Okaa-san? (part 3 of 6)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Immeblue

Back to Part 2
She couldn't tell you how she did it, but Ami found herself in front 
of Makoto's apartment. 

"Ami-chan?!" Makoto whispered. After answering the door she was about 
to express her surprise at seeing Ami, but all that vanished from her 
mind as she noticed the other girls forlorn state. 

"Makoto!!" Ami cried as she moved into Makoto's waiting arms, 
releasing the tears she had held back all this time.

Closing the door, Makoto took Ami to the couch and held her as she 
cried. The hot tears drenched Makoto's shirt but she couldn't have 
cared less, all that mattered to her was Ami. 

After several minutes of nonstop sobbing, Ami finally raised her head 
from Makoto's chest. 

"Are you feeling better?" Makoto asked as she gently wiped Ami's tears 

"I guess so" She took Makoto's hand in hers and Kissed the palm, 
"Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me sweetheart" she said leaning forward kiss 
Ami on the forehead "I'm always here for you."

"I know."

"What happened?" Then Makoto suddenly remembered "Does this have 
anything to do with that stalker?" she asked.

Ami gave a short derisive laugh which confused Makoto.

"Well?" Makoto insisted.

"Yes, actually it does" she declared. "But its not what you think" she 
quickly added as Makoto jumped off of the couch obviously with the 
intention of finding the woman then knocking her clear into the next 
millennium, where she would find her again and kick her into the next. 

"What?!" Again the smaller woman had confused her.

"Sit down, I'll tell you everything." 

At the end of the story Ami couldn't help falling into tears again. 
And again Makoto held her. "I just feel so betrayed Makoto."


"Because Okaa-san has been lying to me all these years, she could've 
told me. I would've understood."

Makoto thought for a moment then answered "Maybe she wanted you to 
have a normal life" she looked down into Ami's eye "you know, so you 
won't feel anymore different."

Ami knew what Makoto was trying to tell her. She was already set apart 
from the rest because she is a genius, and earlier in her life not 
having her father around also made her an outcast. Agreeing with 
Makoto she figured her mother just didn't want to ostracize her 
anymore than she already was. But, still. "That doesn't say much...we 
wouldn't have had to tell anyone." Ami said, her anger and sadness 
returning. "Why didn't she tell _me_?"

Makoto gave a sad sigh "because she didn't want _you_ to feel 
different, I don't think she cares much about what other people 

Realizing what Makoto truly meant, she sadly acquiesced "I guess 
you're right." In spite of how quick her anger had dissipated, it 
returned again. Though this time it was directed at the other 

Makoto saw the ire on her face and knew "you're thinking about 
your...mother's sister?"

"Can you explain away her actions" Ami's voice and eyes conveyed her 
hurt. "How can someone give away there child?" though on realizing 
that's not what she meant she said "How can _she_ give _me_ away?"

"Well, at least she didn't..." Makoto caught herself "I mean Um...you 
left before you got her story" She hugged Ami closer "I'm sure she has 
a perfectly good explanation." Looking down at Ami again she reminded 
her "And remember Ami, she left you with a wonderful woman."

Ami sighed and rested her head on Makoto's chest, "I know."

Onwards to Part 4

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