Don't Look Back (part 5 of 12)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Angelos

Back to Part 4
Downtown Tokyo, 4:46am

‘what am I going to do now?’ Michiru thought dismally as she looked at 
what was left of her money. One plane ticket stub and a little over a 
hundred dollars. She sighed, turning as she heard her constant, yet 
unwanted, companion whistling behind her. ‘maybe not so unwanted…’

“Need a lift?” the blonde asked quietly, opening the door to her 
Yellow Mercedes. She frowned as she watched the aqua haired girl back 
away sharply before realization dawned on her, “I’m sorry…I 
forgot…about it…”

“It’s…okay. I don’t…really know where anything is…” Michiru murmured 
softly, adjusting the strap on her small suitcase to a more 
comfortable place on her shoulder, shifting her feet uneasily.

“So come to my office. See how things work. after all, you haven’t’ 
even considered my proposal. Seeing the office might help, ne?” the 
blonde offered, opening the passenger side door for the aqua haired 
woman. Michiru eyed it nervously before stepping forward, slipping 
quickly into the seat before buckling herself in, as if afraid she’d 
be dragged out of the warm leather seat.

“I’m not gonna hurt you…you have to know that…” the blonde murmured as 
she slipped into the drivers seat and slung the car into gear.

“So where are we going?” Michiru murmured after driving around for 15 
minutes. The woman beside her grunted slightly, swinging the car 
around one more turn before nodding her head forward. Michiru looked 
forward, her eyes widening as she took in the huge skyscraper Haruka 
was speeding toward.

“That WHOLE thing?” the younger woman gasped, tearing her eyes away 
from the building a moment to stare at the blonde beside her. The 
building was the highest in the area, pillars supporting the four 
entrances around it, seeming to slide into the one way glass walls 
reflecting the early pre-dawn light.

“That whole building, yes. The lower levels I lease to smaller 
companies while the top levels are photo shooting areas, studios for 
filming, stuff like that. There are two or three art galleries and in 
the ball you see at the top, it’s below my office.” Haruka stopped for 
a moment, pulling the car to the side, “that is an auditorium that 
houses over 6000 people.”

The aquamarine haired woman gasped, her face flushing with delight as 
she looked up at the majestic looking building.

“I-I could work…here…?” Michiru murmured dazedly, her eyes sparkling 
slightly as she gazed up at the building, not noticing the predatory 
grin on Haruka’s face as she sensed her victims weakness.

‘Music…I should have guessed that…’ the blonde thought before pulling 
the car up to the building, into her reserved parking space. She 
slipped out of the car, holding in a slight laugh as she saw her 
companion already out of the car heading toward the entrance.

“I need to unlock it” Haruka murmured as the younger girl nearly ran 
into the intricately designed door, flushing as she let the blonde 

“So…what would I have to do?” Michiru asked quietly as they walked 
through the lobby, feeling out of place in her grubby looking jeans 
and tennis shoes compared to Haruka’s masculine business suit and 

“You’d come with me, my assistants, Derek Windwood and Usagi Chiba, 
and four other girls, whom I’ve told you about, and we’d leave for two 
weeks, travel along the coasts and photograph you in swimwear. If you 
do this, then you’d be open to other jobs here. Like…art gallery 
assistant…or perhaps…musician…?” Haruka murmured, lowering her voice 
dramatically as they reached the elevators.

The effect worked, as the younger woman stumbled slightly, causing 
Haruka to loop her arm around Michirus waist to steady her.

‘Musician…oh mom…if only you could be here now…a chance to be like 
you…perform for millions…be famous…be safe, and never have to go 
home…’ Michiru closed her eyes, savoring the thought as memories of 
standing backstage at her mother’s concerts came back to her. Even as 
she relived the happiest moments of her life, she couldn’t seem to 
tear her mind from the fact that the attractive blonde still had her 
arm around her waist.

“We’re here.”

“What?” Michiru asked intelligently, earning a smug smile from Haruka 
as she let go of Michiru’s waist, causing a feeling of loss to well up 
in her. She shook her head, starting to feel sorry for herself again, 
‘you’ve almost been raped in the last 30 hours…and you don't even know 
if she’s gay or not. Snap out of it.’

“Hey, snap out of it.” Haruka whispered gently, leading her guest out 
of the elevator after sliding a small plastic card through a little 
slot Michiru hadn’t noticed before. They stepped forward through the 
sliding metal doors into a long hallway, the light crème colored walls 
lined with beautiful landscape photos, as well as large magazine 
covers, blown up and framed to show that Ten’oh inc. photos were in 
them. There was only one door on each side of the hall, which were 
large boardrooms, Haruka soon explained. After a short walk, they 
entered what seemed to be a lounge; plush looking couches surrounding 
a well used cherry wood table set in a sunken circle in the center of 
the room. One wall of windows looked proudly to the east, where the 
sun was now partially up, while the other three walls were punctuated 
with doors, presumably leading to different offices and dark rooms.

“So, what do you think of it?” Haruka suddenly asked, leading her to 
one set of double doors to the left. She looked back as Michiru didn’t 
answer, smiling slightly as she found her gazing out the full-length 
windows with an awed expression on her lovely face.

“I’ll do it…”

Haruka smiled, troubled slightly by the rush of happiness the three 
words brought, “very good. I must say I’m glad you didn’t make poor 
Usagi do up the contract for nothing. She’s looking forward to meeting 
you.” The blonde murmured, walking up behind the other woman to stare 
out the windows. As gasped slightly as the girl in front of her turned 
suddenly, throwing her arms around the stunned blondes neck.

“Thank you…” Michiru murmured, tipping her face up to her new boss. 
She smiled softly; impulsively leaning up to press her lips to 
Haruka’s experimentally. As the blonde reacted slowly, putting her 
arms around Michiru’s waist, the younger girl smiled slightly, running 
the tip of her tongue across Haruka’s lower lip, causing the Blonde to 
groan and deepen the kiss.

“Miss Ten'oh?!” the small yelp acted like lightning, causing the two 
to jump away from each other and look sheepishly at the ground as a 
young woman with curled chestnut hair piled onto her head in a neat 
style and wide hazel eyes regarded them with a stunned expression.

“Michiru, I’d like you too meet my personal secretary, Chelle Topaz. 
If it weren’t for her, this place would come down around my ears. Not 
even Derek and Usagi could replace her” Haruka listed off, earning a 
wicked grin from the secretary.

“Flattery will get you nowhere and you know it Haruka. Now get your 
butt in that office before Mr. Windwood blows his top” the cheerful 
girl chirped, causing both of the other women to swing around, 
regarding Derek as he stood darkly in the doorway, sleek looking as 
ever with a small glass of vodka clutched in one hand.

“I see we have our new girl. Miss Topaz, do your job for once, and get 
her the contract. Haruka, if I could speak to you?” the man changed 
his tone slightly as he spoke to his employer before pushing away from 
the door frame where he was leaning to go back into the office to the 
right of the double doors Haruka had been heading to.


“No problem boss lady. I’ll take care of your…erm…new girl” Chelle 
laughed merrily as both women blushed to the roots before both headed 
their separate ways…

Onwards to Part 6

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