Confessions of Love 'I just don't know what to do. I know I love Minako, but I also know that I'm putting our friendship out on the line if I tell her so.' I was in a Minako induced state of delirium. 'I need some major advice and I need it now.' I then glanced at my alarm clock. "7:30 AM" "Damn," that was the last thing I needed this morning. I wanted to sit in bed, dreaming of my precious Minako-chan, but I also knew that I needed to take my finals in algebra and history. I got dressed in record time, partially by forgetting to fix my hair and put on my makeup. 'Maybe, with luck, I can catch Minako just as I get to the school.' School was the same old drag it usually is, with the exception of the exams, which are just like any test, except for the fact that they are longer, more boring and count a decent percentage of my average. In my case, that would be about twenty percent of my final average. "Mako-chan, what's wrong? You seem a little out of it, today, if you know what I mean," Minako asked with more than a little concern for my state of mind. It would be fine, except for the fact that it's her asking. "Nothing, Minako-chan. I just haven't been getting enough sleep is all," I replied, hoping that she wouldn't notice that I was lying. It didn't work... "Don't tell me that you've been turned down by another guy. I still can't believe that anyone could turn down someone as cute as you," she managed to get out before noticing the game store on the other side of the road. "Mako-chan, why don't we stop in there for a moment? It'd do you some good to get your mind off boys, anyways." "Uh, I need to talk to Ami-chan about the trigonometry homework. I'll catch ya later, though," I managed to get out before making a quick getaway. A few minutes later, in front of the Hikawa shrine 'I just hope Rei-chan has some decent advice,' I thought. "Rei-chan, could you help me with a little problem?" "Hai, Mako-chan," Rei replied. "Rei-chan, I uh... really need your help to tell Minako-chan that I've fallen in love with her," I said while my face was turning a deep crimson. "Mako-chan, relax. All you need to do is tell her how you truly feel. If it is meant to be, it will happen, if not, nothing will happen." "Thanks, Rei-chan." I then ran home, hoping to get a little sleep before the big confrontation. The next morning "WAR CHILD, DANCE THE DAY AND DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY..." 'Damn Sony alarm clock. I could have used an extra hour or two of sleep.' I trudged out of bed, as best as I could, considering the fact that I have only had about three hours of sleep. 'KINO MAKOTO, YOU GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND PREPARE TO EMBARK ON A JOURNEY DOWN THE HALLOWED HALLS OF EDUCATION!!!' I hate having to argue with myself on a Friday, but I'll make myself an exception for this one time. Having thoroughly argued with myself on the virtues of a good education compared to the pleasure of spending an adequate time sleeping, I stepped into the shower without remembering to let the water heat beforehand. Let's just say I got a rather chilly reminder of my need to get a new water heater. By the time I was ready, it was time for me to leave. Go figure... 'Mental checklist: Turn off radio. check; turn stove off; check; remember Minako's lunch, whoops... Damn, I don't have time to go back and get it, so I'll just let her have mine. That should help my chances.' Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a certain inseparable pair in a gold Toyota 2000GT. "Good morning, Mako-chan," Michiru beamed, radiating her happiness to those around her. "Good morning, Michiru-san, Haruka-san." I replied, in the hope that I could maybe get a ride, as well as some more comprehensive advice on what to do about Minako. "Need a lift, Mako-chan?" "Hai, Michiru-san" "Hop in, then," Haruka said. I entered the small sports car carefully, because I still remembered the last time I was in a hurry and Haruka-san gave me a lift. If my memory serves me correctly, I had a slight limp for a couple weeks afterward. "Haruka-san, could you tell me how to inform a woman that you love her?" I asked, knowing that if Haruka couldn't, Michiru could. "Well, um, I just told Michiru how I felt, without any embellishment or decoration. I think that you may be better off being blunt about the issue than by easing your way into the situation," Haruka replied. About that time, we arrived at the junior high school, which was my cue to make myself scarce. "Thanks for the ride and the advice, Haruka-san." I managed to reply. "Anytime, Mako-chan," Michiru replied. 'OK, now, I need to get to trigonometry, after I get rid of the clarinet.' I made my way down to the band room, where I happen to bump into Minako. Literally, I wasn't looking where I was going and I walked into her as she was leaving the band room. "Minako-chan, are you hurt?" I asked while I helped Minako back to her feet. "No, Mako-chan, I'm fine. I'm just surprised, that's all," she replied without hesitation. "Minako-chan, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I didn't have the strength to say it until just now. I love you, Aino Minako, and that is a fact." I stopped there, after I realized that I may have scared her into shock, or something to that effect. "I didn't think you would ever say that to me, but I'm glad that you did. You have to realize that I've also been in love with you for a while, Kino Makoto," she replied softly, before she kissed me. "Minako-chan, don't you think we need to wait until after school before we start doing stuff like this?" I asked, remembering that I don't need to get the two of us suspended from school because of inappropriate behaviour. Suddenly, a couple of troublemakers decided to cause us to have a light dose of misery with our love. "Hey, why don't you two queers take your face-sucking outside so that the rest of us don't catch your disease," was the comment from one uncouth young ruffian. "Why I ought to go over there and give you a nice, well-flattened face for your efforts, after all, I have to give credit where credit is due," I spat in response. I swear that if Minako hadn't been there, I might have killed the little punk. "Mako-chan, let's go to class. Ami-chan and Rei-chan were wanting to talk to us about tonight's sleepover, anyways," Minako whispered in my ear, just as I was going to teach that little punk why you don't mess with Kino Makoto and expect to live long enough to tell about it. "You're right, Mina-chan, I need to ask for some advice, anyways," I replied, while setting my beloved clarinet in my locker. As we walked into first period, hand in hand, I noticed that the whole class was staring at us like we were a couple of freaks, except for Ami, Rei and Usagi, that is. "Good morning, Mako-chan, Minako-chan," Usagi called out in her usual overly cheerful fashion. "It's probably jinxed, now that you said something," Rei joked, in response to Usagi's statement. I sat down beside Minako, as I do every morning, and turned to discuss the menu for the sleepover at Rei's. "Rei-chan, what do you think I need to make tonight?" "Mako-chan, don't go to so much trouble about it. Anyways, I already have everything I want right here," Rei replied, while gesturing towards Ami. At that moment, the loudspeaker came on. "Kino Makoto, Aino Minako, Hino Rei, Mizuno Ami, please report to the office." At this, Sato Keiko, the class socialite, said," Good, maybe those no-good lesbian bitches will get expelled." As a result of Keiko-baka's insolence, Ami-chan and Minako-chan began crying. I don't really care if someone messes with me, but if they mess with my friends, it's a different story. "Why don't you just go back to hell, already?" I managed to reply while attempting to calm Minako-chan down, and Rei was doing the same with Ami. "Mako-chan, I think she got thrown out for bad behaviour," Rei said. At that, Minako and Ami began to laugh. As we walked down the hallways, en route to the office, I began to wonder what it was that they called us to the office for. Upon entering the office, the principal, Ms. Yamashima, motioned for us to be seated. "Ladies, it has come to my attention that you have all openly admitted your homosexuality. I personally have nothing against such relationships, but some of your fellow students have informed their parents, who in turn have contacted me with complaints. If you want to remain in your respective relationships outside school property, that is fine, but if you don't cease and desist from open displays of affection on school property, I shall be forced to take more drastic measures to aid in minimising the damage." I was incensed, to say the least. We get called out of class, just so that silly bitch can tell us that we can't display any signs of our relationship on school grounds. "Excuse me, Ms. Yamashima, but I, my girlfriend and my close friends feel that your decision is not only wrong, it is offensive to us, considering that we all tend to avoid trouble, we all have fairly high averages in our classes, and we are all well liked by our respective teachers." At this point, I sat down and let Ami do the talking. "As my friend was saying,"Ami stated, " we are not troublesome, for the most part. I pose but one question for you. If a heterosexual relationship can be openly expressed between students, why can't a homosexual relationship be given the same freedom of expression?" At this, we all walked out of the office and back to class. On the way to the Hikawa shrine from the school 'I don't know if I can take it anymore. At least I have Minako, which is all I need to live. How are we going to tell her parents?' Oh, kami-sama, she is so beautiful. Let the world go to hell in a hand basket, I have my Minako. "Minako-chan, I love you," I whispered in her ear. "I love you too," she whispered, before she gave me a passionate kiss that even had me surprised. "Minako-chan, I think we're here," I said, after noticing that we had passed the path up to the shrine. "Mako-chan, they can wait a little longer," she said with more than a little mischief in her voice. Suddenly we were interrupted by that familiar gold Toyota belonging to Haruka. "Mako-chan, did my advice work?" Haruka asked eagerly. "Hai, Haruka-san. It worked perfectly," I replied. "What do you mean by advice?" Minako asked. "I asked Haruka if she could help me come up with the right words to confess my love to you," I replied, being more than a little embarrassed. Suddenly Usagi called out to us. "Mako-chan, Mina-chan, Haruka-san, Michiru-san, why don't you all come in to talk?" "It's all right, I need to get home so I can change the oil on my baby again," Haruka called out as she drove away at a torrid pace. "Mako-chan, please come fix something for the bottomless pit, before she starts eating my manga collection," Rei screamed. "I wouldn't eat your manga collection, and you know it!" Usagi yelled. "Anyways, it's way too perverted for me to touch." "How would you know it's perverted if you didn't have some of it," Rei retorted. "Minako-chan, I think we better go stop them from killing each other," I whispered. "Hai, my love," Minako replied, before giving me a quick kiss. 'She's so soft and beautiful. Oh, why does this have to be out in the open, instead of a quiet bedroom. No, Makoto, don't start thinking indecent thoughts until after you get finished with dinner. Note to self: make sure to sleep as close to Minako as possible. Well, that and borrow some manga from Rei-chan.' I walked into the kitchen with the purpose of preparing a nice meal, that is, until I discovered that someone had already done the cooking. I'd guess that it was Ami-chan, considering that she is the only other one of the senshi who can cook something edible. 'I wonder if Rei has any chocolate syrup... No, Mako-chan, remember, no perverted thoughts until after dinner. Better yet, make that after you get to bed. No, that may be in the same bed as Minako, and I don't want to do that, yet. "I need a break," I said to no one in particular. "Mako-chan, why don't you lay down, and I'll give you a nice, relaxing massage to ease the tension," Minako said as she walked into the kitchen and took my hand into hers. 'Oh, her hand is so soft and perfect. I just wonder if the rest of her body is so perfect underneath those pesky clothes. No, Mako-chan, don't give in to the temptation until after you go to bed. I doubt I could stand having to lay there with my goddess above me, reveling in my torture. I can't, no, I won't let her get the upper hand. Then again, it would feel rather nice for a change.' Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a rather off-key rendition of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2). "We don't need no education..."Usagi sang, while Ami was trying to silence her, albeit unsuccessfully. "Minako-chan, don't you think it's getting a little late?" I asked. "Hai, Mako-chan." With that, we slipped off to the living room, where we fell asleep in a gentle embrace. The next morning I woke up to a pretty interesting scene. Let's just put it that way for simplicity. "Odango-head, wake up," Rei screamed as loud as she could, which is pretty loud. "Rei-chan, I don't know about you, but I couldn't sleep with you and Ami-chan screaming all night," Usagi retorted. "Let Usagi-chan sleep, after all, she is still recovering from eating that truckload of ice cream last week," Ami said. "Minako-chan, are you awake yet?" I asked. "Hai, my love," she replied with a little kiss on the cheek. "You do realize that we need to tell your parents soon, don't you?" I asked. "Hai, and you're going to be the one to break the news to them, are you not?" "Hai, Mina-koi, and you're going to back me up the entire time." I replied. She responded by giving me one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. 'Oh, kami-sama, don't let it stop.' I was speechless, to say the least. "Minako-chan, Mako-chan, do you two have something that you want to share with us?" Usagi asked. It's amazing how dense she can be at times. "Usagi-baka, haven't you figured it out by now? They are in love, you fool!" Rei screamed in that tone she only uses on Usagi. "Oh, like Mamo-chan and I are. I see, now. Congratulations, Mako-chan," Usagi said. "Excuse me, but Mako-chan and I have some shopping to do, so we need to go now if we're going to miss the crowds. We'll see you later," Minako said. "Minako-chan, I didn't know about any shopping trip," I whispered. "Mako-chan, just play along, it'll get us some time to ourselves, and I know how you've been wanting to slip away from everyone for a nice romantic dinner, or something," she whispered. "Sayonara, everyone," I said, while taking my darling Minako by the arm and walking out the door. 'Now to deal with the hard part, her parents.' I had to brace myself mentally for the challenge ahead of me. Minako's parents can be a couple of hard-asses when they want to be, and I suspected that this would be one of those times. "Minako-chan, I think we need to tell your parents before this relationship goes any further than it already has," I said with more than a little uncertainty in my voice. "Hai, Mako-chan. We need to get this off our chests before we start removing other things from them," Minako replied. 'I wouldn't mind getting helping to remove some stuff off her chest, but that's just me. No, you silly baka, don't get those perverted thoughts in your head now. It'll make being with her even harder than it already is. Damn, you already have to restrain yourself from ripping her clothes off every time you get within ten feet of her, and what makes you think that thinking those thoughts will make things any easier on you.' I can't help arguing with myself when it comes to my darling Minako. I guess it comes with the territory. "Mako-chan, when we tell my parents, do you think they'll be mad at us?" Minako asked. "I don't know, but whatever happens, you know that I'll always love you," I said softly, before I picked her up and carried her down the steps from the shrine. 'I have a feeling that she is really enjoying this part. Then again, I don't mind, myself. Now, if only we were going into my apartment, then things would be interesting.' I set my goddess down gently, after we reached the bottom of the steps, where our pre-arranged ride was waiting. "Good morning, Minako-chan, Mako-chan," Haruka said as she came around to open the door of her new Subaru Impreza STi wagon. "Good morning, Haruka-san. Where's Michiru-san?" Minako asked inquisitively. "She was pretty tired, so I decided to let her sleep in this morning. We had a unusually long night, last night," Haruka replied. Minako and I got into the back seat, so we could talk without either one of us being in pain from the neck-straining forces caused by Haruka's constant disregard for the traffic laws. "Mako-chan, are you sure this is safe?" Minako asked. "Hai, Minako-chan. The worst thing you have to worry about is when she comes to a traffic light. If it's red, worry. If it's green, hang on to me and pray that someone's not in Haruka-san's way," I replied. "I heard that, but since I think you two are cute, I'll let it slide this time. So, where do you want to go today?" Haruka asked. "First, we need to go by Minako's house to let her parents know about our relationship. Then, we need to go shopping to find her some new clothes and maybe a little more revealing set of lingerie, for those times. After that, back to my place, so I can prepare a nice romantic dinner," I replied. "OK, you girls need to strap in tight, because I just put a new turbo on this little seductress that boosted my power output to a little over 500 bhp. By the way, Mako-chan, if you want to know how to be more like me, there is a really good American magazine called Car and Driver that is really informative. I really think you might like it," Haruka said, even though about ninety percent of it went in one ear and out the other. "Mako-chan, what does all that stuff mean," Minako asked, while expecting me to have all the answers. "It means that this thing should run like a bat out of hell, and sound a little like one in the process," Haruka answered for me, which saved a lot of embarrassment on my part. "I see, now. You were saying that this is a really fast car, right?" Minako asked, while we were fastening the six point Sparco safety harnesses. "Yeah, that's one way of putting it," Haruka replied, just before starting the aforementioned Subaru. I was slightly scared at this point. I don't know whether it was the fact that it was Haruka driving a 500 bhp Subaru, or the fact that she's listening to Rammstein while driving. "Mako-chan, what are you going to say when we get to my house?" Minako asked. "I haven't got a clue. I guess I'll just tell the truth, and if they get all pissed, they can just deal with it, because I love you and nothing will ever change that." I replied just as Haruka decided to pitch the little Subaru sideways as she turned into Minako-chan's driveway. "We're here, folks," Haruka said in an unusually cheerful tone. "Thanks, Haruka-san. We'll be out in about half an hour, so if you want to go home for that time, you're more than welcome to. Then again, you can always come in for additional moral support," Minako said really fast. "I think I'll go in with the two of you. Anyways, you may need a little help moving your stuff," Haruka replied. As we were walking into her house, I couldn't help but feel that feeling of impending doom that you get when you know that something is going to go way out of whack and you can't do anything to stop it. As luck would have it, we were greeted by her mother as soon as we walked in, or as some would put it, waltzed in. "Minako-chan, I see that you brought some friends over. Why don't you show them into the living room. I'll be there in a moment, as soon as I finish washing dishes," Aino Ayeka said in a warm tone. "Mom, we need to talk," Minako replied in a really stern tone that doesn't suit her at all. "What is it, dear?" Mrs. Aino asked questioningly. "Is it because of one of those silly boys at school. I told you to hold off on dating, but, no, you just have to go out and get your heart broken by one of those silly athletes, not like Mr. 'I've dated every girl within a fifty mile radius' over there is any help,"she said while pointing at Haruka. "Excuse me, Mrs. Aino, but let me clear up a couple of facts for you. First, I am a girl. Second, I wouldn't betray my Michiru for anything, and if you even insinuate that I am one of those love them and leave them types, I swear that I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth and make sure you suffer a horrible and rather painful death," Haruka spat venomously. Let me say this, I was in a room with two royally pissed women, and from the looks of it, neither one was going to back down any time in the near future. "Minako, dear, you aren't going to tell me that she is what you are here to discuss," Mrs. Aino said while glaring at Haruka, who was too busy reading the latest issue of Car and Driver to care. 'I guess that I may throw gasoline on the fire, just this once. It'll be worth it just to kiss those soft lips again. Then again, the look on her mother's face will be enough satisfaction. Damn, Makoto, when will you get it through your thick skull that listening to Haruka isn't always a good idea.' I then leaned over and gave my love a nice, passionate kiss that would have been fit to go in one of those sad, romantic movies that Ami-chan is always watching, at least, when I visit, that is. "You are a bloody lesbian! I would expect it from someone like Ms. 'I wanna be a guy' over there, but never from my beloved daughter. Why, Minako, why?" was the response we got from Mrs. Aino. I guess that some people are too damn stupid to realize true love when they see it. "Excuse me for breaking into your chewing out my beloved, but let me set something straight here, I don't really give a rat's ass about what you think of me, or my relationship with your daughter, but will you at least have the decency to leave Haruka and Minako out of this. I love Minako dearly, and I don't want to see her hurt, especially by her own mother's words. If you'll excuse me, I think I've had my say in the matter," I said with more than a hint of hatred in my tone. If it wasn't for the fact that I actually don't like beating people to a pulp, she would have been a shapeless blob on the floor. "Mako-chan...," Minako started. "Minako, I forbid you to see this woman and her co-conspirator in this evil scheme," Mrs Aino spat out. "No. I absolutely refuse to follow that directive, and if you have anything against it, you can deal with Haruka-san," Minako calmly replied. "Don't look at me, I'm only here to drive her around and to help her move her stuff, if you boot her out," Haruka said. "Well, I'm glad that someone has some sense, because I am most definitely demanding that Minako leave with her belongings by sundown, and don't forget to take that damn cat," Mrs. Aino hissed. Well, I, being the wise being that I am, decided to get a head start moving Minako's stuff. 'It's a good thing Haruka has a wagon as her second car, even if it has a 0-100 km/h. time similar to that of a Mercedes Benz SL65 AMG.' Let's just say that Haruka also had the same idea, and we were both stopped by the same bitch who happens to have supplied fifty percent of my beloved Minako's genetic code. I think she must have been on her period, or something. I'm just glad Minako isn't that way. "What do you two think you're doing?" Mrs. Bitch, I mean Aino asked. "We're going to get Minako's stuff, since you obviously don't want her around anymore," I said politely, with a hint of annoyance. "Mako-chan, let me help you get my stuff," Minako commanded. "No, I'm the leader today, and I say that you need to wait in the car and I'll be out in a minute," I joked. "OK, Mako-chan, but I'll have my revenge tonight," Minako purred. "Excuse me, but you two can have your little lovers quarrel in the car. Unlike you two, I skipped a race to be here, and I expect to get something done. You two do realize that JGTC drivers like me don't work cheap," Haruka quipped. "You're the Haruka Tenoh, the one who has been dominating the JGTC for the past two years, and you're here to help my daughter move!" Mrs. Aino exclaimed. "Uh, yeah. It certainly wasn't to see you," Haruka said with the air of someone who has to explain the obvious to someone. "By all means, I'm sorry to have offended you earlier. Please, make yourself comfortable," Mrs. Aino said. "No, she's only here to help me move in with Mako-chan, and that's all she'll be doing here. She's already taken, anyways," Minako snapped. "Minako-chan, let's just get your stuff while your mother is occupied with Haruka-san," I whispered in her ear. "Oh, good idea," she whispered back. At that, we slipped upstairs and began to pack Minako's things. Not long afterward, Haruka-san came up and began carrying Minako's clothes out to the car. Nothing really happened until the question of taking the bed and the dresser came up. "Mako-chan, we won't need those things, after all, we'll be sharing a bed," Minako said. "What if you kick me out of the bedroom, then where will I sleep?" I asked in reply. "Do like Haruka-san, sleep on the couch," Minako replied. "Excuse me, but I haven't gotten sent to the couch since the time I kissed Usagi at that party last week," Haruka joked, because she actually got caught trying to flirt with Rei-chan about three days ago. "I thought that was over spending more time with your car than with Michiru," Minako said. "Hey, I thought I told her not to tell anyone about that," Haruka said. "Excuse me, but what are we going to do with Artemis while we're shopping?" I asked. "We can just drop by your place and unload the car before we go shopping," Haruka suggested. "I guess that'll work," I said, while wondering how Artemis will get along with me, after he catches Minako and I while we're busy. I was interrupted by that aforementioned white cat. I'm just glad that he isn't Nazi-esque, unlike another cat I know... "Excuse me, but what are you doing moving Minako's stuff, and where is my food bowl?" Artemis asked. "For your information, you, as well as Minako, have been evicted because of her coming out of the closet with her homosexuality, and, as a result, you are moving in with me," I said. "Just don't keep me awake, all night. Cats need sleep, too, you know," Artemis joked. "Yeah right, Arty. I know about you sneaking off to visit Luna at odd hours," Minako quipped. After this, we began to make quick work of the arduous task that is packing up all of Minako's things and placing them in a small Subaru wagon. After we finished, we piled into the car, cat and all, and made a beeline for my place, to unload all of Minako-chan's things. After that, we went on to the mall. In front of a game store in the mall "Mako-chan, can we please go in there?" Minako asked with those all too kawaii puppy-dog eyes and that little pout that can melt even the hardest heart. "After we get done getting some new clothes," I replied. At this, I grabbed Minako by the arm and dragged her into one of the clothing stores. Just because I am in the leading role in this relationship doesn't mean that I don't enjoy looking as feminine as possible. I love wearing skirts and all those frilly little doodads. It's just a personal quirk, I guess. "Mako-chan, how does this look?" Minako asked while holding up a beautiful orange dress that fit her personality perfectly, if I do say so myself. "It looks perfect for you, if I do say so myself. However, you need to try it on, first,"I said in response. I saw the perfect dress for me. It was a beautiful dark teal-green that was ravishing to say the least. Haruka would say it was British Racing Green. "Hey Minako, how does this look?" I asked while picking up the dress. "It looks beautiful. Why don't you come with me to try it on?" Minako asked. "Sure, we can share a dressing room," I joked. "Hey, how did you know that was what I was thinking?" Minako asked. "Lucky guess, I think," I replied. "Where did Haruka go?" Minako asked. "I think she had to go get a turbo or something at Kameda-san's garage. Don't worry, she had that motorcycle strapped to the roof, so she could go down there without leaving us stranded. I have the keys to the Subaru in my pocket," I said in reply. Well, we continued on in that fashion for another hour or so before getting around to the game store, as I promised Minako-chan. As we walked in, I noticed a couple of games that caught my eye. Let's face it, I am not totally opposed to gaming, which my PlayStation 2 is a perfect example of. I really like Final Fantasy X-2 because of all the eye candy. "Mako-chan, why don't we get this one," Minako asked while holding up a copy of Gran Turismo 4 for the PS2. "I always knew you had a thing for racing games," I joked. "Sure, I'll buy it for you, but you'll have to pay me back later." "I'm usually broke, though," Minako replied. "I have my ways of extracting payment," I said coyly. Well, we each ended up getting a couple of games. I got a copy of 'Star Ocean: Till the End of Time' and 'Kingdom Hearts', considering the fact I haven't played either one, yet. Minako got 'Gran Turismo 4' and 'Need for Speed Underground 2'. I still don't see why she likes racing games so much. Maybe it's because they're good for a quick bet or something. I honestly don't have a clue. "Mako-chan, can we stop by the music store before we leave," Minako asks, with a rather suspicious smile on her face. "Yes, I've been meaning to stop in there, anyways," I replied, as Minako began to drag me into the music store. 'OK. I just need to find some good, easy listening music, so I don't have to listen to Rammstein on the way home. Ah, yes, Jethro Tull will do nicely.' I have a thing for classic rock, as the large stack of cds I carried up to the counter proved. Well, it wasn't that large. I only got Pink Floyd's The Wall, Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick and Minstrel in the Gallery and David Bowie's Space Oddity, and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. I didn't let Minako pick anything out because she ran my budget dry at the game store. Hey, at least KH is cheap, now that it's been out for a couple of years. "Minako-chan, I think we need to go home now," I said softly, after noticing Keiko-baka's grand appearance in the store. "Well, if it isn't the whore and her little bitch," Keiko shouted for all to hear. "At least I have taste, which is something you are definitely lacking in," Minako countered. "Minako-chan, we should go home. I'd like to make baka over there jealous when she sees us getting into that new Subaru that Haruka-san so graciously loaned us," I whispered. "Ooh, is the little bitch scared?" Keiko asked sardonically. At that, Minako and I calmly walked out to the car and drove off, leaving four nice, wide patches of rubber to show that we had been there. Of course, Keiko was probably green with envy as we drove off, but who could blame her. Especially when she looks like she would gain a little beauty if she was hit with a Mack truck. 'Now for the calm music to settle my nerves' I then placed my faithful copy of "Dark Side of the Moon" that I always keep with me, in case of emergency. "Mako-chan, I'm starting to get a little hungry," Minako said. "Don't worry, darling, I'll make some nice, warm miso soup as soon as we get home," I replied. Well, things were uneventful after that, I made dinner for the three of us, including Artemis, that is, cleaned the kitchen and had a little fun with Minako. Overall, not a bad night's work. The next morning 'What time is it?' 10:38 A.M. "Damn! I need to call Haruka and ask her to pick up her baby." I exclaimed.. "What is it, honey? Can we play some more, because I want to," Minako said, while rolling over in a half asleep daze, which thoroughly exposed her breasts. 'No, Makoto, you do NOT have Minako for breakfast. She is your lover, not your life. OK, maybe she is your life, but you won't take advantage of her until she is fully alert. Damn, I like this view, just fine. Arguing with myself on whether to have sex or not is extremely tiring. I should know, I have to do it all the time. I just gave up and took a nice, hot bath to ease the stress of the previous few days. 'NOW, I can get some peace, even though I wouldn't mind having it disturbed by Minako-chan.' At that moment, Minako walked into the bathroom, in her pristine glory. Yeah, she's hot. "Mako-chan, do you mind if I join you?" she asked. "Uh... yes, you can, if you don't mind a little playing around," I said as sensually as I could. At that, Minako stepped elegantly into the small bathtub and positioned herself behind me, so I couldn't be tempted any more than I already was. I'm going to skip the graphic descriptions because I don't want to state the obvious. Yes, we had sex. That's all I'm going to say on that. Well, we went off and did our own thing. Minako played the PS2 and I cooked all day. We are completely boring when we're not being taunted by Keiko-baka, or in bed together. About this time, a certain black cat and her odangoed owner showed up for dinner. "Hi, Mako-chan, Minako-chan," Usagi called out as she stepped in. "Why did you bring the Nazi along?" I asked, as I saw Luna, who was carrying a Nazi flag and chanting "Heil Hitler" while marching around the living room. "You know how she is when she can see Artemis," Usagi started. I really wasn't listening, so I chose to go back to my cooking. It was an uneventful dinner, except for Luna stating that she is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. You know, I can actually believe that. Well, other than that, it was uneventful. After Usagi left, with Stalin the cat, in tow, Minako and I got into bed and we said the same the same thing to each other, at the same time. "Aishiteru, my love," we said to each other. Fin (Until further notice, that is) Well, I think I did a decent job. I spent a week on this thing, so it should be decent. I haven't gotten any sleep in three days and I haven't checked the email since Monday night. I may write another chapter or two before I have to go back into school, but that depends on whether I finish War and Peace in time. Thanks for reading. C-chan
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