Makoto found herself wandering the streets of Tokyo, with no clear destination. She felt that she needed to get some advice, but couldn't think of someone to ask. Lost in thought, she felt herself stopping before a tall, impressive building. She looked at it for a long moment before she realized she was staring at the building Haruka and Michiru lived in. She looked up towards the rooftop aquarium, then down to the pavement. Steeling herself, she entered the building. ********** Haruka answered the door, dressed in fawn-colored suit and black t-shirt. She looked surprised, but not unhappy to see Makoto standing there. "I'm sorry to come unannounced, Haruka-san, but I need some advice." Makoto licked her dry lips. "Please come in, Mako-chan. It's no trouble. Can I get you some tea?" Brushing off Makoto's protestations of being too much trouble, Haruka led the younger woman into a sparsely furnished room. Mako-chan sat stiffly on a chair, while Haruka moved into the kitchen. Makoto could hear sounds of cups and water, but couldn't focus her mind on them. Haruka entered with a tray. She served Makoto and, taking a cup for herself, arranged herself languidly in the window. "What do you need advice about?" Haruka asked. Makoto looked around her, a little uneasy. "I'm very sorry, but I just don't know who else to ask, and..." she tapered off miserably. Haruka waited in silence, letting the younger woman speak at her own pace. Makoto took a deep breath. "It's about a woman," she finally managed. She couldn't bring herself to meet the older woman's eyes. There was a long silence. Finally Haruka spoke. "I see." she said, barely hiding the smile in her voice. Makoto could feel herself blushing and it made her angry. "I don't know what to do!" she raged. Haruka swallowed more tea, allowing the cup to mask her grin. "And you thought I might be able to help you?" she asked. Makoto had no idea what to say. Yes, you're the only lesbian I know? What can I say? She looked up and found Haruka smiling openly now. Makoto thought to herself that she had not seen Haruka smile that openly, that often. The older woman looked at her watch. "Michiru is out swimming, but she'll be home soon. Why don't you stay for dinner? This way you can get the benefit of her wisdom, as well." Makoto blushed even more deeply, but smiled with relief. Haruka understood, even if she *was* teasing her. Haruka moved out of the window and began to refill their cups. "So, Mako-chan,do I know her?" Her voice was smooth, uninflected. Makoto nodded. "Minako-chan." she said simply. Haruka nodded. *I'm not terribly surprised,* she thought. "Well, then, what advice can I offer you?" Makoto thought about it. "What do I do? I mean, what do I say?" She stopped speaking, breathed deeply, then said. "I want her to see the real me, but I also want her to be attracted to me. I know she likes you, but I don't want to pretend to be something, someone else." Haruka looked at Makoto, noting her powerful form slumped in an uncomfortable chair. "Then just be yourself." She pointed to a low sofa. "Why don't you sit there? We only keep that chair around for people we don't like." Mako-chan looked up and smiled, happily. I guess that means we're friends, Makoto thought, as she moved to the much more comfortable cushions on the sofa. Pulling her legs underneath her, she snuggled into the cushions and held her cup tightly in both hands. Haruka smiled at this. This was the same motion Michiru made just before she said something profoundly moving and completely non-sequitor. "I'm sorry about punching you, about before, Haruka-san." Makoto stared at a painting on the wall, of a stormy ocean. "We got off so badly and then there was never time to talk about it..." Her voice faded. "I'm very sorry." Haruka nodded, her face serious. "It was my fault. I should have never allowed it. I should have never...well, that's all old business." She waved the topic away. "You are strong though. I was very impressed." She watched the color rise to Mako-chan's cheeks. "I don't mean that as an empty compliment - or as a way to label you. "Mako-chan, the 'strong' girl," you know. I mean it as one Senshi to another." Her voice lowered with intensity. "I know you are part of the Inner Senshi, but your planet is considered an outer planet in the solar system. It is the largest planet and has the most powerful gravity, except for the Sun. And it is named after the most powerful Roman god. You are like an Outer Senshi. You are the strongest of the Inner, almost as if one of the Outer Senshi needed to be with the Inner, to protect them and watch over them. I have always considered you one of us." Haruka turned to look out the window. When she spoke, Haruka's voice was soft, troubled. "I'm sorry I treated you badly when we met. What we did to probably seemed like we were using you as bait. We didn't mean to do that and I'm sorry." Makoto stared at the older woman, realizing for the first time how deeply Haruka had been conflicted by that episode. What had they gone through? And then realizing that they had the talismans all must have been like despair. "No, you were right. And you were right that we are different, weaker in some way." *We, us, its still Outer/Inner. Will we never just be Senshi?* Makoto protested, but Haruka shook her head, her eyes bright. "No, we were *wrong.* You are not weaker, not in any way. And you," Haruka smiled again, the intensity of the moment lost, "you are the strongest of the bunch. It's not everyone that gets through my defenses. Remind me never to get you mad." Makoto giggled. "So, now," Haruka slapped a hand on her leg. "back to your "problem...." " Makoto sighed, relieved. It seemed that a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She felt...light. Coming here was the best thing she could have done.
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