The Path Never Taken (part 10 of 20)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by seraphydragon

Back to Part 9 Untitled Document

Author’s Note:Okay, so to answer a few questions. I’ve had a few reviews about Kaiya using Saturn’s powers- She really isn’t. What she really is saying is the password; think of it as a lock and key method. Anyone could unlock a lock if they have the right key. It does imply that in the chapter.

The Death Busters lab

A white figure stood at the lab table, his face partially disguised by the shadows. For the most part his attention was directed at the beaker in his hand, but he found some to spare to an unfortunate subordinate.

“Kaolinite, these failures are most displeasing.”

The long, red-haired woman being addressed bowed her head slightly, unable to meet the doctor’s eyes.

“Those pesky sailor senshi seem have proven to be quite formidable, always at the scene of a job…Our routine, change it, do something different. This is your last chance, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes doctor.”

“Good. Now go and do not fail me.”

She bowed obediently and then disappeared into the shadows.

When the woman was sure to be gone the white figure raised his head and laughed, his glasses reflecting what little light the room had to offer menacingly. “Sailor senshi, I wonder how you will deal this time.”

Haruka’s POV, her apartment

I couldn’t do anything…The fear of seeing that impenetrable barricade… Was I afraid? Nothing I tried worked, everything I did failed! Over and over, I summoned the ‘world shaking’ but it… The world shaking… I choked back an oncoming sob, only to find myself caught between laughing and crying. Unconsciously my arms tightened their hold around the pillow I clung onto, deforming the cushion as it pressed against my chest. Useless…I hate it…I hate it! I wanted to yell, to thrash out. Anything to silence these cursed thoughts. Just go away, I don’t want to remember my own helplessness. It couldn’t be true, it didn’t really happen right?

My side throbbed suddenly, forcing a sharp intake of air. “Ah!” One of my hands shot to the source instantly. “Hah…hah…” Pain and a sea of water…

Click…click, click…

Momentarily distracted, I caught the window blinds clicking together from the corner of my eye, welcoming an uninvited presence. The wind, which was my only company this isolated moment in time. Only… I didn’t wish for the guest now.

“You let me down…” I whispered angrily. Rebelliously my eyes stared up at the ceiling with an unwavering stubbornness.

I longed for the rain, heaven’s tears. To have someone cry for me when I could not myself. When was the last time I cried? My eyebrows furrowed simultaneous as some strands of blonde fell into my eyes and obscured my vision. With a deep sigh I blew up a breath of air that immediately cleared the irritation. If only all my problems were so simple. Soon my thoughts wandered back into previous territory. The answer was,

I don’t remember…

“Heh…” I admit, there were many times I had been close to losing it, however… I’d always choke it back at the last minute, despite the comfort it promised. …I know crying doesn’t change anything but it does make a person feel better.

But, maybe I stopped because someone heard me.

‘Why are you crying?’



Didn’t those two make a ‘perfect team’ together, taking that youma down in one go? Miss cool shades with her ‘I’m better than you’ attitude. She didn’t have to come, we were doing just fine; I could’ve gotten the crystal without any help. With that thought, the image of the watery spears impaling my side flashed before my mind’s eye.

Before I knew it, both of my palms had clenched into tight fists. I-I couldn’t believe it! It wasn’t enough to have my powers but that person could use Neptune’s as well. What the hell is she? Human, demon perhaps? I’d like to say the later but they haven’t made any move to put us jeopardy…yet that was.

Bringing up a hand to my face, I watched it open slowly curve open from a closed fist into an open palm. I still could feel it, the blood draining from my side, its warm liquid of life ebb away painfully slow leaving me cold and weak. I was shaking as well, the feeling of my own fingers trembling still lingered; even now they were still numb. If she hadn’t shown up we’d have been…Breaking that thought I violently shook my head. Damn it! Why her? Why not me…? I was the one who promised to protect Michiru! Why did I have to be the one who was weak and helpless? Weak and helpless…I was the one who was saved.

“Argh!” In a flash I had sat up and chucked the pillow across the room into the dresser, knocking a few unstable objects to the floor. “!”

Then as quickly as I shot up I fell, landing my uninjured side. “Geh…!” Everything swam before my eyes; the bleary images would swirl and spark up every few seconds in color. However, the sight was starting to make me feel queasy. I tried to get up again only to find myself wondering which was up and where was my down. Slow down, calm down, get a freaking grip on yourself! Just take deep breaths, it’ll go away like always.

I had almost forgotten that little detail.

“Hah…” A few tearful blinks ensued until finally, my vision cleared. The first image that came into focus was that irritating clock. 10:00am. Its red digital numbers stared back, constantly nagging. For the circumstance, the thought had completely slipped my mind. Oops, guess I’ll be missing school today. No big deal I assured myself, I’ll make up for it later; I wasn’t going to be there today anyway.

Again silence infiltrated the apartment room.


“I need to get out of here, just somewhere.” Or I’m going to go crazy.

Carefully I threw my aching legs over the bed’s edge; their muscles would twitch every so often, making me wish I had stretched this morning. However that was now out of the question. If I even tried I’d hurt myself again, and that was something I definitely wanted to avoid. Sol ignoring the sharp jabs I managed to propel myself onto the stiff limbs, but winced at the sudden shift of weight. It’s just temporary, I told myself, after another transf- The half-finished word hung in mental space, waiting to be finished but was dropped like a dead weight. I felt myself inhale slowly, taking in another deep breath before I sped walked towards the dresser and kicked the pillow I had thrown shortly before to the side.

In a few short moments I had picked out the desired dress wear and allowed myself to fall back into my usual routine from there on, which directed me to the bathroom next.

Fifteen minutes and a warm shower later, I had somehow managed to dress myself. The shower really helped but I really ought to be going now…Trudging over to my bedside I swept up a small, packed duffel bag in one smooth motion and then proceeded out the door. The ground groaned underneath my burdened footsteps until a consecutive creak and click drowned it out.

“I’ll going now.”

Michiru’s POV, future

It had been another quiet day, leaving me with nothing to do really. The maids were briskly working to tidy up the place and our guards were outside patrolling the palace borders as usual.

I stopped walking for a moment to lean onto the balcony edge, consciously careful not to wrinkle my favorite aqua gown as I stared out into the beautiful garden. My eyes were instantly met with groves of lush, colorful flowers. I loved their variety, how each shone in their own unique way. Many times I would go down there and spend hours painting. Not regular painting but one with a passion! I could never resist marveling those soft petals, their intricate designs and sweet scents… And the best part was that there were so many! So many, that it was very difficult to become bored with the task. Perhaps one day I shall record each species into a book, one flower a day. Wouldn’t that be something? I wonder how Ruka would react? She’d probably say, ‘you want to become a writer?’ with that cute pout of hers. Then she’d chuckle and tease me continuing on with ‘along with the other mountain full of talents you already possess? If you don’t slow down, you’ll run out of things to master.’

Ruka…I wonder when she’ll be back? It had been almost a week now since she left for Crystal Tokyo. I do hope there aren’t any problems with the Queen’s delivery, she’s been waiting centuries for this. Besides, I doubt Mamoru could handle any complications as well, he’d faint or have a heart attack knowing him. Oh dear… A thought struck me. Wouldn’t it be something if he really did faint and Ruka had to stay with him? Hmm…It wasn’t impossible.

“Michiru mama!” I turned expectantly towards the voice.

“Hotaru.” I greeted cheerfully. “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine, thank you.” She smiled back.

I eyed the young adult standing before me. She’s really changed…Her eyes always seem to shine brightly now despite their dark color, a wonderful change from her previous self. Well, grown up is more like it I suppose; she’s no longer the little baby we all knew. A young adult, physically stronger and healthy…intelligent, kind, thoughtful, everything a parent could ask for. Still, she prefers to keep her hair in that cute hairstyle of hers and persists to wear those dark clothes as always. Some things never change. However, someday I’m going to paint her picture in a bright colored dress. I giggled inwardly at that last thought, thinking of the inevitable shocked look that would surely follow.

Hotaru narrowed her eyes suspiciously, “What are you laughing about? It’s about me isn’t it?” Ah…She’s onto me. She’s getting quite good at this.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I calmly replied, giving her that same smile as I brushed past her. “I’m going down to the garden. Would you care join me?”

The woman seemed to think about it for a short split second before calling out, “Hey, wait up,” and jogged to my side as we both made our way down the blue and gold corridor.

In the garden

“You really like this place, don’t you Michiru mama?” Hotaru casually remarked as she bent down to observe a violet flower.

“How did you know?”

“Just a guess…” She muttered.

“Really…” I sighed, taking the opportunity to sit myself down on the neatly trimmed grass. My legs had become slightly stiff from wandering around the palace all day. It really is a big place I must admit; until this morning I’ve never quite realized how much.

Hotaru turned around and walked over to take a seat beside me. “When will Haruka papa come home?”

“I’m not sure sweet pea. Any day now I think.”

“Well, I hope it’s soon.” She fell back onto the grass. Without taking her eyes off the blue sky above us she quickly added, “I miss making fun of Haruka papa’s bad jokes.”

I also grinned. “You really shouldn’t say such things.”

“But you’re laughing too!”

“…” I playfully slapped her arm and in turn Hotaru started laughing, loud enough for all the gardeners in the surrounding area to hear. Meanwhile, I was struggling to keep my own blush under control. “Do you know what I miss?” Hotaru shook her head. “I miss dancing with Haruka. The way we’d spend hours moving to slow music and how we somehow always end up in the balcony and staring up at the stars…”

“…There’s something else?” The girl gave a thoughtful look. “ I see…” Hotaru softly whispered, finally understanding my silence. “But the process went well right? It shouldn’t be too long to wait now.”

“That’s right.” It did go well. “I was very nervous but now, I’m not exactly sure what to think.”

“You’re happy. It’s so obvious.” she smiled. “I can tell.”

“Tell what?”

The familiar voice made my heart skip a beat.


“Haruka papa.”

Before I knew it I was running into the blonde’s strong, open arms. The embrace was real, she was really here.

“Hey there.” Ruka leaned down and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Miss me much?”

I returned the peck with a passionate kiss on her lips. “What do you think?”

“Hmm…I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” She grinned and then turned her attention to Hotaru next. “Hey kid, long time no see.”

“Is that supposed to be a joke?” Hotaru sarcastically inquired, crossing her arms stubbornly. Haruka’s eyes widened at the gesture.

“Woah! You’ve been practicing haven’t you?”

“Actually she has.” I finally spoke up.


“That’s right Haruka papa, you guessed it.”

“Hmm…” Haruka thoughtfully mused. “Then that means?”

“Yes. Haruka, I’m pregnant!”

Present time, Mugen Gakuen

“Kaioh san, will you please answer the question?”

Huh? “ X is equal to 13.”

“Humph, very good. Try to keep from daydreaming Kaioh san.”

“Hai sensei.”

I didn’t realize…I must have zoned out. Looking around the classroom, I could see the other students dutifully working at the assigned worksheets and then I glanced back at my own completed ones. One thing less to worry about... What was I thinking about exactly again? When I try to remember, it feels so hazy…As though awakening from a dream, only to remember bits and pieces of it.

Flowers… of different colors, a young girl with dark hair and… someone else. I was there, waiting for someone to come home. But who? And where was home? It didn’t look like Tokyo. Could it be a memory of the past? Hmm…No, that’s impossible. Haruka and I have already regained all of our past sailor senshi memories. So…then what could it be?

My gaze soon wandered again, beckoning me to look out the window and admire the beautiful day once more. I’ve really been out of it since yesterday; I hope Haruka is all right. That blow she took really scared me; there was a lot of blood. When she blacked out in the end, I almost panicked.

“Uranus! Uranus, wake up!”

…It was a good thing that I got her back to her apartment quickly. There was no telling how badly infected it could’ve gotten if we left it be. I sighed. Sometimes… it seems like things just keep getting complicated, don’t they? A hospital might have drawn unwanted attention, something we couldn’t risk. And then I couldn’t let our ally help me drop Haruka off without risking our civilian identities. So I ended up dragging Ruka home, almost literally.

Speaking of which, it appears that Ruka hasn’t come to school today. Good, it would do her well to stay home and rest. There’s no way she can expect to race in tomorrow’s competition if her body isn’t in any condition to. Besides, there’s only so much our senshi healing powers can do…

Wait a minute…Speaking of conditioning, isn’t her clocking test today? Oh no…

“Sensei, I need to go now.”


“It’s important.” I persisted.

“…Oh, one of those violin rehearsals is it?”

“Very well. Be sure to catch up what you miss.”

“Hai. Arigato.”

I’ll check her apartment first…And if she’s not there, then the racetrack!

Haruka’s Pov, at the racetrack

I walked slowly, gripping the rail as I attempted to go down the stairs into the stadium entrance. Wow, that took a lot more energy than I thought it would, I’m actually a bit breathless.

‘Whew…” Finally making it into the place I stopped to look at the familiar surroundings. I can actually think here, almost nothing can touch me. A strong wind blew up, sending the sides of my unzipped jacket sprawling forward with only my back holding it in place. Agree with me huh? I can… almost hear the crowds. Crazy, isn’t it? I closed my eyes, allowing past sensations to flood into me. This place filled with their loud cheers and the sheer size of the masses! I could imagine it now. It didn’t have to be my name they were screaming, that didn’t matter. It was…racing itself. The entire experience made it special! However, if four certain people would cheer me on, it’d mean the world to me.

“Haruka! You’re early!”

“Kameda!” I opened my eyes to see the mechanic rush over. “I know, I hope it isn’t a problem. There were some things on my mind and I just…well needed to come here.”

“That so? Hmm…” He gave a sympathetic look. “Listen, it’s no trouble at all! In fact, maybe it was fate; your baby is all tuned up and she’s ready to go at any time.”

“Really? Wow, that was fast! How long did you spend on it exactly?” Last time I saw my bike, it needed some serious tuning. Kameda must’ve spent all night working on it!

“Eh, you know, a little here and there.” He waved off the praise. “But never mind that! Want to go for a test drive?”

“Right now, seriously? That’d be great!”

“Awesome, I’ll even clock you. We can get it done now.”

I tried walking forward, only to almost trip over myself. “!”

Kameda lunged forward but fortunately I caught my balance in the nick of time. Before he could ask ‘ are you all right’ I quickly assured him,

“Just a bit sore, working out you know.”

“…All right, but try not to overdo it okay?”

I nodded. I’ve really got to be more careful, next time I really could fall flat on my face. HA, Kaiya would love to see that. I can see the little brat laughing her guts out if she did… But I am getting better; I can almost walk without any pain now.

“So let’s go!”


The world had become a blur, everything flashed over the visor. A whirl of colors never ceased to amaze me, I loved every bit of it. The wind, the speed, the sheer power! This is my element, where I belong. It’s a place where I can forget everything, the hardships of duty, the fate of the world and especially, the anger of…failure. Some people call it running away, but let them think what they want. What do they know? ‘You’re just a stupid girl’, ‘Tenoh is an amazing person who will break the record…’, ‘I know you must be sad about your father’s death’…Damn those people, damn that magazine. They know nothing! How can you judge me? How can you claim to know me so well when I don’t even know myself? What do I want?

“Raaaaaaah!” Faster, come on. I’ll show all of you!

‘What do you want Haruka?’

Obaa chan…


After finishing the clocking test

“Haruka! Hey, Haruka! That was amazing!” Kameda shouted enthusiastically as I dismounted my bike. “You really were on fire today.”

“Think so?” I wonder why. “That’s it for today then?” It was really weird…Why did I think about that during the session?

“Yeah, pretty much, for today’s training anyway. But it seems there’s a call for you in the garage.”


“Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything. You can get it right now, I’ll put away your bike for you.”


A telephone call for me? Who could it be? Kami, please don’t let it be Michiru! If she knew I wasn’t resting up she’d…Maybe I should skip out the back entrance right now.

But…what if it wasn’t?

I had finally reached the garage office and quickly located the on hold receiver. It was tempting to pick it up but for some reason, I just got a real bad feeling from it.

“Hah…hah…” I found myself sweating again, finding it difficult to breath. It wasn’t Michiru. Something told me it was more. I gulped as my hand reached out, daring to grip the receiver and bringing the cold plastic to my ear. “Tenoh Haruka speaking…”

“Haruka? Is that really you?”

Now I know why…

“Obaa… chan…”

Michiru’s Pov, racetrack

“What?” Did I hear right?

“I’m sorry, that’s all I know.” Kameda apologized. “Haruka rushed out saying she was going to catch the first train out...Something about going home and not to worry, whatever that means.”

A train…And going home? She couldn’t be…But it’s the only logical answer! “Arigato.” I bowed, readying myself to leave.

“You know I’m worried about Haruka; I mean her driving today was dead on as usual, but there was just…something different about her today.”

“Different…?” I mouthed the word. Something didn’t feel right; why was she going back, why now? Are you running away again?

“Anyway, if you happen to talk to her, would you remind her that the race is tomorrow? We’re all counting on her.”

“Sure…” I need to find Kaiya!

On the bus

Well, I did find her, half-asleep in class that was. Yet after hearing about Haruka’s abrupt disappearance she woke up immediately and insisted on tagging along. I was immensely relieved, not having to coax someone for a change. I don’t know how I would’ve done it either…What would I say? Haruka, who was injured during a youma battle ran off before her big race and I didn’t want to leave you behind because you could be in danger? Even if it was the truth…I shook my head. For a second there, I almost wished Kaiya were a part of the sailor senshi; then Ruka and I wouldn’t have to hide it all from her. We could protect her properly, warn her that she was a potential target. But if that were true, she would have to fight all of these burdening battles as well. I don’t want that. It’s dangerous, you’re life could end at any time…The weight of it all could suffocate anyone with a weak spirit; even those with strong wills find it challenging as it is.

By habit I let out a long sigh, but managed to keep it down and avoid waking the dozing blonde lying in the seat opposite to me. I found myself staring, feeling strangely protective of the girl. Couldn’t stay awake the poor thing… Without another thought I took my own pillow and placed it carefully under her head. There…Kaiya mumbled something incoherent and then rolled over, continuing her deep slumber. I couldn’t understand the feeling myself; we were in the same grade, around the same age but I felt like I wanted to protect her from everything, the world itself. Not the same way as with Haruka but very similar…

I spent the next few minutes listening to the vehicle’s monotonous rumbling. Unable to fall asleep myself my gaze moved out the window and watched the scenery flash by, anything to get my mind off of it. I…I can’t believe I’m going back. When was the last time Ruka and I been there? A few years, three perhaps? Our birth place, where we met and grew up… I’m grateful for it, however I do not sorely miss the it, how could I? So many painful memories…It was also the place where our worlds came crumbling down and we were shoved into this spiral of violence called destiny.

Do you remember Ruka? We left it all there, in that little world of ours. It must have been extremely hard, especially for you.

I took out and peered down at my communicator, which hasn’t sounded since yesterday. I’ve been trying to contact my partner for the last three hours but nothing. The connection must be broken I finally concluded. However, why won’t it work now? My hands held the tiny golden object loosely, debating whether to attempt it again. But what if it wasn’t a regular glitch, what if Ruka did it herself? Did you Ruka? Do you want to be left alone this badly? I don’t know what I’ve done wrong, but please don’t push me away…

Haruka’s Pov, town entrance

I haven’t been here for so long! The train blew its final warning and then started to chug away from the raised platform, leaving me to my actions.

“Guess I better get going.”

I swung my backpack over one shoulder and started down the steps into a flat groove. If I remember correctly, I only need to follow this dirt path; it should take me towards town…

Tup, tup, tup, tup…

Heh, ironic isn’t it? The memory of our last departure vividly came flooding back. Only another world ago the two of us walked along this very same path, seeking our own.

A cool shadow fell over my form as I passed into the forested area of the trail. Not much longer now, should be beyond this bit… I wonder if the town has changed much since I last saw it…I bet if Michi were here, she’d say this place hasn’t changed at all; the flowers, the trees that tower over this road, and the air are all the same. Still, this is only the outside border. No telling how the inside has changed; who knows, perhaps its gotten bigger…

“…Ah.’ I threw an arm up to cover my face from the bright light. That’s the part I’ve always hated about this trail, the way it frequently sends you in darkness before dragging you into the bright light and nearly blinding you. Waiting for my eyes to adjust, I peeked through the cracks between my fingers to see the sight that I knew would await me. There, down the hill from where I stood the town stared back bright as day. From here I could see the few tall buildings of central towering over the smaller residential areas that surrounded it. As always, you could tell where the city center was. And if you looked beyond the industrial structures altogether you could see the ocean. I narrowed my eyes, willing them to bring the floating masses by the large swirl of blue into focus. It appears the ports are still open, the fish market must really be booming; there were so many ships!

“Heh.” It really was here, not some crazy dream. “I’m back…”

Town entrance

I had scrambled down the hill to the gateway, almost tripping the entire way in excitement. Everything was left back here, for all of our sakes. I thought I had forgotten everything, told myself that it wasn’t important at all. But…


I walked purposefully inwards, taking slow cautious steps into the nostalgic atmosphere. For a moment I had to blink. I remember this side of town…Michiru used to live around here. Not in either of the houses to my right or left, it was further down… and around the corner I think. Well, any case it was the people who were a bit more well off that stayed in these houses. When I was little I’d always think about how silly these people were, spending more than they needed. Thinking stuff such as ‘why couldn’t they live like the rest of us?’ How incredibly naïve I used to be. A child who easily gave away their trust, only to have it fly back and bash them in the face. My hand automatically came up to lightly touch a spot on my cheek. Those bastards…

A cool breeze broke my concentration, bringing me back from a place that I almost fell into. Never mind I’ve got to get going.

City center

It was definitely much more crowded here; there were actually some crowds and cars down in this area. Not nearly as much as Tokyo, but enough to considered inhabited.

“Come on light, change.” With my arms crossed I stood at the intersection, tapping my foot impatiently. I was almost there, so close. It won’t be much longer now. The beach was only twenty minutes away.

“Tenoh, Tenoh Haruka, is that you?”

I turned on the spot, my vision darted frantically around the faces to pinpoint the source. That’s when it fell onto a middle aged shopkeeper, who had stopped doing his daily sweeping.

“Baluk san?”

“Then it really is you! I haven’t seen you in years! Would you come inside?” The kind man smiled.

“I don’t know, I was supposed to meet obaa chan.”

“Even better.” He beamed. “I have an order for her, you can deliver it when you go visit.”

If that’s the case, what could it hurt? “Why not?”

I sat down at one of the wooden tables, listening to the chair groan under my weight. Oh come on, I’m not really that heavy, I tried to argue back mentally. Baluk san would surely be much more trying; the shopkeeper wasn’t fat or skinny, but gaining on the chubby side you could say. I suppose middle age can do that to you. I chuckled and the man across from me raised an eyebrow.

“Still think my name is funny?” Baluk san was an immigrant from Ukraine who originally was travelling around Japan to see the sights. He was a regular anime otaku as well; you could see his bakery shelves filled with plushies through the main window. That’s what attracted him to visit here but what made him stay was the woman he fell in love with and gave him the honor of being his wife.

“Hmm? No, not at all! I was just thinking about that plushy obsession of yours; Michi is a lot like that as well.” I looked over to the shelf behind the cashier. “Looks like you’ve collected a ‘little’ more since we last spoken.” Who was I kidding, there were so many that any of them could fall off that tiny space at any moment.

“Uhh…Well you know me Haruka.” Baluk san ruffled his brown hair with a free hand in an embarrassed manner. “Tea?”

“Yes please.” He tipped some hot liquid into a hand sized coffee mug. “Arigato.” I picked up the gift and sipped it slowly, allowing the taste to linger. The warmth convinced me entirely that I was here now. Or maybe I wished I wasn’t for this particular moment.

“So you’re still in contact with Kaioh Michiru? Must be pretty close if you’re calling her ‘Michi’ eh?” He winked, making me spew my tea.

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tried to say with a straight face, only to fail horribly when I coughed on some remaining tea.

“Sure, say whatever you want.” He grinned. I hate that grin. “So anyway, what made you come back? Was it to visit your obaa chan? And is Kaioh san around too?”

“Yeah, pretty much to visit. We talked over the phone a bit and I decided to drop by.”

“That’s great! She talks about you a lot, you know. Always taking pride in watching you race, doing the thing you love the most.”

Really? Well, that was a surprise…

‘I watch too whenever I can, but I really laughed my guts out when you almost fell on your face accepting that last reward. You should’ve seen it!” Must resist urge to kill.

“You know, you remind me of someone else I know.”

“Really? Whom, if I may ask?”

“Well, she’s a blonde like me, about my age. Very loud, irritating, a constant thorn in the side and takes pleasure from it. Plus, she’s a genius second to ‘Michiru’ which annoys me to no end!”

“Competition?” Baluk san inquired, looking very curious.


“Woah, down girl, I was just kidding.” He laughed, making feel like I’ve made a fool of myself once more. Sure, Kaiya and Michiru are close, but not anything like that!

“About that order…?” I muttered, trying hard to keep eye contact.

“Right, right. I’ll go get it for you.” He stood and walked into the back room, returning moments later with a large box of freshly baked pastries. You could smell them through the box, mouth-watering actually. He must’ve seen my expression because he warned, “Now don’t try it, you know what your obaa chan would say if she caught you.”

“I’ve grown up a bit, give me some credit hey?”

“Well you have grown taller…however you’re still the same Haruka but in lov-“

“Don’t…say…it.” I glared menacingly.

“Anyway, come by again sometime and maybe we can have lunch, perhaps chat like the old days.”

“Sounds good, I’ll be seeing you then. Say hello to the miss for me.”

“You’ve got it.”

I ran out of the store, leaving the loud bell sound fading fast behind. It was nice to seeing Baluk san again; he was one of the people I actually missed. The man was like a father to me when I lived here. No… calling him my father would be an insult; he was better than that bastard.

“I love you…”

A woman screaming stops for the last time.

“Why are you crying?”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Beach docks

“Less than a quarter of the way to go.”

I could see her house from here on the pier; it’s just a little ways down this strip of beach. But…what a view. I raised my hand to shadow my eyes, allowing myself to stare forward into the clear horizon. The beach by Michi’s place is nothing compared to this! The air…I had almost forgotten the air here, its salty scent, the wind’s purity and freedom pulsing strongly in it as one with a pure heart. In Tokyo, I had almost choked when I first arrived; the air was extremely violated, marred by industry. And this place’s water…Almost took my breath away. My reflection grinned back up at me as I thought this. It was clean for the most part; I could see the shore bottom from the here. Now I really wished I had brought Michiru, I know she’d loved it. Well, this part anyway…

Why did I run off like that? I could have phoned her to the very least. A sudden urge of throwing myself off the pier and giving myself a well-deserved soak tackled me hard; I bet she’s furious at me right now. But I still have to deliver these pastries to obaa chan…I know what’ll I do. I’ll give Michi a call when I get there…Its days like this that I wish I didn’t leave my communicator at home. I was in a huge rush and there’s no way a youma would show up here. I mean, what were the chances? Zero?

Finally making it up the stretch of beach, I reached my destination. It was a quaint house, standing by itself and partially shielded from sight by a patch of deciduous trees. From here you could see the rising smoke stack…That crazy old woman is probably cooking something; its too warm for anyone to have the heater on. Finishing that thought, I realized I had somehow made it up the front stairs and was waiting at the door. Okay, I’m here. ‘Well, no duh’ my mind retorted. Guess I should stop standing around and knock. I hesitatingly lifted a free hand and lightly rapped on the screen.

“Obaa chan? It’s Haruka.” I knocked again. “Obaa chan? Are you ho- Ack!” Reacting on a sudden instinct I leaped back, off the steps and onto soft sand.


Oh no, don’t tell me…

“Nice dodge kid, seems like you’ve improved.” She’s on the roof! “Would you mind tossing that hammer back up here?” That crazy old kook, maybe this was why I didn’t want Michi is come.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get down from there before you fall and break your neck!”

“Fixing the shingles, some came loose in the last rainstorm. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

“But you’re old; you’re not as young as you used to be. Stop being so stubborn and get back onto flat ground.”

“I’m only eighty-eight, so chill.” Seeing that I wasn’t about to toss up the hammer she had taken out a wrench and was about to attempt to drill a nail down with it. Guess I’m going to have to pull out all the stops.

“Well that’s too bad. You know I can’t let all this good stuff go to waste. If you won’t help then…” I took out a pork bun and held it up to my mouth for emphasis, watching the senior through one open eye freeze.

“All right! I get it!”

Inside the house, kitchen

Somehow I managed to get her inside and seated without too much difficulty, but what a way to welcome someone! I mean, who throws a hammer at a guest? Finding myself staring at the exact person just had answered that question quite bluntly. Good thing obaa chan’s weakness is food…I peered over at the cardboard box to see half of the pork buns have already been devoured, the old lady sure can eat a lot.

“You know, if you eat so much you’ll gain weight.”

She stopped to look up, “Really now? I didn’t know that.” Was that sarcasm? I felt myself become slightly irritated by her behavior.

“Yeah, really. And I thought you were sick, what’s with this fake illness shit?”

“I was sick.” She grinned. “Had this terrible cough. But it was gone since this morning, can you imagine that?”

Yeah, actually I could.

“But you know I have a huge race tomorrow!” This was stupid, I couldn’t believe I fell for it.

To my surprise, obaa chan gave that mysterious smile of hers. What was that for? Keeping eye contact she happily said, “I know.”
I wasn’t so happy with that answer; there was something else she wasn’t confessing. My eyebrows furrowed in thought. It was clear that she was holding back, but what was it? Times like this I wish I had Michiru’s sixth sense, and…huh? I blinked; did she just look sad? Even if only for a split second, I was sure of it!

“Why did you really… call me here?”

Lub dub… Lub dub… Lub dub. Lub dub.

“Nothing really.” I almost literally fell off my chair.

“What do you mean ‘nothing really’!” Why is she acting as though nothing happened?

In silence I watched the senior pick up her teacup and move over to the sink to wash it. The sound of running water soon filled the kitchen, drowning out the impatient tapping of my foot. Did she really mean it? I waited, seeing if she would explain herself, what she was thinking right now, but nothing. It irritated me, she was always like this around me; she never says what’s on her mind.

Not liked being ignored, I stood and walked out into the living room to ponder over my own thoughts. Did she really call me out here for nothing? No answer other than the ticking of the grandfather clock replied. There really isn’t much to do around here, do I just sit and wait for her to finish? My eyes jumped from object to object in the small room. She still had the same old coaches, the same small television by the main window…however she did get a few new plants, I had noticed. That’s when I my gaze finally stopped at the front door. Was she like this because of that? Everything in the room darkened from my sight aside that single spot in front of the screen. I never said ‘goodbye’ properly those many years ago… A guilty lump started to form in my throat. It was just some scribbling on a piece of paper, left on the kitchen table for her to find the next morning. I remember how I stood in front of that screen door for eternity length minutes, staring up at the stairs and wondering how she would feel when she found out. Perhaps she would celebrate for joy or that’s what I wanted to believe. Then she wouldn’t have to take care of some brat she picked up off the street. After I left and no search party had come looking, I stopped looking back and started to walk forward on my own.

The water in the kitchen suddenly stopped, bringing my attention to reality.

As she began to speak my heart skipped a beat. What if she was going to tell me what she thought when I left?. “Ruka, would you be a help and pick up my prescription for me?”


“It’s on the coffee table in the living room. And yes, you’ll have to go back to town. Be sure to be back in three hours for supper.”

Without another word I picked up the flimsy piece of paper and left, trying not to slam the door behind me. Great, she did it again.


Michiru’s Pov, city center

“So, this is it?” Kaiya yawned, before stretching out her arms.

“That’s right.” I watched the blonde’s eyes widen, analyzing our surroundings with a critique eye. When she frowned I found myself asking, “What’s wrong?”

“You weren’t kidding when you said it was small; it must be ten times smaller than Tokyo!”

“True, but size isn’t everything.” I gently reminded her.

“So, which way do we go?”

“Well…I’m not exactly sure.”

“What? Please tell me you’re joking.”

I shook my head. “She never told me where she was going; I only know that she’s in here somewhere.”

“…Does she have any family? If she does, maybe she’s staying over there.”

“That’s possible…however I really have no idea where that would be either. When we were younger, Ruka would always come over to my place to visit, or we’d hang out in the park. For some reason we never visited her place, not once.”

“It’s hopeless isn’t it…?” Kaiya muttered.

“Not at all, it’ll just take some time though. I suggest we check the most likely places Ruka would be, such as any hotels or inns and go from there. Who knows, maybe we’ll run into someone who’s seen her.”

“All right, sounds good.”

Kaiya’s POV, up a main road

I couldn’t believe Michiru didn’t know where Haruka was. Did that blonde idiot really rush off without saying anything? It’s understandable that she didn’t call me, but Michiru as well? Now that fishy, I wonder what’s up…

Hmm…Anyway, this place doesn’t seem all that bad; it’s somewhat packed but not extremely crowded. I’m not going to lie, being around a ton of people makes me squirm. I never know what to say or who to look at. And then there’s the part where you could possibly make a fool or yourself and die from embarrassment. I remember the first day where I had to introduce myself in front of the entire class, and all I’m going to say about that is ‘never again’.

“Let’s check here first.” Michiru suggested. I looked up to see a tall, white building towering over us. It wasn’t a hotel, couldn’t be judging by how close those windows and balconies were. An apartment most likely.

“You really think she would be here? I thought we were going to check something bigger…”

“Well, she really isn’t into the huge and fancy places, not in this sort of situation. Knowing her, she’d try to find an establishment that is somewhat secluded and keep to herself.”

I nodded, accepting the words for fact. It did sound like something Haruka would do. Even back at ‘home’ she’d go off by herself every once in a while…

I followed Michiru into the front foyer, making note of how dreary the place was portraye. Everything was a shade of gray, no bright color of any kind. Surely Haruka wouldn’t pay good money to stay here, I know I wouldn’t.

“Do you have a guest under the name of Tenoh staying here by any chance?” I heard Michiru inquire the clerk.

“Tenoh? I don’t believe so…” There were a couple of clicks as he searched for the information on the computer. “No, I’m sorry. We don’t have anyone under that name.”

“She’s a tall blonde, wouldn’t have checked in before today.”

Again the clerk shook his head. “No one by that description has come by.”

“I see…Thank you for your time.”

I almost jumped for joy; Haruka wasn’t staying there! Augh, but that means we have to look somewhere else now…Note to self, beat some sense into that idiot after I find her.

“Hey Michiru, before we get too wrapped up in this…”


“Can we eat first?” And as if on cue my stomach grumbled, chipping in its two bits as well. I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch and that was…four, five hours ago? I’m starving!

Michiru had a good giggle at my expense. Still, that didn’t answer my question.

“We could go right now I suppose. I haven’t had a bite to eat for awhile myself.” Really now? That’s great!

“You should choose, I have no clue where anything is.” Hopefully whatever she chooses will have good food. Officially my mind put the search for our friend on hold.

“Hmm…Now that I think about it, I have just the place.”

“Really? What’s it like?”

“It’s a place where we might get information on Haruka and a bite to eat all at once.”

…I wonder what she meant by that.

Michiru’s POV, Bakery

I opened the door for the taller teen and watched her enter eagerly. There was a small tingle sound from the bell atop the entranceway as we entered, but it was easily overlooked for the aroma of baked goods. Hmm…I looked around, where was the baker? I do hope Baluk san still owned the establishment; any familiar face would help to loosen the nervous knot in my stomach.

“Hey, anyone here?” Kaiya tapped the tiny bell on the front counter impatiently. Perhaps there was someone in the back room? Sure enough a voice almost immediately responded,

“In a second…Haruk- Wait a minute, you aren’t Haruka…” As the man approached and peered closely at Kaiya I heard alarm bells sounding in my head; did he say Haruka?

“… Did you just say Haruka?”

When our eyes met the bread maker stumbled back for a moment, his mouth open but no words initially came out.

“Michiru? Kaioh Michiru, it is you! And yes, I did say Haruka; she passed by here earlier today. This has certainly made my day, so many old friend’s dropping by for a visit.” He beamed. “And perhaps a new one too. Who’s this?”

“This is Kaiya, she transferred to our school recently.” I began the introduction.

“Umm…nice to meet you.” The blonde gave a slight bow.

“Interesting…” Baluk san muttered, whether it was meant to himself or for all to hear I couldn’t be sure. “You know, this kid resembles Haruka a great deal wouldn’t you say? I almost had confused the two when I first saw her.”

Kaiya resembling Haruka? I turned all my attention onto the girl. Perhaps a bit… but then again, many blondes look alike. Their hair length, eye color and height all varied slightly as well. However, I do remember asking Ruka if they were related once, but the she brushed it off with a negative and I accepted it; they’re very different individuals.

“Uh… why is everyone staring at me?” Kaiya shifted on the spot nervously. Oh, I was doing it again wasn’t I?

“No reason.” I smiled. But onto more important matters… “Baluk san, you said you’ve seen Haruka, do you know where she is or where she’s gone? We’ve been looking for her all day.”

“Did she ditch you or something? That crazy girl, I should’ve known!” He laughed. “Or perhaps it was partially my fault; I asked her to deliver some pastries to her obaa chan’s place. It’s this single house out down on the beach stretch if you’re interested.”

“Did you hear that?” Kaiya grinned.

“Yes, I did.” It was great news, the best I’ve heard all day. The feeling in my stomach loosened immensely and I wasn’t feeling so exhausted anymore. In fact, I could probably run the entire way to the beach right now if it meant seeing Ruka again.

A sudden tugging on my shirtsleeve drew my attention back, to the hand and then its owner. Kaiya apparently knew what I was thinking; the look on her face said it all. Ah…That’s right, I almost forgot in all this excitement.

“It was nice to have spoken with you again, but unfortunately we’re a bit short on time today. Would it be possible to have something wrapped to go?”

“I hear ya, it’s no problem at all.” The bread maker disappeared into the backroom once more. While we waited, I could see my companion sigh a breath of relief out of the corner of my eye. I smiled inwardly at the sight, she was an interesting person I had to admit; that pleading face she made earlier could rival Ruka’s!

“Here you go.” Baluk san returned, handing the package to Kaiya. As I made to pull out currency from my purse he added, “It’s on the house.”


“No sense in arguing, I won’t accept it!” I could sense his stubbornness and there was no point in debating over the issue as he stated. For one, I doubt I would have the energy and secondly, finding a certain blonde took precedence over the matter.

Accepting his kindness gracefully, I gave a small bow. “Arigato Baluk san.”

“It’s no problem at all. Come by again sometime you hear?”


Kaiya and I bid our farewell and exited the shop, setting course for the beach. It looks like we should hurry, I noted. My eyes squinted against the sun’s rays. Clouds were starting to gather up ahead… They weren’t dark or ominous but that could always change. Or it may mean that night comes faster here.

Beach strip

“It was sure nice of that guy to give us this for free, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, it was.”

The two of us decided to save half of the pastries to share with Haruka and her obaa chan. It was the polite thing to do, as we intended to drop by without any warning and such.

“Is something wrong?” I could barely hear Kaiya over the waves.

Was something wrong? I wonder if there is…A wide stretch of beach ran far ahead of us, the ocean meeting its side. This place reminded me of something…Why is my heart beating so fast? Its rhythm was pounding in my ears. I’ve been here before, Ruka and I used to come here. But it was more than that, something important. That word again! A shock shot up my throat, constricting the airway. What’s going on? The reply was a blinding flash of white light, only playing for my eyes to see. ‘The receding water…A shore?’

“Michiru?” For a moment I couldn’t say anything, the vision had taken me by surprise.

“…I was just thinking…about how all the times I’ve been here and never knew Ruka lived in this area.”

If only she knew.

“It must be further down or partially hidden somewhere around here. But don’t worry, we’ll find it.”

I nodded. Sure enough as Kaiya had predicted, we found the small house a good ways down, hidden from view by the foliage of various vegetation. It was what I had expected to be- a small, cozy looking place. That would explain Ruka’s preferences of living in an average apartment and her discomfort she used to have towards staying at my place. But as we neared, the knot in my stomach tightened again. What if Ruka really was there and we were interrupting something important? Turning around and forgetting the whole idea started to seem attractive. Maybe I’ve been too impulsive lately…

“All right, we just have to knock now.”


She ignored my words and proceeded to stubbornly rap the screen door.

“Anyone home?”

Knock, knock.

“Who is it?”

A small, grandmother looking senior peered at us from the open screen with a suspicious look plastered upon her face. She narrowed her eyes, squinting up at the blonde who stood almost a quarter of the woman’s height taller. Kaiya in turn stared back, not saying anything. They both continued to rage in the silent staring contest for a few moments longer, neither of them willing to back down. One would wonder what was going through both of their heads as they did so, perhaps my own; why was I still standing here letting it happen?

“You are Haruka’s obaa chan are you not?”

“What if I am?”

“Sorry to intrude, we’re friends of Haruka. Is she in right now?” By now I had made my way up the steps to the front door as well. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea, I began to worry. Seeing how we both practically tower over her, she might think we’re trying to intimidate her.

“She’s not here.” The woman frowned. “If that’s all, you can leave now.”

A bit hostile it seems. I wonder if Ruka really isn’t here or if she’s covering for her. And I’ve never known Baluk san to lie… It’s frustrating; there’s really nothing we can do even if it were the later.

“Kaiya, please stop staring.” I gave an exasperated sigh. “Well, if you see Haruka, would you please tell her Michiru stopped by and-“

Kaiya held up our bakery package in one hand and interrupted suddenly.

“We have cookies.”

Inside the house, kitchen

I can’t believe what just happened.

“The sugar cookies are the best.”

“I don’t know, ginger snaps have an edge over them.”

Somehow Kaiya convinced the woman with the bribe of cookies. How does that work? I looked to the new ‘friends’ who were debating over the best tasting flavor.

“…Did you really mean it when you said Haruka wasn’t around?”

The addressed party took out her viewing glasses and adjusted them to her face before replying, “That’s right. She went down to the city pharmacy to pick up my prescription.”

So she really wasn’t kidding…I was kind of hoping she was. If that’s the case then there’s two options, we could chase after Ruka blindly or stay here and wait. Only…I don’t think I could sit still here for very long. As nice as this place is, it dwarfs in comparison to outside where you see the ocean and breathe the salt air. That was why I choose a place similar to the ocean by Tokyo after we left; I didn’t want to feel locked away.

I shook my head; enough daydreaming, we need a plan… And I think I’ve got it.

“Kaiya, do you mind if I go out looking for Haruka?”

“But what if she comes back after you leave…? Oh, I get it! Sure, I’m good with that. Is it okay if I stay obaa chan?” Already she’s calling the woman obaa chan. I wonder how Ruka will react when she sees this?

“Fine by me.”

“Then I’ll see you two later. Have fun and Kaiya? Behave.”

The blonde made a pouting face that made me smile. But it was time to get going. If I hurry I may catch Ruka on her way back.

I wonder if she regretted leaving it all behind back then, when we departed on that dark night. Silly me, of course she did; she still has her obaa chan. And this town is everything a person could wish for in a peaceful life.

What if…Ruka doesn’t want to leave? What would I do then…? My feet stopped their steps so I could gaze at the calm ocean.

I don’t understand anything…

Haruka’s POV, outside the pharmacy

“Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would.” I stuffed the small white package into the coat of my jacket.

Should I head back now? Hmm…I crossed my arms in thought. Let’s see, if I did that she might just send me off on another errand, like picking up more sweets for her. Honestly, she shouldn’t eat so much of that stuff; any person that age could heel over from over doing it. Which reminds me, why was she on the roof anyway? What if she slipped and fell? It’s not like she lives in a regular residential area or anything where someone could hear her. She’d be helpless… Helpless? Scratch that. That was quite the hammer throw back there. If I hadn’t had all that experience with this stuff from before, I would’ve been knocked out or worse!

“Okay, so I’m not going back. Not yet at least.” Maybe I’ll just take a stroll around for a bit, stretch out the legs. I was almost good as new, taking it easy really does pay off.

With that settled I began to walk, relatively aimlessly without a set guide or particular path. That’s the way I liked things to be, letting everything fall into place. Some people call it fate and some call it destiny. Although I accept things as they come, I don’t believe in such nonsense. Michi is more of that type. Oh. Crap. I forgot to call her, stupid errand…I wonder if she’d take the ‘it may be destiny’ card. No, probably not. Then when I see her again she’ll ignore me for the rest of the week! Suddenly my happy stroll felt quite gloomy, it’s the feeling like you’re the only one with a storm cloud following you. Maybe I should stay here for awhile…The ocean senshi wasn’t my only concern; I mean, Michi would get over it eventually but Kaiya would kill me if she found out. The little brat is stronger than she looks, if she really wanted to hurt you she’d do a good job at of it.

An array of bright colors suddenly attracted my attention from the depressing interlude. A flower shop? I found myself standing at the open entrance, having stopped in my tracks while analyzing each one with curiosity. They all looked very healthy…It looks like they paid special attention to the roses and lilies. Nice, but it wasn’t what I was looking for. Hmm…Ah, there it is! That was when a particular species captured my gaze. A bouquet of violets… The sight got me feeling very sentimental. People don’t usually think much of the flower, common as it is. However, it was her favorite; she always loved the simple things in life.

“Heh…” I waved over the shopkeeper. “I’ll take this one.”

“Yes sir.”

So Karma strikes again.

Park area

Carrying my latest purchase I made my way through the town’s only established park. It wasn’t much, nothing extravagantly fancy like those places in Tokyo. It was… simple…Mostly grass, trees and any naturally growing flowers littered the area. The caretaker must’ve slacked off somewhere; the weeds were starting to take root. Don’t they know that this entire place isn’t a playground? There was a sandpit with swings somewhere in here but it only took up a small portion of this area, hardly worth mentioning. In fact, if you asked anyone what was the most memorable structure in this place they wouldn’t say the playground, they would say it’s ‘D’amour’. Who knows what love sick fool named it but that’s what its called. The structure itself is another story; it’s a beautifully decorated, white marble fountain in this park’s center. It’s been around as long as I can remember. From what I recall, it would run all day and night, a perfect place where couples would come to watch the stars and bath in the serene atmosphere. They believed it was an epitome of romance.

It should actually be called the epitome of death…

A chill ran down my spine as I neared; the sound of running water steadily increased, as it did so, my heart copied the action. Three years was it? I entered the clear area.

“Everyone must be off eating supper.” Couldn’t blame them, the sun would set in a short few hours.

However, in that seemingly open background stood the ‘epitome of romance’. My feet silently guided the rest of me to the marble structure, taking the time to hesitate every so often. It shouldn’t be scary, it’s in the past…

When I had finally reached my destination I stood there, unmoving, unwilling to sit upon its perfect, cold surface. It only looks perfect but I can see its not; the blood stains can never be entirely removed.

“Long time no see… mom.”

Obaa chan’s house, Kaiya’s Pov

Obaa chan and I finished most of the cookies and had settled in the living room. I guess the both of us were extremely bored because we decided to peek through some of obaa chan’s photo albums. There were so many pictures, mostly ones of when she was young and a few of when she was married. She even had an entire album with only photographs of Haruka in it.

But…there was something wrong, a flaw with the images.

“Where are the photos of your kids?

The old lady gave such a sad smile, it made me wonder what I said that was so wrong.

“I never had any children; my husband divorced from me a year after we were wed.”

“B-But Haruka is your grand-daughter isn’t she?”

“As you probably suspect, we’re not related by blood.”

Is that what Haruka meant when she said she was an orphan? But what about her parents, does that mean they abandoned her? Or…

“How much do you really know about Haruka? …Not very much, judging by your facial expression.” She sighed.

That’s true, I really didn’t know much about my friend, I’ve always thought her to be an easy-going person. Although, she’s sometimes becomes moody but that was normal wasn’t it? Everyone gets like that right?

“To put it simply…”The senior continued, “I found her.”

“Found her?” My eyes widened.

“Or she found me, whatever you would like to call it…It was all over town the next morning, such an unforgivable act.”

“Then…Haruka was abandoned?” For some reason I had to know, was she like me? I didn’t want to think it was the other possibility; it would be too cruel.

“Abandoned? My dear child, if it were only that. You see, Haruka’s parent’s weren’t officially married, it was an on and off relationship. However, the day her father finally planned on taking her mother’s heart, he instead took her life.”

Park fountain, Haruka’s POV

They buried her in the town cemetery…but it was only her shell, the spirit wasn’t there. I can feel it, a piece of her was still lingering at this place, the place she took her last breath while screaming for help. I’m sure you remember that day as clear as I do, mother.

We weren’t rich or poor, reasonably well off without that man I called ‘father’. There wasn’t anything special about us; you weren’t married to a wealthy entrepreneur and I was a normal seven-year-old kid. An ordinary, simple life was what you called it.

“It may be simple, but I truly treasure it and you, Haruka.”

Wouldn’t it have been paradise if it could’ve stayed simple? Going to church every Sunday, picking violets every Wednesday and going out for walks everyday? Do you remember the story time evenings where we would become pirates, sailing the seven seas or pretend to be secret agents? I do…Being with you was one of the happiest times in my life; it was always warm when you were around, especially when you held me during all those times I cried… I cried a lot back then, didn’t I? The kids at schools would always call me, ‘a stupid crybaby who always runs to mommy.’ So what if it they did? It was true.


“Ruka? Why are you crying?”

“The kids at school keep making fun of the way I look.” I sniffed heavily.

“Hush…I’m right here, don’t cry.” She took me in her arms, letting my weary body rest comfortably in her lap. “What did they say?”

But she probably already knew what I would say.

“They made fun of my hair and eye color... Why am I so different?”

“You mean you don’t want your hair color to be like mom’s?”

“No! I do like it, a lot. I even want to grow my hair as long as yours someday. It’s just…”

Her arms circled me tighter as she let out a soft sigh. “You are who you are. Everyone is different but inside we’re the same…”


“Really. Now how about we go get some supper?”


It could have stayed that way if he didn’t come back. If only he didn’t... I remember that day was the coldest a fall season could produce, the day he returned. We were doing the usual story routine when the knock came at the door. However, unlike me, you were not perturbed. Acting as though nothing was unusual you went and answered that call. The door swung open and then you greeted the stranger with an embrace. I remember thinking ‘Why did she do that?’ and ‘Who is that guy?’ When you told me he was my father I thought it was a joke; he looked like some bum off the street and there was a strong, disgusting smell of alcohol reeking from him. It couldn’t have been true.

“You’re lying!”

Until then, I’ve never argued back with you, even if I had disagreed. I’ve never asked for anything we couldn’t afford. So why didn’t you listen to me this one time? No matter what I said you ignored it all and went with that man anyway. I was angry, to the point where I threw a fit after you left. I remember throwing things in my room and punching the walls in frustration, anything to keep from crying. If I cried, I wouldn’t be able to resist your warm embrace any longer. I didn’t want to forget and forgive, I didn’t want to think it was nothing and could easily be overlooked. Most of all, I didn’t want you to leave me, especially not for him! For that time alone I struggled with myself. I asked myself over and over, should I hate you? However it was a foolish alternative that would never see light; what I really wanted was you to come home safe. Having realized that I decided to follow.

“Didn’t expect that, did you?” I slowly reached out to the violets that I had bought earlier, and took one, holding its face lightly in my fingertips.

I was surprised that the two of you chose to come here, to this fountain. Even more so, that you two appeared to be talking nothing but sweet whispers under the star filled sky. It really did make me wonder; for a moment, I thought maybe I was being too suspicious for no reason, maybe you would be happier like this. How terribly mistaken I was…When I was about to leave I heard loud yelling.

“You like simple things? Think I’m so simple then bitch?”

I watched him beat you with a fury of fists. I heard you scream but no one came.

What should I do? Mom! Mom! Why isn’t anybody coming?

I don’t know if you knew his last words to you before he took your life but it was-

“I love you.”

Disgusting isn’t it?

You hit the cement floor so hard and there was so much blood. Did you die on impact? Some part of me hoped it was painless…After that, I ran all the way into town screaming at the top of my lungs for help despite my own frantic sobs. A few times, I even slipped and fell, earning myself bruises that would appear the next day. It stung but it didn’t matter…

When everything seemed to be hopeless obaa chan found me. I didn’t know why she was out this late but I didn’t care, at that point I was begging, anyone would do. She called Baluk san and the paramedics without wasting any time… But…By the time we got back, you were already gone. If you died because of me… I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say, nothing could make up for it or bring you back. All I can do is miss you everyday and pray that you’re happy wherever you are now.

“If you’re watching, then you know that I’ve gotten stronger. Everything is different now; there’s a lot on the line but I won’t lose.” I gave the bouquet one final pat and turned to leave. “Until next time…”

There’s one more place I would like to see…

Obaa chan’s house, Kaiya’s POV

“No way…” That’s so sad, no one deserves that...

“Well, her father was found dead the next day in a dirty alleyway. The authorities reported that he was hit by a car; everything in the autopsy confirmed it.”

It doesn’t matter how he died, I’m just glad that murderer is dead. If he were still alive I’d be tempted to hunt him down myself!

“Did you take her in after that?”

“I did, but it wasn’t so easy. She was a sad sight to see, for many days I had to coax her to eat and go outside. It was like she lost the will to do anything, she didn’t care anymore…All she really wanted to do was cry…”

“…” I know the feeling…

“I was very worried about her first day of school; she had gotten into a few fights. Eventually, really it started to become a problem…so I tried to transfer her to a different school.”

“What happened, did things get better?”

“She met Kaioh Michiru.”

School grounds, Michiru’s POV

I’ve looked everywhere else, either she’s here or she went home. Checking time for myself I looked over my shoulder to see the sun beginning to set. It had started to become cooler as well… goosebumps started to play across my arms. I wonder how cold it’s going to get; hopefully not that much, I wasn’t dressed for it.

“It won’t take long.” I assured myself. It’ll only be a quick check and I leave.

With that, I took my first step into the familiar junior high school building.

The janitors must still be here if the school is still open. However, it probably won’t be for much longer. If that’s the case, I should take the main route on both floors; that way I can cover more ground in less time.

With that settled I stepped forward, finding myself feeling uneasy; things appeared quite different when no one was around. It was colder and very quiet, granting the surroundings a hollow effect. They used to hang the student’s works of art on these walls but I notice they’ve stopped that little tradition. A pity, such displayed talents could improve the ambience immensely; that’s what art is for isn’t it? My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I a fork in the hall met me. Trivial, from here I could go either way; this place goes around in a circle. I turned left and continued onwards. A circle, such a way my life used to represent.

Everyday it would be the same thing; go to school, attend to student council, give various clubs direction, come home, eat supper, practice the violin and then sleep. Then I’d get up the next morning. Everything was so predictable and I hated it. Life wasn’t really there anymore, it seemed surreal. Soon I found myself saying what people wanted to say, never what was really on my mind… just another thing to be used. That’s what it felt like, that these people wanted to use me until I was useless and ready to be thrown away. So I rebelled, I wouldn’t let anyone close. Another vicious cycle would began…one that I feared I could never break free of.

I passed the hallway trophy case, never stopping to lavish attention over the pile of awards with my name on them. It wasn’t worth my time.

Finding that I’ve made a complete cycle I decided it was time to search the second floor; it was obvious Ruka wasn’t wandering around down here. So I took the staircase up, all the while pondering whether I was really wasting my time or not. It wasn’t a waste of time I concluded, it was another memorable experience…only, there was one selfish aspect to this search; I would like to see my old homeroom one last time. It was where it all began after all.

I only had to walk a little way, the room was fairly close; two doors down to my right. Reaching the destination I paused, staring at the door handle with nervousness. What if it was locked? Slowly my hand reached out and grasped the cool metal, twisting it agonizingly clockwise until…


It opened.

“Ah…so it isn’t locked. I’m glad.” I gave a sigh of relief.

With the worst of it over I swung the door open and tread forward into the warm air. Instantly my fondness for this room came back, my stiff muscles started to unthaw and relax. It was…comfortable, the way I’ve always remembered it. Everything was the same, only it appears that I’ve changed. But that’s all right, I don’t…regret this change.

I began walking up the rows, examining each desk through a quick scan. There was something I wanted to find…it should be around here somewhere…

“Oh, here it is.” I stopped at a desk at the very back of the middle row. With a gentle touch I made small circles on the surface, trailing the roughly engraved pen marks with lax precision. This was Ruka’s work…She really used to be a troublemaker back then. The teachers would always berate her for her effort calling it ‘damage of school property’, however, I became used to thinking it as abstract art. If only she didn’t use the school desk…

I sat down on its seat and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to remember where I used to sit. If memory serves me well, it had been by the main windows…I turned my head and inspected the perspective feeling slightly amused. This was probably how Ruka saw me…I wonder what she thought? It embarrassed me back then to think about it but strangely it doesn’t now; I used to always feel someone’s eyes on the back of my head. Of course I didn’t have to guess who it was, I could see her staring out of my peripheral vision.


She really made an unusual first impression the morning she first presented herself to our class, the bruised cheek made quite a few eyes widen, mine included. It didn’t take long for the whispering to start, rumors were flying all over the school by the end of the day. Little pieces of gossip shrouding her past were taking the spotlight in every conversation. Because it was a small town, almost everyone was mildly aware to a degree of her family predicament. However, the most any person knew was that her parents were deceased. Just like mine…

I remember an acquaintance of mine wouldn’t let the subject drop and babbled continually between classes. She went on about how the guys on the track team thought Haruka was actually the one who killed her parents.

“You shouldn’t listen to everything they say; they’re only jealous that Haruka out ran them all.”

“But what if it’s true?”

“It’s not.”

“What? B-but, how do you know? Michiru?”

I said it wasn’t true without a second thought and left the puzzled girl behind in the hallway. It had been bothering me for some time since I laid eyes on you, my sixth sense as we both call it now. The feelings weren’t very strong at first but they gradually increased as the days started to stroll by; perhaps it was because we were in the same building for those countless hours a day. At first I ignored it, it wasn’t an uncommon experience for me; many times it would go away… Maybe not immediately but they always did.

It was quite the surprise for me, hers didn’t… they became stronger.

One day I couldn’t let it go on any longer, I was at my limit; I had to know why. By then I had become quite irritated in my movements, it became difficult to sit still or concentrate on anything during classes. To add onto that, I fell into constant mood swings of depression for no particular reason. All I knew… was they weren’t for my own reasons. It was then that I concluded that she was making me feel like this.

I waited until everyone left after the dismissal bell just outside the school entrance; I noticed that the blonde tended to drag behind everyone else, probably wanted to avoid the crowds…Who could blame her though? No one had taken to her, a natural loner. Although there were many of our classmates who respected her talents they found her character too mysterious and unapproachable. I thought the same way at first…

When Haruka didn’t leave as expected I became curious and made my way inside, searching for the blonde. It took awhile, I remember checking the entire first floor as I did earlier. I thought I might’ve missed her, then allowed myself to feel slightly rejected at the possible failure. But…As I turned to leave a new light came to mind. Why not try feeling her out? At that time I had a pretty good grip of my growing powers, even before I became Sailor Neptune. It shouldn’t be too difficult, if she was still in the school her energy shouldn’t have disappeared quite yet. For once the idea wasn’t more difficult than saying it. I walked upstairs and caught on almost immediately, it was so strong I wondered why I didn’t feel it earlier.

I followed by the increasing throbbing inside my head, up until I finally found her. She was in the school’s music room surprisingly enough…But not to practice an instrument, only seeming content to stare outside the window.

Haruka didn’t seem to notice me so I stood there and waited. For a moment I wanted to run; the atmosphere felt so heavy that it was suffocating. It took all the courage I had… one of the hardest things I had to do up that point of my life. But I finally asked you.

“Why are you crying?” The blonde quickly pivoted on the spot.

“…What? I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re the one who’s crying.”

I remember that when I touched my face I felt the tears and realized that you were right. But they weren’t my tears. They were yours.

Ever since that incident we slowly grew closer at little steps at a time. Maybe it was destiny that we met…When I later found out that we were both sailor senshi I really began to think that.

“Hmm…It looks like the sun is setting…Haruka probably went back by now.” I probably should too.

Kaiya is probably wondering where I am right now. I stood and took slow steps towards the room entrance, careful to keep memorize each detail in my mind. The warm air, the clear windows, the way the desks were lined up, even the way my footsteps sounded as I walked. Perhaps this was one place that I truly missed, it had nothing to do with today’s troubles. Even so, I couldn’t stay; living in a memory isn’t the way I want to live.

After a last glance around the classroom I closed the door and left…I left but I didn’t head downstairs, instead my feet automatically walked down the hall in the opposite direction. This feeling again… I hope it isn’t a past trace, it would be too disheartening. Near the end of the corridor I spotted a thin line of sunlight spill out into the darkness. Another open door…Does that mean someone else is…I held my breath, not daring to think.

Finally at its entrance I blinked back as my eyes adjusted to the sudden intensity of golden red. And at its center stood a familiar figure. We were only separated for a day but it feels like it was a lifetime ago… Again you don’t notice me and again I wanted to run. What will you say if you see me? Will you tell me to leave…? And…

“Why are you crying?”

Haruka turned around very slowly, her eyes flickered with a light of surprise but in a split second it shifted once more. Those eyes…How could someone’s eyes be so dark but bright at once?


When she spoke my name the trance had been broken and I started to run as my life depended on it. Maybe it did.

Haruka’s Pov

That was Michi wasn’t it? Or were my eyes playing tricks on me? If it only had been the one or the other I might have believed it, but not if both my eyes and ears are sensing the same thing!

“Michi! Wait up!” Why is she running away? “Michiru!”

My eyes caught the flash of aqua dashing down the stairs at the opposite end of the corridor. Shit she’s fast! Instead of following the same route I shot down the staircase to my immediate right, maybe I could catch a sight of her before she leaves. A question kept repeating itself over in my mind, why did you follow?

I practically flew down the steps and jumped the last few, my feet hit the floor with a loud thud. The moment of stillness was short lived when a consistent beat caught my ears. She’s almost at the exit!

“Ahh…” That way!

The first exit I stumbled upon I was outside again. A sudden breeze whipped at my jacket but it was easily ignored.

“Michiru!” I finally spotted her. She stood at the gate entrance, seeming to hesitate. That too, was short lived. You’re not getting away!

In seconds I had caught up and my hand shot out, grasping her wrist in a strong hold.

“Michiru, why…?” What? “You…you’re crying?” I immediately released her but stood my ground. What I really wanted to do that moment was hold her but I couldn’t; if I even took a step towards her she might run off again.

“I’m not crying…you are.”

“What do…you mean? You’re the one with tears coming out of their eyes.”

She shook her head. And to my surprise, before I could react she had me in a tight embrace.

“Not everyone expresses their sadness the same way.”

It took me a moment to comprehend her words. She said I was the one crying…But at the same time, I wasn’t. Does that mean she’s crying for me?

There were so many things that I didn’t understand…Then again, perhaps this was one of those things that didn’t logical words pasted to it, but meaningful feelings.

“Arigato Michi” I returned the hug. “But still, why did you run?”

“Because…you hate to see yourself cry.”

Obaa chan’s house, Kaiya’s POV

“Made a difference huh?”

“What’s wrong? Obaa chan?”

“I was remembering something odd that happened with Haruka awhile back.”

“Like what?”

“Well…she seemed to have adjusted to the school life somewhat but…She came home one day with a strange air to her, there was this new flicker in her eye that I’ve never seen before.”

“…You think it was because of Michiru?”

“I don’t know to be honest. However, that following week she would stare out at the ocean for hours at a time like she had lost something very special to her. One might describe the mood as… longing.”

Longing? Okay, was Haruka missing her parents or something? Hmm…No, that wouldn’t make sense. Obaa chan said it was ‘strange’ and Haruka lost them both awhile ago by the sound of it. And I don’t think it was Michiru either; I thought it was only a short time ago that Haruka decided she

liked Michiru in ‘that’ way. So what was it…? Darn, now I’m curious!

Knock, knock.

“It’s probably Haruka.” Obaa chan mused. Strangely she didn’t seem worried at Haruka’s lateness the least bit. It was almost as though she expected it. “So, we’re running plan A correct?”

Plan A was something the two of us concocted to get even with Haruka. There was no plan B, if A failed then it would go along the lines of improvising.

“Yup, I’ll get into position.” I hid myself just around the corner of the front entrance, barely out of view. It was pay back time and I wanted some answer.

Obaa chan opened the door and greeted Haruka. Wait, Michiru was back too? Hmm…This already changed things a bit. I hope obaa chan can deal.

“Welcome back. Michiru san, would you please step over here?” The senior grasped Michiru’s hand lightly and pulled her well inside and clear of the door entrance.

“Sure, but why?”

Obaa chan ignored Michiru’s question and stopped Haruka with a hand gesture. “Stay where you are for a second.” I could see Haruka raise an eyebrow at the request.

“What are you up to?” She accused. That was when Michiru spotted me but I made a quick motion of a finger to my lips, telling her to keep quiet. Please don’t tell!

“Me? Nothing…It’s actually-“

“ME!” I darted around the corner and tackled the blonde as hard as I could.

Haruka stumbled back a step, until we both tumbled down the steps onto the stretch of sand. Everything was spinning but I heard on as long as I could before the hold was forcefully undone by dizziness. The feeling faded quickly though and before I knew it I was up on my feet, brushing off gritty grains of sand stuck to my clothes.


Behind us, I could hear Obaa closing the door. That means it was time to get started…I approached the other blonde, holding back the urge to slap her right there and then.

“Kaiya! What the hell- Oof!” Haruka had tried to get up but I shoved her back down with a hand to her shoulder.

“Why don’t you say something useful for a change.”

“?” Seeing her puzzled expression I allowed her to stand up. She then tried to step back, away from me but froze when her feet meet chilled liquid. She couldn’t get out of this.

“Don’t play dumb, why did you run off like that without telling anyone? Especially Michiru! I thought she was special to you!”

“She is…Look, I was going to call, it just… slipped my mind.” She mumbled the last bit.

“Slipped your mind?” Or you just didn’t care.

“I’m not up for this, can we talk about it later?”


“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“Stop trying to change the question. What’s going on with you Haruka? Everyone is worried about the way you’ve been acting lately.”

“…” She stared at the ground.

I gave a small sigh. It really doesn’t look like she’s going to talk. “Let me guess. Obaa chan called you, pretending to be sick and you didn’t want anyone to get involved so you came by yourself.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Haruka’s head shot up. I’m… tired of people special to me abandoning me. I don’t want you to become like my parents Haruka… “Don’t you know that’s so cliché? Stop trying to play hero all the time. You keep doing this! You say you’re holding back your feelings for Michiru because you don’t want to burden her with troubles, but you’re really concerned for your own sanity aren’t you? ‘What if she rejects me’ that’s what really going through your head isn’t it? And then you think by going off on your own you’ll spare everyone trouble? Give me a break! Why do you think we came looking for you in the first place? …What kind of idiot are you? Just stop it Haruka, stop being so selfish!”

Everything seemed to freeze; not even the sound of the waves could reach our ears.

I lunged forward and gripped Haruka’s jacket collar, “Say something!” and then I shook her.

“What’s to say! You’re so smart, you’ve figured it out all right?” She shouted.

With that declaration I released my hold and stepped back, still warily watching the blonde. The expressions on her face shifted from anger to self-pity and then finally to confusion. A part of me felt guilty for forcing the subject but I knew Michiru would have dropped it and carried on as though it never happened. Nothing would change, so I took it for my responsibility.

“Why all those questions then Kaiya?” But her question really was ‘Did you have to do that?’

“…I really wanted to hear it from you. That’s why. Although…since I haven’t known you as long as Michiru has, I already figured you’d be this way.”

“What I’m trying to say is if you have problems at least tell Michiru okay?” As I finished the sentence I looked up to see Obaa chan wave to me from the living room window, signaling us to come back. I’ve said all I wanted to…As long as Haruka gets it, I’m happy.

“Looks like we have to start making supper…are you coming?”

Haruka’s POV

“…I’m not hungry.” I was actually feeling a bit on the sick side. It was a bit shocking to have my exact thoughts being shoved into my face so forcefully. That Kaiya really is something isn’t she? I didn’t have to tell her and she figured it all out. But even then…It made me a bit sad because I couldn’t be the one to tell her about my real problems. Being a sailor soldier, that business has nothing to do with her.

“Listen, tomorrow is your big race isn’t it? You might as well have a good time while you’re here right? Oh and just between us…” She bent down to whisper into my ear, “Obaa chan couldn’t stop talking about you all afternoon. She really missed you.”

“She did?” Baluk san mentioned something along those lines earlier today too, but I thought he was joking.

“She really talked up quite a storm, saying how her precious Ruka was chasing her dream… All your races, she taped them all! At first I didn’t believe it myself but then she showed me the pile, it was enormous! Believe me.”

The rest of the blonde’s cheerful chatter droned on but I didn’t listen. When I left three years ago, I thought obaa chan disowned me and moved on with her life. But here I find she’s been watching me and cheering me on? Plus Kaiya makes her sound like my number one fan…I can’t believe it.

My hand brushed a bulge in my coat pocket, reminding me of the medication. That’s right, I still have to drop this off.

“…She’s thinks really highly of you and-“



“Let’s go back, okay?”

The blonde grinned, making me smile as well. That murderous look on her face earlier was pretty scary, I like it better when she’s smiling.

“Obaa chan, what can I do?” Kaiya rushed ahead.

“Well, we’ve decided on doing a barbecue, so why don’t you get the hamburger buns up from the freezer?”

Michiru and I watched the enthusiastic teen dash into the house before Michi sent me a worried glance.

“It’s all right now.”

“…I’m glad.” Somehow she didn’t sound like it. I wonder obaa chan has been telling her…Or maybe she’s still mad at me? Kaiya was furious at first, so what were the chances Michi wouldn’t feel the same? She was good at hiding her feelings after all.

The moment was interrupted when Obaa chan yelled, “Haruka, stop acting like a lovesick dog and help me start the barbecue!”

“Obaa chan!” Why did she have to say that? “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” I quickly told Michi. Without daring to wait for her reply I dashed off, reminding myself to give that granny of mine a piece of my mind. “Obaa chan, why did you have to say that? Now she’ll think I’m weird.”

“What are you getting so upset about? Unless…you really do like her.” She grinned.


“Don’t worry about it so much child, things are going to be all right. It’s not the end of the world…” She seemed to mutter the last bit.

“Kaiya told you didn’t she?” I want to kill that brat!

“Kaiya? No, I’ve actually known something like this would happen for some time now. Although it was nice to meet the girl for once... Anyway, let’s get started.”

Michiru’s POV

Dinner was incredible fulfilling; it wasn’t entirely due to the food though, but because we were all together. So…I finally got to meet Ruka’s obaa chan. She’s quite the woman. While I nervously waited for Kaiya and Ruka to finish their ‘talk’ she told me something which surprised me very much.

“Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.”

“But they’ve been arguing so much lately, it’s hard to believe they won’t try to kill each other.”

Obaa chan chuckled at that. “You’re probably aware that not everyone expresses their feelings the same way do you not?” I held my breath. “You heard her, didn’t you? Her silent tears?”

“What do…you mean?” How did she know?

“I’ve known that girl for a good while now…It’s something I’ve sensed. Although she’s physically stopped crying she was still being torn apart inside. Until she met you, she had no other friends. That’s how I know; without understanding there is no friendship.”

“…You’re quite wise.”

“Well, I have been around for awhile.” She chuckled before standing up and walking over to the window. “Would you do me a favor Michiru san?”

A favor? “Which is?”

“Take care of Haruka.”

“What?” I don’t’ understand, she makes it sound like she’s going to…No, it can’t be that! “You don’t mean…?”

“…When you reach that age, you know when it is close at hand. Though the exact cause is not known, it matters not as the result will always be the same. It happens to us all. Please give me your word that you won’t tell Haruka? I wouldn’t want her to worry; she has that important race tomorrow.”


“Promise me.”

“…I understand.”

I wish I could tell Ruka, it was very tempting. The two of us were sitting outside on the sand by ourselves; Kaiya and obaa chan were inside washing the dishes at this moment. But what should I do? I gave her my word…I found myself looking to the blood red sky for advice…then to the sand and finally the ocean. The three different entities stood by their oath of silence, neither willing to convey any hints or words of wisdom. Frustrating really…the ocean wasn’t being cooperative for once. Did it really think I could make this choice on my own?

“Isn’t the sunset beautiful?” I heard Haruka comment.

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“What’s wrong? You aren’t still mad at me are you?”

I shook my head. “No, it’s nothing like that.” Far from that.

“…Don’t laugh, okay? But I used to have this dream that I could fly.”


“I know it’s kind of weird, but I was the wind.”

That makes sense in a way, Haruka was the senshi of the wind after all. “So what happened?”

“Well…” She looked thoughtful. “There was nothing but blue sky with the ocean beneath me. But then I reached the shore and I saw myself, as a person staring at the water. They didn’t seem to notice me, just…staring. It was kind of creepy actually. Then I sudden became closer and closer… untill I hit myself! That was when I woke up.”

I was at a loss for words, it certainly wasn’t anything I’ve experienced before.

“I was standing right here.” Haruka stood up and walked forward to demonstrate.

As she did so, my vision started to become blurred again. Instantly I knew the cause.

Is this your advice?


I wonder where Haruka is…The kids at school said they saw her down here. Only, all I see is sand. Unperturbed I continued forward thinking of what I would say when I meet the blonde. Would I yell at her for going ahead like that? Or would I break down and cry? I looked to the ocean, hoping it would help me think. It really has been awhile…Only…things will become difficult from here on. There isn’t a lot of time left, I have to find her before it’s too late!

I took a few hasty steps forward until I heard a voice call out to me. “Michiru?” When I looked up ahead I saw Haruka sitting behind a patch of raised ground. No wonder I couldn’t find her until now! “Hey, how are you?” She smiled, motioning me over with a wave of her hand.

How can she act like nothings happened? Or… doesn’t she know?

“What’s wrong? Are you still worried about me running away from my powers? If you are, don’t worry because I agreed to it…Michiru?”

“The kids say that you’ve been staring out at the ocean for five days straight…Why?”

Haruka seemed to freeze momentarily.

“Oh, that? It’s nothing really.”

“Nothing?” I tried to keep my anger down. All her words stung so much…

Before I was aware, I felt her arms hold my shoulders trying to comfort me. “What’s wrong? What’s bothering you?”

Unable to keep the secret to myself I finally blurted, “Why did you run away?” I forced myself to look up into her startled eyes, searching for the answer. She had to know by now.

“You…followed.” Her eyes widened. By now they had started to tear like my own. “Why…?”


“I missed you so much.”

“Huh? What did you say?” I was back. However, it unnerved me that the first thing I saw was Haruka’s face being so close to mine.

“Nothing! I was just…”

“Off in your little world again huh? You’ve got to stop doing that so much, I was actually worried.”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s no problem… Cold?” I think she saw me shiver. Before I could protest she had draped her jacket over my shoulders and held me tight to her side with a free arm. “How’s that? Feel better?”

“…Yes, arigato…” But…My head is feeling so muddled from that vision…And this place is so relaxing… I could just fall asleep…

Overhead \ town central

Kaolinite stared down smugly at the crowd of people below.

“Let’s see those pesky sailor senshi find us now… They’re probably scratching their heads in another city.” She laughed. “Now go and capture a pure heart!”

The egg then flew away from her outstretched palm.

Obaa chan’s house,
Kaiya’s POV

“Whew…We’re almost done.” I sighed. Obaa chan decided that she would dry the dishes while I washed. It wasn’t as that I disliked washing, drying would have been the same to me either way. Although, I was a bit perplexed at why she had insisted so.

“Do you really like drying dishes obaa chan?” She laughed, making me feel as though I had just made a fool of myself. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s nothing really…It’s just an old tradition. When Haruka lived here she’d always wash and I’d always dry. See?” She held the towel to my face and I noticed it had Obaa chan’s name on it. “That girl would tease me so…one day she brought this home for me. She said ‘there, now you’re a real professional’. We really had a good laugh after that.”

“Haruka sounds so cheerful…” For no reason?

“I was surprised as well. It was during that week I told you about earlier, when she would stare out at the ocean…”

Lub dub.

What…was that? I released the plate I had been holding back into the soapy water. I thought I heard another heart beat…But it didn’t make me feel warm, it left me feeling cold as if the whole room had been thrown into a freezer!

“What’s the matter? Do you wish to try drying instead?” She teased. “Kaiya?”

Lub dub, lub dub…

That isn’t my heart that’s beating.


“AH!” I threw my arms up. just as the kitchen window shattered into hundreds of pieces. Glass shards flew everywhere but I couldn’t move; the entire room was suddenly engulfed in a bright pink light. Obaa chan, is she okay?

What’s going on? No, it couldn’t be!

A small baseball sized object zipped by my head. I automatically followed its motion, its every movement seemed to have slowed until the last second it melded into obaa chan’s towel. Everything about it screamed danger.

“Obaa chan, drop it!”


Reacting by habit I reached for my back pocket to discover…I don’t have my bracelets! That’s right! I never thought the enemy would come all the way out here.

So… I guess it was time for plan B after all.


Haruka’s POV



My eyes shot open. What the hell was that? It sounded like a window broke. Immediately I turned towards the sound. The house…

“It’s on fire! Michi! Wake up!” I shook the sleeping woman.

“Mm…Haruka…? What’s wrong?”

“We got a problem!”

As mine had, her sleepy aqua eyes blinked several times before instantly jumping alert.

We both nodded simultaneously.

“Uranus planet power, make up!”

“Neptune planet power, make up!”

Kaiya! Obaa chan! My mind raced as I sprinted to the front entrance and kicked down the door.

“Where are you? Can anyone hear me?” I shouted. I could barely see anything; there was smoke everywhere, the tainted air clawed at my eyes and burned my lungs. If it weren’t for this smoke! I mentally cursed.

“Deep…SUBMERGE!” A familiar blue blast shot over my shoulder, parting the fog as it went. The blast deteriorated as it hit the far-side wall, returning back into normal water. Neptune must have halved the attack power.

“They must be further ahead.” I heard Michi point out.

“Looks that way. I’ll go right, take the left.” She nodded and I was off.

Somehow I managed to avoid tripping over anything during my frantic search of the area. Luckily, I also dodged the flame’s fingertips. They were spreading fast, hungrily devouring anything they could reach.

What happened to cause this? Why won’t anyone answer me?

“Is anyone there?” I tried again.


My head spun. That came from the kitchen! I ran forwards two steps in that direction before a large fire ignited cloth shot out of the open entrance. Wait, that is a really long piece of cloth. I watched warily as the object retracted and squirmed as though it were in pain.

“Gaaaah! You little pest!” Came a monstrous voice.


I threw my entire weight around the corner at all once only to almost trip over Kaiya and obaa chan. However, it was mostly due to obaa chan, who was now unconscious. For a minute I thought the demon had taken her heart crystal but relief came when I checked the woman’s breathing, which was normal. Their victim’s are usually thrown into a near death like state.

At that, the monster narrowed its eyes suspiciously.

“Want to play? Then get in line!”

Another strand came flying at my head but it was easily evaded. What’s with these monster’s and using malleable fabric for weapons? A quick motion suddenly startled me, Kaiya was on her feet again and had grasped the long white cloth.

“What are you?”


“GAH!” The youma howled. Kaiya had snapped the thread and threw it into a gathering of hungry flames.

“Deep…SUBMERGE!” Neptune had rounded through the other end and released an attack onto the enemy, knocking it outside through the broken window.


“Neptune…” I was so glad to see her.

“We’ve got to get outside.” She coughed. Despite her efforts the place was becoming worse, it was going to burn down with us in it if we didn’t get out soon.

I nodded. “Give me a hand here.”

I made to pick up Kaiya.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She protested.

“Just trust me on this.” I slung her body over one shoulder and waited until Neptune had obaa chan in a secure hold. “Let’s go!”

We were lucky, half the house collapsed as we jumped out. However that was the least of my concerns. Where the hell was that bloody youma? My head swung right and left but it seemed to have disappeared. Did Neptune knock it far away? Or was it merely binding its time?

“Look out!” Kaiya shouted. Behind!

As I turned a curtain of white had blinded my vision. That sure answered my question! In doing so, I dropped Kaiya. The blonde made a small squeak of surprise as she hit the soft sand.


“Neptune, get out of here!” I tried to voice my concerns but they were muffled in the fabric. It had the majority of my face covered. Trying to choke me huh? Both of my eyes automatically shut tight, transferring my strength to my arms. I had this one thought out.


The impact resulted with a flurry of white overtaking the blood red sky. Did I do it?

“Stay on guard, look at the thread!” Neptune cried out.

What is it now? To my horror the tuff of battered cloth separated into their individual threads and reattached themselves as though the attack never happened. Was that why Kaiya was burning it? I looked to my counter part who bit her bottom lip, watching nervously. That was when something in me snapped.

“What are you doing? Get going!”

“Where to…? We’re surrounded.”

A white dome of thread finished its completion around the small area. Was that its original intention? There was no way out and the ocean was at our backs. Swimming was an option but I doubt we’d have enough time to get around the thing without being shot at! Memories of the last fight started to resurface. It was just like last time, like that barrier of water.

I’ll show you! “Raaaagh!” There was one idea that I had… It might work! As I dashed forward everything moved in slow motion. Every step, my every breath, the ground becoming further distant from my feet…Until that last moment mid air when I released the world shaking. Here goes!

“World…SHAKING!” I started the attack, slamming it into my opposite arm. “AH!”

To unleash the world shaking a sacrificial surface is required to finalize the energy composition. It doesn’t matter what, it just had to be something. Normally the ground was best but it would slow down the attack’s momentum. This way…

“AhHhHh!” I watched the monster receive the blast head on, grinding it into the gritty sand pebbles. Too much friction and what do you get?

“Fire!” I heard Kaiya yell. The beast ignited. It twitched and squirmed, continually screaming for its pathetic life. With satisfaction I watched it continue to do so until the last of it had burned into a fine powder of ashes.

“Ugh…” I felt my legs tremble and so I fell to one knee. My arm was pretty battered up…Then again battered up may be an understatement, I chuckled. If it weren’t my own power my arm would’ve been ripped off.

“The dome…It’s not disappearing.”


I had barely turned my head when I saw a woman in red send Neptune flying with a high kick.

WHAP! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh….

“Neptune!” How did she do that? She’s not even on the ground, she’s floating!

“There’s more than one way to steal a pure heart.” The stranger mocked. “You use a decoy and…” She held obaa chan by her shirt collar shirt and smiled. With her other hand she curled it into a fist before stretching it suddenly into an open palm, her nails becoming swords themselves.

“No, don’t!” I yelled, catching onto her plan.


“Obaa chan!” Kaiya screamed.

A white light lit the area briefly but I heard a thud before I saw clearly again.

“Obaa chan, obaa chan!” Kaiya had run over and was frantically shaking obaa chan’s limp body.

“You!” I cried, glaring up at the woman.

“If you have any manners you’d call someone by their name. I am Kaolinite of the Death Busters.”

“I don’t care what your name is!” I was tempted to say more but held my breath when the enemy started to inspect the crystal. If she does anythingn to that I’ll…

“Pity, another worthless piece of junk.”

“Deep…SUBMERGE!” Neptune had recovered.

Kaolinite dodged to the right wildly, barely escaping the deadly encounter. Again the woman laughed.

“Want this back? Foolish sailor senshi, even if you return this crystal to that old woman she’ll still die.”

No…It can’t be!

“Urusai!” I won’t believe it!

“Heh…Think you can do something about it? Dream on. Just face it, her body is finished. Growing old is death itself.”

“What are you talking about? You’re a hag yourself!” It was neither Neptune or myself who had declared this, leaving me to think… then that means…

Kaiya, what are you doing? I suddenly panicked. Kaolinite shot the blonde a disgusted look, curling her bottom lip tightly.

“See? You’re getting wrinkles!”

“Geh…” Kaolinite twitched her eyebrows. “Enough of this!”

One of her sword-like nails extended once more, shooting towards the teen with a killer intent.

“Kaiya!” My feet were already moving but it wasn’t enough. Too fast, I won’t make it in time. It’s over!


I stopped dead in my tracks, trying to take in what just happened. There was a spray of blood but to my relief, she was still standing. At the last minute it looks like the blonde had shifted her weight to one side, adjusting the enemy’s target to only her shoulder area. But that still doesn’t mean she’s all right!

“Ha…ha…I hate you.” She gasped, glaring up at Kaolinite. “Whoever you are…”

Kaolinite’s eyes flickered momentarily before a look of utmost hatred flared up. “You…” I barely heard the whisper, what was she saying?

“You’re not getting this back.” Kaiya pulled the instrument deeper. Then I saw what she meant, the nail was buried into the ground directly behind her, securing them both to their positions.

“That’s why I have two hands fool!”

“Deep…SUBMERGE!” Neptune intercepted the next attack and automatically created the diversion.

“My nail!” Kaolinite cried out when the red weapon shattered.

“Worry about this!” I had leaped off of the initial nail, still connected to Kaiya to where she floated, my world shaking already starting to form.

“No…” She mumbled. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this!”


I threw it as hard as I could, slamming it into her face first. Her scream filled the area but shortly disappeared along with the artificial thread dome. It was more than she deserved.


As soon as I landed Neptune ran up by my side. “Uranus, are you all right…?” But she wasn’t talking about my injured arm…

“Obaa chan…Kaiya…”

“Kaiya is…” She turned to see the teen trying to hold by tears as she guarded the elder woman’s body. “I-I hate to admit it but, what she said may be true.”


“However, if we return the crystal, she might be alive for a little longer.”

Returning the crystal was one of the hardest things I ever had to do aside from watching Kaiya. The kid was a wreck and her shoulder…didn’t look too good. I wanted to get her some help but it wouldn’t be right to take her away before she could say her goodbye.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath as the crystal reabsorbed itself into obaa chan’s body. At the initial contact she gasped for air, before slowing and coughing every so often. How long did we have?

“Obaa chan!” Kaiya cried again. “You’re going to be okay right?” Tears started to form again when the elderly woman smiled.

“You’re hurt.” The senior suddenly noticed Kaiya’s injury. “You should go get that looked at immediately.”


“You also need to bring Haruka, I would like to see her too.”

I wanted to say ‘I’m right here’ but I didn’t. It was so painful; my heart felt like someone was twisting it and tying it into tiny knots. By the time Kaiya gets back, obaa chan will likely be…

“Although I’ve only known you for a day obaa chan, you’re the best grandma there is.” She hugged the elder woman, who didn’t seem to mind the bloodstains her clothes acquired from the teen’s wound. “Haruka is really lucky to have someone like you.”

“Remember our promise…” Obaa chan smiled wearily. Her strength was already starting to fade on her. With that I motioned Neptune to take Kaiya with a nod of my head.

“Come on, let’s find this Haruka person.” Neptune coaxed the teen to let go of the dying senior.

“See you later Kaiya.”

“Yeah…Bye obaa chan.”

I waited until the two had made their way halfway down the strip before turning back to the senior. How can I break this to her easily? How would she react once she knows?

“It makes me sad that I won’t be able to see her again. She’s such a sweet heart…You’re lucky to have that girl for a friend Haruka.”

“… You knew?” I made my way over to her, bending down to sit next to her battered form.

“Nothing…gets by your obaa chan.” She coughed. “I don’t have much time left…”


“Shh, just listen for a minute. I know things have been hard for you. Whatever…job you have to do…do your best.” I nodded my head.


“Kaiya and Michiru…p-protect them, keep them close. They care for you…very much.”

Desperately I wanted to say ‘save your strength’ but it wouldn’t do her any good. Nothing would at this point. I can’t believe its come to this, right now. It shouldn’t have been like this! First mom and now obaa chan, why are the people most precious to me are being taken away? Is this punishment for being so weak? Does a higher power enjoy toying with my life?

“And…I know I’ve…never…said this but…I’m very proud of you. Proud, Haruk…a. I…you’re my…most treasured…daughter.”

I wasn’t some adoptive kid or even a granddaughter to her…but a daughter. That itself meant the world to me. It meant that I have a home in someone’s heart…for a little while longer at least.

It’s…not fair.

“Obaa chan, I don’t deserve it… I’m sorry! I’m sorry for not being strong enough, for falling for the decoy! I was so stupid! If I had gotten to you sooner this wouldn’t have happened!”


“I promise I’ll protect Michiru and Kaiya! I’ll do my best at everything. I won’t lose! I’ll-”
“Ru…ka…” I could barely hear her now, so I bent down and listened closely. “Good…luck…tomor…row…

“Obaa chan? Obaa chan!” My body trembled under the heavy weight. “OBAA CHAN!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “AHHHHHH!”

Next afternoon, racetrack

“Racers start your engines…GO!”

Did you see the large crowd at your funeral today obaa chan? Practically the entire town showed up. Everyone cried for you…Kaiya, Baluk san, Michiru…including me. Yes, even I cried after all these years because…you were a special person to me as well. Did you hear that? I hope you did. I also hope you’re happy where you are now, I hope you’re with mom, together in a place with no more pain but eternal paradise.

…I miss you both very much…Sometimes when I close my eyes I can see you both smiling at me, as if you were really here by my side. Maybe you are. Hey, can you see me? Are you watching me right now? If you are, better watch close!

“Tenoh is on the final stretch, taking the lead!”

Arigato and…

“Tenoh takes first place! Look at the crowd going wild!”


Onwards to Part 11

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