Lost With You (part 9 of 9)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by bradam

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Author's note: I know nothing about shrines and stuff like that, so please forgive me in advance for every messed-up detail and description I'll make in this chapter.

Tokyo airport, 9.19 AM.

Sat perfectly still, the deep dark eyes fixed on the air before her, that perfect creamy complexion, those long silky pitch black hair falling down her back so shiny, the young woman looked like a perfect Japanese doll. And her traditional miko's red and white clothes gave her that air of peace and wisdom, and everyone walking in the waiting area couldn't help but stop right there for a second looking at her in awe. No one though could see the troubled mind behind that peaceful exterior.

And troubled it was, cause that doll-looking young priestess, an image of beauty and composure had a temper many had tried to tame and no one ever succeeded. And her temper had always been the problem. Right then, for instance, she was trying to keep herself from going looking for her hopeless grandfather she was sure was bothering some pretty girl, and scolding him.

In her mind she rolled her eyes. She loved the old man, he had been a mother and a father for her, he had taught her all she knew, he had helped her to find and learn how to use her gift and become a well-known fortune teller. He had been there when her own parents weren't too engrossed in their petty quarrels and their brilliant careers. But... that man was unbelievable sometimes! He always chased every skirt he saw. He could embarrass her in front of her friends beyond imagination. He was harmless and probably enjoying her reaction mostly. But yet...

She stood, she decided to take a walk, maybe she could find something to distract her mind from the travel ahead.

Walking down the aisles full of shops she observed people, it was so weird, she helped people all the time at the temple. Like that strange girl who came in the very morning they were supposed to leave to New York and meet Rei's father. She had ran up to the shrine in tears and had asked for Rei. She had told her she had woken up terrorized by a dark presence from her dreams. She said an evil spirit was about to make her do something terrible. Of course Rei was immediately in front of the holy fire looking for an answer... and indeed there was a malignant presence hovering around her and in her. Rei wasn't one to retreat from a difficult task, so she concentrated gathering all her inner energy and performed a cleansing ritual. It took her several hours to dispel the presence and she wasn't even sure she had completely succeeded, and of course her grandfather, Yuiichiro and she lost their reservations, but her duty always came first. That wasn't supposed to be such a big deal, but something happened that morning... she had faltered, she doubted she was fitting for the job, that presence was so strong and malignant she had almost lost herself in that darkness. She had almost lost. And if there was something Rei hated in life was to lose and... to doubt

She hated insecurity, she was a confident person, with her own strong opinions and she hated when people were insecure, they lack of personality... they irritate her. Well... they used to. Cause a couple of years ago a very self-conscious, insecure, shy person came into her life and nothing has been the same since then.

Now, lost in these thoughts she had come to a stop. Her feet had led her and now the person in question was right there in front of her. The first instinct was to scold the grown young man for being sat on the ground of the departure area of the airport, getting his traditional clothes all dirty. And to reprimand him about his inappropriate behavior, in fact he was engaged in a very noisy game with two little kids. But she didn't act along with her first instinct.

Actually she stopped where he couldn't see her and watched. At first that scene was weird: this tall, strong built man, with tanned skin from the hours spent outdoor caring for the temple's garden, with long ruffled brown hair, a couple of days of beard shadowing his hard features was making strange noises like animals cries and cartoons voices. Some could think he was making a fool of himself, and Rei had thought that when she didn't know him yet, but she had come to knew him quite well and now she knew better than looking at him with judgmental eyes, now she would rather look at the two kids. And she saw them laughing so hard they had tears of joy in their eyes and their parents' smiles enlarging by the second.

She realize a smile had crept up her lips too. Yuiichiro was so cute sometimes... but – oh boy! - he could irritate her so much too. They were so different, like they were from different planets. They cared for different things, they liked different stuffs, they had unlike backgrounds, very diverse families and education, they were so different that sometimes she had even thought they spoke different languages...

Can you love someone so different from you?

Her father said you can't... but then again what would he know about love? His marriage had lasted just the time to make a child he used to see once or twice a year, and every time he talked about his wife he used words of contempt though - in the end - it was clear he couldn't care less.

"Can you, Hino Rei?" She murmured to herself.

Thirteen days later, at the cave.

As they arrived at the cave Michiru sensed immediately the heavy atmosphere lingering, it was something familiar, it was the same feeling of impending tragedy she had known when Haruka had been on the doctor's pallet, and she herself had been sat there caressing and soothing.

Soon the trio split in two, Mina walked to Serena who was near the pallet with the saddest look on her face and hugged her. Haruka and Michiru instead headed towards the secluded spot Haruka usually shared with Setsuna and Hotaru.

While Setsuna filled them in with what happened Michiru caught a glimpse of Darien who looked a little shaken. They had never seen him showing any stress, always preoccupied of calming his crying-inclined girlfriend. Now he was absently buttoning up a clean shirt his look lost in front of him. Michiru shivered at the scene and turned away, returning her attention at the two in front of her.

"Are you OK?" A frowned look from Haruka was followed by the question.

"Sure..." She answered not very convincingly and the frown didn't disappear from the blonde's face, but nonetheless they gave their attention to the tanned older woman again.

"As I was saying... they found him into the forest, far from the beaten path where he was supposed to be collecting coconuts." Setsuna continued.

"He'd probably left the path for a reason. Maybe he was chasing something. He used to do that when we were off to hunt with the old man." Haruka pointed out, sharing details of her experience with the two men. "He's experienced enough not to be reduced in such a bad state by a simple warthog." She mumbled almost to herself.

"I'm not sure but he was saying something about a... bear." Setsuna informed.

That information raised a surprised look from Haruka and a worried one from Michiru.

"Hold him still!" The doctor's loud voice reached them and they looked as Serena and Mina were trying – with poor results – to keep the injured man still while the doctor stitched a bad gush on his abdomen – obviously with no anesthetics.

With no words spoken Haruka and Michiru left Setsuna and went to help the two girls, and soon they were joined by Darien, who seemed to be recovered from his previous state.

The three new arrivals asked for some room and with Haruka's and Darien's strong arms the doctor managed to finish her work though the lack of proper surgical needle and thread made the task much more difficult... and messy. Serena suddenly stood and turned around almost about to throw up on Yuiichiro.

That move made Haruka worry and she turned to her right to check on Michiru. The delicate-looking violinist was looking intently at the doctor's fingers as they drove the needle through the bloody flesh. After a minute Michiru sensed she was observed and turned, her tranquil resolved blue eyes met Haruka's teal ones.

"Yes?" She asked the blonde. Haruka blushed a deep shade of red realizing she had had the most sexist and prejudiced thought – even considering she was a woman herself. Thinking of Michiru as a helpless delicate creature only because she was so ladylike... what a shame!

"Nothing..." She smiled to the aqua-haired woman, hoping she wasn't that good at reading her mind after all.

Right then the doctor cut the thread and at the same time the wounded man seemed to relax. Attentively they loosened their grip on him and relaxed too. Soon Yuiichiro began to mumble unintelligible words at first, then they were able to catch something.

"B-b-b-bearrr... big... big... mmmmhmmm... couldn't... couldn't... biiii-..." He was obviously out of it from the loss of blood and the pain.

Haruka, Michiru and the two doctors exchanged worried looks while Mina and Darien had quizzical looks on their faces.

Only Serena was completely unaware of the injured man's word, but instead she was the only one very aware of another alarming thing...

"Where's Rei?" She murmured looking around the cave.

"Kumada-san! We can't have all those ginkgo nuts on the small path, people could step on them!" The long silky black hair swayed as she walked up the steps leading to the shrine. There weren't actually many ginkgo nuts on the ground yet, but the season of their falling had just begun and soon they'll be all over the place and they didn't want a stinking path up to their shrine.

When she was up the last step her grandfather assistant turned to her and bow with the broom in his hands.

"Gomen Hino-san, I'll take of it immediately." He said in that unsure tone of his, his long brown hair covering his eyes. He didn't look her in the eye not even he straighten up.

Rei sighed, Yuiichiro was working at her grandfather's shrine for over a year now, she really liked him, he was handsome and kind and... well... it was quite obvious he liked her a lot. But... There was a huge but. After an entire year of working side to side – when she wasn't attending her university lectures – and they were still on a last name/honorific suffix basis.

"I shouldn't need to point that out at all, Kumada-san." She stated coldly.

"Of course, I'm sorry Hino-san." He bowed again apologetically and hurried down the steps to brush the nuts out of the way up the shrine.

She wasn't renowned for her gentle nature, she knew people tended to irritate her, but that guy... he had something endearing and at the same time he could irritate her the most. Like that time she had had the worst day ever, she had got a B - only a B! - for that paper for her European history class, she had worked hard on it, spending night after night to do a good – an excellent – work; and she had received the umpteenth uncaring and impersonal letter from her mother – or should she say 'her mother's assistant'; and she had even talked on the phone with her father who, of course, couldn't make it for their annual dinner for her birthday. That night she took a walk in the shrine gardens and when she knew she was alone she let go of the tears. Tears of frustration, loneliness and disappointment. She hated to have such breakdowns in front of other people so she always waited to be alone, but that time she wasn't alone, Yuiichiro was there, probably unable to sleep either and when he was close to her he whispered a simple, "Here..." and had lent her a tissue. She had thanked him briefly and took the tissue, then they spent the night together in complete silence until she had calmed down and he had escorted her back to the house.

He had seen her in her most vulnerable state, for Kami's sake! But still he couldn't break through his own shyness. He kept revere her from a distance, never making a move. Always kind and gentle, respectful and reverent, submissive to every outburst of hers... always acting like he was beneath her.

The forest was getting darker and darker, she knew she shouldn't be there, but she couldn't stay there doing nothing. She had to concentrate like she had done before in order to find him. But now... now she intended to find it.

She wanted to identify what malignant being had attacked Yuiichiro, she wanted to fight it and she wanted to win. She had always hated to lose, in school, in every game or competition, in every discussion and argument, in every relationship in her life she had to prevail. And now it wasn't just an ego issue, it was about her Yuiichiro-chan who had always been there for her, who had fought and partially won against his own shy nature for her sake only. Now it was time to pay him back.

She could still sense the malignance hovering into the forest and it was scary. It was big and scary, something powerful and evil... purely evil. She closed her eyes, joined her hands and starting to adjust her breaths to enter the state of concentration in which she could see with her mind and not just her eyes.

As soon as her eyes were shut she felt the fear fill her to the bone. 'Breathe Rei, breathe.' She said to herself trying to calm down. 'Breathe slowly and deeply.' A rustling on her right broke her concentration. She held her breath, her eyes snapping wide open, her heart beating so fast she could here it in her ears.

She tried to stay completely still as her grandfather had told her to do. When it came to animals – he told her – that could be the best and only strategy. That was when he had also told her never to go into the forest alone... and now she remembered there had been an unusual urgency in his voice.

The rustling was closer and closer, it sounded something big but careful not to do too much noise. Now she turned on her right and could see the bushes shaking, her heart racing up even more until she saw a flash of lilac through the thick vegetation and after a moment she was face to face with... Setsuna.

"You shouldn't be here, Rei-san." The tone wasn't scolding nor particularly worried, it was more like a statement. "What are you looking for?" The question was equally calm.

'How can she know I'm looking for something?' Rei questioned herself, a little shaken by the woman's insightfulness.

"I was trying to sense what attacked Yuiichiro." Rei saw no point in lying to that woman, cause she seemed to know everything was going on in everyone's mind all the time.

"Sensed anything yet?" Setsuna asked not a bit surprised by Rei's statement.

The young woman shook her head, "Only..." She trembled slightly remembering the uncomfortable sensation she had felt only a minute before.

"Fear?" The tall woman concluded the other's sentence exactly as Rei would have. Bu the miko wasn't surprised anymore.

"Yeah." They stayed a moment in silence. Then the tanned woman broke that silence.

"I'm sure being face to face with a bear can be scaring."

"A bear? How do you know...? Oh nevermind." The black-haired girl dismissed her own question, Setsuna had obviously some kind of knowledge the source of which was beyond human abilities.

"Yuiichiro said it was a bear." As reading the other's mind Setsuna explained.

"Of course." Rei was getting upset by that conversation.

"The strange thing is... a polar bear on a tropical island?" She said raising a thin eyebrow, her garnet mysterious eyes sparkling in some like of challenge.

"A po-... a polar bear?!?!?" Rei stuttered trying to process that sentence. That was impossible... and most of all... Yuiichiro had mumbled something about a bear, and some other incomprehensible words like 'man' or something like that – nothing concerning polar bears.

The calm miko's demeanor faded as all her frustration and worry and fear boiled up and mixed into rage. That woman knew something!

"How do you know it's a polar bear? What do you know about it?!" Rei had raised her voice but nothing changed in the attitude of the older woman. She stayed calm, her look unreadable, her stance straight but not challenging as if she didn't even consider Rei's outburst important at all, as if she was dealing with an harmless, irrational little child.

"I'm just guessing. I'm not the one who knows." She said as implying someone among them knew exactly what they were dealing with. But who?

"Yuiichiro never talked about details, he never said it was a po-..."

"Then maybe someone else..." Setsuna interrupted her with the same calm tone. "Someone closer than you think." After the umpteenth cryptic sentence Setsuna turned away leaving a speechless and confused Rei behind her.

After a moment Rei made up her mind, being there in the middle of the forest with the impending night only a couple of ours away was pointless and dangerous. She then strolled back to the cave, thinking about Setsuna's last words.

'...closer than you think.' '...closer...' '...closer...'

Setsuna walked back to the cave with a satisfied little smile on her lips. Her plan has been put into motion. She knew the last eleven days would have led her to something important. She knew Tomoe was the key... and she knew she hadn't taken that plane for nothing.

Now, she knew that confronting him herself wouldn't have sorted the right effect, but the young miko's bringing out the subject could be the right thing and then she could have the confirmation she needed.

"Maybe she's with her grandfather, Serena. There's no need to panic." Darien has been trying to calm down his soon-to-be-wife. She was very worried about Rei, the black-haired pretty priestess. He knew all too well when Serena had something in her mind it was almost impossible to change her mind, and right now he did wanted her to change it, cause she wanted to go into the wood to search for her new friend and he wasn't intentioned to let her do that, no matter what.

Finding Yuiichiro and having to bring him back to the doctor with all that blood had reminded him the day they had found the upper part of the plane and he had kept wondering if what did the carnage of the crew and passengers was the same thing had attacked Yuiichiro... and in the doubt he didn't want Serena anywhere near it.

"C'mon meat-ball head, try and-..." he interrupted mid-sentence, maybe there was a chance for that argument to be over. "See, her grandfather's here. I bet she's wi-..." His words faded on his lips when it was clear that the approaching old man was alone. Darien felt his girlfriend stiffing beside him.

After a moment she looked at him, resolve on her face. "OK then. If you're not going to help me look for her I'll ask someone else." And with that said she storm off, walking quickly towards the secluded spot where Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna – who had arrived only a couple minutes before – were.

When Serena approached she noticed the tall blonde and the beautiful violinist were engaged in some kind of quarrel while the unreadable tanned woman observed attentively never intervening.

"Oh, let's hear it, what would you think to do once you find it? Admitted you can find it at all... or better maybe it can find you first. And then what?!" Michiru's voice was high-pitched with a hysteric twinge in it.

"I don't know yet, that why I want to talk with them first." Haruka responded in a brusk tone.

"We have only sticks and a couple of cooking knives! Haruka, be real!" Michiru said frustrated.

Serena couldn't understand a word of the Japanese quarrel but it was clear they were arguing and she could see how Michiru's last sentence had startled Haruka for a moment, it had to be something hurtful.

"Serena-san, what we can do for you?" Taking advantage of the sudden silence between them thank of Michiru's words, Setsuna put an end to that discussion turning everyone's attention to the American girl.

"I... uh..." Serena was taken aback, feeling like she had interrupted something important.

"What is it, odango-atama?" Haruka asked, always leaving Serena curious about the meaning of those words she often used to refer to her.

"I can't find Rei, I'm worried about her and Darien doesn't want to help me." She said a little hurt. Michiru on instinct turned to look at the girl's boyfriend who was staring at them, worry visible in his blue eyes. Michiru for a moment looked at him sympathetically and sadly, she knew he was scared like everyone of them, even though he tried to act always calmly and reassuring. And she could understand why he didn't want to let Serena go out in the jungle right now. She could understand his fears, she was preoccupied herself knowing Hotaru was out there with Ami. But it wasn't just that. She could understand him cause right now her heart was filled of the same fear as his... she didn't want Haruka to go out there either! But there it was, the difference between her situation and Darien's: he could tell her why he didn't want her to go, but what about her? Could Michiru tell Haruka why she didn't want Haruka to go out there and risk her life?

"Ojii-san!" Right then Rei stormed into the cave visibly angry, "Was it a polar bear?" She asked, her voice so loud no one remained unaware of her presence.

She was beyond the concern of making a scene, she just wanted her grandfather to answer even though deep inside she wished he couldn't, she wished he hadn't kept a secret from her and let Yuiichiro getting injured.

All the occupants of the cave were staring at the enraged miko towering over her very short grandfather. Instinctively Serena looked at Michiru for a moment and the violinist immediately understood and translated for the younger American. Soon Darien and Mina walked closer to make use of the aqua-haired translation.

"Please Grandpa, tell me. Have you seen what attacked Yuiichiro-chan?" She was almost crying, her voice risking to breaking anytime.

The short, bald man looked at his granddaughter for a moment then he answered calmly, "I haven't seen what attacked Yuiichiro, Rei-chan." For a moment disappointment passed through the dark eyes of the young woman but before she could decide he was telling the truth he continued, "But..." he sighed, "...yes, there's a polar bear out there in the forest. I saw it."

At that all the Japanese in the cave gasped with the exception of Setsuna who looked at the old man intently.

"What? What did he say?!" Mina prompted Michiru to translate. And when the aqua-haired woman did it the same gasp caught the breath of the three Americans.

Rei's eyes stayed locked into her grandfather's ones for a long moment, all were keeping their breaths, the tension palpable in the air.

"Why didn't you go after it? Why you let it hurt him!" Rei was yelling, obviously a little out of it. But the hurt, accusing tone got to the hurt of the old man who couldn't resist and protested.

"But that's no normal bear, Rei-chan. It... It's something more than a plain bear!" He tried to defend himself, but his granddaughter didn't look like backing off, but then before she could add anything he looked at her seriously and said, "You can sense it too, Rei-chan, I know. You can sense it's evil." After a minute of silence Rei dropped her angry stance, silently confirming her grandfather's statement. Then, silently, she turned around and made her way to the laying form of Yuiichiro and kneeled beside him, took his hand and begun to murmur a prayer.

Her chanting, this time wasn't to identify and fight some evil spirit, or to honor her forefathers, no... this time she was trying to gather all her courage for a task she wasn't sure she could do.

'I can do it! I can!' She said finally to herself and stood. In front of her laid the telephone on her night-stand, she looked at it but didn't move.

Almost a year had passed since Yuiichiro had finally made a move on her, he had declared her his feelings in a cute, stuttering and blushing way that still now made her heart swell with love at the memory. She knew he had waited so long cause he thought he wasn't worth of her, of course she had told him it was ridiculous but somehow there had always been some sort of barrier between them. Now she had decided it was time for her to make a move to prove him there were no barriers, no walls. Now she was about to call her father and tell him she was officially dating Yuiichiro.

She knew her father despised him, he had been pretty clear about it the last time he had been in town. 'I've met that poor excuse for a man that your grandfather has taken to assist him at the shrine. Poor guy, I think he has a crush on you, Rei-chan.' then he had laugh loudly, 'I hope you'll be kind enough to make the boy understand he doesn't stand a chance with my adorable daughter. You deserve so much more than him.' He had concluded with a proud smile.

At that memory Rei shook her head but new resolve raised on her face and she picked up the white telephone and dialed the international phone number, as it rang repeatedly her grip on the receiver tightened.

"Moshi moshi?"

An hour later the sun had set and Ami and Hotaru had arrived safely at the cave for Michiru's and Haruka's relief. They had shared a scarce dinner - no one feeling much like eating – around the big fire the old man had light up, saying it was the only sure way to keep bears away.

Hotaru's arrive had loosened the tension between the car-racer and the violinist, but after dinner Haruka had spent a lot of time talking with Darien, Mina and Rei's grandfather and she and Michiru hadn't spoken much to each other. Michiru had preferred to spend time with Hotaru until the little girl has fallen asleep on her lap. While she caressed her silky black hair.

There wasn't anything as soothing than having that little kid breathing lightly against her, looking down at the sleeping child Michiru felt a peace, like everything was exactly how it was supposed to be... and that was a ridiculous thought considering she was lost on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of strangers threatened by mysterious polar bears.

"Hey..." The husky whisper made Michiru smile unconsciously even before lifting her look to meet gentle teal eyes. Haruka's expression was one of those the blonde seemed to save only for little Hotaru and occasionally – mostly when she thought she was unseen – for Michiru.

"Hey." Michiru answered, patting the pallet beside her for Haruka to sit down.

The blonde looked a bit tired, and it sure had been a long day for everyone. Once sat in front of Michiru and Hotaru, the car-racer smiled again staring at the small form then she leaned forward much for Michiru's surprise. She held her breath as she saw almost in slow motion as the blonde stretched out towards her, her gold cross dangling from her neck over the small amount of cleavage showing from the opening of her shirt. Realizing what she was doing Michiru blushed, and it got even worse when she saw the blonde was closer and closer, kneeling in front of her. That reminded her of another time when they had been so close and only some kind of mysterious force – and Seiya sudden appearance – had prevented from...

In a moment the blonde's closeness was gone, she had taken the blanket laying behind Michiru on the pallet and was wrapping it on Hotaru's sleeping form, unaware of the flustered Michiru in front of her.

"Here..." the blonde's look lingered on the picture before her for a moment, "I bet she's comfortable..." She murmured, smiling at the little girl that had her head resting on Michiru's thighs, while one of the violinist's arm gently circled her back while the hand caressed Hotaru's cheek.

The secluded spot, the feeling no one was paying the slightest attention to them and the quiet atmosphere of the night was getting to Michiru. That almost inaudible comment from Haruka had raised another rush of color to her cheeks and she wasn't used to blush like a school-girl. And the intense gaze of teal eyes didn't help either, but then again the blonde broke the spell of that unreal moment standing up.

She looked around looking for something, then she picked up a blanket and a couple of towels to use as a pillow from her things. With a tiresome sigh she squatted to gently kiss Hotaru goodnight on the head and then was up again.

"Goodnight." She said and having received a questioning look from Michiru who was obviously sat on Haruka's pallet, she explained "I'll settle down there, don't worry." She pointed to the back of the cavern. Then she smiled again and turned walking away.

"Haruka!" Michiru's quiet voice reached her and the blonde stopped on her tracks and turned around, a quizzical look on her face.

"C'mon, there's enough space for all three of us." She said, not wanting the blonde to go. Like she was in a dizzy state she acted instinctively. Maybe it was the presence of the kid on her lap that felt so good and right, like they belonged together, she and Hotaru... and Haruka, or maybe she was just scared - more scared than usual - and didn't want to stay alone. The fact was that she found herself smiling hoping the blonde would accept her proposal.

That entire day and the almost unreal atmosphere had the best of Haruka too, she was weak and tired, but most of all she didn't seem to be capable of resist the invisible force that drew her to those two. She found herself too tired to protest, even her tired mind couldn't make up excuses through her annoying inner voice. Beside how could she resist that pleading smile, those beautiful ocean blue eyes?

So she smiled and make her way back to them, she delicately lifted Hotaru off Michiru's lap and held her in her arms, to allow the aqua-haired woman to lay down, then she gently put the kid down between the violinist and herself and finally pulled a blanket over all three of them.

For a long minute - in the dim and flickering firelight – their eyes stayed locked together filled of so much things... but they were well aware that nothing could - or should - be put into words right now. Then with a thankful smile on her lips Michiru broke the moment and closed her eyes.

Haruka had a little gasp of surprise being so suddenly deprived of those two ocean blue orbs that were capturing her, then she remained in contemplation of that perfect face, the slightly tanned skin, the elegant little nose, those delicate cheekbones, the long lashes, those soft ruby lips... it took all her inner strength not to reach out and remove that single rebellious strand of aqua hair that had made its way down Michiru's face.

She didn't know how long she had stayed there looking Michiru drifting off to a calm sleep, but she was distracted only when Hotaru turned her way and crawled closer, leaning on her chest sighing contentedly, seemingly satisfied of being able to have a comfy sleep between her Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama.

She was so innocent and Haruka wished her life could be as simple as the child's, that she was able to enjoy the good and beautiful things of life with no complications... Like that very moment that felt so right, comfortable and good, like she had never belonged anywhere else in her entire life.

"We could recruit someone from the beach."

"Yeah, maybe we can ask one of the brothers."

"Not Seiya, though. He's injured."

"I'd rather ask Lita, she seems to know her stuff."

"I have to go to beach anyway to check on Seiya and Molly, I'll talk to her."

"That would be nice, Ami-san. Now ojii-san, you think you can follow its track to its lair?"

The low voices reached her ears softly and woke her gently. At first she didn't realize what they were talking about. Instead she was very aware of the sleeping bundle cuddled against her chest and she immediately remembered she wasn't at the beach. She remembered the last image before falling asleep and unconsciously a smile crept up her lips. Then her ocean-blue eyes flicked open and she expected to see a sleeping Haruka in front of her, but she was disappointed to see no one there. Her disappointment felt much like a void, an almost physical sensation.

After the first moment she dismissed those thoughts and careful not to wake Hotaru she got up. When she looked around she realized it had to be early. Next to a calm Yuiichiro, Rei and the doctor were still asleep, and so were Serena and Mina. The others were gathered around the fire now reduced to glowing embers, all trying to get rid of the morning chill, cause the sun was still far from grazing the cave's entrance, probably raised not long ago.

"Good morning." Setsuna greeted her.

"Oh... good morning Setsuna-san." Michiru replied stifling elegantly a yawn. The older woman smiled mysteriously, her garnet eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Have you slept well?" Michiru had the clear feeling the question was rhetorical, sure the enigmatic woman hadn't missed their sleeping arrangement. But Michiru didn't want to make a big deal out of it, it wasn't a big deal after all. Was it?

"Yes, thank you. And you?" She replied politely. The smile on Setsuna's lips widened.

"I guess my sleep wasn't as comfortable as yours." There wasn't malice in that remark, rather it seemed a friendly joke. And Michiru - though reminded she couldn't dismiss such subjects too easily with the mysterious woman – thought no answer was required, so she just smiled benevolently and received back a knowing smile from Setsuna.

"Let's go find something to eat, shall we?" The older woman suggested and led the way to the food.

"I could use a cup of hot tea, right now." The tanned woman said sighing at the cold food consisting in some fruit.

Michiru replied with an absentminded assent, but she wasn't really listening to Setsuna, her attention was on the conversation taking place a couple of meters away, around the fire.

"We could lure it out of the lair and then disorient it with fire." Haruka said, looking questioningly at Rei's grandfather who nodded.

"But then how can we take it down?" Darien pointed out, bringing silence in the small group.

After a moment Ami intervened timidly, "The cave-men in the prehistory used to hunt bears with long, pointed sticks, using them as spears."

"I can make one. There are some good trees around here." The bald man said positively.

"Yeah and we have the knives... but then it should be incapacitated or something. I don't think we can get too close." Darien reasoned.

"Mmmh... what about a net?" Haruka said after a moment, "We've kept the one from the plane's stowage, it has to be somewhere at the beach." She turned to the doctor's daughter who nodded.

"I'll look into it, too."

"Thank you, Ami-san."

As the conversation went on, Michiru's frown deepened. She didn't like what she was hearing... she didn't like it a little bit.

"They're not planning what I think they're planning, are they?" The violinist asked without turning around. But she was sure Setsuna heard her anyway.

"They probably are." She answered calmly, her tone didn't matched Michiru's urgent one.

"What are they, crazy?" The aqua-haired woman, turned for a moment to the doctor's station where the young injured man was still sleeping. His girlfriend was waking up right now while the doctor was already up and checking on him. A big bandage clearly visible around his abdomen.

For a brief moment Michiru had a flash of a blonde figure laid on that same pallet, tossing and trembling, her face twisted in a grimace of pain. By the time that image left her mind her heart was already full of barely suppressed anger. How could she? After what she had went through.

"God, I'm starving!" A still groggy voice came from behind her.

"I wonder when aren't you starving, Serena?" Another groggy voice commented sarcastically.

"Are you saying I eat too much, Mina?" The pig-tailed girl asked, turning around to her best-friend.

That sudden arrival kept Michiru from storming in the middle of the discussing group and giving her opinion on the matter. After a moment though, she calmed down and promised herself she would have talked with Haruka about it later.

An hour later everyone had woken up, even Hotaru who was now eating some fruit for breakfast in the company of her Setsuna-mama, Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa. She had insisted about that, happy Michiru was back there with them.

Unaware of all the adults complications, the little girl had expressed her opinion on their living arrangement. Little she knew her innocent and honest words would trouble her surrogate mama's mind so much.

'Michiru-mama, I missed you.' Hearing those words had brought a pang in Michiru's heart, she had missed the little girl too. Now she was wondering...

'Isn't it pointless? Trying to stay away from them?' She thought. Maybe Seiya was right... she did seem to always end up there with them... with her.

'Maybe cause this is where you want to be?' Her inner voice crept out from deep inside her mind. Though it could have been so the past days, Michiru wasn't the kind of person incline to denial. She had knew the moment she had heard Seiya's words he had a point.

Her mind went back at the night before, when she had looked into tired teal eyes and they had seemed so full of suppressed emotions, so full of promises... and she had drifted off to sleep imagining she would have woken up the next morning to find out what those promises were about.

But like it always had been with the blonde, Michiru found herself sat in silence, wondering why she was once again upset, wondering why that person was able to cause her so much joy and so much distress one moment later. It wasn't like Haruka was doing anything to hurt her on purpose, but right now, for instance, she was planning to organize an expedition to hunt down the polar bear. Of course Michiru knew she wanted to get rid of the bear in order to make the island a safer place for all of them, but what Michiru knew and what Michiru felt were two very different things. And right now Michiru felt... fear.

Cold fear, terror... panic.

What if someone got injured? What if Haruka were injured? Michiru knew she couldn't stand another week of watching the blonde fight between life and death, she couldn't stand feeling so powerless and scared anymore.

"Do you realize this is crazy, right?" She had spoken on instinct and her harsh tone had managed to silence Haruka and Hotaru mid-sentence.

"What's crazy?" Haruka replied in an equal harsh defensive tone.

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. All this bear-hunting thing." Michiru paused looking resentfully into cold teal eyes. "It's crazy, dangerous and with almost no chance of success."

"You don't know that." Haruka replied, "We have thought it carefully. We have a plan." Haruka tried to defend their idea.

"Oh, yeah. I've been listening to your plan." She stressed that last word. "It sounds like a plan to get killed, to me." The sarcasm in her words elicited a shiver down the blonde's spine.

"Don't talk like that!" Haruka was surprised at the violinist's behavior, especially in front of the kid who now was looking between Michiru and Haruka, fear already filling her big purple eyes. "We will outnumber it, it's going to be five or six of us against one. We're not that irresponsible, Michiru." Haruka said reasonably, but the aqua-haired woman wasn't up for a calm confrontation.

"Don't think I don't know you a little bit, Haruka." Michiru raised her voice. "You were talking about luring it out of its lair. You think I don't know you're planning to be the one playing the bait?" She was taken aback by Michiru's intuition. Haruka herself had yet to talk about it to the hunting-group.

That hesitation confirmed Michiru's suspects, "As I thought..." A disappointed smile creased the violinist lips. "You'll get killed." She stated resignedly in a softer tone.

Again Hotaru's unease showed in the widening of her eyes, and then Setsuna thought it was better to let those two sort that out on their own.

"Hotaru-chan, why don't we go finish your breakfast near the fire?" She said offering the little girl her hand. But the child didn't even acknowledge Setsuna's suggestion. Instead she pulled at Haruka's sleeve, her eyes watering slowly.

"Haruka-papa..." Her tiny voice trembling.

"No one's gonna get killed, hime-chan." Haruka reassured the little girl, caressing her head, and at the same time throwing a scolding glare at Michiru.

"Oh, like you can say that for sure." Michiru's sarcasm was getting to Haruka's nerve.

'What's wrong with her?' She asked herself, looking as tears started to run down the child's cheeks. She hugged the little girl, holding her tightly against her and whispering reassuring words into her ear, while exchanging burning looks with Michiru.

"Oh, don't look at me like I'm the villain, here." Michiru was letting out all her frustration, all her usually refrained temper. "You're the one acting irresponsible, Haruka. You're the one being selfish."

That last accusation pierced Haruka right into her heart, how could Michiru be so harsh and resentful? How could she say those things to her? She couldn't stand it anymore, she had to get out of there.

Then Haruka stood without a word and stormed off.

"Yeah, go. Run away! It seems the only thing you're able to do." Michiru said that in a low bitter voice and only Setsuna and Hotaru were able to hear that.

"Mina..." Serena's depressed voice was so unusual that Mina felt compelled to circle her best-friend's shoulders with her arm in comfort.

"What is it?" She asked, like she could have asked a little child. But she had known Serena for almost her entire life and she could tell her friend had a lot on her mind.

"It feels like everything's falling apart..." For someone estranged to the pigtailed girl that statement would sound crazy, as if they hadn't been in a hopeless dramatic situation for thirteen days already. But that was just like Serena, up until then they had been together, facing every problem unitedly, they had been more or less safe and no one had been hurt too badly, the disagreements had been minor. Mina knew that had been enough for Serena – the hopeless optimist – to hold up to the idea they'd be fine, eventually. But now...

Mina looked around the cave.

The first thing was the obvious absence of all the members remained at the beach.

Then she considered what had been of those settled there... her gaze traveled immediately to the doctor's station, the blue haired woman – visibly tired – was filling a backpack with bandages and water for her daughter to take at the beach, that automatic act hid her concern in letting her daughter go alone, but she had a patient to tend to here.

Speaking of which... she remembered Serena almost throwing up seeing Yuiichiro's bloody wound and then looking at him every now and then during the evening, concern and fear in her clear blue eyes.

And then how could one not be pained seeing the always strong, assertive Rei kneeled by him, whispering prayers, refusing to eat and then finally succumbing only to sleep.

And that sense of hopelessness wasn't helped by the old bald man who hadn't the courage to get near his granddaughter, their last conversation full of resentment and accusations.

And even though she hadn't expressed it loudly, Mina knew Serena was scared out of her mind about their plan for the next day, she could tell cause she had been stealing glances at her friend looking at her boyfriend helping with the preparations fear in her eyes.

And well... how could anyone feel like everything wasn't falling apart looking at Hotaru's teary eyes? The image of the little girl sobbing in Setsuna's arms and Michiru sat in front of them gloomily, her eyes downward, silent since Haruka's storming out of the cave. Mina and Serena were nearby and they hadn't missed the harsh fight that had resulted in the blonde's leaving.

Maybe Serena was right... maybe it was all falling apart.

"Look at her..." Mina was ripped from her grim thoughts by her friend's voice. She turned away from Michiru and saw Serena looking at Rei, she had stood up with a sigh, her boyfriend – was he really her boyfriend? - seemed to sleep quietly, no more moaning and groaning.

As sensing she was observed Rei lifted her gaze and met Serena's and Mina's. At first the long-haired blonde couldn't make out the expression in the dark eyes, but in one of those surprising moments of perspicacity Serena made her move and joined the black-haired girl and Mina followed her.

They sat down near the food store and watched as Rei picked up a banana and slowly peeled it, taking small bites. She had expected the miko to be hostile but soon she understood the expression in her eyes had been one silent demand of comfort and company.

"How is he?" Serena asked.

Rei turned for a moment to look at him as she needed to be reminded of his conditions. Then she turned back and sighed.

"A lot better. At least this is what the doctor says." She answered, worry evident in her eyes despite her words.

"You have to trust her, Ami's mother is a good doctor. Look at what she did with Haruka." Serena smiled a reassuring smile to the depressed black-haired girl.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be worrying so much." Rei admitted in a low, pensive tone, as to convince herself of it.

"I don't know what I would do if it was Darien. I'd probably be unable of leaving his bedside at all." Mina instinctively turned to look at Michiru after her pig-tailed friend's declaration, remembering those past days when the violinist had been hardly sleeping or eating, refusing to leave the feverish car-racer's side.

"And I'd be probably crying all the time, right Mina?" Serena said with a giggle, trying to lighten the tone of the conversation. Mina hearing her name turned back to her friend, still wondering where Haruka had gone after her fight with Michiru.

"Oh... yeah, Serena can be such a cry-baby!" Mina dismissed her curiosity and concentrated on her current conversation.

"Hey! There's no need to be rude!" Serena said in fake resentment. The two Americans started a playful argument and they stopped only when they heard a soft chuckle. They turned to look at Rei who was stifling a laugh, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Soon all three girls burst out in laughter, raising a curios look in the others inhabitants of the cavern.

After a moment silence, though, fell upon them once again and after several minutes Rei broke it with a strange question.

"Will you marry him?" That question came out so sudden that at first Serena couldn't even understand it was asked to her. A little dumbfounded, the pig-tailed girl followed Rei's look to her ring finger where the beautiful stone Darien had given her only a few month ago was.

"Oh... Well... Yes, he asked me three months ago. I was so excited!" The light blue eyes sparkled at the memory. Then she started a detailed narration of how Darien had brought her out for dinner and then he had asked to marry her making her find the ring in her dessert. Obviously Mina commented about Serena almost swallowing the stone in her frenzy of devouring the cake. And then another playful argument started.

"How can you know he was the right man?" Another sudden question interrupted the bicker. Mina and Serena turned to look at Rei, surprised at the question.

She thought about it for a minute, then she answered honestly and simply, "Because I love him and he loves me."

For the pig-tailed girl's surprise a bitter chuckle raised from Rei but then the young miko didn't explained herself.

"Why? Aren't you in love with Yuiichiro?" Serena spontaneously asked before Mina could poke her painfully with her elbow.

In fact it was hard to say if they were a couple or not, he was always seemed so considerate and kind, but sometimes – as Rei had never failed to point out – he looked a little overzealous, almost stalking her. Most of the time she was brusque with him, scolding and he had never protested once. And Mina could understand how that kind of attitude could be unnerving. But so many times they had seen the two Japanese exchanging affectionate gestures and especially Rei seemed to look at Yuiichiro fondly when he wasn't looking – when he was playing with Hotaru for instance.

It was clear those two had feelings for each other but it looked like there was some kind of barrier between them.

"I... I guess so." The somehow insecure answer sounded weird coming from the always self-confident, almost arrogant dark-haired girl.

"I can tell you are. And it's obvious he loves you." Serena asserted with firmness. "You can always tell if two persons love each other, right Mina? You told me that once."

"Yeah, no matter how much they try to hide it." The blonde girl said, "Sometimes you can tell even before they're even aware of it." At her friend's words Serena beamed.

"Look at Haruka and Michiru for instance-... Ow!" Serena massaged her side where Mina had elbowed her hard. "What? What have I said?" Serena asked surprised, meeting Mina's scolding glance.

"I don't think that's none of our business." The miko said, sounding for a moment the old strict Rei. "So you're saying it's that evident about Yuiichiro and me, too?" Rei asked after a moment, despite her previous statement.

The two blondes then nodded firmly. Then silence fell again, as Rei looked in front of her where her grandfather was sharpening a big stick point with a knife, meanwhile Darien was working on another, thinner stick. He was engrossed in the task, his blue eyes full of concentration and resolve. His handsome face – cause he was definitely handsome – glistening from sweat, his strong hands looked delicate as he wasn't used to hand labor. He was always composed and reasonable, his English proper and it was obvious he was learning Japanese as well. He was under every aspect a fine man, he seemed kind but resolute considerate with his girlfriend but also firm sometimes.

Rei found herself unconsciously thinking how Darien would have been perfect according to her father, meeting every of her father's standards. Educated, well-raised, successful and good-looking: the perfect counterpart for his daughter.

But how could he compete with Yuiichiro? How could he compete with the clumsy, endearing, candid young man that has always been there for her? The one able to make anyone see directly in his heart, cause he had nothing to hide, he had no mean thoughts, no envy, no maliciousness of sort? How can he compete with someone so honest and loyal?

No... No one could ever compete with that... with him.

Mina and Serena saw a smile creeping up Rei's delicate lips and enlarging before reaching her beautiful dark eyes. Then she stood and turned to them bowing, for their surprise.

"Thank you, girls." She said and she walked towards Yuiichiro's sleeping form.

The two friends dumbfounded, remained there looking at each other in confusion.

He was looking at her with his dark, severe eyes. As in evaluating the seriousness of her words. Then he shifted in his chair and took a sip of his red wine.

That long silence was killing her but it never shown in her composed face nor in her behavior. But she couldn't look him directly, so she stared at the expansive caviar in her plate. She hadn't eaten much, her stomach completely closed. He hadn't said much on the phone, but she knew he wasn't happy. He never was... not when Yuiichiro was involved. And she wasn't surprised when he had said he wanted to see her as soon as possible, since he had some business to take care in Tokyo.

She knew he wouldn't have made a scene, it wasn't his style. No, he would have talked to her calmly, looking her straight in her eyes - those eyes that were exactly like his – and she would have felt like a five-years-old child, lectured about sitting properly and not to talk too loud.

'What would he think seeing me like this? Being looked down and manipulated?' Rei thought. She always thought about those kind of things when she faced her father, because when she was with him she felt like someone else, like someone self-conscious and weak. And she knew she wasn't like that, usually she was the kind of person Yuiichiro admired so much, '...maybe too much.' She considered bitterly.

"Are you sure about this, Rei-chan?" Finally her father spoke. "It's not he's a bad man..." He said that but she could tell all that attitude was fake. He was used to live and work in a world where nothing was as it seemed. Every kindness was calculated, every word considered, every smile delivered with a purpose, where nothing was genuine or gratuitous.

"He's a good man, father." She said, lacking the firmness she had intended to put into her voice.

"Of course he is." He smiled, looking at the long stemmed crystal glass in his hand. "Is he also aware you two come from two different worlds?" He asked, the faked sadness in his voice almost convincing.

"That's not true!" She exclaimed raising her voice a little. And soon wincing at the fierce look he gave her. "That's not true." She repeated, more calmly, silently scolding herself for her outburst.

"I know you wish it wasn't... but things in life are rarely as we want them to be." His patronizing her was irritating. "You have an important name Rei-chan. But important names come with responsibilities. You won't be at that shrine forever. One day you'll have to honor your family..."

It wasn't the first time he said that to her, he had made perfectly clear her days at her grandfather shrine had to come to an end as soon as she finished her studies, but she couldn't imagine her life outside the temple, away from her dear Grandpa, away from...

"You are such a fine lady, Rei-chan. You are beautiful..." 'Here he comes with the adulation!' "...and so brilliant, you could have everything and everyone you want..." 'I already have that!' "...I'm sure one day you'll find someone worthy of you." He smiled at her.

'I already found him, maybe it's me who doesn't deserve him...' Her father's pretense was getting on her nerves.

Suddenly he laughed out loud, "C'mon Rei, he's so beneath you!" He laughed again, as dismissing a crazy thought.

She felt like crying, she knew she'd never do that in public, she'd never do that in front of her father, but inside her...

"Hey Furuhata-kun, how's it going?" Yaten and Taiki walked in his direction smiling, "What's on the news today?" Seiya joked joining his brothers.

The blond man was leaning to the radio he had been working on almost every day. It had wires coming out of it and the oddest tools spread all around it.

"What-...?" Seiya was cut off by a gesture of Furuhata's hand. He seemed busy trying to listen to the radio, his brows furrowed in a perplexed expression. Sometimes he would write down notes on a paper quickly, careful not to miss any word.

Suddenly the three brothers heard static coming from the device at a very high volume and they saw the blonde technician bolting back from the radio, his hand covering his offended ear.

After a moment he realized the three brothers were looking at his notes laying on the makeshift table, questioning looks in their eyes.

"It doesn't make any sense to you too, does it?" He asked.

They stood there staring at the nervous handwriting, not knowing what to say.

"It's time. Let Mickey go."

"But boss-..."

"You're not paid to discuss my decisions! Now let the rat go!"

"Yes ma'am."

"What about Teddy?"

"He's had his first contact."

"Good. Any casualties?"

"No, ma'am. Not yet."

"??? ...long until he find ??? -em?"

"??? minutes."

"Let me know ??? soon as the rat's out."

"Ma'am... Dr. T??? instructions were to collect ??? from one ??? at a time. It can be dang-..."

"??? e's not here! We collected enough data from the fuselage already! Now ??? as I say."

"??? ma'am."

"I'm surroun-??? by idio-???"

"??? data from the guinea pigs. I want Mickey at the ???, since Teddy's in the fo???..."

"What the hell does it means?" Seiya spoke out loud everybody's mind.

At the tenth sigh Setsuna finally lifted her head from the paper in her lap.

"OK, I think you're ready to tell me what was all that about, right?" The older woman said looking at her friend who was sat on the ground, her arms circling her knees, her head resting them and her aqua curls falling down to cover her face. After a moment she sighed again and lifted her head meeting Setsuna's intent gaze.

"I was a little bit out line, wasn't I?" The violinist asked, earning a calm nod from her friend. "I just hope Hotaru will forgive me." She sighed again, remembering how her harsh words had upset the little girl, so that she had spent the last hour and a half apologizing and trying to comfort her.

"Don't worry about that, she seems to be a very forgiving and understanding child." Setsuna smiled looking at the kid silently drawing a couple of meters away from them. "Now..." The green-haired woman didn't need to finish her question.

"It's just... it's just that she makes me so mad sometimes. I don't even know why." Setsuna raised one eyebrow skeptically.

"Are you sure?" Michiru dismissed that implying question with a gesture of her hand, she didn't want to think about that right now.

"Like now..." Michiru turned unconsciously towards the cave's entrance. "Where is she?" She looked back at her friend and continued.

"There's a polar bear out there... a polar bear! We're in the middle of a tropical jungle and there's a polar bear." She exclaimed, "Something's wrong with this place and she's out there, Kami knows where!" She groaned in frustration and closed her eyes as to regain some composure.

"Can't you just say it, Michiru?" At first puzzled by that question, the violinist lifted her head and looked Setsuna straight in her garnet knowing eyes.

"Say what?" She asked but she only got a raised eyebrow from her friend. She looked down again.

"I'm worried sick, Setsuna. What if something happens to her?" When she raised her eyes once more Setsuna was looking at her with a satisfied smile on her thin lips and a soft expression in her eyes.

"It wasn't so hard to say, after all, was it?"

'Of course it was! Kami, what's happening to me?' Michiru thought to herself. She was so frustrated, so helpless against all those feelings that she had panicked. Yes, the always composed Kaioh Michiru had panicked. And of course panic had led to harsh words that had hurt both Hotaru and Haruka, mostly Haruka. Michiru winced remembering her own harsh and unfair words, the hurt in those teal eyes...

"Kami, I feel like an idiot!" She said out loud, that phrasing so unusual of her that Hotaru turned looking at her with a shocked expression. Realizing that Michiru groaned in frustration.

"I just don't want her to be hurt... she... I... I don't want to lose her." That admission sounded unrealistically loud and she looked around on instinct to see if anyone was listening to her, but the others in the cave were engrossed in their activities, and no one was paying attention to her.

After a minute of silence when it was clear Michiru wouldn't go on Setsuna decided to offer her advice, she had tried not to intervene between her two new friends, but the poor violinist seemed definitely troubled, completely unprepared and scared by her own new feelings.

"Have you tried to tell her that?" The simple rhetorical question was dropped almost casually but for Michiru it sounded like an explosion, it rang in her ear for a long time after it was spoken.

"I..." She tried to answer but the words failed her, "I..." she tried again and again she couldn't speak up her mind.

"You what?" Setsuna prompted her to continue sensing she was about to yield.

"I... I can't." She finally admitted with a small voice, not daring to look her friend in the eyes, fearing the scold and knowingness she was sure were there.

"You can't or you won't?" Setsuna looked intently at the violinist, the stress of her inner turmoil was evident in her tense face, and there was sadness in her clear ocean blue eyes. She often sighed, as to gather her energy and finally make up her mind. She knew Michiru was scared, who wouldn't? But she knew her friend had to win that fear.

"There are things you simply can't fight, Michiru. Things you have to surrender to." By now those words weren't cryptic for Michiru anymore. She had tried to fool the others and herself but now it was clear it was futile. She had feelings, she couldn't keep on denying them.

'But if I surrender to them... what will happen to my life?'

'What happened to my life?' She thought to herself, finally coming to an halt. She was panting hard, she had spent the last hour running into the forest, but she was still weak and she wasn't too far from the cave. She passed a hand through her blond hair and looked around, she was suddenly aware she had lost track of the battered path.

'Great, Haruka. Now you're really being irresponsible.' She scolded herself reminiscing Michiru's harsh words.

'You're being selfish... selfish... selfish...' Those words rang in her mind, she couldn't get rid of them. Selfishness... that wasn't something new to her, she had been selfish someway. She had lived most of her life alone, she had had to learn how to take care of herself and she did well... more than well.

She had earned a fortune, she had become famous and now she was the best racer, the world champion. All of that she had achieved on her own, no one had helped... no one had cared. Somehow she had always felt she could be selfish: she was on her own, she cared for herself and herself only.

And then all that happened, the phone call, the plane, the crash. But most important Hotaru had happened... and Michiru.

And then Haruka had tried so hard not to care, had tried to prevent her heart from melting but it had been all in vain. Before she could even realize it she had found herself looking out for those two, always thinking of them before anyone else, even herself.

She had given that kind of power to them, to her. And now she was telling her she was being selfish?!?

Still engrossed in those thoughts she was trying to find the battered path, it was clear by now that the unknown forest was way more dangerous than they had thought. While trying to remember what direction she had come from she heard something coming from her right, she turned, but nothing was there. She looked around... nothing.

But she could sense a presence, something was following her. Could it be...? Could it be her father again? But then she had thought it had been her feverish state to make her see things.

The whoosh was now louder, she turned to see the foliage moving fast and violently. Something was clearly approaching her and it was too noisy to be a ghost. She tried to run away, but she didn't want to go deeper into the forest, soon she turned to see the thing was nearer and nearer. It was faster than she was and she realized running was pointless.

She froze, it was almost there...

'That's it... let's see what are you capable of, polar be-... What the fuck...?' She couldn't believe her eyes, in front of her there was no bear... no thing. Well actually there was some kind of misty thing, a dark thick gray mist all gathered into some kind of form, something hardly resembling a... a... a monster.

It stopped right in front of Haruka, mere inches from her nose. She didn't even dare to breathe. It seemed to observe her intently, almost piercing through her like it could see right into her soul. A sense of chill rushed through her and she shivered.

Right in that moment she heard the noise of someone running through the forest, on instinct she turned to the noise and saw a man sprinting through the trees in a frenzy, at first she thought it was someone coming to look for her but even though he was running fast she realized he wasn't one of them.

When she turned back to the mist she saw it vanishing into thin air, the chilling sensation gone with it. Wasting no time she run after the mysterious man.

He was running fast and he had a dozen of seconds lead, but she knew she could run faster, after all that was her prerogative, she was a runner, a racer, though she was usually the one ahead, the one chased. But then again a lot had changed lately and maybe she was starting to run towards things and no more from them.

For a couple of minutes she managed to gain visual contact with him, but then her body started to protest against that exertion. Only a couple of days ago she couldn't even walk if not supported and now she was trying to run on bumpy ground at her top speed... it couldn't happen. And eventually, almost at the limit of the forest she lost track of him.

She realized she was near the beach, the trees were more sparse and she could hear the calm sound of the waves on the shore. She made up her mind in a moment and walked out of the forest and found herself not far from the beach camp.

Once reached the camp she was greeted by Umino and Molly and then by Lita and Ami who were talking quietly under a tree, but no one of them was who she was looking for. After a curt hello she looked around.

'There he is...' She walked towards the man sat under a makeshift tent, his eyes fixed on the horizon, his arms encircling his long legs.

As she had imagined the look greeting her was far from friendly, and she reciprocated it even though she was about to ask him for help... but she knew he would have granted that specific request, not for her sake of course, but he would have nonetheless.

"I need a favor."

Long brown lashes fluttered and big dark eyes opened, the harsh light of the day almost painful even in the dim shelter of the cave interior. His hair usually falling over his eyes had been pulled aside and as soon as he opened his eyes the most beautiful image appeared in his view.

He smiled, always surprised and pleased of how lovely her face was, it radiated such nobility with its noble feature, the serious dark eyes, and then he would picture a smile creasing that severity and his heart would skip a beat... that happened every time.

Sensing she was being observed Rei turned and was greeted by a very awake and smiling Yuiichiro. The initial surprised in her eyes was replaced by sweetness and concern as she reached out and caressed his face with one warm delicate hand. And then that same refined appendage hit him - almost hard - on his shoulder.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed more surprised than actually hurt. "What was that for?"

"Baka! Don't you dare scaring me like that again!" She said with such seriousness and hurt in her eyes he felt immediately guilty and averted his look.

"Gomen ne, Rei-chan..." He murmured.

She seemed to ignore him but he knew that was her way to dismiss the subject. In fact she was gentle as she lifted the bandage on his abdomen and checked on his wound. She even turned and gave him a brief contented smile, it probably didn't look so bad after all and in fact he felt some pain but he wasn't too worn out. He returned her a reassuring smile and relaxed.

Then out of the blue, her voice serious, she broke the silence.

"You have to promise me something, Yuiichiro-chan."

He furrowed his brows in confusion but nodded.

"Promise me you'll stop acting like you're beneath me or else I'll end up believing you are. And nothing could be more wrong than that." It was an odd thing to ask for and at first he was surprised, but then he realized what she was trying to say.

"You have nothing to prove to me... or to anyone." She bent down and placed a delicate kiss on his lips.

'I love you too, Rei-chan.' He didn't speak up those words, but there was no need to.

Then she stood from her kneeled position, "I'll let the doctor check on your wound, now." Like nothing happened between them.

"Rei-chan..." He exclaimed causing her to stop for a moment before turning back to him, "I promise."

She smiled and turned away and before walking away she said just, "Thank you."

"I told you there's no need for you to come." Her voice was almost exasperated. Why couldn't he let her take care of that matter?

"But Rei-chan, what would he think of me if I'm not even there to ask his blessing?" He protested but she didn't care what he would have thought of Yuiichiro. She knew perfectly well what her father thought of him and she didn't want her cute but helpless fiancée to face such contempt.

"I thought we'd agree I would have been the one talking with him." She reminded him. He remained speechless, he could tell she was starting to get upset.

"Then I'll come to give you support." He tried another way.

"There'll be grandpa for that." She cut him short, he slumped his shoulder and sat on the floor of her bedroom.

'Don't do that Yuiichiro-chan... I can't resist your puppy-dog attitude.' She could have let him come along but she knew this time she would have faced her father seriously, this time she would have stood up to him, no more sweet talking, no more surrendering, no more fear of disappointing him... and things would get harsh for sure, she knew that too. Her father preferred subtle ways and sugary words to yells and shouts, he was a politician after all, but she knew he didn't like to be challenged either.

And then... she knew his words would become harsh, mean, ferocious. But she was his daughter after all and she knew how to deal with it, she could be equally cruel if she wanted to. But Yuiichiro... no, he wouldn't understand, he would have been hurt. Cause there was one thing her father got right: Yuiichiro was from a very different world.

He couldn't understand things like deceit, cruelty and wickedness, where words were used to hurt and manipulate. She was different, she had grown up in that world, learning early what a lie was, how to tell lies and how to not believe any. How to hurt people.

"You think I don't know he despise me?" She was startled at his words, he seemed so resigned but resolved too. "I know he thinks I'm not good enough for you... But I want to come anyway and look him in the eyes when I'll ask his daughter in marriage, when I'll tell him I'll try my best to make her happy. I'm not scared of him."

'I am...' She thought, instead she said, "Fine then, you'll come."

In the middle of the afternoon almost all the preparation for tomorrow's expedition were done, Ami was back from the beach with Lita's word she would have joined them the next morning. She had good news about Molly who was doing good and from Seiya, he seemed much better – maybe his ribs weren't broken after all – and for everyone's relief Yuiichiro was awake and almost cheerful.

All the good news couldn't, though, attenuate Serena's and Michiru's worry. But while the pig-tailed girl could be clear about it, practically not even for a minute leaving her fiancée's side, expressing her complains with him or her best-friend or... anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path, it wasn't so for the violinist.

After that first outburst and that truthful confession to Setsuna, Michiru recomposed herself, tried to retrieve her usual detached demeanor. She didn't want the other to see weak and unfocused like that, she was beating herself up already for distressing Hotaru with her unreasonable behavior.

But that didn't mean she wasn't worried sick inside, Haruka had left three hours ago and though Ami said she had met her at the beach that had been longer than an hour ago and the blue-haired girl had that look in her blue eyes, like there was something she wasn't telling and that preoccupied Michiru all the more. 'For Kami's sake Haruka, come back...' The aqua-haired woman silently prayed.

And miraculously her prayers were granted when a couple of minutes later a panting, sweating, battered Haruka appeared at the entrance of the cave. Her T-shirt was dirty and torn all over like she had run through the forest and got stuck into branches and thorny bushes.

That image recalled another one from Michiru's memories, when Haruka had come to the beach in a similar poor state, carrying her violin wrapped in her battered white shirt, soaking wet from the rain and with feverish eyes. This time though it wasn't that crazy look she saw in he teal eyes but worry and... fear?

As the blonde approached her, Michiru dismissed the liberating feeling of having her worry subsiding and remembered under what circumstances the car-racer had left and felt guilty all over again.

When Haruka was finally in the back of the cave, facing Michiru she was greeted by a sigh of relief. The violinist seemed actually happy to see her. 'Happy?'

But like clouds on the tranquil sea, other feelings passed across that look and Haruka found herself automatically worrying.

"Are you OK?" Like every harsh word, every misunderstanding was forgotten the blonde asked sincerely concerned and Michiru felt even more guilty.

"Haruka..." She stopped for a moment to gather all her courage.

"What? Is something wrong?" Looking in those teal eyes Michiru sighed and resolve filled her heart.

"Everything's fine... I mean... no, it's not fine." The blonde in front of her had a puzzled expression and Michiru realized she wasn't making any sense. So she gestured the other to sit down and she sat near her, deciding this time she would get it right.

"I'm fine but I need to talk to you, Haruka." Still then the lack of need of suffixes in their weird relationship amazed Michiru.

"I'm all ears." Haruka smiled wanting to reassure the violinist who looked a bit troubled.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." Realization dawned on Haruka's face and her expression softened.

"It's... It's OK, Michiru."

"No... it's not. I had no right to tell you those things. They were unfair and I never meant what I said." She paused to see any sign of irritation on the other's face but she could see only kindness. "I was out of line... I usually don't act like that."

"I know." Haruka said reassuringly. Michiru smiled a little relieved smile.

"I was – I am – scared." Her look became even more intense. "I've never been so scared my entire life. And I'm not talking about the crash-down, the island or the polar bear, I'm talking about you." Haruka's eyes widened, "I'm scared something could happen to you and if that happened then I don't know what would I do."

Those words lingered between them, Haruka was speechless and after a minute Michiru continued.

"You mean that much to me." The blonde opened her mouth but words failed her completely.

"Can't you see? You've turned my world upside-down and now I don't know what think or do... or feel." As those words left her mouth Michiru felt relieved, like a burden was being lifted from her shoulders. "And I just couldn't let you go and risk your life leaving me here to deal with what you did to me. It feels so unfair."

While speaking her heart out like that Michiru saw so many things passing through Haruka's eyes she couldn't interpret any and sure she hadn't expected the blonde to say anything... but it would have helped if she did.

"Now I'm making a fool out of myself..." She suddenly felt a warm hand cupping her cheek and caressing it gently.

"It'll be all right..." Haruka said softly.

Then Michiru couldn't stand it anymore and leant to the blonde, she had to feel her close. Haruka was at first startled when she felt that soft body against her but after a moment she encircled Michiru's frame and caressed her hair murmuring soothing words.

"It'll be all right, I promise."

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, unaware of several sets of eyes on them, all sporting a smile.

"I need to do something for me." Haruka suddenly said, pulling apart to look Michiru in the eyes. The still distressed violinist nodded. "You have to go back to the beach. Take Hotaru and Setsuna with you." But before she could protest Haruka continued, "The forest is no longer safe."

"Why? What happened?" The violinist was now very worried.

"Promise me you'll get there before sunset. Seiya's coming to help you move their things." She gestured to Setsuna and Hotaru.

An hour later Haruka had convinced all the others to go back to the beach, she said she had saw the bear too and she thought the forest wasn't safe anymore. She hadn't told them about the weird mist and the mysterious man cause she was still unsure of what she had really seen, maybe the polar-bear hunting would solve some of those enigmas.

Seiya had come to help like Haruka had told Michiru, Serena and Rei would have waited the morning after to help the doctor move Yuiichiro, all the others were due to go into the expedition.

"I'll meet you at the beach, Hime-chan." Haruka said smiling reassuringly to Hotaru caressing her black hair. Then she stood from her crouched position and smiled to Michiru too.

"You better go." She finally said averting her gaze from Michiru's intense one. The violinist seemed hesitant for a moment then she slowly nodded and turned away unaware of Seiya's attentive look.

End of chapter 9.

Author's note: I'm sorry if Rei seems to be shallow or heartless and cruel with poor Yuiichiro somewhere in this chapter, I want to make clear it's not her talking or thinking but her education and those values that parents pass on their kids and these aren't always the right ones. And then those kids have to fight hard in life to make their own values and live up to those.

I know Michiru is not this emotional usually, but she explained her behavior, I hope that make sense.

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