A Winter's Midnight

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Sara Jaye

        Come on, pick up the phone already, would you?! Sigh...this is 
really beginning to get on my nerves! Why are you avoiding me?
        It's been a week since the last time we actually talked. You know, 
just settled down in the living room of your apartment and had a nice 
        Maybe it was the conversation that caused this rift. We'd been 
talking about relationships and all that and I might've...hinted a bit too 
much at liking you as more than a friend. All I'd said was that sometimes 
if 2 single people hang out enough it's possible they might fall in love. 
I didn't think I'd sounded that blatant. But you must've picked up on 
something there, because the conversation suddenly died...
        And I suddenly had to run off to a class.
        Could that be it? Did you think I was running away from you? If 
you thought so, I'm sorry.
        Still no answer! AAAGH! I know you're there! It's almost midnight 
and it's snowing like crazy out there. No person in their right mind would 
be walking around in that, as pretty as it is to look at.
        Wow, 10 rings. Wait, wouldn't the answering machine pick up after 
at least 3? Sigh...don't tell me you turned it off.
        This is why I won't tell you right out that I have feelings for 
you. Because look what happens when I so much as hint at them. But it's 
just the same. It's not like you would feel the same way. We're too 
different. You're so mature, serious, and calm. I'm ditzy and idealistic. 
The opposites attract thing may work for Mako-chan and Ami-chan, but 
they've always been close. We've only been close recently because we're 
both lonely. Sure, there's a slight chance you MIGHT feel the same way, 
but I'd best not get my hopes up.
        AUGH! 20 rings!! Damn it! Well, you obviously won't answer my 
phone calls. Time for plan B. Yes, I know I said anyone would be crazy to 
go out in this weather. But I got news for ya: After waiting for you to 
return my calls or pick up the phone for 2 hours, I HAVE gone crazy.


        Just as I thought, it was cold as hell outside. Wait...cold as 
hell? I laughed to myself, wondering who thought up that one. Isn't hell 
supposed to be hot? I swear, the list of 'questions there are no real 
answers for' could fill an encyclopedia! Oh, well. I have more important 
things to worry about than unanswered questions. Pulling my jacket tightly 
around myself, I walked inside the building and up the steps to her 
apartment. Thank Kami-sama her apartment isn't more than a few blocks 
away! I knocked frantically on the door. I felt bad for just showing up 
like this, after midnight, but I'd just about had it with her ignoring me. 
Finally, she answered the door.
        "Honestly, it's after midnight, who on earth could that be?" I 
heard her say just before the door opened. "...Minako?!"
        "I need to talk to you now, Setsuna Meioh," I said, still 
shivering. She just stared at me.
        "NOW." I didn't have any patience for this at all. She sighed, 
then let me in. I slipped my jacket off and put it on a chair next to me, 
then sat down on the couch. "Now, Setsuna, there's something that's been 
bothering me for the last week that I just can't figure out," I began.
        "Oh? And what might that be?" she inquired, joining me on the 
        "You've been avoiding me. Why?" She blinked, obviously caught 
        "Nani?" She looked at me as if I was insane. "Avoiding you? You're 
the one who's avoiding me!" she blurted out.
        "No, I've been trying to call you all week. And whenever I run 
into you anywhere, you barely say hi to me," I said. She sweatdropped. 
This wasn't like her at all. Was something wrong?
        "I've...been very busy with work and college and all that. I-I 
haven't had time to answer the phone, or anything like that," she said 
        "And you seem to have unplugged the answering machine as well," I 
observed, looking at the machine's cord hanging off of the table.
        "I...it doesn't seem to be working properly lately, so I left it 
unplugged till I have time to bring it into the repair shop," she 
explained. It was a bit obvious she was lying.
        "I see...unfortunately, I'm, not buying this. Come on, Setsuna. 
Why are you avoiding me?" I asked. A blush spanned her cheeks as she 
looked away from me.
        "I was confused, Minako," she said quietly. I nearly fell over.
        "Confused? You've been avoiding me for a week for no apparent 
reason and you're the one whose confused?!"
        "About what you said last weekend. About...when 2 single people 
spend a lot of time together they might fall in love. You...were looking 
right at me when you said it." She looked at me for a moment. "I...
couldn't help wondering if...you had meant us," she said. So it had been 
        "I figured as much," I sighed.
        "What do you mean?"
        "I...thought that might've been the reason you were ignoring me. 
Because you'd figured out what I was talking about when I said that," I 
said, feeling my cheeks grow hot.
        "So you were talking about us," she stated.
        "Yeah." Well, she pretty much knew how I felt now, I thought. 
Would she tell me politely she just didn't think of me that way, or could 
she possibly feel the same way?
        "Guess I don't have to worry anymore," she said.
        "Worry? About what?"
        "Whether or not you felt the same way I did." What?! I felt my 
mind go numb and my heart skip several beats.
        "What are you trying to say?"
        "I love you, you little space cadet," she laughed. This time, I 
actually did fall off the couch, though I was able to catch myself before 
I landed.
        "You mean...all this time I've been worrying over nothing?!" I 
        "You mean...you not only feel the same way, you were worried I 
didn't?" I nodded.
        "Of course! I mean, how could I not after all the time we've been 
spending together, getting to know each other as more than just fellow 
Senshi? I don't understand why YOU'RE still alone, Setsuna-san," I told 
her. Her blush deepened.
        "Hey, no fair!" she protested. "I was just about to say the same 
about you!" I couldn't help laughing. It was obvious she was faking that 
pout. Yet I had to admit she looked pretty damn cute that way.
        "Did anyone ever tell you how cute you are when you're...like 
that?" I asked.
        "Like what?"
        "Like...you're acting annoyed, but it's sorta obvious you're just 
playing. Fake-pouting and all that."
        "What?" she giggled. "Minako-chan, sometimes I wonder how one 
person can be so...silly!"
        "Just comes naturally, I guess. But I mean it. You look cute when 
you don't look so serious all the time. Not that you look bad when you ARE 
serious, of course, just...you look better when you're more relaxed," I 
told her. She smiled and leans closer to me, slipping her arm around my 
shoulder. I immediately forgot how cold I was.
        "Thanks...I never considered that. I suppose I am too serious 
sometimes. Considering my job it's kinda hard not to be, though," she 
said. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to relax more often."
        "Yeah. Like in the last few weeks - except for this past one, of 
course - you've been more relaxed. You haven't been stressed over what 
might be happening at the Gates of Time, or college, or work...it's nice 
to see you relaxing and just enjoying life. To be honest, I worry about 
you a lot," I said.
        "Really? I'm sorry I've worried you then," she apologized. "And 
how can I not feel relaxed when I'm with you?" Forget how cold it is 
outside! My cheeks felt pretty damn warm right about now.
        "Aww..." I leaned against her a little more, flashing my most 
kawaii smile. "I feel a lot better when I'm with you. You actually believe 
I can be mature and serions, and the others still see me as this silly, 
misquoting ditz. But then again, I still see them as what they were 4 
years ago. Even though we've all grown up considerably," I said. She 
        "Yes. To me, Usagi will always be that energetic sugar addict, Ami 
will always be the shy bookworm, Rei the spiritual loner, Makoto the 
tomboy...but they're not only that. They're still the same yet so 
different now. You understand what I mean?" she asked.
        "Yeah, I understand. No matter how much we've all grown up, we'll 
always be our younger selves underneath. You never really forget who you 
were," I said.
        "It's strange...over the years you've grown up considerably, and 
lately I'm acting more like a teenager than a grown woman. I don't feel as 
old...you know, that 23-going-on-50 thing," she mused.
        "I like you better this way," I giggled.
        "Oh really? Give me a reason why," she said teasingly.
        "Because, now I don't have to be nervous about doing something 
like this," I explained. And with that, I tilted my head in and pressed my 
lips against hers. When I felt her return the kiss, I wrapped my arms 
around her chest and back. We held the kiss for what felt like ages, and 
when we finally pulled back, we were blushing 5 shades of red each.
        "I really feel sorry for the ones who turned you down," she said. 
"They really missed out!"
        "Hey! Now you beat me to what I wanted to say!" I laughed.
        "Turnabout's fair play," she smirked.
        Ohh...!" I grabbed a pillow and attempted to throw it at her, but 
ended up dropping it when she grabbed me around the waist, pushed me back 
onto the couch, and started tickling me. "Aaah! You sneak!" This was a 
side of Setsuna Meioh I'd never seen before, and I liked it a lot. But no 
way was I gonna take this lying down. So I did the only thing I could do 
in my position.
        I wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed her again. Hard. 
That did the trick. She let her hands drop and kissed me back forcefully 
for a moment, then broke the contact.
        "Now who's the little sneak?" she whispered. "And were you trying 
to tell me something, wrapping your legs around my waist like that?" I 
        "Umm...I dunno. Just felt like it." Reluctantly, I freed her from 
my grasp as we regained composure and settled back down on the couch-well, 
she did. The second she'd made herself comfy, I snuggled into her lap.
        "I could get used to this...no, scratch that. I already have," she 
giggled. Then she looked out the window. "The...snow's much heavier than 
it was when you got here," she said. I gave a quick glance outside. Sure 
enough, the street was covered in a blanket of white.
        "So it is...it wouldn't be a great idea to walk back to my place 
in that, especially at this hour," I said casually. "Looks like I'll be 
spending the night."
        "Wow, you really know how to plan," she said. "It was your 
intention to spend the night here all along, wasn't it?"
        "So what if it was?" I smirked.
        "Well, I was gonna end up coming to your place sooner or later, so 
it's all the same," she said.
        "You were not."
        "I was! I'm just not as impulsive as you are so I would've waited 
awhile...like an hour or so," she said. I quirked a brow.
        "Impulsive? Am I really that bad?" I joked.
        "I wouldn't have you any other way," she laughed, then kissed my 
lips briefly. "Oh, and there's no way I'm making you sleep on the couch," 
she smirked. Damn, and I'd just managed to get my blush under control!
        "Setsuna-san!" I giggled. "Well, if you insist..." I yawned 
slightly. "Not like I was gonna sleep on the couch anyway."
        "I knew it."
        It was a good 10 minutes before we were able to force ourselves to 
get up and walk into her room. It felt so damn good to be in her arms! 
Hell, it felt good to just know we'd been worrying over nothing. I was 
almost glad she'd left the answering machine unplugged...no, I WAS glad.
        "By the way, Minako-chan...were you trying to suggest something 
when you...had me in a stranglehold with your legs?" she asked out of 
        "Umm..." I thought for a moment. "Why? Were you thinking the same 
thing?" I teased.
        "I'll tell you later..." she said in that soft, mysterious voice 
she used as Sailorpluto.
        "I really, really like this side of you," I said as we entered the 
        Let me just say we didn't get much sleep that night. And thank 
Kami-sama for those late-night snowstorms!

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