The Last Sacrifice: The End of the Silver Millenium (part 17 of 24)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by kazeko

Back to Part 16
Note on Planet Names:  Ten'ousei=Uranus; Kaiousei=Neptune; 
Meiousei=Pluto; Dosei=Saturn; Kasei=Mars; Suisei=Mercury; 
Mokusei=Jupiter; Kinsei=Venus


Shousha, alone in the communications room, dialed the code that she had 
not even thought about in years.  Serenity appeared on her screen.  
"Hello, Serenity," Shousha whispered.  "I missed you."
"I'm glad you called, old friend.  How was your daughter's party?"
Shousha smiled, glad that her queen would still talk to her.  "I don't 
hate you," she whispered.
Serenity nodded.  "I know."
"Kazeko wouldn't let you save her.  I realize that now.  She was a 
soldier up until the very last.  She knew that she had no right to ask 
for your sacrifice."
"Why the sudden change of tune?  Not to be indelicate, but your 
resentment of my choice is well known."
Strangely, Shousha felt no anger at the queen's words.  "She came to me 
in a dream earlier, or a part of her did.  I don't think she actually 
entered my dreams, but she calmed me and comforted me.  I knew that it 
was her.  She took away all of my anger and resentment.  Or maybe it was 
the words that Haruka said to me."
"Haruka?"  Serenity felt a twinge of foreboding, her mind inexplicably 
flashing to the memory of Ten'ou Haruka holding Michiru close as the two 
disappeared from her palace.
"Yes.  Haruka told me that I had been selfish to bury myself in grief 
after Kazeko's death and that the current generation of Senshi will have 
to pay for what I didn't do.  The Aqua Mirror, you see, gave Michiru a 
vision while she was on Kasei, and it involved the awakening of Saturn."
"Masaka!  Shou-chan, that has not happened in so many generations . . ."
"I know, but Haruka swears that it was true.  I learned this after 
Michiru fainted upon seeing the young Princess of Dosei.  Haruka said 
that if I had been properly linked to my Mirror as Sailor Neptune should 
be, I would have seen this premonition of the end of the world before 
Hotaru was fully linked to her planet.  We cannot eliminate her now, 
because it's too late to save Saturn from its guardian's death.  Haruka 
told me that it's because of me that the kingdom is in danger.  It's 
true and I don't know why I never realized this before."
"It's not your fault," Serenity soothed.  "These things happen.  My 
daughter had been visiting a prince of Earth, and that is no more my 
fault than not being able to see visions is yours."
Shousha smiled.  "Serenity was going to Earth?  Rebellion is strong in 
the younger Senshi."
"Serenity is no Senshi and never will be if I can help it.  I can 
protect this kingdom fine on my own.  We don't need a young Sailor 
"I wish I could safeguard my daughter so easily.  She's gone and gotten 
herself married and will soon be in my seat and I don't know how to keep 
danger away from my kingdom."
"Married?  I hadn't heard anything about this."
Shousha shrugged.  "It's very recent.  A Duke's son from Uranus.  He's 
very nice; you'd like him."
"Maybe I'll meet him someday."
Shousha nodded, sapphire eyes filled with more warmth than anyone had 
seen in them since Haruka's birth.  "You are always welcome to my world, 
Serenity.  We were friends once, and I have no intention of losing that 
friendship.  Kazeko wouldn't want it that way."
"I'm glad."  Serenity looked over her shoulder angrily as one of her 
servants interrupted her.  "I said to leave me be."  The servant mumbled 
something, and Serenity's hand flew to her mouth.  "Oh no.  Shou-chan, I 
have to go.  I will see you soon."  The screen died.
Serenity glared at her mother, holding Endymion's arm possessively.  Her 
mother crossed her arms, eyes sparking fiercely in the light.  "What is 
he doing here?"
"His name is Endymion," Serenity countered defiantly.  "And he was 
escorting me home."
"Where were you that you needed an escort?"
"Kaiousei.  Michiru-san invited me to her party and I went.  Endymion 
went along to protect me while I was away from home."
"I have guards for that.  Humans are not allowed to wander the Silver 
Millennium, as you well know."
"I don't care," Serenity hissed.  "You can't keep us apart forever.  
Haruka-kun ran away from home and I can, too."
"You'll do no such thing.  Prince Endymion, you are forbidden to set 
foot on the Moon ever again, and you, Serenity, will never again be 
alone."  She waved her hand, and the prince vanished, returned to his 
"No," Serenity whispered.  "Don't you understand?  I love him."
"Which is why you must stay away from him.  I don't want you to be 
heart-broken when he dies; they don't live as long as we do.  I'm only 
looking out for your best interests."
"I hate you," Serenity whispered, dashing off, tears streaming down her 
cheeks.  The queen sighed as she sunk into her chair.  The image of 
Haruka and Michiru returned to her mind, and the silver-haired woman 
clasped her hands tightly.
"I hope Shou-chan is having better luck with her daughter."  She 
wondered for the first time since her daughter was born if Setsuna would 
have been a better mother.  She suddenly wished the green-haired senshi 
had been given the chance.
Shousha sipped her drink, enjoying the companionship of her former 
partners.  Their number was diminished by two, but the remaining queens 
were glad to be together.  Free of their husbands, they spoke freely.  
Rikuriko was not shy about wrapping her arm around Asakaze's waist, and 
the graying blonde leaned her head against Rikuriko's shoulder.  Meika 
and Shousha stared at the empty seats, not noticing that Setsuna, too, 
was alone.
"So few of us left," Shousha whispered.  "Some that should be here 
aren't anymore."
Meika nodded.  "Yeah.  But I think Amami would be proud of her 
Shousha clenched her hands into fists.  "Why don't you blame them, 
Meika?  Why aren't you angry that those twins caused her death?  Doesn't 
it bother you?"
"No, Shou-chan, because her death is more my fault than theirs.  
Hakuchou and Kaichou can't help being twins, just as you and I cannot 
help being Senshi.  Amami would never have died if she hadn't lost hope.  
If I hadn't taken hope away from her."
"Does she ever come to you?  In your dreams?"
Meika nodded, smiling.  "Yes.  But more than that, the last thing she 
said to me was that she didn't blame me.  The last thing she said was 'I 
love you.'  Sometimes, when I'm feeling especially bad, I'll dream about 
her and the world won't feel so lonely.  And her children are 
"All of your children are wonderful.  You all had so many."
Rikuriko grinned, turning away from Asakaze to join in the conversation.  
"Kazan is a handful, as fiery as a Prince of Mars should be.  Rei is 
rebellious and strong, like I was when I was younger."
Rikuriko glared at Asakaze.  "Watch your mouth," she whispered lovingly, 
"before I have to do something drastic.  Anyway, Momoiro is so quiet in 
comparison.  She can be powerful when she wants to be, but mostly she 
lets the other two run things.  She enjoys sitting at home and waiting 
for suitors to come to her, and she's only interested in boys."
"Unlike all of our daughters," Meika groaned.  "I wish Makoto wasn't so 
tomboyish.  It doesn't help any of our kingdoms that she's fallen in 
love with Ami."
"They'll calm down in time," Kinsei's queen assured her partners.  "We 
all have given up soul love, true love, for duty love and families.  Our 
daughters will, too."
"Speaking of daughters, Shousha, why did Michiru never date women?  We 
all go through that stage."
"I don't know, Meika.  She's never been exposed to any of that and I 
certainly never told her of my early days with Kazeko.  It wouldn't do 
any good; a man is best for her now."
"And this Urakaze boy seems like a fine match," Rikuriko praised.  "Too 
bad he didn't visit my planet early enough to attract Rei."
Shousha nodded.  "I'm glad he came before Michiru decided that she'd 
like to visit the rest of the Silver Millennium.  With a husband at 
home, she'll be less likely to stray."
"I agree.  Besides, she's so much like you that she'd probably fall for 
Kazeko's daughter.  I hear that Koshu's heir is almost a carbon copy of 
Shousha caught her breath at the reminder.  "I promised myself that I'd 
always hate that child.  She killed her mother, though maybe Kazeko 
blames me for leaving.  If it wasn't for Haruka . . ."
Shousha looked up at her partners, eyes wide.  "Haruka," she whispered.  
"Blonde hair, eyes too green to belong to a commoner . . . he spoke to 
me as to an equal, saying words Kazeko would have said . . . the sword 
he carries . . . and the marriage!  Ten'ou no Utsukushii Uta Temple is 
near the palace, is where Kazeko prayed, is where we sometimes met.  
That's where I knew Yoruno's name from!  The wedding was not registered 
in any of the Kingdoms, and a priest of the Order of the Winds of 
Ten'ousei would never conduct an illegal wedding."
"What are you talking about?"
"Earth!  Serenity said it herself; her daughter had been going to Earth.  
And I know Haruka was there . . . she was surprised.  Why was she 
surprised?  It can't be!"  Shousha spun to face Setsuna, who had so far 
been quiet.  "It couldn't have happened without you knowing!"
Setsuna shook her head.  "Some things Destiny will not let us prevent."
"No!  It can't be!"  Shousha dashed off, leaving Setsuna and three very 
confused former Senshi behind.
She reached Michiru's door, desperate to be proven wrong but knowing 
that she must be right.  As the light fell across the bed, Haruka opened 
her deep green eyes, and Shousha stared at what the blanket did not 
cover.  "No," she whispered.

Onwards to Part 18

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