Makeweight Guardian (part 9 of 13)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Aldsvider

Back to Part 8

She really wasn't lying when she'd said that she was feeling bad. Makoto 
wound her way through the crowd. Pushing people out of the way if need 
be. She wasn't in a pleasant mood after her encounter with the other 
princesses. How could that woman do this? It was tricky and sly. She 
wondered if they were already telling the queen that she was leaving. 
Not that it mattered. She didn't care one way or the other right now. 
The pain in her arm had grown, and it was getting harder to walk. She 
was getting dizzy and nauseous. Sweat had formed on her face, and she 
knew it saturated the light shirt she was wearing beneath her jacket. 
'Damn jacket.' She shrugged the thing off and shoved it into Shingo's 
hands. The boy had a worried expression on his small features. Makoto's 
muscles were stiff and cramping. 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' she 
thought. 'That Chimera just might get it's revenge on me after all.'

She stopped, leaning up against a column that was a few paces from the 
doorway she had entered a while earlier. Through the ringing in her 
head, she could have sworn she heard someone scream. Was it her 
imagination? All around her, the noise in the room grew. People ran by 
her, some bumping her as they went. "Dammit!" she yelled, grabbing the 
next unlucky person who knocked into her. She held him close to her by 
his collar. "What the hell is going on?" she snapped, jerking him to 

"It's a monster! A Negaverse monster is here! I don't want to die!" he 
screamed in panic, pointing in the direction from which he'd come.

The people were now clogging the exits, trying to get out. She pushed 
him roughly in their direction. "Coward," she said to his retreating 

Making her way back through the crowd was bad. It was an experience she 
wouldn't wish to repeat in a thousand years. The pain in her arm and her 
head was now screaming. Still, she pushed forward. Grabbing people and 
pushing them from her path. Somewhere along the way, they seemed to get 
the picture and started to make way for her. Makoto reached a point in 
the crowd where she could break into a run. Finally, after what seemed 
forever, she arrived at the dias.

She caught sight of the monster. 'Why do they always have wings?' she 
asked herself. It was a Harpy. The female creature hovered menacingly 
over the floor. The guards had it surrounded, but were hesitant to 
approach it. Catching site of the mutilated body of one of their 
companions on the floor, she could see why. The Harpy's hands and mouth 
were stained with blood and it laughed in an eerie, chilling way.

Makoto noticed that the Queen was nowhere to be found. 'At least they 
were smart enough to get her out of here...What the hell is she doing 
here?' Seeing the Princess of Mars come to a halt a stone's throw away 
was a surprise. She would have thought that they'd have gotten her away 
from here as well. When she was soon joined by the other two princesses, 
Makoto was again stunned. The Mercurian had a small object in her hands, 
that her fingers were flying over hastily. The Venusian smiled and 
pushed the Martian forward. "Well I guess this is a great time to see if 
that practice has come in handy, Miss sure shot."

The Martian glared at her. "Ami, what are its readings?"

"Well, you're going to have to shoot it down. I doubt melee attacks will 
have much effect, unless you're lucky enough to get a hit in before it 
decapitates you like that unlucky fellow there," she gestured to the 
ground. "Otherwise, any element will do." She snapped the contraption 
shut in finality.

"Oh, alright then..." she said. "Oh shit! Haruka, don't."

Makoto turned to see the one she called Haruka run straight at the 
Harpy, brandishing a scimitar. He leapt at the beast's back, slicing 
easily through the soft tissue. The Harpy let out an enraged screak and 
turned on the tall man. He was fast, however, and dodged the coming 
blow, laughing.

"Damn you Haruka, this isn't a game!" Michiru yelled from her place 
opposite the other girls.

'Why am I still standing here?' Makoto grinned and pulled her sword from 
its scabbard. "Oh come on Michiru. This ball was so boring, now it's 
starting to show promise." Michiru finally noticed Makoto was standing 
there. "Lookit these Moon-sissies run," she pointed her sword in the 
direction of the retreating crowd.

"Oh great, not you too." Michiru growled. "You're staying right there."

"Hey, I resent that. I'm not a moon-sissie!" a voice called from 
somewhere behind the other girls. Makoto didn't have time to look for 
its source.

"Really now? You gonna make me?" her face took on a dark look as she 
lunged toward the fray. Makoto forgot her pain and concentrated on the 
hovering beast. The Harpy never saw it coming. With one great swing of 
her sword, she sliced through the beast's leg. The limb fell to lay with 
its earlier victim and the screaming Harpy launched itself higher into 
the air, out of their reach.

"Not bad," Haruka said, "You're pretty strong to be swinging a sword 
with such force like that. I guess what they say of Jovians is true." He 
laughed, "You'd think the dumb-ass would of thought to take to the air 
sooner. Damn, now we can't reach her." He frowned in disappointment.

"Who says we can't?" Makoto smiled. "I'll fry her ass." She raised her 
hand, about to summon her element when something slammed into the back 
of her and arms pinned her own to her sides. Her mask, jarred from the 
impact, flew from her face to land on the ground before her. "Hey! What 
the hell are you doing!" She looked over her shoulder, to see Boarder 
looking frantic. "Let me go, now!" she ordered.

"I won't. Milady, you can't use your element. You'll surely kill 
yourself. Don't you feel the fatigue anymore? You're wounded, remember?" 
Boarder's eyes pleaded with her.

"Yes, Makoto, don't use your power. Let everyone order you around, as 

Everyone's head snapped around at the voice. Queen Beryl smiled wickedly 
at them all. It was like she'd just appeared on the dias. They were 

"Now there's a target that can't fly off." Haruka stated.

"Don't bother," Makoto said, "she's not really here."

Haruka looked at her, confused.

"You're right," Rei said, looking at Makoto. "I don't sense her there." 
she gave Makoto a questioning gaze before turning back to the queen.

The Harpy still circled above them. "Don't you find my party favor 
amusing? I know one of you was having fun..." she smiled at Makoto and 

"What are you doing here?" Rei asked. "Why are you tormenting us?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Just reminding you of your inferiority. Have 
to keep you on your toes you know." She looked around, her gaze 
searching. "I see you have rushed your coward of a queen off to some 
safe haven. Well, soon no place will be safe for the likes of her. Let 
her know this, as well as her daughter."

"Leave this place, you witch," a young man in armor shouted at the 
woman. "You will never touch Usagi. I'll kill you first."

"Manners seem to be in short supply here. Then I guess I'll be going 
now. I'm sure you'll find some use for my little present." The Harpy 
cried out overhead, making some of them look up. "And as always, I leave 
the invitation to my own palace open to you all...In fact, all 
invitations are still open." she looked directly into Makoto's eyes. 
Makoto's head began to hurt again. 'Damn her.'

"Farewell for now then." Beryl laughed and disappeared from the dias.

They all stared at the spot in which she had just stood moments before.

"What the hell was that all about? She's never done that before." Minako 

"A message? But it's obvious she hates us. Why remind us of that fact?" 
Ami said.

"I think there's more to it than that," was Rei's cryptic reply.

Their party favor reminded them of its presence by doing a series of 
dives over their heads. "We should take care of her first." Haruka 
pointed with his sword.

Makoto looked up and frowned. "Fine!" She wrenched Boarder's arms from 
around her and stood, charging her energy.

"No!" she heard two shouts from behind her.

'This has gone on long enough, I just wanna go to bed.' that was the 
last thing she thought, as the pain hit her full force. "Gaaaah!" she 
yelled clutching her head with both hands. She felt someone grab her 
shoulders as she went down on her knees. The pain was unbearable and she 
could feel her energy leaving her. What energy? She had none left. Why 
had she thought she could draw on reserves that weren't there to begin 
with? Falling backwards, into arms she couldn't see, Makoto heard a 
voice yelling her name. The last thing she saw was the Martian letting a 
flaming arrow fly straight at the screaming Harpy.


Everything fell into place for Rei the second the mask hit the marbled 
floor of the hall. All the strange vibrations weren't foreign to her 
anymore. If she'd known what to look for, she would have spotted it 
right away. Thunder. That was one of them. Femininity. That was the 
other misplaced vibration. She'd been looking at a mortal human man with 
her senses. Not an immortal, female princess of Jupiter. The element of 
thunder was so uncommon to her. For Makoto was the last Jovian with 
royal blood. They were such a proud and fearless race who usually died 
in battles and by unnatural means. Hardly any Jovian royalty lived 
longer than seven mortal life-spans. Some didn't even make it past 
three. When Beryl appeared before them, she was shocked to find that 
Makoto knew the woman wasn't there. She was some sort of hologram. Ami 
had explained this concept to her a while back. Something about 
projecting an image of one's self or an object. She said that, with the 
proper technology, it could be done from great distances. That ruled out 
seeking the woman's hiding place; she'd be long gone before they got 

Upon finding out that she was wounded and drained, Rei knew she had to 
do something, fast. Makoto looked like she would be stubborn enough to 
try anything at that moment. Her eyes burned with something akin to 
insanity. The adrenaline going through her veins might have been acting 
as a pain killer. The two behind Makoto weren't having any luck stopping 
the woman from what she was about to do. Rei lifted her bow, and even as 
she heard the Jovian cry out in pain, she loosed the arrow, sending it 
flying towards the Harpy. It struck her, burying itself in the creatures 
chest. Screaming in pain, it fell to the ground below, hitting the floor 
with a loud crunch. Haruka moved in front of Michiru to shield her from 
the light spray of blood that followed its impact. It then lay in an 
expanding pool of the thick red liquid. Walking over to it silently, 
Haruka beheaded the Harpy with her scimitar, then turned to some of the 
guards who still stood by helplessly. "Get some others in here to help 
you clean this mess up," she said in a commanding tone. Then looking 
over to where Makoto lay in the Jovian woman's arms, with Ami scanning 
her vitals, she said, "And get a healer in here as fast as you can." 
Some of them made to go, and others continued to stare at the carnage 
before them. " Move, now!" Gathering their bearings, the guards rushed 
to fulfill her commands.

Rei sighed and looked over to Minako, who was smiling somewhat 
forcefully. "Nice shot," she said simply.

"Thanks," Rei grunted, then added in a barely audible tone, "I was 
aiming for its head..."


Everything fell apart for Ami the moment the mask hit the floor of the 
hall. She stared at a face that was the complete opposite of what she 
had envisioned. She'd imagined that a handsome male visage lay beneath 
that ornate black mask. Instead she found a feminine face of wild 
beauty. Sweat soaked bangs fell over dark green eyes, that burned with 
rage. Her face contorted in pain and anger as she struggled against the 
arms that bound her from behind. She shouted at the woman to free her. 
The woman's words shot panic through Ami's mind. And at once she 
realized that this was the Guardian of Thunder. If she used her power in 
such a state, then she might cause herself great pain. She could only 
hope that the woman was strong enough to bind the princess of Jupiter 
for a little longer.

When Beryl appeared, Ami's attention was torn between the evil queen and 
the injured Jovian. She and Rei confirmed that the woman was a hologram, 
how the Jovian princess knew, Ami could not tell. When the woman 
disappeared, instinct took over as the Guardian of Thunder broke loose 
of the woman holding her. Ami retrieved her computer and ran towards the 
woman, even as the other began charging her powers. Her heart beat 
against her chest so fiercely that she was afraid it might burst. 
"Don't!" She yelled, but her shout was drowned by the screams of the 
Harpy above. Then another scream joined it as the Jovian went down on 
both knees, clutching her head in pain. 'No.' Ami was almost there; 
everything seemed to slow down.

"Lady Makoto!" Shingo yelled, as the woman behind her caught the 
princess and laid her gently on the cold floor. Out of her peripheral 
vision she could see an arrow being loosed. Rei was attacking the 
creature now.

Finally, Ami came to a stop, dropping to her knees next to the Princess 
of Jupiter. She gave the woman a glance and flipped her computer open, a 
green line and several other small panels began moving in unison. Her 
fingers flew hastily over the small buttons.

"Wow!" Shingo breathed over her shoulder, his voice was shaking with 
worry. "I've never seen anything like it before in my life."

"I'm checking her vital signs. What happened to her that she's in this 
state?" she asked Shingo.

"Um...Lady Boarder, you should probably tell her." he replied, looking 
to the other woman.

She nodded. "On our way here, the princess engaged in a fight with a 
Chimera that was aboard the ship. She was wounded." She said this, 
indicating Makoto's arm. "She, of course, didn't think anything of it 
and came to the ball anyway. I can't be sure, but I think she may have 
made it worse by trying to tend the would herself," a half smile came to 
her lips, and was gone an instant later.

"She might have. We won't be sure until we get her to a place where she 
can be tended to. What I am sure of, though, is that she is poisoned. 
It's been in her blood stream for a while. The Chimera must have been 
poisonous." She tapped the screen several times, trying to identify the 
poison and its cure. She wasn't ready for this. Her training had only 
begun two years ago, and her shaking hands validated her thoughts. 
Though her hands betrayed her, Ami's mind was fast at work. The calm 
facade, in fact, was calming the two before her, though she didn't 
notice. She gradually gained control of her shaking hands, as she became 
more frustrated with herself. 'What type of poison is it? It should be 
here somewhere. My computer always has the answers. Why now, of all 
times, would it not?' The guards arrived with a stretcher and crouched 
next to the three of them. 'Dammit! What am I supposed to do now?' She 
looked up from the computer, and at the faces around her. They were all 
hopeful, and held the same question. 'But I don't have the answer.' Ami 
felt defeated. She slowly closed the useless gadget she held, and 
steeled herself to confirm how very incompetent the Princess of Mercury 
truly was.

Onwards to Part 10

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