The Senshi stood there stunned and terrified. Darien was the first to move. God Dammit! He pounded the Earth with his fists. Tears streaming from everyones cheeks. They stood there for 10 minutes. Serena finally ordering those who did not live at the Mansion to grab clothes and meet them there. Rei ran to her room, grabbing stuff then shoving it in a bag. She scribbled a note to her Grandfather saying she was staying at the Mansion. Adding for him not to call. Still crying like mad she teleported to the Mansion. Rei dropped her stuff on her bed and walked to the living room. Each person was comforting another. Rei sat next to Hotaru. The 16 year old was in a gloomy daze. What now? Dradian will obviously turn her against us. Rei looked at the group. How? Terris mind is to strong to break. Mina again looked confused That black stone was called Nemkisk. Terris only weakness. It will leave her mind vulnerable long enough for it to be poisoned. Setsuna stopped speaking, pulling the blonde closer to her. Rei looked down. A fresh batch of tears falling. Hotaru noticed and hugged the woman who was close enough to be her sister. Everyone then went back upstairs to *sleep*. No one, especially Rei, would be sleeping. Rei grabbed a robe and decided to explore the Mansion. She studied each door. Amis, who was across from her, was the same as the rest. Planet color & sign, but something was different. Down in the right corner was a green sign of Jupiter. - Strange - She looked at Litas door. In the same place was a blue sign of Mercury. After examining the other doors, Rei figured out the reason. - Sign of their loved ones. Terri you are clever.- Remembering her love for the other girl, Rei looked at her own door. Sure enough there was the sign of Terrestrial in the bottom right corner. An evergreen five-point star over lapped with a periwinkle star, both outlined with black. - Terri what did you mean by I would know what to do?- Rei decided to let sleep take over and went back to her bedroom. A week later it was made clear they were in for a losing streak. There had been an attack at the park. Unfortunately what was waiting for them was not a youma. A young woman with long chestnut hair and big brown eyes to match. She wore a small navy blue tank top that showed her stomach and a matching short skirt. Black knee-high boots and a staff with a sharp point at the end completed the look. The Senshi stood in shock. There floated their beloved Terri. Evil or good, she was still every mans desire. A smirk they would come to know was on her face. She flew down to them. It was then that the dragon wings sprouting from her back were noticed. Good evening, you must be the Sailor Scouts my Lord wishs me to destroy. Yes but Terrestria, youve been brainwashed. Sailor Moon had stepped forward, happy to see her friend, evil or not. I am sorry Miss Moon. You are mistaken, I am Cathena , Goddess of Corruption. The womans eyes were hard and cold, showing no emotion. I am here to battle you. We shall do this my way, unless you want a whole building of innocents killed. They nodded in agreement. I will fight Pluto first. The time Senshi stepped forward. The evil smirk back on her face, Cathena easily blocked Plutos time spears. She flew upward and stopped. With in a second her staff had embedded itself in the Earth. The words that came from her mouth shocked them considerably. Time Corruption!. Faces of terror froze as the staff did as commanded. A small laugh and Cathena waved a slender hand at Pluto, unfreezing her. Cathena bound the womans limbs to her sides with her energy and floated the green haired woman to herself. She grabbed Pluto by the throat and called for her staff. So shocked yet Pluto? Probably enough to satisfy you. Cathena smiled and let time move again. The others looked up, their faces twisted into shock once again. Again using her energy, Cathena moved Pluto so the end of the staff touched her upper chest. This Senshi is my power! She looked at Pluto, then thrust the end of the staff into the other woman. As Pluto screamed in pain she glowed garnet and her sailor uniform was sucked into the staff. Along with her powers. Cathena laughed as the defeated sailor fell to Earth in human form. Venus immediately catching her. Shes alive, so dont think me a murderer. Theres no need to kill a mere human. Ill let you decide who I fight next time. Until then! The woman disappeared then. With out worry they quickly teleported so Ami could check Setsuna. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setsuna was awake by the time Ami had finished. Well your absolutely fine, but theres no sign of sailor energy anywhere. Ami left Mina and Setsuna alone. Her and the others went down stairs. I cant believe this. Serena was overwhelmed. Along with everyone else. One Senshi turned evil and stealing their powers. Rei left the group for the weight room. All she wanted to do was kick the hell out of Dradian, but the punching bag would do. - Terri what am I supposed to know?!?- A week later Cathena showed up and was ready for another Senshi to fight.
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