ‘If only for one night, then I can die with no regrets.’

Michiru’s POV

I don’t…want to lose anyone else. However life can be cruel and unpredictable. One of my hands came up and cupped my partner’s cheek. I want to show her, tell her my feelings so whatever may happen in the future, she will always have this one night to remember.

“It’s all right.” I whispered into her ear.

Ruka’s mouth found mine. It was a soft, gentle kiss. However in a matter of seconds, I felt Ruka’s passion increase to hungry proportions and in turn, my own had rose to meet it.

I then felt her mouth on my neck, kissing its way downward. It wasn’t the only place I felt her; suddenly felt her everywhere; hands exploring as then went south. Involuntarily my body began to move on it’s own.

“Ru…ka. Ah!” I let out a small gasp.

I became lost, desire clouding my mind. There were so many sensations that I could not focus on one alone. It felt impossible. My hands tugged at her hair.

…I love her so much that it sometimes hurts. When she told me that she was not a man and that she could not give me children I felt at a loss of what to say. None of that matters…What matters is here and now, myself being with Ruka.

It felt like eternity of pure bless when I could not longer bare it any longer. I was vaguely aware that I was screaming out Ruka’s name or that my muscles had locked. It felt like I was in the clouds.

As soon as I came down, the only words that left my lips were, “I love you.”

Haruka’s POV, some time later

I lay on looking at my partner who had finally fallen asleep. Her breathing tickled my chest but I felt no urge to move anytime soon.

Still unable to sleep, my eyes wandered to the far wall, watching the moonlight come in and out of hiding. For awhile I heard nothing but my ears would not stop listening. It was as if I was listening for something, expecting something to happen. Why? I can’t say. A feeling of déjà vu hovered over me.

My head suddenly throbbed, causing me to flinch.

“Ah…” I hissed, trying not to wake Michi.

One of my hands came up to my head as I tried to massage the pained area but it didn’t help. Damn…I hope I don’t need to go get tylenol...

Brrriiiiiiiiiing. Brrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing.

Hm? The phone? But who could be calling at this time of night? I gave a small gasp; maybe…it was one of the scouts, perhaps they’ve found Kaiya.

I carefully left the bed, giving extra caution as I tiptoed out not to make a noise.

Tup, tup, tup, tup, tup.


I was about to pick it up my hand automatically retracted as though the machine was a poisonous snake waiting to bite. Why did I do that? I looked at my own hand. While feeling confused and wondering what had happened, I missed my chance to speak in person to the caller.

The answering machine light came on and I waited with a hushed breath.

“Tenoh Haruka…or should I say Sailor Uranus? I have a message for you.”

That didn’t sound like any of the girls. I narrowed my eyes when my mind finally registered the voice; it was the Death Buster from earlier today. What’s could her damn message be if it was important enough to call me in the middle of the night? I had a good mind to rip out the telephone cord and chuck this thing across the room.

“I’ve got the kid.”

WHAT? Now she had my attention; was she talking about Kaiya?

“And she’s a real pain in the ass. Unless you come to these directions, she’s history. Got it?” The fax machine began to shoot out a piece of paper. Tentatively with great disgust I picked the paper up and found the simple road directions. And…I traced the red line, it all lead to the huge red circle in its center, the Marine Cathedral.

Way out there? Figures…

“Be there. TONIGHT.” She stressed the last word in a menacing tone. I got the hint. “Within two hours or-”


Did she…just get cut off? Given the time to think I couldn’t help but conclude this was all a trap. I know it is; you can’t trust any enemy that wants to destroy the world. But what other choice do I have? She might be bluffing about having Kaiya captured but the odds are against me; no one has seen her since that incident today. Would I want to risk skipping out?


I waited again, knowing who it was instantly.

Stupid machine cut me off!” She growled. “Now as I was saying, the kid won’t be the only one who gets it, but the others as well. NOW I’m done.”


Others…? If the Death Busters have the other talisman holders, then I can’t refuse, whatever the circumstance may be.

It’s…really time…

I slowly walked up the steps to where Michi was sleeping to say my goodbye. The woman was still sleeping peacefully. Relief filled me for that quick moment seeing her looking so relaxed. She looked happy. Perhaps a good dream?

With one hand I lightly touched her aqua locks, memorizing the feel with what I saw. This is what I want to remember when I’m fighting, when I die.

‘If one of us falls, the other must continue the mission’

That was our promise wasn’t it? Even before we found this love…I guess this means you’ll have to continue on.

My eyes scanned the room for a piece of paper and pen. There’s no way I can tell her now…but I can leave her a note and the message on the answering machines downstairs.

One hour…she needs to be up in one hour to make it in time to regain the crystals if need be. I can try to hold off on my own until then.

I set the alarm clock.

Now all that was left…

“I love you.” I whispered, the words coming easily now; it may be my last chance to ever say it. “Be strong.”

I gave her a peck on the forehead and then made my leave.


Kaiya’s POV,School garden

I could never see it…Why was I so blind? I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly against the cool night. My eyes centered upon a small crack in the brickwork. I’ve finally came here, not knowing where else to go; I couldn’t go back to the shrine anymore and I certainly can’t go back to Haruka and Michiru…even if they are my parents, I thought sarcastically.

The image of hitting Neptune flashed through my mind’s eye. Despite all my good for nothing hatred, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt.

I hope she’s okay…

I looked up at the sky and blinked, noticing the dark clouds. It was still pretty, even if it was dark…I soon became mesmerized with the moon; it was so bright, I couldn’t believe how it could shine like that despite those clouds.



A small pink spot had appeared in the sky. No, wait! It was glowing! I immediately was on my feet, wondering whether to hide or to prepare for a fight. It was a time portal; I recognized it because it was the exact way that I came here! But who could it be? I doubt it was my sis; with her being busy as she was…and no one else that I knew possessed the ability except… My eyes widened and I took a step back. It can’t be… why would she be here?

A wave of terror hit me; what should I do? I crossed over without her permission. Her attack had almost killed me and would have if Hotaru-chan’s power hadn’t shielded me.

I am stronger now but could I really take on the guardian of time?


I covered my eyes as the light shot down, creating a pillar of light in its wake. Not surprisingly, its target was in this garden.

“Geh…” I struggled to keep my eyes open.

“This is where you were hiding?” The figure stepped out of the light. I noticed the gate closed immediately after the woman had left its doors.

I took in the stranger warily, watchful for anything she might pull. The woman had long green hair that extended past her waist and wore the traditional Sailor Senshi fuku (like all, it was merely a different color than the other scouts; it looked black and white) Crimson eyes bore down on me but I felt no intense hatred. The feeling she emitted was a strong sense of ‘duty’ and perhaps…loneliness? It was intense! I almost choked back. Instinctively I narrowed my eyes, trying to get a better view. Inside I saw the void. It was a mass of nothingness swirling around a pink glowing sphere of light. Could that be her heart?

“That is enough.” She gripped her garnet rod tighter. The weapon startled me for a second; I wonder what kind of power it contained?

In response I raised an eyebrow.

“I know about your natural abilities; your mother has it too, the sixth sense. Although…she was not quite so willing to probe in a fellow scout’s spirit.”

I opened my mouth but immediately closed it. Why the hell was I about to say ‘sorry’? What…did she want with me anyway? I was sure it her visit had a lot more to do than scolding me about the use of my powers.

“To the heart of the matter, I have come to tell you to return home.”

Go home!

“As we both know, you do not belong here. Your presence will only serve to increase the alteration of time.”

“Is that all?” I spoke up, finally saying something to the stranger. It wasn’t that anyone cared about me after all, this person was only here to do her duty.

It…made me angry.

She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Your ‘sister’, Hotaru is having difficulty managing the other planet rulers in your absence. It is causing a potential problem. That is why you must return.”

“What would they want with me?”

“…It is the issue concerning all of the heirs…” I waited for her to continue. “However, I cannot say more than that.”

This irritated me. I suppose she’s hoping I’ll die from curiosity and go back.

“…” She remained silent but something seemed amiss. I looked her up and down, all my senses on the alert.

“You…didn’t come straight here did you?” There were other time traces still emitting from her body. Each place in time produced different particles, a different feel you might say. I didn’t notice it so much until now; normally you don’t sense them because they’re so small. However the various time chips on her were in massive concentrations! Guess that’s what you get for being the guardian of time.

“…” She didn’t move. I was starting to catch onto this woman’s mannerisms from that little peak earlier. That basically meant, ‘yes’ but I won’t tell you.

“Who did you see? The inner scouts? Or perhaps my parents?” Yes, doesn’t everyone want to see my parents these days? The thoughts brought up another feeling of bitter sarcasm.

“…It is against my better judgement, but I will give you a choice; you do not seem too keen on staying here do you, not since that incident?” The comment had hit home, reviving the hurt. “I have visited the other senshi as you said.” She watched me carefully, but did not seem the least bit alarmed by the buttons she was pushing. “They are not at home.” She continued, correctly reading my plan of action to contact them.

“What…do you mean?”

“As we speak, they are all gathering at the Marine Cathedral. I too, will meet them there accordingly.”

“When you mean by everyone…”

“I see…”

“I am strongly suggesting that you return from where you came from…If you choose to join us at the Marine Cathedral…then I will have no choice but to force you to return home.”

So…what she’s saying is that she’s willing to let me leave and keep my pride intact…or choose to try and rebel against her then get my ass kicked.

“Here.” She tossed me a tiny object and I caught it with both hands. Before I opened my palms to see what she had given me, I knew by its feel that it was a time key. “I trust you will make the right decision.”

“Wait! Tell me…Haruka has the space sword talisman, so does that mean Michiru…?”

“…” She looked at me for a second but then turned to go, not willing to give any more explanation.

I didn’t move as the time senshi walks out of the garden into another pillar of light. I just couldn’t stop looking at the key. Either way I choose Pluto will send me home won’t she?

What…should I do? If the talisman conclusion is tonight, then…

‘They’ll die.’

Michiru’s POV, her house

“Ruka…where did you go?” I jolted awake as the dream ended. It was that dream again…Every time I was searching for her but I could not find her…it scared me; Ruka won’t really disappear on me would she? My hand reached out beside me to assure myself that my fears were falsely based.


I froze, unable to feel my partner’s presence.

I attempted to sense her aura in the darkness but she was not there. What was…? With worry I immediately left the bed and made way downstairs, hoping she was down there.

However when I reached the bottom of the steps and saw no light on and that little bit of hope drained quickly drained away.

“She’s…not here…”

Hm? We have a message? I peered at the answering machine, seeing the red light flash. Perhaps this has something to do with Ruka’s disappearance?

I clicked the button. At first there was static but the message came loud and clear in a matter of seconds.

“Tenoh Haruka…or should I say Sailor Uranus? I have a message for you.”

The Death Buster?

“I’ve got the kid. And she’s a real pain in the ass. Unless you come to these directions, she’s history. Got it?”

My legs nearly gave out on me, bringing me to grasp the nearby wall for support. So that’s why…That’s why…I was on the verge of tears again as these whirlwind of emotions embraced me. Why didn’t you tell me…?

…I…may lose them both…

The thought was nearly unbearable. I realized my throat felt dry and proceeded to the sink for a glass of water when I noticed a notepad on the counter. I knew I didn’t leave it there…Slowly I brought the object closer to my eyes where I could read its writing.

It was not what I had expected; instead of a long letter of any sort it was a map. I instantly recognized Ruka’s style of artistry. Looking it over, I found that the site was…

“The Marine Cathedral.”

And under the paper’s contents lay one simple message.

‘If one of us falls, the other must continue the mission. Be strong.’

She plans on dying!

I quickly headed for the door, not caring about anything other than saving my partner and friend. I cannot sit back and let these things happen, especially since I have the power that can affect the outcome.

Please wait for me…


Haruka’s POV, Marine Cathedral

I glanced up and down the entranceway. Its doors were massive, making me feel small. The dark clouds continued to pass by overhead, reminding me of my last good bye. Her face still stayed in my mind, not willing to leave. It was peaceful…giving me a sense of peace as well. Unconsciously I straightened my poster, bringing myself up to meet the challenge at hand.

It’s up to me…Hang in there Kaiya, I’m coming.

With no more hesitation I pushed against the heavy doors, forcing them open by my will. They creaked, opening small bits at a time.


I stepped forward into the seemingly dark room, noticing how the doors closed as soon as I entered. Determined not to panic, I watched the solid barrier for an extra few seconds to be sure that there would be no rear end attack. Once I was ready, I set my sights on the corridor ahead. My eyes took another minute to completely adjust.

Doesn’t seem to be much does it?

It had the appearance of any other church. Peeves lined both sides of the entrance, a red carpet down the corridor’s middle and the classic stain glass windows above. Most of the light in fact came through the windows, in streams of rainbow colors. The place was probably abandoned for awhile if they couldn’t afford decent lighting.

Tup. Tup. Tup…

Cautiously I tread forward, watching for any side attacks. I learned long ago that anything can happen. Unexpected things…both good and bad. However, if you have your guard down it’ll just hit you harder and in turn, knock your world upside down (if you’re still alive that is).

Now at the other end of the room I concluded that this was the safe zone; the enemy most likely is holed up deep inside where it would be harder to escape.


On the altar was a bouquet of red roses. They were the liveliest looking things in this entire place that I’ve seen so far. I couldn’t help but reach out to touch it. It was real wasn’t it? The soft petals affirmed my suspicions. But…what was it doing here? I searched the flowers, hoping to find a clue. It didn’t seem right that these were here for decoration; they were too fresh. Someone had planted it here, I was sure of it.

I found nothing in the bouquet but rather, under it. Carved into the rotting wood was, ‘take a rose for your own grave’.


“Heh, I’ll play your game.” I smirked, taking a rose.

No regrets…I exited the room and entered the next.

Cross Roads

I stared, looking onwards with confusion. Instead of an another single corridor that I predicted, there were three different paths.

Shit, what was this Death Buster thinking!

No sooner had the thought sounded in my mind, another voice echoed through the room and…bad organ music. “Welcome to the Eudial games. If you wish to continue forward then choose a path. You might live but I can’t guarantee that. But who cares? You’ll die in the end anyway.” She laughed.

“What’re you planning? What’s the deal with three paths?”

“…Oh that? I was bored.”

I growled.

“But don’t worry, you’ll only have to do one. However, the path will automatically close up after you enter, so better choose carefully.”

I swear she still sounded too cheerful!

I turned my attention on the doors again, feeling the pressure beginning to build. I have no idea what’s behind them, which would be easier or faster. What a pain… While I’m here thinking my brains out, who knows what that witch is doing to Kaiya and the others…

Come on, what’s the big deal? I told myself. It’s just one path, only one challenge. I’ll die anyway… ‘But you want to save them before you do, don’t you?’ A voice echoed inside.


Still clutching my rose, I went for the path straight ahead, the middle of the three diverging pathways. I was always a straightforward person, right Michi?

Tup. Tup. Tup. Tup.

Main Hallway

This was different…

It was a straight hallway but it appeared to have nothing in it. There were no desks, tables, shelves or anything! But there had to be a catch here; it looks too easy and I know nothing comes easy.


Still holding my rose I walked forward, slightly hunched over in case evasive measures were required. My gaze wandered right to left, eyeing any potential changes in the environment. An abnormal crack in the tiles, a hollow footstep would do…or…



“Nng!” I rolled out of its way as it shot horizontally across the room.

I stayed low, watching the others for any sign of movement.

“How’d you like that?” Eudial’s voice echoed again. “Want some more? Just watch that rose your holding take a plunge!”


The other tiles dislocated from their holdings, somehow floating. A magic trick? I looked down at my rose, which already looked like it was molting; a few of the petals had come loose and began to unnaturally stick to my hand.


A shot had barely nicked my cheek. I stared ahead at the red tile that had shot it. On it’s sides were bullet holes and still smoking.

Damn, this is going to be harder than I thought!

A thorn on the rose pricked my finger as my hands clamped down. “Ouch! Stupid thing!” I threw it up into the air as a rain of bullets came.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

As long as I stay in front of them and not to their side, they can’t hit me! I kept making sharp turns and occasional rolls to avoid becoming something like swiss cheese.

“Ah! Gah! Nng! Hah!”

Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!

My ears suddenly pricked up; did I just hear a breeze? A strong gust of wind came out of nowhere, sending the scattered rose petals up into the air in all directions. I watched dumbfounded as my targets turned and continued to shoot at the PETALS, not me.

So that’s it!

I dashed forward into the line of stones. There’s no way I’ll be able to get these pesky petals off of me in time, but I can…


I leapt up and over a stone slab, hitting my hand against it and attaching a gift to it. It’s comrades immediately targeted it as I dashed away.


One down!


The last few were lined up in a straight line, easy for pickings.


WhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIRRRR- KABAM!

The air was filled with disintegrating dust particles for a few shorts minutes but it quickly cleared up, as did my path. I confidently walked forward while continuing to pick off the sticky petals.

“Hey, can you hear me?” I shouted up towards the roof. “I’m coming for you!”

Tup. Tup. Tup. Tup!

Main chapel

The ‘musician’ stopped her playing and spun around on the seat. “Looks like you’ve finally arrived. Alive…” She made a small frown. “But that can be easily remedied.”

“Just try it!” I charged forward.

She whipped out a new gun of hers. I watched her trigger finger, ready to dodge right or left when it fires.



Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!

I fell to my knees, wondering what the hell had just happened. The gun didn’t fire…To my sides I saw the similar tiles I had only beaten in the last room, only these ones weren’t dust particles.

“Remote control.” The Death Buster explained. She pointed to the false gun and smiled. “Feeling a bit numb? Those shots can do that to you.”

S-Shit…The numbness began to spread.

“Where’s the girl?” I shouted. Already the sinking feeling had begun to sink in; there was no one else in this room other than the Death Buster and myself.

“There was no girl. And now…you’re the bait.” She turned towards a monitor screen. “Oh what do ya know? Right on time.”

I saw the figure approach the Cathedral’s entrance.

“Neptune!” I cried out. What was she doing here so early?


I froze.

“This is the real gun.”

My mind raced. If Michi sees me as a hostage who knows how she’ll react! She might not attack. The thought re-ignited my rage, fueling a burning flame within me. THERE’S NO WAY I’LL BE USED AS BAIT!

“So if you’ll cooperat- H-Hey! What are you doing?”

I staggered up, still feeling the effect of the last attack. “…Just shoot the damn gun already…”







Kaiya’s POV, Park

To go or to stay? I had been debating this for the last half-hour, deciding what I should do. Either path seemed to lead to a no win situation for me. And to be honest, I was not attracted by either prospect. Why would I want to save my parents now? It was my goal to come here and kill them. But…there were unseen complications that I hadn’t expected. My closest friends I made in this time were the people I wanted to kill. It was as though my life was one big, cruel joke.

… If I stayed, would I really be able to go through with it now?

On the other hand, I was curious as to what Pluto meant when things were getting rocky at home. If sis was having trouble…

‘…It is the issue concerning all of the heirs…’

Sounds pretty big, whatever it is. If what she said was true, then it’s my presence they are requiring; if I look at it in a twisted way then I suppose they do want me back home.

“Guess I should go…”

The key began to glow and I felt myself being engulf in the pink light.


Neptune’s POV, Cross Roads

I loosely held the rose that I had taken from the altar. If it is anyone’s grave that this will be for, it will be the Death Buster’s! They are responsible for all this... I swear in the name of Neptune that I will find Uranus and Kaiya, and bring them back!

With my resolve strengthened I analyzed the options open to me.

The middle path is sealed off…Uranus must have entered through that path… Which leaves me with two alternative choices. Right…or left? Both sides are radiating negative energy… However, the one of the left appears to be calm in comparison to the right pathway; from my sixth sense, I’m getting pulsing vibrations as if the energy itself was living.

All right, left it is then.

With my rose in hand, I entered the left well aware the pathway was closing behind me.


The Fountain Room

I stumbled forward into a pitch-dark room. Vaguely I knew my position but that became much more compromising as I explored deeper into the chamber. I could not see my way, yet I felt it. There weren’t so many objects on the ground as I had anticipated, easing a certain degree of tension from my burdened mind. Yet…Why did I hear running water? I bent down and felt the wet presence. Perhaps this place hadn’t entirely recovered from the flooding incident awhile back.

Seeing this as a possible advantage, I stood still and let my power seep out till it covered the entire area. Inanimate objects may not produce a particularly strong aura but…

I dropped the rose onto the ground.


The action produced immediately results; as the water carried the petals around the room I could see the highlighted pathways light up nearby objects as well. Soon, what I was looking at was a map of the room in my mind’s eye.

But where was the doorway out?

Walking with greater confidence now, I moved ahead until I came to a crack in a wall. There was cool air coming inside, meaning outside was directly on the other side of this wall.

Let’s see some light!


WhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIRRRRRRR- BLAM!

With a section of the wall now missing, light shot across to the other side onto a hidden doorway away from the water.

This must be it…

Tup. Tup. Tup. Tup…


Main chapel

“Uranus!” I arrived in time to see my partner unleash a world shaking. The enemy had also fired her weapon.






My arms came up to cover my eyes from the clouds of dust. “Uranus, where are you?” I called out to her.

As the dust cleared I was shocked at what I saw. In the background the Death Buster’s monitors had been completely destroyed but what drew my immediately attention was,

“Uranus…” Above her face down body was a talisman. A sword shining in all it’s glory.

Why didn’t she tell me? My knees began to grow weak. Why didn’t she tell me!

“Great, now you’ve ruined my machine!” The Death Buster complained as though she had lost a new toy.

My eyes searched the room, finding no other presence. She lured Ruka here, taking advantage of her heart. My eyes flashed.

You’ll pay…

She turned towards me. “Ah, another talisman holder has arrived.”

I ignored the words.



The organ in the back took the direct blow. Sounds of flying keys and breaking metal rang in the air.

She’s fast!

A glint of metal told me her gun was now raised. My legs bent; readily prepared to dodge to the side.

‘It’s a trick!


As the gun went off I heard, ‘DUCK!’


Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!
Bam! Bam!

This won’t get me anywhere. I waited until the firing had stopped and then dashed back towards the previous room I had been in.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

To where I have the advantage!

Fountain Room

I waited up in a dark corner, out of the sight where the light could not reach me. Below me the witch entered with a rush that she must had forgotten this chamber; she swore crudely at her lack in vision. I however could still sense the flower petals.

“…Why don’t you just come out and make it easier for the both of us?” She snarled.

Silently I watched her trail inward deeper to the heart of the room. She stationed herself in front of the room fountain. I could feel her muscles tense, evidence of the fear she began to harbor.

No pity; she had unknowingly stumbled into my trap.

I raised one hand, palm up, and focused a portion of my powers to call the water in the room to the flower petals. The power to manipulate water…My eyes narrowed automatically although I could not physically see her.

I will not play by her game. She will play mine.

I shot my fingers of the lifted hand upwards, sending columns of water spiraling upwards. My opponent let out a scream when the invisible force hit her. She could not move; the water created a cage-like barrier all around where she stood.

Here was my chance. “Deep…SUBMERGE!”



Once the noise stopped I dropped my offensive barriers and let myself return to the floor. Her presence had not faded but it was considerably weakened.

A voice in my mind told me that I could eliminate this creature if I chose to do so. However, I knew it would not erase the pain in my heart or in my dearest friend or lover.

She was not worth killing.


Kaiya’s POV, time corridor

I was already halfway through; using the main path was much more straight forward than trying to stumble your way through off the path. I thought back to my first visit here. Being attacked by Pluto wasn’t a fun experience, I bitterly thought.



I stopped and turned towards the noise. It felt like…someone’s life force had vanished.

So…then it must have started.

The uneasiness began to erode my decision to go home. It was like something inside wanted me to desperately go to where the others were, not where Pluto had told me.

“That’s stupid, why would I want to stick my neck out for them?”

If I went, Pluto will surely retaliate; she did say she’d force me to return home if I didn’t do it myself.

‘Do you really believe what you’re telling yourself?’


‘You can tell yourself whatever lies you want but it won’t change the way your heart feels!’

“Uranus…I won’t let you do this alone.”

I heard Neptune’s voice echo through the corridor.

“I can only pray that Rai will be here to guard and protect our talismans from the Death Busters…” Her voice was a whisper now.


‘Go to them!’

I held up the time key in my palm, hoping that this method would work. “Take me to the Marine Cathedral!”

It began to ebb and glow, forming a separate portal in this enormous dark void. Immediately I stepped into it with a feeling of emergency pushing me forward with impatience.

Cross Road

“Silence Glaive!”

The purple light left and I found myself in the new change of clothes. Now dressed as ‘Rai’ I stared ahead at the three corridors in my way. Each one appeared blocked off, prodding my current impatient demeanor.

I have no time for this!



The seal to the middle pathway collapsed, leaving me an opening for intrusion. Quickly I ran forward, not caring what sort of dangers lay ahead.

I have to hurry!

Main Hallway

“Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!”


Main chapel

I barged in, calling out Uranus’s and Neptune’s names.

“Uranus! Neptune!”

In front of me I saw Uranus on the ground; her talisman already extracted. Neptune was crying but whispering something to the fading Uranus. Her life force…it’s…

It wasn’t only Neptune who was sobbing, I turned to the group of beaten looking inners, also tearing.


All eyes were on me as I proceeded forward towards my comrades.

“So…you finally came.” Neptune looked up with sad eyes. Yet…there was something similar to joy in them. I knew what she wanted; she wanted me to take Uranus’s and her talismans.

‘I can only pray that Rai will be here to guard and protect our talismans from the Death Busters…’

A knot twisted in my stomach as I contemplated the idea. In moments like these, I was eternally grateful that I wore sunglasses in this disguise. No one can see my doubt or uncertainty.

Dumbly my hands felt the heavy weight of the gun as Neptune handed it to me as she stood up, ready to embrace her own death. No…fear. She wasn’t afraid to die. The courage to follow through with her own decisions touched something deep inside of me.

Michiru…I’m sorry I hit you. I wish I could say it.

I was sad…Here my chance to finish my own goal I had made so long ago yet I was sad.

I lifted the gun.

“Rai, don’t!” Sailor Moon called out.

“Please…” She seemed to plead. A last request? “Find Tenoh Kaiya…And when you find her, would you give her a message? Would you tell her that she is still our best friend? She will know when she hears it.”

My eyes began to tear. You guys…




An aqua marine light hit the area as Neptune’s talisman was released. Without a second thought I dropped the gun and quickly caught her before she hit the ground. Her body was heavy, but not nearly as heavy as my heart felt right then…

Carefully, I laid her down next to Uranus. With both of their eyes closed, they almost appeared to be sleeping peacefully.

It irked me. Why did this have to happen? Death…The concept was difficult to grasp; I didn’t want to believe it. I thought killing them would make me happy but now that it’s actually happened, I see that it wasn’t what I wanted. It was like sis said… ‘You don’t realize how important someone is to you until they’re gone forever…’

…I didn’t kill my parents, I killed my two best friends.

Another aura came into the area and I instantly knew it was the Death Buster, only it was significantly weaker. Neptune must have really gave her a beating.

“Two talismans…only one left to go…” She muttered to herself.

I didn’t turn around. “You dare to show your face?” There was a mutter of agreement among the other inners, their resentment beginning to seep throughout the room. We all wanted to fight.

I won’t let her have your talismans, I silently promised my parents.


In one smooth emotion I coveted both the space sword and the deep aqua mirror. The witch wasn’t about to this take though and had shot her fire fuelled gun.

“Flame buster!”


Both exits were immediately cut off by the fire wall and the other, by the Death Buster herself. My eyes glanced around quickly and spotted the staircase spiraling upwards to a higher floor.

‘That way!’

I charged up the steps, listening intently as the inners also followed close behind. The witch could be heard snarling below, complaining about previously inflicted injuries as she attempted to climb after us.

Tower of Rebirth

My eyes trailed along another set of three separate paths. Great, another crossroad.


“I don’t think she’s be here for a few minutes.”

“I hope not, this is a lot of running.”

The inners muttered. I disliked the thought of parting with one of these talismans but…

It might be the best way to protect them!

“Here.” I handed Uranus’s talisman to the younger girls. My reasoning was Michiru’s would be much more fragile and would be better off in my care. “You better guard this with your lives. At the first exit you find, get out of here and we’ll meet up later!”

Sailor Moon the precious heart with great care and cradled it in her arms. Her companions all nodded, understanding the situation fully.

With that I ran to the right. As I left, I saw through the corner of my eye that the rest of the senshi had taken opposite path.

Hopefully…this will all turn out.

Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!

The corridor seemed to go on forever. Walls of stone continued to whiz by as the pathway snaked continually to the right and left. I didn’t think much about the odd architecture of the place, only that it was leading somewhere. Still running, my eyes noticed the sparse amounts of natural windows where one could see the ocean. Outside was still dark and the moon was its only light.

I suddenly felt the deep aura mirror begin to pulse. It felt like a heart beat, as though it had a life of its own. But why was it reacting?

Tup! Tup! Tup! TUP!

The corridor finally lead me to a huge opening and into another large room. The empty room was decorated in strange patterns; in the floor’s center was a circle with smaller three circles equally apart along its edges. To my dismay, there were no other exits that I could make out. There were two other entrances but something told me they were the same two paths that I decided not to take.

They must all converge here!

My suspicions were confirmed when the inners exited the opening direction in front of me. Another but slower set of footsteps were making their way here through the one to my left, the middle of the three paths.

Damn…I heard the witches gun shot; she must be taking off our exits as she came up.

“So we are all here…”

My eyes widened with fear and surprise when another figure emerged from the position to my right. It was Pluto! There had been no other pathway so I immediately assumed she had been waiting in the shadows.

Her eyes trailed from the inners who held the space sword talisman to me…where her eyes lingered a few seconds longer. She knew…I gulped.

“Sailor Moon step forward.” Pluto told the girl. Usagi did as she was told and approached the pattern until she stood directly over one of the smaller circles. Getting the nod from Pluto, I cautiously imitated the moon princess until I was directly opposite to her. The entire outer circle began to pulse, similar to the beat I felt within Michiru’s talisman.

“We’ll hold her off!” I heard the rest of the senshi shout.

Pluto stepped forward with an unreadable expression and filled the last spot.


The remainder of the circle came to life, lighting up a symbolic diagram on the floor’s center. The jewel on Pluto’s garnet rod then detached and hovered directly in front of its owner. Immediately after the space sword and the deep aqua mirror followed suite. Michiru’s talisman left my arms and positioned itself in front of me, pulsing as it did so.

Wow…I awed. It looked like Sailor Moon felt the same way I did by her expression.

“Venus love-me CHAIN!”

“Sparkling wide PRESSURE!”


Grr…She’s getting closer.

“What the-” My attention shot back when I felt a small push. It felt like an invisible hand was trying to push me out of the small circle. Sailor Moon on the other end stumbled back, her confusion evident but I knew different; this wasn’t my spot.

Without a fight, I stepped back, allowing the true holders to take their place.


I stared as Neptune andUranus appeared in front of their talisman. Their eyes were still closed. What would happen now?

Two small lights began to sparkle around the talismans until the heart crystals emerged.


“Ahhh…” Sailor Moon awed.


I felt their aura’s came back to life again. Slowly, Uranus and Neptune both opened their eyes, trying to understand what was happening.

“What? We’re…” Uranus said.

“…Back?” I heard Neptune finish.

Both of them then turned to me and then finally stopped on Pluto.

“It is time.” Pluto informed us all.

All three talismans shone out white light, their rays at first firing in all directions until they converged into one tiny thread each, meeting overtop the floor pattern. Powerful energy waves washed over the room, making the air pressure incredibly intense. I found that I had to dig my feet into the ground just to stay upright while the three outers seemed to find no difficulty at all.

SSsssHssssSSsH- CLANG.

A bell-like sound announcement a new power. Overtop where the three light rays converged was what appeared to be a cup. I wasn’t sure what it was but I knew it held great power.


I saw the Death Buster had arrived. She gasped at the sight as well, desire apparent in her red eyes.

“Sailor Moon!” The outer called to the younger girl to take the object.


Uranus and I acted. “World…SHAKING!




Both attacks ended in a stalemate.

“NOOOOOOO!” The witch screamed; Sailor Moon had just taken grasp of the cup.

There was another flash of light and once it had cleared we all saw Sailor Moon had transformed into a stronger form. Desperate, the witch shot off another blast before anyone could make a move.



To all our amazement and surprise, Sailor Moon stopped the blast with one hand and sent it spiraling back at the witch, sending her flying out one of the windows.


SMASH!-tinkle… tinkle…

What power…

“Ah…A new transformation.”


“Amazing…do you think she could be the one destined to save us from the Silence?” Uranus whispered to Neptune.

Now that the matter was resolved, I turned to leave, anxious to depart before Pluto would catch me. Instead, I found myself held up by Neptune; who wished to thank me for some strange reason.

“Thank you.” She said as held her talisman close to her heart. Uranus nodded behind her, yet the wind senshi’s eyes were still somewhat accusing.

In reply, I hung my head, still feeling ashamed of my past actions.

“Is something wrong?” I shook my head.

The rest of the senshi except Pluto tried to make me feel better.

“Hey, don’t worry, we won!”

“Yeah, you really helped us there; I was scared there for a minute that you wouldn’t show.”


Sailor Pluto now commanded the room’s attentions; she had slammed down her garnet rod’s hilt onto the floor. The sound echoed throughout, causing a stir of confusion in the room.

“Do…you think something wrong?” Jupiter nervously asked.

“I don’t know.” Mars replied.

Sensing where this was going, I jumped back and away from the others to make some space between us. Soon the guardian of time and I were facing each other, separated by the width of the room itself.

“Pu, what’s wrong?” Mini moon called out to Pluto. Guess they know each other…like that was going to help me!

“Pluto deadly scream!” She whispered.


I evaded to my left, out of its path.


“What are you doing!” I could hear Uranus and Neptune question. All the others were tense as well, not sure of what to do.

Looking unperturbed by the miss, Pluto stood tall as she began to state, “ I bid thee to return to the future where you belong. There is no place for you here.

No! Don’t tell them!

“What?” I heard the senshi ask shocked. I could feel their eyes on me. “Did she just say the future?”

“World…SHAKING!” I released the blast.


More dust particles flew up into the air, creating a stronger screen as it combined with Pluto’s.

Where is she?


She shot out of the dust screen, swinging her garnet rod at legs. As the horizontal attack came, I jumped up and countered with a kick only to see it being deflected by the back end of her rod.

Whap! Whup!

Still in the air and unbalanced by the counter attack, Pluto took the opportunity to drill her weapon into my stomach and sent me flying back.


It took a few seconds before my body came to a rolling stop.

“Uhh…” I didn’t see that coming! Maybe…being old has its advantages after all; she must’ve seen a lot of this already. I staggered up to my feet just as her second attack came. Without a lot of strength left in me, I couldn’t react in time as her hand gripped my head and pushed me back into the back wall.


“I gave you, your warning…” She whispered to me. But why was she fighting so brutally? Why did she want me to go back to the future so badly?

Her hand gripped my sunglasses and crushed them, sending the fragments to the ground. My hands automatically came up to shield my eyes from the other senshi’s view. Doing so, I could only hear Pluto leapt back and wait helpless as she continued her speech.

“I bid thee to return to the future where you belong. There is no place for you here.”

A suddenly realization hit me; where were my bracelets? Oh no…

“Heir to the throne of Uranus and Neptune, Tenoh Kaiya!” I heard the bracelets crack and my disguise disappeared. I was now powerless.

Gasps rocked the room and a string of comments issued.

“What? No way!” Jupiter exclaimed.

“It must be a mistake.” Ami agreed.

I let my hands drop from my eyes; she told them and now they know. I can’t hide it anymore. She had me…

“I don’t believe it!” Uranus yelled out.

Neptune gasped beside her, her eyes wide with shock and surprise.

“Kaiya…” Mars whispered. Venus stood still, not knowing what to do or say.

‘It won’t be wise to fight now…What will you do? You’re powerless’ K-chan thought to me.


Pluto turned her attention away from me, most likely concluding that I was no longer a threat. “The Silence will be among us very soon.” She told the other senshi, who were still looking at me with disbelief. “As to prevent this horrible disaster from occurring we must eliminate the Messiah of Silence, Tomoe Hotaru.”

“That can’t be!” Chibimoon cried out.

‘They want to destroy sis!’


Although Pluto did take my bracelets, she didn’t take back that time key! My hand grasped the object hanging about my neck and lifted it up into the air. Who cares what happens to me…“I won’t let you!” I shouted defiantly as a flash of pink light shot out from the key.


Without another thought I stepped back into the portal and raced off, knowing full well Pluto will not take this lightly.

Hotaru-chan…I have to get there first!

Onwards to Part 17

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