The Last Sacrifice: The End of the Silver Millenium (part 3 of 24)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by kazeko

Back to Part 2
Note on Planet Names:  Ten'ousei=Uranus; Kaiousei=Neptune; 
Meiousei=Pluto; Dosei=Saturn; Kasei=Mars; Suisei=Mercury; 
Mokusei=Jupiter; Kinsei=Venus


Haruka carefully cut the last crystal, placing it on her creation.  She 
touched each key, and a pure, beautiful note filled the air, magically 
contained on the tiny airless moon of Uranus.  She had created her own 
sanctuary moons away from her father's palace where she could create the 
perfect musical instrument to mimic the cries of the wind.  She had 
finally perfected it, and she ran her fingers across the keys 
experimentally, thinking, composing.
Ten'ou Haruka sighed at the beautiful sounds, wishing that she had 
someone with whom to share her love of music.  She thought about that 
beautiful young princess from Neptune, but her father would not let her 
visit the other kingdoms.  "Not until you start dressing like a 
princess, anyway."  Koshu's words burned in her memory, and Haruka's 
eyes filled with tears of fury.  Why should she wear those stupid 
dresses, anyway?  She was more comfortable in suits like her father 
wore; he should be proud of her for learning from him.
"By Uranus, I'm not a child anymore!  I should be able to dress as I 
like and go where I want to.  I'm old enough to rule if he would just 
let me!  I'm easily his superior with the sword and unarmed combat, and 
I'm ready to be Sailor Uranus if he would only let me hold that sword or 
transform!  He doesn't have to be so protective!"  Haruka slammed her 
fist against the stone wall, eyes closed to keep from tearing up.
"You don't have to stay."
Haruka turned around at the voice, shocked to find herself facing Sailor 
Pluto.  The Queen of Meiousei rarely went anywhere in normal clothes; 
most often she was dressed in the dark uniform of her position.  "What?  
How did you find me?"
"You're asking the Guardian of Time and Space how she found one Princess 
of the Silver Millennium?  Really, Haruka-san; you're smarter than 
Haruka stood up, surprised to find that she was easily as tall as the 
green-haired lady.  "What do you mean?"
"Do what you've always wanted to do; visit the other kingdoms.  Disguise 
yourself as some Duke's son, if you wish, and visit the other 
princesses.  They have changed a lot since you last saw them.  Minako 
and Rei are best of friends, currently together on one of Kasei's moon's 
resorts.  Makoto and Ami are touring Mokusei's moons, building a close 
friendship that will endure into their next lives, I'd guess.  They have 
all received their henshin sticks and mastered their powers, in case the 
Silver Millennium is attacked.  The princess of Dosei, of course, 
hopefully will never have need to become Sailor Saturn, for that will 
mean the greatest enemy, but Michiru will receive her henshin stick on 
her next birthday, which is quickly approaching.  You might want to 
attend the party, regardless of your father's wishes."
"I can't do that!  What would my father think?!"
"He'd see that you're growing up and that you're no longer a little girl 
to be protected.  You should take your henshin stick and go see what 
this Solar System has to offer."
Haruka slowly smiled, a small, tight smile of calculation and amusement 
as the last of her doubts were washed away.  "I might at that.  What 
about Princess Serenity?"
"Ah, that one.  She is much like you, in that she does not wish to obey 
her mother.  The Queen wants Serenity to marry some Duke of the moon, 
but the Princess has her eyes set on a young Earth Prince."
"Really?  I think perhaps it is time for me to travel, Queen Setsuna."
"Just Setsuna, Haruka-san.  We are equals."
"Setsuna-san, should I take the Space Sword?"
"Do you feel drawn to it?"
Haruka nodded, no longer needing an answer from the queen.  "Don't tell 
my father."
"I wouldn't.  Good luck, Haruka-san, and I hope you find what you are 
looking for."
"What?!  The Space Sword has been stolen?!  But no one can get into that 
room but me!  Who let this happen?"
Setsuna glared at the king, glancing significantly at the bruises and 
cuts on the three guards.  "Let?  No one let this happen; these three 
were unconscious at the time."
"Do you remember anything?"
"No, Ten'ou-sama.  We didn't even see him."
"Initiate a search and summon my daughter."
"That's the other thing, Majesty.  Haruka-sama has also disappeared."
"What?!  My daughter, kidnapped?  I will not allow this!  Initiate the 
search; we will find them both."
"Perhaps you should have let her Transform into Sailor Uranus so she 
could defend herself," Setsuna commented, steel lacing her voice.  
"After all, I did warn you many long years ago that Haruka would not be 
"There's no time for regrets now.  For now, we just need to find my 

Setsuna neglected to mention that the henshin stick was also "missing".

Onwards to Part 4

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