Fatherly Hate (part 2 of 7)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by arashi-enkou

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The perfume of sunflowers filled her head almost lulled her into another eight hours of sleep.

Sadly, her body rejected that idea almost as fast as she rejected a plate of canned asparagus.

Groggy, Rei opened her eyes and noticed that Usagi was fast asleep beside her. In fact, she noticed as she turned her head, the girl was close. Very close. She gulped and noted that if she moved her even a tiny bit, they would touch.


The smell of cinnamon tickled her nose, in turn, making her mouth water at the memory of cinnamon rolls.

Wait. She never had cinnamon rolls….then what smelled like—

Usagi blinked her eyes open and noticed that she was no longer laying on the cold floor of the meditation room. And Rei was no longer curled up in her arms. She sat up and looked around, bleary-eyed.

“Rei-chan?” she called. The sheets that pooled around her waist smelled faintly of cinnamon. Ha. Bet Rei’ll flip when I tell her that she smells like cinnamon rolls.

She slid from the bed and walked out of Rei’s bedroom, past the kitchen and living room, and out of the main entrance to see Rei dressed in a fresh pair of miko robes and dutifully sweeping the steps in practiced swipes. Her back was turned and she appeared to be lost in her own little world.


Usagi tip-toed to the still unaware Rei, took in a deep, yet silent breath, prepared to unleash a loud yell and scare the living day-lights out of Rei—

“Don’t even think about it.”

The shout escaped her in the form of a raspberry as she pouted. “How did you know?” she whined. Rei turned and grinned that infuriating grin of hers.

“I’m psychic, remember?”

Usagi moaned in defeat. “I guess I’ll never be able to surprise you then.”

Rei smiled softly. “You surprised me last night.” Usagi’s eyes widened at the confession.

“I did?” she whispered.

“Mm-hm.” Silence, companionable and warm, disturbed only by the bristles of the broom, filled the air between them. Rei quickly dared a glance at the unusually silent moon-hime, only to see the girl’s grin.

“What?” Rei asked.

“Ne, Rei-chan, let’s go to a fair or something.” Usagi suggested, her grin still plastered to her face.

“Huh? Why? “

“We never spend any quality time, y’know?” Usagi began to whimper slightly, poking out her bottom lip and making it trembled for the added effect. Rei gave a long, over-dramatic sigh and relented.



The afternoon was spent in bliss; Rei had much more fun than she expected she would. And, she admitted to herself with a blush, having Usagi cling to her arm during the haunted house escapade was a big plus.

So when the duo swaggered into the shrine well past ten, Rei surprised Usagi by grinning widely and proclaiming, “This was the best day ever!” Usagi giggled and looped her arms around her friend’s waist.

“I’m glad you had fun today Rei-chan.” Usagi said softly, looking up and giving the faintest of smiles as she peered through lidded eyes.

Whether it was from exhaustion or perhaps it was from last night, but Rei felt the slim control she had over her emotions slip. She reached out and cupped Usagi’s soft cheek in her palm. To her shock, a pleasure, Usagi gave a little sigh and leaned into the touch.

“Usa…” Rei murmured, leaning down. Usagi looked up and closed her eyes, wanting the same thing.

And then it happened.

They kissed.

It was electric, like fire racing down both of their spines to curl their toes. Scared of the emotions the moon-hime invoked in her, Rei pulled back with a gasp. Usagi growled and pulled her back down again, sealing them together once more with a vengeance. A sense of vertigo washed of them, making both of their hearts slam against their ribcages. They parted again, if only to gulp in air. Rei’s breath came out quicker when she realized all she could breathe was Usagi’s scent of sunflowers. She threw her head back, not even wincing when it collided with the door she was slumped against, needing to breathe.

“Oh Rei,” Usagi whispered as she took the chance to lay a soft kiss under the girl’s chin. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to get in your heart?” The miko shuddered violently at the thrilling sensation.

“My heart’s not a place someone like you should be in,” she murmured. “Not someone as pure as you…”

“Why would you say that?” the blonde mumbled, trailing butterfly kisses down Rei’s neck.

“I’ve got a pitch black heart Usa.” Rei screwed her eyes shut against the waves of shivers that bombarded her form. “At least, it is compared to yours—“ She was cut off when Usagi kissed the nape of her neck harshly.

“Don’t say things like that.” Usagi hissed, tightening the grip on Rei’s waist. “That’s not even remotely true Rei and you know it. You’ve got a beautiful heart Rei-chan; I love its warmth and its light…”

After that declaration, Usagi stood and practically yanked Rei to her feet. Rei stumbled, shocked at her leader’s assessment of her heart. Tears sprang and Rei bit her lip to keep them from falling. Something had been released as soon as Usagi’s lips had touched her own, and this strange new feeling twisted her common sense and her longing until they were blended and her mind was a whirlwind of emotions that were both frightening and unfamiliar. Her fragile string of control and her own sanity snapped with a mental twang as she uttered a very small cry and pulled Usagi close, crushing their lips together again.

Rei lead them to the entrance to her bedroom and kicked the door closed behind her and she knew, without a doubt even as they tumbled to the bed, that this was going to be the biggest mistake of her life.

But it was a beautiful mistake.

Onwards to Part 3

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