Makoto looked around, wondering why the park seemed deserted in the middle of an afternoon. She looked up at the suddenly gray sky just as a drop of water hit her forehead. With a sigh she moved from the bench she had been occupying to a nearby gazebo. Once underneath she nearly laughed at the irony, waiting for Freddy to arrive so she could break up with him, now in the exact same place he dumped her seemingly ages ago. "Babe!" She cringed as she heard his voice from behind her. Turning around slowly she saw him running towards her, using a newspaper as a shield from the increasing rain. He shook his shaggy locks, spraying drops of water on her. "Freddy!" "Oh, sorry Babe. Not my fault, you're the one who wanted to meet out here. Didn't you watch the forecast today? Never mind, we have a bigger problem." Makoto crossed her arms. She was starting to feel less guilty about dumping him. "What's the problem 'we' have?" "I went home today and all my stuff was in the hallway! It's like reverse burglary or something!" "Well, that seems to be more your problem than mine." He squinted at her, brushing wet hair away from his eyes. "What's up with you? That time of the month or something?" Makoto's hands flexed at her sides, curbing her first instinct of slugging him on the jaw. "No," She replied patiently, "But you were right before, we do have a problem. Freddy, listen..." She paused, searching for the right words. Not finding them, nor caring, she settled for the simplest. "You have to move out. I can't be with you anymore." It was a few seconds before he fully comprehended what she had said. "Are you-are you kidding? 'Cause it's not funny." "It isn't", Makoto shook her head, "But I'm not kidding." A hand came up to run through his uncombed hair as he paced around. Makoto waited. "Why?" He finally said, "I thought we had something good Makoto! Is this because I forgot to pay my half of the rent last month?" "I just can't be with you anymore." She sighed, looking away from his hurt face. "Sorry." Freddy's shoulders drooped, staring into the back of her head with wide eyes. "Makoto..." She frowned hearing him begin to whimper. "Come on Freddy, don't make this bad. I don't want to turn around and see you crying." "Too bad!" He shouted, wiping his eyes with his jacket sleeve. "I don't understand what happened to you. You said you wanted to be with me, what happened?" Reluctantly, Makoto faced him. "Things change," She said weakly, contemplating revealing the entire truth to him. She shook her head; he was already in a pitiful state. "I'm sorry, but that's how it is." "Is it another dude? 'Cause that's real foul, Makoto." Makoto swallowed, "I can tell you with the utmost sincerity, that it is not 'another dude'." "Then what the fuck is it? You can't do this to me!" "You're taking this way too hard." "How the fuck am I supposed to take it?" "Try thinking about how you dumped me, I'm sure you'll be inspired." Makoto responded cuttingly to his sudden anger. He replied with a frustrated yell, kicking at the gazebo floor with his sneaker toe. "What is this? What, are you trying to get revenge for something that happened years ago, you crazy bitch?" "No." Makoto's voice was hard; she had reached her tolerance limit for her once again 'old sempai'. "Revenge would be telling you that I've been cheating on you with Ami for almost as long as I've been with you." The expression change on Freddy's face was curious. "Ami? Little blue-haired chick?" "That's her." Makoto crossed her arms, wondering what was going through his head. She was mildly surprised when he began to smile, a sleazy half smirk. Again she restrained herself from knocking his teeth out. "You're a sick human being, Freddy. And I'll be glad if I don't see you again for the rest of my life." She left him standing on the gazebo, not bothering to shield herself from the downpour. "You're soaked," Were Ami's words upon opening her apartment door and finding Makoto dripping in front of her. Makoto grinned, "No, I'm free." Unable to control herself she threw her arms around Ami, lifting her off the ground and squealing ecstatically into her neck. "Makoto! Makoto, please put me down!" Ami pleaded in a low voice. "I can't. I'm too happy." "My mother's home." Ami found the floor beneath her feet once again. Her mother's voice beckoned her from inside. "Yes, mother. Come in, you'll need to change your clothes." Makoto hesitated as Ami took her hand to lead her in. "I don't know how I feel about getting naked while your mother's home." Ami smiled despite herself. "When I said 'change', I meant 'change'. Nothing else." "You didn't... tell your mother... anything... did you?" Makoto asked cautiously. "Oh Kami no!" Ami answered surprisingly quickly. "There was so much trouble with Freddy, and Usagi and everything else... You wouldn't mind if my mother was in the dark for a bit, would you?" Makoto sighed in utter relief. "Not at all. We deserve an intermission before more drama." Ami only laughed, pulling her inside. Rei watched as Minako's breath came back to her, her chest rising and falling as she panted quietly, eyes closed. Limbs still trembling, Rei turned from her back onto her side, reaching out to touch the blonde. Rei smiled at her as her blue eyes came open. The smile faltered as Minako ignored it, rising slowly and drawing her knees to her chest. "What's wrong?" She asked immediately. "Nothing," Minako hastened to assure her, meeting her eyes for a second before turning away again, "I just haven't done that in a while, that's all." Rei relaxed, "Oh." She lay back down, folding her hands behind her head. "It sure didn't feel like it," She chuckled, but brought no response from Minako. The blonde only threw the covers aside, getting up and finding her randomly strewn clothing. "Where are you going?" Minako glanced at her briefly, hesitating. "Home," She said quietly, slipping her shirt over head. Rei sprung out of bed, wrapping the sheets around her nude form. "Why? Stay a little. We should," She paused, watching Minako deliberately pull her socks on, "talk about this. About us." The blonde continued dressing, flashing her cloudy eyes over Rei. "I have to get home. I didn't mean to... stay. My parents will be wondering." "It's five in the afternoon! And it's raining." Rei pleaded, not understanding her at the moment. Minako had come to her house wanting to talk, but kissed her instead, setting off the intense physical reunion that Rei now needed to validate with an explanation. Minako however, was not prepared to give one. "Sorry, but I have to." She ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her mussed bow, heading for the bedroom door. Rei hurried to follow her, wrapping the sheets around her nude body. "Hey," She grabbed her arm in desperation, but let it go immediately after Minako's alarmed reaction, "Sorry. But... don't you have anything to say about what just happened?" "Is it really necessary to say anything?" "Yes!" Rei shouted, becoming frustrated. She swallowed, "You didn't say if you forgive me or not." Minako looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. Her sudden frown made Rei wince. "I have to go." She was ten steps away before Rei could say anything else. Suddenly drained and listless, the miko slumped back to her bedroom, passing her confused grandfather and a slack-jawed Yuuichiro. "Eh, Rei my child," Her grandfather began uneasily, "How did-did you two-eh-" The miko rubbed her eyes, screaming, "Why is she doing this to me?!" They recoiled at her rage as she left them in the hallway, her bedroom door slamming shut behind her. The customary walk to school in the morning proved an interesting one to Usagi, looking on with a pleased smile at Makoto and Ami's simple and subtle display of affection. She hung back with Minako as the other two walked in front, arms linked. "Hey Mina-chan, what do you think of that?" Usagi pointed with her chin at their friends. Minako looked up, distractedly. She shrugged, "What's there to think? It's just Ami-chan and Mako-chan." "Are you telling me you don't see it? They're so together!" The odangoed blonde whispered excitedly. "I wonder why they haven't said anything yet." "As if they would. Usagi-chan, I need to tell-" Minako stopped as Ami and Makoto greeted Rei as she joined them. "Hey Rei-chan!" Usagi waved, surprised to see her after having abandoned the walk for the past few weeks. Excited as she was, she remained unaware of Minako stiffening next to her. "Hey," Rei replied quietly, eyes only on Minako. To her though she said nothing, only resuming the walk beside Ami. Usagi noticed the obvious uneasiness between the two. Again she hung back with Minako, whispering, "Ami told me you were going to talk to Rei." Minako swallowed, a sudden lump in her throat. "I did. And... Usagi, I'm the dumbest person in the entire universe." "I don't understand. What happened, Mina-chan?" Usagi's blue eyes widened with concern, but there was no time for a reply as the group arrived at TA, Rei's stop. Makoto rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, not knowing what to say to Rei after so many weeks of disquiet and divergence. "So... should we stop back this afternoon?" Makoto's effort was received with a small, but grateful smile. "Sure," Her eyes wandered to Minako, who was trying to look everywhere but at her. "Um... I'm having some trouble with physics; maybe we can have a meeting at the shrine?" "Of course," Ami piped immediately. Makoto too nodded. "Sure, Rei-chan. I'll bring brownies." Rei coughed, noticing that neither Usagi nor Minako had said anything yet. "Everyone can come..." Usagi's concern for Minako subsided momentarily, realizing that Rei was talking about them. "I'll definitely be there. So will Mina-chan." Minako looked up only to give Usagi a betrayed look. Her eyes glimpsed Rei's intense face for a second before finding the ground once again. "Okay then. See you guys later." Not once did Rei's penetrating eyes leave the blonde until she finally turned to enter TA. The remaining four stood for a few moments. Makoto looked at Minako, remembering what she had asked her to do the day before. Tired of the silence she said impertinently, "That was more awkward than it probably should've been. Anyway, let's not stand around here all day; we're going to be late." Unaware of how to reply to that Minako and the other two simply followed her silently the rest of the way. "Shit," Minako didn't bother to conceal her disappointment as Amagasaki-sensei handed a test back to her with a constipated frown. "It looks like propriety along with algebra aren't your strong points, Aino." He told her, missing her eyes roll as he handed Ami's perfect scoring test back to her, "Get some help for the next one. You too, Tsukino." Usagi frowned at her 47. "It's a good thing we're having a study meeting today, right Mina-chan? What'd you get?" "Not even double-digits," She shoved the paper into her bag embarrassedly. "Don't worry Mina-chan, we'll sort it all out this afternoon," Ami gave her a sympathetic smile, but it soon disappeared as Minako stiffened and avoided facing her. "You will come, won't you Mina-chan?" "I'm sorry, Ami-chan. I'm not up for it right now." Ami became concerned, more for Rei's feelings than anything else. She could see how much the miko wanted to see Minako, anyone could see it. "Please reconsider Mina- chan. Rei-chan really wants you to be there. I thought you two were talking again anyway, you told Mako-chan and I you would give her a chance." "Yeah, you never finished explaining that," Usagi reminded her. "Did you talk to her or not?" Minako looked at the ceiling so she wouldn't have to see their reactions to what she was about to tell them, "I... We did a little more than talk. Much more. Too much." Ami put a shocked hand to her mouth while Usagi gasped, then squealed in delight. "You're back together?!" She threw her arms around Minako's neck, almost knocking her over and drawing the attention of the rest of the class. "Knock that off!" Amagasaki-sensei roared. Usagi returned to her own seat, but still grinned. Minako however put her face in her hands, sighing heavily. "I don't think that's the case Usagi-chan," Ami said, looking at the blonde carefully. "You're not back together?" She asked, disappointed. Minako rubbed her temples, becoming fatigued. "No." "Then why did you..." "I don't know!" Once again the eyes of the entire class were on Minako, disrupting the quiet with her outburst. She sunk into her chair, "Sorry Sensei." Clearing her throat she attempted to explain herself to Usagi and Ami, "I went over there to talk, and it was awful. But then she grabbed me and I don't know what I said, then she asked if I forgave her or not." "What did you say?" Ami asked anxiously. Minako looked away again. "I didn't say anything. I kissed her." "Do you forgive her though? If you kissed and everything..." Minako shrugged. "I don't know. I missed her; I liked being with her again. And it was so good..." Ami blushed as Usagi giggled. "Well then it seems like you're more than ready to work it out. I know Rei- chan is. She's desperate for your forgiveness Mina-chan. Please come with us this afternoon." Minako listened to Ami and with a sigh and agreed. "I guess I have to. Even Mako-chan looked pissed at me this morning." "She did, didn't she?" Usagi noted, but turned a sly smile on Ami. "Ami-chan, why don't you say something to your girlfriend?" Ami turned pink as Minako laughed and joined in, "Yeah, Ami-chan, I'm sure you know how to lighten her up." "Pay attention to Sensei", She squeaked, covering her face with a notebook. The study meeting was quiet. Usagi snored behind a textbook, but was not reprimanded by Ami, whose attention was given fully to Makoto's whisperings in her ear. Having given up on completing any physics homework, Rei watched their affectionate antics with a bitter look on her face, reminded that at one time, that would have been her and Minako. Minako herself was sitting as far away from Rei as she possibly could, doodling on her notebook cover idly. Time passed like this until finally Makoto announced, "Well, Ami and I have to go." "Walking her to cram school?" Usagi asked through a big yawn. "Yes," Ami answered quickly as Makoto chuckled, deciding the real reason was not vital knowledge for her friends. "See you tomorrow!" "I guess we should go too, Usagi-chan," Minako suggested, dying to get out of there. Usagi looked at Rei, but the miko looked away. "Sure, Mina-chan." "Minako," Rei finally said as they finished packing up, her voice even and casual, "I think you should stay." Minako was surprised at her boldness. She looked to Usagi for rescuing, but the blonde intentionally turned the other way, knowing she could not, and would not, help her out of this. Realizing this, Minako's mouth tightened into a line, replying, "Why?" "You know why." It was all Rei had to say to get her to drop her bag back onto the floor and send Usagi out of the shrine with a hurried goodbye. She stood near the door with her back to Rei. The miko sighed, standing up as well. "You can't just go on pretending like it never happened, Minako. It happened. And I think it happened for a reason." "And what reason is that?" Minako asked curiously over her shoulder. Rei smiled softly. She went silently to the blond, putting her arms around her waist. "You still love me," She whispered. She closed her eyes, turning in Rei's arms to return the embrace. "I do still love you Rei." She let herself smile as the miko held her tighter, "I never stopped loving you." "I knew it!" Rei rejoiced, kissing her cheek, "I knew you would forgive me. I knew we'd get back together..." She smiled uncontrollably, leaning in for a kiss. Minako, however, pulled away, keeping Rei at arm's length. She became worried suddenly; Minako's face not conveying the same emotions that Rei was feeling. "What?" Minako could feel the tears begin to push at the back of her eyes. Rei's face fell as she began to cry. "Oh God... Minako, what is it?" She pleaded, holding her by the shoulders. "I..." The blonde sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She sighed, "Rei, I love you. But... I can't be with you." Rei let go of her. She looked at Minako, obviously perplexed. "What-Minako that doesn't make any sense! Of course you can be with me!" "No." She said calmly, though through some tears, "No, I can't." "But you love me! And I love you, and you forgave me! How..." Rei paused, trying to keep her own emotions in check, "How can you not want to be with me?" Minako wiped her tears away even as they continually poured out of her eyes. She tried to keep it together, for the sake of expressing her feelings frankly. "I don't trust you anymore Rei. I can't trust you anymore. And I can't be with someone I don't trust." Rei's eyes glazed over. She snapped. "Then why the fuck did you fuck me!? Mina? What the fuck have I been doing if you 'can't' be with me? Why are you fucking with my head?" "You wanted me to forgive you and you should be happy I even gave you that after what you did to me, Rei," Minako matched her intense glare, neck bulging as she screamed. "Don't you dare act like that you've been hurt more than I have." Rei was appalled. "You don't know what I went through just to get my friends to speak to me again," She said in a menacingly low voice, "I was on my fucking knees, apologizing and explaining to more people than I needed to, just to get you to fucking talk to me again! I made one mistake Mina, one mistake. And I had to go through hell to get you to even listen to me. I wanted to work it out, I wanted to fix it, and you? You give me this bullshit." "Oh my God, I can't believe you," Minako nearly laughed at Rei's absurd reasoning. "So you think all that you 'went through'" She said the phrase with air quotes, "Is somehow worse than you breaking my fucking heart? Rei, you hurt me. And you humiliated me. And you expect me to come back to you like it never happened?" "No, I don't fucking expect that!" Rei roared, stomping to the other side of the room. "What I expected was..." The miko didn't even know what she expected. She closed her eyes, realizing that the situation right now, them yelling at each other, was the best she could have hoped for. After what she did, how could Minako trust her again? It was hopeless, she realized. All her being had been put into getting Minako back, and now at this relatively late date, it was hopeless. She put a hand over her mouth, muffling the sudden violent sobs of despair. Minako looked away. After everything, she still couldn't see Rei like that. "I'm sorry that this-I don't know. We should've never been together in the first place." "Thanks for the fuckin' consolation." Rei said bitingly through her tears. "God..." Minako sighed, the situation was unbearable, "Don't be angry-oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to. Let's just... let it be." Rei nodded sarcastically, she was uncontrollably angry. "Yeah, let's do that. Let's make this whole thing more convenient for you. So you can move on and fuck with someone else's head." "Oh yes, and while we're at it, you can find some other dumb blonde's heart to break. Maybe Usagi this time?" "What?!" Rei screamed, unable to believe that she would bring up a long forgotten issue, once significant early in their relationship, "Don't start that shit now! You are so petty!" Minako looked away again, somewhat ashamed that she had reached so low for a suitable comeback. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that." She said quickly. "You know what Minako," Rei said suddenly, "You're right. You're right, we can't be together, we shouldn't be together; I don't know why I wanted you back for so long anyway, because right now I hate you." "Oh you hate me? That's great, because I hate you too." Minako spat back at her, grabbing her bag off the floor and heading for the door. "I don't even know how I could've fallen in love with such an arrogant, nasty, overbearing bitch like you." Rei followed her to the door, throwing it open. "I can't even imagine how I could've been with a crazy, fickle, mind-fuck like you for as long as I was." "Well you managed to even fuck that up didn't you?" "Minako," Rei gritted her name out through clenched teeth. "What?" Minako replied staring her in the face, their noses almost touching, and the feeling of mutual disgust and anger emanating from them. Rei stared her down. Minako's sky blue eyes, for once, matched the intensity of the miko's. After a few seconds, Rei closed the door again. "That's the last time," Minako announced, picking her school uniform up from the floor. "Where's my bow?" Rei handed it to her, sighing heavily. Minako looked at her. "Seriously." "I get it. I didn't forget all that stuff you were screaming at me earlier." She finally picked herself up off the floor and donned her shrine robes as Minako continued to dress. "I'm sorry," she said, barely above a whisper, "For whatever I said before. I was angry." She finished with an embarrassed blush. "Of course you were angry, what else would you be?" "Hey, I'm trying to apologize!" Rei's voice rose, yet again. This time however, Minako grinned at her. "Rei, I was teasing. Jeez..." Rei smiled despite herself. "'Of course you were, what else would you do?'" She mocked Minako, who chuckled, throwing the comb she was using at her. "Seriously though Mina-I mean Mina-chan. We're fine, right?" Minako looked at her, nodding. "I guess we are, yeah. As long as we can be friends, like we were before." Rei closed her eyes, she didn't know if she had it in her to ever just see Minako as a friend again. But she couldn't say that. "Sure we can." "Rei...-chan," Minako started awkwardly as she gathered her things to go, for the third time, "It's good that there's finally some closure. Let's put this behind us." Rei quelled the instant contradictory replies that popped into her head. "Yeah, closure. Well, see you tomorrow morning." Minako kissed her cheek, "Bye, Rei-chan." Rei waved to the back of her blond head. "Bye Mina."
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