“Do you really think we did the right thing by telling her about Rei?”
On the far side of the palace entrance, past multiple doorways and various stairwells, there was a single room that sat apart from the rest of the guest quarters. It sat at the end of its section, with no nearby window to shed light onto its entrance--a tiny door-- it was nothing more than an insignificant, wooden frame that dutifully guarded its current master from prying eyes of the outside world. However, unlike the bright world beyond the palace walls, the inside of the chamber was drowned in darkness.
Inside the chamber’s center, as one would not expect, was not the eye of the storm but the storm itself.
“I believe so. If Minako starts to see Rei differently now because of this, then…”
Amethyst eyes crawled open, fiercely aware of her tingling senses. Her hearing had become sharply acute as she listened for echoing footsteps in the corridors outside.
Did they hear me? Rei knew Ami and Makoto weren’t slouches at this game. They were no longer the timid children that they used to be. If they found out that I’m…
Rei narrowed her eyes, and then closed them altogether. The energy she spared from her sight was transferred towards her spiritual activities.
“Nothing,” Rei half-whispered to herself. “They must have moved on…”
However, the Martian performed a few more readings just in case. Only until she was satisfied did she release the pent up energy into her surroundings; the strands of red energy, resembling snakes, crawled away from their source and curled up within the inanimate objects within the room. They dropped into drawers, slipped beneath the bed covers and became one with the threads that carpeted the floor by the front door. Being raised the way she was, Rei disliked wasting anything; instead of allowing the energy to dissipate into useless heat, she manipulated it into a greater purpose. She set a trap throughout the room. If a presence should ever step foot into the place she would know instantly by the extension of her own soul (it was rather difficult to overlook the feeling of someone trampling on oneself).
But was she really worried about being found? Everyone knew she went to rest. She had even announced it! Everyone knew where she was.
Unable to explain the flood of emotions she was experiencing, Rei allowed the silence to take her again. It was almost comforting to see reality reflecting the bleakness ravaging her heart. She was feeling restless and her muscles were tense. She wanted to do something, but what could she do? The damage had already been done.
This is crazy, why am I feeling like this? Rei snapped at herself. She held herself up on her knees, pondering this damning confusion. Who cares if Minako knows that I’m not… like her or like any of them for that matter? She would have found out sooner or later anyway.
She just hadn’t seen the point in announcing to the world, that’s all.
Rei’s dark eyes began to cloud up in memory. A nostalgic wave of emotions gripped her tightly, tugging on her, beckoning her to someplace she did not want to visit as a child to its mother. Her pride rebelled. In that instant Rei shook her head, struggling for air, and sought for a shred of her cool, collected nature. When did it become so hard to breathe? But there was no time for that, for the line between reality and memory blurred; the woman’s thoughts had already melded through some unexplainable connection. The answer for her stubbornness, she already knew it.
It was always—no, not always. It wasn’t always like this! Ami, Makoto, Neptune, Haruka …
She knew the reason.
It’s all because of what happened back then. That day, everything changed...
(Neptunalia, Palace of Neptune, 8 years
“Did you hear?” A man whispered to his friend.
“I can’t
almost believe it.” A woman across the street broke out into nervous
There was an excited piece of gossip on the streets of
Neptune; today was the day that the royal heirs would gather together for one of their
annual visits. As it was decided from way back, it was the planet’s turn to host the reunion
for this year. It was their turn to be honoured with so many powerful and influential beings
at once, and, in truth, many found the opportunity to be wonderfully overwhelming. Though
the people of Neptune prided themselves for their physical beauty, they knew that they would
someday grow old. Their hair would turn gray and their skin should wrinkle, but there were
creatures who even Father Time could not influence- Gods. Admiring a God or Goddess from
afar, as the citizens would often do to their leader, would stir a sense of wonder and envy
within them or a sense of peace. But to see a gathering of so many magnificent persons!
Imaginations went wild; the women would swoon and the men would gawk. Oh, and the heirs were
okay too. Word on the street had rumoured that the tykes were reaching those teenage
Now normally there would be much to do to prepare; any host of the Gods and Goddesses would be somewhat concerned about presenting themselves in a fashionably manner. Yet their leader had her preparations complete long before the guests had arrived. There was little to do in the first place; the city already was blessed with a unique beauty. Unlike Mercury and their technology, or Mars with its deserts, Neptune possessed naturally built-in streams that ran throughout its capital city. The water itself often proved to be more than enough entertainment for the foreigners; many souls found the sound of the watery splashes soothing, or they would content themselves by watching their own reflecting off of the clear, blue surface. For those who tired quickly of the cool substance, if not careful, they would lose themselves by simply gazing at the splendid city of white and blue marble, crafted into finely decorated structures. Only the capital city of Venus or Uranus could come even close to mirroring its exotic beauty.
It wasn’t until early afternoon when the guests finally arrived. Standing serenely at the front gate waiting to greet them was Neptune’s current ruler, and her young daughter and heir. The child at Neptune’s side was a tiny girl, with shoulder length aquamarine hair and eyes like her mother. With those charming young eyes, she would peer down the line of approaching Gods and Goddesses, keeping a watchful eye for others of her class and rank.
“Mercury, Jupiter, I bid thee welcome,” Neptune greeted the two approaching rulers. Beside Mercury and Jupiter were two girls who looked to be a year, if not two, younger than the Princess of Neptune. Ami shyly watched the headstrong Neptunian princess, while Makoto offered a mumbled ‘hello’ on behalf of herself and her shy companion.
“I hear that Aphrodite will not be attending,” Mercury spoke up. He looked to be a tall, blue haired man in his prime. The decaying process of age had not laid a finger on him or his fellow comrades.
“Yes, I heard word from her messenger yesterday,” Neptune replied regretfully. “Apparently she is held up by business matters.”
“Business matters!” Mercury immediately scoffed. “I doubt it very much. She hasn’t shown her face amongst us for years now. Where is her heir? Did we not all agree to these annual gatherings?”
“Now, now Mercury,” Jupiter spoke to his friend. “At least we know that Lady Aphrodite is alive and well. It may be that some of us need more time to adjust to the changing times. The new era has only been established five years ago.” Mercury gave a reluctant nod at this. He could not seem to find any grounds for argument with his patient friend. “Besides, Lady Neptune always hosts the most amazing parties. I think we should try to enjoy ourselves. It has been very stressing year for all of us.”
“I agree,” Neptune smiled. “We are still awaiting a few guests, so until we have all arrived, feel free to wander about. There is no need to hurry with the meeting.”
As the three adults continued to chatter with each other, Ares and Uranus had finally arrived. The two men were most likely gloating over who had the better heir, yet something was amiss-- the heirs themselves. The Princess of Neptune and her friends continued to throw curious glances towards the newly arrived rulers as they passed by. Neither of them appeared disturbed by this fact.
“Where is Haruka and Rei?” Ami finally asked.
“One guess,” Makoto sighed. “You know how they are.”
Both girls were slightly startled when, without a word, the Princess of Neptune fiercely spun on her heels and began to march back towards the palace. Unlike her companions she didn’t need to guess where the two culprits had gone. She knew exactly where they went, and she wasn’t at all too pleased.
Although the business meetings took place within the palace, it was well known that Neptune always threw a type of relaxation party afterwards in the field behind the Godly structure. Food, drink and entertainment of all varieties would be served. The adults would talk some more while the children would become more acquainted with each other out back. Although today there were two participants who were a little more than anxious to get the festivities started.
Two blurs dashed out from the palace’s back entrance and into the field where they promptly ducked underneath one of the party tables. The tablecloth, to their delight, was long enough that it reached to the ground, proving to be a very effective hiding place.
“So, do youf tink thay saw us?” Haruka mumbled as her partner peeked underneath the tablecloth for pursuers. Her mouth was stuffed with the cookies they had ‘borrowed’ from the kitchen. The rest of the pile lay in her long arms.
“I don’t think so...” Rei was ninety percent sure; she couldn’t see anyone charging their way cursing, or waving a kitchen utensil like a mob with pitchforks. In fact, she just couldn’t see anyone. There was no one in sight in the field, just the empty party tables. Perhaps her and Haruka were just that good?
‘Hmm…’ But strangely enough, she was still getting the feeling that they were being watched. Rei frowned at this, and contemplated whether or not she should do a detection reading. While behind her, Haruka stuffed another handful of cookies into her mouth.
“Want some?” The blonde offered.
“No thanks.” Rei shook her head. “You know how bad sweets are for training! If I suddenly got fat, I’d get hell if Ares finds out.”
Both girls knew that ‘hell’ went along the lines of more chores, shifts on cleaning duty, and having their training increased to massive proportions. Oh, and none of them could forget the worst punishment of all- the ‘lecture’. People would be mistaken if they thought it was a simple, talk/scolding session. It always started with talk, but it always ended with a practice fight against the planet ruler. It was a very painful lesson, and Haruka could personally attest to that! The last time she picked a fight with Uranus, the old man knocked her out with a spinning kick (they really don’t hold back if you slacked off, nothing like a little discipline to straighten a child out). Normally the conditions for punishment in Mars and Uranus’s military ranks were very similar, but Rei, on the other hand, wasn’t too worried about a punishment like Haruka’s. She had bigger worries on her plate if the God of War found out.
“Man, that dude is a hardass. Growing kids NEED sweets to survive!” Haruka bit down on another cookie. “Besides, you worry too much yourself. You gotta enjoy things while you can! This is what we have now. You can’t even get this stuff living on the streets, you know...”
“Uh...Rei? Did you just feel that?”
Rei and Haruka slowly turned their heads, and stared at the shadow hovering on the tablecloth in front of them.
“Bad feeling…” Rei flatly stated as she watched the shadow’s hand reaching towards the white cloth.
“So uhh… Rei, you know about our training plan to infiltrate and not get caught?” Haruka rambled quickly in a moment of fear.
“I think we’re screwed…”
“There you are!” An angry voice cried out. Rei and Haruka (with her armful of cookies) blinked back at the Princess of Neptune. Her aquamarine eyes were shooting daggers at the pair before her, especially at Haruka.
“Uhh… hello dere,” Haruka gave a nervous laugh. “Want a cookie?”
“No thank you,” The girl replied coolly.
‘What a snob,’ The Martian heir secretly thought. She never really liked the other girl, especially now than ever. The Neptunian Princess had so many masks that it irritated the Martian; why couldn’t she have shown her true face earlier rather than hiding it for all these years? During their last visit the girl really exposed herself as the snob she was.
“What’s with that look? If you have something to say, then out with it! You know we aren’t supposed to have deserts until after the meeting and everyone’s had dinner.”
“But Michiru, you know Rei and Haruka have always been like this.” Ami spoke up on their behalf. She flinched back when those angry aquamarine eyes turned on her.
“She’s right,” Makoto nodded. “Why not leave them alone? It’s not like they’re going to listen to you, you know.”
Michiru looked up at the taller girl in annoyance. “Why are you sticking up for them? They aren’t like us at all!” She pointed. “They’re only human!”
Haruka put another cookie in her mouth, looking undisturbed by the comment. Rei on the other hand felt like her blood was beginning to boil.
“Or have you forgotten that they used to live on the streets for Goddess sakes?”
“And what’s wrong with that?!” Rei shot back.
Michiru gripped her fingers into tiny fists.
“I couldn’t care less which planet you’re both from. But living on the streets means that you were both thieves! Or do you deny it? How can we even think of trusting scum like you?!”
Rei was about to snap. How dare this twit talk about something she’s never known about? While her and Haruka had to endure many hardships just to survive all of these years, this snob was being pampered like a spoiled brat by her mommy. Even now! Rei doubted Michiru had to work nearly as hard as the ‘former thieves’ had to in preparing for their futures.
Just when the words were about to spill out of her mouth, the Martian suddenly noticed something odd about the girl in front of her; there were tears forming in her eyes. Oh great, now what? But they weren’t fake tears. Michiru suddenly seemed genuinely saddened by something. Everyone was rendered speechless; if it wasn’t one thing Michiru did, it was crying.
“I can’t believe I trusted you!” She shouted and ran off.
“Michiru!” Haruka called after her. The blonde gave a quick glance down at the cookies in her arms before she dumped them onto Ami, and ran off to find the Princess of Neptune. “Michiru, wait up!”
Tup! Tup! Tup!
“Huh.” Was all Rei could muster. Most of her earlier anger had drained away and was replaced by confusion. “Did I... just miss something here?”
“Michiru is still in shock from the truth...” Ami answered quietly. Rei seemed slightly taken aback that it was Ami who had spoken, and not Makoto. From all the years they’ve known each other, the blue haired girl appeared to be very intelligent (more so than the rest of their group, though Rei sometimes hated to admit it). However, the prodigy genius had a bad habit of clamping up and never uttering a word for periods on end.
“The truth?” Rei arched an eyebrow. She felt the pains of irritation prickling her heart at the mention. “Oh riiiight, I remember now. She was all nice and polite when we first met but after she learned something new about our pasts, she went all Miss Snob. Suddenly, we’re monsters!” She growled in a sarcastic voice.
Ami lowered her eyes to the ground. She disliked seeing Rei like this. After all, it wasn’t Haruka or Rei’s choice to live on the streets or to live as orphans.
Apparently Makoto was thinking the same thing.
“You both aren’t monsters,” Her friend agreed. “I think you’re both nice people. Perhaps a little strange, but when you think about it we all are to some degree.”
“Well no duh, we all live on different planets.”
“That is correct.” Ami’s voice became slightly bolder. She almost winced back in surprise when Rei’s intense eyes fell on her, but she relaxed and continued on; there was no hostility towards her reflecting in them. “Yet that is precisely why Michiru is acting the way she is now.”
“Like a snob?”
“Rei, if you haven’t noticed, Michiru likes Haruka!” Rei blinked back dumbly at Makoto. The Martian opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. What could she say to something like that? “Actually, it was Ami who first pointed it out to me. But when I watched them, it really does seem like it. I really do think Michiru does like Haruka.”
“Ami did?”
“Well, all the signs pointed to it,” She replied in a scientific voice. “I suspect that Michiru is behaving the way she is now because romantic relationships between Gods and Goddesses with ‘normal folk’ are frowned upon. I truly doubt that her anger stems from what she wants you to believe.”
Rei carefully digested this new information.
“Well I still don’t see the problem. Someday, Haruka’s going to take over the throne of Uranus. When she does that, she’ll become a Goddess you know.”
“Yeah…” Makoto crossed her arms. “Yeah, I almost forgot all about that! And you know what? Michiru might’ve too! What do you guys think? Do you think we should go and tell her?”
Ami looked around her before she realized that she was the one being addressed. “W-Who? Me? You want me to tell Michiru?”
“Why not?”
“W-Well… I do think it may resolve a lot of tension between us…”
“Good enough! So let’s go, I think I saw them head in this direction,” Makoto began walking forward a few steps. “Oh, you’re coming too, right Rei?”
“Why should I go?” There was some bitterness lacing her words.
“Oh, nothing. I just thought you wouldn’t want to leave Haruka alone with Michiru, that’s all.”
The comment hit its mark and Makoto knew it. As soon as the words had left her mouth, Rei bolted upright and sprinted off in the direction that Makoto had indicated.
“What are you two standing around for? Let’s get going!” The Martian shouted over her shoulder.
Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!
While deep inside the palace, two sets of loud footsteps echoed throughout the long corridors. A voice cried out after the Princess of Neptune.
The other girl hesitated for a moment in indecision before she looks over her shoulder. Her beautiful eyes were red from the earlier crying yet she couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t stop crying or running. In a sense of great urgency, she begged her legs to keep their pace; her blonde pursuer would surely catch her if she slowed any bit.
“Stop chasing me Haruka!”
‘Just stop chasing me…’ She inwardly pleaded. Already her breaths were coming out in short pained gasps. The footsteps behind her were gaining.
Tup! Tup! Tup!
In a great hurry, Michiru suddenly felt her feet catch in the fabric of her dress. The tangled predicament caused her knees to clip each other. Once or twice her balance waned as they fumbled desperately to keep from falling but she couldn’t. Her hands released their tight holds on her dress’s sides and the fabric fell, falling almost as quickly as she was.
Michiru waited for the crashing pain of the fall to take her. Yet when she felt nothing but softness beneath her, she curiously opened her surprised, aquamarine eyes. She let out a squeak when her soft cushion suddenly jerked away and rolled to her side. She couldn’t help but stare. Short strands of blonde hair flew past her line of vision, catching her eye. Her gaze slowly turned to follow the glimmer of gold to its owner’s face—flush, from the running or from embarrassment she couldn’t tell. The awkward, child-like grin Haruka had plastered all over her face brought Michiru to silently wonder.
“I--Uh…” Haruka’s eyes darted everywhere but to Michiru’s eyes. She gave a nervous laugh. “Oh darn, the cookie got crushed! I was going to give it to you, but I guess…” There was an awkward silence as Haruka’s dark green eyes finally fell onto the floor.
The blonde was struggling for words, a difficulty that she wasn’t used to. Usually she took life as, ‘whatever happens, happens” because brooding over something was a waste of time. Or was it? What if there was something or someone important? Well, anyhow, she had always thought that way; it was a way of life she had adapted back on the streets. But being an orphan and then suddenly becoming the heir of her planet, what had happened was still somewhat of a shock to her. When Michiru had said all of those hurtful things, although she never showed it like her friend did, they did sting quite a bit.
“I-- I’m sorry.” Haruka finally replied flatly. She hated to admit her own faults, especially to the girl sitting in front of her.
Michiru’s tears had long stopped flowing, but their traces could still be seen on her delicate face. She almost couldn’t believe what she had just heard.
“You’re sorry?” She repeated in disbelief. A touch of anger sparked again in her weary body.
“Yeah… I-I know you’re angry about my past, but it’s something that I can’t help! You’re angry that I’m not a Goddess right?” One look at Michiru’s face confirmed her suspicions. “If that’s all it is, then don’t worry! When I-”
“Don’t worry?!” The girl nearly yelled. “If you knew that much… All you have to say ‘don’t worry’? How can you say that so casually?”
“I’m not. I’m being serious...”
The lost playfulness in Haruka’s voice slapped Michiru hard. Haruka’s stern features strongly supported her claim.
“When I’m strong enough, I’ll take the throne from Uranus. I’ll take it, and I’ll become a Goddess! A real one! Then… then you won’t have to cry anymore…”
Michiru was left speechless and weary from the swirl of emotions within her. Relief? Happiness? She couldn’t say, although she knew what the blonde was talking about.
“I think someone needs a hug.”
Michiru was vaguely aware that she was in the blonde’s arms or that Haruka was whispering something else into her ear. “I’ll get strong real fast. I’ll become a Goddess... and then, I’ll come back for you.”
“Haruka I-”
Tup… tup… tup…
Both girls froze at the sound of approaching footsteps. The heir of Uranus threw glances up and down the corridor, but no person or presence could be seen. The sudden tension in the atmosphere prompted Haruka to hold Michiru tighter than she ever had before. Her dark green eyes were narrowed and defensive. She didn’t like this feeling at all; there was something unnatural and icy about the air.
However, unlike Haruka, Michiru could sense this presence. How could she not?
“Mother...?” Across the corridor at the T intersection, the elder Neptune stepped into view. However, there was something strange about her mannerisms. She did not acknowledge them. She kept walking forward with her eyes concentrating on something hard, yet on something that no one could see. It was almost trance-like.
“Mother?” Michiru called again, but her words fell on deaf ears.
Michiru tried to stand, to go to her mother and ask what was troubling her, but Haruka held her fast.
“Don’t!” She hissed. Michiru gave her a questioning gaze; Haruka’s green eyes were burning with an intense fire, one that she’d never seen before.
Following far behind the elder Neptune, Rei, Makoto and Ami peeked out from around the corner to make sure that they hadn’t been spotted. Rei was acting strange and none of the two other girls could understand why. Why were they following the Goddess anyway?
“I-I don’t think Michiru and Haruka are here…” Ami huddled closer to Makoto’s side. The darkness of the halls frightened her; she had sensed the sudden shift in the ambience.
Rei knew otherwise. “No, they were here.” Her amethyst eyes locked onto the aquamarine and golden spiritual clouds on the floor. The fact that the two heirs were in such a place troubled her deeply, but she wouldn’t allow it to show.
“Are you sure?” Makoto asked with dark eyes; Jupiter’s heir hadn’t quite mastered her power of detection quite yet. She was well aware that she wasn’t on the same level as the Martian in that aspect, but she did know that she was just as acutely aware to danger.
“Hear that?” Makoto’s muscles tensed. Judging from the stillness in Rei’s stance she knew the other girl had.
“Someone’s fighting.”
The trio raced down the corridors, following the force that drew them. The air became heavier and stale, the temperature-kept rising, and the stench of danger exponentially grew with each step they took. Once or twice did the group have to stop for air and determine their next course of direction, but the break was never long as Rei would almost expertly find their invisible trail. The predicament was frightening, especially to the children barely in their teens. The force that beckoned to them all stirred a sense of fear for the unknown (more than once did Makoto have to coax her withdrawn blue-haired friend to continue with them).
“It’s all right Ami. We’re all right here. I’m here...” Makoto outstretched her hand. Beside Makoto, Rei nodded.
It was not the darkness itself that Makoto and Rei feared, but the possibility that if they left the smaller girl behind then she would be swallowed by that very darkness.
Ami could see the strength and kindness that reached out to her, and without hesitation she took it.
“I know…”
Tup! Tup! Tup! Tup!
The trio hit a staircase moments later. It was the deepest in the palace that any of them had ever gone. Far below from where they stood they saw a mystical light dancing upon the floor, being emitted from the chamber in their direct line of vision. Just witnessing the sight made the girls’ hearts leap inside their chests—this was it, the source they had been looking for. But why were their friends down there?
“It’s down there,” Rei confirmed her friends’ suspicions.
Without wasting time they all bolted down the spiralling steps and rushed the light. Rei was the first to vanish into the room, just as two piercing screams rang throughout the air.
(Present, Rei’s room, Palace of Mercury)
Rei calmly opened her clouded eyes at the sound of the distant, echoing scream. She had heard it many times before, heard it repeat itself over and over again within the darkest realms of her soul. That scream had embedded itself into her memory; she could not rid herself of it. None of them could. None of them could forget what they saw that day, eight years ago.
“But first things first…” Rei gave a disheartened sigh. Although a piece of her rebelled strongly against the thought, she resolved to go through with it. I have to find Minako… Ami and Makoto have already told her about me, but I don’t know how that ditzy idiot is taking it. I don’t want her going off and doing anything stupid now that she knows; I’m still responsible for her! Her mind retorted. But a little voice within Rei, uncertain and timid, was asking, ‘Will she be as angry as Michiru?’
With her mind made up, Rei prepared another network of detection readings. This time she was going to locate the Princess of Venus.
(Lower basement of Mercury)
Further into the depths of the palace of Asta, down all the staircases and secret passages, lay a chamber. And in that chamber lay a monster--a being that has never slept or known the existence of daylight. It would restlessly make noise for hours on end, demanding attention and recognition. It became more demanding as time’s fingers tickled across its gray skin, threatening to burn it. In response the beast would cry out in its own language, but not today. Unlike many days, today there was a purpose for it. Blindly it heeded its master’s orders and turned its attention onto a small, dark haired girl. It was a child its senses told it. Crossing the first threshold of recognition, it continued along its way to learn what else it could about the strange life form.
“What does it say?” Makoto curiously asked Ami.
In front of the two women was a small, rectangular chamber, propped up parallel to them. Through the glass comprising its front, they could see Hotaru. Their visitor was sleeping peacefully, her face absent of any signs of discomfort or pain. Jupiter’s ruler didn’t know for the life of her of why they were doing a bio scan on the girl.
“The database isn’t saying much.” Ami replied slowly. “It confirmed our suspicions that Hotaru is a child, but as for her exact age, it seems that it cannot determine it. As far as it’s concerned, Hotaru is just an ordinary, healthy, young girl.”
“Hmm...No family, no home, and no past? But there’s got to be something! She couldn’t have just appeared out of nowhere.”
Mercury’s ruler was just as puzzled as her tall friend. For once in her life, her intellectual genius couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation for their dilemma and it terribly frustrated her. This was one problem that she needed to solve! Any information may prove to be vital for later.
“I wouldn’t say out of nowhere...” But close enough, Ami inwardly sighed.
“What do you mean? Didn’t you just say that the computer couldn’t find anything?”
“Rei mentioned it.”
“She did?”
“Mhm.” Makoto watched as Ami slowly turned to face her. She always felt a shock whenever she saw those blue eyes staring back at her. There was a clarity to them that almost appeared to be mysterious all at once.
“Right after you called, I received an urgent message from Rei. She told me that Haruka had found one half of the key.”
“You’re kidding! Are you trying to tell me, that this girl is....?” Makoto’s green eyes trailed back to the sleeping child, wide in apprehension.
“Yes, that is correct. From the legend of the Sun Kingdom, there is a rumour that Apollo possessed the power of the ‘key’. As the story describes it, it is a terrifying power, that if manipulated properly, it could potentially bring about the end of the solar system. Even Gods and Goddesses would not be spared if such a power was unleashed.”
“Yet no one knew where this power was hidden, correct?” Makoto saw Ami nod. “Then how did Haruka know where to look? What does she know that we don’t? And why would this ‘power’ be on Saturn? Hotaru is just a harmless, innocent girl, right? Right…? Ah, this is making my head hurt!”
Ami silently watched Jupiter grimace as she tried to make sense of it all.
“But there’s nothing on Saturn. There’s nothing there but purple fog. How can Haruka possibly say that she found Hotaru there…?”
Hotaru is from Saturn? Behind the two women, hidden in the shadows, a pair of blue eyes blinked. Minako had hidden herself well behind the wall of machinery. I wanted to ask them more about Rei, but when they started getting all serious… it was just plain scary. The blonde tried shifting her weight to get a better look at the two people. What could be so important about Hotaru? What are they planning?
Makoto suddenly flinched and whirled around in Minako’s direction. An expression of comprehension washed over her normally relaxed face.
“Minako?” Minako froze. Oh no, they’ve sensed me? W-What should I do? She panicked. What would Ami and Makoto do once they realized she had been eavesdropping on them? Already a row of excuses whizzed through in her head. I-I didn’t mean to! I just wanted to ask more about Rei, honestly! She practiced in her mind like she was cramming for a school test. It was the honest truth after all, but the fear of not being believed was overwhelming. Already she could feel the two pairs of eyes piercing through her with their intense gazes.
Someone… She saw Ami’s eyes turn in her direction as well. Her anxiety increased as did her heartbeat. When Makoto took a few steps in her direction, Minako’s blue eyes squeezed shut.
“Makoto!” A voice rang out.
Minako saw Rei’s form enter the room, just to the side of where she had hidden herself. For a second, the blonde thought she saw those amethyst eyes flick towards her direction.
“R-Rei?” Makoto’s startled eyes flew to the raven-haired figure. Ami’s as well. Neither of the two women expected the Martian to make an appearance so soon. When Rei was in a bad mood she tended to meditate until she was called upon. “I…ah, so it was you? What a surprise! How are you feeling? Do you feel better after having a rest?”
“Mm.” Rei gave a slight nod.
“That’s wonderful news,” Ami smiled warmly, already having recovered from her earlier shock. “Makoto and myself were just discussing matters relating with Hotaru’s bio-scan.”
So she knows about Hotaru now... good. Rei felt relieved that she wouldn’t have to explain it all over again. Once was enough for her; she didn’t have all the answers to the questions that would surely be asked of her. It was mentally exhausting just thinking about it.
“Well…” Jupiter started. “Apparently Ami’s computer can’t decipher anything out of the ordinary about Hotaru.”
“Are you sure? It really found nothing?” Rei frowned. She knew that Haruka would never joke about something as serious as this.
“Yes, but it’s still too early to conclude anything,” Ami reminded her two friends.
“Actually, this might be good.” Makoto suddenly spoke up. All eyes were on her now. “If no one is busy with anything that is... As you mentioned earlier Rei, I did have business with Mercury. But that might include you too now, I mean, since you’re already here. I need help.” She finally admitted with clenched fists. Her troubled green eyes grew stormy and wild with mixed emotions.
The air grew heavy as soon as those words left Makoto’s mouth. Her two friends could hardly believe what they had just heard; Makoto, like Rei and Haruka, often fought her struggles on her own terms. That was how the three of them were raised, to believe in their own strength without having to rely on others. Their planets were prideful in that aspect. Yet even if that were not the case, a leader who cannot fix any problems on their own wouldn’t be considered a leader at all.
“Help…?” Rei said once she regained her serious composure. But what could it be?
“It’s all right Makoto. Please tell us what’s bothering you. I am sure both Rei and I will be more than glad to assist you in whatever way we can,” Ami encouraged. Rei crossed her arms, but nodded in agreement.
You guys… Makoto could feel some of that heavy burden upon her shoulders lift instantly. Suddenly she no longer felt ashamed or inferior. I really missed this. She realized.
With a deep breath she began her tale.
“As you both already know, Jupiter has a problem with storms. But with help from Mercury we were able to build a system to control these storms. Recently though, these storms have been gaining tremendous power! Honestly, I didn’t think much of them at first. It’s not unusual to get a strong storm here or there. But... when they just kept on getting stronger… Anyway, I suspected that there might be a fault in the system so I sent a team of soldiers and scientists to inspect it. But...”
Her voice trailed off.
Makoto bit her lip. “They--they never came back. So then I went to investigate instead. I managed to find the place easily enough, but when I tried to approach the main controller I was repelled by an invisible force! It’s like there’s some kind of barrier around it. I know it sounds really strange, and even I don’t know why it’s like that, but I’ve tried just about everything I could. I just can’t get near the darn thing. I’m just... I’m really worried. If something isn’t done soon, a very powerful storm could potentially destroy my people! That’s why, I need help…”
“None of the others know about this…?” Ami inquired gently.
Makoto shook her head. “I tried but I couldn’t get a hold of them.”
“Then we’ll help you.” Rei promised. She already knew what was going through Mercury’s mind. The other ruler had already made up her mind to help Makoto, no matter what the problem was. And although the Martian felt a twinge of bitterness that her friends revealed her secret to Minako without her permission, she wasn’t about to let something so pity prevent her from helping her childhood friend in her time of need. They were in this together.
“Do you mean that?” There was a hopeful note in Makoto’s voice.
Behind the group, Minako was looking just as surprised as the ruler of Jupiter.
…Rei? The blonde questioned. She had never seen this side to Rei before.
“Yeah, but make no mistake. I’m still pissed at you for keeping this to yourself for so long Makoto! If you have a problem like that, then you should’ve just told us! It doesn’t do anyone any good if you go off hurting yourself for nothing!”
“Uh…” Haha, and you’re the one telling me this…? “I’ll keep it in mind.” Makoto finally replied.
“We’ll leave immediately,” Ami nodded. “The trip itself will take some time. Therefore, the sooner we leave the faster we can fix this problem.”
“Thank you, both of you…”
“Never mind that,” Rei waved off the thanks. “Ami, could you set us up the transportation? Oh, and take Makoto with you. I’ll stay here and tend to Hotaru.”
“Are you sure?” The genius wondered. Did Rei even know how to operate the computer system?
“Yes, I’m sure. Once I’m done I’ll go and tell Minako about our plans as well.” Behind her the two Goddesses exchanged knowing glances. Rei didn’t know it, but the two women had already suppressed their auras and had quietly tip-toed away.
“I don’t know if she would want to come along or not. Maybe she’ll stay here or maybe we can drop her and Nozomi off on Mars on our way to Jupiter. Now that I think about it that might be for the best. If she wants to go home, she can easily catch a shuttle from there.”
“No way, I’m coming!”
Rei whirled on the spot to see herself being boldly confronted by the Venusian. She knew where the blonde had been hiding, but she hadn’t expected Ami and Makoto to ditch her so quickly!
“Excuse me?” The Martian couldn’t deny that she was surprised by this response. Did Minako forget what she was…?
“I said... I’m coming along.” The blonde’s gaze softened when she saw Rei’s quizzical look. She knew what Rei had expected—that she would see the woman as inferior or as something disgusting.
But as psychic as Rei is, she can’t read my heart...
“I admit I was a bit shocked when I first found out…” Minako started carefully. She took careful note of Rei’s reaction as she slowly said this- she was stiff and on the defensive. “But I don’t care,” Rei’s stance faltered again. “Learning this information doesn’t change who you are. You’re still you, silly. If anything, I’m the one who’s changed.”
“W-What are you talking about?!” Rei sputtered as she turned away, looking slightly red faced and embarrassed. She felt confused all over again. One part of her wished Minako had been like Michiru, to really be someone who would turn her off completely. And yet here she was, acting like nothing had changed. How could she be so accepting?
Unperturbed by the silence, Minako walked up beside Rei and hesitatingly took her hand in hers. At first Rei tensed at the contact, but her mind was quickly preoccupied with other thoughts when Minako’s soft lips found her cheek.
“Thank you for covering for me earlier.”
“Stop talking nonsense! I never did anything!”
Rei pivoted on the spot and marched over to the computer’s main panel without realizing that she was still holding Minako’s hand. She also didn’t notice the happy smile on the blonde’s face.
Minako truly wondered how much longer Rei could remain ‘lucky’.
As long as it takes… She told herself.
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