The Last Sacrifice: The End of the Silver Millenium (part 1 of 24)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by kazeko

Note on Planet Names:  Ten'ousei=Uranus; Kaiousei=Neptune; 
Meiousei=Pluto; Dosei=Saturn; Kasei=Mars; Suisei=Mercury; 
Mokusei=Jupiter; Kinsei=Venus


Her mother had died birthing her.  It was a strange thing, among the 
citizens of the Kingdoms of the Silver Millennium for a woman to die for 
her child.  But the Queen of Uranus died of blood loss in her castle on 
the planet's moon Miranda, leaving her tiny daughter in the hands of her 
husband, the king.
The little girl, the only heir to the Ten'ou line, was given the name 
Haruka and left mostly in the care of nursemaids and castle servants.  
The king kept his wife's sword and henshin stick in a closed room in the 
topmost towers of the castle and let his daughter live her life as she 
would.  Lacking a female role model who did not bow to her, Haruka began 
to emulate her father, keeping her blonde hair cut short, wearing 
princely suits rather than princess dresses, and learning to 
sword-fight.  She became a master of the blade before she was as tall as 
the swords she wielded and yearned for more, for a challenge.
The King of Uranus looked up as a tall, green-hared woman entered his 
private study, a tall staff topped by a garnet stone in one hand, a 
piece of paper in the other.  "Ten'ou Koshu."
"Meiou Setsuna," the king returned, bowing his head.  "To what do I owe 
the honor?  A visit from the Queen of Pluto is no light matter."
"No, Koshu-kun, it is not.  We have been friends since I introduced you 
to Kazeko so many years ago, and I came for a number of reasons."
Koshu gestured toward an empty seat in his study and called for a 
servant to bring tea.  "I am ready to listen, my friend."
"Koshu-kun, your daughter is yours to raise as you wish, but the other 
queens and I are worried about her.  She is the Princess of Uranus but 
she has never even seen the Space Sword.  Her destiny is as Sailor 
Uranus, Protector of the Silver Millennium, as you well know."
"I can't control her, Setsuna-san.  She is a spirit into and of herself 
and rarely obeys."
"She adores you, but you never pay her any attention."
"She reminds me of Kazeko, Setsuna-san.  I can't look at her and not 
think of my late wife."
"Do you blame her?"
"What?"  Koshu looked up at the lonely Queen of Pluto and the Guardian 
of the Gate of Time, green eyes wide.  "How could you even suggest such 
a thing?"
"If the shoe fits, my friend . . . I know Haruka has thought it.  She 
knows that her mother is dead because she is alive and she wants to make 
it up to you.  If you don't train her, she might not be ready when it is 
her turn to defend out kingdom and she'll die.  Do you want that?  
Kazeko's only child and your only heir?"
"No, of course not.  I do love her, I just can't show it the way some 
fathers do.  I'll try, Setsuna-san, if you think I should.  I don't know 
what good it will do, but I will try.  Why else did you come?"
Setsuna, dressed in her Sailor fuku, handed Koshu the letter.  "The 
Queen has given birth."
Koshu, shocked, opened the letter, reading the neat, compressed, 
powerful writing, recognizing the strong hand of the King of the Moon.  
"We are invited to a party in her favor?  All eight royal families?"
"Yes.  Queen Saturn was there for the birth and has already paid her 
respects; the others have accepted and will bring their daughters and 
the heirs to their Sailor Senshi legacies."
Koshu caught the hint.  "Haruka and I will be there, dressed for the 
occasion.  She will carry her mother's henshin stick as a symbol of 
power and lineage."
"Good."  As Setsuna stood to leave, she placed a hand on her friend's 
arm.  "You are not the only one to lose the one you love.  There is no 
King of the Neptunian Kingdom, and Shousha lost her first and only son.  
And I am far too old to think about a mate or child.  Do not despair, 
Koshu-kun.  It's not so bad."

"Thank you, Setsuna-san."

Onwards to Part 2

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