Minako's Warrior (part 5 of 6)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Jessica Welch

Back to Part 4
Note: There is some minor violence and ...erm... as demanded by the
masses... a bit of hot lovin' going on between our two favorite
senshi... >=D


"Don't you think that diversion was a bit over the top?"

"No, I had to gain its full attention before it could release another
one of its music attacks. The only way to do that was by using
something it was interested in. That being fashion and everyone knows
I'm the best suited for the job." Minako was stating her case to a very
upset Luna.

"Your attacks were having no effect?"

"We couldn't hit it until it was distracted, hence the big production."

Luna scrutinized the blonde. "For that long? You sang an entire song!"

"I had to make sure it was totally preoccupied with me. If an attack
had come too soon it would have gone on the defensive and we would have
never gotten another chance to blast it."

Luna quirked her kitty eyebrow in doubt and shot Ami a look for

"Tactically it was the best plan we had and it was on the cautious

"Cautious Side?!" Luna back arched slightly and a few of her hairs
stood on end between her shoulder blades. "You left yourselves open for
that thing. If the diversion hadn't worked you all could have ended up
like Rei!" Luna finished with a soft hiss and everyone spared a glance
at the raven haired girl who had temporarily become autistic. Ami said
she would recover as soon as she had some rest.

"Lighten up Luna. That didn't happen. Then plan worked plain and
simple." Usagi, for the life of her, couldn't understand why Luna was
so upset and nitpicky about this battle.

"Number one... This was the first battle you've all been in since
Makoto and Minako have come out. Number two... these tactics we totally
unprecedented, it was more of a performance than combat. And three...
the plan didn't go directly as intended. Jupiter was supposed to give
the weakening blow but was too distracted by Venus to do much of
anything but gape. And you Sailor Moon were supposed to finish it off.
That improvisation could have been deadly. I'm afraid Makoto and Minako
being together on the romantic level is hindering their judgement."

The three aforementioned senshi looked down concealing their emotions.
They were hurt and angered by this accusation but they knew they
couldn't argue with the lunar cat since she decided that their opinion
of things was skewed. They didn't have to say a word though.

"Luna you weren't there. If anything I've never seen them fight better.
Things would have been a lot worse it if wasn't for this new
development in their emotional bond. In fact, Sailor Moon would have
been badly injured or worse if it wasn't for those two. And I don't
just mean each separately. Without them being so in synch with each
other, it could have been disastrous," Ami said defensively and pulled
out her computer. After punching a few keys a replay of the battle
appeared on the screen in the few moments when Usagi was throwing her
tiara. As Luna watched Ami gave a commentary. "As you can see the youma
was charging with a great amount of speed. Now Venus could have used
her chain or a another attack but getting it off would have taken time
that she didn't have. Jupiter knew this and launched her attack at it.
Now look at this." After a few more keystrokes the clip was magnified
and slowed. "Look how close the electric ball is to them. That is no
accident. If the energy hadn't hit the youma dead center in the sternum
it wouldn't have been knocked back far enough for them to get away
unscathed. Jupiter had to know exactly how Venus was going to throw her
body to get Sailor moon out of the way. Now how could she have done
that if there wasn't more there than just friendship? We all know each
other well... but that kind of timing is something only intimately
involved people have. And if you doubt me ask Mamoru. He's always
throwing himself in front of Usagi at just the right moment to be a
human shield. In any case, Jupiter slowed the youma's forward momentum
enough for Sailor Venus to keep Sailor Moon from getting hit. Without
that they both would have been mangled."

Luna opened her mouth to argue but was cut off by Artemis. "Give it a
rest Luna. They just finished a battle and one of our scouts is hurt.
You aren't helping morale any. In fact I think you should apologize to
Minako and Makoto. This is hard enough on them as it is. And you should
know that from being around Usagi, as empathetic as she is. She's
probably having the same mood swings as them." He rubbed his head
against Minako's knee and was rewarded with light scratched behind his
ears. He saw how much Luna's last comment had hurt Minako.

She had told him that duty would come before love. That's what she had
always said when she had crushes that might turn into something more.
Just because Makoto was a senshi didn't change that fact. But what she
didn't tell him was how much it would hurt her if she had to give it
up. Those words didn't need to be spoken however. Artemis knew this
girl better than anyone. He had seen her give up love once before in
England. He'd be thrown into the middle of a Doberman dog fight before
he'd let that happen again needlessly.

Luna looked at the three girls but noticed the white knuckles of
Makoto's clenched fist. Her other hand was at the small of Minako's
back making soothing, unseen circles. The muscle in her jaw worked as
she ground her teeth holding back a few choice words to say the black
guardian. Luna sighed and walked over to Usagi. "I'm sorry girls. This
is all just ... it's..." she sighed again. "I'm very happy you've found
what you have. I just can't help but worry sometimes." Usagi lifted the
small cat into her lap.

"That's alright Luna. I understand." Usagi said as Mina nodded in
agreement. "Plus someone has to worry about us since Rei is in her
coma. Though it is kinda nice only having one person nag me instead of
two." Everyone looked over at Rei again who was swaying back and forth
slightly with glazed eyes. Her lips move as she babble breathlessly
about daemon diva's and clutched her charms.

Luna did however catch the glare Makoto shot her way which clearly said
if she ever said anything like that again she would experience every
way there was to skin a cat in a very slow and painful matter.


As Ami had predicted, Rei had come out of her deficient state after a
good nights rest, though curiously she would freeze in one spot
whenever one of the great divas' tunes played over the radio. And even
more curiously Usagi was the only one who could bring her out of her
trance like state. Unfortunately the means by which it was done
involved the moon senshi pretending to steal Rei's manga.

The date was set for Friday night at eight. Mamoru still had no clue
who was attending the double date with them but wasn't bothered by
Usagi's little secret game. Artemis had told Mina that Luna had calmed
down considerably since the meeting a few nights ago and was quite
chipper about the whole arrangement now.

"He actually said 'chipper'." Makoto asked Mina with a quirked brow.

"Yeah, sometimes he can't shake those sayings he picked up in England.
At least he gets them right in the translation though." Mina sighed and
her shoulders drooped a little. "I mean you guys think its so funny
when I mess up sayings here but you have to remember, I do speak two
languages and sometimes they mix, and words end up ... different."

Makoto put her arm around the blonde and gave her shoulders an
encouraging squeeze. "I wouldn't change you interpretations for
anything Koko. It's one of the things that make you so lovable."

"Yeah," Mina said smiling again. "and besides... none of you can speak
English worth a shit!"

Makoto promptly pinned her on the couch and began tickling her for the
last jibe. After a few futile moments of Minako trying the swat the
strong brunette's hands away she decided to change tactics. Grabbing
the taller girls wrists Mina quickly jerked them towards her and
wrapped her legs around Mako's waist so she couldn't move. Right before
Makoto could break her hold she quirked an evil little smile and arched
her back while simultaneously rolling her hips into the green eyed

Makoto's eyes went wide with shock and something between a whimper and
a grunt strangled out of her throat. Minako went in for the kill and
rolled her hips again while letting out a soft moan. Her eyes were
hooded seductively as she gracefully raised her arm brushing her
fingers across Makoto's jaw line, past her ear, and to the nape of her
neck. She ran her tongue from the corner of her mouth over her cupid's
bow lip and arched her neck.

Makoto was helpless and didn't realize she was leaning down to the
blond vixen. She had never been so hungry for a kiss in her life.
Everything was forgotten except the urge to ravage the girl underneath
her. She was trying to keep that desire under control but Minako chose
that moment to whisper against her lips in the most tempting voice

"Mako-chan... I want..." Makoto pressed her weight into Minako's body
completely. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she assaulted the
perfect pouting lips before the blonde could finish. She drank in the
kiss deeply as she explored the warm curves of her lover's mouth.
Passion controlled her hands as they roamed the perfect body beneath
her; as they tangled in blonde tendrils of hair; as they caressed the
soft, warm skin while sliding the red T-shirt up her sides. But they
were stopped from going further by a gentle voice.

"Uh uh uh. You don't get none of that." Minako punctuated the point
with a quick nip to the brunette's shoulder.

Makoto grinned evilly and nipped at Mina's neck lightly. "And why is
that?" she whispered huskily and brushed a kiss over the spot her teeth
just grazed. One kiss wasn't enough though as the silky skin and sweet
scent beckoned her. She trailed gentle and nibbles and kisses along the
tender flesh.

Minako swallowed as she was momentarily distracted by the taller girl's
tongue flicking across her pulse point. "Uh... because..." she let out
a soft moan as Makoto traced small circles over her ribs with her

"Oh..." Makoto whispered against her neck in-between kisses. "Because
is such a good reason to stop." She chuckled softly and took the collar
of the red T-shirt between her teeth tugging it down so she could give
more attention to dip above the curve her collar bone.

Minako's plan was quickly backfiring as she was becoming the seduced
instead of the seducer. She knew somewhere in her foggy mind that there
really was a good reason for them to stop... but in her fervent haze
she couldn't remember what it was and she really didn't care. But as
luck would have it she didn't have to remember because the phone chose
that moment to ring. Makoto groaned and lifted herself off the bemused
blue eyed girl and answered the phone. The irritation in her voice was
unmistakable as she barked a greeting over the line. "What is it?!"

Her tone quickly changed as the caller revealed their identity. "Mrs.
Aino. NO. Yes... no... no... yes.... ok... ok... no... but...yes
ma'am...yes ma'am... uh I really have to go now... yes... I'll tell
her...yes... yes...yes-goodbye." She quickly hung up the receiver
before the hag could pester her any longer.

Minako stared at her blankly though she actually understood what
conversation had just taken place. "She wants me home now and I have to
be there in five minutes or else I can't come over anymore and she was
wondering if your parents raised you with any manners before they
passed away because of the way you answered the phone but she wanted to
make sure that I did my own homework and didn't pay you off to do it
for me right?"

"It amazes me how you can get all of that from my monosyllabic
answers." Makoto glared at the phone. "And nothing personal baby but
your troll of a mother is a real bitch."

Minako sigh and nodded. "I know... at least you don't have to live with

"But the thought of her being my mother-in-law is almost as bad."

Minako laid back on the couch and covered her eyes with her arm. She
let out another sigh of understanding while mustering the resolve to
head home.


Minako made it home in the allotted five minutes although three and a
half of them were used in saying good bye to her Mooki. Thank goodness
her senshi powers gave her the speed to make it across town in a minute
and a half or she would have been grounded.

But as it was she wasn't and she was almost finished getting ready for
the double date. She had already taken an hour of her mother's
badgering about how immoral it was for that Chiba boy to be taking
advantage of that Usagi girl and how whatever trouble Usagi got herself
into with him was her own fault. She was told to keep a wary eye on the
"womanizer" and to call the police if he tried anything dirty and

She ran the brush through the ends of her hair once more after putting
her bow in. The baggy plaid blue shirt hung loosely off her form. It
was unbuttoned to reveal the red heart on her baby T that read "Angel"
in silver-blue letters. Mako-chan had gotten it for her a few weeks
earlier along with the low-rise jeans. She briefly wondered how a belly
button ring would look with this outfit and many of her others but knew
Luna wouldn't go for it. Plus how would it look while she was
transformed. Would it disappear? She doubted it since Makoto's earrings
never changed in her transformation. How stupid would she look with a
tiny bulge under her skin tight fuku.

She came out of her thoughts realizing her mother was babbling at her
again. She had gotten good at tuning her out. But sometimes the
wretched hag did have important things to say, like the fact that
Makoto was there.

Minako rushed down the stairs. It wasn't just because she was excited
to see her Mako-chan. It was to save her from the beast's inquisition.
Luckily Artemis was already taking care of the situation. He was in the
kitchen knocking things over trying to get to a can of tuna. This was
enough distraction to get the two lovers out the door before the
harassment could ensue.

They walked to the restaurant Usagi had insisted on meeting at. It gave
Minako time to appreciate her partners choice or clothing. Well,
truthfully, how good she looked in her clothing and what she would look
like half out of them. They were at the restaurant before little Miss
ecchi could completely undress her.

They were seated after telling the hostess of their reservation. The
place was casual but had the undertone of class in the atmosphere. If
the appearance was anything to go by then the food would be superb.
Their drinks had come by the time Mamoru and Usagi entered.

To his benefit Mamoru only had a confused look on his face. He smiled
and greeted the two girls without asking about the unexpected
arrangement. Makoto was tensely sitting in her chair while Minako and
Usagi babbled over how cute each other looked in their attire. The
other couple ordered drinks as they looked over their menus. Mamoru was
making pleasant small talk with Minako and Usagi was giving reassuring
looks to a stiff Makoto. After giving their orders Mamoru finally spoke

"Excuse me for asking but I thought this was going to be a double date.
Did someone stand you up Makoto? Is that why Minako's here with you?"

Makoto's eyes narrowed. "And what makes you think I was the one stood
up Mamoru?"

Mamoru gave Makoto a look of sympathy boarding on the line of pity.
"Well as tense as you are I figured you were upset about something and
put together that it was you who was stood up and Minako came along as
a filler so you wouldn't feel like a third wheel or something."

Makoto's fist clenched at his assumption and her temper was fast
rising. The only thing holding it in check was the fact that Minako had
put a calming hand on her knee.

"Actually Mamoru," Minako began, "We have something to tell you. Makoto
wasn't stood up like you think. We came here together because we are
the other couple."

Mamoru sat stone faced as the news sunk in. His jaw clenched and he
stood pulling Usagi up with him. "Come Usa-ko. I believe I just lost my

Usagi looked up at him confused. "But aren't you happy for them?
They're in love just like we are." This wasn't the way she had planned
things to happen.

Mamoru glared hard at her. "They are nothing like us. Don't ever make
that comparison again. They are disgusting and I don't believe we
should be in their presence any longer. Who knows what their vile
behavior could cast on us."

Minako sat in shock over his reaction. She didn't understand how he
could hate her so much for being in love. Usagi was much in the same
state. Neither one was prepared when Makoto rose up like a flash and
with all her fear, anger, and love behind her swing; landed a right
hook to Mamoru's precious face. The only thing the crowd heard was a
fierce growl of something akin to a panther and all they saw when they
turned to the noise was a tall, handsome man falling across a chair to
the floor unconscious.

Makoto's teeth and fists were clenched tight as she took in deep
breaths of air through her nose trying to calm herself. After a moment
she took a stunned Minako's hand and guided her to her feet. Minako's
eyes were glued to Mamoru's prone form, not believing what she was
seeing. Makoto turned to Usagi and said in a deathly quiet voice. "I'm
sorry to leave you in such a position, but I do not apologize for what
I just did. I know you love him and I will respect that. But if he
comes into my sight again he will not come out so lucky. I know your
feelings are different than his and I blame you for none of this. I'm
taking Minako home now, I will see you later."

Usagi nodded numbly and watched her two friends leave as a concerned
manger and a few waiters showed up trying to figure out what just

Onwards to Part 6

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