Arisugawa's Locket (part 66 of 88)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 65
Cybersix watched with amusement as the two teens
walked up to the bar, the line melting away as they
passed. Both were beautiful, of course, but the real
reason people were getting out of the way was the
dangerous aura around the two of them. Both were
warriors, put simply, and few if any customers wanted
to mess with them.

"Would you please try to be serious?" the blue haired
girl asked, her right eye covered with a eyepatch.
Oddly she was dressed in something resembling a maid's
uniform, though one designed to be sexier than most.

"But Mou-chan," the blonde protested.

"Ryomou, damn it," the blue haired girl growled, "is
it that hard to get, Hakufu?"

Hakufu batted her blue eyes, "Is that a trick

Ryomou growled softly, shaking her head. "You drive me
nuts, you know that?" she complained to Hakufu.

"But you still like me, don't you?" Hakufu asked

Ryomou puffed out a sigh, "Yes, I still like you."

"Oh good!" Hakufu nearly knocked Ryomou off her feet
with a flying hug.

"Get off me," Ryomou struggled weakly, but clearly she
wasn't that bothered. The powerful girl could have
thrown her off, but instead she held the other girl

'Remind me to keep an eye on the two of them tonight,'
Cybersix thought as they reached the head of the line,
'they're both gorgeous but trouble.' Aloud she nodded
to them, "Evening, ladies. Could I see some ID?"

"Yes, ma'am," Hakufu beamed, handing hers over.

Ryomou felt a flash of relief that they both had legit
ID, just knowing that Hakufu probably couldn't lie
worth a damn. "How crowded is it tonight?" she asked
Cybersix curiously.

"Not too bad," Cybersix handed back the IDs. "Have a
good time," she waved them inside, "just try not to
start anything."

"Hey!" Hakufu protested but Ryomou hustled her down
the hall.

Meanwhile a tall, black haired young woman set a
impressively long katana on the top of the bar. "Don't
worry," Ryouko reassured the young woman as the tall,
blue haired woman set the blade behind the bar, "we'll
treat it with respect."

"It'll be all right, Se-chan," the dark brown haired
girl said, gently taking her hand.

Setsuna's cheeks colored faintly, the warrior meeting
her companion's eyes. "I just don't want to be
unarmed," she answered softly, "I need to defend you,

Konoka hugged her, drawing her back towards the table.
"With everyone here I think I'm safe," she reassured

The tan skinned priestess looked up as they neared the
table, her glossy black hair falling around her. "Glad
I checked in my pistols earlier," Mana smirked.

"So you've been here before?" Setsuna asked as she
held out a chair for Konoka, then tucking it in behind

"Oh, once or twice," Mana said evasively.

"Hi Mana-chan," Excel beamed as the blonde bustled by,
hauling Hyatt after her, "it's nice to see you again!"

"Often enough that they know your name?" Konoka

Kaede walked over to the table carrying a tray of
drinks, setting it down before sitting beside them.
"What I'd like to know," she smiled, her long brown
ponytail flowing down her back, "how we got in here
considering we're underage?"

"Speak for yourself," Evangeline said from her seat,
the pale, blonde haired little girls smiling slightly.

"More tea, mistress?" Chachamaru asked as she offered
the cup, the tall android looking at her mistress

"Thanks," Eva took the cup as she ruefully remarked,
"I'd drink, but this child's body of mine can't handle

"Too bad we couldn't drag Negi-sensei in here," Kaede
commented. She turned to the other occupant of the
table, "I was a bit surprised you came along,

"Someone has to come along and try to keep you out of
trouble," Yue commented, the nearly expressionless
young woman careful to sip at her drink. Obviously she
had regretted her drunkenness at the head temple of
the Kansai magic association and intended not to do it
again. "So," she looked around at the group, "what do
you think of Negi-sensei and Asuna-san?"

"Just because they have a contract doesn't mean
they'll be lovers," Eva said to them bluntly, tossing
back some tea.

"But they would make a good couple," Konoka pointed
out eagerly, "especially with how their personalities
and talents mesh."

"Like you and Setsuna?" Mana asked impishly.

"Hey!" Setsuna protested, blushing.

"Yue," Kaede dropped her voice so that only the other
girl could hear, "you're supporting Nodoka in this?"

"Well, yes," Yue acknowledged.

"That's good," Kaede flashed one of her gentle smiles
as she continued, "I know that Nodoka is your very
close... friend."

Yue blinked, "It's not like that."

"I like Negi-sensei," Chachamaru commented, pouring
another cup of tea with her usual grace, "he reminds
me of what I've heard about his father."

A faint blush colored Eva's cheeks, "He's not bad."

"Too bad there's so many people competing for
Negi-kun," Konoka commented, thinking of a few of
their interested classmates..

"Well, I suspect most of us at this table aren't,"
Mana noted, She rose smoothly as a song started,
"Excuse me." With a surprising degree of boldness she
strode over to talk to a young woman, then the two of
them walked over to the dance floor.

"Wow," Setsuna murmured.

Chachamaru rose , offering her hand to Evangeline,

Eva blinked at her then smiled slightly. "When in
Rome," she agreed as she morphed, growing into her
adult state as they headed off to dance too.

"Se-chan, look," Konoka pointed excitedly, "there's
kareoke!" She all but dragged Setsuna off, the two
disappearing into the crowds.

"Are you going to ask someone to dance?" Yue asked
Kaede, surprised to see the other girl remaining there
comfortably with her.

"I was thinking about it," Kaede smiled down at Yue,
giving the other girl a moment to get her meaning.

"But," Yue stammered, "I thought that you liked

"I like Negi-kun," Kaede agreed, "but that's as far as
it goes, Yue-dono." Yue took her hand, the two of them
rising to join the other dancers.

Over on the kareoke stage Konoka sang happily, clearly
enjoying the fierce blush on Setsuna's cheeks. "I
caught an angel, in my pocket,." she sang, "I caught
an angel and she'll be with me till the end of time!"

To be continued....

The Staff: Cybersix is from the tv show of the same
name, Ryouko is from the series Tenchi Muyo and Excel
and Hyatt are from Excel Saga.

Our Cast This Episode: Hakufu Sonsaku and Ryomou
Shimei are from Battle Vixens aka Ikki Tousen and
Konoka, Setsuna, Mana, Yue, Kaede, Evangeline and
Chachamaru are all from the anime and manga Negima.

Authors Notes: Hakufu and Ryomou are not a couple in
Ikki Tousen, but they do have a very close
relationship by the end of the series. In Negima,
Konoka and Setsuna are nearly a canon couple, though
the other couplings are the product of my imagination.

Onwards to Part 67

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