A Confrontation Makoto woke several times in the hours after Ami left her. During those moments she would lie awake in the silent darkness of the room, a dull ache along her arm, with jumbled thoughts running through her head. Fragmented dreams wove the nights events in a confusing pattern. When she tried to grasp things that she'd dreamt about only minutes before, the thoughts alluded her. Others lingered on the edge of her memory, keeping her from sleep. In one, she walked through a crowd of faceless people, but not completely faceless. Some of those faces she recognized. Music echoed in the distance and couples danced, as though unaware of her presence. Did they not see her? Then she was pulled away again. It was Michiru, like before. Though, she wasn't wearing the same dress from the ball that night. She was wearing a different one. They walked out onto the balcony, that suddenly was not the balcony, but her own room, back on Ganymede. Here they stopped, and Michiru kissed her. This time, though, was different from the balcony. This time Makoto knew what to do, if only for the fact that it was Michiru guiding her. She watched from within her own mind as she did something that she could not fathom. It wasn't anything unpleasant, nor was it totally unknown to her, but she'd never expected that she would carry out such actions. Surprising as it was, Makoto found it even more shocking when she pulled back and held, not Michiru, but the Princess of Mercury in her arms. Fear shot through her like lightning, followed by panic and a sensation akin to falling rapidly. Things blurred and she was jolting awake, her body tense and hot. She threw the covers off of herself and lay staring at the ceiling, letting the air in the room cool her skin. Makoto stayed that way for a few minutes until she finally relaxed, drifting back into sleep. Finally, the usual dreams began. He was there with her in these dreams. The man she was destined to kill. The traitor who killed her parents. He'd come to them as an escort, an ally in service to the Queen. A General. Evidently the Queen did not know her subordinate as well as she should have. He was such a coward, using sly means and trickery to bring about her parents' end. Her father did not receive a warriors death, for he never got the chance to fight back. In her dreams she killed this man in many ways, over and over again, every night. One day, she would find him, and on that day, he would die by her hands. That was her only objective, and no one would get in the way. Makoto did not know what time she awoke that morning, but she did know that her arm wasn't bothering her as much as it had yesterday, and that she wasn't going to stay in this room any longer than she needed to. Opening her eyes, she rolled onto her side and was alarmed to find someone sitting by the bed, silently watching her. They stared at one another for a moment or two before the other spoke. "Feeling any better?" Michiru asked with a smile. "Like new." Makoto answered. "That's good." There was silence again as Makoto watched Michiru, waiting for her to speak again. Michiru sat comfortably, her hands resting in her lap, a pleasant smile on her face. Makoto tried to remember her dream, looking hard at Michiru, but she couldn't conjure up any clear images. The blue-eyed guardian tilted her head in an amused fashion, looking inquiringly back at Makoto. "What are you waiting for?" she asked, leaning forward to push some of Makoto's hair out of her face. It had come loose during the night and lay cascaded across the sheets and pillows, showing just how long it had gotten since the last time they'd met. At the touch, an image flashed through Makoto's mind, one of Michiru performing the same actions as she just had, only she was not beside the bed, but in it, hovering over Makoto with a totally different expression gracing her features. As the vision faded, Makoto sat up slowly, still staring at the woman before her. There was a question in her eyes. "You weren't very talkative then either. You always wait for everyone else to speak. I'm sure that you have plenty to say. Why will you not let others know you?" Michiru let her hand fall away from Makoto's face. "I'll tell you why. You're afraid." Makoto looked incredulously at Michiru now. "Afraid of what?" She croaked. "You? You act as if you know me. You stayed in my castle for a while, but that means nothing." "I know you more than anyone does right now." Michiru stated seriously. "And it's your own fault. Because you were so afraid." Makoto shook her head, "I've got no idea what you're talking about and, frankly, I don't care." Michiru stood suddenly, anger flashing in her eyes, "Then remain ever the ignorant fool, Makoto. Always putting up that barrier and keeping people at arms length. Well, it's time to grow up. You are a spoiled, selfish, arrogant little girl who has had her way for the past thirteen years. You are weak. Weak of mind and heart." Makoto opened her mouth to reply, but evidently could come up with nothing to fire back at the woman. Shutting her mouth, she ended up providing a cold glare as her only answer to Michiru's statements. "But I have seen such potential in you, Makoto." Michiru's voice softened. "I've broken through your shell and seen what you spend every day trying to hide. You hold it back, not allowing it to interfere with your quest for vengeance." Makoto looked shocked at that last part. "Yes, you told me of your plans for revenge. You told me many things." "What are you talking about? I've never told you anything." Makoto swore. "I took your memory away from you." "You what? How is that possible? And if it were, why would you do such a thing?" "Because you told me to." Michiru said as she sat back down. "You were so distraught over certain...things, and we were not really ourselves. I guess we were both afraid." "How much did you take away? I can't imagine anything that I'd allow to be erased from my memory." Michiru gave an ironic sort of smile, as if she found her statement funny. "Only about a days worth of memories, when you add the hours up I guess. It's not really erased, and has been in your mind all along. I'm assuming that ever since you arrived on the moon, you've been having strange thoughts or memories. Maybe you even dreamed something odd?" Makoto nodded. "It would take several more months for you to totally regain your lost memories, for I made the time limit around a year or more, just in case, though I did not tell you this. I am not always in the safest of situations, and if I died before returning the memories, then you would never get them back." Michiru leaned forward on her knees. "Have you ever gone into a room, knowing that you came to that room to get something, but you can't remember what it was? Still, you know it was something that you needed. Then you go back to the place where the thought first struck you that you needed that particular thing, hoping that it might help you remember. So it is with your memories. It's like you are stepping back into that place where the thought first came to you. I am that place Makoto. You have been gradually remembering on your own. But I wonder if you'll still want those memories after they are returned." "I want them back." Makoto said urgently. "I can't stand not knowing." Michiru nodded. "I will give them back in time. Give it a week. You need to adjust to life here on the Moon, then I'll give you the memories back. I'm think that you can handle them now, and perhaps they will make your stay more interesting." Michiru smiled mysteriously. Makoto was frowning. "The Moon, or Jupiter, it shouldn't matter. What could be so difficult for me to handle?" "You certainly were distraught over a year ago, and I was fool enough to believe that I had done something wrong. Now I realize that neither of us did anything wrong. It is just what happens when you are left alone for so long. It breeds fear and despair." Michiru stood, pulling the chair back to the table. "You puzzle me Michiru. Why are you here on the Moon?" Makoto stood as well, looking for her clothes. "I was invited of course," she smiled. "What race are you? I don't recognize your accent, though I wouldn't really know either way I guess." "I am Neptunian." "Really? I'd never met a Neptunian before, or a Mercurian...or a Martian..." she trailed off, thinking. "Makoto, I think it is time I told you. You are not very observant, do you know that?" Makoto drew her brows together in question. "Though some have said the same, it's usually quite hard to fool me." Michiru grinned and bowed. "I am the heir to the throne of Neptune, and I would not exactly say that I was trying to fool you." Staring in shock, it took Makoto a moment or two to find her words again. "Well I feel like a fool! Why didn't you tell me before?" Makoto looked surprised and confused at the same time, but not angry as Michiru thought she might be. "You never asked me if I was a princess. Everything I told you was the truth, I just left out some minor details." "Minor? You call that minor? I fear the day that you rule then." Michiru was at the door now, while Makoto was pulling on her boots, mumbling. "You should be more thorough in your questioning. Besides, it's not so different from your little escapade last night, so don't go berating me about it." Michiru replied to the mumbling. Makoto held up a hand to silence Michiru. She was holding onto her boot with the other, part of her foot already in it, while she hopped with her booted one, trying to keep her balance. "Hush, just go." "Do not be that way now, I was just-." Michiru started. "Shoo, shoo, shoo," Makoto continued rapidly, not looking at her, pushing her foot into the boot and proceeding to tuck her pants into them. Michiru laughed. "You are simply adorable Makoto." She teased one last time. "Begone already!" Makoto snapped. The shirt she'd thrown hit the door as it closed behind the amused Neptunian. Michiru leaned against the door outside the hall, a grin on her face. Now she remembered why she was so charmed by Makoto. They were alike in many ways, Haruka and Makoto. They both had a charisma about them that could catch you off guard at times. You never knew what would come from either of them next. Both were also very dangerous, in that they could be extremely alluring. Of the two, though, Makoto was the greater threat when it came to down to it. She wasn't aware of her own attractiveness. There was an extreme sensuality about her, and it was completely unintentional. Michiru had let herself be ensnared once before by this disarming quality, but now she knew better. Haruka had that same charm, however, she could restrain it, for she knew how to use it to her advantage and when to keep it in check. Makoto was completely oblivious. Michiru continued to grin as she made her way off down the corridor. She couldn't wait to see what havoc Makoto might unknowingly create here on the Moon. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Makoto made her way down to the ship, hoping that they had not started anything without her. She felt fine now, not sick like she had last night, and her arm wasn't aching as much. It was more like her head was aching from all the complicated thoughts that she was having. The dreams bothered her, and everything that Michiru had told her in general bothered her. And when she reached the Ship, the fact that everything looked like it had been done already bothered her even more. "Dammit," she said through clenched teeth. She went onboard to see if her observation was correct. It was. "Dammit," she said again, upon exiting the ship. She made her way back to the Palace, wondering where she should go next. She wanted to find Boarder or someone she knew. Makoto walked through the Palace, passing the occasional servant or guard. She came to a stop at an intersection in the hallway she'd been walking down. Looking from right to left, and straight ahead, she couldn't decide which direction to take. "Place is like a damn maze," she grumbled lowly in the silent corridor. Finally, making up her mind, she chose to go right, rather than left or ahead. A while later, she didn't want to admit that she might be lost, but it was something she knew in the back of her mind. The halls she walked down now were more rustic and old. No tapestries adorned them, nor was there carpet down their length. She trudged onward, her footsteps echoing against the stone around her, the air cool on her skin. She breathed in deep, inhaling a concoction of steel, leather and oil, among other familiar smells in the air. She hastened her steps, recognizing the scents that assaulted her nose. They made her yearn for home, and her body ached for what might await her at the end of this hall. Sounds of barked orders and the clanging of steel reached her ears as she strode forward, finally coming to the end of the long hall. What greeted her brought a smile to her haggard features. It was a large, open area outside the white-stone walls of the Palace. A training field. Just saying the area was large would not do it justice. It was at least five or six times as big as her own field back on Ganymede. She glanced around, realizing that she was probably behind the Palace now. Makoto was impressed as she even noted that, in the center of the field there was a perfectly circular pool that had to be at least around eighty to ninety feet in diameter. The same white stones encircled its perimeter. Then she noticed that the field was covered in grass, where her's was hard packed dirt. She shook her head, unbelieving, as she realized how superior this setting was to her own back home. Makoto walked forward into one of the stone archways, leaning against a pillar there that supported the overhang that wrapped around in a 'U' shape on the outer walls of the Palace here. There were several doors diagonal to her right and left, and looking up, she saw that there were many windows and balconies high above the practice field. She found herself wondering idly if any of the rooms on her hall were at the back of the Palace. She wasn't even sure where her room was come to think of it. She'd been escorted there by a frantic servant the night before and hadn't really been paying attention to directions, and she was surprised that she'd been able to find the Great Hall the night before. Still thinking, she watched the figures on the field moving in tandem, obeying the orders they were being given. It was a fairly small group of men and women. All soldiers. Makoto watched more avidly, catching every error, every slip each one of them made in their drills. This wasn't training, and she wasn't impressed with the one giving orders. Her eyes narrowed, looking at their conductor, a General she deduced by his uniform. One who wasn't paying much mind to them in the least as he half-heartedly called the orders out, casting his gaze around the field and looking distracted. The man was tall, but not as tall as Makoto. His blonde hair was bound at the nape of his neck, barely long enough to be tied back.. He was a beautiful man, who looked as if he had never seen a battle in his youthful life. Eyes lazy and face expressionless. He reminded her of someone. Someone she hated. Movement to her left caught Makoto's attention and she drew her gaze from the man she instantly disliked to another. This man strode confidently across the yard, coming up behind the smaller man, for he towered over the General. His hair was a sandy blonde to the General's gold. From her position, Makoto could not hear the words being exchanged so, curiosity getting the best of her, she moved as not to draw attention to herself, slowly and silently passing each pillar until she was at a respectable enough distance to eavesdrop. No one noticed her as she leaned against a new pillar, just under the shadow of the overhang. "This is the last time I leave things in your hands, Jadeite. This is not training." The tall blonde's voice was calm and smooth, but his disappointment was apparent. Makoto nodded in agreement with his words, liking the man already. Then something occurred to her. If he was leaving something in the hands of the General, then he himself must be of some high rank. She listened intently as the smaller man replied. "If your hands were not otherwise occupied, maybe you could take it into your own, rather than leaving it in mine." The tall blonde was not pleased with this statement. "It would do you good to mind your own business, and concentrate more on improving your half-ass performance. You're supposed to be instructing them properly, but you look as if you could care less. You got this position by blood inheritance, not by merit, and I have never forgotten that. I've given you plenty of damn chances to prove me wrong. Prove that you can do this job, but you disappoint me more with each passing day. You are no General of mine." His voice was cutting, causing the smaller man to blanch and look away. He opened his mouth several times to say something, but seemed to rethink each thing, and in the end, said nothing. He glanced back at the soldiers who, during their exchange, had come to a halt in their drills. Donning an angry expression, he bowed shortly to his superior and stormed from the field, glaring ahead of him, not looking back. Makoto flinched at the slamming of the hard wood door that the General disappeared through. She was glad to see him go and brought her attention back to the tall blonde who was now calling out orders to the formerly idle soldiers. They now snapped to attention, all bowing in unison to the one before them. "Good, good," the blonde smiled at them all. "Now, let's get back to work, shall we." From that point on, Makoto observed their drills. Every mistake she noted, was also caught by the other man. Nothing got past his attention, and he even noticed errors that Makoto hadn't. She found her respect for the man growing with each passing minute. His voice was firm as he ordered them, his stride easy, and his lithe form radiated power as he demonstrated moves with his sword. A scimitar, her mind registered. Hold on. Images from the night before flashed through her memory. The man who had engaged the Harpy with her had wielded a scimitar. The same man who had pulled her roughly from Michiru, and might have challenged her had Michiru not stepped in. She looked closer at his face, and when he turned, his profile cleared any doubt from her mind. It was him. Haruka, Michiru had called him. Makoto's feelings were mixed in that she wasn't sure if the man was still angry with her, and she didn't know if she would really care if he was or not. Roughly an hour had passed before they were done with their drills. They were instructed to break off into pairs and practice for a few minutes while the blonde went back into the Palace to fetch something. They did as they were told, and Makoto waited, as they did, for the blonde's return. When Haruka did come back, he was holding a leather ball about twice the size of his hand. He tossed it up and down, catching it with one hand before him. Making his way over to the men and women he'd left moments before, he shouted a new command. "Alright then, are you all ready to play?" An affirmative shout came from them all as they cheered and smiled at Haruka, chatting among themselves suddenly and forming into two groups. Makoto wondered what they were about to do and as Haruka looked between the two groups, confusion passed over his face. "It seems that we are short one person today, it is an uneven match." One of the men replied, "It is always an uneven match when you play!" The others laughed as he continued, "you should be counted as five people!" Haruka smiled at the comment, but neither agreed nor disagreed with him. Makoto leaned her head against the pillar, still wanting to know what was going on. Suddenly, Haruka turned on his heal and faced the spot Makoto was standing in. Makoto was surprised when the blonde's eyes locked with her own. A roguish grin spread across his hansom face. "Well, well, are you just going to stand there and watch all day?" He asked. "Care to join us in our game?" The others, behind Haruka, looked on in confusion, probably wondering who he was talking to. When Makoto stepped from beneath the overhang and onto the field they looked at each other, surprised, then they looked between their leader and the newcomer. Makoto felt their eyes on her and it made her a bit nervous, but she tried not to show it. Besides, she was more intent on talking with Haruka. She walked the distance between them, stopping before the taller man. Taller, yes, but not by much. Makoto looked down at the ball that Haruka held, and then around at the others, her eyes finally landing back on Haruka.. "What do you want me to do?" -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Ami sighed in exasperation as she walked from the ship back to the Palace. She had been sure that Makoto might be there, but it had turned out that the brunette was nowhere to be found. This afternoon, when Ami had awoken, she went to check on Makoto to see how she was doing. The Jovian should have been abed, like Ami had instructed her, but no, there was no one in the room when she'd arrived. From there she had checked the kitchens, deducing that maybe Makoto had gotten hungry, but again, there was no Jovian Princess there. Neither was she in her appointed room, nor any of the others in the Jovian wing of the Palace. She found the woman called Boarder, hoping that she might know of Makoto's whereabouts, but she was just as stumped as Ami. Boarder had given her one final suggestion before going to check the towers of the Palace, wanting to help Ami. She'd said to check the ship, and then all of the training areas, for Makoto usually practiced her swordplay in the evenings. And it was approaching evening now, as Ami made her way down the corridors to where she knew the Palace's largest training field was. She knew exactly where it was because she walked this path nightly to get there. She had training of her own to do each night that kept her in shape. She couldn't read all of the time after all. As Ami walked on, she began to notice how busy this hall seemed to be. It was quite unnatural for the time of day. Usually, only soldiers were down here moving about. However, there were more people coming and going past her than she'd ever witnessed in this area. Ami hastened her steps when the sounds up ahead reached her. It sounded like a crowd of people yelling. The words were not discernable to her, but as she neared, she could make out that they were cheering. The light grew brighter in her progress, her footsteps quick on the hard stone of the floor. Her breath was coming fast by the time she finally exited the Palace. Traversing the soft ground, her eyes took in the sight before her. There was a large group of people, some of them soldiers, others were servants and guests of the Palace. They were gathered a little ways away from the Palace around something, cheering. She couldn't see what was going on from her position, so she moved forward, pushing through the throng of people, who, upon seeing who exactly was trying to break through the crowd, moved immediately to let her pass. Sometimes, being a Princess had its advantages. Finally, she was able to see what all the fuss was about. And finally, she had found Makoto. Ami's eyes went wide, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Makoto and Haruka were practically killing each other! Haruka was in the process of grabbing Makoto from behind and pulling her roughly to the side, where the brunette hit the ground and rolled away, only to hop to her feet in the next instant. Haruka, in the mean time, was making a bee line toward an object lying in the grass but a few feet away. She lunged for it, just as Makoto grabbed for her. Makoto ended up tripping over Haruka's legs and falling flat on her face. Haruka took advantage of the error, by grabbing the...ball? Yes, it was a ball, Ami realized. Oh, no...Ami remembered this game. It was one that Haruka had long played with her trainees. It could be very dangerous and violent, and Ami could not see why they would wish to do such a barbaric thing. Haruka lifted herself up on her free arm with Makoto now pinning her legs down. Makoto was bringing her own leg around to kick the ball from Haruka's other hand, but the blonde threw it in the nick of time, sending it soaring across the ground and through a round hoop that was suspended at one end of the field. Makoto cursed and Haruka cheered, rubbing her arm where Makoto's boot had come into painful contact with it. Another cheer sounded to Ami's left, and she turned to see Michiru waving madly at Haruka and grinning from ear to ear. "How much longer do you think you'll last, Haruka?" She yelled to the blonde. Others around them chimed in, supporting her question. Haruka looked over at her lover, a smirk forming under the dirt that covered her sharp features, "Oh, I think you know how long I can last, Michiru. You should know quite well." Michiru lifted her head high and looked down her nose playfully at Haruka, but said nothing in reply. Instead she looked to Makoto, who was on her stomach, pushing herself up from the ground. "And you Makoto? Are you going to continue?" Makoto stood, gathering her hair back and retying it. "I'm still breathing, aren't I?" Ami inspected Makoto critically. The warrior had a cut over one eye, and the left side of her jaw bore an angry looking bruise, like she'd been hit with something. Ami glanced at Makoto's arm, trying to determine if it might be causing her pain. The brunette didn't seem to be paying it any mind. Ami found herself growing annoyed as the two princesses ran to opposite ends of the field. Someone had thrown the ball to Michiru, who walked out to the center, placing the ball on the ground with exaggerated grace. She sauntered back to the edge of the crowd, looking around to make sure everyone was ready. Michiru then lifted her arm high in the air, watching the two at either end of the field get into their positions. In the next instant those same two were running towards the center as Michiru dropped her arm. It was the signal to start, and they ran with such speed that it astonished Ami. She didn't think that anyone could come close to being as fast as Haruka, but here was Makoto, almost matching her speed. Haruka, of course, reached the ball first though. She dipped down fast, grabbing the object and turning to go backward, away from the rushing Jovian. She must have had some sort of plan in her head, and smiled confidently. That smile dropped away, and the crowd cheered with such ferocity that Ami wanted to cover her ears, when Makoto barreled into the tall blonde, taking hold of both of her legs as she went, and flipping Haruka over her shoulders to land flat on ground behind her. Haruka coughed, the wind knocked out of her, and didn't have time to grab at the ball as Makoto swiped it from her quickly, and though Haruka was already struggling to get up, Makoto didn't move, but threw the ball from where she was standing. 'She'll never make such a throw from that position!' Ami thought, as her she held her breath, watching the ball sail through the air at a deadly speed. It went straight through the hoop, making no contact with the metal at all. Ami's mouth dropped open and the crowd roared praises at the smiling Jovian. Haruka was on her feet and pointing back to the other end of the field, for Makoto to get to her end. She seemed to be saying something mocking, and Makoto shot her a look that said she could take anything the Uranian could dish out. They were comical in a way, and Ami gave a half-smile, but in the next instant she shook it off and looked over at Michiru, who had just returned from positioning the ball again. Ami marched over to her quickly, before she could give the signal. "Michiru!" Ami snapped lowly, as not to let the others hear her, "how can you be condoning this? Makoto is in no shape to participate in such an activity! She was close to dying yesterday!" Michiru just continued to smile her teasing smile and eyed the Jovian on the field. "She looks to be in good shape to me, Ami. Anyway, it's just a game." Ami clenched her teeth, not answering at first, then looking over at Makoto, whom she realized was watching her now. Well, Ami was standing right next to their signal, sot that was to be expected. Ami wanted to growl, she was so frustrated with these people. Well, if Michiru wasn't stopping this, then she would. Ami turned briskly and set out to walk straight out there and stop those two idiots, but she barely made it a few feet before she felt and arm encircle her waste and pull her backwards. She saw ahead of her that Haruka was running at the ball now, but Makoto had yet to move, still watching her. "Move it, Makoto!" Came a voice, shouting right by Ami's ear. This seemed to have some effect on Makoto, for she was running to the ball in the next instant. Ami tried to pry the arm from around her waste, but it tightened all the more. "Now, Ami, stop this. Just watch, alright. Let them have their fun." Michiru was resting her chin on Ami's shoulder, and watching the game, while not letting the blue-haired girl go. "Makoto should not be doing this. She should be in bed, resting. There is no way that she is completely healed yet." "Makoto is more resilient than you think, Ami. Her body is perfectly fine. She's always been physically strong. There are other wounds, though, that you cannot see. Ones that are deeper than any that you saw last night. I would think that those are the ones you should be worrying about." Michiru loosened her hold slightly. "Just because you stayed in her castle for a while, does not make you an expert on her." Ami said, a bit more harshly than she had intended. She didn't know what had even compelled her to say such a thing, but Michiru's familiarity with the Jovian bothered her to no end. Michiru laughed shortly, still speaking next to Ami's ear, while they both watched the two on the field. "Well then, Ami, I know how much of an expert you are in most things, and you're such a fast learner. I heard that you became fluent in Martian in only a month. But, I wonder if a month would be enough time to become an expert on Makoto? I very much doubt that you could do more than I could in a month, which was how long I stayed in her castle." Michiru's voice held a challenge in it that no one could miss, especially not Ami. "Are you trying to make a bet with me?" Ami asked in an amused voice. It was very well known that the Neptunian princess loved to gamble. She took many risks in her life throughout the years. Some even life-threatening. Not many things made her back down, and she loved to meet any challenge thrown her way. Many were afraid to confront her in any way for fear of losing horribly. Michiru was not a woman to be taken lightly. For these reasons, the idea of a bet with Michiru highly intrigued Ami. "A bet? Well, you said it, not me." Michiru was teasing her again. "But since you brought it up..." Ami felt the arms slip from around her waste, and Michiru moved to stand beside her, still watching the two play on the field. They were slowing down gradually, exhaustion evident in their tired faces. "I'll be leaving in a week you know." Ami nodded. "Yes, so I have heard." Ami had indeed heard that morning about Haruka and Michiru returning to their posts in a week. With the incident at the party, all of the security in the Moon Kingdom was being tightened and reinforced with great efficiency. Also, all of the guests were being sent back to their homes, as it was not a good idea to have so many people amassed on the Moon, for it could be a true disaster if it were to be attacked. Usagi's celebration was totally ruined by this, but the Queen tried to reassure her that it was for the good of the Kingdom and that they would find a way to make it up to her. Usagi took it very well, and Ami felt proud of her future Queen when she saw Usagi's reaction and her understanding of the situation. Queen Serenity did issue one other important order as well. All of her daughter's guardians were to remain on the Moon for the next month as planned, if not longer. She'd stated that they would be more powerful if they were together, and that the bonds between them should be strengthened. Ami didn't think that Makoto was going to take this very well, seeing as how she had talked at the ball of wanting to be back home. Ami was actually relieved that she would be staying as planned because she found that she liked it here on the Moon. It wasn't as boring as she'd once thought it to be. Funny how that was, and she didn't know when it had changed. "Then in a month I will return to report to the Queen in person." Michiru turned and quirked an eyebrow at Ami, one corner of her mouth turning upward, "and then I will be expecting to hear a report from you." "Oh, you will?" Ami played along, "And what exactly am I reporting on?" "Makoto." Michiru answered. "I want you to prove to me that you got to know her more in a month than I ever could. In other words, tell me something I don't know. That is, if you can." "What do you want if I fail?" Ami asked. Michiru seemed confused, then she looked thoughtful, as if she hadn't even considered this yet. Finally, she answered, "That contraption that you carry around. I would like one of those." "My computer?" Ami replied. "Is that what you call it? Yes, then, one of those will do." "But you do not even know how to use one, and it takes quite a while to learn." Michiru smiled, "Mmhmm, and that is the other part of the bargain. You are going to teach me to use it." Ami wasn't so sure about that. "You would not be able to share the information with anyone else, Michiru. The Moon Kingdom is not ready for this technology yet. One day, maybe, but not yet." Michiru nodded. "I am quite aware of the laws on Mercury concerning things like this. Plus, that's what makes me want it even more." She grinned wickedly. Ami shook her head, smiling. "Fine, but what do I get?" "What do you want?" Michiru asked. "Um." Now Michiru shook her head and, knowing that Ami was too considerate to ask for anything too valuable, she spoke. "Tell you what, I will give you one of my paintings, or any other work that I have created. You name it, and it will be yours." Ami stared at her, dumbfounded. Michiru never gave away any of her paintings or sculptures. They stayed solely on Neptune. It was very rare that she even showed them to anyone but her closest companions and friends. To actually own one would be quite a privilege. "And there is always the satisfaction of beating me," Michiru smiled down at Ami, breaking her gaze from the field. Ami shook her head, suddenly finding the whole idea ridiculous. Why did she let Michiru lead her into things like this? "I can't accept such a bet, Michiru. This is childish, and you're just trying to distract me from getting Makoto off of the field and into bed." Ami paused after she said that and watched Michiru's face break into a wide grin as the woman suppressed her laughter. "What is so funny? I am right, aren't I?" "Wow, Ami, you move fast," Michiru managed to say. Ami scrunched her face up in thought, and then slapped Michiru on her arm, as realization dawned on her, "Oh, shut up, you know what I meant. She needs to stay in bed so that she can rest. I don't even want to imagine what you were thinking." "Hm, I bet you don't." Michiru's voice was mocking. "Or maybe you can't." Ami was cut off from replying when Michiru laughed as, on the field, Haruka threw the ball over Makoto's head and spun around her, catching it on her other side and running away. The blonde managed to throw the ball, just before she was tackled to the ground by Makoto. She made the goal, and the crowd roared in delight. Michiru turned to look at Ami, expectation in her eyes. "Well?" She asked. Ami rolled her eyes. "It is too silly. Sorry, but no." Michiru bent down slightly, so that she could look Ami straight in the eye. "I think that you want to take the bet." Ami shook her head again. "No. No bet." Michiru nodded, still smiling at Ami. She stood tall again, "You're so cute Ami. I always wanted a little sister." Someone threw the ball to Michiru, who caught it easily. She turned back to Ami. "I'll be back in a month for your report." "I told you," Ami said in exasperation, "I am not making a bet with you." Michiru ignored her and turned toward the field, but suddenly turned back around to Ami. "Oh, and if I might make a suggestion." She put her hand on top of Ami's head, the smaller girl scowling up at her. "Don't use this too much, okay?" Ami looked confused, "What?" "Just trust me. You're too smart for your own good sometimes, Ami." Michiru removed her hand and walked onto the field to set the ball in place again. Ami just looked after her with mild annoyance. The older woman was someone that she usually looked up to, but at times Michiru could be somewhat eccentric. Sighing in defeat, Ami went to find a place to sit. It seemed like it was going to be a long game after all. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Makoto could feel her own heart beating in her ears as she stood weakly in place. She felt that she had just enough strength left to breath now. The woman before her looked to be in about the same condition. Haruka, a woman. It had surprised Makoto to no end when she found this out. She remembered the scene now: She had grabbed hold of the woman, whom she thought to be a man, from behind, bringing her hands around her chest. What she felt there had shocked her into freezing on the spot, Haruka's chuckling became loud in her ears. The woman coughed when Makoto made no move to release her, "You know, only one person is allowed to touch me there, and though you are quite attractive, you really aren't my type." Makoto let her go then, only to stare at her. "You're a woman? But..." "You assumed that I was a man." Haruka finished for her. "It's a reaction that I've come to expect, and one you seem to have been receiving last night." Haruka grinned. "Though I think that I'm a bit better at it than you. Especially since it seems that you've opted to go without binding yourself today." Haruka nodded towards Makoto's chest. Makoto looked to where Haruka indicated, then back up. "Someone left a new change of clothes for me this morning, but there was nothing to bind my chest with. I hadn't considered it a large problem." "Certainly large, but not a problem. You might want to consider going without the usual binding anyway," Haruka teased, her voice amused. "I know I would if I were you." She sighed in a wistful manner, and put her hand to her own chest. "If only I were so well endowed." Makoto had given her a look that clearly said she had no idea what in hell Haruka was going on about, having lost the point already. "Hm, if only," another voice joined in, and Michiru walked into Makoto's line of sight. "I see no problem with the way you are now, Haruka." "You flatter me, Michiru." From then on, their game had only gotten more aggressive. They outlasted all of the trainees, and ended up playing one-on-one. At some point she had noticed that the people watching them were not just made up of the soldiers that were originally in the practice yard, but also many others. They had drawn quite a crowd. Then there had been more specific additions to the crowd that she noted. One example being the small Mercurian now sitting primly in a chair next to Michiru. The disapproval had shone so clearly on her face, that it had distracted Makoto, causing her to miss the signal from Michiru to start. From there on, others drifted in, including two blondes, one of which she recognized as Minako from the night before. The other looked so similar that they might pass for twins. With them came a woman who completely contrasted both with her dark hair and brooding expression. She was the one they called Rei, the Martian princess, Makoto remembered. Now, Makoto and Haruka were both standing in the center of the field, staring each other down. Michiru, with her taunting smile, stood a little ways between them, holding the ball tight to her chest. "Haven't you two had enough?" She asked sweetly. They looked at her in unison, taking some time to answer. Haruka spoke first. "I could do this all night." She said firmly. Michiru looked at Makoto, who nodded in agreement. Michiru studied Haruka closely, then shook her head. "Haruka, my little Uranian princess, I think that if you did play all night, you would never see the morning." She regarded Makoto again. "The same goes for you. Though I doubt you would even see the night, seeing as how you are injured." "It's barely a scratch now!" Makoto replied. "Regardless, the score is tied and you are both worn out. You're just being clumsy now. So, I'm stopping the game here before you make fools of yourselves." "What!" "You can't do that!" Michiru raised a brow and gave them both a half smile. "Oh, I can't, can I? What are you going to do to stop me? I've got the ball." She held it up, trying to bait them. Haruka lunged at her, making a grab for the ball, only to be evaded quickly and pushed roughly to the ground. At that same time, Makoto was coming up behind Michiru, hoping to catch her off guard. She failed, however, as Michiru ducked and swiftly kicked Makoto's feet out from under her, causing the brunette to fall heavily on her rear, her head hitting Haruka in the stomach. Both women groaned, pushing themselves away from each other, while Michiru made her way to the edge of the field, where the others waited. They lay there breathing hard and staring at the sky, feeling their muscles ache all over. Makoto then spoke in a rough voice, "She has quite a kick, doesn't she." Haruka answered with a smile in her words, "You have no idea." -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Ami watched as Haruka and Makoto helped each other up from the ground. The people around them were gradually dispersing, going back to the Palace. Ami stood and thought about the proper way to go about remonstrating Makoto on her behavior. She would not have been half as angry or disappointed with the brunette, had she not gone and pulled a stunt like this. Playing such a violent game the day after she nearly died of being poisoned. She was accompanied by Rei, Usagi, and Minako, who stood near her, watching the two coming in from the field. They had retreated to stand back near the entrance to the Palace, waiting with Ami and Michiru. Haruka reached them first, with Makoto trailing wearily behind her. The look of disappointment Ami shot Makoto, made her look away quickly. Michiru went up to Haruka and put her arms around the taller woman's neck, bringing their lips together in a kiss. When she withdrew, she looked up at the blonde and smiled. "You did wonderful, Haruka." She received a hug in return. Makoto watched them with an indifferent expression. "You're the Princess of Uranus then." It was more of a statement than a question. Haruka looked over at her and inclined her head. "Pleased to meet you." Makoto sighed, her gaze falling on the ground. "I should have guessed sooner." At this, Minako walked over to Makoto and moved so that she could look into Makoto's eyes. "What are you so gloomy about? You played a great game you know. Even if you were injured and you didn't take Ami's advice about staying in bed, and even if she was so worried about you that she spent all day trying to find you." Makoto glanced briefly in Ami's direction and then back down. Minako stood straight, contemplating the woman before her. Then, most abruptly, she pointed a finger in the air, coming to some conclusion. "Oh, I know. You're upset because you didn't get one." Makoto looked up in confusion. "Huh?" She asked the blonde. "Get one of what?" Minako answered by throwing her arms around Makoto's neck and pressing her lips to the surprised Jovian's. There was a long pause from the group around them, as they watched in a mixture of amusement and shock. Then there was a boost in the anger that Ami felt, though she couldn't quite decide whom she was directing it at. Then, there was Rei, pulling Minako away from Makoto with one swift motion and putting herself directly between the two. She glared down at the blonde she held firmly by the shoulders. Makoto stood rigidly behind them, a confused expression on her tired features. "What the hell are you doing! You can't just do that to someone without asking." Rei chastised Minako. Minako looked thoughtful. "Then do you want me to ask her?" She made to look around Rei at Makoto. "No!" Rei growled in response, obstructing her view. "What's got you so worked up, Rei?" Minako asked innocently, putting her arms around Rei's neck now. The Martian's eyes got a little wide, and her face a little red. Her anger was starting to ebb, being replaced by a new emotion. "I know. You wanted one too, didn't you?" Minako leaned forward, towards Rei's face, coming dangerously close. Rei leaned backward, away from Minako, panic in her eyes. "No! Not like this!" She said suddenly, taking hold of Minako's shoulders and pushing her away. Minako's expression changed to one of surprise, as if she hadn't expected that response. "Not like this?" Minako grinned. "Then like what, Rei?" She asked in a sly voice, as though she were taunting a trapped animal. Rei fished around for a reply. "I mean, that is, not here." Her face was very red now. "Not that if we were somewhere else that would make a difference," she rambled, "or that I want one. Cause I don't!" She said with fervor. "I'm not saying that it would be a bad thing, just not with me, or her, or anyone. No, that's not right. What I mean is, you just shouldn't go around randomly attacking people like that. Well, that didn't sound correct either," Rei mumbled, then babbled on, "Michiru and Haruka are lovers, so it's alright for them, but you and Makoto aren't...you know, and you and I aren't...you know." Rei looked almost terrified by this point, and Minako finally put a sympathetic finger over Rei's lips, quieting her rambling. "Yes," she giggled. "I know. I'm sorry, and I won't do it again." Minako looked positively delighted now, and Ami couldn't imagine how she could take such pleasure in torturing poor Rei. Why was she so intent on embarrassing the Martian? Rei removed herself completely from Minako's hold and gathered her wits, casting her gaze around the group. She somehow managed to slip back into her original persona, the brooding air returning. "It is getting late, and the evening meal should be served soon. I supposed that I will see all of you there." She looked over between Haruka and Makoto. "All of you that are able, that is." She then turned smartly and headed straight into the Palace, not bothering to look back. Haruka and Michiru soon followed her, but Minako lingered back with Usagi, whispering something to the other blonde causing them both to laugh. They continued their secret conversation as Ami approached Makoto. She walked straight up to her, arms crossed and chin up. The brunette actually took a step back and seemed to steel herself. Ami hadn't expected that reaction really, but it didn't faze her one bit. "Why are you not in bed?" She asked pointedly. "Because I'm perfectly fine now." Makoto countered. "Regardless of how you think your condition is, I am the healer, and I said for you to have one day of bed rest. You purposefully ignored my instructions." Ami's voice was stern. Makoto paused for a moment. Her tired mind seeming a bit slow in coming up with an excuse, then she finally had one, "I didn't really ignore your instructions. You said one day of best rest. Well, I did get one day. One Jovian day of rest." Ami looked at her in disbelief, doing a few calculations in her head and coming up with a conclusion. Yes, days were much shorter where Makoto was from, but that was completely beside the point. 'We're not on Ganymede.' Makoto looked at Ami with a determined expression. 'But she really thinks that she has a valid excuse.' Ami shook her head in disagreement. "We are on the Moon. It was obvious that I meant a Lunar day." Makoto drew her lips together in a tight line, then looked over Ami's shoulder, then back to Ami. She did this several times before Ami finally turned around to see exactly what was distracting her. Upon turning, she caught the tail end of some sort of silent cheer that Minako was trying to pull off, waving her fists before her emphatically. Ami's glare made the blonde come to a sudden halt and grin. "Lovely ribbon," Ami commented off-handedly, waiting for the woman to leave. She'd noticed it earlier, but hadn't said anything about the red ribbon that held Minako's long blonde hair back today. "Isn't it!" She replied with enthusiasm. Then, laughing shortly and giving a weak wave, Minako tugged on the arm of the giggling girl beside her, pulling the other blonde away with her, toward the Palace. Ami then turned back to Makoto, only to find the space before her empty. She looked around quickly and caught sight of the brunette hastily walking toward one of the doors of the Palace. Just as she grabbed hold of the handle to the door, Ami raised her voice and asked in an amused tone, "Do you have some urgent business in that storage room there?" Makoto froze and took her hand from the door and looking from left to right, probably for another escape route. Finding none, she cursed and started walking back to her tormenter. Ami shivered in the cool wind that blew Makoto's unbound hair across her worn features as she returned to the Mercurian. Night was settling upon the vast field, and she could smell the dampness of evening. Ami loved to be outside around this time, when darkness was falling. Later, she would come back to this place to get some exercise of her own, then she might go back to her room and read a bit. It was usually the same thing each night on the Moon, but she was alright with that. As Makoto stopped in front of her, Ami took a moment to observe the tall guardian, noting how slowly she had been walking and the dejected expression she wore. Deciding that maybe a scolding was not the best way to approach the tired Jovian, she calmed herself and tried a different approach. "Lady Makoto, walk with me...please?" She said, looking into the other woman's green eyes. Makoto nodded and walked with Ami, back to the Palace. Now, she just needed to figure out a way to break the news of Serenity's announcement to her. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Makoto looked down at the woman walking beside her. The news that she'd just received made her angry and annoyed, and she knew that it wasn't right to take it out on the messenger, but she couldn't help it. She was just so nervous to begin with, and then Ami tells her that she's stuck here for the month, or even longer, when everyone else gets to go home. How unfair! Makoto didn't want to be here at all. She should get to go home as well! The Mercurian beside Makoto reflected her mood as she spoke. "It is not as if anything has changed for you, you know. You were to stay here for a month from the start." "That's not the point," Makoto snapped. "Why is everyone else getting to return home, and I have to stay here?" "Because you are one of Usagi's guardians, as am I. It is your duty to do so," Ami said through gritted teeth. "One less guardian will not make a difference. I never asked for this duty." "Then what exactly are you here for? What is your purpose?" Ami fumed, as they both stopped at an intersection in the corridors. "If you consider your duty so worthless then I suppose it does not matter whether you are here or not. I doubt you would be able to defend anyone with an attitude like that." "And you could do better?" Makoto asked sarcastically, raising her voice, knowing that it was not a fair question. Ami gave her a withering look. "I do not have to answer such a question from one as spoiled and selfish as you." Makoto's blood was boiling. She had never been talked to like this before. How dare this little Mercurian say something like that. And why the hell was everyone calling her these things today! She clenched her jaw, trying to find a retort, but failing. Still she searched her mind, hoping to come up with something, for somewhere, a little part of her was actually enjoying the confrontation with the smaller woman. "And I supposed that you like it here, huh?" Makoto asked in a loud voice. The volume of Ami's voice rose as well. "Yes. In fact, I love it here!" "Well, then how can you tell me anything? You have no idea how I feel!" Makoto growled loudly. "Sorry if I am not bursting with empathy for you, but it does not matter either way. We are stuck here, and you had better get used to it!" Ami's fists were clenched at her sides, her face turning red. Makoto's heart was beating fast, her adrenaline pumping. "Why don't you just go to bed or read a book or something!" She yelled. "Why don't you just got to he," Ami stopped mid-sentence, glaring at Makoto. 'Come on, say it,' Makoto thought eagerly, 'say it already.' "Take a bath!" She finished in a huff. Makoto said the first thing that came to her mind. "FINE!" 'That was a great come back.' She commended herself sarcastically. "FINE!" Ami yelled viciously back. "Why do you have to be such a damn superfluously vexing person of subnormal intelligence!" 'What!' Makoto scrunched her face up in confusion, staring at Ami dumbly. "What the hell did you just call me?" She asked in a baffled voice. Ami through her hands in the air, making an exasperated sound, and turned on her heal, stomping off down the opposite hall. Makoto stared after her, not knowing how exactly to respond to that. Then she was even more confused as Ami was suddenly heading straight back to her. The Mercurian stopped in front of her, a raging storm in her eyes. "And thank you for the roses!" She shouted forcefully, her voice still loud and laced with anger. Then, she turned right back around, stomping off once again. Makoto stood for a moment, gaping slightly, wondering if she should wait and see if the woman had anything else to add. Finally, she pulled her senses back together. "YOU'RE WELCOME!" She yelled back vehemently. Her voice reverberated in the dark corridors and her heavy breathing was the only sound after it faded away. Makoto took one long deep breath, at last breaking her gaze away from the hall down which Ami had disappeared. She then turned, heading down a different hall, not really knowing where she was going, but that didn't seem to matter to her at the moment. What mattered was sorting out exactly what she had just engaged in. Never in her life had she had someone speak to her in such a way. She just wasn't prepared for it. Had she actually felt intimidated by Ami? That was ridiculous! Makoto shook her head. Now she didn't want to think about it anymore. She'd find Ami later, or tomorrow some time and...apologize? She cringed at the word. 'What do I have to apologize for?' She thought about it, then frowned. 'I think that I was the one who started yelling first,' she thought critically, 'and I insulted her first...' Okay, so she should apologize. Makoto grimaced at the prospect. Looking around, she wondered where she was. 'Great. Now I'm lost,' she continued to walk, hoping to run into someone soon, whom she could ask for directions. 'Directions to a bath,' she thought with mirth.
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