Today was the last day of July. Rei and Terri were getting married on the 6th. All of the royals were running around like mad making touchups on everything so it was just perfect. Adding in of course the rehearsals for the actual ceremony. In between the Senshi were going insane making sure Terri and Rei didn’t see each other. Which was more difficult now, since they lived in the same palace, now renamed ’Black Phoenix Palace’. Serenity had combined the two planets, having the name changed to TM, basically because other names didn’t work for the larger planet. Neither woman wanted to live on a planet called MT, it sounded to much like ’empty’, the mere thought was sickening to them. Terrestria sat in her favorite garden, it was filled with every type of daisy. From every planet in a gorgeous variety of colors. The falling sun bounced rays of dimming light off of her golden yellow gown. Her hair in a half ponytail and clear, heeled sandals protruding from beneath the hem of her dress. Lita came through the stone walkway in a light sky blue dress and a matching ribbon holding her hair in its regular ponytail. “ Terri! What are you doing?” Terrestria smiled wistfully into the evening air. “ Nothing, but watching the sunset. We’ve been so busy lately I needed a break. And I’m not allowed to see Rei.” She pouted a little as Lita chuckled. “ Don’t fret, you can see her soon. Have you seen Sere?” “ No. Not since yesterday at dinner. Why?” “ She’s ducking Ami. It’s her weekly checkup. She complains about the gel being to cold or something.” Terri giggled. “ Poor Ami. Try the 5th floor.” “ The studies…someplace we’d never look. Thanks dragon!” Terri laughed. Green light pulsed around the Lightning Queen and she was gone half a second later. - It’s getting late. I wonder if life can stay peaceful, just long enough for us to get married. We’ve been through too much to be denied this. If the heavens can hear me, let it be so.- Her navy silver orbs closed in prayer to the higher beings in the heavens. She stood and walked away from the garden through the stone pathway. Just as the setting sun allowed darkness to befall her kingdom. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*** The next few days passed in a blur as the wedding date came closer. They all slowed down, everything was just about perfect. Except of course for Rei and Terri. Who became more nervous every hour. Tonight it was the 5th of August. Rei was with Amara, Lita, Setsuna, and Serena. Celebrating her last night of not being able to date anyone else. Not that she would want to anyways. The same went with Terri. Hotaru, Michelle, Ami, and Mina were giving her a fantastic night away from the duties of ruling and worries of marriage. “ God, I’m so nervous! Serena, were you this nervous?” Rei looked over to the pregnant Queen. “ Definitely. Just think about the honey-moon.” Rei blushed a deep crimson as the others doubled over in laughter. “ Nice choice of words Sere.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*** “ So Hotaru, what’s my dress look like?” Hotaru glanced at her hyper/nervous friend before taking another swig of white sparkling grape juice. “ You’ll see tomorrow. I bet your more curious as to what Rei will look like in her tux.” The white haired goddess blushed. “ Or what’s under it!” A pillow made contact with Mina’s face. Causing her to fall of the top of the couch and on to the floor with a loud thud. The single action erupted into a long pillow fight. Leading to movies, games, talking, laughing, more talking, and some where’s around 3:30 sleep. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*** “ Knock, knock!” Amara heard the muffled ‘come in’ and entered. Before her were five lovely woman. Mina was in a light yellow dress. A see- through yellow ribbon with a light white pattern of flowers holding her hair in it’s famous style. Ami and Michelle were wearing matching dresses of Prussian blue and Sea green. Their hair beaded with pearls. Hotaru was in a dark purple gown, her long hair in a braid, also beaded with pearls. Then came the bride. It was the first time Terri had ever worn anything white. The gown was of the purest white. It caressed every curve softly. The sleeves were a white see-through material with a light rose pattern. The neck was V shaped but it rounded a bit. Just enough to dip and show a small amount of cleavage. It flared around her from the waist with a long train. Her veil was of the same rose printed see-through material of the sleeves. Which met up with her train. Her hair was loose and floating around her. Pink lip-gloss and white eye-shadow adorned her face. Around her neck was a diamond pendent in the shape of her symbol. “ Dragon! Your gorgeous!” The bride blushed. “ Thank you Amara. Do you like your tux?” The tall blonde nodded. All the tuxes were black, but Serena’s and Setsuna’s were more feminine. “ Well ladies, 5 minutes to go! Good luck Dragon!” Amara left with a wink. “ Oh this is so nerve racking!” “ Don’t worry Terri! Everything will be fine.” Michelle patted her hand. Five minutes later they lined up and walked down the ail. All the guests stared in awe of the bride. The minister began the ceremony as Rei took her love’s hand. Through all of it most of the brides maids cried silently of how lovely it was. Now they were at the best part. “ Do you, Rei Hino, take this woman Terrestria Shields to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold through sickness and in health, till death do you part?” Rei grinned. “ I do.” “ And do you, Terrestria Shields, take Rei Hino as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold through sickness and in health, till death do you part?” Terri’s grinned spread impossibly wide. “ I do.” “ Now please exchange rings.” Serena handed them the gold bands. They placed them on each others fingers quickly. “ Now with the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride.” Rei threw up the veil quicker than the speed of sound. Kissing her wife long and passionately. It ended a minute later when something crashed through the ceiling. The newly married couple broke apart in time to see a large multicolored Kyphon charge them. “ Move Rei!” Terri Hino pushed her love the opposite way. The others transformed as it ripped at her gown. “ Inferno Eruption!” The beast was caught up in the flame, making it turn from Terri. She quickly got up and transformed. “ How dare you disrupt my wedding! Stupid beast!” The kyphon charged at Mars, she dodged it swiftly. “ Heaven’s Dragon!” A black dragon flew at it, knocking it to the far wall. “ I will kill you Princess! For what you did to my Master!” The Kyphon’s voice was loud and booming. It raised its paws to its sides. “ Mercury what’s that thing doing?” Jupiter looked to the blue haired Senshi. Who’s visor was already out and scanning the energy generating from the monster. “ It’s creating a dimensional rift. In another two minutes that things gonna suck all of us in.” Wind was picking up as decorations disappeared into the whole behind the kyphon. Universal Destiny looked towards her. “ Mercury, what happens to beings that go in?” “ Well the creature will die do to lack of energy. Humans and other beings…I have no clue.” Her head dropped in defeat. Destiny walked over to Mars. She stared at her for a second and kissed her the next. “ I love you Firebird!” “ No! Dragon don’t!” Universal Destiny was already to the kyphon. She grabbed the beast and jumped in. The rift automatically closed. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*** A/N: I luv that little cliffy! I was gonna go just a bit farther…but it was to perfect to mess up. I know it was short but that’s it!
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