They arrived at the hotel at exactly seven in the morning. The front door of the hotel is filled with media and fans waiting for Minako. Rei knew she would deal with this crowd, with the help of the TNPH agents who were in the crowd to control the people and the media from entering the pathway where they are going to walk through inside the hotel "Raven this is Eagle over" The head chief's voice came in Rei's earphone "Come in Eagle sir, this is Raven" Rei replied "Raven be careful by the time all of you got out from that car, anything can happen out there, you know what to do. Make sure Aino-san and her manager are near you, and walk inside the hotel as fast as you all can" "Roger that Eagle sir" As Rei parked the car at the front door, the media and some of Minako's fans started to use their cameras to take the pop star's picture. Man, Minako wasn't even out of the car and their cameras started to flash madly! Rei got out of the car first, and then she opened the right door of the car, revealing Wendy first then the crowd roared when Minako finally got out of the car. Minako waved at her fans. Rei's fellow agents got into action by preventing the crowd and the media from entering the pathway inside the hotel. They are having a great difficulty in doing that. Rei's eyes were almost blinded by the endless flashing of cameras, Minako and Wendy seemed to have been used to it. But as they approach at the middle, most media men managed to slip from the Tokyo-NPH agents and dove themselves madly at Minako's direction. This caused them to squeeze Minako, Rei and Wendy in the middle. The other agents from inside the hotel went out to help the other agents stop the crowd from going wild. Minako never knew these media were this desperate to get a scoop. Her panic worsen as she was pushed away from the hotel entrance, she closed her eyes in her great fear. Suddenly, a strong but gentle arm reached and held around her waist and then she was pulled back in the direction of the hotel entrance. She found herself in her bodyguard, Rei's arms. Her bodyguard hugged her as the other arm held Wendy, her manager. Rei pushed the media men with her body first through the crowd inside the hotel. The other agents managed to close the front door of the hotel from the outside as they push the media away. Rei and the others sighed in relief as they finally got inside the hotel in the lobby. Wendy sat down at the huge couch of the hotel lobby, shocked from what happened. Rei blushed when she realized the pop star was still hugging her...tight. Her eyes closed from fear. "Uh...I-I'm sorry about what just happened Aino-san. My fellow agents weren't able to control those blasted media...Were safe now, please calm down...and...And..." Rei hesitated "...would you mind if I let myself breathe?" Rei gulped I never imagined the media here were as violent as the media in Europe...wha? They're pushing me away from the hotel! Help! Ms. Wendy! Ms. Rei!...Rei! Please don't let them take me Rei! "Minako-san...would you mind if I let myself breathe?" Minako's thought were suddenly awakened as she heard Rei's voice. 'The violent media is gone, so as the wild noise. I felt comfort all of a I lying on a bed? But I'm still standing. I'm hugging something...No, I'm HUGGING SOMEONE!' Minako finally opened her eyes as she realized she was still hugging an out of breath Rei. Her head rested on Rei's chest and both her arms hug-crushing Rei's ribs "Oh! I-am-so-so-so-sorry!" Said Minako in great disbelief in her self that she did that to Rei Breaths shallow "It' problem, I even got scared myself out there" Rei was still out of breath and holding her own chest. As she regained her normal breathing she assisted Minako in the sofa at made her sat next to her manager, Wendy. "If you hadn't grabbed us from out there, we probably would have been squeezed out there Ms. Hino, I'm glad you still knew what to do in that situation" Said Wendy "I'm glad you appreciated what I did. But I'm still sorry for the wild crowd and lack of security agents..." Said Rei The staff of the hotel rushed and approached to Minako and her manager and gave them something to drink to calm them down. Rei detecting safety, she called her fellow agents "Tokyo N-P-H, this is Raven speaking" Said Rei "Tokyo N-P-H this E—er, the head chief. Rei, are you all alright in there? Where's Aino-san and her manager!" Said the head chief, with worry in his voice "Relax Eagle sir; we are now safe here in the lobby of the hotel sir" Replied Rei "Please tell Aino-san and her manager that we are very sorry for what happened outside" "I already did that, chief" "Good. Let Aino-san and her manager rest now, they must be very tired by now" " Um...chief?" Rei catches up the head chief's voice "What is it, Raven?" " I have to stay here with them?" Rei asked nervously "Rei, didn't I told you you're Aino-san's personal bodyguard?" "But chief, I don't have any clothes to change to" "I'll send Rinka to your apartment to get and bring you some clothes; don't ever leave Aino-san there, Hino Rei!" "B-But..." Rei was supposed to complain to their head chief when she heard someone call her name "Rei-san" Minako said in a weak voice " Oh, hey Ms. Aino. Do you need something? Are you tired already?" Rei offered Minako any help she can. She must have heard what she and her head chief had talked. Minako reached and held Rei's hand tightly, causing Rei to get a bit startled. "Please stay" Minako pleaded Rei, her eyes were watery. Rei was shocked by the pop star's favor "Please Rei" Now Minako is begging, Rei is now confused Rei closed her eyes for about ten seconds then... "Don't worry I'll stay, I'm your personal bodyguard right?" Rei now said without hesitation in her voice. Minako now held both Rei's hands and lifted them up "Oh thank you-thank you- thank you- thank you!" Minako cheered weakly but she sure was happy Rei is going to stay with them. Suddenly Minako felt he knees weaken so she lost her balance and fell. But Rei is quick enough to catch her. She lifted up the pop star in bridal style. Wendy immediately approached her "Minako, are you alright? Ms. Hino please carry her into her room, she haven't got any nice rest since she got here" Said Wendy worried for her client "I'll do that Ms. Wendy, please lead me to her room" Said Rei as she follows Wendy and the hotel assistant to the room where they will rest for the day. 'This is embarrassing, she's now carrying me...but I love it. She smells like roses, although she's sweaty already. I feel like a child when I'm asking her to stay...Why did I did that anyway? Stupid Aino...but I asked her to stay because I felt safe when she's near me...I can't understand it either, I mean, we have just met two hours ago and here I am suddenly wanted to be attached with this person. Never have I felt this kind of safety from somebody else. Not even my bodyguards Sarah, Jane and Lacey in France made me feel this kind of safety I'm feeling now, even my parents and friends. It's like I want to be like this forever. Thank you, Rei' Minako thought as she rests her head in Rei's shoulder and began to sleep soundly. Rei was surprised at first but she just left it so that the pop star can rest while she carries her to her room. As they arrived in their room Rei laid Minako in the first bed and covered the pop star with blankets "Please rest too Ms. Wendy, you needed it as much as Minako" Rei said as the woman wipes Minako's face with wet towel "Thank you Ms. Hino, I would never know what to do without you. Are you staying here with us? You're Minako's personal bodyguard right?" Said Wendy, with fear still in her voice "Of course I am. I'll be with you until Ms. Aino finishes her purpose here" Rei said "I'm really glad and thankful for that, Ms. Hino" Said Wendy as she finally rest in her own bed. Rei didn't have a bed so she has to squeeze herself in the couch near the door. But she didn't sleep; instead she made sure the area is clear around their room. Finally, she was able to calm down and sit at the couch. She loosens her necktie and rested her back in the couch as she sighed. She watched Minako and her manager for eleven hours without sleep. She inspects their room once in a while, and even looking outside the terrace in case there are cameras taking them from the other neighbor buildings. So far everything's safe. Her fellow agent Rinka Kimimoto dropped by to deliver her extra uniform, clothes and things. She was very relieved to have some clothes to change to; she desperately wanted to take a bath. But before she could do that she should wait for either Minako or Wendy to wake up first. She doesn't want to see them panic when they woke up without a guard. Her fellow agents keep asking her for the pop star's autograph, but she didn't listen to any of them. She can't scold her fellow agents when her clients are sleeping peacefully. It was already night time, Rei felt her eyes close; she got tired of guarding and watching Minako and her manager. She didn't realize that she had already slept in the couch beside the door. Minako suddenly awoke and observed the place she had slept in. After she recalled what happened last eleven hours, she sat up on her bed and searched for her new personal bodyguard. She had found Rei sleeping tiredly at the couch beside their door. She smiled at how peaceful her bodyguard looked when sleeping. She took a spare blanket at the hotel cabinet and wrapped her bodyguard with it. She searched her camera phone in her pocket and took a picture of her sleeping bodyguard. Then she went back to continue her sleep. Morning came... It was five in the morning when Rei realized she had slept in the couch. She immediately rose up and looked at her clients. Good, still sleeping. It would be very embarrassing if they woke up before her. She reached for the telephone provided inside their room and called for room service. "Mushi mushi can I help you?" Said the voice in the phone "Yes, I would like you to deliver the best and healthiest breakfast meal you can provide for room 507. The order is for two persons and to be delivered before six o'clock." Said Rei "Before six o'clock. We got that, thank you very much and please wait for the meal. Thank you once again Ma'am." "Thank you" Said Rei as she places back the phone speaker in its place. Suddenly a familiar voice greeted her " Good Morning Rei-chan!" Minako greeted her bodyguard lively. Then followed by Wendy "Good morning Ms. Hino, we really had a peaceful sleep last night; I hope you didn't get tired of watching and guarding us all night." Said Wendy "Actually I just woke up; I didn't realize that I slept last night." Admitted Rei "But still, we slept peacefully last night, especially me..." Said Minako winking at a confused Rei "I had just ordered you your breakfast; it should be here by now" "Ooh that's very sweet of you Rei-chan!" 'Argh, cut the Rei-chan thing' Rei thought "It is my job to provide you all the things you needed as long as you stay here in Japan" Rei said. "Thank you very much, Ms. Hino. I'll take a bath first before eating a breakfast" Said Wendy as she heads towards the hotel bathroom Then someone knocked at their door, Rei asked who the person is, it was the room service who delivered the breakfast she ordered for Minako and her manager. Then as the breakfast is served, Rei is walking towards the door when Minako stopped her "Rei-chan where are you going?" Asked the pop star "To eat breakfast at the floor canteen, its just three rooms from here" "Why didn't you order yourself a breakfast so that you can eat here with us?" "Bodyguards aren't supposed to eat here with their clients, besides; I'll come back as soon as I can." "Well hold your feet and come back here, you'll eat here with me and I insist!" Pouted Minako "B-but—" "No buts Hino or I'll make you clean your chief's office for the rest of your life" Minako winked at Rei who blushed profusely. Rei sighed and walked towards a laughing Minako
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