Makeweight Guardian (part 11 of 13)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Aldsvider

Back to Part 10
A Feeling

Ami's eyelids felt heavy as she glanced over the top of her book for 
what might have been the hundredth time since her mother left the room. 
She couldn't help it, the woman was just so distracting, even if she was 
only lying there breathing. Deciding that the book wasn't really serving 
any purpose other than allowing her to memorize the first few lines on 
page two, she shut it in defeat and leaned onto the table, resting her 
chin on her arm. The room was silent except for the soft murmuring of 
voices coming from the other side of the door, behind her. She could 
just make out Rei's low voice, and the other she guessed to be Minako's. 
They were talking low enough that she wasn't able to make out what one 
was saying to the other. Ami had begun to think that the Martian had 
gotten tired of holding vigil outside the door and that maybe she had 
retreated to bed.

'What a dumb thought. Once Rei has her mind set on something, she sees 
it through to the end.' Ami berated herself.

So Rei would play sentinel until Makoto woke up. Usually, Ami didn't 
have a problem staying awake so long. On Mercury, she spent many hours 
in the library and often lost track of time. As a result, she slept most 
of the day away at times, or she only got a few hours of sleep if she 
had duties to attend to the next day. She let her eyes drift across the 
room to where Makoto lay and watched the sheet covering the woman's 
chest rise and fall with her breathing. 'Funny, she doesn't look like a 
warrior when she's sleeping. It's alright if she doesn't wake up till 
morning. I think I can last that long at least.' Ami sighed tiredly. 
'She needs her rest so that she can get better anyway. I should be 
ashamed for wanting her to wake up sooner.'

The door opened and closed behind her. Ami turned, expecting to see Rei, 
but was surprised when she saw Minako walking into the room. "Oh, hello 
Mina, I thought that you would be in bed already."

Minako smiled, and nodded in greeting, "I'd actually intended on going 
to bed after I finished helping clean up in the Hall, but after I got to 
my room, I felt too restless to even try sleeping. So, I decided to come 
here and see how Makoto is doing, and to thank her for the gift." She 
turned to Ami. "Ah, thank you for the mirror Ami. Seems you're finally 
coping with how vain I am. Being the epitome of beauty isn't easy you 
know. Takes lots of work." She winked and flipped her hair in an 
exaggerated motion.

Ami giggled. "You're welcome Mina."

Minako grinned and leaned on the table, "You won't believe it, but Rei 
broke tradition."

"How is that?" Ami asked, curious as to what Rei did.

"She didn't leave a present for me." Minako's grin dropped away and she 
shrugged, seeming not to care either way.

Ami was surprised at this news. "I don't see why she would do that. Are 
you sure that you didn't overlook it or something? Maybe she forgot?" 
Realizing that her statement might not help, Ami shut her mouth, noting 
Minako's second shrug. She was getting fidgety, and the blonde only did 
that when she was annoyed with something, or someone in this case, Ami 
guessed. If Rei broke tradition, Ami didn't think it was intentional. It 
would all sort itself out in time.

Minako sighed, pushing away from the table and walked over to where 
Makoto lay sleeping. The chair that Ami's mother had occupied earlier 
was still sitting close to the bed, so Minako now sat there. Ami watched 
her closely, wondering what the blonde was up to.

"There's something that I just have to know," Minako leaned over Makoto, 
looking at her closely.

"What's that?" Ami asked.

Instead of answering, Minako reached over and pulled the sheet back, 
revealing Makoto's toned upper torso. "Hm, so that's how she did it. She 
binds her chest. Did a great job of fooling us."

"Well, mother says that most warriors bind their chest. Since Makoto is 
a warrior, it is no wonder that she does so."

"Ah, that makes sense then. Thank you for clarifying, as always, Ami," 
Minako smiled at her.

Ami got up and moved around the table to stand next to the bed, in front 
of Minako, "I was only repeating what my mother said." Ami didn't like 
to let her friends think that she knew everything.

"Same difference," Minako replied, continuing to look Makoto over.

Sighing in defeat, Ami turned away from Minako and checked Makoto's 
temperature by placing her hand against the woman's forehead. Now that 
she was much closer to the Jovian, she tried not to notice exactly how 
well formed Makoto's body was. From a medical point of view, Ami had to 
admit that Makoto was an excellent example of near anatomical 
perfection. It was as if someone had modeled her form directly from that 
of the goddesses themselves. The scars scattered across her tanned skin 
did not mar, but served to enhance the magnificence of her oh so perfect 

She deemed Makoto's condition to be acceptable, and nodded when she was 
done with her examination. Minako, done with her own examination, leaned 
heavily on the bed, chin in her hands. "Hm, no wonder Michiru wanted 
Makoto to model for her," she reached over and traced the soft outline 
of Makoto's abdominal muscles with her fingertips. "She's a work of art, 
in and of herself. A different kind of beauty, compared to me." Her eyes 
took on a far off look, "I wonder if Rei is anything like this?"

Ami didn't really care what Rei's anatomical structure might be like. 
What she did care about, though, was the fact that Minako was still 
letting her hand trail lazily across Makoto's abdomen. If she continued, 
she might wake Makoto up, and Ami wanted her patient to get the sleep 
that she needed now. She was about to suggest that Minako go get some 
rest of her own, when it registered in her mind that Makoto's breathing 
was not the slow and steady rhythm that it was moments before. Looking 
over at Makoto's face, she saw the woman's eyes open slightly.

"Um, Minako," Ami said silently.

"Yeah?" Minako looked up at her, her eyes still distant.

"I think she's–,"

Ami didn't get the chance to finish her sentence, for Minako let out a 
small yelp as she was pulled forward violently by Makoto, who was now 
very awake. Makoto held her wrist in a tight grip, her face very close 
to Minako's. Her other hand was under the pillow that she'd been laying 
on. She seemed to be trying to find something there. Unable to find it, 
she pushed Minako away from her, sending the blonde back into the chair 
she'd been pulled out of. Lifting the pillow, Makoto looked under it 
quickly, and then stopped just as quickly. She looked at the pillow in 
her hand, then at herself, and finally she looked at her surroundings. 
Ami could almost see the realization hit the Jovian. Her eyes fell upon 
Ami, and she put the pillow down, sitting up in the bed in a more 
relaxed position. Minako sat in the chair she'd landed back in, rubbing 
her wrist, hesitant to move anywhere.

Makoto was looking between the two of them. Ami guessed that she was 
replaying the nights events in her mind. Trying to remember what 
happened. She gave the brunette a few moments to gather her wits.

Makoto finally spoke, looking over at Minako, "I apologize if I hurt 
you. It was a reflex, and I didn't mean anything by it. My brain was 
still addled from sleep."

Minako smiled at Makoto, looking more comfortable now. "No worries. I'd 
have probably done, well, something about the same as that I guess." she 
tried to console her. "You've been through quite a lot tonight anyway."

Makoto nodded. "So, where am I now?" she asked in a rough voice.

"You're still in the Palace. We needed to get you somewhere where we 
could tend to you fast, and this turned out to be it. It's small, but 
has served its purpose rather well so far."

Makoto was bending her legs, testing their maneuverability. Satisfied, 
she shifted until her legs were over the side of the bed, her feet 
touching the floor. She still seemed somewhat confused. Ami watched the 
woman bend her arms and flex her fingers, holding them level with her 
face. She then addressed Minako again. "How long have I been out?"

"I'd say, around four hours or so. You slept most of it, after you were 
given the antidote."

"Antidote?" Makoto questioned while rubbing the back of her neck and 
rolling her head to the right.

"You were poisoned," Ami answered, deciding she should explain, "The 
Chimera that you fought was a rare species. You're very lucky that the 
poison acted slowly, otherwise, I doubt that you would be sitting here 
now. It is one of the few that can kill an immortal."

Makoto looked up at Ami, meeting her eyes for the first time. She felt a 
slight jolt in her stomach, and her chest tingled when she breathed in. 
"I don't feel so immortal lately," Makoto stated plainly. They did not 
break eye contact, and Makoto seemed to be studying her.

Ami was looking into the deepest green eyes that she had ever seen, nor 
would she ever see anything like them in another being. Those intense 
and powerful orbs were the last of their kind. The royal blood flowing 
through Makoto's veins would end with her. She was the last of the pure 
blooded Jovian royalty to sit upon the throne of Jupiter, and as Ami met 
that overpowering gaze, it was as if she could see the will of a hundred 
warriors and the weight of a hundred more burdens. Makoto was older than 
she was in many ways. What a shame that there would be no more of her 
kind in this world. Ami felt the loss when Makoto looked away from her. 
It wasn't like Ami to want someone's attention, but she felt a little 
jealous when Makoto asked Minako the next question, though her voice was 
clearer now.

"So then, where's the healer?" She stood up from the bed. "If it's 
almost morning, then I'll need to be getting up so that I can go help 
unload the ship. I'll be needing a change of clothes too."

Ami immediately stepped forward and, placing her hands on Makoto's 
shoulder's, which wasn't easy, considering Makoto's height compared to 
hers, she pushed the tall woman back down onto the bed. "I'm sorry, but 
that is out of the question at this time. You need your rest because you 
are still recovering, and I'm sure that they can take care of everything 
without your help. If you still feel uneasy about it, then I'm sure that 
we can find some extra hands to assist with the task."

Ami now sat on the edge of the bed, her hands folded in her lap. Minako 
leaned on the bed, still seated in her chair. "There are plenty of 
people around here with nothing to do. You shouldn't be worrying about 
that kind of stuff anyway, in your condition," Minako added.

"I wouldn't make my people do anything that I, myself, wouldn't do. I'd 
like an order extended for them to hold off on the heavier labor until 
I'm fully recovered."

"Is that wise? We're more than willing to give you aid, and I'm sure 
that your people will understand that you cannot help them in your 

"We do not need aid. Hopefully, I'll be fine by tomorrow anyway. Now, 
where is the healer, so that I can find out?" She was growing impatient.

Minako giggled and pointed at Ami. "Right in front of you."

"You?" Makoto asked, the surprise evident in her voice.

Ami felt a tad offended at Makoto's reaction. 'Is it so strange that I 
could be a healer?' "I am really just training right now. My mother is 
the one who figured out what was wrong with you, and she also stitched 
up your arm. I just made the antidote."

"Oh, come on Ami. You've been sitting here for a few hours watching over 
her too. That counts for a whole lot." Minako leaned back in her chair. 
"So, what's your assessment of the patient?"

Ami looked at Makoto, who was staring back at her, traces of surprise 
still present on her face. "Are you aching anywhere?"

"No." Makoto's reply was immediate.

"Is that the tuth?"

"N-Yes." Makoto's jaw tightened.

Ami knew that Makoto was lying. It was evident in the way she was 
acting. Her muscles were bound to still be acing all over. She was also 
going to be nauseous from the antidote. Plus, a warrior like Makoto 
would not have so easily submitted to being pushed back onto the bed 
earlier. "I'm going to suggest that you get bed rest all of tomorrow. 
You need to give your body a chance to get everything out of your 
system. Basically, you're still fighting the poison right now., but it's 
dwindled from a war to a skirmish. A fight is a fight, however, and so 
it's bed rest for you," she said with finality.

Makoto did not look pleased at all. Resigning herself to the prospect of 
a day in bed, she sighed, "Well, it won't be the first time I've been 
poisoned. I should be used to this by now, but, you know, I'm really 

Minako perked up a bit, "You've been poisoned before? Exactly how many 
poisonous monsters have you battled?"

Makoto gave a short laugh, "It's not the monsters that I've got to worry 
about. It's the humans. They can be more lethal than monsters in many 
ways. You know what to expect from a monster or beast most of the time. 
Humans are the tricky ones. It would benefit a lot of people to see the 
last heir of Jupiter dead. The opportunities that my death presents are 
just too good. So a portion of the lesser royalty want me killed off. 
Power-hungry bastards with a taste for immortality."

"I hadn't thought of that," Minako said honestly. "You really are the 
last one, aren't you. It must be frustrating."

"It's the only way of life that I've known for quite a while now, so 
I've grown used to it." Makoto acted like none of it bothered her, but 
Ami couldn't help but think that it was a much bigger problem than she'd 
like them to know. From what Ami's mother had told her, Makoto was prone 
to being stubborn, so this was just another form of deflecting other 
people's concern for her. Ami decided to drop the subject for the time 
being and went on to redirect the conversation.

"Um, about the Chimera that attacked you on the way here. How did it get 
aboard the ship?" Ami asked, genuinely interested.

Makoto looked over at her, and Ami could swear that she saw a little 
relief in the woman's features. "It was in a crate aboard the ship. 
Someone back on Ganymede slipped it in somehow. It had to have been a 
group. This has left me wondering about several things. I trust most of 
my people, but I do not know any of the new recruits yet, so my 
suspicion falls on them. I'm not fool enough to believe that all of them 
came with me. I hope that everything is fine back home." Her eyes 
reflected worry, "Someone who knows me. One of them had to be. They knew 
that I'd assume that Chimera to be a species that I'd fought before on 
Io. Of course I would be the one to kill it as well, for I'm confident 
in my skills. So I fell right into their trap. They are smart, whoever 
they are." She had a half smile on her face, almost like she was 
admiring her enemy's thinking.

Ami asked another question, feeling a little out of place next to the 
warrior, "Do you have an idea of who it might be?"

Makoto shook her head slowly.

"Well, they weren't as smart as they thought they were." She stated 
firmly, drawing Makoto's full attention. She was giving Ami a 
questioning look.

Ami gave a small smile, "If they're so smart, then they would have known 
how long it would be before the poison took effect. If they knew that, 
then, taking into account how long the voyage would be, it is a simple 
matter of timing things right. If you had been delayed longer back on 
Ganymede, then you would not have arrived on time, thus, the hours that 
you were at the ball would be spent on the ship, away from any healer 
that might have helped you. Some of the greatest healer's in the 
universe are right here on the Moon." She shook her head. "I can think 
of so many ways that would have almost guaranteed your death."

Minako and Makoto were now giving her strange looks. "I don't think that 
helped, Ami," Minako said with a smile.

Makoto nodded, "You said that she's a healer? Are you sure that you know 
her as well as you think you do?" Makoto asked Minako, her eyes never 
leaving Ami.

Minako squinted at Ami, "Well, I thought I did, but you never know about 
these quiet ones. It's been a while since I've seen her too. About a 
year hasn't it Ami?"

Ami was now blushing, her hands clenched in her lap, "Yes, Mina, it has 
been a year. Sad that it could not have been longer."

Minako giggled.

Makoto suddenly became very interested in Ami's face. She leaned closer 
to Ami, "Uh, are you okay?" Makoto rested a hand on Ami's forehead, 
concern marking her features. "You look a little red."

"Ah, yes," Ami tried not to stutter, "Yes, I'm fine, just a bit tired is 
all." Quickly getting control of herself, she rose from the bed, and 
went to lean against the table, putting some distance between herself 
and the Jovian.

Makoto lowered her hand, frowning. "You know, if you're not feeling 
well, then you should take your own advice and get some rest. I don't 
think you'd like to end up in this bed with me for the next day," she 
said seriously. Ami's blush deepened upon hearing Makoto's words.

Next to the bed, Minako was laughing. Ami couldn't tell whether she was 
laughing at what Makoto said, or her own reaction. "No," she managed 
between giggles, "I think that Ami would be the last person to get into 
that bed with you."

Ami glared at Minako. 'What is that supposed to mean?' She glanced at 
Makoto, who seemed to really be concerned, and then back at Minako, who 
was still laughing. 'Her statements are starting to grate on my nerves.' 
"Shut up Mina." Ami fumed.

"You know I'm only teasing you, Ami. You can be almost as serious as Rei 
sometimes, and that is pretty serious. Lighten up a little."

"This is no time for jokes. Three people are dead, a number of others 
injured, and someone has attempted to kill the princess of Jupiter. On 
top of that, we still don't know why Beryl showed up here tonight." Ami 
tucked an arrant lock of hair behind her ear in a frustrated motion.

"Quit worrying over something that you can do nothing about," Makoto 
said in a nonchalant voice. "Everything's fine now. If Beryl comes 
crashing through that door in a few moments, then we'll wipe the floor 
up with her, otherwise, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, Ami, we killed the monster before it could hurt anyone else. All 
the injured are recovering, including Makoto. As for Beryl, she was 
probably just trying to spook us or something. Sure managed to ruin 
Usagi's birthday." Minako said the last sentence through gritted teeth.

Makoto was nodding her head, "We'd be celebrating on Ganymede right now. 
Any victory, no matter how small, is celebrated."

Minako grinned and leaned forward. "Sounds like my kind of people. Hey, 
I could run down to the kitchens really quick, grab us some wine and 
whatever else I can find." She sounded conspiratorial.

Makoto brightened visibly at the prospect of wine. "Hell yes." She said 
with a nod, looking at Minako.

"Hell no," Ami's voice intoned, breaking through their sudden 
excitement. She felt as though she were dealing with children now.



"You," she said, pointing at Makoto, "Will be resting. You will be sent 
food in the morning, but there will be no wine until you are completely 
recovered." Makoto bit her lip and looked away.

"And you," she merely looked at Minako a moment, before frowning and 
pushing away from the table to stand facing her, "can go do whatever it 
is that you do, so long as it is away from this room."

Minako smirked and crossed her arms. "Alright Healer Ami. I'll humor 
you, just this once, and go do what it is that I do. Which just so 
happens to be getting some sleep myself." She got up from the chair and 
moved to stand beside Makoto. "First, though, I'd like to thank you for 
the gift. They're simply beautiful!"

Ami had yet to find out what Makoto had given her. She knew her own gift 
wasn't much to get excited over. Not knowing Makoto, she had racked her 
brain, trying to come up with logical things that might make good gifts. 
Finally, coming across the medical book one day, she decided that it 
would have to do. It was one of the only medical books of its kind, 
written by a Mercurian and translated into Jovian. A very rare find, but 
would a Jovian appreciate it for what it was?

Ami heard the door open behind her, and turned to see Rei enter, holding 
a bundle under one arm. Minako didn't notice, as she was till taking to 
Makoto. Rei's steps were soft on the carpeted floor. She came to a stop 
beside Ami, observing Minako and Makoto with her calm features.

They were coming to the end of their conversation. "You should get some 
sleep now. Time goes by faster that way. The day will pass by quickly, 
and you'll be back on your feet in no time at all."

Makoto was still gloomy. "You might be right. It's only one day after 
all. That's not very long when I think about it." She gave Minako a 
strange smile. Ami couldn't interpret the expression, but she couldn't 
help but think that she'd seen it somewhere before.

"Sleep well then, Mako." Minako said in a chipper voice.

"Mako?" Rei muttered silently beside Ami.

"I'll see you again when you're fully recovered." She paused before 
going, "Again, I'd like to thank you for the gift." She leaned down and 
placed a small kiss on Makoto's cheek, then turned to leave. Makoto 
looked after her, puzzled.

Ami let out a frustrated breath and looked over at Rei. The Martian's 
posture was very stiff, and she gripped the bundle that she was carrying 
tightly. Her face was passive, but her jaw seemed to be clenched tightly 
shut. Rei was being unusually irritated around Minako lately, like she 
was now. Ami couldn't understand why Minako's action had such an effect 
on Rei, she was only teasing them all a little.

Minako stopped in place when she saw Rei's rigid form next to Ami. "So, 
what was lurking in the shadows Rei?" Her voice was mocking. Ami gave 
Rei a questioning look, and Makoto looked around Mianko at Rei. "What 
does she mean, lurking in the shadows?"

Rei handed the bundle that she carried to Ami, ignoring Makoto. "No one 
was lurking anywhere Mina," she said in an even voice. "A Jovian was 
inquiring as to their princess's condition. They sent a change of 

Ami unrolled the bundle to reveal a set of deep emerald green, silken 
night clothes. She thought that they were beautiful. Makoto, however, 
just shrugged, lying back down.

"I'm to inform the Princess of Jupiter that, due to the fact that she is 
currently staying in the Palace of the Moon, she should wear these to 
bed." Rei paused, then continued, "Also, if she chooses to forgo either 
half of the garment, then she is not to go wandering about the palace." 
Minako giggled, and Ami couldn't help the half smile that crept onto her 
face. Rei continued to look ornery. "Of course, if my guess is right, 
she won't be wandering anywhere if Ami told her not to, correct?"

She looked at Ami, who nodded.

"She does have a name you know," Minako said, once her giggles had 
subsided, "and she's sitting right there. Why can't you just say it 
straight to her?"

"Excuse me if I am not as familiar with her as you seem to be," Rei half 
grumbled, then turned to leave.

"What's that statement supposed to mean?" Minako asked, her voice tinged 
with annoyance.

"Goodnight Ami, You should get to bed soon."

"Hey!" Minako said forcefully.

"Goodnight Mina," Rei said, sighing and opening the door. "See you in 
the morning." She left, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Minako stood there for a few moments, staring at the door. Then, looking 
around at the other two, she said her goodnights and left, closing the 
door behind her with a slight snap.

Ami didn't know whether to feel embarrassed or not by their very un 
princess-like behavior, so she was a little surprised when she turned to 
see Makoto wearing a small grin.

"Are your friends always this amusing?" she asked.

Ami returned the smile. "It's a daily occurrence. That's just the way 
they are. Never in public though. At least, in Rei's case, she would 
never misconduct herself then."

"Yes, well, we all have to put on a show sometimes. Deception isn't a 
skill so easily perfected. This I know well."

Ami's smiled faltered as Makoto's tone changed to something darker. She 
watched as Makoto pushed back the covers, rising from the bed. Ami 
couldn't make herself tell the Jovian that she shouldn't get up, that 
she should stay in bed. Somehow, she believed that, even if she could 
find her voice to tell her, Makoto wouldn't listen. She walked 
confidently towards Ami, no sign that she was injured visible. When she 
finally stopped in front of Ami, her form towered over the smaller 
woman. Ami backed into the table behind her, mentally cursing it's 
existence as the Jovian came closer. Putting an arm on either side of 
Ami, Makoto leaned onto the table, looking into Ami's dark blue eyes. In 
the first instant that their eyes met, Ami actually felt her own 
existence, like she'd never felt it before. It was as if Makoto's eyes 
defined her, read her, made her become more aware of herself. She could 
feel the heat of Makoto's skin close to her own, and her body reacted to 
that closeness in a way that was totally unexpected to Ami. Her skin 
tingled where Makoto's arms barely brushed her sides. It suddenly became 
hard to breathe, and she wondered why her throat felt so tight. Looking 
into Makoto's eyes, she pondered what the woman might be thinking. Her 
motive seemed to be intimidation, but internally, Ami was reacting in a 
completely different way than she, herself, had expected. It was almost 
as if she wanted Makoto to dominate her.

"Were you spying on me tonight?" Makoto's low voice broke through Ami's 
thoughts. Her tone was flat, not accusing. It was a simple statement 
that was probably attached to many other questions and doubts in the 
Jovian's mind. Ami did not understand why Makoto would assume such an 
idea, but she answered her truthfully, keeping her voice as strong and 
even as her gaze.

"We were told that if we could figure out your identity at the ball, 
then we were to keep you company, and make you feel welcome. The Queen's 
request did not imply spying in any way, and we did not realize your 
identity until the battle with the Harpy." Makoto drew her brows 
together in response to Ami's answer. Ami did not know if it was in 
confusion or disappointment. Makoto seemed to be searching for something 
in Ami, who held her gaze steadily, without backing away. Her eyes left 
Ami's, as she looked over the rest of her face. Ami willed herself not 
to blush at being studied so closely. The feelings running through her 
body were as foreign to her as the woman that aroused them, and Makoto 
seemed unaware of Ami's inner conflict. It occurred to Ami that Makoto 
might not find anything strange about such closeness, such an invasion 
of personal space. When one can feel the heat of another's body, their 
breath, the lightest brush of skin upon skin, then it is too close. 
'Much too close,' Ami's mind repeated the phrase several times. When 
Makoto gave no sign that she intended to move, Ami forced herself to 
speak, as if only just now remembering that she had a voice, "If my 
answer does not satisfy you, then you may wish to speak with the Queen 
yourself, otherwise," she laid a hand on Makoto's stomach, pushing her 
gently away, the contact made Ami falter momentarily, when she 
remembered that Makoto only wore bandages and she felt the defined 
muscles tense below her fingertips, but she quickly found her voice 
again, "you need to get changed and return to bed." She looked down and 
away from Makoto, hoping to hide the blush that colored her skin.

Makoto backed away, almost hesitantly. Her hand briefly sliding across 
the spot on her stomach that Ami had touched. At this, Ami unconsciously 
clasped her hands behind her back and looked at anything but the older 
woman. True, Makoto did not physically touch her, but she was shaken 
none the less. 'Was it this warm in here before?' She finally looked up 
at Makoto. The Jovian was watching her.

"I'm satisfied enough," Makoto said, "I don't plan on talking to your 
Queen." Ami noted the way she phrased "your Queen", but said nothing. 
Queen Serenity ruled the entire Kingdom, regardless of whether this 
Jovian recognized her or not. "I'm not saying that I'll trust you or 
anything, though, I just won't question your honesty until I have reason 

Makoto was being blunt with Ami, not letting her guard down. She 
understood the reason for her defensive nature, so her annoyance with 
the brunette was only minor. If Ami was to be on good terms with this 
woman, then she would have to respect her character. Makoto was a strong 
woman, and so, Ami needed to be strong as well in order to earn her 
trust. If she couldn't, well, nothing gained nor lost really. Makoto 
simply intrigued her, for she'd never known a Jovian, and her mother's 
words played over in her mind. She needed to create her own definition 
of Makoto, and she had a month to do it.

Ami picked up the green night clothes from where they lay on the table 
and extended them toward Makoto, who took them with a sigh. "Well then, 
let's just concentrate on getting you better for now." She smiled at the 
suspicious look Makoto was giving her. 'It isn't as if I have anything 
to lose anyway.'

Makoto took the silk garments from the smaller woman. Smaller, yes, but 
that implied nothing of her will. The Mercurian, who appeared so soft 
and fragile, seemed stronger than most men that Makoto had met in her 
lifetime. Usually, most people became fearful and intimidated when they 
locked gazes with her. She could be frightening when she needed to, and 
to be honest, she was slightly discouraged when the woman didn't seem 
the least bit scared. In fact, she looked as if she was mad even, or 
that Makoto was a simple annoyance. She'd even pushed her back. Makoto 
didn't doubt her answer, for she'd seen the truth in her eyes. Eyes that 
held her locked in place until she'd managed to look away, only to 
closely study the soft porcelain curves of her face. Locks of that 
strangely beautiful hair falling in disarray about her shoulders. Just 
when Makoto had a mind to reach out and touch it, the Mercurian spoke, 
and actually pushed her away. That would have to be the second time this 
night that she had been pushed. Maybe the fourth in her life, and by 
such a small woman. 'Her hand was warm...,' she was, surprisingly, not 
angry about being pushed around. 'Why did I want to touch her...,' 
gripping the garments in one hand, she looked over at Ami, 'why do I 
still want to touch her?' She watched Ami move a book and a few small 
bowls and vials into a little bunch near one corner of the table. She 
picked them up carefully, in a sort of proper, neat manner. Her form 
leaned easily against the table, blue hair falling to one side of her 
face, she reached up to hold most of it back with her other hand. She 
looked so delicate. Makoto looked down at the silk garments held limply 
in her hands. "Too delicate for me..."

Ami looked up at her words. A cute smile forming on her face. 'Cute? 
Well, yes, I guess you could call it that.'

"Does that bother you?" She asked.

'If she was angry, she doesn't seem to be anymore.' She felt relieved 
for some reason. "Bother isn't the right word, I think. Some things are 
best admired from afar, and well..." She was struggling to find the 
words, "I'm not the gentlest person around." She tried a smile, 
something she didn't do often.

Ami looked to be caught between confusion and amusement. "That's no 
reason to refuse yourself something that was made for you?"

"Huh?" Makoto stared at Ami for a moment, swallowing hard, and trying to 
think of something to say.

Ami gestured toward the night clothes. "They're still yours, why not 
wear them? From what I have seen, green suits you well."

Realization hit her hard, '"OH!" Makoto said it somewhat louder than 
she'd intended, making Ami jump. 'She's much better at this smiling 
thing. What am I thinking?' "The tailors made these. I didn't tell them 
to make em like this. As long as it's comfortable, I could care less 
what it looks like." Makoto turned, heading for the bed quickly. She was 
finding it harder and harder to speak properly in the common tongue. Not 
being used to it, she kept slipping into her native language, but Ami 
didn't ask her to repeat herself and didn't seem confused at all.

"You must have some very good servants working for you then. They know 
well what suits you."

"Ah, I'm not the one who hired them. Boarder takes care of all that." 
She set her nightclothes on the bed and began removing the cloth binding 
from around her chest. "I don't have time to worry about things like 

Behind her, Ami did something Makoto never expected, she began speaking 
in Jovian, "Don't let Minako hear you say that. She considers herself 
something of an expert in the area of fashion, and will try to outfit 
you with a new wardrobe before you know it."

Makoto spun around shocked, half the cloth binding in her hand. 
"" Had she heard her right?

Ami looked at the floor and coughed lightly. "I know a bit of the Jovian 
language. Did I butcher it horribly with my Mercurian accent?"

"Not at all." Makoto was in awe. "I just didn't think anyone would care 
to know it. It's not used much anymore. Most people have switched to 
using common exclusively."

"Yes, well, I have to admit that Jovian is not the only language that 
I've dabbled in." As Makoto finally pulled her binding free and let it 
drop to the floor, Ami turned completely away from her. "I'm rather 
fluent in Martian and about three other languages." Her voice wavered.

Makoto continued undressing, removing her pants next. "That's really 
something. And here, the only thing that I can read is Jovian. I only 
recently started learning common. I can't even imagine knowing that many 
languages." She was becoming a bit annoyed, talking to Ami's back. "Is 
there a reason you're not facing me? I find it irritating talking to 
your backside." Her voice reflected her irritation as well.

A tired sigh from Ami, then, "I am trying to give you some privacy. I 
was being polite."

Makoto's shrug went unseen, "But I don't care."

"Well, I do care." Her shoulder's were ridged.

Makoto snorted her annoyance, "It's not unnatural to be nude you know. I 
wasn't born with clothes on. If I had, now that would have been 
unnatural. This, however, is completely normal."

Ami still kept her back towards her, so Makoto tried walking around her. 
Ami just looked elsewhere and turned away. Makoto laughed, "You 
Mercurians are strange."

Ami visibly stiffened. "We are not strange," she said defensively, "Our 
cultures are just different."

"Obviously," Makoto said, amused. When Ami gave no sign of relenting, 
Makoto threw up her hands in defeat. She didn't understand it, but what 
Ami said about cultures must be true. Michiru certainly hadn't acted 
this way...Makoto put a hand to her head when a sudden sensation shot 
through it. It wasn't anything painful. Just a powerful, foreign 
feeling. Like she'd suddenly remembered something and just as suddenly 
it was gone, fading away all at once. This had happened before, only not 
so often as it had been lately. It was like someone else's memory was in 
her head, but she couldn't look at it. The key to it always seemed to 
have something to do with Michiru. 'I need to talk to that woman about 
this. She's the one who triggers the damn things.'

She retrieved her silk shirt from the bed, but threw the pants onto the 
nearby chair. She felt uneasy and frustrated now. Wanting a change of 
topic fast, she said the first thing that came to mind. "Why is your 
hair blue?" She pulled the shirt on and began buttoning it. The emerald 
silk was pleasantly cool against her warm skin.

Ami's shoulders relaxed, but barely. "Why is yours brown?" She asked, 
with some sarcasm to her voice. They were both silent for a moment, and 
Makoto allowed herself a half smile as she finished buttoning up her 

Ami corrected herself quickly. "Um, I apologize. That was terribly rude 
of me."

"No it wasn't." Makoto commended her. "I deserve it. Tact isn't my 
forte." It was bothering her, not to be able to see Ami's expressions. 
Makoto liked the various reactions she could get out of the woman. They 
were amusing and new to her. "I'm done dressing now, you can turn 
around." The shirt she wore came down mid thigh, so she figured it would 
be okay.

Ami faced her, realized that Makoto wasn't wearing the bottom half of 
her night clothes and looked at the ground. "It is good to see that you 
will not be wandering around the Palace tonight, I guess."

"Nope, I won't be, so don't worry. In the morning you will not hear 
anything of a half naked Jovian meandering about the Palace."

Ami arched one eyebrow, looking up again, "I'm sure that it would not be 
any more strange than hearing about a Venusian running through the 
Palace with a half naked Martian, shouting curses at the top of her 
lungs, in pursuit." Ami laughed lightly recalling the memory.

Makoto could only half smile at the memory that she did not share, 
ignoring the familiar feeling that stirred withing her. A gloominess 
that was always on the boarder of her being.

"Of course, that was a long time ago, when we were but children." Her 
attention was back on the floor.

Makoto tilted her head. 'Children, eh?' She couldn't even remember a 
time when she'd ever considered herself a child. Had she ever known such 
care-free days? She studied Ami's lowered face, taking note of how soft 
and delicate her features were. Her skin was smooth and white. A large 
contrast to her own tanned skin, of which bore various scars that she 
had acquired from her rough life throughout the years. 'As different 
outside as we are within most likely.' She wondered why she felt so 
intrigued by this Mercurian. Ami should have been no different from any 
other person here on the moon, but she was different, completely so from 
Makoto herself. Earlier in the evening, even wearing the mask, Ami had 
caught Makoto's attention.

'It was that hair. The other Mercurians didn't have hair like that. 
Maybe it's because she's royalty.' Makoto thought, eyes still on 
AmiDiscovering Ami's identity had been a shock. Ami was not quite the 
woman Makoto had imagined to be the princess of Mercury. She'd thought 
her to be weak, but now she was starting to have doubts. Also, her image 
of Ami hadn't been so...well, innocent. Was this disappointment that she 
was feeling now? Was she so unsatisfied because this Ami didn't turn out 
to be a selfish, conniving woman? 'I expected to be greeted with more 
hostility, or something, anything but this.' Makoto wasn't sure if this 
was a good thing or not yet.

It occurred to her that she was now in Ami's debt. She owed her now. 
Makoto didn't much like owing anyone anything. Even so, this was a fact, 
and she'd need to return the favor. Suddenly she remembered what Michiru 
said that night, and realized that the artist owed her too. Double that 
now, if the kiss counted as anything. Why would she do that? And why was 
Makoto so agitated that she'd mentioned it in front of the other 
princesses? This should be nothing to worry over. Makoto had no excuse 
for her own cowardliness in the face of such a small action. What could 
a kiss change? Such a stupid, simple little thing...but she couldn't 
help but feel that she had actually experienced that same moment once 
before. 'Well, that's dumb. I think I'd remember something like that.' 
Thinking back to the time on the balcony, she could feel her face heat 
up. 'Why am I even bothering with this? It's better to forget!'

A light cough brought her attention back to Ami. "I think that I had 
better be off to bed now, and you as well." She squinted at Makoto in 
the dim light, "You look somewhat pale, it is best that you get into bed 
right away. The more rest you get, the better you will feel."

"Hm." Makoto nodded, wondering if she could sleep, with all these 
thoughts floating around in her mind. She looked around for her boots, 
and, spotting them near the end of the bed, went over to pick them up. 
Searching them thoroughly, she was confused when she couldn't find what 
she'd been looking for.

"Are you looking for this by any chance?" Ami extended her hand toward 
Makoto, in it rested her dagger.

Makoto nodded, taking the blade from the small hands that seemed to have 
never held its like.

The rest of your clothes were taken to be cleaned. You will get them 
back some time tomorrow.

"Doesn't matter. I won't be wearing those again any time soon." Makoto 
fell into the bed, tucking dagger underneath the pillow there. Ami 
watched her with a passive expression that Makoto couldn't read. Lying 
back, she felt relaxed, and ignored the slight tinge of pain in her arm. 
She wasn't used to taking orders, and if her arm felt better tomorrow, 
she'd be up when she was ready. Ami was just doing her job, and that was 
good and all, but Makoto had things to do, and something little like 
this couldn't get in the way." Her eye lids felt heavy as she watched 
Ami gather the small pile she'd created from the table. She blew out 
most of the candles in the room, except for one. Ami turned when she got 
to the door and, holding it open, she regarded Makoto for a long moment. 
"Goodnight Makoto, I do hope you feel better tomorrow."

Makoto turned over in the bed, facing the wall. "Goodnight Lady 

Ami hesitated in the doorway for a moment, then, with a small smile and 
nod of her head, she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her. 
She was kind of disappointed that Makoto hadn't used her name, but her 
title instead. 'Oh well, all in good time I suppose. Besides, it matters 
not what she calls me, as long as she gets better.' Ami rolled her head 
from side to side, and continued down the corridor to the stairs that 
would take her to the floor that her room was on. Her stiff muscles 
ached for a warm bath, and she couldn't wait to crawl into bed. 'I will 
definitely be sleeping in today.'

Onwards to Part 12

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