House of the Holy (part 3 of 5)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Horosha

Back to Part 2
Tower Records Building, Shibuya-ku

Pulling out Grandpa's tanned trench coat from my bike's saddlebags so 
Aisha could wear it and my helmet, I took her on my bike to the Narita 
Airport, located 66 clicks outside of Tokyo. Contrary to popular belief 
vampires don't turn into ashes when exposed to direct sunlight, instead 
they end up looking like badly burnt toast. You might wonder why I 
worried about Aisha's safety. I was but I couldn't afford Isaburo being 
tipped off of someone nosing around his operation should his men capture 
her. Besides I was keeping my bargain with the vampire, information on 
Isaburo in return for a one-way trip to Transylvania. I'm sure you are 
speculating as to why I accepted Aisha being a supernatural creature and 
my quick response to her attempt to seduce me? Let me just tell you for 
now that Aisha wasn't my first encounter with things that go bump in the 

We didn't say anything important while we waited for her flight to get 
ready, Aisha had fulfilled her part of the agreement and I was making 
sure she was heading home. I watched her go down the tunnel to her 
plane, she never once looked back and I don't blame her, her experience 
in Tokyo were eight years in Hell. Maybe these years would change her 
for the better or change her for the worse; I don't have a handy crystal 
ball to find out.

Anyway, I'm sitting sidesaddle on Old Glory, munching down a mix of 
tempera shrimp, scallops, fish and sweet potatoes, washing it down with 
iced coffee, the black bitterness prepping my taste buds for the next 
bite. This break for a quick lunch allowed me to case the Tower Records 
building. According to Yajue the Tower Records Building was built in the 
early 90s, about the time when Doctor Tomoe was starting to make a name 
for himself as a pioneer in genetic engineering. I wouldn't be surprised 
if Yajue discovered a loan from the Infinity Bank helped in this 
building's construction. It wasn't until I had finished my meal my gaze 
zeroed in on the self-made men coming out of the front door. Too many 
coming out at the same time to be coming here to get something to read 
or listen to, despite the yellow bags in their hands.

The question for me to answer was how was I going to get a look and see 
if there was a lab in the building's basement or not, with security 
cameras at all the entrances there was no chance of my big frame going 
undetected and guarded entrances to the underground would bring the 
Yakuza down on me and my partners. I could take the information I 
gathered to Aiko but there was no guarantee it was legitimate, one 
source doesn't make a case. If we are working indirectly for the police 
as I suspected, and if they do a raid but find no lab, the reputation of 
Titan Detective Agency would suffer. No, I had to get some hard evidence 
which means I had to get in, discover if the lab does exist, get the 
physical evidence necessary to prove its existence and then get out in 
one piece.

My cellphone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, "Hello."

"I hit pay dirt."

"Good work, Odaijiko-chan," the longhaired girl was one of the few 
people I knew who didn't flinch at going down into the filth and the 
stench of Tokyo's sewers, "is Yajue-chan there with the package?"

There was a moment paused, my guess is the white blonde giving the phone 
to Yajue, "Here, Kone-chan, with your stuff."

"I'll be there as soon as I stash my bike," I broke contact. Forty-five 
minutes later I was making my way to their position, thank the heavens I 
like to wear my army boots when I'm on a case, they come in real handy 
when you have to slog through waste water, dead rats and shit.

"Boss, is that you?" A voice came out of the darkness ahead of me.

"No, it's Herman Munster," I was barely able to not gag on the air 
coming into my mouth.

A flashlight was turned on but angled so it wouldn't blind me, there I 
saw a slightly green-faced Yajue and a smiling Odaijiko, her longhair 
gathered into a protective bun, her body like Yajue covered in yellow 
rubberized clothes, the red lettering on their suits designated them as 
working for Tokyo Waste Water. "It's over here," only Odaijiko could be 
cheerful in this muck.

When I reached them, Yajue gave me my large package while Odaijiko swung 
the flashlight around to reveal a door about ten feet away from us, "I 
checked it out before calling you and it looks like the doors hasn't 
been opened for a long time."

"There's something else too," Yajue was trying to be a trooper but she 
sounded like she would heave any moment.

"Yeah," Odaijiko affirmed as she pointed the light beam to the side 
opposite the door. A tunnel was there but it wasn't concrete or brick, 
it was nice shinny steel.

"Want to lay odds that the tunnel is a direct pipeline to the Infinity 
Compound," both Yajue and Odaijiko shook their heads. "If you believe in 
what the news media said, this would explain why this place wasn't taken 
out by the Sailor Senshi when they nailed the good doctor."

"What about the lab in Yokohama?" Yajue asked.

"The Sailor Senshi don't seem to venture outside of Tokyo," I replied, 
"so it was probably safe as long as it didn't become his main lab."

"Kone-chan, are you sure we can't help you," Odaijiko spoke up, her 
gloved hand pulling out a stun gun from her pants pocket, Yajue pulled 
out her own Bowie knife.

"If they spot me, my threads won't give me away but we can't afford the 
cameras to get a look at either one of you," I tried to give them a 
gentle refusal because we were part of the same gang after all.

"Oh po," Odaijiko pouted while putting away her stun gun, "I'm going to 
miss out on all the action again."

"Hey, nutcase," Yajue chuffed Odaijiko's shoulder but gently, "This 
isn't a game you know."

"I know but I miss the rumbles," Odaijiko whined back, "now whenever it 
gets interesting, I'm the one put on the sidelines with the others."

"Odaijiko-chan, you did a great job finding this door for me," I smiled 
at Odaijiko fearless nature, "and I'll let you know if I need you to 
come off the bench to pitch-hit for me."

That got a smile out of Odaijiko, "Okay, Boss!"

"You two get going," I returned to business as I carefully made my way 
to the door.

"See you later, Thisbe-chan," Yajue returned.

"Yes, you will," I waved with my free hand and watched them following 
the flashlight's beam down the dark sewer.

Once they were gone I turned on my own penlight and held it with my 
mouth while opening my package and taking out a small vial. Removing 
about an inch of pliable white mush, I pressed the vial into the 
keyhole, followed by a flame from my lighter. I quickly pulled back as a 
two-inch bluish flame shot out from the opening and edges of the opening 
glistened from the high heat. Taking hold of the door handle and 
carefully put my weight against it, a metallic snap told me the bolt 
broke and it opened inward. Using the penlight to show the insides of 
the entrance, I found an empty room with a staircase going up.

Once I entered the room and closed the door, it was time for me to empty 
the rest of the stuff out of my package but before that I had to strip 
down to my undies. I slipped on a navy blue jumpsuit and pulled back on 
my boots, put on a red-white-and-blue jacket with Old Glory on my back, 
then buckled on the ammo belt and tied down the filled holster on my 
right hip. Lastly I slipped the oblong helmet onto my head, a nice 
little gadget that gave my eyes access to infrared, ultraviolet and 
starlight vision. The helmet could also stop a 45 caliber slug as could 
the jacket. Kevlar dragon skin does wonder when it comes to stopping 
bullets; they could still knock you off your feet but at least you won't 
end up dead.

I know what you are thinking, another costumed egoist, but I'm sorry to 
disappoint you that this is only the third time in three years and a 
half years that I put this getup on. The only time I use it is when I 
don't want my activities to bring deadly attention to Titan Detective 
Agency. As for the Desert Eagle on my hip, I have found knowing Gun-fu 
is just as critical as knowing Kung-fu.

The soft soles of my boots made little noise on the metal steps as I 
used my penlight to show me the way. Reaching the door at the top, I 
found it unlocked and found it strange the door opened outward, it 
actually led to the rear of a janitor closet. Obviously this was Doctor 
Tomoe's secret entrance to his underground lab and he wanted it kept 
that way too. Avoiding the mops, buckets, brooms and dustpans was simple 
and when I silently cracked open the room's door. It revealed a hallway 
bathed in defused light and three Yakuza men with a brown-haired teenage 

"It's my turn to be first with her," said the man with a flattop 
haircut, his right hand smoothly pushed the girl toward the door. The 
vacant look coming from the girl's brown Western eyes, her knee-high 
pastel dress and her bare feet told me she was one of Isaburo's sex 

"Alright, Toku-kun," the man with the broken nose said before he turned 
to the other man, "but I'm next."

"Fine by me, Sawa-kun," the with the facial scar running down from his 
right ear to his chin, "she's as good on the third banging as she is on 
the first banging."

Their words covered me pulling out a small device from my ammo belt but 
I waited until the girl and the one identified as Toku went into the 
room, then as the two Yakuza continued to talk I placed the device on 
the floor and pushed the button on the back.

It was a few seconds before one of the Yakuza men heard the device 
moving toward them, "Sawa-kun, look at that?"

"Huh?" the Yakuza turned, looked and said, "It looks like some kid's 
toy." Indeed, it was whined up Sailor Mars toy they saw coming at them 
on tiny wheels.

"I wonder how it got down here?" neither man reacted as it stopped at 
their feet.

"In the name of the Mars, I will punish you," a voice came from the 
wheeled figure.

Both men laughed at the statement, "It is cute," admitted Scar Face 
while he picked it up, "probably one of the lab boys brought it for his 
kid and lost it down here."

It was surprised looks they had when the top of Sailor Mars doll's head 
flipped back and a red balloon began to inflate from the small cavity, 
"Look, Sailor Mars flipped her lid!" Broken Nose chuckled.

"Sailor Moon must've teased her about Yuuichirou," Scar Face explained, 
both of them showed no fear at how large the balloon was getting, it was 
evident they expected it to pop so they show no real surprise when it 
did, which was their mistake for the balloon's rubbery shell immediately 
covered their faces. I watched for five minutes as the Yakuza men 
stumbled about, their screams muted and clawing at their faces but 
unable to penetrate the elastic second skin with their fingernails, 
finally both ended up on the floor outside the door, their bodies 

"Thank you, Artemis Gordon," I said as I opened the door and walked down 
the hallway to the other end, noticing a door at both ends, it was clear 
to me that these three were suppose to guard these doors but they had 
decided to take a break together, a mistaken thought on their part that 
they would be alerted of any intruder by the guards above them.

"I'm not finished yet!" a heated shout came when I opened the door to 
where the man had taken the girl. It was a bathroom and the sound of 
flesh hitting flesh came from the far stall along with deep grunts and 
high-pitched moans. Automatically I reached into my ammo belt and pulled 
out a stun gun with a wire attached to it. The stall was open and when I 
looked, I had clear view of the girl pinned to the toilet seat by the 
Yakuza, him slamming his prick deep and hard into her cunt and his hands 
savagely mauling her tits, he harshly groaned, "I'm coming . . . I'm 

I decided to help, so in two silent steps my left hand grabbed the back 
of his head and I smashed his forehead into the tiled wall above the 
toilet, at the same time my right hand jammed the stun gun into the 
flesh just behind his balls and my right thumb flicked the switch, his 
screams echoed off the wall and his body withered. I kept the power on 
until he fainted, and then pulled him off the girl. Without his weight 
she fell to the floor while I stuck his head into the bowl and held his 
head underwater. After being sure he was dead, I let go and dragged in 
the two corpses. Finally I checked the girl but her expression hadn't 
change, a dry sweated vacant face. I helped her stand but I didn't have 
time to clean her up like I wanted to, instead I carried her to the 
janitor closet, "What is your name?" I asked her in English.

"Mary," she said in heavily accented English, it was the first time she 
showed she was conscious of her surroundings.

"Okay, Mary," I put her down with her back against the secret door. 
"Honey, I want you to stay here, okay?"

She nodded but the vacant look remained, Mary was probably not her real 
name, her English was Japanese English so I guess she was a sex doll 
trained to be a Western teenager, just to add kicks to the user's sick 
fantasies. I rearranged the mops and brooms to conceal her so in a 
minute I was back to where the two Yakuza had died and thought for a 
minute about which way to go; I went left through twin doors.

The first thing I found on the other side was a clean room, with plenty 
of white environmental suits and two sterilization booths plus a few 
odds and ends. When I reached the other side of the room and looked 
through the windows in the opposite doors, the view showed me several 
lab tables filled with scientific equipment, beakers filled with 
chemicals, everything a good drug lab needed to make its poison. It was 
all the evidence necessary for me once I pulled a camera from my ammo 
belt, and I would have been out without a hitch except for a loud click 
and twelve little words, "Who the FUCK are you and how did you get in 

Surrender to the Yakuza wasn't an option so since the twin doors hadn't 
swung close that meant the man's frame was keeping them open, giving me 
his proximate location, thus with leg strength alone I threw myself 
sideways left, twisting my body at the same time so my left hand could 
toss six black ping-pong sized balls at him. The rounds of his and 
another man's 36 caliber pistols help me to spin, but there was 
something those bozos forgot and I wasn't thinking about it either; take 
into account what is behind your target, in this case unarmored doors. 
The explosions from my grenades was like someone breaking wind when 
compared to the blast that came out of the lab, the manmade thunder 
drowned out the screams of people dieing in the inferno within the room. 
I didn't know what those bullets had hit and it was one of the 
sterilization booths that kept my butt from getting flash burn, the only 
thing I knew I had to do was grab Mary and get out of here before Death 
came to pick up passengers.

Then a monkey wench was thrown into my plans when I try to exit. A rain 
of lead bounced me back into the room, my coat handling the slugs. I 
pulled out my .50 cal while I lay on the floor. I counted four guns 
firing at me, so there was at least that number of men, they probably 
came from the floor above, hearing the explosions from below; just my 
luck they responded so quickly. I still had some tricks in my ammo belt 
but I didn't want to use them all up, so I inched my head out a little 
so I could look down the hall. I saw four men, two at the T and the 
other two at the entrance of the staircase going up, the helmet gave me 
the distance to all four targets and I lined up on the guys at the 
staircase, four shots from my Desert Eagle and one guy went down with a 
head shot, the other one fell into the entrance; I couldn't tell if I 
killed him, wounded him or missed, the only thing I could tell was the 
other two doubled their output of cold iron, enough for me to roll back 
into cover.

But there wasn't anymore cover, the explosions behind me continued and 
even with the automatic sprinklers going on, they didn't stop the fire 
from spread and the increase in heat told me it wasn't going to be long 
before I was going to end up a roast. It was now I saw the large oxygen 
canister in one corner of the not so clean room. I swore under my 
breath, if the flames got to it the explosion would finished this room 
and give me a one-way ticket to the pearly gates. Without thinking I 
rushed over, picked up the metal tube and used the momentum of my run 
back to hoist it as far down the hallway as possible. Slugs from the two 
remaining Yakuza sent me tumbling to the ground but they didn't 
penetrate my coat, but what I didn't except was the pulse of light the 
senses in my helmet picked up, just before twin jets of bluish flame 
came from two small holes in the cylinder and then it exploded, 
continuous screams filled the air.

There wasn't any time to be cautious, I ran out of the inferno and slid 
to a stop at the T, one man was holding what was left of his face with 
both hands while the other one stared at his own guts on the floor. With 
only a second pause I sprint to the upward staircase, both Yakuza were 
dead so I closed the door, plastered some C-4 in the door crack and 
added a gyro-fuse. Next I head back, pass the guards and into the 
janitor closest, there I found Mary but not in the position I left her, 
she wasn't against the secret door, instead she was to one side of it. I 
decided right then I had to know before self-doubts put it out of my 
mind, "Give my soul to keep."

My words instantly focused Mary's eyes and they showed intelligence, 
"Yes, Master."

"Who moved you?"

"Sailor V."

Toranomon Hospital, Minato-Ku

"Why must the young always pay for the sins of the elders?"

It wasn't a question Rikomi wanted answered, the angry misery in her 
lake blue eyes told me there was no answer she would accept as valid. If 
I had known her a little better I would have taken her right hand in my 
left hand and given it a reassuring squeeze, but right now the only 
thing I could do was stand there and act vengeful, "The monster who did 
this is going to be reincarnated as bacteria if I have any say about 

Rikomi nodded her agreement, "Her clothes showed dried stains, both 
semen and vaginal, and my preliminary examination showed both her vagina 
and anal cavity had been . . . abused," the blue-haired doctor wanted to 
use a more profane word but her professionalism stopped her. What Rikomi 
was reacting to was Mary sleeping in a hospital bed, her breathing 
normal but her body laying under the covers like a life-sized doll, 
"I've seen children suffering from psychological trauma before but this 
is worse than anything I have experienced, her actions to vocal commands 
are automated, devoid of any thought."

"Mary was 'programmed' to be a sex doll," I knew I was being cruel in my 
description, "and if her former master knew I had brought her here, he 
would order her to jump from this room and she would do it."

"Neither he nor any of his ilk will find her here," a icy look on 
Rikomi's face matched the glow of the full moon raising in the afternoon 
sky, "I promise you."

"I just hope someone can help her," I was grasping for straws, "it's the 
reason I brought her here," I was back in my business suit, my costume, 
my gun and my bike hidden in nearby underground parking lot before I 
carried Mary into the emergency room.

"Teen Psychology is outside my expertise but hypnosis might help her," 
then a thoughtful look touched Rikomi's features, "and I think I know 
someone who can do it."

"The best I can do is to pray." I then switched subjects, "How is 
Osaka-san doing?"

"Osaka-san came out of her coma at three-eleven this afternoon but she 
immediately fell into a deep sleep," Rikomi's face brighten while she 
spoke, "which is normal for a someone who has gone through so much 

"I'm sure Osaka's friends will be happy," I asked my next question, 
"which remains me, I need to talk to Osaka-san's friends again."

"Right now my daughter's boyfriend is watching over Osaka-san," most 
parents I knew wouldn't have mentioned their daughter's sweetheart with 
such fondness but Rikomi did.

"A good catch?"

"Urawa-san isn't in my daughter's league, of course no one else is," was 
that a mother's conceit I heard or a doctor's logical opinion, "but he 
is kind and he has a strong will," Rikomi was going to add something 
else Rikomi but then she moved the subject back to my original question, 
"Tsukino-san and Chiba-san won't be here for another hour if you wanted 
to talk to them."

"Do you think I could talk to your daughter?" Rikomi gave me a cagey 
look, "I got the impression that your daughter was a friend of a friend 
of Osaka-san."

The doctor thought for a minute before she nodded, "Yes, Rogers-san, you 
can find her with Urawa-san in Osaka-san's room."

"Thank you," I turned to the door while adding, "and don't worry, we'll 
get to have tea together sometime soon."

"See you later," Rikomi's tone showed that she did want to see me again.

I went up the stairs to the next floor and I saw the candy striper 
heading toward Osaka's room with a metal pitcher, "Mizuno Ami?"

"Eh, yes?" as Ami turned to face me, I was once more struck by how her 
rich blue hair and bright pink uniform made her look like an albino, 
even though her eyes were blue instead of pink, maybe it was something 
she picked up from her father.

"Your mother gave me per . . ."

Suddenly I saw Ami's head snapped to her left, her eyes grew wide, "No," 
left her lips as she bounded for the door, her hand turning the doorknob 
at the same time her shoulder hit the door. I was startled by her 
interruption but I quickly made up for my lag time when the opened door 
allowed me to hear a rumbling growl.

I swear I'll never make fun of any anime plotline ever again. Seeing a 
red-haired furious catgirl cornering a terrified teenage boy, him 
holding a metal chair like an old-fashioned lion tamer. Our barging into 
the room got her attention and she let out a high-pitched howl, this 
distraction allowed the young man the chance to try to pin her with his 

"RYO, DON'T!" Ami shouted but it was to late, wearing a medical gown the 
catgirl heard the brown-haired youth's movement and instantly dropped 
under the stabbing legs of the chair and threw her left leg into his 
stomach, sending the boy into the corner where he curl up into a ball.

"RYO!" It was all Ami got to do because from her crouched position, the 
catgirl leaped at the blue-haired girl but I saw it coming, my right 
hand grabbing the metal pitcher from the candy stripper's hand, elbowing 
her out of way while I turned the object upside-down so I could fill it 
with the catgirl's head.

It worked, the redhead catgirl's head fitted nicely but it didn't keep 
her from raking my chest with her ten three-inch claws and turning my 
coat and vest into spaghetti. I returned the favor with a combination 
into her stomach followed by a right uppercut. Going toe-to-toe with the 
catgirl was a mistake on my part, my shots to her body didn't seem to 
affect her and the uppercut hurt my hand while it knocked the pitcher 
off her head, the only good that came from my action was it allowed Ami 
to get to the fallen boy.

This was the opportunity the catgirl was waiting for, in a lightening 
move she darted to my left, using the bed as a springboard so she could 
get around me and out the door. I tried to follow her but I slipped and 
fell on my back, due to me forgetting about the water from the pitcher.

"Ami . . . chan . . . that's the . . . first time . . . you've called me 
. . . just Ryo," I heard the boy say those words as I used the bed to 
help me back onto my feet, a second pause allowed me to see him staring 
up at the kneeling girl, his expression a mix of pain and charm.

"Oh, Ryo-kun," Ami's pale face made her blush stand out, her lap cradled 
his head as he continued to hold his stomach, blue eyes met brown eyes.

I couldn't waste anymore time and the look of the hallway told me so, 
the wake of the catgirl full of male nurses wounded, tables overturned, 
patients lying on the polished floor. My target was opening the door to 
the staircase and I got to the door before it even closed, hot on her 
trail. Seven, six, five floors but by the time I reached four, I could 
tell the distance between us was increasing due to my bulk so I took a 
shortcut. At three I jumped over the guardrail and plunged down the 
middle, thirty feet.

Pain shot up my legs when I landed on the metal floor, my body crouched 
and rolled as I tried to lessen the shock to my feet, but I did it 
correctly and suffered no broken bones. In turn I rolled up onto my feet 
and faced the catgirl. The green-eyed creature didn't stop when she came 
off the stairs but she didn't go for me, instead she tried for the first 
floor exit, which gave me the opening to slip behind her and put her in 
a full nelson, lifting her feet off the floor due to our difference in 
height. Another mistake on my part because it allowed her to swing her 
clawed feet into my face, their impact knocked my head back and loosen 
my hands behind her neck, thus allowing her to spin out of my grip.

The catgirl was out the door and into the hospital's main entrance. I 
was right behind her and slowly gaining ground, hospital personnel was 
getting in her way but that changed when she smashed through the closest 
shatterproof glass window, the red-haired ball of fur and claws went 
through it like it wasn't there. Once outside the catgirl's clawed feet 
had the advantage in traction and she began to pull away from me. I 
couldn't let her get away but there was nothing I could do to stop her, 
my equipment was with my bike and there wasn't anything handy I could 
throw at her to slow her down. In another five minutes I slowed to a jog 
before coming to a stop, sucking in big breaths while hoping inside that 
the police and the military wouldn't shoot her on sight.

Just then Ami came up to me, "She got away?" her tone was normal and she 
wasn't panting from her run; she probably took the elevator.

I nodded with my hands on my knees and it wasn't until I got enough air 
into blood before I asked, "That was Osaka-san, wasn't it?"

It was strange how the combination of the sitting sun and the big moon 
above made her eyes look steel-blue, "Yes, it was Naru-san."

"I better get my gear and go after her," I straightened up and I reached 
into my coat pocket to get my cellphone so I could alert the gang, but I 
was puzzled when I found nothing and looking at what was left of my coat 
and found I didn't have a coat pocket.

"No you not," Ami grabbed my left arm and turned me around, I was 
surprised by her strength, her free hand reached up and touched my face, 
"your face is bleeding and those cuts need to be cleaned and stitched," 
she showed me that her fingers were covered with blood.

"But . . ."

"No buts, come," her words compelling me to go with her almost as much 
as her hands, "Mom wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I let you run 

"Okay," I resigned myself to the situation, "You're the doctor."

"Not yet," I could see why her boyfriend liked her, she had a sweet 
smile, "but I will be."

"So you're going to follow in your mother's footsteps?" now with the 
adrenaline starting to be flushed out of my system, I began to feel the 
pain from my facial cuts and I took out a handkerchief.

"Yes," she looked up at me with her sapphire eyes assertive, "I want to 
help people."

I dabbed my wounds with the white silk, my thoughts thinking about how 
the light caused Ami's eyes to vary their shade of blue, putting it down 
to just one of those genetic things, "You sound just like your mother."

Ami was such a small package next to me, "Thank you for the compliment," 
but then she gave me a determined smile, "but you are still coming with 
me," I laughed a little and Ami lightly giggled.

Back at the hospital it was Rikomi who took over, she used tweezers and 
a magnifying glass to pull slivers of glass from my face while I sat on 
a medical table, "Rogers-san, are you sure you are not related to a 
certain gentleman named, Frankenstein, you seem unable to stay out of 

"I'm fine just as long as I don't ignore the angry villagers rule," I 
decided to add my own humor to the mix before getting serious, "how's 
your daughter's boyfriend?"

"Urawa-san suffered bruised abdominal muscles where his back hit the 
wall and where Naru-san kicked him," Rikomi tried to keep her tone 
professional but it wasn't working, "but X-Ray showed no fractured bones 
or damage to his spine, so he will remain in the hospital for 
observation for a couple of days."

"I'm somewhat surprised at how quickly you concluded that Naru is the 
catgirl," then a sting of pain hit me, "Ouch."

"You shouldn't talk while I'm picking glass out of your face," Rikomi 
suggested, "and I should have seen this coming with Naru-san, all the 
evidence pointed at a physical transformation going on inside of her but 
I failed to accept the possibility."

"Don't be hard on yourself, Rikomi-san, supernatural creatures are not 
something you expect to encounter," I put as much sympathy as could 
while barely moving my lips.

"You don't understand," Rikomi's tone showed she didn't want my pity, "a 
doctor battles against a horde of creatures that would frighten the 
average person if he or she had really any understanding of their true 
nature," then I notice a new look on her pretty face, "but you didn't 
have any problem understanding who it was nor did you show any doubts 
about it being a catgirl, why?"

"This isn't the first time I've run into a supernatural being," I 
murmured, "about a year ago my associates and I had the misfortune of 
running into a creature known in India as a rakshasa."

I could see Rikomi's hands pause before they put down the instruments 
she was using and pick up a bottle of red iodine and a swab, "What is a 

"It's a female demon that uses illusions to gain the trust and love of 
its target," I watched Rikomi stain the swab with the iodine, "and then 
it rips its victim apart and consumes him or her."

"It doesn't sound very friendly so what happened?" Rikomi was back in 
front of me, "This is going to sting."

"It was after a blind Shinto shrine maiden," a little pain got into my 
voice thanks to the iodine, "because her illusions couldn't affect the 

"How did you defeat it?" I must've looked funny with red stains all over 
my face, the corners of lips twitch.

"The rakshasa is vulnerable to wood blessed by a holy person," I only 
gave a half answer.

"So the target became a trap," Rikomi dropped the swab in the 
wastebasket and put away the iodine.

"Correct," I watched Rikomi get out some temporary stitches, "with a 
little suggestion on my part, the shrine maiden blessed some crossbow 
bolts and wooden bullets."

"Wooden bullets?" There was curiosity to Rikomi's tone as she used the 
temporary stitches to close my facial wounds.

"Their casings are ofuda," there was still a smile on Rikomi's face so I 
must still look pretty funny with those stitches on my face, "only a few 
of my partners know how to use a crossbow but several of them can shoot 
a gun."

"Ingenious," Rikomi took a step aback and looked me over, "Well, that is 
all I can do for you but I would like you to come back in a few days so 
I can check them again."

I got off the table and then I made a dramatic show of looking around to 
make sure no could hear us, "So you're going to let your daughter keep 
watch over her boyfriend tonight?"

"Of course," Rikomi automatically said, "it would be heartless on my 
part to keep her away from him."

"So Ami-san will make sure he gets plenty of sleep," then I winked at 
Rikomi, "and plenty of fluids." 

A stress-relieving giggle let Rikomi mouth followed by, "You have such a 
dirty mind."

"Comes with the territory," I lightly retorted, then a new thought 
entered my mind, "Has any of Osaka-san friends shown up?"

"No," Rikomi answered as she led me to the door, "but Usagi-chan and 
Mamoru-san should be here at any moment."

Noting the honorific used with Usagi's name, I asked, "Ami-san mentioned 
she knew Osaka-san, so does that mean she also knows Tsukino-san?"

"Usagi-chan is a very close friend of my daughter," Rikomi gave me a 
suspicious look, "why do you ask?"

"I'm trying to put together the possible places Osaka-san might go in 
her present condition," we both ended up in the hallway, "places where 
she would feel safe and protected."

"Wouldn't she go home," Rikomi suggest as we headed for the elevator.

"Not if she is afraid of what she might do to her mother," I explained 
as I hit the down button, "or if she feels shame of what has happened to 

"I can't believe any mother would reject her child," Rikomi's eyes full 
of a mother's understanding, "no matter what."

"I hope you are right," I concurred but then I added, "but Osaka-san was 
raped and she is currently operating on an animalistic level, so she 
might feel like she is unworthy of her mother's love," the elevator door 
opened and I got in, "I'll let you know if I find her."

"You are going to look for her," more a statement than a question from 

"As my associates would say," a knowing smile on my face, "I'm a 
marshmallow when it comes to girls, kids and cats."

"Take care, Thisbe-san," a fragment of Rikomi's departing wave reached 
me through the elevator's closing doors.

The trip down to the first floor gave me the opportunity to gathered the 
loose strands of this case in my head, each string had its own color and 
with one or two of them you might get one solution that was just as good 
as another possibility, but when you weave them all together they gave 
me only one solution that made sense to me, and when the bell for the 
first floor went off and the door opened, I had a chance to find out if 
the imaginative cloth I had was real, because there standing together 
near the check-in desk was Tsukino Usagi, Chiba Mamoru and Mizuno Ami.

They were softly talking together until Chiba saw me approaching them, 
then they turned as a group and I stopped to bow, saying, "Good 
afternoon, everyone, I have a question to ask."

"Good afternoon, Rogers-san," Chiba's voice as smooth as silk, "and what 
question would you ask?"

"Am I working for you?"  Chiba's reaction to my question was well hidden 
behind his black eyes, Ami's sapphire eyes gained that scientific look 
she and her mother used but it was Usagi that was visibly shaken, then 
she looked at Chiba, who gave her a slight nod, followed by a shared 
gaze between the two girls, Ami giving her a nod.

Usagi turned to me, "Yes, a friend of mine referred you to me when 
Naru-chan was attacked," there was a royal calmness to Usagi's voice 
that wasn't there when I encountered her earlier today.

"A friend of a friend," I suggested.

A hint of amusement was added to Usagi's calm voice, "She suggested you 
were someone to trust, an honorable person."

"Does that mean you want me and my associates to search for Osaka-san?" 
I noticed a guarded expression appearing on Ami's pale face, "The more 
eyes out there looking for her, the less chance she will be shot by the 
police or the military."

Those last seven words put horror in Usagi's wide eyes, causing Chiba to 
place a comforting hand on her hip and for Ami's own eyes to slightly 
dilate. With barely restrained emotion the petite blonde said, "Please, 
help us find Naru-chan."

"Here," I held out a piece of paper which Chiba accepted, "this has the 
address for the drug lab in Yokohama," then I pulled out my cellphone, I 
had found it under Osaka-san's hospital bed, and dialed the emergency 

"Yajue here, Kone-chan."

"Broken Arrow," I said and waited for response.

After a wait, Yajue said, "Thisbe-san, I have everyone on walkie-talkie 
mode," this was followed by several people letting me know they were 

"Listen, everyone," I said, "there's a rape victim wandering the streets 
of Tokyo and we've got to find her before anything happens to her."

"It's Osaka-san, isn't it?" Yajue asked.

"Yes, it isn," I acknowledged, "and it won't be hard to identify her 

"How come?" that was Ichigo asking the million-dollar question.

"Because she is now a catgirl."

Somewhere in Minato-Ku

Time was now our greatest enemy because in less than fourteen hours, 
Typhoon Ursula would hit and the chances of Osaka Naru surviving it in 
her current state were not good. With the streets nearly deserted of 
traffic and most people using the bus and trains to get around before 
they button-down for the storm, I was acting in quick response with my 
motorcycle while the rest of the crew concentrated in the area 
surrounding the hospital and meticulously moving outward. The Gemini 
Twins were holding down HQ on their own.

"Nae-chan," I shook my head at the young girl, "this is the sixth false 
alarm I've gotten, two from you alone."

"I'm sorry, Boss," her ginger-haired head bowed under my chastisement, 
"it's just I'm so freaked out by how quiet the city is right now, it's 

I smiled under my helmet as I sat on my bike, "Just remember to check 
the noise out before you scream over the cellphone for help," I played 
my usual role as the cool and calm leader with an understanding mind.

"It won't happen again, Boss," a determined look on Nae's face.

"At least you're not as bad as Myomi and Suzue," a forlorn sigh at the 
end of my comment.

A light giggle came from Nae, with her adding, "How many times have they 
called you to ask your permission to bring in another stray cat."

"I've lost count," then my cellphone went off again, "that's probably 
them again," Nae giggled again which is why I had brought it up in the 
first place, I wanted to leave her in a positive mood.

"Hello, Rogers-san here," I spoke into the cellphone.

"Kone-chan?" I felt like pinching the bridge of my nose when I heard 
Suzue's voice.

"No... I'm putting my foot down," I tried really hard not to bark at the 
girl, I really did, "no more stray..."

"How about the two-footed kind?" Suzue squeaked.

That got my attention, "Where are you?"

"We're at the Hikawa Shrine," Suzue was whispering softly, "Myomi-chan 
wanted to get a fire reading from its shrine maiden."

I could have kicked myself, it was so obvious that Osaka would go to the 
one person who could offer spiritual advice, help her understand what 
had happened to her and what was happening to her now. Then I felt fear, 
"Are you guys alright?"

"We're hiding in the shrine's living quarters with the noble priest," I 
could hear Suzue's fright in her voice but she was trying to be a brave, 
"Osaka-san is outside somewhere, it looks like she is searching for 

"I'll be there as quick as possible," I chick the cellphone closed and 
put it away, "Nae-chan, alert the others, our target is at the Hikawa 

"Got you, Boss," Nae nodded her head and pulled out her own cellphone 
while I put on my helmet.

"Get everyone together and have them bring a lot of rope," I straighten 
my bike and kick in the kickstand, "we're going to need to bring her in 

"Aye-aye, Boss . . ." the rest of Nae's words were lost to me when I 
started up the bike and roared away.

I wore my costume now that my business suit was mostly rags thanks to 
Osaka's claws and when I reached the staircase that parted the wall, 
which reinforced the hill where the shrine stood, I turned and powered 
Old Glory up those stone steps. A few feet from the top I stop, shut the 
engine off and pulled down the kickstand. Keeping my eyes moving I got 
off and gradually opened one of the saddlebags to get out the bandolier 
than contained a holstered sawed-off shotgun and the shells in the belt 
were packed with beanbags and other ammo designed to stun whatever it 
hit. The leafless branches of the shrine's ancient cherry trees crowned 
the sky above me. The wind had little by little dropped down during the 
day, the calm before the storm. My steps echo on the well-kept 
flagstones, the path going from the red torii, the sacred gate, to the 
shrine building. Even with this being the tail end of the typhoon 
season, there was plenty of shrubbery to hide a prowling catgirl, and I 
was uncertain if it was a good thing or a bad thing that the young Hino 
wasn't here. This was bad in every sense of the word, Osaka-san probably 
knew the lay of land, I had people here that I couldn't afford for her 
to discover and a whiff of scent would allow her to find them.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," it was lame, I know but I needed her to 
focus on me; it worked.

The attack came from behind and above, most likely from the shrine's 
roof and it was noiseless, which meant she made a single leap instead of 
a long run. My upper back took the impact and I was driven to the ground 
with my saw-off shotgun sent clattering away from me. The catgirl rode 
my back as I stood, her clawed blows and teeth stopped by my helmet and 
armored jacket but I couldn't reach her, at least not until I grabbed 
her tail.

"Rawwl!" Cut through the air as I pulled her off my back but the blow to 
my head by her feet separated us.

There we stood facing each other with both of us limited to natural 
weapons, the catgirl an offensive weapon while I was well rounded, and I 
was sure she recognized me from the hospital, which is why she probably 
attacked me like she did, I was a proven threat. The second attack came 
fast, an attempt to hamstring me by attacking my right ankle and it was 
an opening I wasn't going to waste.

I jumped over the catgirl's attack, rolled several times so I could 
scoop up my shotgun and turned to face her, finding the creature coming 
right at me, I fired right in her face.

Backward the catgirl flew from me but she twisted her body in the air 
and landed on her feet, her face showing no damage from the impact of 
the beanbags, "This is going to be harder than I thought," I muttered to 
myself as I reloaded my weapon, "The cavalry won't be here for another 
ten minutes, tops."

The periwinkle-colored eyes of the catgirl watched me intensely, her 
tiger-like tail swished back and forth, clearly she was waiting for me 
to start round two but I wasn't going to if I could help it, then my 
luck turned bad when a slight breeze pulled her nose to her left, toward 
the living quarters.

I charged and so did the catgirl, me hoping that the load in my gun 
would give me the chance I needed. At an arm length between us I dived 
to my right, twisting onto my back. It was from this position I saw a 
red-and-white blur dropping from the sky above where we would have 
collided but it was too late, I had already pulled the trigger which 
fired the gun between my feet, both the feline and whoever, whatever, 
was falling from the sky were caught in the area-of-effect of a blast of 
pepper spray.

Using the raw strength of my legs I rocked myself onto my feet but then 
I pulled a raw recruit stunt: I froze. I couldn't believe it although I 
should have expected it, since Hikawa Shrine was one of the places where 
they been sighted, the Sailor Senshi, and here was the red-cloaked one, 
the violet-haired girl, on one knee where she was coughing and sneezing 
up a storm along with the catgirl.

I unfroze but it was too late, even if she was robbed of all her senses 
except hearing, the catgirl bolted from the still helpless Sailor Senshi 
and away from me but then I pulled another raw recruit stunt, I had lost 
my sense of my surrounding. I hadn't noticed Myomi, Suzue and an old man 
coming of hiding nor did I spot the girl the catgirl collided with until 
it happen, a girl with twin ponytails, a girl with incredibly long 
gossamer wings, a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon.

"Naru-chan! Stop!" Sailor Moon shouted as she struggled to hold the 
catgirl. I had already ran halfway toward them but then I stopped, 
because I was unsure of what to do, I mean this was Sailor Moon, the 
savior of Tokyo, and she had a tendency to dust things and I didn't want 
to get in her way. Another thing that caused me to pause was Sailor 
Moon's wings, from afar they looked like huge angel wings but from where 
I was now, you could tell they were in fact several feathered filaments 
of various lengths and it was their constant motion that produced the 
illusion of wholeness.

The catgirl was frightened so when her jaws closed on Sailor Moon's  
forearm it wasn't a surprise to me, but the creature's reaction to the 
Sailor Senshi's scream was, recognition filled those green eyes and she 
looked at her captive like it was the first time. It was a long 
heartrending howl that came from the catgirl just before her arms hugged 
Sailor Moon, I couldn't be sure but it sounded like she howled a name 
but her voice box distorted the words.

When I saw Sailor Moon's wings wrap the catgirl in a tight embrace and 
the tears drop from both of their eyes, I relaxed enough to turnaround 
and go to the aid of the other Sailor Senshi. I helped her out of what 
remained of the pepper spray and once we were clear of it, I said, 
"Sorry about that, Sailor Mars, I didn't see you coming."

It was a little amusing the tears running down her face not matching the 
bottomless expression in those dark eyes, sneezing into her right hand 
as she tried to talk, "That (sneeze) was the (sneeze) general idea 
(sneeze) Lord God (sneeze) what was (sneeze) that stuff?"

"Military strength pepper spray," I informed her, "designed to take down 
a bull elephant," then I decided to lighten the mood, "although I could 
send the manufacturer a note to let him know it can takedown a Sailor 

"Funny," Sailor Mars sniffled and glared at me at the same time, "you 
and Sailor V should team-up."

That comment caught my attention and I looked carefully at Sailor Mars' 
face. There was something about her dark eyes and her aloof voice being 
familiar to me, but her features waver before my gaze like something was 
trying to stop me from putting a name to them, then her expression 
changed and she pointed at her own face, "Do I have something on my 

That did it, my concentration broke by Sailor Mars' glib words, her 
features going completely unrecognizable, to cover my defeat I said, "No 
you don't, young lady." I looked at Sailor Moon and the catgirl, both 
were shedding tears and they hugged each other, "so do you have a place 
where you can take Osaka-san?"

Sailor Mars' answer didn't come immediately, she stared at me like she 
was checking my morality meter, "We do but we can't afford to have 
anyone stay with her right now," the young woman looked at her leader 
and the catgirl.

"Not even dumpling head?" I got a fleeting crooked smile from Sailor 
Mars which told me there were a few kernels of truth in the anime and in 
the manga, "Me and my associates have a safe house were Osaka-san can 
stay and I can guarantee our people will take good care of her as well 
as keep her secret safe."

Once more I had to deal with Sailor Mars' dark gaze before she walked 
over to Sailor Moon and she spoke to her leader, the exchange produced a 
thumbs up from the petite blond followed by a nod from the violet-haired 
hero and I pulled off my helmet so I could use my cellphone, only to be 
surprised by the shocked expressions on the Sailor Senshi's faces, "Why 
eyeballing me?" I asked.

"It just we didn't expect you were wearing a mask underneath that 
helmet," despite the denial by Sailor Mars, her expression plus Sailor 
Moon's silence told me they were caught off-guard by my blue domino 
mask. "Well, my regular clothes are at the laundry," which was true, in 
little-bitty-pieces, "so I had to wear the costume I usually use when I 
want to confuse the Yakuza."

Now I had question marks over my head because Sailor Mars and Sailor 
Moon put their heads together and they were having such a deep 
discussion that I was able to walk up to them undetected.

"Do you think we can trust him, he is a man after all?"

"Listen, flame-breath, not all men are evil."

"Which man hasn't betrayed us at least once?"


There was a pause where the only sound you could hear was the catgirl's 
loud purr, "Point taken."

"Ladies," I raised my hand, "If it makes a difference . . ."

I didn't get to finish because Sailor Mars turned to me and she asked, 
"You have dealt with Yakuza before, right?"

"Yes, young lady," I answered. I could tell by the same expression on 
the two Sailor Senshi's faces that they had decided something together.

"Good, Sailor Moon wants to checkout your safe house and your people 
before leaving Naru-san in their care," the disagreeable look Sailor 
Mars gave me told me she really didn't trust me, "so we are asking you 
to help a couple of our friends in Yokohama."

A brick wall wasn't necessary to fall on me to tell me what Sailor Moon 
and Sailor Mars was asking me to do but I had to ask the reason, "If I 
maybe so bold, girl, but why do you need my help?"

It was blackness of shale I saw in Sailor Mars' gaze but she answered 
calmly, "Three of our members are out-of-town and we lost contact with 
another," there was a flicker of fire in her eyes but nothing more, "so 
we need you and only you to help the two going in on the Yakuza lab in 

All the ducks fell into line and it made me realize I had been working 
for two groups, the friends of Osaka Naru and the Sailor Senshi. Was 
there a connection between the two groups, obviously, but right now I 
was given a chance-of-a-lifetime, "Where do I meet them?"

(End of Part Two)

Onwards to Part 4

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