Eternal City, Crystal Tokyo (part 46 of 48)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 45
Note: The Roanapur story will be continued next chapter. Sorry!

Interlude: New Years

Kazumi Asakura smiled cheerfully, a hint of her fangs showing as the 
brown haired vampire paced in front of the camera at the edge of the sea 
of Mars. "The celebrations here on Mars are reaching a fever pitch," she 
reported as she waved to a nearby courtyard where people rushed about 
decorating, "as citizens flock to the city of Neo-Venezia to join in. 
We're joined by a representative of the popular Undine company, Orange 

Natsuki Tokhia smiled shyly, her black hair shimmering as she stepped 
into range of the camera's sound pick-up field, dressed in a white and 
orange undine uniform with a jaunty cap. She was a bit too busty for her 
uniform, her breasts straining against the cloth as did her taught 
muscles. "New Years on Mars derives from the culture of the people who 
settled in each region," she explained a bit stiffly, "in Neo-Venezia 
our customs are based on Italy, including eating bean based dishes and 
having lavish celebrations for the whole city."

"Celebrations that are being echoed throughout the solar system," Kazumi 
added cheerfully, "as worlds from Earth to Venus and the asteroid 
colonies celebrate." She looked at Natsuki, "Do you have any resolutions 
for the new year?"

Natsuki looked a bit sheepish, "I'd like to be closer to my parents, Mai 
and Mikoto. Maybe I'll visit Earth to see them soon."

"Good luck to you," Kazumi nodded brightly as she saw her director 
giving her the signal to bring the segment to an end. "This is Kazumi 
Asakura for Intergalactic News Network, back to the main desk."

"That was terrific!" Sayo Aisaka exclaimed once the camera clicked off 
as the pale woman hugged Kazumi happily, her white blonde hair and pale 
skin giving her a almost unearthly quality. Despite her ghostly looks 
she was quite solid, her body that of a class of android, though her 
make and model were unknown.

"Thanks," Kazumi let herself smile a bit more broadly, her vampire fangs 
visible, "though I think you're a bit biased, love."

"Good work, Kazumi," the director nodded, his blonde hair neatly tied 
back. "Will you be in town a few days in case we need a follow up?" Alec 
Griffin asked.

"I'll be working on my own project," Kazumi admitted, "but yeah, call me 
and I can do a follow up for a reasonable fee."

"Industry rates?" Alec asked.

"Plus five percent," Sayo said in her usual negotiator mode, "you 
already got a break using the feature she filmed here earlier."

Alec chuckled softly but nodded as he began to pack up the broadcast 
gear. "Fair enough," he agreed, "standard plus five."

"We'll be ready," Kazumi nodded firmly.

As Kazumi and Sayo were getting ready to go, they noticed that Natsuki 
had lingered, looking at the two of them curiously. "Yes?" Sayo asked 
her curiously.

"You're... a vampire, right?" Natsuki asked Kazumi. She hesitated, "I 
thought you weren't allowed off Earth?"

Kazumi smiled wryly, "There are certain exceptions allowed," Kazumi 
explained mildly. She added, "I'm a Black Ribboner, I've sworn to no 
longer drink any human blood."

Sayo nodded, "She gets by fine with artificial blood."

"The taste is fairly disgusting," Kazumi conceded, "but it keeps me 

"I didn't mean to be nosy," Natsuki said a bit shyly.

"You're a undine," Kazumi noted, "from what I've seen it's your job to 
get to know things about people."

"Very true," Natsuki admitted as she looked over at Sayo. "You're a 
android, but...." she trailed off, "you feel different."

"It's complicated," Sayo said a bit nervously.

"It really isn't," Kazumi corrected as she took Sayo's arm, "you see, 
Sayo is a ghost possessing the android body."

"Eh?!" Natsuki blurted.

With a slightly weary sigh Sayo began to explain as the three women made 
their way to a café by one of the city's many canals. Apparently some 
forty or sixty years before she met Kazumi Sayo had died, and some 
regret had kept her haunting the school she had attended. By around 2008 
she had forgotten whatever was making her linger and instead haunted a 
classroom, where she met Kazumi.

"I was sitting next to a empty seat," Kazumi said fondly, "and 
eventually got interested enough to investigate. Apparently my being 
near her for months let Sayo manifest herself to me, and eventually she 
became my personal ghost."

"But how did she become a android?" Natsuki had to ask. "And you a 
vampire, too?"

Kazumi's mouth flattened to a hard line. "You can blame both of those on 
a vampire named Evangeline," Sayo said quietly. She sighed, "Eva had a 
artifact, a doll that I could possess to experience the world... and all 
she demanded was some of Kazumi's blood."

Kazumi gave a wry smile, "How was I to know I was one of the rare people 
who can get vampirism from one bite?"

It took a few months, but eventually Kazumi became a full vampire," Sayo 
explained, "and eventually our friend Hikase figured out how to combine 
the ghost doll with a robot body. So, here I am."

"That's incredible," Natsuki admitted, shaking her head. She looked at 
the two of them thoughtfully, "Why haven't you done a story on your 
lives? I'm sure people would be fascinated."

There was a moment of dead silence as Kazumi and Sayo looked at her in 
surprise. "A story on us...?" Kazumi blinked.

"Could we!" Sayo looked at Kazumi excitedly.

"Hell yes!" Kazumi blurted back, "There's all the excitement about all 
the thousands on Earth...."

"Thousands?" Natsuki asked, watching the women with amusement.

"People who've lived a thousand years," Kazumi explained, "like Sailor 
Moon, Utena and that bunch. Our story would dovetail with that 
excitement, I bet."

"Thank you, Natsuki!" Sayo exclaimed to her excitedly.

Natsuki got up, smiling slightly at their immense excitement. "I'll look 
forward to seeing it," she said seriously.

Kazumi looked at her thoughtfully a moment, "But filming a story like 
this could be a big job." She smiled suddenly, "How would you like a new 
job, Miss?"

Natsuki looked at her in surprise again, "Eh?"

Sayo nodded thoughtfully, "If we're going to do this we'll need a camera 
woman... and you mentioned you wanted to go back to Earth, right?"

"Well, yes," Natsuki admitted, "but...."

"There you go," Kazumi grinned, "besides, we'll pay you to come along on 
our voyage of remembrance. How good of a deal is that?"

"I've barely met you two," Natsuki protested.

"So spend a few days with us while we celebrate the new year," Sayo 
offered, "you can be our tour guide, too. What do you say?"

Natsuki opened her mouth to protest again, then closed it as she 
realized these two women were going to steam roll over her anyway. 
'Besides,' she thought, 'it could be interesting, at least.' Aloud she 
said, "All right, I'll do it."

To be continued....

Notes: Evangeline, Sayo and Kazumi are both from the manga and anime 
series Negima. The idea of Evangeline trading Kazumi's blood for Sayo's 
rare magic doll is all my idea and is NOT stated in the manga. In the 
manga series Evangeline is very self centered and, in my opinion, would 
demand some kind of payment for her help.

Onwards to Part 47

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